A marriage between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman. Helping couples stay together

Human relationships are based on dozens of points of contact. Everything is important - common interests, environment, temperament. Previously, when choosing a partner, it was customary to pay attention also to the date of birth of a person, the patronage of stars and planets. The zodiac aspects to this day help determine what the nature of the relationship between people will be, depending on their astrological signs.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac according to the horoscope

Compatibility Libra and Sagittarius is based on general characteristics these signs. Libra is an airy inanimate symbol, it is patronized by the planets Saturn and Venus. Such men like to weigh everything, expect respect and equality from people, and often hesitate, trying to find the perfect solution for any situation. Libras are intelligent, hardy and patient. They are attractive to women, artistic, love culture and sports.

Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter. The symbol historically was a centaur, which transformed into an archer on a horse. As a modern designation, only the bow and arrow is used mainly. The Sagittarius woman is very versatile, striving for popularity, education and leadership. This is an energetic person who loves to be the master of his own destiny, takes a little interest in everything in the world.

Overall Compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The Libra man comes to love and marriage because he does not tolerate loneliness. They are charming and easily conquer women, but if a strong feeling does not take possession of them, then they easily go in search of a new partner. The family life of Libra rests on the charm of the Sagittarius wife, because the husband himself does not have the tact to delve into the intricacies of the spiritual life of his woman. Libra appreciates the cosiness, stability, comfort of the hearth, and their attachment to the family and home rests on this.

The Sagittarius wife appreciates love and romance most of all, they create for themselves the image of a handsome prince, which Libra seems to be, they do not listen to the voice of reason. However, the family for her is not the highest value. If it turns out that the partners are not suitable for each other, Sagittarius will leave Libra in search of a new destiny. Both signs do not really strive for a wedding, they really appreciate the freedom and the opportunity to do what they love. Sagittarius and Libra are more like companions, good friends who live in the same house and share each other's romantic moods.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

At first glance, in bed, Libra seems to be very temperamental and active, but this sign tends to put itself first in any relationship, including sexual ones. The man of the element Air is windy, he believes that the number of love acts is more important than their quality.

The Sagittarius woman, on the contrary, is really inventive, open to new things and emotional. She does not allow Libra to be forgotten, attracts attention to herself, because she is demanding and knows how to get a response. Thanks to this, the sexual relations of the signs are harmonized. They learn from each other and complement each other.

The only thing that can reduce compatibility in a love relationship is the lack of ardor in Libra. If it suddenly seems to Sagittarius that her partner is not as hot as she thought at first, she will easily break off the union. For the sake of preserving love and continuing passionate dates, Libra costs a little more than he used to do, to give to a demanding partner.

Sexual Compatibility: 4 out of 5.

friendship compatibility

A Libra friend is the person they turn to for advice. He is rational, logical, never talks in vain. In fact, this sign is poorly versed in people and does not know how to delve into their problems, but it is pleasant in communication and smoothes out its shortcomings. In friendship, such a man asserts himself, because he needs communication. He hates conflicts, therefore he avoids them and due to this he is known as a nice person. To maintain a relationship with Libra, it is enough not to criticize - they hate it.

Sagittarians are more open in friendship - they are kind-hearted, decent, friendly, there is nothing theatrical and ostentatious about them. Women of this sign are able to talk Libra, they are dreamers, optimists.

These signs of the zodiac get along well within the framework of friendships. The guy loves spiritual comfort and does not climb into the soul of a partner, and the girl does not create conflict situations, and she herself endows the relationship with cordiality. All that is needed to maintain friendship is for Sagittarius to avoid sharp statements, and Libra to try to stabilize their mood - a woman friend is not able to act as a shock absorber in controversial situations.

Friendly compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Libra men in work love to be lazy and shirk their duties, but if they overcome their vices, they reach the heights of success. Scales are contact, soft in appearance, so they have a good relationship in the team. They do not like responsibility, so they feel great in the role of subordinates.

But Sagittarius in business feels like a fish in water. It is difficult to imagine such women in the role of a housewife, they are careerists. Thanks to his perseverance and deep interest in the professional field, he often achieves leadership positions.

The working relationship will be most effective if the Libra guy is a subordinate, and the Sagittarius girl is the leader. So both signs can be realized as much as possible, while being in positions that are comfortable for themselves.

Business compatibility: 5 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

In practice, brother-sister relationships do not always turn out to be as rosy as they could be. Sagittarius should not be tried to explicitly subdue, otherwise this sign will rebel. Libra needs to show a tact unusual for them in order to force the representative of the fire element to act in accordance with his plans.

Sometimes a Sagittarius woman can afford to shift the responsibility to a Libra man, especially when it comes to a more mature emotional partner. Sagittarians seem unreliable to Libra because they are constantly on the move, passionate about a dozen different ideas, but this is just a desire to develop and move forward. Libra, on the contrary, seems to be too changeable.

Best of all, these two signs are united by passion. Then Sagittarius' exactingness and Libra's desire to have fun can be fully realized. Stable relationships can only be made by the desire of partners to meet each other halfway.

Relationship Benefits

According to the horoscope, the benefits of a relationship between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman are based on best qualities these signs.

  1. tenderness, romance, sophistication;
  2. striving for harmony and avoidance of conflicts;
  3. responsibility and reliability;
  4. external and internal attractiveness;
  5. developed intuition.
  1. generosity;
  2. optimism;
  3. the desire to set and achieve hard-to-reach goals;
  4. passion;
  5. desire for education;
  6. daydreaming;
  7. easy attitude to failure.

These signs complement each other, but in order to achieve an ideal relationship, you need to overcome a number of insignificant, at first glance, trifles, such as Sagittarius' exactingness towards a partner and Libra's unwillingness to delve into all the spiritual experiences of her woman.

The planet Venus was named after the goddess of Her Majesty Love. It is she (Venus) who patronizes Libra and does it very responsibly and fruitfully. She endowed her wards with amazing charm, vitality and a certain amount of coquetry.

Sagittarius is patronized by Jupiter himself - the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. Perhaps that is why they are always short of everything. No, not because they are greedy. They just always want more and better than they have. Libra is always full of ideas and thoughts, this is their life.

Their element is air, but it is not some gentle breeze. This is a storm, a hurricane of thoughts and feelings sweeping away everything in its path. Sagittarians can be called quite hot guys. Their element - fire - pushes them to this. And it's not a flickering firefly. Rather striking and unpredictable lightning.

As many believe, the union between the fiery and air signs has every chance of becoming ideal. Astrologers also agree with this, air and flame may well complement and support each other. The union of Sagittarius and Libra can be considered a successful and very promising enterprise.

But as practice shows, time itself puts everything in its place. The stars first create such unions, and then observe with curiosity what will come of it!

Compatibility in love and marriage

He is a Libra, she is a Sagittarius

The union is very successful, although most people around doubt that it will last long. The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman differ significantly in their outlook on life. Still, their marriage can be unusually strong. A man simply adores his soul mate, pampers her and tries in every way to please.

Sometimes they look rather strange side by side. He is modest and shy. She is cheerful, active and cheerful. He is not at all notorious, he simply does not like to be the object of attention, preferring to watch from the sidelines. Compare and analyze, and most importantly - protect your beloved!

The compatibility of Libra men and Sagittarius women is quite high. This can be seen by observing their family life. They rarely conflict. They just have nothing to fight about! The girl likes the elegance and restraint of her lover.

He is delighted with her manners and generosity. They complement each other perfectly. The rudeness of a woman can spoil the life a little. She does not like to hide and expresses all claims directly. But, as a rule, quarrels because of this do not arise. The man will be offended, but, most likely, will remain silent.

They have every chance to live happily ever after. If only the representative of fire would curb her tough character a little. Otherwise, the insults of a man - Libra, can extinguish feelings and alienate him from his beloved. In order not to annoy each other, it would be nice to go on a picnic or visit friends.

He is a Sagittarius, she is a Libra

This set is almost perfect. These two notice each other from afar, immediately get to know each other and talk as if they have known each other since birth. They have a lot in common. This is amazing flexibility, love of freedom and unconventional thinking. At the same time, they both know how to hide their real feelings.

They have no problem finding a topic for conversation or some kind of joint activity. They will never get bored together. Sagittarius can be somewhat struck by the constant change in the mood of his beloved. But all this is successfully compensated by the amazing worldly wisdom and devotion of the girl.

Fire and Air complement each other, making life brighter and richer. They do not need to limit the freedom of a loved one. One day their souls will become so close that they will feel as one.

Negative aspects of the union

Most astrologers agree that the Libra-Sagittarius union is almost perfect. But with one note. At least one of the spouses must be successful. Usually this "heavy burden" is taken by Air. The fire is always trying to escape somewhere from such problems and obligations.

People around are constantly worried about the question, how can Sagittarius and Libra get along at all? Among such couples, gigolos very often come across. The most interesting thing is that the lovers themselves are not at all worried about this fact. They are ready to contain each other. As long as they are comfortable, and this is the main thing. They don't care who carries the money home.

With such amazing compatibility, it will still not be possible to completely avoid conflicts. The characters, however, are quite different. Libra is very indecisive, Sagittarius, on the contrary, needs to decide everything quickly, backhand. Sagittarians are not afraid to make mistakes, but Libra often has to take responsibility for these mistakes.


In sex

Despite some coldness of Libra, they are incredibly comfortable in the marriage bed with a hot and passionate Sagittarius. The sexual life of this couple is extremely rich and varied. They are great as sexual partners.

Sagittarius constantly surprises his soul mate, making relationships more colorful and diverse. In order to forget about the shortcomings of your halves, it is better to throw out excess energy in bed, which is what they are doing safely. Various fantasies and sexual innovations perfectly relieve their stress and make them closer.

in friendship

Men Libra and Sagittarius - the friendship of this couple can only be envied. But, as always, there is one caveat. They should have approximately the same social status. And it's not even about squeamishness or any self-interest.

They just value their reputation and position very much. If one of them got into a financial hole, got hooked on alcohol, drugs or committed a crime, it will mean only one thing - he no longer has a friend!

As for women. Sagittarius and Libra just love the attention, different activities, and shopping trips. This brings them somewhat closer, although the signs of Air, the energy of Fire is somewhat tiring.

Can a man and a woman be friends in this combination of signs? Why not. But the edge of this friendship is so thin that, almost always, it turns into a big and beautiful feeling called love.

In business

Fire and Air have very similar ways of working in finance, so it is likely that this duo will make a good career for themselves. The couple can easily organize their own enterprise. They will not have to think long, they will instantly form a common strategy and stick to it.

They invest equally in the case and without hesitation. They often have many useful connections, and the ability to think outside the box gives them the opportunity to find a way out of any situation. Libra loves to work in the same team with Sagittarius. Next to an active and confident person, they forget about their indecision.

Percent Compatibility

The compatibility of these two signs in love is almost perfect - 90%. As for marriage, the figure is slightly below 70%. Family life often requires something more from us than mutual sympathy and even love.

Often they start out as a normal friendship, but at one point they begin to realize that they can no longer do without each other. It happens that when they meet each other they are already married.

And then they sacrifice everything in order to be together. They leave their families, get divorced and go to each other. They are naive, gentle, boundlessly believe in their beloved.

And who will condemn them for this?

Libra and Sagittarius are separated by only one sign, which means the compatibility of their elements (in this case, Air and Fire) and, accordingly, personalities. They appreciate each other, especially for the ability to make others smile - both like to see the joy on people's faces. Sagittarius achieve this with their stories or spiritual revelations, and Libra with personal charm.

When fate brings Sagittarius women and Libra men together, mutual attraction immediately flares up between them. The eloquence of Sagittarius amuses Libra, who, however, does not believe a single word they say, although they never admit that they miss the substantive part of the conversation and simply enjoy the chatter of partners. A happy Sagittarius woman cares little about such selectivity of her interlocutor, because she knows that sooner or later the Libra man will be in his hands.

That's right... Sagittarians know how to flirt and, noticing a spark of interest, they will fan the flame until it turns into a kind of forest fire. Libra, of course, is too reserved to openly express passion, but they themselves love it when others do it. These two instantly find contact with each other, and a mutually beneficial exchange begins between them. Sagittarius women can use some of their partner's recommendations in terms of subtleties of behavior: for example, how to properly demonstrate your interest in the object of sighing - in something, and in this area you will not find a better expert than Libra men. And vice versa. After all, if Libra really wants to give themselves free rein, they need, following the example of Sagittarius, to learn to be indifferent to the opinions of others. In the absence of unforeseen difficulties, this union will bring a lot of pleasure to both.

Libra men are leaders. Sagittarius women - followers. Together, these two can achieve anything. The problems between them disappear when both honestly try to understand themselves first, and only then evaluate the people who occupy a prominent place in the life of a partner.

Sagittarius women need someone who is able to appreciate their true fortitude. They do not want to prove anything, but they need a partner who would give them the opportunity to strengthen their own importance. Inspired, so to speak. Libra men have a natural tendency to notice the good in everyone, but when they have a close connection with a particular person, they are forced to focus only on their partner. However, it should be understood that romantic relationships do not mean abandoning the perception of the rest of life, on the contrary, they allow outside energies to become part of the being of the beloved.

Sagittarius women do not have to scream in pain to be heard, because Libra men like it when people close to them are healthy and frank. They will be able to subtly correct the social awkwardness of their partners, but Sagittarius must know that they will avoid suffering if they follow their mentor. Sagittarians bring magic to their relationship, and in return they acquire sophistication. Subject to the preservation of a certain personal freedom of each, these two will be able to continue to give each other miracles.

Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

This couple is characterized by expressiveness of feelings and experiences. The erotic component of a relationship can take on rather distorted forms when the sexual attraction becomes too aggressive and impatient. If you do not take into account the possible difficulties of this bright union, we can say that the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman have a very high chance of a happy marriage. In it, a woman will take an active position, and a man will appreciate her virtues, which he does not have. They say about such a union: "The wife of her husband is the crown."

When the horoscopes of lovers are superimposed, Venus and Jupiter enter into interaction - a symbol of the comparison of such elemental phenomena as Dawn and Thunderstorm. The Jupiterian woman has a craving for conflict with the opposite sex, and not only. Very often, in the process of the so-called struggle, she subconsciously “assesses” the merits of the future partner. And before becoming a partner of a Venusian man, she will surely “throw lightning” and subject him to more than one test. The main emphasis is on proving the strength of the feminine natural principle. The Sagittarius woman in this case has the archetype of the wayward Carmen, who caused such a terrible wrath of the male character in this love story ...

There are intelligent Libras, there are artistic Libras, there are sensitive Libras, hovering in the clouds. All these types of Venusians hope to see the Sagittarius woman in a more feminine and sophisticated way. A fiery woman can scare them away already on the first date. Especially if she has such a trait typical of her Sign as straightforwardness and straightforwardness (Libra usually takes this for vulgarity). Yes, he finds her definitely vulgar or tactless, in some situations she lacks sophistication, a sense of proportion and tact. She, in turn, believes that his sense of beauty is just aesthetic whims and snobbery. It must be admitted that it is really difficult for a Venusian to overcome the thick layer of his "aesthetic" predilections without getting stuck in it.

The next type of Libra very often becomes the lover of a Sagittarius woman. An explicit or hidden conflict in a relationship is implied, it is also an impetus for the onset of intimacy, as it becomes an exciting factor. At the first stage, Sagittarius can provoke Libra into rather strange behavior that is not characteristic of him, contrary to his calm nature. He can practice everything that could make his sympathy more convincing in her eyes. However, Venus is the most tempting source of pleasure for Jupiter, so the Sagittarius lady can also resort to some "female" forms of courtship in order to possess the man she likes. Sexual compatibility in this couple is achieved thanks to the female side, thanks to her attraction and interest.

From the point of view of sexual Astrology, the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman are an energetically oversaturated union, and in order for the lovers not to be tempted to waste energy on the fight, they should focus on the intimate side of the relationship, which they successfully do. They can alternate traditional sex with deviations from the conventionally accepted norm. Their unorthodox approach to sex can serve both as an entertainment function and as a way to relieve psychological stress.

As you can see, this union offers some unexpected ideas about relationships, and even non-standard types of declarations of love! And, alas, new myths about happiness. The strength of their feelings can only be envied, some mixture of ecstasy and mysteries, but a stormy sexual romance is unlikely to develop into marriage, a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man can quickly “burn out” in these relationships. As soon as one of them introduces each other as a spouse, they literally have a presentiment that an unpleasant "alteration" of their partner awaits them. I would like to correct, correct something in each other, but there is neither the strength nor the desire for this.

For a harmonious family union, they should be guided by common sense from the very beginning, and not try to “plunge into” another fresh stream of passion. The absence of passions for them is even in some way useful and does not mean boredom at all. In marriage, the energy impulse of the past is preserved! It's just that the partners easily switch to the device of the hearth, form their own family traditions, partly spend too much time and effort on making money, then they reap the fruits of their efforts with pleasure. Such a marriage is the embodiment of happiness, but not given from above, but deserved and created with one's own hands. From a passionate militant beauty, Sagittarius turns into a faithful, energetic wife. They can make decisions together and implement them together, but Libra gives the main reins of government to Sagittarius, and does not feel any discomfort from this. The main thing is that she does not exceed the boundaries of his ambition.

The Libra woman is trying hard to improve her well-being, trying to eradicate all the shortcomings in herself, and the Sagittarius man does not notice even half of the problems that his chosen one is working on. His optimism charges both throughout their life together, her romantic nature brings an atmosphere of love into their life. The stars confidently predict their 100% compatibility.

Sagittarius man Libra woman compatibility in love

Sagittarians love new experiences, constant movement and positive people around. The Libra woman shares such preferences and with her romantic nature makes the life of Sagittarius a continuous daily holiday that they love so much. Union woman Libra man Sagittarius will always stand out among ordinary couples, this harmonious tandem does everything together and looks happy to the envy of others. Relatives often notice that after meeting, both of them begin to glow in a special way, the girl becomes prettier, and the man becomes more stately.

The Sagittarius guy in this love relationship completely takes on the responsibilities of a man whom you want to follow. He is a true adventurer and thrill that the Sagittarius man and the Libra woman love so much. The lady will take care of the peace of mind between them, protect their love from envious glances, which will be many on their way. He will work to improve well-being, quality of life, and she will think about how to keep peace, stability and high spirits for every family member in the house. The charm emanating from the Sagittarius man Libra woman infects their social circle, other couples will want to know the secret of such warmth and mutual understanding.

For a more detailed forecast, it is better to compare the personal horoscopes of the Sagittarius man and the Libra girl, but now we can safely say that together they can conquer any peak.

Compatibility male Sagittarius and female Libra in sex has high rate. Leading here, of course, will be the guy Sagittarius, and the lady born under the sign of Libra is responsible for the inspiration and atmosphere. air element only helps the fiery Sagittarius start up with a half turn. They have several moments in their intimate life that they look at differently. The first is emancipation.

The Libra girl is quite shy, especially until she is completely confident in her partner. This applies to her appearance, features and preferences in sex. What can not be said about Sagittarius, who bears little resemblance to a shy person. Even in the presence of complexes or imperfections, he will not pay attention to this and, moreover, be embarrassed. The second is chart incompatibility. If Sagittarius is constantly on the move or cannot pay enough attention to his partner, she may start looking for another lover.

Libra women can turn a man on with just a smile, a look, or a verbal flirt. He has a talent that can destroy all her insecurities and self-doubts. Sagittarians know how to act persistently, but at the same time not boldly or rudely, and Libra can look seductive without demonstrating depraved behavior. Together they manage to please both themselves and each other.

After years of relationship, the Sagittarius Libra man will be able to remain attractive and desirable, and sincere love will only add fire and passion to their bed.

Family life with Sagittarius man and Libra woman

The Sagittarius man does not really strive for marriage, in every possible way delaying this event under various pretexts, although he understands that he is unlikely to achieve such compatibility with another woman. Any obligation is a direct threat to his freedom and plans for the future. In addition, in his opinion, family life is full of routine, everyday household chores and there is no place for diversity. In addition, there is a type of Sagittarius men who are not always sure that the current partner is his destiny. And at the thought that he can fall in love with someone, but at the same time be shackled by an official marriage, he is puzzled by the problem. And Libra, like any ordinary woman, wants home comfort and a real family in which she will feel protected and needed next to her beloved man. This woman is confident in her feelings and expects reciprocal fidelity from her husband, counting on decency and a sense of responsibility. Therefore, Sagittarius will make an offer to his chosen one either after thinking it over carefully, or spontaneously and on emotions. The Sagittarius husband turns out to be exemplary, especially if the man already had experience love relationship married and at the same time he is spiritually mature.

A woman knows how to find an approach to her man, show affection and care in time, and her husband provides for the whole family, taking care of her and the children. Conflicts can only arise if Sagittarians allow themselves to flirt with other ladies or devote too much time to work. And Libra is not satisfied with the frivolous attitude of his chosen one to money matters.

Each other's company brings a lot of color and variety to everyday life. Sagittarians will all the time hint at romantic dates to their girlfriend, and they may refuse for a long time, although the offer may seem quite attractive to her. With a light supply of playful mood and an attractive look of a Libra girl, a short romance or a long-term relationship may arise between them. Even if the passion ends, they can return to friendship again. Many people dream of such a sincere friendship, Sagittarius and Libra are always ready to lend a helping hand to their girlfriend or friend.

Business union signs

How a business couple, Sagittarius and Libra find mutual language just as quickly as in other areas. They are both creative, active and enterprising employees. If a woman can’t cope or Sagittarius sees that she is tired, then she will undoubtedly help her by taking on some of the work. The Sagittarius man will not incite his colleague, spread rumors or weave intrigues, even if he wants to take her place. Joint business will also be successful and productive.

Libra is purposeful, but sometimes they lack perseverance and audacity in business, but Sagittarius just have all the necessary qualities. The only thing they lack is patience and restraint. They often try to "sit on several chairs" at the same time, but here the endurance and responsibility of Libra will come to the rescue.

In general, they complement each other like no one else. Oddly enough, but Sagittarius is not at all against working under the authority of Libra. They can perfectly perform tasks that are difficult to entrust to someone else. This is a real find for a woman leader, because this subordinate will always help out colleagues and superiors, the feeling of fear or shame is alien to him. When Sagittarius is in charge, success in business depends on several conditions. The first is if Libra is not annoyed by the habit of Sagittarius to make illogical, hasty decisions. The second is if Sagittarians can delegate authority and completely entrust part of the work to Libra, allowing them to make their own decisions and show creative inclinations.

There is one “but” in a business tandem: Sagittarius can begin to delicately hint at Libra about a romantic relationship, show signs of attention and flirt with a Libra girl.

A Sagittarius man can achieve a lot if his woman will support, inspire and gently guide her man in the right direction. In appearance, this fragile girl has a fairly strong character, which is why she risks taking on the role of leader in the family. In this case, a man can relax and enjoy his freedom, while the important decisions are made by the Libra woman. The wife should not try to re-educate her chosen one, but it is better to find a compromise.

Because of the loving nature and manner of this man to communicate with the fair sex, a woman can torment herself and his fits of jealousy, scandals on this basis. A fire sign man must understand that such behavior offends his beloved woman, and Libra, in turn, must accept the features of her soulmate and pay more attention to them, showing love.

Another point of contention in their union will be the money issue. Sagittarians are noble spenders, and Libra does not understand such an addiction to beautiful life. To maintain relationships and harmony in the house, the couple needs to immediately discuss all the nuances of living together and remember that true love can survive any trials.

Balance and temperament, diplomacy and adventurism, air and fire - is it possible for two people with such different zodiac characteristics to get along, whether they are lovers, spouses or just work colleagues? The stars know the answer to this question. With certain psychological efforts on both sides, the Libra man and Sagittarius woman will easily find both professional harmony and personal happiness if both are interested in finding compromises.

love compatibility

The Libra man is not one of those who, in order to conquer a woman, does crazy things. He will not throw millions of roses at the object of his sympathy, he will not materialize on her balcony on the 9th floor, climbing up the drainpipe, and he will not offer to drop everything right now and go for a day to the sea coast a thousand kilometers away. Perhaps he would really like this, but for some reason he is sure that a good restaurant, fine wine or an invitation to a presentation will be preferable for his chosen one. In addition, for Libra men striving for harmony in everything, it is important not only with whom to spend time, but also where and how. Moreover, this “how” must comply with certain status norms. Male Libras need to impress. So if he makes an appointment, then the lady can be sure that the evening will succeed. At least she won't be ashamed, embarrassed and bored. On the contrary, the Libra man knows how to conduct a conversation, knows a lot about treats, and if he likes a woman, he will do everything to hear “yes” in response to a question about a second date.

It’s a paradox, but a Sagittarius woman, with all her temperament, craving for adventure and frivolous spontaneity, can be interested in all offers from Libra men precisely because of her independence. Exquisite perfume as a gift? Why not. Silk sheets versus salty beach sand? Easy. The Sagittarius lady will easily agree to anything, because she is free and independent in her actions and desires. But at the same time, she knows her own worth and understands where the line is, crossing which one can cause public condemnation. In this sense Libra man's love for Sagittarius woman has a very good chance of germination. Whether this story will continue depends on both of them.

Sagittarians are attracted to material independence, but Libra also strives for it. Sagittarians like men with dignity, and Libra knows how to gain positive social status in unstable conditions. modern life. At the same time, he has all the talents of a failed romantic, but quite a successful aesthete, and at any moment she can switch from the “eccentric egoist” mode to the “practical housewife” mode. It would be for someone to try.

Sexual Compatibility

Sexy Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man Sign Compatibility no less controversial. Fiery passionate Sagittarius is not particularly worried about casual sexual relationships, if these relationships do not infringe on his feminine dignity. Cautious, but subject to the elements of the wind, light Libra cannot boast of spontaneity in sex, but still they will try to gracefully persuade their partner to ensure that their evening has an intimate continuation.

Sagittarius women love and know how to flirt and seduce. Impulsive activity is about them. Libra is not so skillful in the technique of seduction, but if they like a woman, they will find the right words to conquer her. What you can’t refuse Libra is the ability to carry on conversations on any topic. They believe that the way to a woman's heart is through her ears and that with the right romantic setting, anyone can become accessible. However, if the plan of the Libra men fails to materialize, they are not too upset. They simply decide that this is not their woman, and go in search of another harmonious partner.

But if Sagittarius girl and Libra man still find themselves in the same bed, this does not mean that all the difficulties of understanding are left behind. At first, the romantic component will be completely unimportant to her, because in the life of a female archer there can be “just sex, and nothing personal.” And he, on the contrary, will strive to build such relationships in which both sex and personal would be in reasonable proportions. For him, the partner's feelings are as important as his own, and one of the leading roles is assigned to the foreplay. And sex itself is important for her, and the result for her beloved is preferable to everything else.

At the same time, both are not alien to experiments. It’s just that the Libra man dreams about them more often than he practices, and the Sagittarius woman can directly say what she wants.

The danger is that if her selfishness and his accuracy prevail over everything else, then they will part with a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with each other. But if both are ready to listen to the desires and hopes of a partner, then a very stable couple can turn out. The Sagittarius woman knows how to be faithful, and the Libra man knows how to provide her with a reliable rear.

At work and at home

We are one team - this is the motto of almost every long-term Fire-Air family. Passing the test of time compatibility couples men - libra and sagittarius woman will only get stronger over the years. He is reliable, balanced, non-conflict. She is active, easy-going, proactive. They will perfectly fill the gaps in each other and will easily be able to build their own fortress house by joint efforts. And so that their family boat does not crash into everyday life, which is somewhat more important for Libra than for Sagittarius, you need to think over its organization in advance. The Libra man will easily agree to the distribution of responsibilities, and the Sagittarius woman will be happy with any modern technology in the house.

Very congenial and professional horoscope couples Libra man Sagittarius woman. Their business relations as equal colleagues are close to ideal, because it is important for both to achieve recognition in their work, and he and the other are not inclined to sort things out. At the same time, the air scales will kindle the enthusiasm of the fiery archer, and the archer, in turn, will inspire the scales to professional exploits.

If a Sagittarius woman is higher in position, then she can formulate tasks in such a way that her Libra subordinate simply does not have a chance to perform them poorly. Harder to build professional relationship in a pair where Libra men command Sagittarius women, because the first lacks healthy adventurism, and the second lacks creative freedom. But even in this situation, they can find a common language if they trust each other.

Wherever fate brings these two signs of the zodiac together, they will not be bored with each other. Yes, they are different, but they can always be together.