Rune mannaz in divination. The meaning of the rune mannaz in divination is a direct and inverted position Rune mannaz inverted advice

Rune name: Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz)
The meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz): The rune symbolizes the human race as a whole. This is the rune of the social order, society, the unity of death and life.
The literal meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz): man, husband, intelligence

Ancient Germanic name, meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz): Manna (Mannaz)
Old Norwegian name, meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz): Maðr
Anglo-Saxon name, meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz): Mann
Ancient Celtic name, meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz): Mofein
Old Icelandic name, meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz): Maður

rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz). Divination interpretation, rune meaning Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz):

Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) is a sign of the human "I" with all sorts of complexities and ambiguous consequences arising from this.

Runa Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz). Main theses. Intelligence; "I"; self-esteem; helping others; compassion; memory; friendship.
Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) - the rune of independence and humanity, rational thinking. Rune Mannaz, Mannaz (Mannaz) is a rune of relationships of all characters from business to personal. The time has come for sincerity and self-education. The appearance of the rune Mannaz, Mannaz (Mannaz) is a symbol of a successful period in your life, but success will only come if you are a man with a capital letter all this time. This is the main, classic interpretation of the rune Mannaz, Mannaz (Mannaz).


Rune Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) interpretation, rune meaning. IN DETAILS

Council runes Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz). Try to know and change your inner "I". This period is positive for slow, thoughtful self-improvement - all this will return you a hundredfold.

Rune interpretation. Rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:

Rune of personal "I". At this point in time, only the purity of the desire for change is effective. Dominant in this period is contact with your inner self, it is this that is the source of all the most correct options for relationships with people and with the Divine. To be in the world, but not of this world is the recommendation of this sign. This does not mean that you should close yourself off and renounce all possible mutual communication, you should not become inaccessible, mysterious and the judge of this world. On the contrary, try to catch the impulses of the Divine from within and without, because sometimes the Guardian Angel speaks to you through people.

Therefore, live ordinary life but not in the usual way. Indeed, often having ears - we do not hear, having eyes - we do not see. Become sighted and hearing in order to be able to read the message from the higher spheres, which was generated for you personally and transmitted in the most unexpected way for you. And then your enemy will turn into a friend, since the messenger of God cannot be an enemy. Listen!! what your neighbors say to you, and listen!! this is. Thus, you will be able to understand more deeply who you are and why you are here, what is the purpose of your life and what is all this mystery called life for. Then you will be able to open within yourself, or rather you will be able to allow that True Light that is within you to manifest. The measure of its manifestation depends on your openness to him and the world.
The main meaning of the rune Mannaz, Mannaz (Mannaz) is “I”.

Time to show moderation in everything, modesty, and nothing more. Artificial attraction of attention at this time will not bring anything good, since your task now is solitude, withdrawal into yourself and the study of your inner self. Calm down for a while, be flexible in your response to the situation. This is not a time of recompense according to merit, and not a time to demand honor and attention. This is the time of analysis and transformation of your inner world.

Rune interpretation. Rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz) interpretation, rune meaning. Magic use:

Getting help; improvement of mental abilities; calming enemies; used to draw attention to a view, point of view, or idea.

Application in rune records (runescripts), also in the manufacture of a runic amulet:

Rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz) meaning in runescripts - To enhance mental abilities and memory.
Rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz) meaning in runescripts - To get help from someone.
Rune Mannas, Mannaz (Mannaz) meaning in runescripts - To receive assistance and subsidies.

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Rune interpretation. Rune Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) interpretation, rune meaning. Direct position

And a little more on the topic of Scandinavian runes

The rune Mannaz occupies the 20th place in the Germanic runic alphabet and belongs to the elder futarkh. Mannaz is a complex and very interesting symbol. Detailed description and a photo of the rune you will find in our article.

The main characteristics of "Mannaz"

General information about the rune
Name: Mannaz, Mann, Mannaz
Meaning: man, man, husband
Action: Individualization
Element: Fire
Planet: Neptune
Plant: Grape
Number: 8, 15
Deity: Heimdal is the guardian of the Gods, protecting the world from dark forces. Bor is one of the main Old Norse Gods. Manus is the creator of mankind.
Character: Magnetic
Essence: Reversible
  • a person writes in an individual handwriting;
  • the woman chooses appropriate clothes;
  • the man walks with his gait;
  • singers sing with their own voice;
  • children are born with a unique appearance;
  • a boxer fights with his fighting style;
  • the artist creates a masterpiece;
  • animals are born with individual appearance traits;
  • trees have a unique bark pattern;
  • the dish gets a different taste from each cook;
  • the company has a corporate identity;
  • each person has different fingerprints;
  • rivers flow in a unique course.


Mannaz outwardly resembles the rune Evaz, associated with a horse. In ancient times, the horse was the main vehicle and household helper. It was with this animal that man had the greatest connection. The horse helped not only on the sown lands, but also on the battlefields. Success in agriculture and war largely depended on horses.

It is impossible not to notice the similarity of Mannaz with two Vunyo runes, symbolizing the strength of will and spirit. In this vein, the rune means the unity of efforts of all mankind for the sake of achieving the common good.


Mannaz symbolizes individuality, difference from others, the possession of unique qualities. Monotony is deadly for all living things, as it means a gray existence. If a person loses his individuality, he is not able to assess the situation and behave adequately. Over time, people turn gray and lose charisma. It is this period that stimulates Mannaz to act.

Advice! Don't lose your face and personality. God created people to be different from each other. Do not turn into a gray dead mass.

Rune meaning

Mannaz symbolizes a person's own I or his Ego. Throughout their lives, people strive to feel a connection with their essence, to get out of themselves, dissolve their individuality and merge with the Higher power, with the egregor. This process happens unconsciously. How more people tries to know his Self, the more he develops and feels a surge of happiness, joy and love for the world.

Interesting! You can compare the process of merging with your Self with how a person listens to his favorite music. He seems to be imbued with it, becomes one and dissolves into a blissful melody.

The rune identifies all of humanity, people in general, without gender. Man is perceived as the highest creation of the Creator.

Mannaz warns that the union of Spirit and Matter is not durable. The body will sooner or later return to its mother earth, and the spirit will leave physical matter. The task of a person during his life is to free himself from the shackles, gain inner freedom and feel happiness.

Mannaz is the rune of the liberation of the Spirit, the rejection of the Ego. The energy of the symbol allows a person to soar above the earth and feel freedom from shackles and universal love.

The meaning of the rune in the usual position

Mannaz encourages people to help each other. It brings up compassion, self-sacrifice, rejection of selfishness.

It is believed that in helping others, a person becomes God himself. However, this should come from a pure heart, without the desire for personal gain.

The rune patronizes true friendship and a strong family union. She calls to serve another person as oneself. Encourages Mannaz and help strangers, associating this activity with holiness.

Interesting! Helping others, a person gives them a piece of himself, but does not feel the loss. On the contrary, it is filled with energy and love for the world.

The main emotions of Mannaz are humility and modesty. We must learn not only to give, but also to receive. The rune calls to fight pride and be grateful for the little joys of life.

Mannaz says that a person should look at himself from the outside, reconsider the current situation and the mistakes made. You need to put things in order in life, put everything on the shelves. You should draw conclusions and gain enlightenment.

The meaning of the inverted rune

The inverted Mannaz symbolizes the struggle with the negative aspects of the subconscious. The rune teaches to remain calm and indifferent to ongoing troubles. If something unexpected happens, you should form an attitude towards it, draw conclusions, forget it and move on.

Advice! The problem is only as big as you think it is. Do not waste energy on regrets and self-flagellation.

Mannaz calls to deal with the problems himself. She says no one will help you. No one can purify your own Spirit instead of you.

The rune points to internal enemies that torment you and prevent you from enjoying life. You should understand yourself, rid your soul of garbage, throw out the burden of problems, torment and resentment.

Meaning in divination

Direct position

Mannaz symbolizes human relationships and the relationship between people. The rune represents memory and connection with ancestors. She is responsible for the awareness of her Self, for reason and dignity.

The main qualities of the rune are compassion, friendship and help. Mannaz calls to abandon everything superfluous and return to simplicity. The rune advises to show nobility and, if possible, help those in need.

A pair with Perth indicates that a person has extrasensory abilities. He can engage in their development and achieve considerable success. Jesus speaks of internal stagnation.

Reversed position

Indicates a difficult life period. A person is left alone with his problems. He has nowhere to look for help. You will have to deal with the troubles on your own. A couple with Yer recommends seeking help from a good lawyer.

An inverted Mannaz indicates internal problems. Man faced selfishness, greed and narcissism. He will have to overcome these shortcomings, otherwise there will be no way forward.

Problems can be associated with excessive haste and assertiveness. This is evidenced by a couple with Eyvaz and Uruz. The loss of Mannaz speaks of the need to overcome your fears and shortcomings. Sometimes a rune indicates a connection with a person who is alien to you in spirit.

Significance in magic

The rune will help overcome uncertainty and suspiciousness. Mannaz will attract new friends and partners. The amulet will bring success in business and negotiations.

The rune will help leaders to unite the team, inspire it to new actions, and inspire it with an interesting idea. Mannaz will allow you to overcome enemies and enlist the support of people.

The power of the rune will help you to know yourself better, give meaning to life, and open up new goals. The symbol combines intelligence and intuition.

With the help of a talisman, you can get a promotion and increase your influence on people. The rune reveals creativity and hidden talents.
Mannaz contributes to the reconciliation of the warring parties. It helps to avoid conflicts and protects from family quarrels.

Advice! Take the Mannaz amulet with you to negotiations, to work and even when shopping. It will help you make the right choice and bring good luck.

Career Divination Value

Direct position

A direct rune testifies to the human factor and its influence on the development of affairs and events. Perhaps you lack a specialist in a certain field, and you will have to hire him.

Sometimes this indicates the dissatisfaction of employees and the promotion of certain requirements by them.

Mannaz portends the acquisition of new knowledge, the development of intelligence and profitable acquaintances. You are promised success in business, but for this you need to prove yourself and prove your abilities.

The rune calls for accuracy and care in actions. Try to keep a balance between inaction and active steps.
Mannaz warns against achieving fame and success at any cost. She calls for the flexibility of the mind.

Do not count on the fact that you will get success in an instant. To achieve goals and receive bonuses, you will have to work hard and wait. Be humble and patient.

Odal calls to pay attention to the material side of life and financial affairs. Soulu portends an early success.

Reversed position

Warns of the presence of ill-wishers. Be careful and careful, especially with loved ones, as the biggest betrayal comes from those from whom you do not expect it.

Difficult times can be associated with inner demons. Perhaps the person is too eager to achieve the goal. Maybe he is distracted and not far-sighted. A pair with Algiz testifies to the excessive softness and compliance of the fortuneteller.

Meaning when divining for love

Direct position

The rune indicates excessive attachment to a partner. You are not completely your own. Perhaps this is due to a strong love.

Advice! You should return the sobriety of the mind and remain yourself no matter what.

The rune indicates the desire of partners to retire and get more personal space. This does not mean alienation or cooling of relations. A person sometimes needs to be alone with himself and understand himself.

A couple with Laguz talks about a man who is not able to build relationships with the opposite sex. Dagaz points to a true friend and reliable partner.

Reversed position

Indicates the excessive egoism of one of the partners. Instead of improving relationships, breathing new life into them, a person tries to look for flaws in his soul mate.

Sometimes it may seem to a couple that the partner is not fair. This feeling is often wrong.

Advice! Try not to get offended. Talk sincerely with your soul mate and dot the “i”.

A pair with Teyvaz indicates the presence of an opponent who is trying to ruin your relationship. Nautiz calls for patience and waiting for the right moment for action.

Rune Mannaz (Mannaz), Mann, Mana- the twentieth rune of the Elder Futhark. In fact, the rune has a meaning in the runescripts "man", but in the scenario, the interpretation may vary. This is a symbol of relationships, connections between people and everything connected with this - commonwealth, sympathy, mutual understanding. For a magician, the rune mannaz expands its own point of view for interacting with the world. It is a symbol of memory, wisdom, self-esteem, one's opinion, connection with the outside world and the inner Ego.

The meaning of the straight rune

This symbol conceals the meaning of human perception and attitude to the world due to its nature. What people realize first passes through their inner world - namely, their knowledge, experience, upbringing, choice. This is an attitude towards other people, passed through their own qualities. This sign makes it clear that there really is no Ego, it is feigned, far-fetched. Thus, the meaning of the mannaz rune is a complete and pure perception of the world without one's own habits and statements.

The meaning of the inverted rune

Runes have a double description and interpretation, that is, they can be turned upside down, they carry information about the negative. This sign, which came upside down, informs about an internal conflict. This suggests that you should look around yourself, observe what is happening, and specifically this applies to the surrounding society, since the rune is directly connected with a person. It is required to draw a conclusion, following what is happening. To understand that the reason is in oneself - it is one's own fears, insecurity, alienation, timidity. So, the mannaz rune is inverted - a sign that, due to his egocentrism, a person is not on the right path and all failures come from the internal state and attitude to the world.

An analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

There are signs - brothers in culture. This applies directly to two ancient cultures - Germanic (Scandinavian) and Slavic. In this case, Mannaz has a symbol similar in meaning in the paganism of the Slavs, directly related to a person - this is the Slavic Belbog. Here we mean a direct connection between a human and a divine being - a person is the incarnation of God in the world of Reveal.

The use of the Mannaz rune in magic

One does not need to have special experience to understand that the sign associated with a person in the practitioner's magic connects with other people and is used as an instrument of influence. With the help of Mannaz, you can influence the behavior of another person or even an entire group of people. It should only be remembered that such influence should only be used by knowledgeable magicians, since inaccurate use can lead to a lot of problems. Any message to the thoughts and behavior of another person with their own interests can turn into different ways whether it be positive or negative.

Manna is also often used in divination. In the layouts, the fall of this symbol carries advice to be more restrained in temptations and behavior. A person needs to sincerely desire to change in some respect, or one needs to prepare for change starting from oneself. Specifically in direct form the rune advises to be as compliant as possible, to develop the flexibility of character and mind, to pay attention to the desire for wisdom. Also, in a straight position, it can be interpreted as confidence in receiving the necessary help from someone. She points out that if there is a problem, you need to pay attention to the signs, the answers.

Interpretation of the value of Mannaz with other positive runes can suggest the best time for the implementation of the set goals. Or vice versa - there is a sign that you should not carry out what you want at the moment, if the partner runes that have fallen out are turned upside down. And here the advice of the rune is to turn on caution in communicating with others, to smoothly move away from contacts with potential enemies. The loss of the rune Perth with Mannaz speaks of hidden abilities in relation to magic or extrasensory perception. If a practitioner has an ambiguous attitude towards a particular person, this communication should be abandoned.

For love and relationships

Mannaz, by the nature of his properties, has a great influence in love. Often used in relationship divination. When it falls out during the practice of layouts for love, or, for example, meets on the way, get ready for pleasant meetings. In the personal life of single people, changes for the better are coming. It also promises that the existing partner will be a faithful and reliable life partner. In family life guarantees complete harmony. This applies to upcoming family trips, it says that you should pay more attention to your partner, indulge in romance, try to be balanced, or add tenderness to relationships for this period.


  1. Dagaz- good choice of partner;
  2. Laguz- in order to avoid conflicts with a loved one, you should sincerely talk with him.

This rune speaks volumes in a relationship with a loved one and inverted in a negative way. We are talking about the deterioration of the relationship, and here the threat lurks for those who already have a couple. The inverted rune Mannaz is an alarming sign, foreshadowing separation in many cases. Advice ─ it is worth remembering what was said earlier: perhaps the whole problem lies in the practitioner, and if you understand yourself in time, you can turn future undesirable events for the better, thereby saving your family or relationships. It is also necessary to look at the situation objectively. Personal life can be influenced by people outside the family circle - friends, parents, envious people. Perhaps someone slandered one of the partners. Here everything is connected with people both close and strangers, it is worth remembering this and focusing on this.

For business and work

As with other layouts, in fortune-telling related to work issues, the rune advises paying attention to the team. Perhaps it's a lack of staff, or the need for a new partnership. This is a sign that you need to act to gain new, better contacts. When interpreting a direct rune that has fallen in relation to business, you should think about improving relations with employees, or be generous. Inverted, this means that the fact of dismissal is possible. Loss of the client base, as well as a change of partnership due to unprofitable offers. Signals the need to review the staff for incompetence if the practitioner is in the position of manager.


  1. Algiz- advice to be tougher, stop making compromises in order to regain respect for yourself;
  2. Soulou- a great opportunity to express yourself in a society or team;
  3. Otala- predicts good luck in the financial sector, the rejection of wealth will be harmful.

To health

Directly, when asked about health, the dropped Mann looks at unwanted addictions. Here the interpretation is more loyal than in the layouts of a different nature. However, it is worth paying attention to improving the properties of the body, in order to avoid possible problems. Such a sign also advises that it is time to relax and pay attention to your health. The rune speaks more upside down. As you might expect, this is a negative signal that the state of health is deteriorating. This value warns of imminent danger.


  1. Eyvaz- advise as soon as possible to start treatment or make a diagnosis of the body;
  2. Turisaz- speaks of an unstable state of the nervous system;
  3. Hagalaz is a possible catastrophe.

This portends a long illness or a serious problem in the body. This rune, in combination with other straight ones, can mean an improvement in the condition, or that the practitioner is on the right path to recovery.

Why do you need an amulet with the rune Mannaz

Since Mannaz is a symbol of the inner world of a person and his flesh, with his worldview and attitude towards people around him, he is suitable as a talisman for people who are characterized by conflicts and imbalance. If a person feels that shyness and aloofness are inherent in him, Mannaz is also suitable, like an amulet. The rune helps to enhance mental and physical activity, gives strength and wisdom to people who are ready for despair. In order to find help in self-improvement, it is necessary to turn to Mann for help as often as possible. Such an amulet has special necessary qualities:

  • increases the development of abilities;
  • assistance in raising one's own status due to working capacity;
  • in raising or lowering self-esteem (depending on its condition);
  • in the development of superpowers.

Should I get a tattoo with the rune Mannaz

Since runes are special signs that carry a hidden power, they must be handled in cases of special need. They deserve respect, but this may be limited in contact or visual appeal to them. A tattoo with the Mannaz rune on any part of the body is undesirable. Just like with other runes. The exception is in the form runic stave, and that's not all. This is explained by the fact that a sign can have both a direct positive and opposite effect on a person, his condition, character, and the attitude of those around him. Therefore, applying a tattoo with the image of a particular rune entails inconstancy in life, can harm stability. It is better to make a temporary drawing, or wear an amulet.

The main advice is the need for a harmonious unity of your "I" with the people around you.

As mentioned above in the description of its meaning, one should turn an inner look at one's actions, character, in order to gain self-control and awareness.

The meaning of the Mannaz rune is often reduced to the archetype of a person, but this is fundamentally wrong, since Mannaz embodies humanity as an inseparable unity. This rune embodies the "I" of society, society, an entire civilization.

  • The meaning of the rune Mannaz: man / humanity, intelligence, memory
  • Rune transliteration: M (M)
  • Old Norse rune name: Maðr
  • Later Norwegian variant: Madr
  • Mannaz name in Iceland: Maður
  • Celtic rune name: Mofein
  • Rune Mannaz among the Anglo-Saxons: Mann
  • The name of the rune among the ancient Germans: Mannaz

The meaning of the Mannaz rune in the context may indicate a man, a leader or a ruler, but outside the divinatory aspect, this image is devoid of specifics, it is large-scale and maximally generalized. Depending on the situation, the Mannaz rune indicates memory as a strong connection with the past, or intelligence as a development vector.

The meaning of the rune Mannaz in the upright position

In the upright position, the Mannaz rune indicates rationality, the ability to make decisions as a result of analysis, and not under the influence of emotions. At the same time, it is the rune of humanity, mutual assistance and compassion. The meaning of Mannaz in a direct position can be reduced to the onset of a period of self-education and integrated development.

The rune speaks of good luck in business, indicates a successful partnership and dynamic progress. Mannaz in a relationship speaks of the sincerity of feelings, as well as the possibility of forming a strong connection, at the moment - potential. But here it is very important not to forget about two things - in no case should you appear to be who you are not in reality. And the second - even in the sphere of feelings, the mind has not been canceled.

True nobility, love and devotion, contrary to popular belief, are not dictated by the heart at all, but by the intellect, which has moved to the next level of development. Runa Mannaz in a straight position indicates that you are ready to do this important step or have already done it.

The meaning of the Mannaz rune allows us to say that the current stage is good for realizing what is happening and slowly, but confidently moving forward. You are able to realize your plans, but when trying to change the world around you, always start with yourself. After all, your inner "I" does not exist in isolation from the "I" of the universal, they are connected much more strongly than you think.

The meaning of the rune Mannaz in an inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Mannaz rune is much more specific than its direct position, but it works with a large number of aspects. That is, depending on the situation, this may be an indication of selfishness or greed, a destructive dependence on another person or a whole group of people. Also, an inverted Mannaz can indicate an enemy in your immediate environment, this is a person who feels a carefully hidden negative towards you and seeks to interfere with your plans at all costs.

An inverted Mannaz (in relationships, in business, in everyday life - this meaning is suitable for any context) indicates that you have an obstacle that you cannot overcome, primarily because you do not know its source. And he, most likely, is not somewhere outside, but next to you, perhaps even - in yourself. Perhaps you are just running from your problems instead of trying to solve them. In a relationship, an inverted Mannaz may indicate that you yourself are a source of conflict and misunderstanding.

In any case, you need to stop and look at yourself. Then, perhaps, you will understand that the enemy next to you is just a reflection of yourself, and when you manage to overcome your own weaknesses, external obstacles will melt by themselves. Do not flaunt your past and do not be mistaken - past merits will not make you stronger and will not help you achieve what you want. Without humility and self-control, you cannot win.

The inverted Mannaz says that you need flexibility, and without the desire to change yourself, nothing will work. In a relationship, an inverted Mannaz can really mean that someone treats you unworthily. But here you can change only one thing - to make sure that such an attitude does not hurt you.

Sometimes there is no need to confront, adopting someone else's aggression and other people's rules of the game. Do you remember that the Mannaz rune is the rune of humanity, not of man? And now remember something else - you are not offended by the sudden onset of rain, because this event does not depend on anyone and the rain equally interferes with everyone around you. But the winner is the one who manages to adapt in time, in the case of rain - to find shelter as soon as possible.

Inverted Mannaz advises you to refrain from large cash spending in the near future. Take your time to conclude important contracts and do not strive to be too sincere with a person with whom you suddenly have a bad relationship. If you do not feel the best - think first of all about yourself, sick and weak, you are unlikely to help others.

Using the rune Mannaz in rituals

Outside the divinatory context, the meaning of the Mannaz rune allows you to use it to stabilize the situation and enhance intellectual abilities (this applies primarily to the meditative context). Also, the Mannaz rune can be used to appease opponents (in protective practice), or to focus the attention of others on a specific event, phenomenon or idea. The rune is especially effective in the context of the formation of some kind of unity, community.

Use of Mannaz in Rune Recordings

In practice, the compilation of runic records Mannaz is used infrequently and in a rather limited context - to enhance / restore memory, it stimulates intellectual abilities, and also brings help "from outside" when it is really needed.

In the context of getting something that is vital for you at this stage, the Mannaz rune combines perfectly with the Gebo rune. The combination of "Mannaz Gebo" gives what is required, and balances it with some kind of situation, the action of the runescript is soft and consistent, can be supplemented with a third target rune.

The combination of Mannaz with Fehu is aimed at receiving financial or spiritual help. A variant of the runescript "Fehu Mannaz Fehu" is widespread, which allows you to improve the situation in business, and more broadly - in the field of work. If the runescript "Fehu Mannaz" is supplemented with another rune, for example - Ansuz, then you can get a different effect - strengthening the connection with the past, receiving support "from above" in spiritual searches.

Runa Mannaz and its meaning in a philosophical context

In Old Norse, the rune Mannaz is called "madr", which means "man" or "incarnate god." And this duality is not accidental, because man is essentially a reflection of God in the earthly world, or, on the contrary, God is the archetype of man in the heavenly world. Runa Mannaz in this sense helps a person to integrate into the world around him, into the existence of this world. It is about understanding life, its laws and its purpose.

The value of Mannaz can often be reduced to motivation, it is a vector that makes society and each individual person develop. If this vector is weak, society perishes; if it is strong, its passionarity reaches its apogee and people move on to the next evolutionary cycle. K. Meduoz called the Mannaz rune the “seed of divinity”, which lies in each of us and is ready to germinate if watered with knowledge and aspiration.

Mannaz is an intellect that does not work in opposition to intuition, but along with it. In the statutory inscription of the M-rune, many runologists see a stylized image of two ravens that look at each other. It may turn out that these are the same Hugin and Munin, "thinking" and "remembering", the crows of Odin. Here we again return to the principle of receiving assistance, but in the context of cooperation. This is how a person cooperates with himself, with other people and, finally, with nature.

But the context of cooperation is very important - after all, if a person simply uses nature, exploits it, pulling resources from the world around him and not giving him anything in return, how will the world react to this? Cooperation is a situation in which both parties benefit, and this should not be forgotten, ever.

  • Mannaz rune potential: striving for excellence in everything
  • Basic esoteric qualities: partnership, joint achievement of the most unimaginable goals, establishing communication, mutual assistance, unity in all its manifestations
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: awakens hidden possibilities, reveals creativity, gives an opportunity to express oneself
  • Summon Mannaz Rune: there is only one way to become what you want and can become, it is to know yourself, all your weaknesses and strengths

Runa Mannaz teaches you to know yourself and others, it helps to find common ground and, on the basis of these points, build long-term and fruitful relationships. The rune awakens intuition and sharpens the intellect, strengthens family and friendships. In other words, Mannaz teaches us to be better than we are.


Our today's conversation will be devoted to that symbol of the Elder Futhark, which is directly connected not with external forces, but directly with the person himself and his individuality. Runa Mannaz, the meaning of which must be sought in the depths of one's own individuality, contains everything that correlates with a person, personality, his ego, and also with consciousness. But let's take a closer look.

Rune Mannaz - basic meaning and interpretation

To understand this ambiguous and deep symbol, one can imagine its symbolic field through images familiar to each of us. If we think about the concept of “personality”, then the following nuances that form individuality will immediately come to mind: each person has his own character, handwriting, voice, gait, fingerprints. Each of us shows our difference from others through a certain style of dress, manner of behavior. We react differently to changes in the external world, and all this as a whole is what forms our individuality. Therefore, we can say that, first of all, the Mannaz rune, its meaning, description and interpretation will be associated with the personality of a person.

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But there is also a nuance. Can we always define the boundaries of our own ego? Think about it: when a woman rushes to help her child, when a soldier rushes into battle to defend his homeland, when a person performs some kind of feat, when we truly love and devote ourselves to our partner, what happens to the ego at such moments? It just dissolves! Buddhists also argued that the ego is amazing, because it exists and does not exist at the same time: at some moments a person follows its lead, and at some moments it simply goes beyond its boundaries, forgets about its existence. But it is the ego that is the only thing that distinguishes man from other beings.

We can say that the meaning of the Mannaz rune is also revealed when a person forgets about his ego. The special unconditional sacrifice inherent in all heroes during the accomplishment of a feat is a phenomenon that is also included in the range of problems of this rune. Mannaz seems to be pushing us to think about how to give up our ego at certain moments, and do it without any regrets.

Another purely human aspects that cannot be ignored are memory and reason. Without memory, a person is not aware of himself. A person who loses his memory also loses his ego. And the mind is a tool for the formation of our individuality, therefore, those who want to consciously abandon their ego in order to merge with divine energy should not rely on the mind, which ascribes a personal, subjective assessment to all the phenomena that happen to us: like it, don’t like it , it's nice, it's unpleasant. When we make sacrifices, forgetting about our ego, everything becomes unimportant to us, so the mind in such a situation only interferes, builds some kind of mental barriers.

In order not to delve into the philosophical jungle, it is enough to learn the basic meanings of the Mannaz rune: a person, individuality and all means of its expression, intellect, memory (including generic), self-esteem, human relationships, relationships between people, compassion, advice to learn to see connection between the human and the divine.

In fortune-telling, the meaning of the Mannaz rune on a situation happening to someone informs that the questioner needs to get rid of everything external, superficial, superfluous in order to see the true essence of things.

  • - Mannaz: Inner Stasis
  • - Mannaz: The presence of certain magical and psychic abilities in a person

The most common meaning of the Mannaz rune inverted is an internal conflict that interferes with the resolution of the issue that the person is asking about. When the symbol comes back, you need to pay attention not to the behavior of the people around you, but to turn inside yourself, penetrate your soul: maybe there are fears, complexes, experiences, phobias that prevent you from moving on? Only the person himself can cope with his internal conflicts; you should not count on the help of others in such a situation.

Also, the reverse Mannaz may indicate that the cause of your failures is excessive egocentrism, due to which your plans may be destroyed. Here we can also talk about wrong behavior, unwillingness to make decisions, avoidance of responsibility, greed, narcissism, the desire to rush things and other unpleasant manifestations of one's own ego. However, sometimes the rune also indicates moments when you are left without the help of relatives and friends, and enemies are plotting at this time, and sometimes it can be interpreted as a relationship with a person who is completely alien to you in spirit.

  • - reversed Mannaz: A person needs to ask a lawyer for help
  • or Teivaz - inverted Mannaz: The questioner should not be assertive, as such behavior will lead to collapse

The main symbolic field of Mannaz in career matters is self-education, business contacts with colleagues, and sometimes advice to abandon extremes, i.e. the desire to be moderate in everything: not to put ego, personal gain or popularity first, but at the same time not to sit idly by.

The meaning of the Mannaz rune for the future of business is success as a result of correct behavior. If a person shows his intellect, starts to act deliberately, but at the same time flexibly, good luck awaits him.

  • - Mannaz: Success will be one hundred percent and very bright if the questioner manages to show all his best qualities
  • - Manaaz: This is advice to think about the material side of the issue, since the lack of Money can slow down the development of your enterprise

The meaning of the rune Mannaz inverted in divination for a career clearly indicates the presence of enemies, ill-wishers who do not sleep, but actively interfere in the affairs of the questioner. However, in some cases, the cause of failure may also be the person’s own shortcomings, which he does not notice point-blank.

  • - inverted Mannaz: The questioner behaves too softly, yields when he needs to insist on his own, and as a result - fails

Most often, the meaning of the Mannaz rune in divination for relationships and love is associated with ego issues. As already mentioned, sometimes under the influence of feelings that have gripped us, we completely forget about ourselves, immersing ourselves in a partner. This is what the direct rune conveys to us. Perhaps a person is inclined to yield to his partner in everything, turning a blind eye to his shortcomings and forgetting about his own needs. He needs to remember his own individuality, to realize that only such relationships can be happy in which partners are in an equal position, listen to each other's opinions, and also know how to find mutual compromises. Another meaning of the Mannaz rune in love is the need for personal space.

Pay attention to neighboring characters.

  • Laguz - Mannaz: When we guess the representative of the stronger sex, the combination of symbols will mean that he does not know how to make contacts with women
  • Teyvaz - Mannaz: When we guess a girl, the combination of these runes suggests that she does not know how to make contacts with men
  • - Mannaz: This couple reports that the partner of the questioner is a true friend for him, a reliable, sincere adviser

The meaning of the rune Mannaz inverted in a relationship is a kind of alienation that has arisen between lovers because of the selfishness of one of the partners. Also, the reverse Mannaz, which fell on the side of one of the couple, may indicate that there is really no need to worry, because it only seems to a person that his beloved or beloved is “pulling the blanket over himself”.

  • - inverted Mannaz: Indicates the presence of a rival or envious person trying to destroy family happiness
  • - inverted Mannaz: Speaks of the presence of a female spiteful critic
  • - inverted Mannaz: It is better for the questioner to wait out the unpleasant moment without taking active action

The direct position of the symbol will always be an advice to a person to pay attention to the internal processes taking place in his body. The rune strongly recommends listening to the needs of your body, ignoring the messages of the mind and relying on intuition. It may concern bad habits, lifestyle, nutrition.

The meaning of the rune Mannaz inverted is a deterioration in well-being, a sign that an unfavorable forecast has come true. If the reverse Mannaz is surrounded by good symbols, then the problem will be solved, but if there are negative signs nearby, for example, or - then the disease will be serious, expensive treatment or a long stay in the hospital may be required.

How is Mannaz used in magic?

Since Mannaz is a rune associated with everything “human”, it is easy to guess that magicians use it to influence a certain person or group of people. Under the influence of the rune, you can change people's views on some problem, attract enemies to your side, rally the team with common goals and ideas. But Mannaz is a very energy-consuming rune, so most often it is used by seriously practicing magicians, but it will be difficult for beginners to work with it.

What is the amulet with the image of the Mannaz rune suitable for?

A photo of the Mannaz rune or a drawing of it, made by hand on an amulet, can help a person develop the best qualities in himself. By wearing such a talisman, you can strengthen your own intuition, realize the deep relationship between the physical body and soul, develop communication skills, learn to find mutual language with close people, a loved one, increase your intellectual level, as well as master magical abilities.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the Mannaz rune?

As has been repeatedly said, runes that have the opposite position are not recommended as underwear. Mannaz is not the best choice for a tattoo. If you need the help of this rune, it is better to make an amulet with its image.

Rune of the Day Mannaz

As the Rune of the Day, this sign promises a lot of communication. You will have a pleasant time talking on various topics with your loved ones, friends, colleagues, loved one. But it is important to be open to this communication. If you are in an inappropriate mood or have a desire to argue, defend your point of view, it is better to retire, spend this day alone with yourself.

The advice of the symbol directly repeats one of the meanings of the Mannaz rune: to realize the unity of the external and internal, look into your soul, reconsider your own behavior, relationships with others, think about your ego and its manifestations.

What questions should you ask yourself when meditating on Mannaz?

If you learn ancient symbols through meditation, then the photo of the Mannaz rune can be used to work out the following questions:

  • What is my personality?
  • When can I sacrifice my ego?
  • Do I feel the relationship between the outer and the inner, do I feel the unity of the human and the divine in my soul?
  • Can I communicate with other people?
  • Are the failures that happen to me the fault of others or the consequence of my own wrong behavior?
  • What can I change in myself in order to achieve inner harmony, to become part of a family, work team, hobby group?

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