How twin men behave after a divorce. How to get a twin woman back after a breakup

The most gentle and modest sign of the zodiac is Gemini, and they also part quite gently compared to other signs. Gemini have an attentive, anxious look that follows your every movement. They seem to read your condition, does it hurt you, are you all right? They do the same thing when a partner hurts them, they look at him with such desperation and pleading in their eyes, as if they are asking, did you hurt so much that you did it badly to me? And at first it seems that it is impossible for the Gemini to hurt, and even somehow ashamed, because they worry not about themselves, but about you. Soft and kind, they may be completely unaware that they are being offended and taking revenge on them for something. Most often, they simply withdraw into themselves, plunging into the shell, where they reflect on what it was after all. Gemini has a very light and airy character, they cannot sit in the shell for a long time and live with resentment, and therefore quickly move away and come out into the light. At this moment, they willingly go for rapprochement and forgive everything to their partner. The euphoria of reconciliation turns the Gemini's head so that they do not notice any tricks that their lover continues to do several more times. In general, it is almost impossible to meet a silent and gloomy Gemini, these people are very quick-witted. On their face, if something happened, you can only find a slight frown, which is barely perceptible. She reveals that the Gemini are confused.
If such confusion occurs quite often, then Gemini becomes wary. However, they still smile at their beloved, suggesting to themselves that soon everything will pass, and it will be fine again. If nothing passes, then absent-mindedness appears. This absent-mindedness shows that the Gemini has become ill. Plunging into thoughtfulness, they do not know what to do and begin to plunge into deep thoughts, analyzing their actions. At such moments, the Twins choose a very strange path of non-participation in life together. All bad deeds and problems with a partner, they seem to try not to notice. Becoming terribly absent-minded, they close their ears and eyes, and when the partner once again tells them something nasty, the Gemini will ask, "Something? I did not hear?". In fact, he didn't really hear anything.
Gemini think about their partner all the time, not understanding what is happening to him, why everything is so bad. They begin to believe that perhaps the partner is missing something in life. And then they try their best to make the life of their beloved more colorful, rich and interesting. They bring coffee to bed, read poetry aloud, buy a ticket for two on a romantic trip, stroke and affectionately talk about love. But if this does not help, then the Gemini begins to ask the partner what happened, as if it was some kind of trifle. At such moments, they give up and are completely at a loss. There comes a realization that they cannot help their partner in any way, and therefore they say to themselves the main words: “I have done everything possible for our life.”
At the last stage, Gemini experiences alienation. Now they will try to leave, so as not to be alone with their beloved once. But at the same time, the Gemini will not quarrel, scream and burn bridges. They will just do their job, talking calmly and timidly. When the Gemini finds another person for themselves, then his partner will be amazed, but what happened at all? The twins never expressed their claims to them, and everything seemed to endure, everything suited them, why did they leave? After this stage, Gemini usually never returns. They cannot do this because of banal cowardice, because they think that they caused the person the pain that he poured out all this time on them. It is easier for them to build a new family, where they will be quietly happy, remembering their partner. Every birthday they will gently and sincerely congratulate the former, but they will never dare to approach him again.

How to break up with a Gemini man or woman? In a sense, you are lucky: breaking up with a person of this zodiac sign is much easier than with many others. However, there are certain nuances here. Here are some tips.

For the most part, representatives of such a zodiac sign have a changeable nature, and the problem becomes not how to break off relations with a Gemini woman or man, but, on the contrary, how to maintain them.

Before you say goodbye to them, they may already have time to leave on their own (at least mentally). It doesn't mean they don't love you. They just don't have the inclination to persistence and the desire to stick around and experience heartbreak. Geminis don't waste time and energy "grinding" the past. They do not feel much pity for themselves, they do not like to talk about feelings. These people are able to talk for hours on end on almost any topic, but when it comes to matters of the heart, their eloquence abruptly disappears somewhere. When it's time for fight or flight, they just open the doors and leave.

Most Geminis do not have big problems with parting if the initiative does not come from them. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign are not among the most stable, loyal and constant partners in the world, so they should theoretically not persist and insist on staying in a relationship that you want to end. But it is possible that you will meet a special person - one who is attached to the body and soul. How to break up with Gemini in this case? This procedure should be preceded by a simple conversation. But not with an emotional skirmish and accusations, but with a specific list of arguments why you want to divorce him or just run around. Perhaps this will be sufficient. And if not, what to do?

How to part with a Gemini man or woman so that the initiative comes from them?

  • The first rule in this situation sounds like this: show him or her that you do not have an outstanding mind and intellect, do not understand their jokes, to put it mildly, do not shine with anything. Such a party does not suit the smart twins, in the company of people, albeit good, but they do not need simple ones. So your the main task- demonstrate that you are significantly behind in this regard.
  • For Gemini, it is very important that they have mental harmony, harmony of minds with their partner. If they feel the absence of all this, then their admiration begins to melt like snow under the spring sunshine, and they themselves begin to distance themselves and feel the desire to leave.
  • Those born in this sign do not like affectionate girlfriends and friends - become their shadow.
  • How to divorce Gemini quickly? Take advantage of the fact that these are emotionally "cool" people. Therefore, it is difficult for them to withstand the constant society of overly emotional persons, and even more so they feel uncomfortable when they are required to have more feelings and emotions, their more generous demonstration. Their nature will not last long.
  • When this person tries to surround you with care, take the baton from him and become a kind of cute kitten who will choke him with his affection, attention and kindness. It will be difficult for Gemini to endure a woman or a man who drives him into a corner with their caring and overprotectiveness.
  • So that you don’t have to leave Gemini, but he did it himself, often voice your suspicions of treason, arrange jealousy scenes for him, good (yes, now it’s good), at least there will definitely be formal reasons for this. Ask more often where your partner was and what he did there: for him, these are not ordinary questions loved one, but an encroachment on independence and an application for total control.
  • To leave, ask more specific questions about your common future, paying special attention to the strength of the material foundation.
  • How to get rid of Gemini men and women? Make it so that your Twins become frankly bored with you. This is not so difficult, because most people find it difficult to keep up with their pace of life and social needs and demands.

When implementing a strategy on how to break up with a Gemini man or woman, be prepared for the fact that the minute you break up with them, the rules of the game will change. These people can easily pass into the status of friends, and there may even be certain advantages in this. But do not flatter yourself and do not be tempted by the thought in the spirit of “maybe try again ...”: they already feel free and have the right to look for love elsewhere.

Women whose lover is born under the constellation of Gemini are well aware that the representative of this sign is subject to frequent mood swings. Opinion on this or that occasion can change dramatically several times a day with astonishing speed. No wonder so many call him a chameleon. And there are countless arguments about how to keep a twin man around.

Similarly, a man manifests himself in relationships with members of the opposite sex. It becomes even more difficult to understand the nature of the beloved when relations are complicated by quarrels, scandals, partings. Companions of these men you will not envy! They can “puzzle” for a long time over the question of how to return the twin man, preventing the impending threat of a complete break in relations.

Competent astrologers and psychologists are sure that although the disposition of the wards of this zodiac sign is contradictory, it is possible to understand it and learn how to manage it. Ladies should carefully study all the facets of the character of this many-sided zodiac sign.

A woman who wants to make peace with her beloved twin is sure that she knows everything about him. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. If we practice just such an approach to resolving the issue of reconciliation, it will most likely be difficult to achieve a positive result. We advise you to listen to the opinion of the stars, who can tell all the secrets about the twin man, tell you how to behave so that the sweetheart does not have a desire to end the relationship.

1. Do not persuade

You should not “put pressure” on your loved one, tearfully beg to return and promise “mountains of gold” in order to make peace. This is unlikely to make the proper impression, but it can easily aggravate the situation. No need to behave too intrusively, it annoys men.

And in no case do not put peremptory conditions. To make peace with him, act with cunning, turn on the charm, become a "tempter snake" for a while. Let him know that you will live well without him, but together you will be much better, that separation is not an option.

2. Find out the reason

The second thing to do is to find out the true reason for the lover's departure. Try to position him. Speak kindly, carefully ascertaining the reasons for making such a decision. Say that you were wrong and are ready to change. List your strengths. Convince yourself that you are the perfect couple and you should not scatter relationships. Keep the conversation right, then there will be a chance to return the twin man.

3. Think about the structure of the conversation

Gemini loves to have detailed conversations. Decide in advance what kind of opening speech you will deliver. It should "catch" attention, make you listen. Be sure to determine what arguments you will give in favor of your reconciliation, at what point you will pronounce them.

Support each argument with facts and logical explanations. You need to end the monologue with “high” words. For example, that you will terribly miss intimate conversations, that you will madly miss his witty jokes, that you will no longer have anyone to admire. Speak confidently while looking directly into the eyes, as it is difficult to keep a Gemini man without eye contact.

4. Take a wait-and-see attitude

After a serious conversation, try not to disturb your loved one. Give yourself time to think. Do not call, do not email, do not contact in social networks. Basically, don't talk about yourself. For some time, it is desirable not to even keep in touch with mutual acquaintances.

If you neglect this advice, you can not only not return the twin man, but also turn against yourself. Then the question of reconciliation will never be resolved. After a quarrel, you talked to him seriously, made it clear what you wanted. Now wait.

Let the chosen one think about why the beloved does not bother with phone calls, does not shower with love letters, does not attack the front door, begging for forgiveness. This will surely surprise the twin man, which will lead to slight curiosity. This is already 50% success. Now it will be much easier to make peace with your loved one.

5. Demonstrate detachment

When the curiosity begins to "burst" the beloved, he, for sure, will look for a meeting himself and already in his thoughts will begin to admit the possibility of reconciliation. Just do not try to hide from him, your behavior will be misunderstood. On the contrary, show that you are not suffering, are not going to throw yourself out of the window or drown yourself. Yes, you are a little sad, but life goes on! Soon everything will fall into place.

By choosing such a line of behavior, you "wound" the beloved in the very heart. He is unlikely to come to terms with the fact that you are not bad without him. He is firmly convinced that it is impossible to live without his person! After all, he is so charming, beautiful, gentle, smart, the most, the most .... The pure truth: the twin is able to charm any interlocutor. As a result of much thought, a quarrel will seem like a sweet trifle compared to your tactics of behavior. He won't survive this!

Ultimately, the chosen one will definitely return to be adored again, “bath” in your compliments, demonstrate his oratory skills, etc. As a result, you will be able not only to make peace with the twin man, but also to prepare a springboard for future strong relationships. You will understand each other even more, which will only benefit.

Study your beloved gradually, notice the features of character. Look for pluses in minuses, appreciate gallantry, charm and unpredictability. Despite his inconsistency, he is capable of creation and will surely admit his mistake if he was wrong. These tricks will allow you to keep a twin man for life, even if he has made the final decision to end the relationship.

For the best effect, it is useful to use the character qualities of the signs of the moving cross - Pisces emotionality, sensitivity, Sagittarius moralizing, Virgo's criticality and practicality

  • The main thing is that he does not think that you are specifically pursuing a specific goal. Otherwise, he may get angry, and begin to treat with cynical humor. And he can also joke. So here it is necessary to be extremely sincere and serious. By the way, the seriousness in everything they just do not like.
  • When he wants to get more information again, read the newspaper, listen to the news, chat with friends, switch his attention to everyday problems. Better help in the kitchen than useless chat with friends. It will help to prepare a salad, clean the room than lie down to watch the news or read the newspaper.
  • You can also add dissatisfaction and reproaches over trifles, a little criticism of his negative qualities of character.
  • Add monotony to the relationship, no impressions, nothing new. More old fashioned. For example, traditional family dinners with parents. Spend every evening at home, do not go to events. More savings to add to shopping. Control his expenses.
  • In communicating with him, show more sadness, melancholy, show that nothing surprises you, and all life is solid gray everyday life.
  • You can start the day with lectures and discontent, like a grumpy parent. Avoid intimate relationships during the day.
  • In the evenings, go to bed earlier, explaining to him that you need peace and quiet, and physical love only takes away energy and negatively affects the nervous system. For greater persuasiveness, we can say that the doctor advised so, and they also read about the negative effects of sex.
  • If he wants to talk or tell, then transfer the topic to boring conversations, with a boring story, where there is no end, no edge, but everything is confusing.
  • Choose topics where it is impossible to argue, interrupt him, do not let him completely say the words. If you start to prove, you can show resentment.
  • And add emotions to communication and relationships, and it is negative ones. Tell him about your experiences, listing several times the smallest details. Draw his attention to the negative, that today is bad, and tomorrow it will be even worse.
  • Gemini finds it difficult to endure emotional conversations about experiences, suffering. They like light, superficial communication, they forget everything bad. If the partner does not forget anything, then it will be difficult for Gemini to communicate with him, and the communication itself will be burdensome if it is difficult, boring.
  • If life becomes so boring and monotonous, then you can easily part with Gemini, he himself will want new acquaintances.

see also

The Gemini man quickly transforms, is able to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, surprising with sharp changes in moods and opinions. You will need to get used to it, and even better - learn to enjoy this fantastic kaleidoscope and complement your loved one, give him positive emotions without trying to drown out his fantasy. If your chosen one suddenly decided to leave or announced that he had a new love, do not rush to blame him and lose heart. You have every chance to return the Gemini man, since it is this sign that is distinguished by its amazing inconstancy and the ability to instantly change the decisions made.

He has many virtues, pleasant character traits. He is not irritable and jealous, like other representatives of the zodiac signs. Perhaps he is a little superficial, sometimes he really begins to suffer from an overabundance of thoughts and ideas ... But you have to accept him for who he is, to build a line of behavior correctly. Be wise, unexpected, charming. And complement your loved one in everything.

Contradictory and elusive Gemini man: looking for the key to a loved one
Immediately pay attention to an important point: if you are used to carefully analyzing everything, want to understand the slightest nuances of the character of your loved one and find an approach to him, fit him into a certain scheme, you will surely be disappointed. The fact is that the character of Gemini is generally difficult to analyze. Most representatives of this zodiac sign have their own common features, preferences. You can find out what they categorically do not accept, but what they strive for, what qualities they are looking for in women. But it is almost impossible to make a clear portrait of the Gemini man. You need to catch the harmony of the moment, feel the nature of your loved one, in order to understand exactly how to return it. Imagine a fountain under bright sunlight and an iridescent rainbow where the wind blows the spray of water. Just such a phenomenon, elusive, but beautiful, and resembles the character, the inner world of Gemini. Do not try to break it down into components, but catch the general trends.

  1. Constantly changing. This is the main quality of your loved one. Be different, develop, change, play with different colors with him. He must be interested in you. Do not try to "reason" him, make him become "solid" and "balanced". For him, it's all a way of life. If you have already demanded something similar from Gemini, most likely this was the reason for his departure.
  2. Independent. Wanting to return the Gemini man, always remember: this person is self-sufficient, he seeks to preserve his freedom. He does not tolerate any manipulation and really does not like it when someone tries to put pressure on him, guide him, bombard him with advice and moralizing. Respect his opinions and wishes. In addition, consider the fact that Gemini often unexpectedly changes his point of view, refuses to decisions taken and abandons already started projects. Before arguing with him and proving something, just try to wait and follow the development of events. Perhaps your loved one will quit what he started. And that will be his decision.
  3. Surrounded by hundreds of friends... Yes, Gemini's sociability can initially confuse the most restrained and wise women. The thing is that your loved one appreciates attention to himself, wants to be in the center of events, with pleasure not only talks “about nothing” and has fun, but also helps and supports. And he is surrounded not only by friends, but also by girlfriends. Try to accept all this, look at things objectively and not be jealous of your Gemini man for friends. We decided to return it, but the circle of acquaintances of your beloved annoys you? In no case do not put conditions on him, even when you make peace! He certainly will not choose you, sacrificing communication with numerous friends. Better not put him in front of such a choice.
  4. Only trust. Remember that you will only be able to return the Gemini man if you leave him some freedom and do not strictly control him. Your loved one probably cannot stand frequent calls, questions about where he is, total surveillance, both covert and overt. Most Gemini men draw for themselves one ideal of living together with a woman. She is devoted to him, trusts him in everything. He, too, will love her and trust her. Why test each other? Your Twin may decide that you do not trust him very much, because you yourself are not sure about your feelings. Don't disappoint him.
  5. Intelligent Conversations. The Gemini man loves to talk about high things, and he needs to match. Expand your horizons, read books and watch all the films that you have heard from him. Do not consider that he is mocking you or trying to suppress you with his intellect. It’s just that for Gemini this is a favorite form of relaxation and pastime - without smart conversations, he will quickly get bored with you. Develop to harmoniously complement your beloved Gemini man in everything, then he himself will want to stay with you forever.
Study your loved one and gradually get used to his originality. Look for pluses in his shortcomings and appreciate the variability of Gemini. He is able to admit a mistake, change a decision, abandon his plan. All this will help you get him back, even if he is determined to leave.

We return our beloved Gemini man and change decisions together
Think about how exactly you will surprise and conquer your loved one. To return the Gemini man, you will need not only to persuade him to restore relations, to give your union a second chance, but also to think over your behavior. Usually Gemini does not leave without a reason, he is not a fan of flirting, he tries not to offend women. Try to understand the reasons for the breakup, find out why you didn’t suit your loved one, what can annoy him in you. And get down to business!

  1. Changeable. How is he. Your first priority is to develop the ability to change. Be bright, unpredictable, interesting and unexpected. Your loved one should not anticipate your steps, decisions. Let him be surprised by your appearance, behavior, demeanor. He loves carnival in life - give him a holiday, let him watch you with enthusiasm. The routine of Gemini will repel, even pleasant and comfortable.
  2. Reasonable. Here it is important to consider how you will take the very first steps to return your Gemini man. The best option is to talk openly with him, offer to restore relations at least temporarily. Let him take it as a whim, your whim. You don’t need to beg, cry and make a tragedy out of the situation - the Gemini man will instantly experience a strong desire to run away at that very second, you won’t catch up with him. Excessive seriousness and intensity of passions frighten him, and the idea of ​​self-sacrifice is quite far from him.
  3. Conquer with your mind. Now you have to start communicating with the Gemini man again, while correcting all past mistakes. You need to be interesting, be able to keep up the conversation, but not try to rise above your loved one. Try to keep natural and friendly.
  4. Independent. Like this. You have to complement your beloved Gemini in this as well, while bringing him back. How to do it? It's not all that difficult. You are a self-sufficient and prudent woman who can live without Gemini. But you assume that both of you will be better off together than without each other. You assume, but are not convinced - you are a smart woman - so you want to try to start a relationship anew. Present everything to your loved one in this way, he will surely like it. Do not push him away with pressure, persuasion, obsession. Do not demonstrate the makings of a clairvoyant and do not make peremptory statements. Your Gemini is smart enough to appreciate the complexity and ambiguity of human relationships, the flimsiness of any predictions.
  5. Swift. Usually a Gemini man is always striving somewhere. Be constantly with him, in no case stop him and do not try to deprive him of rose-colored glasses, dispel the haze of romance. He will be offended and decide that you are scaring off his luck. If you decide that giving advice is necessary, do it as delicately as possible. Conquer your loved one with energy and ingenuity.
Become unique and positive, change with your loved one and complement it in everything. Be thin, delicate, do not forget about femininity and sexuality. You will return the Gemini man when you catch his ability to constantly change and maintain individuality, you will be able to adopt this quality. Your loved one is ready to change his mind, to abandon his plan - parting with him is not final. Bring it back and conquer it again!