Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation education. Flight schools in Russia

It is possible to postpone this proposal for further analysis as a worthy alternative to those mentioned on this resource. Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Ufa State Aviation Technical University") is considered in much more detail among other materials on the current site. Probably, like the state universities of Ufa, this option trains masters of their craft of the "aviation" type.

Irkutsk Branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MGTU GA)

Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State technical university civil aviation (MSTU GA) (Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation" (MSTU GA)) we have reviewed in detail in announcements and articles on our resource. It is possible to postpone this option for further analysis as a worthy alternative to similar ones in Russia. Like many other state universities in Irkutsk, this proposal prepares good workers on the subject of "aviation".

Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Kumertau

We strongly recommend that you accept this university as a replacement for similar ones in the list. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in the city of Kumertau () is much more detailed, and is designed in a section on this list of universities. Like other state universities of Kumertau, this educational institution trains and graduates top-class specialists in the specialty "aviation".

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

Do not hesitate to consider this option as a worthy alternative to similar ones, often in the catalog. St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation () is very poorly noted, and a section on our resource is designed. The same as the state universities of St. Petersburg, this option trains and graduates masters of their craft in the field of "aviation".

The Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School for Navigators (Military Institute) () is examined in more detail by us, and is designed in a section on the current portal. Unlike other public schools in Chelyabinsk-15, this option provides training for leaders on the subject of "aviation". It is possible to study and adopt this proposal as a replacement for similar ones in the catalog.

"Rise" branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) (national research university) in the city of Akhtubinsk (the "Rise" branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)" in Akhtubinsk) is considered in more detail by us in one of the notes on the current portal. As many others state institutions Akhtubinsk, this educational institution conducts training for managers on the subject of "aviation". We propose to consider this option and other state institutions of Akhtubinsk, as an alternative to the similar ones mentioned here.

Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Ishimbay

Like many other state universities in Ishimbay, this educational institution conducts training for leaders in the "aviation" profile. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Ishimbay () is described in much more detail for you in one of the notes, the heading "Ishimbay State Universities", on the list of universities. One can take this university quite seriously as a replacement for many others mentioned here.

The Tutaevsky branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov" () is very poorly given in one of the notes on a specific site. reminiscent of the rest state academies Tutaev this educational institution trains and graduates excellent specialists in the specialty "aviation". Without any hesitation, study and adopt this proposal and other Tutaev state academies, as an alternative to similar topics on the list.

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov (Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov") is very poorly considered by us among other materials on a specific site. We propose to study and adopt this university as a replacement for similar ones often mentioned here. Like other state academies of Gavrilov-Yam, this option accepts and trains masters of their craft in the direction of "aviation".

Probably, like the Yeysk-1 state schools, this option trains masters of their craft on the subject of "aviation". You can quite seriously study and adopt this option and other state schools Yeysk-1, as an alternative to many others in Russia. Yeysk Higher Military Aviation School (Military Institute) named after twice Hero Soviet Union Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR V.M. Komarov (branch) of the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (Military Institute) named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR V.M. Komarov (branch) of the Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy" named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin") is given in detail and drawn up in a section at the current meeting.

Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)

We propose to consider this option and other state universities of Voronezh, as an alternative to similar ones often mentioned here. Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh) (Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)" of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation) is very poorly described in announcements and articles on a specific resource. Reminiscent of other state universities in Voronezh, this option trains leaders in the "aviation" profile.

Branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (USATU)

Unlike other state universities in Sterlitamak, this option makes top-class specialists in the "aviation" profile. It is possible to accept this option and other state universities of Sterlitamak, as an alternative to those mentioned on this resource. The branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (UGATU) (Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Sterlitamak) is very poorly considered by us among other materials, headings "State Universities of Sterlitamak", on the portal.

license No. 0312 dated September 11, 2012
certificate of state accreditation No. 0675 dated July 8, 2013

The history of training military pilots in Yegorievsk, near Moscow, dates back to 1918, when people's flight courses were transferred here, called the Yegorievsk Aviation School for Workers and Peasants of the RSFSR. Only by the middle of the summer of 1947, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by an issued decree, officially secured the status of an institution that provides professional education for flight personnel.

Since 1991, the school has been transferred to an expanded program with the renaming of the Yegorievsk Aviation Technical College named after V.P. Chkalov, who has been since November 2011 structural unit Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.

About the college

For almost a century of personnel training, more than 30,000 pilots of domestic aviation and about 1,000 citizens of neighboring states left the walls of the institution.

At the moment, cadets are trained in seven areas by cycle commissions of the following profile:

  1. Design and aerodynamics of engines and aircraft;
  2. Navigation instruments and flight equipment;
  3. Maintenance of engines and aircraft structures;
  4. Storage and transportation of fuel and oils;
  5. Aviation special vehicles;
  6. Natural science and technical disciplines;
  7. Chemmotology;
  8. Legal, economic, humanitarian and linguistic disciplines;
  9. Physical education.

The educational process, in addition to two specialties, is conducted only at daily form learning. The duration of preparation for admission on the basis of 9 classes is 46 months, after 11 classes - 34 months. In engineering areas, graduates are assigned the qualification level of a technician.

Additional services

In addition, advanced training courses are held for employees of fuel and lubricant services:

  • Aircraft technicians;
  • storekeepers;
  • Laboratory assistants.

And also, emergency rescue training of crews of civil aviation liners on the basis of a swimming pool. Payment for accommodation in a hostel is 400 rubles per month. The institution has 17 research rooms with modern simulators, highly specialized models for studying the behavior of foreign-made aircraft Airbus A380 and Boeing 737. The aviation technical complex, consisting of TU-154, AN-24, Yak-42, An-2, allows you to train cadets, capable of solving a wide range of tasks during the flight.

Form of study: Full-time, Correspondence

Type of training: Paid, Free

Cost of education: 280,000 - 326,000 rubles per year

Education is based on 9 or 11 classes

Courses: advanced training for employees of fuel and lubricants services
emergency and rescue training of crews of civil aviation liners

Supervising university: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation


Technical operation of aircraft and engines Technical operation of electrified and flight-navigation complexes Aircraft ground equipment Maintenance of aircraft with fuels and lubricants Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles Economics, accounting and control Law and organization of social security Aviation management

Exam subjects:

Russian language, mathematics

Federal Air Transport Agency

Egorievsk Aviation Technical College named after - branch

"Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation"


to Yegorievsk Aviation Technical College

name - branch of the federal state

budgetary educational institution of higher

vocational education

"Moscow State Technical University

civil aviation"

Egorievsk 2012


Egorievsk Aviation Technical College named after -

branch of Moscow State Technical University

civil aviation


1.1. These Rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"; Model regulation on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation; The procedure for admission to state-accredited educational institutions of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; The Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation", the Regulations on the Egorievsk Aviation Technical College named after the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation".

1.2. Egorievsk Aviation Technical College - a branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation provides training on the basis of the Certificate of State Accreditation, in accordance with the License of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science on the permission to carry out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education .

1.3. Admission to the Yegorievsk ATK named after - a branch of MSTU GA is carried out in the following specialties:

full-time education

- for persons with a primary general education(9 classes),

Technical operation of aircraft and engines - a basic level of, qualification - technician. Study period - 3 years 10 months;

Technical operation of electrified and flight-navigation systems - basic level, qualification - technician. Study period - 3 years 10 months;

Maintenance of aircraft with fuels and lubricants - basic level, qualification - technician. Study period - 3 years 10 months;

Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles - basic level, qualification - technician. Study period - 3 years 10 months;

Law and organization of social security - basic level, qualification - lawyer. Duration of study - 2 years 10 months;

- for persons with secondary (complete) general education (11 classes) or primary vocational education,

Technical operation of aircraft and engines - basic level, qualification - technician. Duration of study - 2 years 10 months;

Technical operation of electrified and flight-navigation systems - basic level, qualification - technician. Duration of study - 2 years 10 months;

Maintenance of aircraft with fuels and lubricants - basic level, qualification - technician. Duration of study - 2 years 10 months;

A certificate from the place of work or a copy of the work book (for distance learning).

Persons who have completed military service by conscription and dismissed from military service, who have the right, within a year after their dismissal from military service, to use the results of the unified state exam that they passed during the year before being drafted into military service, present a military ID when they enter college.

Persons who have special rights upon admission to an educational institution, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, submit the original or a copy of the relevant documents when submitting an application.

When submitting an application, persons with disabilities submit the original or a copy of one of the following documents: the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, a certificate of disability issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.

Children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, who have the right to enter college out of competition, submit the original or a copy of the certificate of disability and the conclusion that there are no contraindications for studying in college, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.

4.3. When submitting documents in person, applicants are allowed to certify their copies according to the original by the college.

4.4. Persons entering the target places present the original document of the state standard on education.

4.5. In the event that an applicant provides an application that does not contain all the information, and (or) information that does not correspond to reality, the college has the right to return the documents to the applicant.

4.6. Persons with secondary (complete) general education or primary vocational education and entering full-time education, but not having the results of the unified state exam, must register before July 5 to pass the unified state exam in accordance with the procedure for conducting the unified state exam, approved by order of the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation.

4.7. Reception of documents for part-time education is carried out until September 29.

4.8. An application for admission, other necessary documents can be sent by applicants through public postal operators (or in electronic digital form). The date of sending the documents must be no later than August 5 . Documents sent later than August 5 are accepted by the college if they are received only until August 15.

When sending documents through public postal operators, the applicant shall attach to the application for admission copies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a copy of a state-recognized document on education, a certificate of the results of a unified state exam, as well as other documents provided for by these Rules.

Documents are sent to those arriving through public postal operators by mail with a notification and a description of the attachment. The notification and inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant's documents.

4.9. A personal file is created for each applicant, in which all submitted documents and submission materials are stored. entrance examinations. The personal files of applicants are kept at the college for six months from the moment the documents were accepted. Upon personal submission of documents, an applicant is issued a receipt on acceptance of documents.

4.10. Applicants who submitted to admission committee knowingly forged documents, are liable under the laws of the Russian Federation.


5.1. Admission to college for secondary vocational education is carried out on the basis of applications from persons:

full-time education

For those with basic general education (9 classes)- in accordance with the results of entrance examinations conducted by the college independently;

For those with secondary (complete) general education (11 classes) or initial vocational education - on the basis of the results of the unified state examination in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty for which admission is carried out;

For those who have a secondary (complete) general education received before January 1, 2009 - in accordance with the results of entrance examinations conducted by the college independently;

For those who have a secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign states - in accordance with the results of entrance examinations conducted by the college independently;

part-time study

For those who have a secondary (complete) general education received before January 1, 2009 - in accordance with the results of entrance examinations conducted by the college independently; obtained after January 1, 2009 - on the basis of the results of the unified state exam in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty.

5.2. The results of the unified state exam, recognized as the results of entrance examinations in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty for which admission is carried out, the results of entrance examinations conducted by the college independently, should not be lower than the minimum number of points established by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science based on the results of a unified state exam.

5.3. For applicants for state-funded places (by general competition, for targeted admission, who have the right to out-of-competition admission), as well as for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees for a certain specialty, the same entrance examinations are held.

5.4. When admitting citizens entering on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, two entrance tests are mandatory for all categories of applicants, one of which is the Russian language, the second is in accordance with the List of entrance tests.

For all forms of education, entrance examinations are conducted in the following general education subjects:

List of entrance tests


Name of specialty




Technical operation of aircraft and engines

Russian language


Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation systems

Russian language


Maintenance of aircraft with fuels and lubricants

Russian language


Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

Russian language


Economics and Accounting

Russian language


Law and organization of social security

Russian language

5.5. For persons with basic general education, foreign citizens and persons entering the correspondence form training, entrance examinations are conducted in the form of testing .

The results of entrance examinations are evaluated on a hundred-point scale.

Applicants take entrance examinations in Russian.

5.6. Citizens with disabilities, if they do not have the results of a unified state exam, pass entrance examinations in accordance with the List of entrance examinations in the form established by the college, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities, and the state of health of such applicants.

5.7. Entrance examinations begin no earlier than the start of acceptance of documents and can be carried out in several streams as examination groups are formed from among the persons who have submitted documents for admission to the college. Re-participation of an applicant in passing the entrance examinations when receiving an unsatisfactory grade and retaking the entrance examination in order to improve the mark is not allowed.

5.8. Persons who did not appear at the entrance examinations for a good reason (illness or other documented circumstances) are admitted to them in parallel groups at the next stage of the entrance examinations or individually until they are fully completed.

Persons who did not appear at the entrance examinations without a valid reason, as well as those who took the documents during the entrance examinations, including those who received a result below the established minimum number of points at the entrance examinations, are eliminated from the competition.

5.9. Without entrance examinations, the college accepts winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general subjects and formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in specialties corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, international olympiad.

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren are admitted to an educational institution in accordance with the Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


6.1. Based on the results of the entrance test, the applicant has the right to file a written appeal with the Appeal Commission about the violation, in his opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the test and (or) disagreement with its (their) results.

6.2. An appeal is not a retake of the exam. During the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the assessment of the results of passing the entrance test is checked.

6.3. An appeal is filed by applicants in person the next day after the announcement of the results of the entrance examination. At the same time, the applicant has the right to familiarize himself with his examination paper in the manner prescribed by the college. The Admissions Committee ensures the acceptance of appeals throughout the working day.

Consideration of appeals is carried out within a day after the day of familiarization with the examination papers.

6.4. The applicant has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal. With a minor applicant (under 18 years of age), one of his parents or legal representatives has the right to be present.

6.5. The applicant must have an identity document and an examination sheet with him.

6.6. After consideration of the appeal, a decision is made by the appeal commission on the results of the entrance test (both in the case of an increase and a decrease). The decision of the appeal commission drawn up in the protocol is brought to the attention of the applicant (against signature) and is stored in his personal file.


7.1. The college has the right to carry out targeted admission on the basis of a separate competition among citizens sent by state authorities and local governments to target places specially allocated by an educational institution within budget places.

The number of places for targeted admission for each specialty is determined no later than one month before the start of acceptance of documents and should not exceed 30% of the total number of budget places for each specialty.

7.2. Persons who have not passed the competition for targeted places may, based on the results of entrance examinations and the unified state exam, participate in the general competition for any form of education in college.

7.3. Target places left vacant after the entrance examinations and enrollment are provided to persons participating in the general competition.

7.4. All procedures for targeted admission are documented in the protocols of the college's admissions committee.


8.1. Admission to the college is carried out after the completion of entrance examinations based on the results of the competition.

The end date of the entrance examinations is considered to be the moment of the announcement on the official website of the college and the stand of the admissions committee of the list of persons by name, indicating the number of points scored, the enrollment of which is considered by the admissions committee for various conditions of admission.

8.2. Enrollment of applicants for training in budgetary groups on a full-time basis is carried out in the following order:

The admission of foreign citizens mentioned above is carried out on a competitive basis. Foreign citizens have the right to non-competitive admission and the priority right to enroll in college in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.4. Admission of foreign citizens to the college for study under contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities is carried out within the limits of the number established by the license for the right to conduct educational activities, on the terms established by the rules for admission to the college and other regulations.

10.5. When applying for admission to the college, the applicant submits the following documents:

Statement of the established form;

Eight photographs 3x4 in size;

Medical certificate on the state of health (medical certificate of the absence of HIV infection and hepatitis virus);


A copy of the document proving the identity of the applicant, or the document proving the identity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation;

An original state-recognized document on education (or a duly certified copy) or an original document of a foreign state on education recognized as equivalent in the Russian Federation to a state-recognised document on basic general and (or) secondary (complete) general education (or its certified in the established a copy), if necessary, with a certificate of equivalence, or the original legalized in the prescribed manner (if necessary) document of a foreign state on education and its annex (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document on education was issued);

A duly certified translation into Russian of a document of a foreign state on education and its annexes (if the latter are provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document on education was issued);

Copies of documents or other evidence confirming the affiliation of a compatriot living abroad;

A copy of the entry visa to the Russian Federation, if the foreign citizen arrived in the Russian Federation on an entry visa.

All translations into Russian must be made in the name and surname specified in the entry visa.

10.6. Entrance tests for foreign citizens with basic general, secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign states are carried out in the form of testing and are evaluated on a hundred-point scale.

If foreign citizens are represented USE results in general education subjects included by the educational institution in the list of entrance examinations for the relevant specialty, the college takes into account the results of the USE as the results of entrance examinations in such general education subjects.

10.7. Foreign citizens who are eligible for admission to study at the expense of budgetary funds and who are winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are admitted without entrance examinations to college in specialties corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are recognized by state educational institutions as the highest results of entrance tests ("100" points) in these general education subjects for admission to specialties that do not correspond to the profile of the Olympiad.

Foreign citizens - winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren are admitted to educational institutions in the manner approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 N 285.

10.8. Enrollment of foreign citizens to places financed from budgetary funds and foreign citizens for training under contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities is carried out after signing the relevant agreement within three calendar days.

Our school was founded in 1960. on the basis of the military aviation school of weather forecasters, as Kirsanov Aviation Technical School of Civil Aviation, in 1992 the school was transformed into aviation technical college, and since 2010 is branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.

The college trains aviation technicians in the following specialties:

Full-time education:

- for persons with basic general education (9 classes):

— basic training, qualification — technician.
The term of study is 3 years 10 months;

25.02.01 Technical operation of aircraft and engines— basic training, qualification — technician.

25.02.03 Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation systems— basic training, qualification — technician.
The term of study is 2 years 10 months;

Extramural studies:

- for persons with secondary (complete) general education (11 classes) or primary vocational education:

25.02.01 Technical operation of aircraft and engines— basic training, qualification — technician.
The term of study is 3 years 10 months;

25.02.03 Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation systems— basic training, qualification — technician.
The term of study is 3 years 10 months.


The college is located in the southeastern part of the Tambov region at:

393361, Tambov region, Kirsanov, st. School of Civil Aviation, 18, building 1.

It has a separate area of ​​68 hectares, where there are 5 educational buildings, a computer center, 2 dormitories for 800 people, a sports complex with a games room and an indoor shooting range, a canteen for 500 seats, a bath-laundry, as well as other service and storage facilities. . On the territory of the college there is a training airfield with ATB and mechanical workshops, equipped with parking lots with aviation equipment. The barracks (3 floors) are being reconstructed into a single educational building. Outside the college (5 km.) There is an airfield with a concrete runway (2030 m.), Taxiway and parking lots, tanks for fuel and lubricants.

Technique studied: aircraft Tu-204, Il-114, Tu-134A, Yak-40, An-24(26). Retraining and refresher courses are being carried out for engineering and technical personnel of aviation enterprises for these types of equipment. During the period of activity of the educational institution, 16 thousand specialists graduated with a quality indicator of at least 85% (state certification grades "5" and "4") and 100% distribution by workplace in aviation enterprises.

College students are on state support (free: study, accommodation in a hostel, three meals a day), they are paid a scholarship.

The college has an experienced teaching staff and masters of industrial training who conduct classes using modern teaching methods and computer technology, static visual aids (posters, diagrams, stands) and real aviation technology, its components and assemblies.

The college maintains industrial relations with the airports of Tambov, Samara, Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Voronezh, Nizhnekamsk, ARZ-No. 400 GA, MiG Aircraft Corporation and others.

The Vyborg Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation is one of the longest operating educational institutions in the field of aviation in Russia. The term of its activity totals more than 65 years. The school is located in Vyborg and is a branch of the St. Petersburg state university civil aviation.

Previously, only future mechanical technicians studied at the college. Since 1993, here you can get a broader education in the field of operation, service and maintenance of aircraft.

Like many modern aviation schools, the Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation in Vyborg was originally based in another city, namely in Kaliningrad region. There, in 1949, a school of aircraft mechanics was formed, which three years later was transformed into an aviation school. Here, cadets are trained to work with MiG fighters. In 1956, the educational institution changed its address to the city of Vyborg, where it is located today.

The new building of the school was in an unfavorable condition, so the cadets and employees of the college actively took up its restoration. Eight years later, the reconstruction was completed, and a student club was also built. In the same period, an airfield was being built for training cadets, and the model range of the studied equipment was expanding.

In 1957, the school came under the direct control of the USSR Air Force. The Mi-4 helicopter, at that time a qualitatively new model of aviation equipment, was included in the list of ships under study. 1960 becomes a key year for the direction of the school. Now it is moving on to the training of civil aviation technicians. The list of operated vehicles includes the Mi series aircraft and the Ka-26 helicopter. The next two decades are marked by the renewal of the school: it receives its current name, and hangars, helicopter stands and its own aviation technical base appear on the territory of the airfield. A new educational building is being built, where classrooms, laboratories, a library and gyms are located - everything that is required for the high-quality training of future specialists.

The park of equipment of the school is also expanding, the number of which reaches 30 units. Cadets and teachers of the college are actively involved in the life of the educational institution: they design stands, simulators and on your own collect the legendary ANT-4 helicopter. The efforts of students and their mentors are reflected in numerous All-Union exhibitions and competitions, where the works of VATUGA are repeatedly awarded.

In the 1970s, the oil industry of the USSR in Western Siberia was actively developing, which is why the country is in dire need of a large number of specialists in the aviation industry. VATUGA, in this regard, increases the recruitment of cadets and retrains personnel. The 1990s become a test for the entire country, and this fate befell civil aviation as well. Nevertheless, the school remains afloat, expanding the specifics of the specializations studied: now future electronics technicians, accountants and vehicle maintenance technicians are studying here.

In the absence of funding from the state, the college staff independently studies the Mi-8MTV helicopter and issues a manual for its operation. With the arrival in 2006 of a new director of the school, the living conditions for cadets, as well as the educational and laboratory complex, are being updated, and the list of equipment being studied is expanding. The following year, the college is part of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation as a branch.

Specialties VATUGA

The Vyborg branch of the University of Civil Aviation provides an opportunity to receive secondary specialized education in the following areas:

  1. Helicopter technician. The term of study is 2 years 10 months after grade 11 and 3 years 10 months after grade 9 or 10.
  2. Technician (work with electrified and flight and navigation equipment of helicopters). The terms of training are the same as in the first case.
  3. Air service specialist Vehicle. Here, training lasts a year and 10 months after graduation from 11 grades of school.

The main units of the studied equipment are the Mi-2, Mi-8T, Mi-8MTV helicopters. You can get an education full-time on a budgetary or paid basis.

How to apply to VATUGA

For admission to the school, the applicant must appear within the specified time at the selection committee and have standard documents with him:

  1. Application for admission in original.
  2. Passport of the applicant (it is possible to submit both a copy and the original).
  3. Original or copy of high school diploma.
  4. Photos 3*4 cm in the amount of 4 copies.
  5. A certificate from the medical institution of the required form, confirming the suitability of the applicant for training in the chosen direction.

Since the school is not related to piloting, a VLEK medical commission is not required. If desired, you can provide copies of the vaccination certificate, medical policy and pension insurance certificate. They may be useful in future studies. In the application, the applicant indicates the details of the passport, the chosen specialty and information about his education. The desire to enter a paid form of education, if necessary, and the need for a hostel are also specified.

The selection of applicants is carried out according to the average score in mathematics, physics, computer science and English language. If one of the subjects is not in the report card, its score is counted as zero. Applicants who are not enrolled in the budget can try to enter on a paid basis. In case of shortage, you can get into the school until December 1 of the current year. Persons with disabilities and people with disabilities can study at VATUGA, provided that their health condition allows them to study at this college. Foreign citizens can also enter here.

Cost of education

The school tuition fee is paid every semester. The amount depends not only on the specialty, but also on whether the legal or individual pays for studies, as well as from the citizenship of the cadet. For residents of the CIS and far abroad, the cost of education will be large amounts in comparison with citizens of the Russian Federation. Legal entities also pay more.

The total cost of one course can range from 39,000 rubles to 57,500 rubles.

Conditions for studying at VATUGA

To date, the Vyborg Technical Aviation School of Civil Aviation boasts more than 15,000 graduates and 1,500 personnel who have undergone retraining within its walls since 1960. Training of cadets is based on a combination of theoretical and practical blocks in the educational program. To master the theory, there is an educational department, where specialized departments are located for each of the specialties of the school.

In the mechanical department, the features of the operation of aircraft and engines are studied. Here, students are trained in general humanitarian disciplines, economic and social sciences, study in depth technical specialties and are engaged physical education. To teach and control the assimilation of the material in the school, cyclic commissions have been created - analogues of departments.

The department dedicated to the study of aircraft and radio-electronic equipment was established in 1993. Here cadets study the same block of general disciplines and narrow-profile subjects. Cadets studying at the expense of the budget are fully satisfied by the college: they are given uniforms, meals and a place in a hostel, as well as scholarships. The technical and economic division of VATUGA trains future vehicle technicians and accountants-economists. Here you can also choose a correspondence form of study, but recruitment is not made every year.

Practical classes take place in the workshops and at the aviation technical base. Cadets learn how to repair helicopters, inspect them, install and dismantle equipment, etc. Students also learn the features of the operation of equipment and its maintenance. The college has simulators for practicing the necessary skills; there are also laboratories, stands and samples of equipment. As mentioned earlier, a large part of the accumulated objects are the results of the efforts of previous generations of students and teachers.

Training base

Prospects for graduates of the Vyborg Aviation School

The last 4 months of training for cadets are devoted to internships at specialized enterprises. After passing the final exams, they receive a diploma of secondary specialized education in the chosen specialty. Achieved high performance in studies, cadets can get into the engineering or command faculty of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. In addition, you can start professional activity. Airlines annually send applications to the school, where they indicate the number of vacancies in the required categories. Graduates can only get a job on a voluntary basis.

The knowledge gained at the school is enough to, after the necessary training, become a member of the helicopter crew or engage in the repair and maintenance of any type of aircraft.

Sports, leisure and life at the Vyborg Technical College of Civil Aviation

Sports activities are given great attention in any educational institutions. Its importance in the training and development of cadets of aviation schools is especially relevant, because working with aircraft requires endurance, strength and good physical fitness. In VATUGA for physical education there are several sports halls, a stadium and a shooting range, where shooting championships are regularly held.

For independent work and preparing homework, cadets have access to the school library, where the reading room is located and there is Internet access. So students can study not only paper, but also electronic textbooks and manuals, as well as specialized Internet resources. Mass events are held in the club, where 400 people can sit down at the same time. There are circles and sections on interests.

Accommodation and study of cadets are key areas in the modernization of the school. The living conditions in the dormitory, the dining room are improving, the buildings of the buildings are being repaired. Continuous improvement of laboratory equipment is underway, and the prospect of expansion is also being considered model range studied technology.

Celebration of the 65th anniversary of the school

Educational work

The learning process is inextricably linked with the education of future graduates of any age. Its importance lies in the formation of a correct idea of ​​the specialty, the assimilation of the principles of professional ethics. Cadets must understand how important and responsible their work will be, love their profession and strive to improve themselves and learn all their lives.

So that the above points do not remain just words, teachers and employees of the school in Vyborg carry out a set of measures for educational work with students. First of all, they are in contact with the parents of the cadets, which gives positive results in their studies and behavior. Education of students includes incentive measures and, in certain cases, punishment.

Particular attention is paid to the education of patriotism and team spirit of cadets. For this, meetings with veterans are organized. Olympiads, excursions, competitions, meetings with students of other educational institutions. This makes it possible to release from the walls of the school not only literate workers, but also a comprehensively developed disciplined personality in the face of each of them.


Contacts of the educational institution

The school has its own website http://www.vatuga.ru/. It contains structured information about the college, conditions for admission and training, famous graduates of the institution and its history. In addition, groups dedicated to VATUGA can be found in all popular social networks.

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