How to get to Marrakesh from Casablanca? Buses from Casablanca to Marrakech Disadvantages of buses compared to other forms of public transport.

Traveling to Morocco on your own is very easy! We have developed for you a detailed description of the travel itinerary in Morocco with a well-developed travel budget. The goal is to go around the whole country without missing anything interesting.

Morocco is a great option for independent travel. Firstly, visa-free entry is open for Russians. Secondly, it is a very safe and politically calm country, which, among other things, is considered the most Europeanized Arab state. And thirdly, there are so many things to see in Morocco that it is absolutely pointless to go there on a package tour. If Morocco - then only on your own!

Exchange rate: 1 Moroccan dirham (MAD) ≈ 7 RUB.

We present you the scenario of the deepest immersion in this amazing country.

Morocco: how to get there

The easiest way get to Morocco from Russia is an air flight. Many options are possible. These are direct Royal Air Maroc flights from Moscow to Casablanca, and a whole fan of possible combinations of flights with connections in different European cities (Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Rome, etc.). There is even the option of getting to Morocco by sea: first it will be necessary, and from there, from one of the southern ports, take a ferry to Morocco. Swimming will last from 1 to 2 hours. However, the last two options suggest the presence of. In addition, they are unnecessarily tedious and time-consuming.

One way or another, in order to find the best option for both price and convenience, you need to compare all possible options. Ticket Search all airlines provide services and Skyscanner. To learn how to find and book flights at the lowest price, study.

And, of course, it always makes sense to keep track of new ones on our website.

If you feel that you are not ready to organize an independent trip to Morocco, but you want to go to this beautiful country, then fly on a tour. You can also find tickets online.

Hotels in Morocco

In popular tourist places, finding a hotel is not a problem. There is a wide choice of hotels for every taste and budget in Chefshaun, Casablanca, Agadir, Essaouira, Rabat, Marrakech, Ouarzazate and many other cities.

It is better to book accommodation in advance, especially during the high season.

We recommend searching hotels on the service. This is a search engine, it compares hotel prices for all popular booking systems (Booking, Agoda, Ozone, Ostrovok, etc.) and finds the best option. In general, it provides a wide choice and allows you to make a reservation at the best price. Pay attention to hotel reviews and ratings - they are formed by tourists themselves, it is useful to use this when choosing a good hotel.

We also recommend paying special attention to the service (experienced travelers probably know it). It can book very interesting housing from the owners. Instead of a banal hotel, you can check into authentic riads, apartments or houses - and this, you see, is much more interesting, as well as more comfortable and often even cheaper. The choice of housing is very wide - thousands of options. Check it out, you'll definitely like something!

So, our independent trip to Morocco has begun - we are in Casablanca!

Some travelers, having visited Kas (this is how the Moroccans themselves call this city for short), dissuade them from going here, they say, the city is not authentic and there is nothing to do here. Don't believe me - they lie. Going to the second largest city in Africa is one hundred percent worth it. The city is beautiful because it is an explosive mixture of the most heterogeneous elements: there are colorful slums, partly reminiscent of the slums of Rio, partly Negro quarters of American cities, there is also the spirit of Miami and something from South European port cities like Marseille, well, and of course, its life flows in the medina.

You can stay in Casablanca for two or three days - this is quite enough to explore the city.

How to get from the airport to Casablanca

Casablanca Airport is located at a fair distance from the city itself - about 40 kilometers. A taxi will cost unrealistically expensive - 300 dirhams. Therefore, the easiest way to get cheaply (and at the same time comfortably and quickly) from the airport to Casablanca is by train. The station is right under the airport, trains run every hour. A second class ticket will cost 40 dirhams. We go to the central station of the city - Gare Casa Voyageur.

Hotels in Casablanca

The cheapest hotels can be found in the medina. A double room can be booked for 100 dirhams. But get ready for the fact that there will be no toilet and shower in the room, and you will have to pay an additional 10 dirhams per person for hot water.

Hotels with a higher level of comfort will cost around 150-200 dirhams. They can be found in the central area of ​​the city. See also housing options on the service.

Public transport in Casablanca

The pride of the city is an ultra-modern tram that connects two sleeping areas, the city center and the beach. A ticket costs 7 dirhams and is bought from special vending machines that stand next to each stop. Having bought a ticket, you pass through the turnstile and board the tram. This type of transport is considered expensive and is used only by the middle class. But it is really a comfortable and fast mode of transport.

A ticket for scheduled buses is cheaper - 3 dirhams. But keep in mind that buses are often packed to capacity.

Pti-taxi (small taxi) will take you depending on the distance for 10-20 dirhams. No more than three people can sit in the car. You can ask to turn on the meter, or you can agree on a price in advance.

Grand taxis (old Mercedes) carry up to 6 passengers. The fare will cost about 6 dirhams.

Bypassing Casablanca far and wide, you can go further. From the Casa Voyageur station, already familiar to us, we go by train to the small resort town of Asilah, which is located almost in the very north-west of the country on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is better to take a ticket to the first class, taking a second class ticket, you run the risk of being left without a seat and spending five and a half hours in a stuffy car, either standing on your feet, or sitting in the vestibule or even the toilet of the car with a density of four to five people per square meter. The price of a 1st class ticket is 164 dirhams.

By the way, here is the Moroccan railway website, where you can see all routes, schedules and ticket prices.

Asil has a wide choice of places where you can stay cheaply. You can even find unnamed hotels-hostels, accommodation in which will cost 40 dirhams per person.

Asilah is not just a classic resort town where you will find everything you need for a relaxing beach holiday, it is also a very beautiful place, famous for its charming medina. And in addition to all this, there is also a large selection of seafood in local restaurants.

If you wish, you can go from Asila to neighboring Larache. This city is picturesquely located on the rocks near the ocean. First of all, it is known for its ancient Roman ruins, which are located near the city on a small hill. you can get to Larache from Asilah by scheduled minibuses for 15 dirhams. Departure from the Asila bus station, which is located in the east of the city. To get directly to the ruins, you need to ask the driver in advance to drop you off at the ruins before reaching the city. Travel time is about an hour. After walking for some time in Larache, we return by minibus to Asilah.

From Asila, again, by minibus for the same 15 dirhams, we go to Tangier, once a city of international status, an interzone and an attractive place for European and American writers and artists, outcasts and outsiders.

Now the city is not the same, so it makes no sense to linger here. At the bus station we buy a ticket to Chefchaouen for 50-60 dirhams and after 2-3 hours of travel on mountain roads we are in one of the most famous and beautiful cities in Morocco.

Chefchaouen is one of the most entourage cities in Morocco. Foreigners were not allowed here for many centuries, as the place was considered sacred. Times have changed - now everything is the opposite here, an endless stream of tourists. Therefore, be prepared that every minute your peace on the streets of the city will be disturbed by clingy helpers, each with their own offer: a hotel, a restaurant, a cafe, hashish.

Speaking of the latter, Chefchaouen is located in the Rif Mountains, which are famous for their hemp plantations. Therefore, hashish is offered by almost everyone you meet, and the locals smoke it right while sitting on the street.

The beauty of Chefchaouen is due to two things: firstly, the picturesque location in the Rif mountains, and secondly, the medina, colorfully painted in various shades of blue. It is best to walk along the ornate streets of the medina early in the morning - you will not get such pleasure at any other time. In the morning there are no merchants, no annoying helpers, no countless tourists with their cameras.

If you wish, you can go trekking - from small walks to multi-day hikes. In the mountains north of Chefchaouen there are even small waterfalls, mountain lakes and rivers.


From Chefchaouen we go to Tetouan (25 dirhams) to transfer to another bus there and go to Marrakech (225 dirhams from STM). The road will be long - almost 10 hours of travel with two stops to eat.

The bus station of Marrakesh is located right outside the walls of the medina. It is better to settle in the medina, preferably closer to the main square of Jama El Fna. So it will be easier not to get lost, because the streets of the old city are a real labyrinth. A night in a budget hotel will cost 100-180 dirhams for a double room.

Marrakech is Morocco's most popular city for tourists, so be prepared for the same problem as in Chefchaouen: pushiness and the desire to extract money from you in any way.

When visiting Marrakesh, it is worth devoting a couple of days to a trip to the nearby Atlas Mountains. You can even climb to the top of the highest mountain in North Africa - Jebel Toubkal (4064 meters). Any healthy person can do this, since the ascent is very simple and does not require any special training. To do this, you need to use a grand taxi, which will take you from Marrakech to the mountain village of Imlil, from where the ascent begins. After conquering the summit, we return back to Marrakesh.


From Marrakesh, our path lies in Ouarzazate. The city is known as African Hollywood because many films have been filmed here - from "Lawrence of Arabia" to "Gladiator". A ticket for a CTM bus costs 80 dirhams, for other carriers - about 60-70. Travel time is four and a half hours.

The road between Marrakesh and Ouarzazate passes through the Atlas Mountains and is considered one of the most scenic in the world. It is here, on the southeastern side of the Atlas Mountains, that the Sahara Desert begins.

The main attraction of Ouarzazate is the ksar (clay fortress) of Ait Ben Haddou, located 30 kilometers from the city. It is considered the most beautiful in Morocco. To get there, you should use the services of a grand taxi.

From Ouarzazate we go east, to the small town of Tangir (ticket price - 70 dirhams). There is nothing to do or see in the town itself. But next to it is a magnificent oasis, and a little further - the Todra Gorge. A fantastic place with incredibly high (up to 300 meters!) sheer cliffs. Here you can go mountain climbing, or you can just enjoy the scenery. There are many hotels and restaurants in the gorge, so you can stay right here.

Fum-Zgid and Erg Shigaga

From Tangir we return to Ouarzazate, where we transfer to another bus, following to Fum Zgid. A ticket for the latter will cost 60-70 dirhams.

Foum Zgid is a small village in southern Morocco, close to the Algerian border. It is attractive because from here you can go to the sand dunes of Erg Shigaga. To do this, you will need to look for people who make these trips to the dunes, and agree on an excursion. Alas, the only way (unless, of course, you have your own SUV). As a rule, in the dunes, people spend the night in a small Tuareg settlement, meet sunset and dawn, and return back to Fum Zgid during the day.

Choice of further path

In Phum-Zgid we take the morning 9-hour passing bus and go to Guelmim (the ticket costs about 90-100 dirhams). The path is long, so it is better to leave at 9 o'clock in the morning. The bus will arrive in Guelmim in the afternoon. And here you have to make an important choice about the further route.

The most desperate can move south to the unrecognized Western Sahara, which is actually controlled by the Moroccan government. Western Sahara is more than a thousand kilometers of monotonous desert landscapes. If you are ready for this, then welcome to Dakhla - a city located at the crossroads between real Africa and Morocco.

By and large, there is nothing to see in the city, but here you can feel yourself on the very edge of the Earth. After all, on one side of you there is an endless desert, going thousands of kilometers deep into the mainland, and on the other, an even more endless Atlantic Ocean. For this, it is certainly worth enduring the many hours of the bus ride. Dakhla is also known for its waves and therefore is a kind of mecca for surfers. The geographical location of Dakhla is also unusual: the city is located on a narrow peninsula stretching for 40 kilometers.

After meeting with Dakhla, you will need to return to Guelmim by the same road.

It makes no sense to linger in Guelmim, so we immediately take a grand taxi and go north to the port town of Sidi Ifni, located 60 kilometers from Guelmim.

Sidi Ifni is the place where you can finally truly unwind after hard journeys through the desert. It has a great beach and a great selection of seafood.

And 15 kilometers to the north is the main pearl of these lands - known throughout the world for its amazing arches. This place is not to be missed. You can go there by grand taxi for 20-30 dirhams, depending on the agreement.

To get to Essaouira, you will first need to get to Tiznit (by CTM bus for 25 dirhams), and from there take a bus to Essaouira (80-100 dirhams).

In Essaouira it will be possible to relax even more than in Sidi Ifni. Here, too, there is an excellent beach, an abundance of seafood, as well as a large number of clubs, discos and even museums. Essaouira has an excellent medina, where it is best to stay (a decent double room can be found for 100 dirhams). Another pride of Essaouira is a wonderful port, which is best to visit early in the morning.


Essaouira will be the end point of the Moroccan journey. All key cities, places and sights have been examined - now you can go back to Casablanca, and from there fly home.

The bus from Essaouira to Casa will cost about 100 dirhams. In Casablanca, we take a train to the airport (40 dirhams), and in a few hours we arrive in Russia.

On this our solo trip to morocco will end. But there is no doubt that having completed this fantastic trip, you will again want to repeat it somehow. Believe me, to realize this amazing journey is not much more difficult than reading this text. Honestly. Just do it.

P.S. We did it, so can you.

Intro image source: © ameztegui / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Morocco is a country of extraordinary interest to tourists who want to know how to get from Casablanca to Marrakesh long before their arrival. There are several ways to quickly overcome the distance separating major tourist centers. Among the options offered are air travel, taxi, bus, train or self-drive.

Google Maps /

Each of the cases has features that are easy to assess depending on the time allocated for the road, the financial side of the issue and the convenience of movement by a particular mode of transport. A trip along the chosen route from the resort town to the center of an exotic kingdom will be unforgettable and will allow you to get to know the locals, sights, and traditions better.

Staying in Casablanca - where to stay and what to see?

As soon as you find yourself in Kas (reduction of Moroccans), it is worth finding a hotel to stop by. It offers visitors cheap accommodation in rooms without a shower and toilet, more expensive accommodation in the central part of the city with complete comfort. You can choose a hotel to your taste using the site.

Martin Alvarez Espinar /

The resort is the second largest city on the African continent, so it is worth taking 2-3 days to get acquainted with the most significant places, even if you are in a hurry to get to Marrakesh from Casablanca.

The most interesting sights include:

  1. One of the most famous mosques of Hassan II, built at the end of the 20th century and therefore combining traditional elements with modern technologies in design.
  2. Twin towers with a complex of surrounding buildings and expensive shops, restaurants, cafes, offices.
  3. The Khabus quarter, which is considered the hallmark of the city.
  4. The lighthouse on Cape El-Khank is the largest among such structures.

After getting to know the coastal city, you can start choosing a transport that will take you from Casablanca to Marrakesh.


A trip by bus will bring a lot of pleasure from contemplating exotic beauties for a European and will not take much time. It will take approximately 3.5 hours to reach the final destination. The fee will be no more than 11 euros.

You don’t have to guess the time of departure for the popular destination, since the departure of buses from the Central Station to the street. Strasbourg takes place every hour.

Alternatively, departure from the bus station STM, st. Leon African. It is worth considering that you will need to stock up on time (the trip will last 4.5 hours), money (ticket prices are higher than at the Central Bus Station) and a schedule (5 flights are offered towards Marrakech).


Some tourists are interested in independently solving the issues of rest stops, entertaining photo shoots, and walks around the neighborhood. For such travelers, it is possible to rent a car, for example, through the portal. In the city, car rental services are offered by agencies, including Europcar, Budget, Avis, Hertz.

Tim Adams/

Traveling by car, passengers can relax, get to know the country and the settlements that meet along the way.

It will take a little less than 2.5 hours on the road without stops. There should be a supply of gasoline with a volume of 19-20 liters in the tank. The costs will be up to 30 euros.


An inexpensive transfer from Casablanca to Marrakech will be by train. The ONCF railways laid a rather dense grid on the map of Morocco, connecting all major cities with each other. Traveling by rail is considered safe and convenient. Almost all trains - comfortable, high-speed, standard - are equipped with air conditioners, there are carriages with buffets and bars.

Andrew Nash/

In Kas, 5 railway stations were built, from which passengers go to any part of the African state. In the adjacent territories there are kiosks, left-luggage offices, cash desks, cafes, and waiting areas. It is better to buy tickets at the box office in order not to pay extra 15% commission in the car.

A fast train was launched from the Casa-Voyageurs central station to Marrakesh, which reaches the final station in 3 hours and 20 minutes at a speed of up to 160 km / h in some sections. An ordinary train, which leaves the station every 4 hours, will have to spend only 15-20 minutes more.

The price of a ticket to Marrakech is 9-17 euros, depending on the class of the carriage.


If you go by taxi, which can be ordered on the website, then in about 2 hours and 15 minutes the passenger will reach Marrakesh. The cost of the trip varies widely and depends on the class of the chosen car. It is worth preparing 100-105 euros, but small discrepancies are possible in both directions, as tourists can be offered economy and comfort options - the cheapest, business and premium - more expensive.

Sam Nabi/

It is considered optimal to order a taxi of the Minibus type, designed for 7-16 people. Applications are submitted in groups or seated along the way. In case of prior request, the driver will drop by the hotel or meet you at the station with a sign.


This is a fairly hassle-free way to get into Marrakesh. Mohammed V International Airport operates in Casablanca, which knows exactly how to get in the direction from Casablanca to Marrakesh. Buying a ticket will empty your wallet by an amount that depends on the season. Yes, don't be surprised! In winter, you will have to pay 200-230 euros for a ticket, during the period at the spring-summer border - 73-78 euros. The flight will take about 45 minutes.

The airport building is an attractive structure with three terminals. There are expensive goods in shops and kiosks, so it is advisable to think about food and drinks in advance or pass the time in a cafe with dishes for every taste before the flight. Pharmacy, medical service, security guards work around the clock. In the waiting rooms, you are invited to relax on the eve of departure.

Video: tour in Morocco, Marrakech - Casablanca.

Made a choice? Have a good trip!

The selection of the best moving option depends on finances, time constraints, the desire to see more or achieve the goal faster.

Upon arrival in the Red City, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Medina, walk along Jemaa al-Fna Square, see the Koutoubia Mosque, walk along the paths of the Menara Gardens, visit the city museum, look into Cyberpark.

The trip to Morocco was completely organized without a travel agency. The preparation was thorough and not at all simple, so I share valuable information with those who are going to visit this country.

Route: Casablanca 2 days - Marrakech 5 days - Casablanca 3 days

As we understood after the trip, this is not the best route, because. there is definitely nothing to do in Casablanca for 5 days, there will be enough sights and entertainment for 3 days with a stretch.


There are direct flights from Moscow only to Casablanca, we got to Marrakesh by train. More on that later.

After a 6 hour flight, we finally landed in Casablanca. The airport is quite decent, modern. Already in the passport control zone, people of European appearance mixed with local residents, who were completely dressed in national clothes.

Further, everything went according to a pre-prepared plan: money exchange (ask for small bills), then rejection of all the bombers and a ride in an official taxi to the hotel. By the way, the price is fixed - 250 dirhams, the main thing is to make sure that the driver knows where to go.

Hotel 1

The first hotel (Hôtel Club Val d "Anfa, 4 *) turned out to be a real oriental fairy tale - all around mosaics, carved wood furniture and other beauties.

Hotel Club Val d'Anfa

Hotel Club Val d'Anfa

And on the walls are real paintings, not of the highest quality, but bright and very colorful. By the way, later on the market we bought a good painting for 600 rubles, after a long haggling, of course.

Near the hotel is the Corniche - a pleasant place for a walk. A clean and well-groomed recreation area where locals relax and tourists spend time. Children spoil the impression a little - beggars, it's a pity for them.

Acquaintance with the sights of the city is a real adventure. I had to deal with arrogant taxi drivers, misunderstanding, and other delights of this country.

Taxi drivers are divided into two types: with the first it is necessary to bargain long and hard, and the second (who more or less speak English) tend to breed for a city tour.

Attractions of Casablanca

The first point of the route - the Old Medina (mast see - written in many guidebooks) is a nightmare! Complete unsanitary conditions and stench - this is a place that I wanted to leave as soon as possible. But it is easy to get lost there, and you will have to bargain with the local again so that he will lead you out of the labyrinths of the streets.

Point 2 - Hassan II Mosque. The mosque is located on an amazingly beautiful square, over which a tall minaret rises.

The place is really amazing, I really liked the atmosphere. Locals come here with their children just to relax and enjoy the views, everything is very calm and peaceful.

There are photographers at the entrance who can take a few shots against the backdrop of the mosque with their own or your camera. The price, as usual, is a sensitive issue, we paid 50 dirhams.

We spent at least an hour here, looking at the architecture and luxurious decoration of the mosque, and for 100 dirhams (350 rubles) my husband managed to get into the men's baths, where tourists are usually not allowed.

We sit in a taxi at the mosque, the driver persuades us to take a tour of the city from him, we refuse and for 70 (200 rubles) we go to the New Medina, which he advised.

The new medina is the best place for shopping in Morocco, of all that we have visited. The same goods are sold here as elsewhere, but at a fixed price. This is very convenient, because Bargaining in each shop is very exhausting.

By the way, here you can buy things of higher quality than in other markets. For example, a national hand-embroidered silk robe can be bought for 500 dirhams (1,800 rubles).

We buy a bathrobe for all our friends (a regular cotton bathrobe costs 100-150 dirhams), for a large purchase we agree on a discount and with a calm soul we go to the hotel by taxi.

In the evening, a walk along the already familiar embankment, the next day a big trip.

Road to Marrakech

We decided to travel to Marrakech from Casablanca by train (the journey takes 3 hours). A taxi driver took us to the station for 40 dirhams (150 rubles).

It was not possible to buy a ticket for the next train, I had to sit at the station for 3 hours.

Trains are generally normal, only very stuffy, there are air conditioners, but they do not work. Apparently, this suits the locals, because. an attempt to open the window was not approved.

We drove through several small towns, in general, the panorama from the window resembled a Martian landscape (photo, unfortunately, no), red earth, rare bushes.


In Marrakech, I was surprised by a very beautiful modern station.

We checked into a hotel in the new part of the city, and the next day we went for a walk.

In Morocco, the terrible ecology, in Casablanca, in Marrakesh, the street stinks terribly of exhaust fumes. It seemed to me that after a few hours of walking, the body is covered with a film.

Sights of Marrakesh

The first point of the route in Marrakesh - Mozharel Gardens - a real green oasis, where it smells unusually pleasant and very beautiful.

At the entrance to the gardens, there is a very nice cafe where only foreigners sit.

By the way, the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent ennobled the gardens, having bought part of the territory for personal use.

What else is worth seeing in Marrakesh is written in all guidebooks. The Djemaa el Fna Square, the “Severed Heads Square,” is a 24-hour booth where you should keep your wallet close to your body.

Here, tourists are offered all sorts of entertainment, and dozens of mobile eateries open in the evening.

Probably the most important entertainment is taming snakes and taking pictures with them, of course, for money.

Local rolls with chicken and cinnamon, reminiscent of Vietnamese

5 days in the city of Marrakech was too much.

Therefore, we made up for the extra time with daily spa treatments and massages at our hotel. I HIGHLY recommend taking a hotel in Morocco, where there are spa services. The gentle hands of Moroccan women... oh, it was wonderful.

For one day we went buggy riding in the desert, this is my best memory from Morocco.

General impressions of the country

In general, Morocco is a bright and original country where you can find a lot of interesting things.

I'm sure the photographers will take away a lot of good shots, and because Residents do not like to be photographed very much, you can negotiate with them for money.

Unfortunately, we were too lazy and did not go to the blue city of Chefchaouen.

On about the 5th day in the country, you begin to understand that the Moroccans are very calm and friendly people, despite excessive importunity. The country seemed very safe, perhaps because the locals do not drink alcohol - religion forbids.

P.S. You will have to get used to the prayers that sound from the mouthpieces of all mosques 5 times a day. And the expression Allah Akbar will soon cease to frighten you.