State Scholarship Program Global Education. Education abroad at the expense of the federal budget

Those who have long dreamed of studying at one of the leading universities in the world, writing scientific papers under the guidance of the best scientists, joining the university community, but considered it impossible due to the high cost of education, can still fulfill their dream. Four times a year, the government of the Russian Federation allocates scholarships to students enrolled in one of the foreign universities participating in the program.


"Global Education" helps Russian citizens to receive postgraduate education abroad (master's, postgraduate, residency). The scholarship covers tuition fees, meals and accommodation, transportation costs (travel to and from the place of study), medical insurance, the purchase of educational and scientific literature, bank operating expenses for transferring amounts to an educational institution.

The state grant is calculated based on the need to cover the costs of one year of study and cannot exceed the amount of 2,763,600 rubles per participant. If the educational program is designed for more than 1 year, the amount increases proportionally.

The student has the right to choose any of 32 specialties in one of 288 educational institutions located in 32 countries of the world. Science, medicine, education, engineering and management in the social sphere are considered priority areas.


Citizens of the Russian Federation of any age with completed higher education or final year students can try their luck in the Global Education scholarship competition. The program does not apply to students absentee form training, participants of exchange programs and double diplomas.

To participate you need:

  • Independently enter one of the foreign universities included in the list of universities participating in the program;
  • Register on the official site;
  • Fill out an application for participation, after which a number in the electronic queue will be assigned. It is formed according to the areas of training (training of scientific, pedagogical, medical and engineering personnel, managerial personnel in the social sphere) and the levels of educational programs (master's, postgraduate, residency);
  • Attach a package of documents.

It includes a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign passport, a diploma of higher education with an average score of 4.5 or higher, an IELTS certificate with a score of at least 6 points, a letter of motivation and a certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record.

If higher education was received outside the Russian Federation, then to participate in the program, you can go through the procedure for recognizing a diploma in accordance with Russian law.

This General requirements for admission, they may vary depending on the choice of direction and educational institution.

Candidates who have not been registered or have not submitted the required package of documents are not allowed to compete.


Competitive selection takes place within 1 year. After registering and sending the necessary documents, the operator checks them for completeness and correctness. Next, the candidate is evaluated according to a number of criteria, for the presence of each of which additional points are awarded.

1. Experience professional activity in accordance with the qualifications obtained at the university.

3. Passing training in one of the leading educational institutions according to the educational program and specialties included in list of foreign educational organizations approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The winners of each competitive selection are approved by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Global Education Program. Signs with them Agreement, according to which the participant undertakes to return to Russia after completing the training, to find a job in one of 576 Russian companies for a period of at least 3 years. A list of approved organizations can be found. It is allowed to transfer to another company included in the list of employers, but not more than 2 times.

After the signing of the Agreement, the transfer takes place Money to the bank account of the program participant or to the account educational institution on behalf of the participant. The winner is obliged to report to the program operator during the entire period of study and during the implementation of his labor activity, following the Agreement. For this, on the site in its personal account it should post:

  • grant recipient's report on the intended use of the funds provided;
  • documents confirming academic success;
  • diploma of graduation from a foreign university;
  • confirmation of employment in the partner company of the program;
  • certificate from the place of work on labor activity.


With regard to employment, in this "Global education" provides full assistance. Within the terms specified by the operator, the student must send him the necessary documents (CV, application form indicating the desired employer and position, and a video describing his expectations regarding future employment), and also place them in his personal account on the website. But if you wish, you can find an employer and get a job on your own.

In case of violation of employment obligations, the student is obliged to return the entire amount of the scholarship and pay a fine in the double amount of the grant provided to him.

If the student decides to terminate the Agreement, he must send the operator a notice of termination indicating the reasons for the termination.

Attention! The Global Education program resumed its work in 2019.
The deadline for accepting applications for a grant is from June 11, 2019 to October 13, 2019.

All scholarships
Global Education Scholarship- it presidential program support for students from Russia studying at foreign universities. "Global Education" is a public funding scheme, in other words, the opportunity to receive money for education from the Government.
According to the idea of ​​the project, the scholarship should cover absolutely all the student's expenses - from the cost of education to the cost of food and transport. The total amount of the annual payment can reach 2.76 million rubles. The program provides scholarships only for students of the best universities in the world - Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, MIT - however, the list is not limited to top universities and includes almost three hundred universities.
At the moment, "Global Education" is the only opportunity for a Russian citizen to receive money from the state for studying at a foreign university. But the most interesting thing about the whole project is that the information about it has not yet been sufficiently disseminated, so the competition for obtaining financial coverage is rather small. Below, we'll show you how to participate in the Global Education Competition and how you can increase your chances of success.

Why was the Global Education program created?

First of all, it is worth talking about why the presidential program was created at all. After all, we are talking about very large sums that are given to the student free of charge, so what is the logic?
In fact, the answer to this question is obvious: the state finances its own development in this way. The entire scholarship fund is aimed at training specialists in five priority areas: medicine, science, engineering, education and social management. Since, alas, in Russia there are certain problems with these areas, and not all domestic universities can provide quality education in these specialties, the most obvious way out is to send the best students abroad.
The students who receive the scholarship are expected to help innovate and improve the social and scientific fields in the country. In order for the invested funds to pay off, one requirement is put forward for scholarship holders: mandatory employment in one of the partner companies for a period of 3 years or more. In other words, the student who received the funding undertakes to work for some time in his home country. Thus, instead of the costly development of the educational system, which is impossible in a short time, the state invests in citizens and, consequently, in its own economy.
In fact, the Global Education program guarantees not only free education at the best foreign universities, but also further employment. Of course, the obligation to return to Russia may confuse some students, but when making a decision, you need to understand that, most likely, you will have to return regardless of whether the student is studying at his own expense or at the expense of the state: in developed countries, the labor market is very active, and the advantage It is local students who have it, while it is much more difficult for foreigners to find a good job and stay in the country. Returning to Russia under the Global Education program, a graduate with a foreign diploma has more real opportunities not only to build a career, but also to make life better in his country.

The Global Education Scholarship is designed for a very wide group of Russians.
The first requirement for a candidate is a higher education, that is, a bachelor's or specialist's degree. Thus, the Global Education Scholarship can only be obtained to study at foreign magistracy or graduate school. According to many experts, this is a rather wise policy, since it is precisely post-graduate education abroad that differs very much. high quality and allows you to bring to perfection the skills acquired in the bachelor's degree.
The second and probably the most important requirement is self-admission to one of the leading universities abroad in priority areas. To participate in the competition, a candidate must have a certificate of admission to a university from the list for a program that falls into one of five categories - medicine, engineering, education, science and social management. In fact, these categories include a huge variety of specializations - from robotics to cultural management. At the same time, most universities participating in the program do not have high requirements for applicants. For admission to 80% of universities from the list, it is enough to have an average score of about 4.0 out of 5 and know the language of instruction (in most cases English) at the Upper-Intermediate level.
The third condition is the absence of a criminal record and official problems with the criminal code. Only those who were officially found guilty of a criminal offense fall under the category of convicts; administrative violations are not considered.
In fact, the group limited by these three criteria includes almost all university graduates who possess foreign language and found enough motivation to continue learning. There are no age, ethnic or any other restrictions for applicants: any citizen of the Russian Federation with a higher education at any age can enter.

What professions are not included in the program?

Alas, graduates with diplomas from most liberal arts faculties cannot directly access the Global Education Scholarship. Since the program is limited to a specific list of specialties, although quite broad, many faculties were not included in the list. Students with degrees in sociology, linguistics, art history, philosophy, economics, law, and other typical liberal arts fields cannot receive funding to study in their specialty. However, even humanitarians have a chance to participate.
Since the list of programs in the “Social Management” direction includes quite a lot of programs close to the humanities, graduates of the above faculties can enter a foreign university for programs close to their specialty. For example, a sociologist might enroll in a program “ Social politics”, a financier - for the program “Health Economics”, and an art critic - for the program “Management of Cultural Heritage”. Moreover, this is absolutely real, since many foreign universities are happy to accept students even with a significant difference between the previous education and the chosen course: especially in this regard, you should pay attention to the USA and the UK. Thus, the Global Education Scholarship is available to almost all bachelors.

Who Can Receive the Global Education Scholarship?

Although the competition for the Global Education Scholarship is rather small, not everyone in a row receives funding. The award decision is made on the basis of specific indicators, which are described below in order of priority:

-Place in the electronic queue. Oddly enough, the most important criterion in calculating a student's ranking is the date of application. The highest rating is given to those candidates who applied the earliest. Therefore, in order to be sure to receive a scholarship by the start of your studies, you must apply as early as possible. But, since the scholarship is awarded in 4 stages each year - deadlines are spread over March, June, August and November - in order to increase your chance of success, it is enough to register at the end of any of these months.
-Study abroad. The candidate's rating will also increase if he studied or is studying at the time of application at a foreign university. That is, funding can be obtained even remotely, for example, for the second year of a master's degree abroad, studying in the first - these are the students who will be given priority in the second place.
-Professional experience. When selecting fellows, the commission takes into account the background of the participants, including the professional one. In this regard, already experienced candidates who have worked in the specialty for several years may receive priority. Therefore, unlike other scholarship programs, in the Global Education competition, age can be an advantage, not an obstacle.
-Publications in scientific journals. Candidates with publications in authorized scientific journals at the time of receipt will receive an additional bonus in the competition. However, if a student does not have them, his rating does not decrease - after all, only a small part of the candidates can boast of scientific articles, and the rating from their presence does not increase so much (at least 2 times less than with a long term registration).

How to get a scholarship? - Step-by-step instruction

Registration. The first step to receiving government funding is to register on the official website. To register, the candidate must provide their first and last name, e-mail and password. Upon registration, the student receives an email asking them to verify their email address.
Filling out the questionnaire. The application for a scholarship is filled out online: the candidate only needs to enter the necessary data in his personal account and click the “Get registration in the electronic queue” button. The required information includes passport data (both civil and foreign passports), SNILS and TIN (if any), information about previous education, information about professional experience and publications in scientific journals.
Supporting documents. Upon filling out the application, the student is assigned a place from the electronic queue and given time to upload scans of supporting documents. The required documents include a Russian passport, a foreign passport, diplomas and certificates indicating previous education, a work book (if any), a certificate of no criminal record, a letter of admission to the university and an invoice for tuition fees (if it is paid).
Waiting for the decision of the commission. After all supporting documents are sent, the candidate can only wait. The list of students who received a scholarship is published within a month after the completion of the next stage of the competition.
Getting funding. If the candidate turned out to be lucky enough to find his name in the list of winners, then his further actions are very simple: signing an agreement for the award of a scholarship, which specifies the conditions and obligations of the scholarship holder to the sponsor, and then - the formalities necessary immediately before the student leaves for another country - visa, air tickets and other responsible, but very pleasant steps.

Global Education 2017–2025

To some extent, the Global Education program 2013-2016 can be called a failure: there were more scholarships than suitable candidates. Fortunately, this does not demotivate the authorities, but, on the contrary, forces them to extend the program in order to fully realize its goals. The second round of the Global Education project was launched in 2017 and is planned to be extended until 2025. Thus, in 2016, federal funding did not end at all, but only began to develop. For Russian students, there is still the opportunity to go abroad to the best university for free, and it is simply impossible not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Global Education Scholarship - List of Universities

To the approved list of leaders foreign universities There are 288 universities participating in the Global Education program. The full list can be found on the official website of the program, but here we present the best universities by country:

Great Britain

The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


The information is for informational purposes only. For exact information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


Global Education Program - List of Employers

The list of employers-partners of the program by September 2016 includes more than 500 state and commercial organizations in the largest cities of Russia. To give the reader an idea of ​​the prospects after studying abroad in the Global Education program, here is a list of the most famous companies and the range of salaries that a fellow can apply for after studying abroad.
CompanyField of activityVacanciesStarting salary, rub.
RostecHigh technology, logistics, civil engineering, finance, management25 70,000 - 200,000
United Aircraft CorporationEngineering, transport, high technology, finance10 50,000 - 100,000
United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC)Engineering, maritime transport, finance, IT8 72,000 - 120,000
Kaspersky LabIT, high technology, consulting, finance126 40,000 - 100,000
Skolkovo Innovation CenterEducation, high technology, IT, finance34 50,000 - 130,000
MGMU them. SechenovMedicine, healthcare, education12 40,000 - 60,000
State Academic Bolshoi Theater of RussiaArt, cultural heritage, education4 30,000 - 150,000
R-PharmPharmacology, bioengineering, science, healthcare, sales102 40,000 - 120,000
Moscow State University LomonosovEducation, science, management, high technology45 50,000 - 200,000
High School of EconomicsEducation, science, management23 40,000 - 150,000
NRNU MEPhIScience, education, high technology5 35,000 - 130,000

The state program for financing the education of Russian citizens enrolled in leading foreign universities, as well as their employment according to the qualifications received

Dear students!

We inform you that in the program "Global Education" the following significant changes have taken place:

- the list of foreign universities and educational programs has been expanded where program participants can study (on the basis of the Order of the Government Russian Federation dated June 15, 2015 No. lioi-p "On the list of foreign educational organizations",
It was: 27 countries, 227 universities. New: 32 countries, 288 universities

- increased maximum amount grant per winner per year (on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2015 No. 635 “On Amendments to the Program of Social Support for Citizens of the Russian Federation”
It was: 1381 8oo rub. Now: 2,763 boo rubles. per year per participant

- changed targets for the number of citizens of the Russian Federation who can receive social support under the state grant program (based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2015 No. 635 “On Amendments to the Program for Social Support of Citizens of the Russian Federation”,

It was: at least 1500 citizens. It became: at least 718 citizens.

- expanded the list of employers to 544 organizations(based on the minutes of the meetings of the Supervisory Board of the Program dated 01.29.2015 No. DL-4/05pr, dated 04.21.2015 No. DL-14/05pr, dated 10.07.2015 No. DL-27/o5pr)

Learn more about the Global Education program

December 28, 2013 signedDecree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 967 "On measures to strengthen the human resources potential of the Russian Federation" , which consolidated the principles for the implementation of the Social Support Program for citizens of the Russian Federation who independently enrolled in leading foreign educational organizations and study in them in specialties and areas of training, the quality of education in which meets the best international standards, and to ensure their employment in organizations registered in the territory of the Russian Federation Federation, in accordance with the qualifications obtained. Subsequently, the Program was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2014 No. 568.

The program is aimed at preserving and increasing scientific, pedagogical, medical and engineering personnel, managerial personnel in the social sphere, as well as supporting citizens of the Russian Federation who independently entered leading foreign educational organizations, and their subsequent employment.

Requirements for a candidate

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • availability of a document on admission or study in a leading foreign educational organization included inlist of foreign educational organizations , approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2014 No. 1094-r for the educational program of the magistracy, postgraduate or residency;
  • no outstanding conviction or unexpunged conviction;
  • the presence of a document on education and qualifications (bachelor's or specialist's diploma (graduated specialist);
  • the absence at the time of registration in the electronic queue of grounds for the release of the Program participant from the fulfillment of employment obligations in accordance with clause 4Refund Policy .

From 2014 to 2017 financial assistance The governments of Russia within the framework of the program "Global education" receive Russians, enrolled in the world's leading universities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

The main points of the program "Global Education" student funding:

1 . In order to receive funding, a student must have a letter of acceptance one of the universities listed in the Global Education program for an approved specialization for the 2017-18 academic year.

2 . Funding will be provided to students enrolled in full-time master's, postgraduate and residency programs duration at least a year.

3 . Funding will cover not only the cost of studying, but and travel, accommodation during study, educational materials, medical insurance, etc.

4 . Amount of funding: up to 2 "763" 600 rubles for 1 year of study.

5 . Funding does not apply to students of exchange programs and double degree programs with the participation of Russian universities.

6 . The selection of participants will be carried out on a competitive basis.

7 . Upon completion of studies, the program participant must return to Russia and get a job within 3 months in a Russian company in the field of education received and work for at least 3 years. During these 3 years, the participant can change the employer, but not more than 2 times.

8 . Russian companies for the employment of graduates of the program must meet the following criteria:

A. registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;

B. carry out activities for at least 3 years;

V. is not in the process of liquidation, bankruptcy;

G. belongs to one of the following categories:

  • scientific organization;
  • leading classical university of the Russian Federation, federal university or a national research university;
  • organization selected based on the results of the competition provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures state support development of cooperation between Russian educational organizations higher education, state scientific institutions and organizations implementing complex projects to create high-tech production";
  • Technopark resident in the field of high technologies;
  • an organization approved by the Program Supervisory Board.

9 . It is assumed that the participants of the program will work not only in universities and organizations in Moscow and the Central region, but also in the regions Far East and Eastern Siberia. No more than 25% of program participants should get a job in organizations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, 75% - must find work in other regions of the Russian Federation.

10 . If the program participant does not complete the course or fails to fulfill employment obligations, he will be required to pay the full amount of support received + double fine received amount.

11 . To apply for a grant after receiving a letter of admission to the university, the student must register in the electronic queue on the official website of the program.

List of universities approved by the Global Education program, for studying in which Russians will be able to receive a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation

Program participants can study at 288 approved universities in 32 countries. Largest number universities approved by the Program - in the leading countries of international higher education: the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Canada. All universities where you can get a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation here: USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, France, Australia, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, China, Korea, Italy, Hong Kong, Norway, Israel, Denmark, New Zealand, Brazil, Austria, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan, South Africa, Finland, Ireland.

Do I need to download the entire package of documents to register on the official website of the Program or can I download part of the package of documents later?

Partial download of a package of documents during registration is possible. At the same time, a package of documents, including scans of documents, original documents and notarized copies of documents, must be checked by the Program operator before the registration in the electronic queue is closed. If the package of documents does not pass the verification, the candidate will not be admitted to the competitive selection procedure.
[List of required documents]

How long after registration in the electronic queue do I need to submit original documents and notarized copies of documents and to what address?

Original documents and notarized copies of documents must be submitted in person, or through a legal representative, or by mail with acknowledgment of receipt before the closing date of the electronic queue at the Program operator's office. The office of the Document Acceptance Program operator is located at the address: 119021, Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshoy Chudov pereulok, 8, building 1 [address on the map].

What if I am not from Moscow and I do not have the opportunity to come personally / transfer the originals with someone?

Original documents and notarized copies of documents can be submitted either through a legal representative, or by mail with acknowledgment of receipt before the closing date of the electronic queue to the office of the Program operator at the address: 119021, Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshoy Chudov pereulok, 8, page 1.

Is personal presence required to conclude an agreement with a Program participant in 2014?

The signing of the Agreement with a Program participant is possible with the personal presence of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or through a legal representative acting on the basis of a general power of attorney issued in the manner prescribed by law for citizens of the Russian Federation who are outside the territory of the Russian Federation

How to get a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution while outside the territory of the Russian Federation?

You can get acquainted with the methods of obtaining a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution while outside the territory of the Russian Federation through the Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation. [Obtaining a certificate of no criminal record on the State Services Portal]

Who and where can notarize documents if I am abroad?

According to Article 1 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries dated February 11, 1993 N 4462-1, notarial acts on behalf of the Russian Federation on the territory of other states are performed by officials consular offices of the Russian Federation authorized to perform these actions.

What if I am already studying outside the Russian Federation and I do not have a power of attorney for any of my relatives?

Issue a general power of attorney for a legal representative in the manner prescribed by law for citizens of the Russian Federation who are outside the territory of the Russian Federation. Prepare the required package of documents and take part in the Program in one of the competitive selection stages during 2014-2016. In 2015, 4 competitive selections are planned during the year, the exact dates are currently being agreed.

What should I do if I receive a document confirming the fact of enrollment in a leading foreign educational organization after the closure of the electronic queue in which I am registered?

Competitive selection for participation in the Program will be held 4 times a year. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have received a document confirming the fact of enrollment in a leading foreign educational organization in different time will be able to apply for various stages of the competitive selection within the year.

Is a “conditional offer” enough to enroll in the Program?

You can register in the Program, but to participate in the Program, you must have an "unconditional offer" (an unconditional offer to study at a leading foreign educational organization). If the package of documents does not pass the verification, the candidate will not be admitted to the competitive selection procedure.

What should be written in the information about scientific work During registration? How is it checked?

You indicate both bibliographic references to your publications and links (url) to the electronic version of the publication, if any. The Program Operator himself checks the availability of these publications in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.

The terms of the competitive selection can be found in the document “The procedure and quantitative values ​​of the criteria for the competitive selection of citizens of the Russian Federation who independently enrolled in leading foreign educational organizations and study in them in specialties and areas of training, the quality of education for which meets the best international standards, applying for the provision of measures social support in accordance with the Program”, located on the official website of the Program in the section “Regulatory Documents”

Does work experience in a high-tech company abroad take into account when calculating the coefficient on work experience?

The coefficient is calculated on the basis of work experience, without reference to its location.

Are Russian citizens currently living and working in other countries eligible to participate in the Program?

Yes, if they undertake to be employed by employing organizations in Russia in accordance with the qualifications obtained upon completion of the training program.

Does it matter in which country the bachelor's degree was obtained?