Sagittarius man and Libra woman: compatibility. Libra man and Sagittarius woman: Compatibility Relationship between Libra man Sagittarius woman

The Libra woman is trying hard to improve her well-being, trying to eradicate all the shortcomings in herself, and the Sagittarius man does not notice even half of the problems that his chosen one is working on. His optimism charges both throughout their life together, her romantic nature brings an atmosphere of love into their life. The stars confidently predict their 100% compatibility.

Sagittarius man Libra woman compatibility in love

Sagittarians love new experiences, constant movement and positive people around. The Libra woman shares such preferences and with her romantic nature makes the life of Sagittarius a continuous daily holiday that they love so much. Union woman Libra man Sagittarius will always stand out among ordinary couples, this harmonious tandem does everything together and looks happy to the envy of others. Relatives often notice that after meeting, both of them begin to glow in a special way, the girl becomes prettier, and the man becomes more stately.

Sagittarius guy in these love relationships fully assumes the duties of a man whom you want to follow. He is a true adventurer and thrill that the Sagittarius man and the Libra woman love so much. The lady will take care of the peace of mind between them, protect their love from envious glances, which will be many on their way. He will work to improve well-being, quality of life, and she will think about how to keep peace, stability and high spirits for every family member in the house. The charm emanating from the Sagittarius man Libra woman infects their social circle, other couples will want to know the secret of such warmth and mutual understanding.

For a more detailed forecast, it is better to compare the personal horoscopes of the Sagittarius man and the Libra girl, but now we can safely say that together they can conquer any peak.

Compatibility male Sagittarius and female Libra in sex has high rate. Leading here, of course, will be the guy Sagittarius, and the lady born under the sign of Libra is responsible for the inspiration and atmosphere. air element only helps the fiery Sagittarius start up with a half turn. They have several moments in their intimate life that they look at differently. The first is emancipation.

The Libra girl is quite shy, especially until she is completely confident in her partner. This applies to her appearance, features and preferences in sex. What can not be said about Sagittarius, who bears little resemblance to a shy person. Even in the presence of complexes or imperfections, he will not pay attention to this and, moreover, be embarrassed. The second is chart incompatibility. If Sagittarius is constantly on the move or cannot pay enough attention to his partner, she may start looking for another lover.

Libra women can turn a man on with just a smile, a look, or a verbal flirt. He has a talent that can destroy all her insecurities and self-doubts. Sagittarians know how to act persistently, but at the same time not boldly or rudely, and Libra can look seductive without demonstrating depraved behavior. Together they manage to please both themselves and each other.

After years of relationship, the Sagittarius Libra man will be able to remain attractive and desirable, and sincere love will only add fire and passion to their bed.

Family life with Sagittarius man and Libra woman

The Sagittarius man does not really strive for marriage, in every possible way delaying this event under various pretexts, although he understands that he is unlikely to achieve such compatibility with another woman. Any obligation is a direct threat to his freedom and plans for the future. In addition, in his opinion, family life is full of routine, everyday household chores and there is no place for diversity. In addition, there is a type of Sagittarius men who are not always sure that the current partner is his destiny. And at the thought that he can fall in love with someone, but at the same time be shackled by an official marriage, he is puzzled by the problem. And Libra, like any ordinary woman, wants home comfort and a real family in which she will feel protected and needed next to her beloved man. This woman is confident in her feelings and expects reciprocal fidelity from her husband, counting on decency and a sense of responsibility. Therefore, Sagittarius will make an offer to his chosen one either after thinking it over carefully, or spontaneously and on emotions. A husband from Sagittarius turns out to be exemplary, especially if a man has already had experience of love relationships in marriage and at the same time he is spiritually mature.

A woman knows how to find an approach to her man, show affection and care in time, and her husband provides for the whole family, taking care of her and the children. Conflicts can only arise if Sagittarians allow themselves to flirt with other ladies or devote too much time to work. And Libra is not satisfied with the frivolous attitude of his chosen one to money matters.

each other's society brings to everyday life lots of colors and variety. Sagittarians will all the time hint at romantic dates to their girlfriend, and they may refuse for a long time, although the offer may seem quite attractive to her. With a light supply of playful mood and an attractive look of a Libra girl, a short romance or a long-term relationship may arise between them. Even if the passion ends, they can return to friendship again. Many people dream of such a sincere friendship, Sagittarius and Libra are always ready to lend a helping hand to their girlfriend or friend.

Business union signs

How a business couple, Sagittarius and Libra find mutual language just as quickly as in other areas. They are both creative, active and enterprising employees. If a woman can’t cope or Sagittarius sees that she is tired, then she will undoubtedly help her by taking on some of the work. The Sagittarius man will not incite his colleague, spread rumors or weave intrigues, even if he wants to take her place. Joint business will also be successful and productive.

Libra is purposeful, but sometimes they lack perseverance and audacity in business, but Sagittarius just have all the necessary qualities. The only thing they lack is patience and restraint. They often try to "sit on several chairs" at the same time, but here the endurance and responsibility of Libra will come to the rescue.

In general, they complement each other like no one else. Oddly enough, but Sagittarius is not at all against working under the authority of Libra. They can perfectly perform tasks that are difficult to entrust to someone else. This is a real find for a woman leader, because this subordinate will always help out colleagues and superiors, the feeling of fear or shame is alien to him. When Sagittarius is in charge, success in business depends on several conditions. The first is if Libra is not annoyed by Sagittarius's habit of making illogical, hasty decisions. The second is if Sagittarius can delegate authority and completely entrust part of the work to Libra, allowing them to make their own decisions and show creative inclinations.

There is one “but” in a business tandem: Sagittarius can begin to delicately hint at Libra about a romantic relationship, show signs of attention and flirt with a Libra girl.

A Sagittarius man can achieve a lot if his woman will support, inspire and gently guide her man in the right direction. In appearance, this fragile girl has a fairly strong character, which is why she risks taking on the role of leader in the family. In this case, a man can relax and enjoy his freedom, while the important decisions are made by the Libra woman. The wife should not try to re-educate her chosen one, but it is better to find a compromise.

Because of the loving nature and manner of this man to communicate with the fair sex, a woman can torment herself and his fits of jealousy, scandals on this basis. A fire sign man must understand that such behavior offends his beloved woman, and Libra, in turn, must accept the features of her soulmate and pay more attention to them, showing love.

Another point of contention in their union will be the money issue. Sagittarians are noble spenders, and Libra does not understand such an addiction to beautiful life. To maintain relationships and harmony in the house, the couple needs to immediately discuss all the nuances of living together and remember that true love can survive any trials.

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The Sagittarius woman knows exactly how to win over the Libra man. When she achieves this, they develop a whirlwind romance. Their relationship will be strong and almost perfect. They can marry and this couple rarely comes to divorce. If true love arose between them, then they can overcome all difficulties.

Even such an almost perfect couple will not interfere with the advice of astrologers. You need to find out not only the compatibility of signs, but also the characteristics of each other. It is possible that this will help to avoid the occurrence of acute moments and from almost ideal relationships to make them completely ideal.

The Sagittarius girl has a proud and obstinate character. Her sharp tongue brings a lot of problems in life, but she successfully deals with them. The girl of this sign is not alien to compassion and mercy. She does not tolerate when the weak are offended, and will always stand up for them. She can be called a real warrior. The girl of this sign has such a trait as honesty. She does not know how to deceive herself and does not forgive when someone does it in relation to her.

The Sagittarius girl does not know how to compromise. She always gets her way and never backs down. If she declared war on someone, then one can only sympathize with this person. She will grind it to powder and this lady will not be tormented by her conscience.

The Sagittarius woman is optimistic and independent. She knows how to finish what she started, but she is very absent-minded. Such a lady is hot-tempered. She does not know how to restrain her emotions and sometimes resembles a hurricane sweeping away everything in its path, but her ardor only attracts men, and does not repel them.

A woman of this sign is constantly striving for self-improvement. She knows how to be a devoted friend and will always lend a helping hand in a critical situation. Such a woman is extravagant and has an unbridled imagination.

Lady Sagittarius always strives to become a leader. This also applies to her personal life. At the same time, kindness, complaisance and tenderness - these feelings are not alien to her. At the right time, she knows how to show them.

The woman of this sign is an excellent conversationalist. She knows how to support almost any topic. It is interesting to communicate with her, so she is often in the center of everyone's attention.

Lady Sagittarius in love is somewhat frivolous and windy. If her lover is far from her and the couple expects a long separation, she will easily start an affair with someone else. She will not be tormented by remorse, because she is not burdened with moral principles. For this reason, a woman of this sign is often left alone.

Despite her frivolous nature, the Sagittarius lady seeks to start a family, but only after she has reached certain heights. She will use any means to marry her lover.

In the family, a woman of this sign will take on the role of head. She is very jealous and will go to any lengths to make sure her husband is faithful or unfaithful. If a Sagittarius woman discovers treason, then she will not only break off relations, but also take revenge.

The lady of this sign is a wonderful hostess. She loves and knows how to cook, her house is always clean and tidy. The Sagittarius woman is a good mother and will never give offense to her child.

Characteristics of the Libra man

The Libra guy has wisdom and prudence. He is non-confrontational and prefers to compromise than to quarrel. Despite this, the guy of this sign has a controversial character. He is accommodating, but does not like to obey. Outwardly, he is cold and calm, but inside he can boil real passions.

The man of this sign is hardworking, but often lazy. Apathy often prevents him from achieving great heights. If a man of this sign manages to cope with it, then a grandiose life awaits him.

The Libra man is an optimist, but at the same time he can easily become depressed. It is unlikely that it will be protracted, because an optimistic mood also sharply overwhelms him, like depression.

The man of this sign hesitates for a long time before making a decision. Because of this, he often misses out on profits. Indecision and slowness prevent him from building a career. On this occasion, the Libra man is not upset, because he tries to see positive aspects in everything.

The representative of the stronger sex of this sign cannot live without love. If he is single, then he will always be in search of a woman for whom he will have this feeling. The Libra man enjoys female attention, so he easily starts an affair. At first, he can only experience attraction to a woman. Love comes later if a man realizes that he feels very good next to her.

The Libra man has difficulty making serious decisions. Someone has to push him to it. This also applies to marriage. A woman herself must take the initiative, otherwise she will have to wait a long time for a marriage proposal.

A man of this sign is demanding of his wife. His wife must impeccably housekeeping and take care of herself. The Libra man is rarely faithful to his beloved. He can have not only a wife, but also several mistresses. Not everyone can come to terms with this, so the marriage of a man of this sign often breaks up.

Compatibility in love between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man

A pair of man-Libra woman-Sagittarius has almost perfect compatibility in love. They are attracted to each other from the moment they met. Therefore, they quickly begin an affair. Basically it is the merit of a woman. If she feels interested on the part of a man, then she does everything to finally subdue him. A man is not against such a turn of events, because it is difficult for him to make a decision to start building relationships.

Sagittarius woman and Libra man complement each other and support in everything. If they are connected by love, then for them there are no insurmountable difficulties in the relationship. They can all endure and be together. This love story has a happy ending.

If the signs of the zodiac are reversed, that is, the man was born under the sign of Sagittarius, and the lady is Libra, then they can have a strong relationship. Sagittarius men are perfect for Libra women. They understand each other well and quarrels rarely occur between them. They often marry. In family life, they also have everything in harmony. The Sagittarius-husband provides the family with a comfortable existence, and the wife takes care of the arrangement of their life.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

The love story of Libra and Sagittarius can last a long time and lead the couple to a wedding. In family life, the couple will add up everything safely. They complement each other.

The Sagittarius woman will become a leader, and the Libra man will be freed from the obligation to make decisions, which will suit him perfectly. Only mutual betrayals can overshadow their relationship.

However, if their romance led the couple to the wedding, they may have learned to get along only with each other and not interfere with third parties in relations. If they succeeded, then their family will be perfect. She will support her husband in everything, and he will spend all his free time with his wife.

Positive features of the union

The union of Libra and Sagittarius has positive features:

  • They look at life the same way.
  • The couple has common hobbies.
  • They understand each other well.
  • Quarrels rarely occur in their relationship. Both partners prefer to resolve all contentious issues amicably.
  • They look at family life the same way.

Negative traits of the union

The union of Libra and Sagittarius has not only positive, but also negative features:

  • They have different outlooks on life. She restores order, but cannot maintain it for long. He can do any household chores, but only when asked to do so. A Sagittarius woman sometimes gets tired of doing this and irritation ripens inside her. The Libra man is also not happy with the mess in the house, but does not like to express dissatisfaction about this. This is the only moment due to which a quarrel can occur in a couple. This can also destroy their family if they do not learn how to organize life together.
  • Both partners are prone to cheating.

Compatibility in business and friendship

The Libra man makes an ideal business alliance with the Sagittarius woman. They use the same methods in their work. The partners also have the same working pace. In business, they achieve good results.

As for the compatibility of the couple in friendship, it can be described as good. They understand each other and enjoy spending time together. Their friendship will end if one of the partners descends to a lower social level. Neither Libra nor Sagittarius can bear this.

Both of these zodiac signs want to make a good impression on others. Friends of a low social level spoil their reputation, so they break off relations with them without hesitation.

A friendship between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman can lead to a love relationship. When this happens, the couple may soon get married and she usually initiates this.

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man make up an almost perfect couple. If not for their tendency to cheat, then they could have an ideal family.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs girl Libra guy Sagittarius - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Love Compatibility Couple Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man

These two zodiac signs are just made to be close. Sagittarius woman and Libra man will understand each other without words. This is the perfect combination that, without any additional effort on the part of partners, will help them build strong, harmonious and lasting relationships.

Even though they are not a reflection of each other, they will manage to avoid controversial situations.

A balanced and calm Libra guy in love will be fascinated by the activity and emotionality of his beloved. The novel will allow them to build relationships without conflicts and quarrels. The Sagittarius girl, in a relationship with Libra, will be subdued by his courtesy and courtesy towards her.

The compatibility of the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man lies in the complete acceptance of each other for who they really are. A man who leads a not so active lifestyle will have to not only accept, but accept his freedom-loving lover.

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How will the marriage work out for a couple Sagittarius woman and Libra man?

They are made for each other. Relations in this union are built on full understanding and acceptance. Sagittarius wife and Libra husband are very concerned not only with their relationship and everyday problems, but also with their status in society. It is important for them that they create the impression of ideal spouses, even when a black cat ran between them.

Sagittarius and Libra marriage compatibility may suffer if children are born in the family. It will be like a third wheel for a husband. He will not be able to give himself and his time to the upbringing of his own child. He has many worries, in addition to the child, who also need to devote time. The selfishness of a woman will not give positive results in raising a child.

But if the Sagittarius wife becomes a mother, then she will show all the tenderness, care and attention that she is only capable of. She will take the appearance of a child in their family too seriously and will give him all her time. This, of course, will not please the selfish husband. Her relationship with the child will develop in the best way, not only in his childhood, but also in adolescence.

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Find out what kind of colleagues the Sagittarius woman and Libra man will be

Collaboration will be ideal if Sagittarius is the leader. A sociable and friendly boss knows how to win over each of his colleagues. He doesn't have the nerdiness that many bosses have.

On the contrary, he never gives clear assignments. He sees the finished result, and how he will make it is the least of his worries. Libra subordinate will be immensely happy with this course of events. In such an environment, he will be able to show all his creative potential.

But the situation is not so rosy if they switch places. The Libra leader is still a bore who will demand daily reports on the work done. The Sagittarius subordinate hates commands and strict assignments. He will feel uncomfortable in submission. There is a possibility that he will not withstand such pressure and simply write a letter of resignation.

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Can a Sagittarius woman and Libra man hope for compatibility in friendship?

Compatibility in friendship between Sagittarius and Libra will develop and develop in a very constructive way. But a sharp and authoritarian Sagittarius can sometimes bother a calm and balanced partner. He will not hesitate to compromise. He cares about friendship.

Can a friend become a loved one?

What is sexual compatibility if a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man are in the same bed?

Sexual compatibility Sagittarius and Libra has a bright and unforgettable bed relationship, which will be a pleasant moment in their romance. Similar views on sex and behavior in bed will give them everything so as not to look for someone else on the side.

Sagittarius man Libra woman

What should be the ideal life partner for Sagittarius? A woman friend who gladly takes part in all his undertakings. Bold and inquisitive, just like him. Certainly smart - what to talk about with a stupid one. This guy will be charmed by a girl, on whose fragile shoulders you can hang a backpack and take her with you on a hike - and if she still manages to make a fire with one match, he will fall in love with her seriously and for a long time. Sagittarius - seriously, for a long time? Surprisingly, Libra can firmly bind even Sagittarius to himself.

Probably on your life path he met a lot of pampered young ladies from whom he heard "you must" too often. Sagittarius does not like responsibility - this is his big drawback, which sometimes interferes greatly in relationships with women. But why, in fact, does he “must” sacrifice something important for himself in order to please the whims of another girlfriend? Isn't it easier to say to yourself "freedom is more precious than feelings", and to your partner - "we did not agree on the characters." So he lived until he met a Libra woman. A woman who knows how to reach a compromise ... a little with a bias in favor of her interests.

They have a lot in common. In conversations, they can spend days and nights - and they do not get bored. Sagittarius is delighted - his new girlfriend knows and knows so much! It's easy to go on adventures. She understands him so well that sometimes it seems she can read minds. Real comrade. Moreover, a comrade who is pleasant to hug, ruffle his hair, and maybe even arrange a pillow fight with her as in childhood. With male friends, Sagittarius will not allow himself such antics, because the Libra girl automatically becomes his closest friend. He will not even suspect that she is already reconciling his last name to her name - and that is why she is now feeding mosquitoes by the fire, and not because she loves hiking so much.

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Starting an affair with a guy she likes, the Libra girl is by no means looking for a friend in him for fun activities - she needs a stable love relationship, in the future - marriage. However, she perfectly understands who she contacted: Sagittarius cannot be ordered to become an exemplary family man. More precisely, you can order something, all his former girlfriends did just that - only where are they now ... That is why Libra gently, slowly, but with commendable determination becomes the One for him, without which he cannot live. She will succeed, believe me: not a single man has resisted the female strategy of “steel claws in soft paws”. And wedding bells will still sound in their honor ... but it's better to let it happen later than before.

How flexible people born under the sign of Libra are not so flexible Sagittarius. The search for a compromise will always be her task - as well as the solution of most domestic and other problems. She is responsible for marriage and will undoubtedly cope - and Libra will have to forgive her husband's numerous pranks. And the more these pranks will be, the sooner the couple gets married. Sagittarius will object to his wife’s reproaches with terrifying honesty: “I just haven’t walked up yet.” Tell me, Libra, did you really need this particular man as a life partner? You will answer “He is good, he just requires a strong female hand”, and you will be right. Strong, but soft - like yours. That is why the pair Sagittarius - Libra can be called very harmonious, almost perfect. With a small correction: all this idyll is the merit of the wisest of the women of the zodiac circle, but not the most windy of men.

Sagittarius Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

The relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Libra woman will simply be full of variety. These two characters of the zodiac circle are very similar to each other in their originality of thinking, lightness, and special attitude to reality. These signs of the Zodiac belong to the so-called dual, they easily guess each other even in a crowd of people, easily converge and understand each other even without words, and, having met once, they never want to part again.

Sagittarius man and Libra woman are different, having the ability to change. They can take any mask as their own and then take it off, depending on the circumstances. Somewhat conservative, they retain their beliefs exactly until their next change - this is exactly what the Sagittarius man and Libra woman are so similar to each other. Desiring freedom, each of the bottom will recognize the right of the other to their own independence. At some point, both of them will come to an agreement, and this will be the beginning of their new - happy and stable - life together.

The Libra woman will charm the chosen one with her devotion, although her hesitation, frequent mood swings can confuse him a little. The Sagittarius man will delight his partner with wisdom, intelligence. He is moderately curious, very fond of travel and does not want to be tied to the same place or the same relationship. By and large, the Sagittarius man is very easy to charm, but difficult to keep around him, so the Libra woman should try hard for the future of this relationship. Her partner can hide his true nature for quite a long time, bringing to light one or the other mask, and then suddenly manifest himself in a firework of fantasies or impetuous deeds that the Libra woman can only be surprised at his ingenuity. This union is full of unexpected discoveries for both, common successes and mistakes.

It will never be boring, because the Sagittarius man and the Libra woman will be very interested in studying each other. They love to talk, even raising global topics in their conversations. The combination of two elements in a pair - Air and Fire - makes this relationship bright, very significant and interesting for both partners. The airiness and lightness of the Libra woman in a pair inflates the fire of the Sagittarius man even brighter, and they can no longer live without each other, as they merge together in dreams, interests, and even professional affairs.

Saturation of one of the elements in these relationships can lead to some swinging. So, the excessive ambitions of a Sagittarius man can cause an outburst of partner's anger, and, conversely, her strong, constant influence on a partner can provoke his fading. The leader in the pair will invariably be the Libra woman. This is because the partner is always against any attachments and rules, and leadership in itself imposes obligations that the Sagittarius man would not want to take on.

Like it or not, the union of a Sagittarius man and a Libra woman can be called ideal with a calm soul. They have excellent opportunities to prove to the whole world and to themselves that marriage can not be boring at all, and that common affairs that plunge many couples into despondency can be done with great success for themselves - if you do not get hung up on the routine of work, but only see its perspective .

Compatibility Libra man and Sagittarius woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility Libra men and Sagittarius women in a relationship

Libra and Sagittarius are separated by only one sign, which means the compatibility of their elements (in this case, Air and Fire) and, accordingly, personalities. They appreciate each other, especially for the ability to make others smile - both like to see the joy on people's faces. Sagittarius achieve this with their stories or spiritual revelations, and Libra with personal charm.

When fate brings Sagittarius women and Libra men together, mutual attraction immediately flares up between them. The eloquence of Sagittarius amuses Libra, who, however, does not believe a single word they say, although they never admit that they miss the substantive part of the conversation and simply enjoy the chatter of partners. A happy Sagittarius woman cares little about such selectivity of her interlocutor, because she knows that sooner or later the Libra man will be in his hands.

It's right. Sagittarians know how to flirt and, noticing a spark of interest, they will fan the flame until it turns into a kind of forest fire. Libra, of course, is too reserved to openly express passion, but they themselves love it when others do it. These two instantly find contact with each other, and a mutually beneficial exchange begins between them. Sagittarius women can use some of their partner's recommendations in terms of subtleties of behavior: for example, how to properly demonstrate your interest in the object of sighing - in something, and in this area you will not find a better expert than Libra men. And vice versa. After all, if Libra really wants to give themselves free rein, they need, following the example of Sagittarius, to learn to be indifferent to the opinions of others. In the absence of unforeseen difficulties, this union will bring a lot of pleasure to both.

Sexual Compatibility Libra Men and Sagittarius Women

Sagittarius are well aware of the flirting technique, using which they easily seduce their air partners. At the same time, the prelude of intimacy is the embodiment of a certain spiritual ideal. Air and Fire have everything you need to fan the flames of passion. Sexuality in these relationships is mystical in nature, since both partners, being together, feel a connection with their higher self.

Business Compatibility Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

Business relationships here are best built in a somewhat detached way, when each partner is working on the implementation of his area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork and does not expect too much help from the other. Although such partners may be distinguished by a calm attitude towards each other, they should avoid too personal contacts. Much depends on how passionate these two are about the common cause.

What a Libra man needs to know about a Sagittarius woman

Neither you Libra men nor Sagittarius women waste time regretting your own behavior. Both of you know how to embellish it so as not to worry about what you have done. If Sagittarians feel like they've done something wrong, they just choose a different course of action, but they don't stop until they get what they want, and they never apologize for their actions. Rather, they will blame everything on the one whom they themselves hurt, telling tales about how they fell victim to him. Sagittarius women have a hard time accepting criticism, so if as a result of their actions you have problems, then these will only be your problems. When Sagittarians withhold their love, life becomes dull.

What a Sagittarius woman needs to know about a Libra man

Scales are always on both sides of the barricades. If they want to hurt your pride. Sagittarius, they will easily convince you of your own wrong. The result of an exchange of barbs can be the simultaneous manifestation of the unpleasant side of Libra's nature and your evil component. Sagittarius. However, more often than not, difficulties disappear as quickly as they appear, but if things are left to chance, the relationship can be at a freezing point. Libra men will simply step back and continue to play their former social roles, showing the outside world that nothing much has happened. Life will lose its zest if you lose the love of Libra.

Compatibility Libra men and Sagittarius women: chances for the future

William Tell was a shooter who was ordered to shoot down an apple placed on his son's head with an arrow, which he did brilliantly. This story demonstrates a typical trait of Sagittarius: when circumstances pressure them, they hit the bull's-eye in every sense.

Libra men are leaders. Sagittarius women - followers. Together, these two can achieve anything. The problems between them disappear when both honestly try to understand themselves first, and only then evaluate the people who occupy a prominent place in the life of a partner.

Sagittarius women need someone who is able to appreciate their true fortitude. They do not want to prove anything, but they need a partner who would give them the opportunity to strengthen their own importance. Inspired, so to speak. Libra men have a natural tendency to notice the good in everyone, but when they have a close connection with a particular person, they are forced to focus only on their partner. However, it should be understood that romantic relationships do not mean abandoning the perception of the rest of life, on the contrary, they allow outside energies to become part of the being of the beloved.

Sagittarius women do not have to scream in pain to be heard, because Libra men like it when people close to them are healthy and frank. They will be able to subtly correct the social awkwardness of their partners, but Sagittarius must know that they will avoid suffering if they follow their mentor. Sagittarians bring magic to their relationship, and in return they acquire sophistication. Subject to the preservation of a certain personal freedom of each, these two will be able to continue to give each other miracles.

How compatible is Libra man in a love relationship with other signs of the horoscope

How Sagittarius woman is compatible in love relationships with other zodiac signs


Let the Libra girl choose. She will need time to figure everything out and make a decision, but we cannot wait until she carefully considers all sides of the issue, so it is better to continue our study of her relationship with the Sagittarius man. A little later she will catch up with us.

In general, many Sagittarius men are reluctant to enter into a legal relationship as soon as they decide that this is love. It's not that he's against marriage, but he's just escaped from the oppressive power of his family, and he needs some time to enjoy his freedom before losing it again.

It is wiser and safer to let Sagittarius first shoot his quiver of arrows somewhere, so that later, when he returns, be sure that most of his curiosity and some of his desires have already been satisfied and that now he is eager to start all over again, but this time together with the woman you love.

On the other hand, if she gives him complete freedom and he wanders too far, he may forget to return or get lost somewhere, so wouldn't it be better to hold his hand tighter from the very beginning?

Of course, there are exceptions, but more often than not, marriage is one of the main problems facing loving friend a friend by a man and a woman of this particular combination of Solar signs. A single Libra woman is like a scale with a missing thicket, so you can imagine how this makes her feel worthless. You cannot achieve complete balance and harmony when you do not have half of what is necessary, and the person she loves is for her that other half that she needs in order to achieve balance and wholeness. (True, there are Libra women who are completely career-focused, but they also need compatibility with a business partner.)

The Sagittarius man, in fact, is not against close relationships, because he also does not like to be alone. He is much happier if there is a friend nearby, and if this friend is also beautiful and gentle, and he (or rather, her) can be hugged, this is even better. If she is smart enough to keep him company in both a cheerful argument and a philosophical conversation, he does not mind if she takes her camera, field glasses, a small tent, a sleeping bag, a flask and a flashlight and goes after him. But as soon as she starts talking about buying a property or looking for a permanent job, he will start to tear off the leash. When he gets older, he, like everyone else, will accept it. Jupiter rules the retirement age in astrology, and this often causes Jupiter-ruled men to retire early and work later. They do the opposite. In the meantime, sirens are singing somewhere in the distance, and their songs are more seductive than her Chanel, her charm, her delicious dimples and, unfortunately, even her hugs.

So it's best for a Libra woman who loves Sagittarius to just be with him everywhere without trying to remake him in her own way. She needs to understand from the very beginning that she will never be able to fully control this Centaur with sparkling eyes. He was born with the energy of a male sign, which is also ruled by the male planet - Jupiter, and although Libra is a male sign, they are controlled by Venus, an absolutely female planet. In a sense, this gives Libra women an advantage, because, having a masculine mindset, she is also gifted with an irresistible femininity. This is a powerful combination, but even he cannot drown out the double male masculine vibration of Sagittarius, forcing him to submit to a skirt. And if this happens, he will be internally deeply unhappy, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. And the meaning of love is happiness, not unhappiness, right?

Of course, the Sagittarius man will appreciate her subtle mind, and her optimism is so similar to his own! Often she lives in a world of imagination, so troubles do not seem completely real to her. If this is a reality that cannot be ignored, she still knows how to either solve this problem, or move away from it until it develops into a serious crisis. She has an amazing ability to ignore ugliness if she decides that it cannot be embellished in any way. She needs to be admired, even if she understands that this is nothing more than flattery. She can talk herself into believing anything, true or false, as long as it makes her feel loved and needed, and this, by the way, is one of the reasons why Libra girls get married early or wrongly. But it is her optimism that helps her turn the negative into the positive, because she knows how to believe: there is always a chance - because after every Today, Tomorrow will surely come.

Despite her talent for painting rainbows on gray clouds and her desire for peace and harmony at all costs, she is very sensitive to taunts and insults. She admires Sagittarius' wit, but doesn't want to be a target or a pincushion!

The Libra woman respects honesty and idealism, because these qualities are inherent in her. She loves people, large gatherings, art and music as well as reading, studying, arguing and all forms of intellectual communication. The Sagittarius man is tailored just for this measure. His woman should be generous, friendly and sociable and not only equal to him in mind, but also close in spirit. He needs a woman who will never nag him, who believes in his dreams, understands the word "freedom" and who will be kind to his four-legged friends. The Libra woman was created just for Sagittarius. However, she was created as it should be in all other respects, after all, she is a close relative of Venus de Milo!

The Sagittarius guy feels her every desire before she herself realizes it. He also instantly responds to the interest shown in his Libra girlfriend by all men within the range of her completely Irresistible Venusian smile. They admire her intelligence and her other virtues, and she loves so much to be admired! She sees nothing wrong with it, why should she stop it? She is not as hot as he is, and, perhaps, will be more calm about the fact that his enthusiasm simply attracts other women. And since both of them are attractive, full of interest in life and in people, we will not exclude romantic jealousy as a serious danger to their relationship.

Libra Woman - Sagittarius Man- Air and Fire are well combined, and their love confirms this. She can cause a surge of passion in him both when she simply looks at him, and when she is carried away by some clever argument. In the first case, this is a tender, but ardent desire - Romeo experienced something similar when climbing onto the balcony to Juliet. The second awakens in him an equally ardent desire, but without tenderness, because the consciousness that a woman is equal to him in intelligence always causes a feeling of a duel in a man, and on a subconscious level it is.

The Libra girl knows how to pacify his rushing spirit, and he can awaken her imagination. True, sometimes it seems to him that, belonging to him, she subtly eludes him. Let it not bother him, because slipping away is so characteristic of the air! She is sometimes worried about his ardor, impatience and exactingness in physical proximity, but this is just one of the manifestations of his joyful, honest and direct feelings.

It happens that the relationship of two is built only on physical attraction, but it can pass. Sagittarius and Libra have a lot in common. She sees behind his bravado the trusting soul of a little boy, and in every Libra woman a school teacher is hidden somewhere inside. Besides, he has a thousand questions, to which she has at least two thousand answers. And he, with his instant sense of what is really important, will also teach her a lot.

What should I do? she worries. - I think about our future with such joy in my heart, and the mind makes me be careful.

Reason is not the instrument by which love is measured, he says and kisses her. - And how do you feel now, dear?

Sagittarius man Libra woman compatibility

The tandem of Sagittarius man and Libra woman is quite difficult. At the young lady and young man radically different views on the institution of marriage. A girl, as a rule, with the first feeling of falling in love, already imagines a wedding celebration and selects the names of joint children. In fact, the marriage of this couple could well have been successful. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that this statement is true only if this person, before entering into a legal marriage, will enjoy travel and emotions to their heart's content.

It will be difficult for Libra women to make a choice. She needs time to make an informed decision. A young lady born under this sign needs to consider the issue comprehensively. As for the Sagittarius man, marriage is extremely undesirable for him. He avoids it at all costs. It is very important for him to realize that this is real, sincere love. The Sagittarius man values ​​his freedom above all else.

That is why at an early age he rarely marries. The thing is that he has just escaped from the custody of his parents, and he does not want to immediately fall under the pressure of his wife. If the Sagittarius man does not enjoy freedom, it is highly likely that he will look for her already in a legal marriage. A Libra woman should be aware that a young man should walk up to his heart's content. This is an act of a wise lady who seeks to be confident in her own spouse. The guy must satisfy his own curiosity and most of his cherished desires. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the Sagittarius man himself feels the need for a family, constancy, the only woman.

However, exceptions should not be ignored. However, it should be noted that marriage and its prospects are the main problem that can become a misunderstanding between guys born under this sign and the Libra woman. However, this combination of Solar representatives may well be successful. A lady born under this sign resembles an unfilled vessel. She may feel unwanted, helpless, worthless. It is extremely difficult for a Libra woman to find balance and achieve harmony when her lover is not next to her.

The Sagittarius man may well turn out to be exactly the piece of the puzzle that the young lady lacked so much to create wholeness, completeness, balance. Surprisingly, if a Libra woman focuses on career growth and is completely focused on it, then in this area she also needs a partner. Only in this situation, the relationship turns out to be purely business, working.

By the way, it is worth noting that the Sagittarius man also does not like loneliness. He needs a close relationship. A young man turns out to be happier and more cheerful when there is someone close and dear to him. At the same time, the Sagittarius man will always prefer a gentle, affectionate, carefree girl to a guy. A beautiful and reverent friend in the face of a Libra woman turns out to be an excellent solution for him. The main thing that the Sagittarius man insists on is lightness and carelessness. He appreciates in a lady the mind, the ability to reason, a broad outlook. With such a young lady, he is ready to go on vacation or on a hike. However, the Libra woman must take into account that her chosen one cannot stand any domestic issues. You should not talk to him about finding a job, acquiring an apartment, an upcoming wedding. This will instantly scare and frighten the Sagittarius man. With age, he himself will be forced to come to terms with these issues and accept them.

The Libra woman, who decided to conquer the Sagittarius man, needs to be extremely careful. She needs to accompany him everywhere, but totally abandon any attempts to fix something for herself. The Libra woman will need to immediately realize that you cannot control the chosen one born in this sign. The Sagittarius man is born with amazingly powerful energy. It is ruled by Jupiter. Moreover, the Libra woman is also born under a male sign, but she is ruled by Venus, which is a 100% female planet. As a result, the lady gets a unique mix male logic and inexpressible femininity. However, even such an unusual and strong mix is ​​not able to drown out the power of the Sagittarius man and begin to dominate him. If the Libra woman managed to achieve this, the Sagittarius man will still not be happy next to her.

It must be remembered that the Sagittarius man appreciates optimism, a sense of humor and a subtle mindset in a representative of the opposite sex. In the Libra woman, he likes the ability to abstract from problems, the ability to solve them on his own. Such ladies with surprising ease perceive reality as it is. If something cannot be corrected or somehow embellished, she will accept it. The unique feature of the Libra woman is that she knows how to persuade herself. She will easily believe in what she needs and benefits. For a Libra woman, the most important thing is a feeling, a feeling of lightness, love, need. By the way, exactly this feature becomes the cause of unsuccessful early marriages, into which these young ladies rush.

Despite the fact that the Libra woman knows how to transform everything around her, she is amazingly touchy. However, this does not prevent her from admiring the sense of humor and sharp mind of the Sagittarius man. The main thing for her is not to be the object of his precise barbs. In this chosen one, she also respects the tendency to idealism and honesty. The Libra woman likes the Sagittarius man because she is aware of the importance of freedom, is friendly, open, smart, kind, sociable. They could very well be the perfect couple.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that the attraction between them is largely based on physical features. The Sagittarius man instantly guesses the desires of the chosen one. The Libra woman reacts to his interest in a matter of seconds. At the same time, the lady turns out to be less passionate and hot than her chosen one. That is why the Libra woman calmly reacts to the interest of the Sagittarius man among the representatives of the opposite sex.

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A pair of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man have excellent compatibility in almost all areas of life. Their family union almost always turns out to be strong and happy. If there is mutual love, then all difficulties are easily overcome.

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man perfectly understand each other from a half-word or even a glance, and they don’t even pay attention to each other’s minor flaws. In their relationship there is always mutual understanding, support, complicity.

A Sagittarius woman, having married a Libra man, gains a reliable shoulder and protection from any adversity, and for a Libra man, moreover, she brings him good luck. Being next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life.

Despite excellent compatibility, the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man have completely different characters, so this relationship cannot be called boring, and both partners have a lot to learn from each other. Sagittarius and Libra are a very original couple in which the emotional, controversial Libra man and the cheerful, restless Sagittarius woman converge.

Compatibility female Sagittarius - male Libra - PLUSES

An ideal pair of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man is immediately visible. They love each other and do not hide it. Both are socially successful and have many friends and acquaintances. This couple is gladly expected to visit, because they never strain the people around them with their problems and stories of troubles, they never conflict or sort things out.

Both the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man are charming, polite, sweet in communication, and being next to them, everyone feels the feeling of success and well-being emanating from them.

In a pair of Sagittarius and Libra compatibility - these people are completely satisfied with their family and life in general. They have excellent mutual understanding, common goals and excellent sexual compatibility.

As a rule, this married couple has a rich house, a well-thought-out life, well-mannered and charming children. Both partners are accustomed to resolving all issues in peace, avoid unnecessary worries and do not engage in self-discipline.

Compatibility female Sagittarius - male Libra - MINUSES

A pair of Sagittarius woman and Libra man have excellent compatibility. They have such a good mutual understanding that serious trials bypass them. Both support each other in difficult times, are ready to cope with difficulties together, and, in addition, both of them intuitively choose those paths where there are the least obstacles, holes and stones.

In general, their family life is calm and prosperous. But, no matter how perfect the couple is, there will always be a fly in the ointment that will ruin a barrel of honey. The problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Sagittarius and Libra is ... the most common pots, pans, vacuum cleaner, Dishwasher… In other words, everyday life. The domestic side of life is the most "terrible enemy" of the couple.

Mistress. She can pretty quickly bring perfect order to the house, but maintaining it or putting it in place all the time is not her forte. She's just not interested. The Libra man can decorate his home, he can even beautifully set the table and, in general, he is ready to do everything that the Sagittarius woman tells him.

But, the whole problem is that she is not going to say anything, but. And in the end, both people, so eager to live in a beautiful, comfortable and cozy atmosphere, live as it will, because there is no one to create this very atmosphere.

Horoscope Sagittarius-Libra - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Sagittarius and Virgo, so that harmony is not disturbed in their married couple due to unwashed dishes or dirty linen, both partners should think about arranging their lives. They need to agree and distribute responsibilities around the house.

And he has no prejudices about "non-male" work. He will gladly help his beloved woman only if she asks him about it. When a couple distributes responsibilities once and for all, and everyone does their part of the work, this already removes most of the possible conflicts. Also, beautiful and modern household appliances, discipline, and, in extreme cases, an au pair can facilitate housekeeping.

Also, the cheerful disposition and wit of the Sagittarius woman, and the ease of looking at the life of the Libra man will help to mitigate conflicts over the disorganization of life. For him, there is nothing more precious than human relationships, and he will never be the first to spoil the mood for himself and his beloved.

And if a Sagittarius woman suddenly feels anger boiling inside, then she should immediately turn to her lifesaver - humor for help. If you look at the world through the prism of humor, then all the difficulties, including everyday ones, will seem small and unimportant.

How can a Sagittarius woman conquer a Libra man?

The Sagittarius girl will not have to make much effort to win the Libra guy. In addition, the Libra man knows how to superbly care for women, so Sagittarius will not even have time to look back, as she herself will be conquered.

The Libra man is generally content with himself and his life. He cannot imagine his life without a permanent partner. Therefore, if you met a single Libra man, it means that he either just ended the relationship or is in search of a new romance. The Sagittarius woman is the ultimate dream of the Libra man.

It is safe to say that she perfect option for a love adventure. And as soon as the Libra man feels the similarity of interests, views and opinions, he will immediately ask for the hand and heart of the Sagittarius woman. The Libra man belongs to the category of men who do not avoid marriage, but on the contrary, do their best to start a family.

The Libra man is prudent, polite, charming. For him, the opinion of others is important, and he is used to leading a quiet life, approved by society. You cannot call this man passionate and temperamental. Of course, sometimes he dreams of a stormy romance, but he understands that he can never give a damn about conventions and give up a calm and stable life for the sake of love. Adventures are alien to him, and therefore, when a Sagittarius woman meets on his way, he gets everything he needs. She is active and temperamental, but respects social norms of behavior, and does not demand the impossible.

A Libra man, when he starts a love affair with a Sagittarius woman, can combine the secular decency and restraint he needs with passionate sexual relationships.

Compatibility of Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man in Friendship

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man are often friends. They tend to have a good rapport, which is the basis for a strong friendship. They are both optimistic and enjoy spending time in pleasant company. They can often be found at exhibitions, in theaters, cheerful companies.

The friendship of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man can be destroyed by the loss of one of the friends from his social stratum to a lower one. Neither the Libra man nor the Sagittarius woman will want to continue communicating with a loser, a convicted person, an alcoholic. It is very important for both partners to make a good impression on the people around them, and such friends do not paint them.

The halves of the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman should not be afraid of betrayal. These partners have excellent compatibility in almost all areas of life, but they will never start a relationship if one of them is not free. Both highly appreciate the beauty and decency of relationships. But if a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman do not have a life partner. That their relationship most often goes into the category of marital.

Compatibility of Sagittarius women and Libra men in the business field

A Sagittarius woman and a Libra man can make an excellent business alliance. They have excellent work compatibility. Both are hard-working, success-oriented and work at about the same pace and value the same methods. Through cooperation with the Sagittarius woman, the Libra man learns to set and achieve higher goals than he would do it alone.

When a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man are colleagues or partners, this is a good business alliance. The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man, when they work together, will certainly succeed. In the team, they are not in conflict and infect others with their enthusiasm, which employers certainly appreciate. If a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man have a joint business, then it also goes uphill well. This couple does not have disputes and quarrels about goals and methods. Also, both know how to make the right connections, which are of great help on the path to success.

When a Sagittarius woman is the boss, and a Libra man is a subordinate, this is a wonderful combination. The Sagittarius boss knows how to set large-scale tasks - this is what the Libra man lacks so much. The Sagittarius woman is a good leader for the Libra man, and he perfectly understands the plans of his boss and effectively implements them under her guidance.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Libra man is the boss, it is the most unfortunate of all combinations, although in this case they still have mutual understanding. The Sagittarius woman experiences a restriction of freedom, she is cramped within the framework in which the Libra boss is used to working. Therefore, she often exceeds her powers, and the Libra man is dissatisfied with the fact that she climbs into her own business.


Libra men and Sagittarius women get on well with each other. Signs are amazingly combined in all areas - business, family, sexual. Partners treat each other with understanding, and have every chance of a long and successful union.

Sign Compatibility Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

The Libra man is sympathetic and practical, he is direct, but can show some flexibility. The Sagittarius woman is active and cheerful, has some tendency to do first and think later. When meeting Libra, they can doubt and show indecision for a long time, but if a spark flares up between the partners, the meeting promises to be successful.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman: love in a relationship

Libra and Sagittarius are separated by only one sign, which means the compatibility of their elements (in this case, Air and Fire) and, accordingly, personalities. Libra men and Sagittarius women appreciate each other, especially for the ability to make others smile - both like to see the joy on people's faces. Sagittarius achieve this with their stories or spiritual revelations, and Libra with personal charm.

When fate brings Sagittarius women and Libra men together, mutual attraction immediately flares up between them. The eloquence of Sagittarius amuses Libra, who, however, does not believe a single word they say, although they never admit that they miss the substantive part of the conversation and simply enjoy the chatter of partners. A happy Sagittarius woman cares little about such selectivity of her interlocutor, because she knows that sooner or later the Libra man will be in his hands.

That's right... Sagittarians know how to flirt and, noticing a spark of interest, they will fan the flame until it turns into a kind of forest fire. Libra, of course, is too reserved to openly express passion, but they themselves love it when others do it. These two instantly find contact with each other, and a mutually beneficial exchange begins between them. Sagittarius women can use some of their partner's recommendations in terms of subtleties of behavior: for example, how to properly demonstrate your interest in the object of sighing - in something, and in this area you will not find a better expert than Libra men. And vice versa. After all, if Libra really wants to give themselves free rein, they need, following the example of Sagittarius, to learn to be indifferent to the opinions of others. In the absence of unforeseen difficulties, this union will bring a lot of pleasure to both.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman: compatibility in sex (in bed)

Sagittarius are well aware of the flirting technique, using which they easily seduce their air partners. At the same time, the prelude of intimacy is the embodiment of a certain spiritual ideal. Air and Fire have everything you need to fan the flames of passion. Sexuality in these relationships is mystical in nature, since both partners, being together, feel a connection with their higher self.

Business Compatibility Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

Business relationships for Libra men and Sagittarius women are best built in a somewhat detached way, when each partner is working to complete his area of ​​work and does not expect too much help from the other. Although such partners may be distinguished by a calm attitude towards each other, they should avoid too personal contacts. Much depends on how passionate these two are about the common cause.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman: married (marital union)

Neither you Libra men nor Sagittarius women waste time regretting your own behavior. Both of you know how to embellish it so as not to worry about what you have done. If Sagittarians feel like they've done something wrong, they just choose a different course of action, but they don't stop until they get what they want, and they never apologize for their actions. Rather, they will blame everything on the one whom they themselves hurt, telling tales about how they fell victim to him. Sagittarius women have a hard time accepting criticism, so if as a result of their actions you have problems, then these will only be your problems. When Sagittarians withhold their love, life becomes dull.

Compatibility Libra men and Sagittarius women: chances for the future

Scales are always on both sides of the barricades. If they want to hurt your pride. Sagittarius, they will easily convince you of your own wrong. The result of an exchange of barbs can be the simultaneous manifestation of the unpleasant side of Libra's nature and your evil component. Sagittarius. However, more often than not, difficulties disappear as quickly as they appear, but if things are left to chance, the relationship can be at a freezing point. Libra men will simply step back and continue to play their former social roles, showing the outside world that nothing much has happened. Life will lose its zest if you lose the love of Libra.

Libra-Sagittarius Sign Compatibility: How to Keep Love in a Relationship

William Tell was a shooter who was ordered to shoot down an apple placed on his son's head with an arrow, which he did brilliantly. This story demonstrates a typical trait of Sagittarius: when circumstances pressure them, they hit the bull's-eye in every sense.

Libra men are leaders. Sagittarius women - followers. Together, these two can achieve anything. The problems between them disappear when both honestly try to understand themselves first, and only then evaluate the people who occupy a prominent place in the life of a partner.

Sagittarius women need someone who is able to appreciate their true fortitude. They do not want to prove anything, but they need a partner who would give them the opportunity to strengthen their own importance. Inspired, so to speak. Libra men have a natural tendency to notice the good in everyone, but when they have a close connection with a particular person, they are forced to focus only on their partner. However, it should be understood that romantic relationships do not mean abandoning the perception of the rest of life, on the contrary, they allow outside energies to become part of the being of the beloved.

Sagittarius women do not have to scream in pain to be heard, because Libra men like it when people close to them are healthy and frank. They will be able to subtly correct the social awkwardness of their partners, but Sagittarius must know that they will avoid suffering if they follow their mentor. Sagittarians bring magic to their relationship, and in return they acquire sophistication. Subject to the preservation of a certain personal freedom of each, these two will be able to continue to give each other miracles.

How compatible is Libra man in a love relationship with other signs of the horoscope