How to make a sewer in the village with your own hands? Rules for self-installation of sewerage Installation of water supply and sewerage in a wooden house.

The arrangement of the sewer system inside the house made of wood is a good solution. The procedure does not take too much time, savings are provided Money. The sewerage device in a wooden house begins with the preparation of a mandatory plan and project, according to which all the main work is carried out.

The structure of the sewer for a house made of wood

sewer system of any country house comprises:

  • internal sewerage;
  • external sewerage;
  • containers for storage and processing of waste.

To the elements internal system include pipelines, plumbing, located inside the house itself.

External sewerage is represented by pipes through which all wastewater is directed to containers for storage and processing of waste outside wooden house.

Tanks that store and process sewage waste can be represented as traditional cesspools, as well as septic tanks or entire sewage systems.

The parts of the internal system are:

  • risers;
  • plumbing (toilets, sinks, drain cisterns);
  • pipes through which sewage is removed from the house;
  • outlet pipelines;
  • pipes for ventilation.

When laying sewers in a wooden house with your own hands, you must follow the rules:

  • as a pipe material, it is recommended to choose PVC or polypropylene products;
  • use pipes 50 mm in diameter as a drain from the kitchen from the bathroom;
  • the pipeline used to remove wastewater from the toilet must have a diameter of at least 100 mm and a length of about 100 cm;
  • the entire pipeline system is connected to a single riser;
  • if the house was built recently, then the pipes are fastened in a movable joint, which prevents the destruction of the sewer system when the foundation shrinks;
  • for the convenience of cleaning pipes, the places of their turns are equipped with a revision;
  • avoiding clogging of pipe products will allow the installation of plastic elbows on them at an angle of 45 0;
  • after installing the sewerage system in a wooden house, the pipe joints must be carefully sealed, securing all the elements.

Ventilation is always required inside a wooden building. It prevents the spread of unpleasant odors throughout the structure and protects it from the failure of the shutter.

External sewer network

The laying of external pipes begins with the preparation of the trench. To do this, you must select areas with untouched land. Over time, the soil will begin to sag. To avoid this, it is recommended to compact the bottom of the trench with a layer of sand.

To maintain the straightness of the laid pipelines, it is necessary to make small digs at the points of their connection.

The depth of the pipes is important. In places with deep freezing of the soil, it is advisable to lay the pipeline to a depth of more than 70 cm. If the pipes are laid shallow, then they must be insulated. There is a high probability that in winter during frosts they will freeze and become clogged with ice.

Any external sewerage in a country house requires the placement of pipes in a trench. This ensures the necessary gravity flow of wastewater towards the tank for their storage and treatment.

Features of pipe selection

The best option for pipes for internal sewerage in a wooden house are products made of polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. Plastic is also used for laying an external sewer system. In addition to it, cast iron products are used.

Each of the materials for the sewer system of a wooden structure has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The best material option for external and internal sewer pipes house made of wood is polypropylene.

There are several options for containers into which wastewater will enter and then be processed there. The simplest of them is a cesspool. The method involves the formation of a recess in the soil, where a container made of reinforced concrete, plastic or brick is installed.

Cesspools are not a good option for arranging the final chain of an external sewer system to which a wooden dwelling is connected. The reason is the poor quality of sewage treatment and contamination of nearby soils.

The best option is the arrangement of a septic tank. To install it, you must comply with a number of requirements:

  • the distance from the septic tank to the nearby site is more than 3 m;
  • the distance from it to the country house itself is more than 2 m (optimally 4 m);
  • distance from filtration fields to beds and plantings - more than 4 m;
  • distance from septic tank to source drinking water(wells) - more than 15 m.

The sewerage device using a septic tank includes the following steps:

  • digging a pit for a container (the size of the pit should slightly exceed the dimensions of the septic tank itself);
  • pouring the bottom and walls of the pit with concrete mortar or equipment;
  • covering cracks in the walls of a concrete structure with a layer of sealant;
  • backfilling the gaps between the concrete structure and the excavated soil;
  • supply pipes to the septic tank;
  • bringing the septic tank to the highway from pipelines located under a slope.

The end pipe, which connects the septic tank to the filter well, is also placed at an angle. Through it, wastewater flows from the septic tank to the well, where it is cleaned through layers of sand.

Sewerage in a wooden house is very easy to install on your own. Many people, trying to escape from the bustle of the city, build their houses of wood in the forest or on the outskirts, but this is not a reason to get rid of comfort. In our article, we will consider how to properly install a sewer system for this type of building with your own hands.

To date, there has been an increase in the popularity of wooden houses, both in Europe and in Russia. This pattern is explained by such advantages of this material:

  • Less energy is needed to heat a room;
  • It has climate control, which favorably affects the health of residents;
  • Capable of absorbing toxins
  • Favorably affects the human psyche;
  • High level of structural stability due to the installation of screw piles. It is also worth noting that a wooden house has a powerful frame belt.

Screw piles have the form of solid metal pipes, which have special blades that are twisted like a screw into the soil. This frame case allows the wooden house to withstand loads, deformations, ground vibrations and temperature. Consider the structure of screw piles, which are made of high-strength alloys and have anti-corrosion resistance. These elements constructively form an area with high strength.

In order to increase the rigidity of the installation, it is necessary to fill the pipe with a concrete solution. In practice, there are situations when piles need to be reinforced. You can install screw piles with a special machine or with your own hands. What makes them so popular in the construction of timber buildings? Piles are known for such unique properties:

  • Speed ​​up the installation process by 30 percent;
  • Screw piles can be used on marshy and subsidence soils;
  • Not dependent on surface water;
  • There is no vibration during work processes, which allows piles to be placed close to the house;
  • The time of year does not affect DIY installation;
  • There is no need for earthworks and soil leveling;
  • Piles will save money on installation.

Attention! Screw piles are the most rational option for a wooden house, according to economic and technical criteria.

General concepts of sewerage

The need to install a sewer for a building with your own hands made of wood is very pronounced, so you need to think about its device even at the stage of designing a dwelling. This requirement is important, since some parts of the sewer must be laid together with the foundation on screw piles. If you want to carry out a drainage system for toilets and plumbing in an already built house, but it is worth noting that this will cost you a lot more.

The construction of sewer systems with their own hands is divided into two of their components, namely the internal and external structure. The first includes all plumbing and toilet components, and the second connects all the parts that provide drainage to the sump. It is worth noting that the system can be autonomous and connected to the central sewer. If this is the first option, then these can be such installations: a cesspool, a septic tank, drainage and filtration devices. Also, it is necessary to highlight the features of the device:

  • The components of the sewer in the frame room depend on its shrinkage;
  • The external system is installed according to standard methods, the choice of which does not depend on the type of building;
  • The cleaning facility is determined based on the frequency of living in the house.

Design features

Considering the design features of the sewage system in a frame building, we can say that this is a complex of systems that are aimed at collecting, moving and storing wastewater. Let's look at the components of this device:

  • Internal sewerage- this is the sum of all pipes, toilet components and plumbing fixtures within the house;
  • The outer part is the union of pipes that transport wastewater from the toilet and plumbing to places of their storage and disposal outside the building;
  • Tanks screw or on piles which are engaged in the storage and processing of sewage waste. In practice, septic tanks, pits or treatment stations are very common.

Internal networks

In order to make a sewerage system in frame house correctly and with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this work. Each network has its own characteristics, therefore, when installing the internal complex, one should not forget about the gaps that protect the pipes and the shrinkage of the building on screw piles. All horizontal elements must be of minimum length and fastened to the walls without coarse ties.

For optimal pipe performance, you should choose PVC or polypropylene material with a diameter of 5 cm, and for connecting the toilet - 11 cm. It is worth noting that the first thing to do is to install the wiring from the bathroom, which includes a toilet, a bathroom, a washing machine, etc. d.

At all pipe turns, it is necessary to install a revision that will help with their cleaning. A mandatory item is the need to seal all joints and seams, which will increase strength. After organizing the internal water supply network, you can begin the installation of external equipment.

Attention! It is imperative to make ventilation in the frame house - this will protect against shutter failures and unpleasant odors.

External network

The first action for this network is the installation of the outlet element, which will connect the well and the internal component. Its installation starts from the intake of drains to the riser, and takes place in the direction of the sewer flows of the toilet and plumbing. It is worth noting that the sockets and piles must be installed at an angle of 90 degrees.

When choosing pipes, it is necessary to give preference to a diameter identical to the size of the riser. The length of all exhaust elements can vary within 12 meters. The device of the well can be made with your own hands from plastic, brick or reinforced concrete rings. Its installation takes place in moist soil, so it needs to be treated with a primer.

When making a trench where an outlet drain is installed, untouched soil must be selected. To prevent subsidence of the soil, you need to add sand and tamp well. In addition, all joints provide for easy earth digging, which will keep the pipes straight.

Attention! In the case of shallow pipe laying up to 70 cm, it is imperative to perform pipe insulation.

Sewerage design features
To make the correct installation of the sewer with your own hands, you need to observe the slope of the pipes in such a way that the waste of the toilet and other sewage elements is formed by gravity. It is best to lay the pipeline in upright position and without bends, but if this is not possible, then wells should be installed at the joints, which will allow access to cleaning. The septic tank must be located in accordance with all norms and requirements.

Attention! In one trench, the placement of drain pipes and drainage is prohibited.

Water supply and sewerage important question for arranging comfort in a frame house, so the choice of material must be approached very responsibly. Most main process– selection of optimal pipes, which are made of the following materials:

  • Metal;
  • Asbestos cement;
  • Plastic.

The most expensive option is the purchase of metal pipes, which are installed only with a welding machine. The asbestos-cement pipeline is not used in water supply, but it is perfect for transporting runoff flows. A feature of such pipes is a high level of sealing.

Water supply and sewerage - basic installation rules

In order to get acquainted with all aspects of the installation, we analyzed the special literature and video materials and deduced the basic rules and regulations for the work. When installing a sewerage system and drainage in a frame building, it should be carried out strictly following the rules and regulations that are regulated by law. Do not forget about the slope, which should be laid in such a way that the water flow is formed by gravity. This can be done by maintaining a slope of 2 cm per meter. It is worth noting that if this norm is not taken into account, then the system will constantly become clogged, and a larger degree, on the contrary, will slow down the flow.

The drainage and sewerage of the toilet and other plumbing elements begins to be built from the drain pipe. The drain channel must be insulated, which will further protect it from possible damage. This effect can be achieved by lining the pipe with brick or cement. Similar actions apply when pipes are installed that provide water supply.

The outer part of the system for draining waste from the toilet and plumbing is made of plastic pipes of brown or orange color and with a thickness of more than 3.6 mm. The internal network is executed in gray shades of gray and the size of the pipeline is 1.8 mm. If you use cast iron joints, then it requires a lot of effort and expense, but will last for many years. Plus, it can be noted that this type of pipe is able to isolate any sounds in the system, unlike plastic types.
The next step is to install the internal network and the fan pipe, which is able to eliminate unpleasant odors. It is worth noting that it is mandatory to install hydraulic locks on the entire plumbing device.

The siphon must match the diameter of the sewer. The drain pipe is connected to the toilet, and must have a diameter of more than 10 cm. If we take the size of the outlets from the plumbing, it must be more than 5 cm. All pipes in the system are laid at a slope to ensure gravity flow.
Upon completion of all work, it is necessary to diagnose the sewerage and drainage system. It is worth paying special attention to the seams of the structure, they must be airtight. Based on this, correct calculations will allow you to create the optimal sewer for a wooden house with piles. After all, this building is very durable and requires an appropriate drainage system.


Self-construction of sewerage in a private house is a rather profitable solution: the quality of the system will be sufficient, and the cost savings will be significant. Before you make a sewer in a wooden house, you need to create a high-quality project, according to which the work will be carried out.

As a rule, sewage is thought out even at the site development stage, since it is much more convenient to equip it in parallel with the construction of the building, but if this is not possible, then the system is created without any problems in the finished building.

The design of the sewer system in a wooden house

Structurally, sewerage in a wooden house is a complex of systems that provide collection, transportation and storage of wastewater.

The scheme of the sewer system of a private house includes the following parts:

  1. Internal sewerage. It includes all pipelines located within the building, and plumbing fixtures.
  2. External sewerage. The design of the external sewage system includes external pipelines that transport wastewater to a storage tank, and service devices.
  3. Reservoir for storage and/or processing of waste. There are different versions of such devices. Most often a septic tank is used, but stations biological treatment and latrines are also in demand. You can read more about storage devices and wastewater treatment in the corresponding article.

Do-it-yourself internal sewage

First of all, when arranging the sewer, the laying of the internal part of the system is carried out.

Its elements include:

  • sewerage risers;
  • outlet pipes;
  • plumbing fixtures (toilets, sinks, drain cisterns, etc.);
  • fan pipe (sewer outlet, providing its ventilation).

A schematic diagram of the internal wiring is shown in the photo.

When arranging internal sewerage, it is necessary to use the following principles:

  1. Before you make a sewer in a wooden house, you need to install pipes that provide drainage from plumbing. A 100 mm pipe is usually installed under the toilet, which is caused by the presence of large fractions of waste. For other plumbing, pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are enough.
  2. Each turn of the sewer pipeline must be equipped with an audit so that, if necessary, the system can be cleaned.
  3. All drain pipes must eventually be connected to the same riser.
  4. When choosing pipes for sewerage, it is worth stopping at plastic products. Pipes and fittings made of plastic are quite cheap, have excellent performance, so their popularity is growing every day. And the assembly of sewers from plastic pipes is not particularly difficult.
  5. Installation of sewerage in a wooden house must be carried out carefully. Wiring is usually installed in ceilings. During installation, care must be taken to ensure that the load-bearing beams remain intact. In addition, when designing the sewerage of a wooden house, it is necessary to take into account the shrinkage of materials. It is also not uncommon to install sewer pumps, depending on the need.
  6. Pipes are best fixed on a movable joint, otherwise the shrinkage of the building will lead to deformation of the sewer system. After arranging the structure, the pipe joints are sealed, and all elements are fixed.

External sewerage

When laying an external system, it is necessary to create a high-quality highway connecting a residential building and a device for storing wastewater.

Do-it-yourself external sewerage is assembled in a wooden house according to the following algorithm:
  1. The first step is preparing a trench in which the pipeline will be laid. The depth of the trench depends on the depth of soil freezing in the region.
  2. When pipes are located at a depth of less than 0.7 m, they will have to be insulated to prevent them from freezing at negative temperatures.
  3. The system must be installed at a slope, which ensures the normal movement of drains by gravity.
  4. The bottom of the trench is concreted or hardened, increasing the rigidity of the entire line.
  5. The length of the main pipeline is determined by an individual project, the calculation of which must be based on building rules and regulations. The plan and design of sewerage in a private house must be carried out in advance. Installing the system too close to the house will adversely affect the comfort and quality of the soil, and if you install the system far away, it will turn out to be very inefficient from an economic point of view.
  6. At the end point, the external sewage pipeline is connected to a storage and/or wastewater treatment tank.

How to insulate sewer pipes

Sewer pipes must be insulated in almost all cases. Such an investment will pay off in any case, and even at the stage of laying the pipeline: the depth of the trench in this case can be reduced.

There are three basic schemes for pipe insulation:

  1. Natural.
  2. With the use of thermal insulation materials.
  3. With electric heating.
The natural method of heating is the simplest. To implement it, it is enough to bury the pipes at a great depth so that the soil layer above the pipeline protects it from the effects of low temperatures. This method is well suited for warm regions, but in colder conditions you will have to use others.

The most common and effective way pipe insulation is the use of thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation, in turn, can be used in two ways:

  1. rolled. This method involves winding the material of the sewer pipe.
  2. Molded. For insulation, special forms of the appropriate diameter are used.
In too harsh conditions, when even heat-insulating materials do not cope with the task, the problem of heating can be solved with the help of electric heating. For this, a special cable is used, which is laid along the entire highway. Some models of sewer pipes are made with a cable, which allows you not to install it yourself.

Waste storage tanks

After passing through the sewer line, the effluent enters the storage tank. Different designs can be used as such a device, for example, septic tanks or biological treatment plants (read also: ""). In septic tanks, cleaning is carried out by fermentation. As a result, relatively clean water is discharged into the drainage well, and the accumulated solid waste is pumped out by sewers.

To install a septic tank, in most cases, special equipment is needed, especially when it comes to concrete structures.

The arrangement of the septic tank is as follows:

  1. First, a pit is prepared, the dimensions of which should slightly exceed the dimensions of the septic tank.
  2. The walls and bottom are concreted, or ready-made reinforced concrete rings are used instead.
  3. All cracks and joints in the walls are sealed with a suitable material.
  4. The free space between the walls of the septic tank and the soil is covered with soil.
  5. Next, pipes leading to the septic tank are installed.
  6. The septic tank is connected to a sloping main. In addition, the pipe leading from the septic tank to the well should also be sloped.

Sewer repair

The built sewerage in a wooden house with their own hands is constantly subjected to stress, so various malfunctions or blockages periodically occur in it. For example, there is often a problem drain tank. Such a problem is solved quite easily, and for this it is enough to know the basic principles of the operation of the device, which can be found in the corresponding article.

There are tanks with water supply from below or from the side. The likelihood of a particular breakdown often depends on this indicator.

The most common malfunctions include the following:

  1. Constant flow of water into the toilet. As a rule, to solve this problem, it is enough to fix the skewed float. If this does not help, then the leak may be due to a malfunction of the float or drain valve, so these parts must be replaced.
  2. High noise level when draining. It practically does not occur in tanks with a bottom connection, but it often occurs with a side connection. To fix the problem, you must use a silencer by putting it on the fitting, or completely replace the float mechanism.
  3. Trigger failure. To get rid of such a problem, you need to change the chain, which ensures the connection of the drain mechanism and the button.
With the repair of plumbing, everything is more complicated, since the devices are different, and each of them has its own design differences. Usually, the problem can be fixed by following the appropriate steps in the instructions supplied with the plumbing. If this does not help, then you can always contact the master.

Do-it-yourself outdoor sewage in a wooden house also rarely causes problems. The only thing worth doing every few years is to change the filter soil near the treatment plant. In addition, you need to monitor the status of the drive: problems are often detected at the most early stages.


As can be seen from the above, sewers can be equipped different ways. Each of them will require special adaptations and an understanding of some external factors. The article described how to sewer in a wooden house in order to provide it with sufficient comfort.

Sewer drains in the house must be collected and sent to the central sewer or to or to.

This task is performed by the piping system inside and outside the house - internal and external sewage.

How to lay sewer pipes in a private house

The sewerage diagram shows two vertical pipes crossing the house from the basement to the roof − these are sewers, in which drains from nearby sanitary appliances are collected.

Drains from sanitary appliances move by gravity to the sewer risers, and from there to the horizontal sewers and further to the outlet of the external sewer.

Features of the movement of effluents through sewer pipes

When developing a sewerage scheme, be guided by the following.

With a volley discharge of water through the toilet, a portion of water filling all, or almost all, the cross section of the sewer pipe, moving along the pipe, acts like a piston. Behind the flow of water, a vacuum is created in the pipe, which, if there is no ventilation, sucks water from the siphons of sanitary appliances connected to the pipe downstream.

BUT pressure builds up ahead of the water flow, which pushes water out of the siphons of sanitary appliances connected upstream.

The effect of pressurizing the pipe is usually less pronounced, since the sewer pipe at the front end usually has an open outlet. The vacuum in the pipes with an improper sewage system in the house often leads to the suction of water from the siphons of sanitary appliances and smell in the house.

Similar processes in sewer pipes can occur:

  • When emptying the bath or when draining the water from washing machine pressure generated by the pump.
  • In very long supply pipes from sanitary appliances to the riser.
  • With a large difference in height between the beginning and end of the supply pipe.

Rules for laying sewerage in the house

When developing a sewerage scheme for a private house, the following rules are observed:

1. The toilet must have a separate connection to the riser. No other sanitary appliances should be connected to the pipe between the toilet bowl and the riser. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to the fact that when flushing the toilet over the full cross section of the pipe, water will be sucked out of the siphons of other sanitary appliances.

2. Connection to the riser on the floor of other sanitary appliances should not be lower than the connection point of the toilet bowl. Otherwise, when flushing the toilet, sewage may appear in the drain hole of adjacent appliances.

Other sanitary appliances, except for the toilet, may have one common pipe to the riser.

3. When choosing the diameter of the pipes, they are guided by the rule - the diameter of the pipe leading to the riser should not be less than the diameter of the drain pipe of the sanitary appliance. If several devices are connected to one supply pipe, then the diameter of the pipe is taken according to the largest section of the branch pipe of the connected devices.

The diameter of the riser pipe should not be less than the diameter of the toilet drain pipe - 100 mm.; or 50 mm.- for a riser without a toilet bowl.

4. The length of the supply pipe to the riser from the toilet should be no more than 1 m. The length of the pipe connections from other sanitary appliances is not more than 3 m. For longer connections (up to 5 meters), it is necessary to increase the pipe diameter to 70-75 mm. Eyeliners longer than 5 m made of pipes with a diameter of 100-110 mm. It is not necessary to increase the diameter of the pipes of the pipes if the upper ends of the pipes are ventilated using an aeration vacuum valve or by connecting the pipes with ventilation pipe riser. The length of the piping to the toilet can be increased provided that the end attached to the toilet is ventilated.

5. The slope of the pipes for effective self-cleaning should be within 2 - 15% (2 - 15 cm. per meter length). The difference in height between the beginning and end of the piping to the toilet should not exceed 1 m. For other eyeliners - no more than 3 m. If the height difference is greater, then ventilation of the upper end of the liner is necessary.

6. Avoid installing corner fittings with an angle of 90 degrees at pipe bends. The angles of rotation and connection of pipes must be formed smoothly, from standard parts with an angle of 135 degrees along the flow of the liquid.

7. Sewer pipes are laid with a socket in the direction - towards the flow.

8. Be sure to ventilate the risers. To do this, the pipes of the risers are brought up, at least 0.5 m. above the roof surface. The lack of ventilation leads to the appearance of a vacuum in the pipes when draining water, emptying the siphons of sanitary appliances and the smell of sewerage in the house and on the site. Ventilation of the sewer riser should not be associated with the channels of natural ventilation of the premises.

9. For ventilation of risers and piping, in the cases indicated above, an aeration vacuum valve is installed at the upper end of the room. The aeration valve only allows air to enter the pipe, but does not release gases to the outside. The operation of the valve prevents the occurrence of a vacuum in the pipe, which leads to the emptying of the siphons of sanitary appliances. If an aeration valve is installed, it is not necessary to ventilate such a riser. But ventilation of at least one riser in the house should be done without fail.

10. It is necessary to provide soundproofing of sewer risers. To do this, it is better to place the risers in the niches of the walls, cover them with a layer of mineral wool, and sheathe the niches with drywall.

11. The riser pipe at the floor level is fixed rigidly. On the floor, between the ceilings, the pipes are connected and fixed in such a way as to ensure movement during temperature deformations. On the lower floor of the house in an accessible place, a hatch is installed in the riser - a revision.

12. Horizontal pipes connecting the risers and the outlet of the external sewage system are laid in the basement of the house along the walls, in the ground under the floor. Every 15 m. and at each turn in the pipes they install a revision hatch.

13. The diameter of the horizontal pipes must not be less than the diameter of the riser pipes. The angles of rotation and connection of pipes are made at an angle of not more than 60 degrees. Pipes laid in the unheated part of the house are insulated.

Doing so is dangerous! A horizontal strobe in the wall for sewer pipes reduces the strength of the walls. The possibility of installing a horizontal strobe in the wall must be confirmed by the designer's calculation.

A device for laying sewer pipes in a vertical niche in the wall, to the entire height of the floor, or a horizontal strobe, leads to a weakening of the strength of the wall. You should not make niches and strobes anywhere, at your own peril and risk. Niches and strobes with a depth of more than 3 cm. for laying communications in the walls should be provided in the design of the house.

It is allowed, without agreement with the designer, to arrange vertical strobes in the lower part of the wall to a height of not more than 1/3 of the floor height.

Outside sewer outlet

Sewerage outlet - the outer section of the pipe from the house, is connected to the well of the central sewerage system of the village (if any), or to a drainless storage septic tank for the removal of wastewater by a sewage machine, or to the septic tank of local treatment facilities on the site.

Outside, directly at the house, it is recommended to install an inspection well on the outlet pipe. In the well, it is recommended to install in the pipe check valve. The valve will prevent flooding of the underground part of the building (for example, when the septic tank overflows) and prevent rodents from entering the house through sewer pipes.

The outer pipe at the outlet of the revision well is connected to the central sewerage system or to the septic tank of the autonomous sewerage system of a private house.

The outer pipe to the septic tank is laid with a slope of 2.5 - 3%, at a depth of about 0.4 m. If the release length is more than 5 m., then the pipe along the entire length is insulated with a shell made of polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam.

The exhaust pipe must not be buried- otherwise, it will lead to the need to install a septic tank at a great depth, which will cost more and make it difficult to operate the septic tank.

Siphon in the sewer

The drain pipe of each sanitary appliance is connected to the supply pipe through a siphon. The siphon is a U - shaped elbow, in the lower part of which there is always a layer of drained liquid.

Some sanitary appliances, such as the toilet, have a built-in siphon. The layer of water in the siphon serves as a barrier to gases, preventing them from escaping from the sewer pipe into the room.

The siphon of a sanitary appliance may not be filled with water and pass gases into the room in the following cases:

  1. With prolonged inactivity of the sanitary appliance, the water in the siphon dries up. During inactivity (more than two weeks), it is recommended to close the drain holes of sanitary appliances.
  2. When water is sucked out of the siphon as a result of the vacuum created in the pipes. The risk of water suction from siphons increases with an increase in the length and a decrease in the diameter of the supply pipe, as well as in the absence of ventilation of risers and long supply pipes.

Fecal pumps with grinder for home

Drains move in sewer pipes by gravity, due to the laying of pipes with a slope.

However, situations sometimes arise in the house when it is difficult to create the necessary slope of pipes from sanitary appliances. For example, if a sanitary room is equipped in the basement of a house. Or it is necessary to move the drains a considerable distance (from the bath), and the required pipe slope cannot be created.

A fecal pump with a grinder is attached to the toilet. The pump also accepts drains from the washbasin.

For the reception and forced movement of wastewater, special electric fecal pumps are installed. The fecal pump has a device for grinding the contents of wastewater and pumping them into the pipes of the sewer system located above.

A pump for forced movement of wastewater is installed after each sanitary appliance or for pumping wastewater from a group of closely spaced sanitary facilities.

The fecal pump can raise wastewater to a height of up to 10 meters and move several tens of meters.

Inflow of air into the sewer pipes for ventilation occurs through the open end of a pipe in a septic tank or central sewerage well. The outlet of the sewer pipe, through which drains from the house enter the septic tank, should always be above the level of drains in it.

About the processes that occur during the movement of effluents through sewer pipes, about the design and correct use of the aeration valve watch this video:

Sewerage options - sewage disposal from a private house

What to do with drains in a private house if there is no central sewerage system nearby?!

There are two sewer options- sewage disposal from a private house:

  1. Drain water into a drainless storage septic tank (reservoir, cesspool) with periodic, as it is filled, pumping and removal of wastewater by a sewage truck to the treatment facilities of the nearest settlement.
  2. Arrangement of local treatment facilities at the site and discharge of purified water into the natural environment - into the ground or onto the relief.

The first method provides the minimum cost of construction sewers, but the annual operating costs (removal of wastewater) can be significant.

The sewerage option with local treatment facilities is more costly during construction, but can provide lower operating costs for the maintenance of the system.

Methods for cleaning sewer drains of a private house

In local treatment facilities, a biological method of cleaning wastewater from pollution is used. Wastewater treatment is carried out by microorganisms capable of decomposing organic pollution. the main task biological treatment - removal of organic matter from wastewater. Biochemical reactions occurring in the process of biological treatment are partially removed from wastewater and many chemical elements reducing their concentration in wastewater.

Distinguish anaerobic(bacteria without oxygen) and aerobic(bacteria in the presence of oxygen) biological treatment processes.

Two types of local sewage treatment plants for a private house

For wastewater treatment of a private house use:

  1. Anaerobic septic tanks, supplemented by ground treatment facilities with filtering drainage through the soil layer. In soil filters, the process of post-treatment of wastewater with the help of aerobic bacteria takes place.
  2. Active septic tanks- treatment devices in which the process of intensive biological wastewater treatment with the help of aerobic bacteria has been established. Treated drains after an active septic tank, as a rule, are discharged into the ground or onto the terrain.

First option, anaerobic septic tank with drainage into the ground, as a rule, cheaper in the device and operation. Here, in the treatment facilities, conditions close to natural are created for the vital activity of microorganisms. A simple device ensures long-term and reliable operation of the sewer.

The second option with an active septic tank- more expensive and difficult to operate. An active septic tank is a high-tech factory-made device in which artificial conditions are created for the vital activity of aerobic microorganisms, which can significantly speed up the cleaning process.

Sewerage of a private house with an active septic tank provides the most a high degree wastewater treatment. Treated effluents from an active septic tank are sent to the ground through drainage system. With waterproof soils on the site, drains are dumped onto the terrain, into a ditch.

An active septic tank requires connection to the mains, does not tolerate long interruptions in the supply of wastewater, is sensitive to power outages, needs constant monitoring of operation, as well as timely repair and maintenance.

Advantages - small dimensions, quick installation, independence from soil conditions on the site. For an economy class house, it makes sense to use an active septic tank when there is not enough space on the site for placing ground filtering drainage or at a high level of groundwater.

Cleaning sewage drains of a private house in an active septic tank Topas

Autonomous sewerage system Topas - efficient and rational solution for the private sector, country and country estates, where connection to the central sewerage system is impossible. Many consumers have already evaluated the presented system and characterize it from the best side, but what is it?

The Topas septic tank is a wastewater accumulation and treatment system, as a result of which the purest industrial water is brought to the surface. The range of such devices is very wide - each customer can choose the best product that can serve as a separate a private house, and a small cottage village.

The essence of autonomous sewage Topas

In the production of Topas septic tanks, foamed polypropylene is used; in addition, storage chambers are equipped with stiffeners. This production technology allows you to achieve the following device parameters:

  • High strength characteristics.
  • Installation of the system in all weather conditions.
  • System operation even in winter time.
  • Independence from the type of soil and the level of groundwater.

We note some advantages of autonomous sewerage:

  • high level of water purification;
  • there is no need to equip additional aeration sites;
  • long service life;
  • compact size, which allows you to install a septic tank in a minimum space;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of maintenance with a minimum of labor costs, financial costs and no need to call special equipment;
  • secondary products of processing can be used as fertilizer, and purified water for irrigation of plantings;
  • no foreign smells, noise;
  • absolute tightness of the structure.

It is worth noting and cons of the system, although it is difficult to call it minuses:

  • dependence on electricity;
  • high cost of the product, but over time the costs will pay off;
  • for installation, you will need to call a team of specialists, although self-assembly is possible.

The principle of operation of an active septic tank

The principle of operation of autonomous sewage can be divided into several stages:

  1. Wastewater enters the receiving chamber, where it is cleaned from impurities and heavy contaminants. The filling level of the chamber is adjustable; after filling, the effluent enters the aerotank.
  2. An aeration process takes place, as a result of which sewage is treated with oxygen and special bacteria.
  3. The treated effluents accumulate in the sump, from where the sludge is subsequently pumped out, settling at the bottom.
  4. Process water passes into the stabilizer, from where it can be disposed of into the ground or used, for example, for irrigation.

Rules for the operation of an active septic tank Topas

Any model of the Topas septic tank is equipped with detailed instructions for use, but we will single out a few rules that must be observed:

  1. In the event of a power outage, try to limit the flow of wastewater into the storage chamber to avoid overflow.
  2. Do not allow aggressive chemical substances, alkalis, acids, etc. – they will destroy the useful microorganisms of the device.
  3. Do not throw waste into the sewer that is not intended for it - food residues, bags, plastic, etc. solid household waste.
  4. Sludge cleaning takes place twice a year.
  5. Some parts of the device are subject to mandatory replacement, for example, Air Mac compressor membranes - once every 2 years, aeration elements - once every 12 years.

Installation of an active septic tank Topas

The installation of an autonomous sewage system will not cause any particular difficulties, the whole process is divided into several stages:

  1. Search for a place where a septic tank will be installed - a distance of at least 5 meters must be maintained from the foundation of buildings, while it is worth remembering about trenches, a pit, a drain site that needs to be dug.
  2. Digging a pit, the dimensions of which vary depending on the size of the station. With an unstable type of soil, formwork will have to be installed.
  3. Laying a sand or concrete pad to prevent the station from floating up. For small models, a sand cushion is arranged, and for stations designed to serve a large number of users, it is made of concrete.
  4. Installation of the station in the pit - manual or automatic method.
  5. Laying sewer pipes.
  6. Sealing sewer pipes at the points of their connection with the device. A special polypropylene cord is used, which is included with the station.
  7. Connecting a power cord that runs underground in a corrugated pipe.
  8. Backfilling with soil is the last stage in which water is simultaneously poured into the pit to a depth of 35 cm and covered with sand. The station must be completely submerged in the ground, otherwise there will be no normalization of external pressure.

Selecting a Standalone Station Model

When choosing a Topas septic tank, the following factors should be considered:

  • number of future users;
  • depth of the sewer pipe;
  • method of ejection of treated effluents - forced or free.

Any model of the Topas septic tank will last a long time, subject to the rules of operation and installation. It is worth contacting professionals who will not only quickly and competently provide all services for the selection and installation of an autonomous station, but also provide warranty obligations for all installation work.

How to make an anaerobic septic tank and ground treatment facilities for autonomous sewage in a private house with your own hands

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Where to send sewerage in a private house

There is no centralized sewerage system in suburban areas, so efforts must be made to organize it. How to make a sewer in a rural house?

For the removal of domestic wastewater in a rural house, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules that are fundamental precisely for arranging a sewerage system in a suburban area.

The location of the sewer system must be provided at the design stage of the house. There are special rules for its installation:

  1. The work requires the use of a level. The recommended slope of sewer pipes of gravity sewerage is 2- 3 cm per 1 linear meter.
  2. The fan pipe (sewer riser) is installed from the bottom up.
  3. When attaching plumbing to the pipeline, rubber transition cuffs are used.
  4. When arranging the transition of a plastic pipeline through walls, rigid sleeves must be used. Their diameter should be 15 mm larger than the sewers. The remaining free space is filled with non-combustible heat-insulating material.
  5. When the sewerage in the village is equipped, it needs to be checked for operability. Only then can you finish the house.

The fastening and junction of the riser with drain pipes are areas that need to be mounted especially carefully.

When arranging the system in a wooden house, special attention should be paid specifically to the inside of the sewer. This is due to the fact that the wooden structure is subject to significant shrinkage.

Installation of an external system is carried out in a standard manner.

Components of the sewer system

Sewerage in a wooden house includes the following elements:

  1. Interior: pipes and plumbing fixtures located inside the house.
  2. Outside: pipelines transporting wastewater to treatment plant serving structures.
  3. Reservoir for storage and processing of wastewater. These are septic tanks. Their analogues are biological treatment plants and cesspools.

All these parts must be properly connected to each other.

Choosing sewer pipes

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of various materials for arranging sewers:

  1. Cast iron. Its advantages: long service life, ability to withstand heavy loads. Disadvantages: vulnerability, high weight, risk of corrosion, blockages.
  2. Polypropylene. Advantages: flexibility, low weight, resistance to temperature changes.
  3. PVC. Advantages: strength, long service life, low cost. Disadvantages: lack of resistance to temperature extremes, risk of cracking.

The best option is plastic pipes from a reliable manufacturer.

The interior of the sewer

The first step is laying the internal section of the sewer system. It includes the following elements: risers, discharge pipes, plumbing, fittings, a fan pipe.

Sewerage is equipped subject to the following conditions:

  1. First, pipes are laid out, the function of which is to drain wastewater from plumbing fixtures. A 110 mm pipe is mounted under the toilet. In all other areas, pipes of 50 mm can be installed.
  2. At each turn, it is recommended to provide for an audit. It is required for convenient sewer cleaning.
  3. All drain structures must be connected to a single riser.
  4. The wiring is mounted in the ceilings. When installing, you need to monitor the safety of the load-bearing beams.
  5. Pipes are recommended to be fixed on movable joints. Otherwise, when the house shrinks, the process of sewer deformation will begin.
  6. Pipe joints must be sealed. After that, all elements are fastened together.

The outer part of the sewer

When arranging an external system, you need to create a reliable highway that will connect the house to the tank.

Consider the stages of organizing the external part of the sewer:

  1. Trench preparation. A pipe will be placed in it. The depth of the bookmark is determined by the depth of freezing. The latter depends on the region. If the pipe is located at a depth of less than 0.7 meters, it must be insulated. This is necessary to prevent freezing in winter.
  2. The slope of the pipeline recommended by SNiP is required. This will ensure that wastewater is transported by gravity.
  3. The bottom of the trench needs to be strengthened. To do this, you can use the method of concreting. This will increase the rigidity of the system.
  4. The length of the highway is determined on the basis of building codes.
  5. The completion of the laying is the connection of the structure with the tank.

External sewerage in a rural house is performed in the traditional way. None special rules not here.

We insulate sewer pipes

Insulation allows you to lay pipes at a shallow depth, which reduces labor costs.

It can be done in three ways:

  1. Natural. The pipeline is located at great depths. The earth is a natural insulator. This method is only suitable for warm regions.
  2. With thermal insulation. It is carried out in two ways: rolled (the pipe is wrapped with material) and molded (polystyrene foam shells of the desired diameter are used).
  3. Using electric heating. This method is relevant for the coldest regions. For the arrangement of heating, you will need a self-regulating heating cable. It is laid along the entire highway.

The method of insulation is determined solely by the climate. For example, during very severe winters, standard thermal insulation is not enough. You will need a special resistive (heating) cable for insulation of sewer pipes in the ground.

The device of a septic tank for a village house

Waste water, passing through the main, is in the storage tank. The most commonly used septic tank for a village house. Purification in it is carried out by fermentation. After cleaning, the liquid enters the drainage well or filtration field. The remaining waste is removed every few years by a sludge pump.

Consider the stages of installation of a septic tank:

  1. Pit preparation. Its dimensions should be larger than the dimensions of the storage tank.
  2. A septic tank for a private house in a village can be made using reinforced concrete rings. Alternative option- concreting of walls and bottom.
  3. Existing joints of concrete rings must be sealed.
  4. The space between the rings and the walls of the pit is filled with earth.
  5. Pipes leading to the storage tank are mounted.