Marina Militare in the 21st century. The Italian Navy has modern non-nuclear ships of all classes

Development concept

Depending on the conditions of the emerging military-political situation, priority is given to the solution of one or another strategic task. In peacetime - presence and control over the situation in regions significant for Italy, in the event of international tension and during crises - protecting national interests and interacting with international organizations, at the outbreak of a large-scale war - ensuring national defense and operations as part of the Allied Forces of the North Atlantic Alliance .

Nearly 50 percent of the Marina Militare, including the majority of surface and submarine warships, minesweepers, support vessels, aircraft and amphibious forces, is on standby to join the NATO Rapid Response Force.

The "defense model" provides for the orientation of the operational activities of the Italian Navy towards joint actions with other branches of the armed forces of the republic and its allies. According to the command of the Marina Militare, for this it is necessary to have a specially equipped command and control headquarters for the joint operational unit (JFO), which will require appropriate financial costs.

Taking into account the experience of participation in multinational operations, the following main provisions of the national maritime strategy were determined: advancement to crisis areas, autonomy of the allocated forces, comprehensive consideration of the characteristics of the regions (including the state of the economy, environment, culture and traditions of the local population), emphasis on high-tech weapons and improving the system of education and training of naval personnel.

fighting will be conducted in coastal areas in close proximity to crisis regions and far from home bases, which involves the use of forces in a limited space, determines the use of weapons, communications and surveillance systems in extremely difficult conditions, when naval information combat systems are of key importance. The decisive role will be played by ships capable of operating at a great distance from their permanent bases and engaged in reconnaissance, collection and distribution of information.

The introduction of high technologies implies a change in relations with industry, attracting a large number subcontractors and cooperation with other countries, for example, the implementation of joint programs for the development of a non-nuclear submarine (NAPL) of project 212A, a frigate (FR) FREMM and an EH-101 helicopter.

According to the aforementioned "Model of Defense", the future structure of the Italian Navy assumes the presence of a "core" or first-echelon forces, numbering 18 warships, including two light aircraft carriers (AVL), included in the operational formation, the composition of which will depend on the tasks. The second echelon should consist of corvettes and patrol ships (KRV-PK), as well as logistic support forces, will be called upon to support the first.

Shipbuilding program

The plans of the Italian Navy have not undergone significant changes for last years and meet the military and political aspirations of official Rome. In Italy, the construction of the fleet is cyclical, and Marina Militare, with a relatively small number of ships, can afford to implement such a method.

The dynamics of changes in the combat composition of the Italian Navy

Ship classQuantity for 2012Planned quantity by 2016
Non-nuclear submarines (NAPL)6 8
Light aircraft carriers (AVL)2 2
Landing ships (DK)3 3-4
Destroyers (EM), frigates (FR), corvettes and patrol ships (KRV-PK)34 20-24
Mine-sweeping forces (MTS)12 6
Total57 39-44

By analogy with France, the HORIZON-class destroyer (DE) construction program was completed in 2009 with the production of only two units due to financial problems. Currently, the construction of frigates under the FREMM program is underway and the implementation of the project 212A NNS program continues. There is every reason to believe that FREMM may also fail because of the high cost. In terms of displacement, saturation with weapons and weapons, the ships created under this project are not much different from the HORIZON EM program.

submarine force

NAP. Currently, the Italian Navy has six non-nuclear submarines (two Project 212A and four Project 1081M). The most modern are Project 212A nuclear submarines, the construction of which began in 2001 at the Muggiano shipyard. The lead submarine Salvatore Todaro was commissioned to the Navy back in 2006.

Experts believed that the start of construction of German-designed nuclear submarines in Italy would symbolize the end of the development of national submarine shipbuilding. However, we must not forget that even in the process of working on the 212A project, the Italians were involved in it in 1995 to provide financial and technical assistance. Therefore, by and large, Project 212A boats are German-Italian, although Italy's share is not very large. At the same time, by taking part in this program, she gained access to the most advanced technologies for non-nuclear submarines, which can be successfully applied both in other areas of military shipbuilding and in technology in general. The construction of boats of this project will probably not be limited to four units, which is confirmed by long-term plans. There is information about the order in the near future of the fifth submarine. After 2010, it was planned to constantly maintain the number of nuclear submarines in the Marina Militare at the level of six to eight ships.

Shipbuilding program of the Italian Navy at the beginning of 2012

SMPL. Italy is the only country in the world that systematically builds midget submarines (SMPLs) and submersible propulsion vehicles (SPDs). With some interruptions, it has been conducted since the 20s of the last century. Since 1955, the construction of SX-type SMPLs (SX404, SX506, SX756) and SPD has been carried out by Costruzione Mottoscafi Sottomarini (COSMOS) in Livorno. In 2002, she handed over to the Navy of various states over 100 SMPLs and over 200 SPTs.

Experts recognized the MG110 / 120 type submarine as the most advanced ultra-small submarine - a further development of the SX756 type SMPL. Its main task is the delivery of groups of reconnaissance saboteurs (up to eight people) with the means of landing to the area of ​​the combat mission. The MG110 submarine is equipped with a conventional diesel engine, and the MG120 / ER submarine is equipped with a diesel engine + VNEU, which includes a closed cycle diesel plant (DUZTS) using liquid oxygen as an oxidizer, as well as a 40 kilowatt electric motor. The cruising range when using an electric motor is 80 miles, when operating the DUZTS it reaches 320 miles (at a speed of 3.5 knots) and 2000 miles (at seven knots) using an RDP device. The highest speed in a submerged position is ten knots, the working depth of immersion is 150 meters, autonomy is up to 20 days.

Since the serial sample of the electrochemical generator (ECG) at the 212A project showed high efficiency and secrecy compared to the DUZTS, their use on the Italian projects SMPL is quite possible.

COSMOS does not advertise its business too much, especially in light of the fact that its specialists are probably helping to create SMPL and SPD in a number of not very "democratic" countries. It is authentically known that submarines of the SX756 type were delivered to Colombia (two units), of the MG110 / 120 type - to Pakistan (three) and South Korea (nine). Negotiations were underway on the sale of SMPL with Malaysia and some other states. The ideas and many technological solutions found by the Livorno company were used to develop their own ultra-small submarines by Yugoslavia, Iran and North Korea. Therefore, the real volumes and nomenclature of exports by COSMOS (or another company through which it is officially carried out) are not known for certain.

carrier force

The Italian fleet has two AVLs (Conte De Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi). On the way to creating an aircraft carrier force of the Italian Navy long time overcame the resistance of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic. Initially, the aircraft carrier construction plan was disguised as the concept of developing the Giuseppe Garibaldi aircraft-carrying cruiser (AVK) with a variety of weapons, including anti-ship missiles (ASMs), which were removed from the ship at the beginning of 2005.

With the second AVL, things were even more complicated. At first, it was supposed to build a universal landing ship (UDC), since studies carried out in the 90s of the last century showed that it is permissible to have a second AVL with UDC functions (the UDC-AVL concept), that is, it also performs staff and landing tasks. However, at the last stages of the development of the project, it was possible to abandon the docking chamber and landing boats (DVKA), transforming the promising ship into a light aircraft carrier-amphibious assault helicopter carrier (AVL-DVN), which provided helicopter landing and unloading of armored vehicles (ABT) on the pier or to DVKA via a pontoon.

It was thanks to the original fictitious purpose of the new ship as a UDC that the displacement of the new aircraft carrier was doubled. Its construction began in July 2001. AVL has been renamed several times: the first name is Luigi Einaudi, since 2002 - Andrea Doria, since 2003 - Conte di Cavour, more recently - Cavour.

The aircraft carrier was commissioned into the Navy in 2009, but some equipment and part of the artillery weapons were not on it at the beginning of 2012 either. From the point of view of shipbuilding technology, this is the first universal assault landing ship. In the future, the AVL is supposed to be based on multi-role fighters (MTS) F-35. The construction of another light aircraft carrier is possible only to replace the Giuseppe Garibaldi AVL, the timing of the withdrawal of which from the combat strength of the Navy has not yet been determined.

Amphibious forces

DK. The basis of the landing forces of Marina Militare are three landing helicopter-carrying dock ships (DVKD) of the San Giorgio type. The last of them was transferred to the fleet in 1994. The Italian DVKD does not have a hangar, which distinguishes them from their foreign counterparts. However, given the zone of activity of ships - mainly the Mediterranean Sea, this is not considered a big drawback. According to some reports, two modernized DVKDs, which have a solid flight deck and a closed nose, were able to place light helicopters on the deck for ABT, which practically made them mini-UDK.

DKA. There are 13 LCM-type landing craft and 17 LCVP-type landing craft in service. There are no plans to build new DKA yet.

Multi-purpose forces

EM. As of early 2012, the Italian Navy had two Luigi Durand de la Penne-class destroyers and two Andrea Doria-class destroyers (the HORIZON program has been completed). The second and last ship of the second type entered the Marina Militare in 2009. Unlike France, Italy for some time planned the construction of two more EMs of this type, but later abandoned these intentions.

FR. The Italian Navy currently has eight Maestrale-class frigates and four Artigliere-class frigates. Currently, the FREMM program is building two and plans to build eight more ships of this class: half - in the shock version, half - in the PLO version. The initial amount of the contract is 4.5 billion euros. Italian frigates may turn out to be somewhat cheaper than French ones, since the weapons of the former are based on proven systems implemented on the HORIZON EM program and on the Cavour AVL. Experts do not rule out that in this case, as in France, the program may be curtailed due to rising prices.

In technical terms, the Italian FR of the FREMM program are a reduced copy of the HORIZON EM program, but are equipped with a new power plant - a diesel-gas turbine electric unit (DGTEU), similar to the one on the frigate of project 23 of the British Navy.

KRV. Marina Militare has eight corvettes (KRV) of the Minerva type built in 1987-1991. They no longer plan to deploy anti-ship missiles, as it was before. Moreover, anti-aircraft missile systems and torpedo tubes (TA) were dismantled on four ships, which actually turned the KRV into patrol ships (PC). The interest of the Italian Navy in corvettes has clearly decreased and there are no plans to build them.

Patrol Force

PC. Marina Militare has ten patrol ships: six Commandante Cigala Fulgosi and four Cassiopea. According to experts, the Commandante Cigala Fulgosi-type PC is a good example for creating multifunctional ships in order to solve limited combat missions in the Mediterranean Sea or in another closed area.

PCA. The once-famous Italian "mosquito fleet" has been reduced to four Esploratore-class patrol boats (PKA), and there are no new plans for the development of this class of combat units.

Mine-sweeping forces

The Italian Navy has 12 base minesweepers (BTSH): four Lerici types, eight Gaeta types (improved Lerici type). It was the first BTShchs that were those units of the fleet that pushed Italy to the forefront in the world in terms of mine defense ships (PMO). They were built in two series: the Lerici M-5550-5553 type (first) and the Gaeta M-5554-5561 type (second). The second series is distinguished by a large displacement, slightly improved weapons and equipment. Even the United States bought Italian technology and built a series of similar Osprey-type battleships for its Navy (today everything is in reserve).

The ship's hull, decks and bulkheads, made of fiberglass reinforced plastic, have high impact resistance and a low level of magnetic field. Unlike other TShch, the body is made in the form of a monoblock, relatively thick fiberglass shell without a set. This design turned out to be very technologically advanced and adapted for large-scale construction.

As a power plant on the ship, a single-shaft remote control with an auxiliary power plant (APU) of three retractable propulsion and steering columns (VDS) was used for the mine search mode and holding in place. When detecting mines and maneuvering in a minefield, an airborne missile system with a hydraulic engine is used, which ensures the movement of the ship at a speed of up to seven knots. The power of each VDC is 180 horsepower. To drive hydraulic motors, there are two independent systems (one in operation, the second in reserve) consisting of two low-noise 6-cylinder diesel engines (DD) of 450 horsepower each, located in separate soundproof compartments.

For the first time in world practice, anti-mine weapons were represented by two uninhabited underwater vehicles (UUVs) MIN-77 and Pluto. In addition, the ship has a decompression chamber for two people and rooms for seven demolition divers. Some standard trawls have been preserved on the TSC.

Now, in the Italian PMO, priority is given to the creation of new anti-mine NPA and anti-mine sonar stations (GAS) capable of detecting mines at depths of ten to three hundred meters, as well as equipping them with cash minesweepers - mine seekers (TSCHIM) and other combat surface ships (BNK). There are currently no plans to build new PMO ships.

Production potential

Italy has one of the most powerful and modern shipbuilding production bases in Europe. Italian shipbuilders have accumulated sufficient experience that allows them to build any modern ships and vessels, with the exception of those equipped with nuclear power plants (NPPs). The country is fully provided with all the necessary components of its own production. Many units and samples of weapons and military equipment are produced under license, in particular gas turbines, certain types of rocket and mine-torpedo weapons, and almost all radio-technical weapons.

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Laughter, as you know, prolongs life, and when it comes to Regia Marina Italiana, life is doubly extended.

An explosive mixture of Italian love of life, negligence and slovenliness can turn any useful undertaking into a farce. There are legends about the Royal Italian Navy: during the war years, Italian sailors achieved a fantastic result - the loss of the fleet exceeded the payroll of the Italian Navy! Almost every Italian ship perished / sank / was captured during its service twice, and sometimes three times.

There is no other ship in the world like the Italian battleship Conte di Cavour. For the first time, the formidable battleship was sunk at its anchorage on November 12, 1940, during a British air raid on the Taranto naval base. "Cavour" was raised from the bottom and stood for the entire war under repair, until it was flooded by its own crew in September 1943 under the threat of capture by German troops. A year later, the Germans raised the battleship, but at the end of the war, Cavour was again destroyed by Allied aircraft.

The mentioned attack on the naval base of Taranto became a textbook example of Italian punctuality, accuracy and diligence. The pogrom in Taranto, perpetrated by British pilots, is comparable in scale to Pearl Harbor, but it took the British twenty times less effort than the Japanese hawks to attack the American base in Hawaii.

The add-ons of the battleship "Conte di Cavour" plaintively look at us from the water

20 Swordfish plywood biplanes smashed the main base of the Italian fleet to shreds in one night, sinking three battleships right at the anchorages. For comparison, in order to “get” the German Tirpitz, hiding in the polar Altenfjord, British aviation had to make about 700 sorties (not counting sabotage using mini-submarines).

The reason for the deafening defeat in Taranto is elementary - the hardworking and responsible Italian admirals, for unclear reasons, did not pull the anti-torpedo net properly. For which they paid.

Other incredible adventures of pasta Italian sailors look no less bad:

The submarine "Ondina" fell in an unequal struggle with the South African trawlers Protea and Southern Maid (battle off the coast of Lebanon, July 11, 1942);

The destroyer "Sebenico" was boarded by the crew of a German torpedo boat right in the port of Venice on September 11, 1943 - immediately after the surrender of Nazi Italy. The former allies threw the Italians overboard, seized the destroyer and, renaming the Sebeniko TA-43, used it to guard the Mediterranean convoys until the spring of 1945.

The Italian submarine "Leonardo da Vinci" failed off the coast of Africa, a high-speed 21,000-ton liner "Empress of Canada". There were 1,800 people on board the liner (400 died) - half of whom, ironically, were Italian prisoners of war.
(however, the Italians are not alone here - similar situations occurred regularly during the Second World War)


Italian destroyer "Dardo" meets the end of the war

It is no coincidence that the British are of the opinion: "Italians build ships much better than they know how to fight on them."

And the Italians really knew how to build ships - the Italian school of shipbuilding has always been distinguished by noble swift lines, record speeds and the incomprehensible beauty and grace of surface ships.

The fantastic battleships of the Littorio class are among the finest pre-war battleships. heavy cruisers type "Zara" - an ingenious calculation, where all the advantages of the favorable geographical position of Italy in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea are used (to hell with seaworthiness and autonomy - the native coast is always close). As a result, the Italians managed to embody the optimal combination of security / fire / mobility in the Zar design, with an emphasis on heavy armor. The best cruisers of the "Washington" period.

And how can one not remember here the Black Sea leader "Tashkent", also built at the shipyards of Livorno! Full speed 43.5 knots, and in general, the ship turned out to be excellent.

Battleships of the "Littorio" type firing at the ships of the British squadron (battle at Cape Spartivento, 1940)
The Italians hit the Berwick cruiser, seriously damaging the latter.

Alas, despite the advanced technical equipment, the Regia Marina, once the most powerful of the fleets in the Mediterranean, mediocrely lost all the battles and turned into a laughing stock. But was it really so?

Slandered Heroes

The British can joke all they want, but the fact remains that in the battles in the Mediterranean, Her Majesty's fleet lost 137 ships of the main classes and 41 submarines. Another 111 surface combat units were lost by the allies of Great Britain. Of course, half of them were sunk by German aircraft and submariners of the Kriegsmarine - but even the remaining part is enough to forever record the Italian "sea wolves" in the pantheon of great naval warriors.

Among the trophies of the Italians -

Battleships of Her Majesty "Valient" and "Queen Elizabeth" (undermined by Italian combat swimmers on the road of Alexandria). The British themselves classify these losses as constructive total loss. Speaking in Russian, the ship is turned into a battered pile of metal with negative buoyancy.
Damaged battleships, one after another, fell to the bottom of the Alexandria Bay and knocked out of action for a year and a half.

Heavy cruiser York: sunk by Italian saboteurs using high-speed boats loaded with explosives.

Light cruisers Calypso, Cairo, Manchester, Neptune, Bonaventure.

Dozens of submarines and destroyers under the flags of Great Britain, Holland, Greece, Yugoslavia, Free France, the USA and Canada.

For comparison, the Soviet Navy during the war years did not sink a single enemy ship larger than a destroyer (by no means a reproach to Russian sailors - a different geography, conditions and nature of the theater of operations). But the fact remains that the Italian sailors have dozens of bright naval victories. So do we have the right to laugh at the achievements, exploits and inevitable mistakes of "pasta"?

Battleship HMS Queen Elizabeth on the roads of Alexandria

Submariners brought no less glory to the Regia Marina - such aces as Gianfranco Gazzana Priorogia (sank 11 transports with a total weight of 90,000 tons) or Carlo Fecia di Cossato (16 trophies). In total, a galaxy of the ten best Italian aces submarine warfare sank over a hundred Allied ships and vessels with a total displacement of 400,000 tons!

Ace submariner Carlo Fezia di Cossato (1908 - 1944)

During the years of World War II, Italian ships of the main classes made 43,207 exits to the sea, leaving 11 million fiery miles behind. Sailors of the Italian Navy have escorted countless convoys in the Mediterranean theater - according to official figures, Italian sailors have organized the delivery of 1.1 million troops and more than 4 million tons of various cargoes to North Africa, the Balkans and islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The return route was carrying precious oil. Often, cargo and personnel were placed directly on the decks of warships.

The statistics say: transport ships under the cover of the Regia Marina delivered 28,266 Italian and 32,299 German trucks and tanks to the African continent. In addition, in the spring of 1941, 15,951 pieces of equipment and 87,000 pack animals were transported along the route Italy - the Balkans.

Total for the period of hostilities warships The Italian Navy put up 54,457 mines on communications in the Mediterranean. The Regia Marina Maritime Patrol Aircraft flew 31,107 sorties, spending 125,000 hours in the air.

The Italian cruisers Duca d'Aosta and Eugenio di Savoia lay a minefield off the coast of Libya. A few months later, a British strike formation would be blown up on exposed mines. The cruiser "Neptune" and the destroyer "Kandahar" will go to the bottom

How do all these figures fit in with the ridiculous image of crooked-armed loafers, doing nothing but chewing their spaghetti?

The Italians have long been great sailors (Marco Polo), and it would be too naive to believe that during the Second World War they just threw out the “white flag”. The Italian Navy took part in battles around the world - from the Black Sea to the Indian Ocean. And high-speed Italian boats were noted even in the Baltic and on Lake Ladoga. In addition, Regia Marina ships operated in the Red Sea, off the coast of China, and, of course, in the cold expanses of the Atlantic.

The Italians beat Her Majesty's fleet great - just one mention of the "black prince" Valerio Borghese confused the entire British Admiralty.

Bandito diversanto

“... Italians, in a certain sense, are much smaller soldiers, but much bigger bandits” / M. Weller/
Faithful to the traditions of the legendary "Sicilian mafia", Italian sailors turned out to be unsuitable for honest naval battles in an open format. The massacre at Cape Matapan, the shame at Taranto - the linear and cruising forces of the Regia Marina showed their complete inability to resist the well-trained fleet of Her Majesty.

And if so, then it is necessary to force the enemy to play by the Italian rules! Submarines, human torpedoes, combat swimmers and boats with explosives. british navy big trouble was expected.

Scheme of the attack of the naval base Alexandria

... On the night of December 18-19, 1941, a British patrol caught two eccentrics in "frog" clothes from the Alexandria Bay. Realizing that things were not clean, the British battened down all the hatches and doors in the watertight bulkheads of the battleships, gathered on the upper deck and prepared for the worst.

The captured Italians, after a short interrogation, were locked in the lower rooms of the doomed battleship, in the hope that the "pasta" would finally "break" and still explain what was happening. Alas, despite the danger that threatened them, the Italian combat swimmers steadfastly kept silent. Until 6:05 a.m., when powerful demolition charges went off under the bottoms of the battleships Valient and Queen Elizabeth. Another bomb tore apart a naval refueling tanker.

Despite the biting "slap" from the Italian Navy, the British paid tribute to the crews of "man-torpedoes".

"One can only admire the cold-blooded courage and enterprise of the Italians. Everything was carefully thought out and planned."

- Admiral E. Cunningham, Commander of the Mediterranean Forces of Her Majesty's Fleet

After the incident, the British frantically swallowed air and looked for ways to protect their naval bases from Italian saboteurs. The entrances to all the major Mediterranean naval bases - Alexandria, Gibraltar, La Valetta were tightly blocked with nets, dozens of patrol boats were on duty on the surface. Every 3 minutes, another depth bomb flew into the water. However, over the next two years of the war, another 23 Allied ships and tankers became victims of frog people.

In April 1942, the Italians deployed an assault detachment of high-speed boats and mini-submarines to the Black Sea. At first, the "sea devils" were based in Constanta (Romania), then in the Crimea and even in Anapa. The result of the actions of Italian saboteurs was the death of two Soviet submarines and three cargo ships, not counting the many sorties and sabotage on the coast.

The capitulation of Italy in 1943 caught the "special operations" department by surprise - the "black prince" Valerio Borghese had just begun preparations for another grandiose operation - he was going to play a little "naughty" in New York.

Italian mini-submarines in Constanta

Valerio Borghese - one of the main ideologists and inspirers of Italian combat swimmers

The colossal experience of the team of Valerio Borghese was appreciated in post-war years. All available techniques, technologies and developments have become the basis for the creation and training of special SEAL units around the world. It is no coincidence that Borghese combat swimmers are the main suspects in the sinking of the battleship Novorossiysk (captured Italian Giulio Cesare) in 1955. According to one version, the Italians could not survive their shame and destroyed the ship, so that it would not fly under the enemy flag. However, this is all just speculation.


At the beginning of the 21st century, the Italian navy is a compact European fleet armed with the most modern ships and maritime systems.
The modern Italian fleet is nothing like the crooked Leaning Tower of Pisa: the training and equipment of Italian sailors meets the most stringent NATO standards and requirements. All ships and aircraft are built into a single information space, when choosing weapons, the reference point is shifted towards purely defensive means - anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-submarine weapons, means of close self-defense.

The Italian Navy has two aircraft carriers. There is a high-quality underwater component and basic naval aviation. The Italian Navy regularly takes part in peacekeeping and special missions around the globe. Technical means are constantly being updated: when choosing weapons, electronic means of navigation, detection and communication, priority is given to leading European developers - British BAE Systems, French Thales, and also Marconi's own corporation. Judging by the results, the Italians are doing great.

Nevertheless, one should not forget the words of the commander Alexander Suvorov: There is no land in the world that would be so dotted with fortresses as Italy. And there is no land that has been conquered so often.

The newest Italian aircraft carrier "Cavour"

"Andrea Doria" - one of two Italian frigates of the "Horizon" class (Orizzonte)

Statistical data -
"The Italian Navy in World War II" by Captain 2nd Rank Mark Antonio Bragadin

Illustrations –

The Italian Navy The general management of the naval forces is entrusted to the chief of the general staff of the armed forces, the direct responsibility is to the chief of the main headquarters of the navy, who actually performs the functions of commander. Through his headquarters, he manages the commands of the fleet, naval aviation, combat swimmers and saboteurs, as well as forces 4 naval districts and 2 nuclear commands. The main headquarters of the Rome Navy is the main governing body and is developing plans for construction, mobilization deployment, combat use, combat training, as well as improving the organizational and staff structure.

In addition, the main headquarters organizes reconnaissance and counterintelligence, directs the recruitment, training, and indoctrination of personnel. Organizationally, the Navy includes a fleet of an aviation squadron, the forces of four naval districts, the forces of two island military forces, the command of combat swimmers, the command of saboteurs Teseo Tezei. The combat strength of the fleet includes three NK divisions and three brigades of submarines, corvettes, minesweeping forces. The Commander of the Fleet Headquarters in Taranto is also the Commander of the Allied Naval Forces of NATO in the Central Mediterranean Sea. On issues of operational use in combat training, naval aviation is subordinate to the main headquarters of the naval forces, and logistics is organized and carried out by the relevant structures of the air force. It includes a fighter-attack aviation squadron, two base patrol aviation wings and five separate squadrons of anti-submarine helicopters.

The coast of the continental part of Italy and the island with the adjacent water area are divided into 4 military units of the Upper Tyrrhenian Lower Tyrrhenian Ionian Adriatic district and 2 nuclear naval commands of the island of Sicily of the island of Sardinia. The commanders of the districts and island commands report directly to the chief of the main headquarters of the Navy. The commanders of the military forces of the district are responsible for organizing the defense of the military forces of bases, ports and coasts, maintaining a favorable operational regime in the coastal waters of the district, and organizing the logistics of ships. In his subordination are VM bases, communication centers, support units, supply depots, repair shops, educational establishments, hospitals located in the area of ​​responsibility.

The total number of personnel of the Italian Navy reaches 45,000 people 44,200 - in the fleet, incl. 2,600 in the Naval Aviation and 800 in the Marine Corps.

The ship composition of the fleet of regular forces includes 61 warships and 60 boats.

The most modern are the light aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi, most of the submarines, frigates and corvettes. Aviation of the Navy is subdivided into aircraft carrier and base aviation. The command of combat swimmers and saboteurs consists of a detachment of combat swimmers and saboteurs and a group of support ships. The Marine Corps is represented by the San Marco Marine Battalion, which is stationed in Brindisia and is part of the third division of the fleet. Ship composition of the Italian Navy Aircraft carriers 1Cruisers 1Destroyers 4Frigates 18Corvettes and patrol ships 13Tranco-landing ships, boats 3minesweepers 13Patrol combat boats 7Missile combat boats 6.

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Its main goal was to include Italian education in the common European system of university education. In addition, its task was.. The concept of "credit" and credit units was introduced, each of which.. What are its practical results? First of all, it should be noted that in recent years the level of education in..

Art of Italy
Typical for his works: 1. Fractionality of the mass of the building; 2. Dematerialization of stone masses; 3. Dynamism of decisions; 4. Rich interior decoration: gold. Typical for his works: 1. Elegance combined with mathematical calculation; 2.. Most notable works: "David" - dynamism (the body is turned around its axis), muscle tension, expression ..
