January 26 who according to the horoscope. Women of the air element

  • January 26th were born

    many famous people who left their mark on the history of mankind, among which

  • Very attentively, with pleasure I looked at all the answers of the authors. I note that answering a series of questions about celebrity DR is a pleasure!!! To see popular bright stars in the photographs, to rejoice together with those who celebrate their personal holiday from living birthdays - what could be better, more positive?!

    And now I share the joy of such eminent people as

    charming actress Larisa Luppian, which I fell in love with immediately when I saw in the movie Late meeting (Urgently required White hair) in a duet with Alexei Batalov,

    Frame from the movie Late meeting.

    charming actress Natalya Vavilova, her Alexandra from the film Moscow does not believe in tears, we will not forget, just like the song of Alexander from this film,

    Frame from the movie Moscow does not believe in tears.

    talented journalist and TV presenter Leonid Parfenov, he is 55 years old!

    Anniversary with his beloved family.

    Of those who were not named, I want to introduce such stars as

    (from the departed) Soviet and Russian actor of the Satire Theater, as he is called a dubbing actor (several dozen films and cartoons, voice acting), Vladimir Radchenko (1942- 2004),

    (from living) Soviet and Russian guitarist, songwriter, member of the group Chizh amp; co Mikhail Vladimirov.

    Happy birthday to all the birthday people! Health and creative success!!!

    well-known TV presenter, journalist Leonid Parfyonov,

    actress Natalya Vavilova, her most famous role is Alexandra in the film Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears,

    actress, People's Artist, wife of Mikhail Boyarsky Larisa Luppian,

    famous Soviet director Yuri Ozerov,

    American actor Paul Newman.

    Paul Newman was born in Ohio in 1925 and played Butch Cassidy in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Luke Jackson in Cool Hand Luke, and Doug Roberts in Hell in the Sky.

    in 1960, producer and journalist Leonid Parfyonov, author of the television cycle Namedni

    Sarah Rue, an actress born in New York in 1979, played Stephanie on The Big Bang Theory, Shira Cole on Private Practice, and Carmen Ferrara on The Best.

    Colin Odonoghue was born in Ireland in 1981 and played Captain Hook in Once Upon a Time, Mike Corwick in The Rite, and Duke Philip of Bavaria in The Tudors.

    Born in Virginia in 1984, actress Kelly Barrett played Renée Wheley on Chicago Fire, Hana Atwood on Made in Jersey, and Trishta on Ugly Betty.

    in 1986, Miss Ukraine Lyudmila Bikmullina was born, who played in the movie Sokolova in the TV series Big Sister, Isabella in the TV series I'll Get Married Urgently and Julia in the movie 1000 Mile Race

    Born in London in 1986, actress Alix Wilton Regan, who played Lean in The Zombie Diaries 2: The World of the Dead, and Michelle in the TV series The Virtuosi

    in 1993, the actress Anna Proskurina was born, who played Katya in the TV series The Moscow Decameron, Nastya in the TV series Search and Lyalya in the TV series Travelers 3

    in 2000, the now sought-after actress Piper Mackenzie Harris was born in Texas, who played Chelsea in the Foster series, Bernadette Doyle in the TV series Lie to Me and Penny in Darwin's Mission and in a dozen other series.

    Natalya Vavilova- Soviet film actress. Moscow does not believe in tears - perhaps her most famous film work, by which she is recognized as Anna Tikhomirova - the daughter of the main character.

    Anna Bolshova- Russian actress. She can be seen in the following films and TV shows: Ensign, or -mo, Marry a General, Stop on Demand and many other film works.

    Paul Newman- American actor, director, producer. He is known as the owner of the most blue eyes throughout the history of cinema.

    Larisa Luppian is a Soviet and Russian actress. But she is more known as the wife of Mikhail Boyarsky. To be honest, I don't remember her in the movie.

    Leonid ParfnovRussian journalist, TV presenter. During his career, he created a number of good projects - the Russian Empire, Namedni. It is currently in deep disgrace.

    Wayne Gretzky One of the most legendary players in the history of hockey. He played as a center forward and is the author of many records for goals scored and especially assists. He is called one of the best athletes of the 20th century.

    Jose Mourinho- Portuguese football player, but better known as a coach. I won the Champions League with such a mediocre club as Porto, which included Dmitry Alenichev. Currently unemployed After being fired from Chelsea. He is famous for the defensive construction of the game of his teams and the game on counterattacks. Considered one of the best coaches modernity.

    1). Canadian actor Cameron (or Cameron) Bright (born in 1993). He played in the Twilight Saga, also in the series 4400 (4400), Dark Angel, and in the films The Butterfly Effect, Little Glory and The Talisman.

    2). Mexican racing driver Sergio Perez (born in 1990).

    3).Rus. producer (STS Media) Vyacheslav Murugov (born in 1969).

    4).Rus. actress Larisa Maslova (born 1968). Basically, he performs in the theater.

    5).Amer. actor Paul Newman (born 1926). Played Message in a Bottle, Long Hot Summer and, of course, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

    Swedish actor Bjrn Andresen was born on January 26

    It happened in 1955, in the city of Stockholm, Sweden.

    His full name is *Bjrn Johan*.

    The actor began acting in films at a very young age, when he was only fifteen years old, and his first film was the film *Love Story*, which was released in 1970, and was directed by Roy Anderson.

    Not passed by the actor and world fame.

    He became famous after the role of *Tadzio* in the film *Death in Venice* by the famous director Visconti Luchini.

    This film was an adaptation of a literary work, a story by Thomas Mann called *Death in Venice*

    He is married and has a daughter (her name is Robin).

    Born on this day

    Laura Christensen is a Danish actress.

    Konrad Kujawski - Polish theater and film actor.

    Laszlo Menszaros - Hungarian theater and film actor.

    Bernhard Minetti - German actor.

    Peter Morskoy - Screenwriter, actor.

    Yuri Ozerov - Film director, screenwriter.

    Waldemar Podgurski is a Polish film director.

    Leonid Parfnov - Journalist, TV presenter.

    William Prince - American actor.

    Edward Sosna - Polish theater and film actor.

    On January 26, 1921, Yuri Ozerov, a Soviet film director, creator of the famous film epic Liberation, was born in Moscow.

    Yuri Ozerov's father was a famous opera singer, his brother, Nikolai Ozerov, became a famous sports commentator. Yuri Ozerov himself in 1939 entered the Institute theatrical art(GITIS), but was soon drafted into the army. Then the war began, which Yuri Ozerov graduated with the rank of major. After the war, he graduated from the directing department of VGIK. Since 1949, he began working at the Mosfilm film studio.

    IN last years war, Yuri Ozerov was an artillery fire co-ordinator. Being at specially equipped observation posts, he directed the fire of our batteries. Huge panoramas of battles opened up before his eyes. To embody it on the screen became his cherished dream.

    This is how the famous film epic Liberation, consisting of five films, appeared. The first of them - the Fiery Arc - was released in 1969. The final - the last assault - in 1971.

    The epic is considered one of the most reliable films about the Great Patriotic war. Indeed, direct participants in those events took part in its creation, who considered it their duty to reproduce as accurately as possible all the details of that time: from buttons on tunics to the construction of dugouts and trenches.

    1. In 1959, the actress Natalya Vavilova was born, famous for her work in the films: Don’t go, girls, get married, We weren’t married in the church, Train out of schedule, Victory, My chosen one, Doctor’s apprentice, Driver for one flight, High water, Invasion, Heavy water, Draw, Such high mountains.

    I remember Natalia Vavilova from the instructive film Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, who played the role of the daughter of Katerina and Rachkov named Alexandra.

    Now the actress is not filming due to a spinal injury on the set of the film Nikolai Podvoisky.

    2. In 1976, the birthday of the Russian Moscow actress Anna Bolshova, filmed: Fortune telling by candlelight, Women on the verge, Hot ice, Marry a general, Mommy, Yermolov, Matchmaker, My personal enemy, With new happiness 1, 2, Stop by requirement 1, 2, Perfect couple, Life goes on, Huntsman, Love and fears of Mary.

    3. In 1953, an ode to Larisa Luppian, mother of actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya. Filmed: Your own alien life, Capercaillie.

    actor Paul Newman 1925

    football coach Jose Mourinho 1963

    hockey player Wayne Gretsky 1961

    actor Paul Johanson

People, on January 26, always change their lives very quickly and sometimes even thoughtlessly. As a rule, the sign of the zodiac on January 26 is the sign of rebels, people who always oppose society and its principles, do not take someone else's position if it is fundamentally at odds with the position of Aquarius.

Aquarius, the sign of the zodiac on January 26, always subconsciously feels when they lie to him or do not accept his views and ideas, and therefore tries to avoid communicating with such people. January 26 imposes a certain shade on people - everyone born on this day simply cannot stand flattery in any of its forms and attempts to imitate. Aquarians are rarely alone, because they are literally fueled by energy from other people. The one who was born on January 26 is a wonderful friend, and Aquarians are equally successful friends with both men and women, while close friendship cannot be broken even by marriage.
People on January 26 love to be in nature, but at the same time they are true city dwellers who could hardly live in the countryside.
The sign of the zodiac January 26 Aquarius is a tall and handsome person, with very transparent skin, a fairly large head, straight blond hair and bright eyes, with a very fast and even swift, but at the same time clumsy gait.

In love, Aquarians are quite closed, very often they dream more about love and romantic relationships, and do not work on changing existing ones. Each new representative chosen on January 26 is his ideal, and Aquarius sincerely believes in this. However, over time, Aquarians still find flaws in their second half, and this sincerely disappoints those whose birthday fell on January 26th.
Even married Aquarians prefer not to talk about their marital status and do not wear rings. Aquarians rarely work on family relationships, it is easier for them to bring joy to strangers than to their family and loved ones. Among those born on January 26, there is the highest divorce rate associated with their strong attachment to friends and very little attachment to family. Both a man and a woman born on January 26 equally want freedom and in the same way do not pay attention to the opinion of their surroundings, and even those closest to them.
People born on January 26 are very inquisitive, always striving to learn something new, but having studied the object of interest to the end, Aquarius becomes uninteresting.
Aquarians are very active externally, but at the same time internally they prefer to simply observe from the sidelines and draw appropriate conclusions. Those born on January 26 do not need the center of attention, however, views and beliefs that are specific and unusual for society always attract a wide variety of people.

Very often, Aquarians are original not only in their thoughts and words, but also in concessions, and even in their way of life. Aquarius loves to play the role of a jester and a clown in public, amusing everyone around. The whole life of those born on January 26 is a continuous change.
There are many vegetarians among such people, because they sincerely love nature, understand all its processes and patterns.
Most often, the zodiac sign on January 26 Aquarius suffers from frequent and prolonged colds, various types allergies, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, heart, legs.
Often, representatives of the Aquarius sign have a very poor memory, but at the same time they try to remember all the information around them to the maximum.
Aquarians are thrifty with money, they hate to take even small amounts, they themselves also prefer not to lend money. However, if you still borrowed from such a person, then make every effort to return the money on time, otherwise you can make yourself an enemy for the rest of your life.

Controversial personalities born on January 26 are most often aggressive and self-confident. At times, it seems that the purposefulness of such Aquarians is fantastically limitless. Those born on this day rarely worry about whether someone is standing in their way or if the path is clear. Specialists in surprise attacks, they usually attack using their full energy potential. However, as strategists, they never strike "blindly", preferring to carefully plan their actions.

In many ways, for Aquarians born on January 26, morality, as a moral category, simply does not exist, which sometimes becomes the source of many problems. When they begin to lead without taking into account the opinions of influential people, this often causes strong protest from the latter. If those born on January 26 manage to become more human in relation to others, there will be much less resistance from society.

From the moment of striking onwards, Aquarians born on January 26 are absolutely sure that they are right. However, they should try not to harm other people - both psychologically and physically - because some of them, acting decisively and quickly, sometimes do not answer for their actions. That is why their loved ones so often experience internal discomfort, not being completely confident in their partners. Until January 26th born Aquarians become more open so that others can understand their intentions and give the right advice in a timely manner, friends and spouses will need to communicate with them.

Tense situations seem to attract Aquarians born on January 26th. They feel where events are happening and rarely miss an opportunity to participate in them. This is determined by their character traits, but these people need to acquire a philosophical approach to life. They are sure that it will be exactly as they intended, until they turn to inner, deeper motives and needs.

Parents can admire their children, pamper them and have fun with them. However, at the same time, they often show excessive authority. Since the Aquarius born on January 26 themselves do not always obey their parents, they provoke disobedience from their own children.

Aquarians born on January 26th usually manage to successfully combine professional activity with family life and love. For the spiritual development of these individuals, it is important to find a compromise between professional vocation and personal interests.


Those born on the twenty-sixth day of the month are influenced by the number 8 (2+6=8) and the planet Saturn. Since Saturn endows his charges with responsibility and caution, as well as a sense of proportion and fatalism, this is manifested in the special conservatism of the imperiousness of those whose number is 8. The combined effect of Saturn and Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) gives vitality and activity. As a rule, those ruled by the number 8 build their lives and careers gradually and carefully, moving from stage to stage, however this is not entirely true for those born on January 26, as they are more impulsive. In fact, generous and warm-hearted, these people are outwardly cold and reserved, due to the influence of Saturn.


Strength is the eighth card of the Major Arcana. It depicts a graceful Queen taming an angry lion. The queen personifies a female magician, able to control recalcitrant energies and symbolizes moral and physical strength. The positive attributes of the card include a pronounced charisma and desire for success. Negative qualities: indicate complacency and abuse of power.


Being temperamental people, Aquarians born on January 26 should be especially careful. Because of their violent energy, they can both attract people and repel them. Most often, those born on January 26 are prone to diseases of the legs, especially the ankles. Injuries and minor injuries can subsequently lead to severe pain, which creates the risk of embolism. Contemplative or spiritual training will help control energy and direct it constructively. You should reduce your consumption of meat and sugar, and in your diet it is better to be based on cereals and vegetables. Only moderate exercise is beneficial. In sports competitions, you should be especially careful. In the life of Aquarius born on January 26, love has a very importance they value honest, devoted friendship no less. If everything goes well in this respect, the state of the nervous system will not cause them much trouble.

Develop your humanity. Learn to relax and enjoy life. Giving in to weaknesses sometimes lightens the burden of everyday life. Stay calm and connected with the feelings and sensations of others.


Activity, self-confidence, sensuality.


Destructiveness, dictatorial habits, obsession.

Day of militant affairs.

January 26 celebrity birthday- actress Anna Bolshova, actor Paul Newman, actor Dorian Gregory, actress Natalia Vavilova, football coach Jose Mourinho, hockey player Wayne Gretzky, actress Lucia Mendez

The nature of Aquarius born on January 26- Controversial personalities born on January 26 are most often aggressive and self-confident. At times it seems that their determination is fantastically limitless. Those born on this day rarely worry about whether someone is standing in their way or if the path is clear. Specialists in surprise attacks, they usually attack using their full energy potential. However, as strategists, they never strike blindly, preferring to carefully plan their actions.

What are the people whose zodiac sign is January 26th? In many ways, for those born on January 26, morality as a moral category simply does not exist, which sometimes becomes the source of many problems. When they begin to lead without taking into account the opinions of influential people, this often causes strong protest from the latter. If those born on January 26 manage to become more human in relation to others, there will be much less resistance from society.

From the moment of striking and beyond, those born on January 26 are absolutely sure that they are right. However, they should try not to harm other people - both psychologically and physically - because some of them, acting decisively and quickly, sometimes do not answer for their actions. That is why their loved ones so often experience internal discomfort, not being completely confident in their partners. Until people born on January 26 become more open so that others can understand their intentions and give the right advice in a timely manner, it will be difficult for friends and spouses to communicate with them.

Tense situations seem to attract those born on January 26th. They feel where events are happening and rarely miss an opportunity to participate in them. This is determined by their character traits, but these people need to acquire a philosophical approach to life. People whose birthday is January 26th are sure that it will be exactly as they intended, until they turn to inner, deeper motives and needs.

Parents can admire their children, pamper them and have fun with them. However, at the same time, they often show excessive authority. Since those born on January 26 themselves do not always obey their parents, they provoke disobedience on the part of their own children.

Those born on January 26 usually manage to successfully combine professional activities with family life and love. For the spiritual development of these individuals, it is important to find a compromise between professional vocation and personal interests.

Advice for Aquarius born on January 26th- Develop your humanity. Learn to enjoy life. Concession to weaknesses flies around the burden of everyday life. Keep calm.

This period helps to fully manifest all positive qualities, endowing a person with determination, healthy perseverance, optimism and an easy attitude to life. If you were born on January 26, your zodiac sign is Aquarius, and you can be described as a creative person, extraordinary in every way, but at the same time incredibly organized and collected. You know perfectly well what you need from life and how to get it, your activity and cheerfulness inspire and energize those around you, they will willingly follow you.

Sometimes it may seem that people born on January 26 do not know what a sense of proportion is, and are ready to give everything to achieve some goal. There is some truth in this, in order to get what they want, they will sweep away any obstacles. They are not one of those who wait for a good opportunity, they create it themselves, at any cost, ignoring moral standards and other people's interests.

An excellent tactician and strategist, incredibly prudent and hardworking, able to zealously fight for a warm place - this is what kind of person is born on January 26: the zodiac sign gives him great vitality, stamina and an incredibly insightful mind. They never look for easy ways, enjoying overcoming difficulties, in the heat of the struggle they can be ruthless. Therefore, Aquarius, who were born on January 26, need to cultivate empathy, a sense of responsibility to others, recognize not only their own undeniable rightness, instill high ethical values.

It is worth noting that the zodiac sign of people born on January 26 endows them with very contradictory qualities. On the one hand, they are tough and unprincipled towards others when they achieve what they want, but on the other hand, they are excellent family men who are ready to do a lot for the well-being of their home. But even here their duality is manifested: they are ready to ensure material well-being, pamper and provide all kinds of assistance to their relatives, but at the same time they claim the role of an absolute leader, they strive to unanimously make all important decisions. This often leads to serious family conflicts and disagreements. They have enough vitality to achieve success in business, and create a prosperous family in all respects. People who were born on the twenty-sixth of January will never experience material difficulties, the money itself floats into their hands, they are simply created for high, responsible posts.

Zodiac Sign January 26 - Aquarius

Controversial personalities born on January 26 are most often aggressive and self-confident. At times it seems that their determination is fantastically limitless. Those born on this day rarely worry about whether someone is standing in their way or if the path is clear. Specialists in surprise attacks, they usually attack using their full energy potential. However, as strategists, they never strike blindly, preferring to carefully plan their actions.

In many ways, for those born on January 26, morality as a moral category simply does not exist, which sometimes becomes the source of many problems. When they begin to lead without taking into account the opinions of influential people, this often causes strong protest from the latter. If those born on January 26 manage to become more human in relation to others, there will be much less resistance from society.

From the moment of striking and beyond, those born on January 26 are absolutely sure that they are right. However, they should try not to harm other people - both psychologically and physically - because some of them, acting decisively and quickly, sometimes do not answer for their actions. That is why their loved ones so often experience internal discomfort, not being completely confident in their partners. Until those born on January 26 become more open so that others can understand their intentions and give the right advice in a timely manner, it will be difficult for friends and spouses to communicate with them.

Tense situations seem to attract those born on January 26th. They feel where events are happening and rarely miss an opportunity to participate in them. This is determined by their character traits, but these people need to acquire a philosophical approach to life. They are sure that it will be exactly as they intended, until they turn to inner, deeper motives and needs.

Parents can admire their children, pamper them and have fun with them. However, at the same time, they often show excessive authority. Since those born on January 26 themselves do not always obey their parents, they provoke disobedience on the part of their own children. Those born on January 26 usually manage to successfully combine professional activities with family life and love. For the spiritual development of these individuals, it is important to find a compromise between professional vocation and personal interests.

Love and Compatibility

The propensity for inconstancy in matters of the heart speaks, among other things, of the need for change and diversity. You need to be patient to follow the situation as it develops, and not rush off and regret it later.

You lead an active life, love meeting with strangers and varied experiences. Your ideal partner should keep you interested and cheerful, loving and empathetic. You are independent and even in close relationships you need the freedom and opportunity to do your own thing.

Work and Career

Driven by a strong combination of idealism and practicality, you have a natural talent for leadership. In business, good financial prospects await you, but avoid the power struggle of being overly critical of others. You thrive in times of new beginnings and difficult trials and have a remarkable ability to recognize opportunities.

With enthusiasm and a gift for persuasion, those born on January 26 are adept at propagating ideas and promoting products and people. With courage, dedication and organizational skills, you can make a career in commerce as a negotiator, agent or financial advisor. On the other hand, your original and unique approach to life can find expression in the creative world.

Health and Disease

The temperament of those born on this day goes off scale, therefore, with the manifestation of emotions, they should be on the alert. Their enormous energy can attract people, or maybe repel them. Often they suffer from diseases of the legs, in particular the ankles. And everything can start with minor bruises and injuries, subsequently leading to unbearable pain and even embolism.

Those born on January 26 will benefit from contemplative and spiritual training to help them take control of their emotionality. It is necessary to refrain from sugar and meat; in the diet, it is better to focus on vegetables and cereals. Physical activity should be moderate and careful in competition. Like love relationship, and those born on this day value friendly. Prosperous connections in this regard will have a beneficial effect on their psyche and nervous system, which will be calmer.

It pays to be more human. Learn to relax and feel the joy of life. Sometimes it’s worth giving in to your weaknesses in order to somehow diversify everyday life. Stay calm, feel the moods and feelings of others.