The walking rod of the god Hermes tattoo meaning. What does a caduceus tattoo mean? Alternative interpretations

Caduceus tattoo is an elegant and beautiful drawing filled with deep philosophical meaning. It is rare to find a symbol that has so many different interpretations. The image of this item is used not only as a wearable decoration, but also as the official emblem of institutions in many countries of the world. What is the true meaning of the caduceus and who will suit such a tattoo?

What was the caduceus in ancient times

The name "caduceus" in Greek means "staff of the messenger." Initially, it was an attribute of heralds in ancient Rome and ancient Greece and was considered a symbol of the immunity of authorized persons. Its traditional image is a wand with a round tip and wings, entwined with two snakes.

Caduceus appeared in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by archaeological excavations. The monuments that were erected to the glory of the god Osiris were decorated with a similar sign and symbolized rebirth. The wand is first mentioned in the writings of Homer. According to legend, Apollo, the patron of the arts, presented it to Hermes in exchange for the flute. The Romans believed that the caduceus was an attribute of the god Mercury, the patron of trade, who inherited it from the lord of the kingdom of the dead, Hades. In both cases, the object symbolized reconciliation.

There is a myth about how the caduceus became a talisman for people who are engaged in trade. Once Mercury saw a ball of fighting snakes under an oak tree and threw his favorite staff at them. The reptiles immediately calmed down, two of them wrapped around the rod, met their eyes and turned to stone. Mercury gave the caduceus to his son, who became the founder of the clan of heralds.

During the Renaissance, alchemy and esotericism were actively developed. Item purchased magical properties and used in occult rituals. One of the interpretations of this image is healing and secret knowledge. The symmetrical image symbolizes the cosmos, and two snakes are the personification of two opposite principles. In ancient times, it was believed that the caduceus opens the gates between the world of the dead and the world of the living.

It is noteworthy that since the 19th century, the rod has become the emblem of medicine in many countries of the world (for example, in America). By mistake, it was confused with the staff of the god of healing Asclepius. External resemblance is really present, but in the original one snake wraps around a wooden stick and there are no wings. As a result, it turned out that in some drawings the base of the caduceus was replaced by a bowl.

Today, the caduceus in various interpretations is also used in Russia. The staff has become the official symbol of the Federal Tax Service, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Federal Customs Service. It can also be found on coats of arms Russian cities and in the heraldry of arbitration courts.

Basic tattoo meanings

So, the caduceus tattoo has several meanings. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Inspiration and creativity.
    tattoo has great importance for extraordinary personalities who have devoted their lives to art. For them, a tattoo is a kind of talisman that gives inspiration and the desire to create.
  • Wisdom and Knowledge
    The tattoo has a deep philosophical meaning, since it consists of separate symbols: the rod is power, the wings are the spirit, the snake is wisdom. Symmetry and spiral enhance the cosmic aspect and indicate balance and harmonious existence. The owner of such a tattoo strives for self-improvement and knowledge of the foundations of the universe and being. At the same time, he craves not only knowledge, but also sensory perception.
  • Reconciliation and Justice
    The mission of the ancient messengers was almost impossible: they had to tell the truth, which they did not always want to hear. They also often fell into the enemy camp. The caduceus helped conduct diplomatic negotiations. It was he who served as a link between the two parties and helped to reach an agreement in a decision. important issues. Today, such a tattoo will suit calm and balanced people who are used to defending the truth and are not afraid of condemnation and reprisal.
  • Belonging to medicine or trade
    Representatives of these professions apply the image of a staff as a talisman. Typically, such tattoos are performed on a small scale on closed areas of the body: back, chest, leg, shoulder blade. This helps to keep the energy charge and bring good luck and success to life.

Caduceus tattoo is suitable for men and women of any age and religion. Because of the visual appeal, the pattern is often chosen as a decorative element, and not because of a special symbolic meaning.

Which style to choose

Sketches in 3D technique are a creative option that is suitable for people who want to keep up with the times (see photo in the gallery). A unique direction appeared quite recently and gained unprecedented popularity among fans of body painting. The image looks as realistic as possible, because the volume is achieved due to the correct location of the shadows. It seems as if the snakes are about to crawl up the body, which in itself looks very impressive. Such work requires a high level of skill of the tattoo artist. In addition to artistic talent, it is worth considering his experience in this particular direction. One wrong move can destroy the whole composition.

Less shocking, but no less exciting, is realism. The tattoo looks very natural due to the play of shadows and a rich color palette. It is better if the sketch is in color and large in scale. For the place of application, the shoulder, arm, leg, back are suitable. For small tattoos, choose wrist, ankle, neck or belly (see photo below).

Monochrome lovers can take a closer look at the dotwork style. The drawing is done with small dots, due to which the effect of translucency is created. The tattoo is done in black ink without the use of additional shades. Despite this, the composition looks stylish and elegant. Such a tattoo will be a great decoration for the fair sex.

Video about the caduceus symbol


Staff - a golden rod entwined with two snakes with or without wings, was an attribute of deities in India and Ancient Egypt, in Phoenicia and Sumer, in Greece, Rome and throughout the Mediterranean, in Iran and even in pre-Columbian America.

This symbol is so ancient that it is almost impossible to establish when it appeared.

And no matter what deity held it in their hands: Serapis, Asclepius or Hermes, Mercury or Aesculapius, the caduceus always reflected the same thing: the principle of universal movement.
He acted as an attribute of the Greek god Hermes and, by analogy, the Roman Mercury.
According to one version, the caduceus originally had the shape of an olive branch or a twig with several leaves. Then the rod was crowned with a tip in the form of a ball and a crescent, and finally took the form of snakes wrapping around it. According to another version, the snake, as a sign of healing, was originally an integral part of the wand. According to Homer, Hermes received the caduceus from Apollo in exchange for the flute; another legend says that the caduceus was made especially for Hermes. According to legend, Hermes threw a caduceus at two snakes fighting each other, and as a result, they adhered to the rod. Hermes handed over the caduceus to his son Nerik, from whom the family of heralds descended.
In ancient Greece, Hermes was recognized by the caduceus - the messenger of the gods. The image of the messenger of the gods was also associated with ideas about the religions of the Middle East, sometimes it served as an attribute of a figure personifying the World. Caduceus had the ability to put people to sleep and wake them up from sleep, so he often acted as an emblem of dreams. In psychoanalysis, the caduceus is a phallic sign associated with the sublimation of sleep. In a broader interpretation, it is a symbol of magic. According to Hermetic semiotics, the caduceus is the key to the afterlife: with its help, Hermes opens the gates of the underworld and introduces the souls of the dead there.

Since Hermes acted as the mentor of Eros, the caduceus also symbolized such teacher qualities as eloquence and prudence, or generally denoted pedagogy.
There is an opinion that a rod or rod is the axis of the world (an option is the world tree), up and down along which, between Heaven and Earth, the intermediary gods move. Therefore, the Caduceus was worn by all messengers as a sign of peace and protection, and it was their main attribute. In this case, two snakes with their heads turned upwards symbolize evolution and at the same time two principles of the universe (like yang and ying in Taoism) or are interpreted as two mutually determined processes of the evolutionary development of material forms and souls that control material forms.
The symmetrical arrangement of snakes and wings serves as evidence of the balance of opposing forces and the harmonious development of both the lower, bodily, and higher, spiritual levels.

Serpents are also associated with the cyclical rebirth of Nature and the restoration of the universal Order when it is broken. Quite often they are equated with a symbol of wisdom. In the Asia Minor tradition, two snakes were a common symbol of fertility, and in the Mesopotamian tradition, woven snakes were considered the incarnation of a healer god.

Caduceus- a "magic" wand with small wings, which is wrapped around two snakes. The writhing bodies of the snakes are intertwined in such a way that they form two circles around the rod, one circle for one snake. Thus, symbolizing the merging of two polarities: good - evil, right - left, light - darkness, etc., which corresponds to the nature of the created world.
Among the symbolic figures known since ancient times, the caduceus has a special meaning (the staff of the messenger - Greek). It is often referred to as the rod of Hermes (Mercury), the ancient god of wisdom.
It is recognized that the serpent of wisdom is directly correlated with the seducer serpent. The snake, personifying wisdom, can become such only if it sheds its old skin - those times when it was the bearer of evil.
The wings of the caduceus symbolize the ability to cross any borders, airiness; core - power; double snake - opposite sides in dualism, which ultimately must connect. Two snakes, healing and poisonous (sickness and health), mean that "nature can overcome nature."
The caduceus also represents the unity of the two sexes. In alchemy, it is male sulfur and female mercury, the power of transformation, sleep and awakening, dissolution and coagulation of the "Great Experience".
Caduceus is worn by all messengers of peace and protection, and it is their main attribute. It is worn by the Egyptian Anubis; Greco-Roman Hermes, Phoenician Baal, and sometimes Isis and Ishtar. Caduceus is also found in India.
In occultism, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death (it is with this meaning that the use of

A symbol similar to the caduceus was found in ancient Indian monuments. In the esoteric directions of Buddhism, the caduceus rod symbolizes the axis of the world, and snakes - cosmic energy, the Serpent Fire or Kundalini, traditionally represented as twisted at the base of the spine (an analogue of the world axis on a microcosmic scale). Wrapping around the central axis, the snakes are connected at seven points, they are associated with the chakras. Kundalini sleeps in the base chakra, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Shushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals - Pingala (this is the right, male and active, spiral) and Ida (left , female and passive).
Whatever interpretation of the caduceus (both from those given above and from those not mentioned in the work) turned out to be correct, it, according to most researchers, was one of the most ancient symbols of the Creative Force. Therefore, it was believed that all the laws of knowledge that govern Nature were revealed to the owner of the caduceus.
Until now, the caduceus has been a symbol of trade and diplomacy.
It was often used as a heraldic sign: it was present, in particular, on the coat of arms of the Kharkov province.

Modern Emblems:

Source: Encyclopedia of mystical terms. M., 1998; Hall J. Dictionary of plots and symbols in art. M., 1999; Mythological dictionary. M., 1991.

Caduceus (lat.), or kerikion(ancient Greek κηρύκειον, κηρύκιον, ῥάβδος or σκῆπτρον) - the rod of the heralds of the Greeks and Romans; the name of the rod of Hermes (Mercury), which had the ability to reconcile. Similar symbols were common among other ancient peoples (see Urey Wajit). Like the modern parliamentary flag, it was a necessary attribute of heralds sent to the enemy camp, and a guarantee of their immunity.
In the occult, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death (it is with this meaning that the use of medicine as a symbol is probably associated).

The Rod of Caduceus or the Rod of Hermes in the occult sciences is a symbol of the key that opens the border between light and darkness, life and death, good and evil. This wand is a symbol of interacting and complementary forces of nature.

Two snakes wrapping around the shaft of this symbol mean two opposites that strive to unite. In medicine, two snakes, poisonous and healing, mean illness and healing. In Asia Minor cultures, two intertwined snakes symbolize fertility. And, for example, in alchemy, snakes on this wand symbolize the male and female principles (male sulfur and female mercury), a symbol of dissolution and penetration, a symbol of the interaction of two principles. Two snakes intertwining and striving to connect represent wisdom.

The wings on this wand mean the ability to cross any obstacles, a symbol of air.
The cane in this rod symbolizes the axis of the world, up and down along which, between Heaven and Earth, all the gods-messengers and intermediaries move, therefore this rod is considered a symbol of mediation, consent, trade.

In ancient times, the Rod of Hermes was also a symbol of messengers who carried the rod as a sign of peace and protection.
This wand is an attribute not only of Hermes, in whose hands it signifies health and youth; the Egyptian Anubis also wears it; Phoenician Baal and sometimes Isis and Ishtar. In the hands of the gods, this wand symbolizes the sky and the moon.
One of the main meanings in all cultures of the world, this symbol means proportionality: the evolutionary process of matter cannot overtake the evolutionary process of the spirit or lag behind it. Harmonious development of body and spirit.

Caduceus... This symbol is so ancient that it is almost impossible to establish when it appeared. But still we will try to lift the veil of its origin! Caduceus - a staff entwined with two snakes with or without wings, was an attribute of deities in India and Ancient Egypt, in Phoenicia and Sumer, in Greece, Rome and throughout the Mediterranean, in Iran and even in pre-Columbian America, that is, wherever there was fear reverence of ignorant people before incomprehensible phenomena or manifestations of extraordinary qualities and possibilities of creatures "divine" for the local population.
And no matter what deity held it in their hands: Serapis, Asclepius or Hermes, Mercury or Aesculapius, the caduceus always reflected the same thing: the principle of universal movement. Question: what and where?
Not so long ago, for those who like to “move” towards spiritual development by accelerated methods, I published an interesting article. It was about artificial stimulation of human vital potential and achievement of "nirvana" by the so-called raising of Kundalini energy along the spinal cord to Sahasrara. We are talking about the awakening of the activity of Serpent Fire, or Kundalini, when snakes wrap around the central axis, they connect at seven points that are associated with the main chakras. Yoga treatises explain that Kundalini, Serpent Fire, "sleeps" in the base chakra in the form of a coiled snake, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Sushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals. , - Pingale (this is the right, male and active, spiral) and Ide (left, female and passive).

As can be seen from the figure, this "effect Kundalini» is an exact copy CADUCE.

More precisely, the caduceus symbolizes the awakening of the Kundalini.

But has this symbol always denoted precisely this phenomenon?

Moreover, the direction of Ida and Pingala does not correspond to the location of these "snakes". Ida and Pingala in a man or a woman are directed in different directions due to the difference in their hormonal system, and the heads of snakes are both directed upwards, which manifests itself only in white tantra, that is, in a harmonious merger of equal partners, or as a result of endless training to balance the autonomic nervous system. systems: sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.

Caduceus can be found in the form of two snakes coiled around a rod, on Egyptian monuments built before the cult of Osiris. It is believed that the Greek poets and myth-makers borrowed this symbol from the Egyptians, and the Romans (Romeans) allegedly adopted the caduceus from the Greeks. The Greeks remade it, since at first it had a different appearance: a wand, depicted first entwined vines, then began to be depicted with two snakes. Again we find it in the hands of Aesculapius in a different form from the scepter of Mercury or Hermes. It is a cosmic, sidereal or astronomical, as well as spiritual and even physiological symbol; its meaning changes with application. And the Latin word caduceum comes from the priestly "messenger, harbinger" (messenger of Vesta, that is, conscience). This is a symbol of the Leading and Initiate, the Messenger, because it is not enough to know and know, it is just as important to be able to transfer knowledge. In ancient times, such heralds, direct representatives and messengers of the gods were the Magi, who healed the soul and body of a person - they were connected with the Creative Force, all the laws that govern Nature were revealed to them. Spiritual maturity allowed them to recognize the nature of the disease and select the best medicine. In those days, kings and kings were both priests and healers. It is curious that in Greek the word caduceus has a common root with the word cock. Caduceus (Latin caduceus) or kerikion (Greek κηρύκειον) is the rod of the heralds of the Greeks and Romans. The rooster as a symbol is found already in the first centuries of our era. It was believed that his singing not only drives away evil spirits, but also brings relief to the sick after suffering, which is often aggravated at night, accompanied by melancholy, insomnia or sleepwalking. And the rooster, as you know, is the great harbinger of the morning and the Sun. In the occult, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death. Here is how one of the church fathers Ambrose of Milan (III century) wrote about this: “How pleasant is the song of a rooster at night. And not only pleasant, but also useful. This cry instills hope in everyone's heart; patients feel relieved, the pain in the wounds decreases: with the advent of light, the heat of the fever subsides.

So, most likely, the caduceus (kerikion) served as a reminder of a certain danger that awaits people who are unrestrained from drinking wine and other drugs, because this symbol was carried by heralds in countries where the cult of Dionysius (Bacchus) was developed ...
As a symbol of healing, the image of a rooster and a snake also existed in Ancient China. According to Chinese medical teachings, necessary condition health was the harmony of two principles in the human body: yin and yang. The personification of the masculine (yang) was the rooster, the feminine (yin) was the snake. I consider this assumption quite free, since it predetermines a certain “serpentine” nature of a woman and an “eagle” nature of a man. Yin and yang are just multidirectional flows of energy that interact, and the snake is a symbol of poison in a reasonable (rooster) amount, which creates the possibility of healing from excessive imbalance. The bird has always represented intelligence and divinity, while the snake has always represented adaptability and flexibility. This confirms the symbol of medicine in the Renaissance, which was often depicted as a woman crowned with laurels with a staff entwined with a snake and a rooster in her hand. In the XIII century. images of a staff with a snake and a singing rooster adorned the title pages of medical writings. Since 1696, the golden rooster appeared on the coat of arms of French doctors, although here the meaning was somewhat different, but we'll talk about this another time ...
However, it should not be forgotten that this same symbol was also an attribute of divinity in pre-Columbian America. So it also belongs cultural heritage Atlantis, in this regard, the Gnostic sect of the "Ophites", which means "serpentine", is of interest. There is an opinion that the Gnostic Christian sect of the “Ophites” are worshipers of the serpent race of the Atlanteans. The symbol of the Atlantean gods was the serpent. "setians". They were joined by "Cainites" and "Peratiki" (a very interesting name in view of the above). Several Ophite texts are believed to have been found in the Nag Hammadi library.
The fact is that the snake cult is characteristic of all peoples, one way or another connected with the Atlanteans. In particular, the Hellenes believed that their ancestors were Ophites, a snake people from the western sea, whose emblem was a snake with an egg in its mouth. And not only the Hellenes, but also the Celtic tribes and the American Indians declared the same thing.
The Ophites revered Christ as a snake incarnation, worshiped him as the “Good Serpent”, personifying wisdom and bestowing true knowledge on people, and believed in the plurality of his incarnations. “Nahash” and “Messiah” in Hebrew have the same numerical value. with this, the Ophites taught about other snakes hostile to the human race, and it seems that it was from these hostile snakes that Jesus produced the essence of the Jews, calling them "the offspring of the viper."
The Ophite gnosis was especially widespread in Egypt, where, as is known from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, righteous people, saved Atlanteans, were transferred by “heavenly power”.

And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land,
And she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters,
The same hid in ancient times
In the depths of the northern waters - Sacred Daaria ...
To the lands of people with SKIN THE COLOR OF DARK...

The Rod of Caduceus or the Rod of Hermes in the occult sciences is a symbol of the key that opens the border between light and darkness, life and death, good and evil. This wand is a symbol of interacting and complementary forces of nature.

Two snakes wrapping around the shaft of this symbol mean two opposites that strive to unite. In medicine, two snakes, poisonous and healing, mean illness and healing. In Asia Minor cultures, two intertwined snakes symbolize fertility. And, for example, in alchemy, snakes on this wand symbolize the male and female principles (male sulfur and female mercury), a symbol of dissolution and penetration, a symbol of the interaction of two principles. Two snakes intertwining and striving to connect represent wisdom.

The wings on this wand mean the ability to cross any obstacles, a symbol of air.

The cane in this rod symbolizes the axis of the world, up and down along which, between Heaven and Earth, all the gods-messengers and intermediaries move, therefore this rod is considered a symbol of mediation, consent, trade.

In ancient times, the Rod of Hermes was also a symbol of messengers who carried the rod as a sign of peace and protection.
This wand is an attribute not only of Hermes, in whose hands it signifies health and youth; the Egyptian Anubis also wears it; Phoenician Baal and sometimes Isis and Ishtar. In the hands of the gods, this wand symbolizes the sky and the moon.

One of the main meanings in all cultures of the world, this symbol means proportionality: the evolutionary process of matter cannot overtake the evolutionary process of the spirit or lag behind it. Harmonious development of body and spirit.

Caduceus... This symbol is so ancient that it is almost impossible to establish when it appeared. But still we will try to lift the veil of its origin! Caduceus - a staff entwined with two snakes with or without wings, was an attribute of deities in India and Ancient Egypt, in Phoenicia and Sumer, in Greece, Rome and throughout the Mediterranean, in Iran and even in pre-Columbian America, that is, wherever there was fear reverence of ignorant people before incomprehensible phenomena or manifestations of extraordinary qualities and possibilities of creatures "divine" for the local population.

And no matter what deity held it in their hands: Serapis, Asclepius or Hermes, Mercury or Aesculapius, the caduceus always reflected the same thing: the principle of universal movement. Question: what and where?

Not so long ago, for those who like to “move” towards spiritual development by accelerated methods, I published an interesting article. It was about artificial stimulation of human vital potential and achievement of "nirvana" by the so-called raising of Kundalini energy along the spinal cord to Sahasrara. We are talking about the awakening of the activity of Serpent Fire, or Kundalini, when snakes wrap around the central axis, they connect at seven points that are associated with the main chakras. Yoga treatises explain that Kundalini, Serpent Fire, "sleeps" in the base chakra in the form of a coiled snake, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Sushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals. , - Pingale (this is the right, male and active, spiral) and Ide (left, female and passive).

As can be seen from the figure, this "Kundalini effect" is an exact copy of the CADUCEUS. More precisely, the caduceus symbolizes the awakening of the Kundalini. But has this symbol always denoted precisely this phenomenon? Moreover, the direction of Ida and Pingala does not correspond to the location of these "snakes". Ida and Pingala in a man or a woman are directed in different directions due to the difference in their hormonal system, and the heads of snakes are both directed upwards, which manifests itself only in white tantra, that is, in a harmonious merger of equal partners, or as a result of endless training to balance the autonomic nervous system. systems: sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.

Caduceus can be found in the form of two snakes coiled around a rod, on Egyptian monuments built before the cult of Osiris. It is believed that the Greek poets and myth-makers borrowed this symbol from the Egyptians, and the Romans (Romeans) allegedly adopted the caduceus from the Greeks. The Greeks remade it, because at first it had a different appearance: the staff, first depicted as entwined with vines, then began to be depicted with two snakes. Again we find it in the hands of Aesculapius in a different form from the scepter of Mercury or Hermes. It is a cosmic, sidereal or astronomical, as well as spiritual and even physiological symbol; its meaning changes with application. And the Latin word caduceum comes from the priestly "messenger, harbinger" (messenger of Vesta, that is, conscience). This is a symbol of the Leading and Initiate, the Messenger, because it is not enough to know and know, it is just as important to be able to transfer knowledge. In ancient times, such heralds, direct representatives and messengers of the gods were the Magi, who healed the soul and body of a person - they were connected with the Creative Force, all the laws that govern Nature were revealed to them. Spiritual maturity allowed them to recognize the nature of the disease and select the best medicine. In those days, kings and kings were both priests and healers. It is curious that in Greek the word caduceus has a common root with the word cock. Caduceus (Latin caduceus) or kerikiyon (Greek κηρύκειον) - the rod of heralds among the Greeks and Romans. The rooster as a symbol is found already in the first centuries of our era. It was believed that his singing not only drives away evil spirits, but also brings relief to the sick after suffering, which is often aggravated at night, accompanied by melancholy, insomnia or sleepwalking. And the rooster, as you know, is the great harbinger of the morning and the Sun. In the occult, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death. Here is how one of the church fathers Ambrose of Milan (III century) wrote about this: “How pleasant is the song of a rooster at night. And not only pleasant, but also useful. This cry instills hope in everyone's heart; patients feel relieved, the pain in the wounds decreases: with the advent of light, the heat of the fever subsides.

So, most likely, the caduceus (kerikion) served as a reminder of a certain danger that awaits people who are unrestrained from drinking wine and other drugs, because this symbol was carried by heralds in countries where the cult of Dionysius (Bacchus) was developed ...

As a symbol of healing, the image of a rooster and a snake existed in ancient China. According to the teachings of Chinese doctors, a necessary condition for health was the harmony of two principles in the human body: yin and yang. The personification of the masculine principle (yang) was the rooster, the feminine (yin) was the snake. I consider this assumption quite free, since it predetermines a certain “serpentine” nature of a woman and an “eagle” nature of a man. Yin and yang are just multidirectional flows of energy that interact, and the snake is a symbol of poison in a reasonable (rooster) amount, which creates the possibility of healing from excessive imbalance. The bird has always represented intelligence and divinity, while the snake has always represented adaptability and flexibility. This confirms the symbol of medicine in the Renaissance, which was often depicted as a woman crowned with laurels with a staff entwined with a snake and a rooster in her hand. In the XIII century. images of a staff with a snake and a singing rooster adorned the title pages of medical writings. Since 1696, the golden rooster appeared on the coat of arms of French doctors, although here the meaning was somewhat different, but we'll talk about this another time ...

However, it should not be forgotten that this same symbol was also an attribute of divinity in pre-Columbian America. This means that it also belongs to the cultural heritage of Atlantis, in connection with this, the Gnostic sect of the “Ophites”, which means “serpents”, is of interest. There is an opinion that the Gnostic Christian sect of the “Ophites” are worshipers of the serpent race of the Atlanteans. The serpent was the symbol of the Atlantean gods. Information about the same Christian sect has come down to us under the name "Naassenes" (Heb. "nahash" - a snake). Their other name is "setians". They were joined by “Cainites” and “Peratiki” (a very interesting name in view of the above). Several Ophite texts are believed to have been found in the Nag Hammadi library.

The fact is that the snake cult is characteristic of all peoples, one way or another connected with the Atlanteans. In particular, the Hellenes believed that their ancestors were Ophites, a snake people from the western sea, whose emblem was a snake with an egg in its mouth. And not only the Hellenes, but also the Celtic tribes and the American Indians declared the same thing.

The Ophites revered Christ as a snake incarnation, worshiped him as the “Good Serpent”, personifying wisdom and bestowing true knowledge on people, and believed in the plurality of his incarnations. "Nahash" and "Messiah" in Hebrew have the same numerical value. Along with this, the Ophites taught about other snakes that were hostile to the human race. Apparently, it was from these hostile snakes that Jesus produced the essence of the Jews, calling them "the offspring of the viper."

The Ophite gnosis was especially widespread in Egypt, where, as is known from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, righteous people, saved Atlanteans, were transferred by “heavenly power”.

6. (70). And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land,

And she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters,

The same hid in ancient times

In the depths of the northern waters - Sacred Daaria ...



To the lands of people with SKIN THE COLOR OF DARK...


Some scholars believe that gnosis was the original form of Christianity. So now we can talk about the possible Atlantean origins of Gnosticism.

In general, snake symbolism in Christianity is quite widespread. For example, among

episcopal liturgical attributes, a staff with two writhing snakes is used, an analogue of the caduceus - the rod of Egyptian priests, decorated with intertwining snakes, but its difference from the caduceus is that it depicts tamed snakes and the absence of the wings of the mind - a kind of earthiness.

Another symbol, the Ankh, is interesting in the same sense. This is a cross with an upper beam in the form of a loop - a symbol of eternal reincarnations on the physical plane, which is expressed in reincarnation on Earth. The ankh is the most significant symbol among the ancient Egyptians, also known as the “crux ansat”. This cross combines two symbols - the cross, as a symbol of the endless development of life, and the circle, as a symbol of obsession, together they indicate a stop in the development in the vertical direction - development into a God-man. Also, this cross symbolizes the union of the female and male deities, Osiris and Isis, and, thus, the union of the earthly and the heavenly, which led to the emergence of a new imbalance in evolutionary development and the emergence of such a phenomenon as Judaism and fascism.

In hieroglyphic writing, this sign was placed with the meaning “life”, and it was part of the words “welfare” and “happiness”, which was intended only for the people chosen by Jehovah (God of the Jews). Moses also had a magic wand that turned into a snake and commanded the elements.

But, back to Atlantis, the ancestral home of the Maya and the source of all religions.

“... Nevertheless, it would be wrong to categorically state that there are no “arguments” in favor of the hypothesis of Atlantis as the ancestral home of the Maya. The monk Landa, also known to us, wrote that some old Indians told about their ancestors AS ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO COME FROM THE EAST AND SAVE BY THE GODS, who paved twelve ways for him by sea. And here is what is written in one of the books of the Chilam-Balam series: “SUDDENLY A GIANT FLOOD HAPPENED, it began to rain, THIRTEEN GODS LOST THEIR WANDS, THE HEAVEN BREAKED AND FALLEN TO THE EARTH, FOUR GODS WERE DESTROYED…” (1)

So the legends of the Ancient Maya say that those whom they considered Gods were severely punished: ... THIRTEEN GODS LOST THEIR WANDS, AND FOUR GODS WERE DESTROYED! The legends of the ancestors of the Ancient Maya have preserved the memory of the punishment of the Gods! This shocked them so much that it stuck in their memory as clearly as evidence of a change in the tilt of the axis of Midgard-Earth !!! These two events shocked the ancestors of the Ancient Maya to their very core, and it remains to be seen which of these two events shocked them more! It is also interesting that the punishment to the Gods was different. Thirteen Gods were deprived of WANDS - symbols of their power, and four of them were destroyed! These lines reflect the degree of responsibility of those who were responsible for the planetary catastrophe. The main culprits of the planetary catastrophe were punished to the maximum - they were destroyed, which indicates that the HIGHER LEVEL HIERARCHIES who punished them CONSIDERED THAT THEY ARE INCORRECTABLE AND THEREFORE PRESENT A DANGER, and the rest were DEMOTATED! Degraded Gods, of course, such a thing could not but shock the people of the Red Race, whom these same degraded Gods turned into slaves! And these degraded Gods were the people of the White Race, the descendants of those who arrived on the lands of beardless people with the skin color of the flame of the Holy Fire, along with a leader named Ant!

It is necessary to clarify the situation with wands. Thirteen "Gods" have lost their WANDS! Those who read these lines may have an idea that it was thanks to these wands that these thirteen "Gods" were "Gods". Of course not! The wand is an outward sign of evolutionary power, and this wand served as an instrument for the manifestation of the power that wields it. The wand was also a power amplifier and a resonator. Something similar to a laser, but the laser is not of light waves, but of the psychic power of its owner.

Therefore, such a rod was at the same time a powerful weapon. The deprivation of the “God” of the wand meant not only that the wand was taken away from the personal owner, but also that the owner himself was deprived of his psychic power, which allowed him to work “miracles” from the point of view of those who did not understand the nature of what was happening. It should be noted that the wand was tuned to a specific "God", to his personality, with all its evolutionary features. In other words, each "God" was at a certain evolutionary level, with the corresponding properties and qualities, which corresponded to a certain evolutionary number.

The punishment of "God" was reduced to the fact that his evolutionary number decreased more or less, depending on the degree of his responsibility for certain deeds! This can also be called a partial evolutionary unwinding of the essence. With the full evolutionary unwinding of the essence, the degree of guilt of its (essence) carrier is so great that the punishment for an act or deeds led to the fact that the evolutionary number became equal to zero!

At the same time, not only the physical body of the punished perished, but his essence also ceased to exist. This is exactly what complete, real death is, since the death of only the physical body allowed the essence to incarnate again, retaining all its negative developments, and this made it possible to continue to create Dark Deeds in the new physical body. That is why in some cases, when there was no longer any hope and opportunity for the person who committed evolutionary crimes to correct himself, the punishment was the complete promotion of the essence.

And that is exactly what is said in the legends left by the ancestors of the Ancient Maya, when it is reported that FOUR GODS WERE DESTROYED! By the way, a little more about wands! The punished “God”, even if he had recently taken “his” rod into his hands, would not have received any result! The wand in the hands of the demoted "God" behaved exactly the same as in the hands of everyone else! In addition, I would like to draw attention to the fact that ONLY FOUR “GODS” OUT OF THE THIRTEEN WAS DESTROYED, although all thirteen were deprived of wands! And the question arises: what happened to the rest of the demoted "Gods" after they were deprived of power - wands! If they died in a planetary catastrophe, then they would be on the list of the destroyed "Gods", but the NINE DEMOTATED "GODS" are not on the list!

And this can only mean one thing - the Highest God-hierarch Niy, who punishes them, and other God-hierarchs of the White Race gave them a chance to atone for their guilt. (2)

From here it becomes clear how the symbol of the lost divine opportunities came to the African continent. And what exactly does this wand mean? The wand is an external sign of evolutionary power and this wand served as an instrument for the manifestation of the power that wields it, but, being deprived of the source of manifestation of this power (evolutionary qualities), it turned into only a reminder of the former power of the Atlanteans. Epictetus said: “There is such a stick of Hermes, touch it whatever you want. Everything you touch, be it leather, wood or anything else, will turn into gold. Yes, this is true. Bring me the sick or the dying, disasters or hardships - all this I can transform with the stick of Hermes. Great is God who has given us this tool.”

The caduceus rod is symbolically associated with the tree of life, the axis of the world and the Golden Path of development, and the snakes - with the DNA double helix - the evolutionary potential of human genetics. Serpents indicate a hidden dynamic in what is outwardly stable, symbolize the connection of heaven and earth, man and his Essence, once divine, but due to the "poison" that caused an imbalance in development, lost (the wings on the caduceus also indicate the connection of heaven and earth, spiritual and material). Everything that is born on earth comes from the sky (the planetary levels of our planet or other planets) and, after going through the path of development or degradation, will gain a certain life experience, must either rise to the “sky” and other Earths or be stuck forever for reincarnations and passing new tests and lessons, and even perish due to their ignorance.

The measured path connected Ingard and Midgard

Worlds of Golden Suns in one sleeve.

To pass this WAY it is necessary to visit

on many Earths near bright stars.

Midgard called the soul a round dance of dreams,


which is kept by those who settled in that world (3)


At the base of the GOLDEN ROAD

The Human World is located, and

The ascent of man into a higher world

Or the Highest Reality is possible

Only as a result of Spiritual Development.

For this, GODS came to the Human World

And the Teachers of mankind come (4)

In alchemy, the caduceus is a symbol of the unity of Fire and Water, which do not destroy each other. Unfortunately, the fire contained in alcohol or other narcotic substances leads an imperfect organism and psyche to an imbalance, and a person loses his rationality, turning into an animal: “snakes” begin to capture the human spirit. Caduceus and served as a reminder of

Caduceus recalls the power of the essence, which extends its power to the one who turns to it with a prayer or request, opening up to it. It was important to always remember that not every entity has good intentions and will act in the interests of the asker, and if in the interests of one asker, then at the expense of damaging the interests of another or others. Don't forget the law of conservation of energy...

So, in Christianity, the caduceus becomes an attribute of the Mother of God - Sophia, with him She can be seen in Orthodox iconography. Known, for example, is the icon of Sophia of Novgorod. On ancient icons She is in right hand He always holds his scepter (caduceus), that is, a long white shaft with a pointed end. Similar symbols were common among other ancient peoples (see Urey Wajit). Since the 19th century, the image has served in a number of countries (for example, in the USA, the USSR) as a symbol of medicine. Currently, it is one of the heraldic symbols of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, which is very allegorical, since these taxes go to no one knows where and to whom.

In the medieval semiosphere, the caduceus became a symbol of the "hermetic science" - alchemy. Subsequently, he acted as a universal emblem of the occult sciences and esotericism. Initially, it was the main symbol of medicine, until for some reason it was replaced by a bowl with a snake. Nevertheless, it continues to be a sign of non-traditional magical healing. The symbolism of two snakes could be interpreted as the ambivalent nature of medicine: the snake sting was used both in medical practice and as a poison, which activated defensive forces organism and led to recovery.

Since Hermes acted as the mentor of Eros, the caduceus also symbolized such teacher qualities as eloquence and prudence, or generally denoted pedagogy. Until now, the caduceus has been a symbol of trade and diplomacy. It was often used as a heraldic sign: it was present, in particular, on the coat of arms of the Kharkov province. (5)

In the history and religion of the Jews, the caduceus was known as the priestly rod of Aaron - this was the name of the attribute of the ancestor of the Jewish high priests. This wand, shaped like a caduceus, was used in the Jewish initiation ceremony. Since ancient times, it was believed that it contained the power of sacred fire. The Jews bought into the "whisper" of Yahweh and the symbol of divine power at the expense of others and at the cost of the death of their essence for quite mundane purposes - material wealth.

This symbol was found in India, carved on the stone tablets of nagakals (Nagas of Kali), exhibited at the entrance to the temple. Researchers also find Caduceus in Mesopotamia: the god Ninurta was depicted with a rod entwined with two snakes.

In India, as I pointed out above, two snakes are ida and pingala. The wand is sushumna. The awakening of the kundalini leads to a breakthrough. The two wings are the petals of ajna (there are also two of them). The knob at the very top of the wand is the opened sahasrara. However, despite such an "explanation" in the treatises on Kundalini, it is not reported that in order to achieve enlightenment, it is necessary to possess the necessary evolutionary qualities that have been developed over millennia, deposited in the memory of the essence of a particular person. Knowing the world, developing diversified, a person discovers himself in a new quality - the quality of a God-man, which cannot be achieved mechanically, by meditating or sitting in asanas for days, if instead of working out and developing your essence, you connect to the channel of other entities and begin to feed them, squeezing your body and nervous system, experiencing euphoria, instead of holistically developing oneself ...

The writhing bodies of the snakes are intertwined in such a way that they form two circles around the rod, one circle per snake, thus symbolizing the merging of two polarities: good - evil, right - left, light - darkness, etc., which corresponds to the nature of the created world.

The intertwining of the snakes of the caduceus also indicates the crossing of the streams of psychic energy: the right stream - plus - passes to the left, to the line of minuses, and vice versa. From the point of view of physiology, this is a symbol of the restoration of the lost balance between Life as a whole and the currents of Life that perform various functions in the human body.

The symbolism of the caduceus may vary depending on the application. Metaphysically, the caduceus depicts the fall of primary and primordial matter into rough earthly matter, a single Reality that becomes an Illusion.

It is recognized that the serpent of wisdom is directly correlated with the seductive serpent. The snake, personifying wisdom, can become such only if it sheds its old skin - those times when it was the bearer of evil. That is why the rod of Mercury is wrapped around two intertwined snakes: one of them is a snake of light, the other is a snake of darkness. Together, they constitute another symbol of wisdom, since Mercury, being an intermediary between man and the gods, brings heavenly wisdom to mankind (for this he is usually called the "messenger of the gods").

As a rule, the caduceus is depicted with wings - as a reminder that the wisdom of snakes, or the polarities that they represent, is of heavenly origin.

The wings of the caduceus symbolize the ability to cross any borders, airiness; core - power; double snake Two invisible "serpentine" energies (ida and pingala) flowing through the chakras (energy centers) of the human body. They are associated with two snakes, conductors of power, coiling around the caduceus (from Woodroffe's Serpent Power, 1923) Caduceus in the hand of Mercury (detail of an 18th century engraving) - opposite sides in dualism, which, ultimately, must unite.

Two snakes, healing and poisonous (sickness and health), mean that "nature can overcome nature." The caduceus is a symbol of the complementary nature of these two forces operating in the universe and the union of the two sexes. The two snakes represent the forces of connection and separation, good and evil, fire and water, ascension and descent, as well as restoration, wisdom and fertility. In alchemy, it is male sulfur and female mercury, the power of transformation, sleep and awakening, the dissolution and coagulation of the "Great Experience", the synthesis of opposites and the penetrating function of meditation between the higher and lower levels of reality.

The staff (or wand) of the messenger is the axis of the world, up and down along which, between Heaven and Earth, all the gods - messengers and mediators move.

Caduceus is worn by all messengers as a sign of peace and protection, and it is their main attribute. It is worn by the Egyptian Anubis; Greco-Roman Hermes (Mercury), in whose hands he means health and youth; the Phoenician Baal, and sometimes Isis and Ishtar. This is “a golden rod, three-part wealth and happiness” (Homer). It was assumed that he is the rod that supports the symbols of the Sun and the Moon.

The caduceus may be in the form of a ball topped with horns - this is a Phoenician and Hittite solar symbol. It is also the astronomical symbol of Hermes (Mercury). Caduceus is also found in India.

Tattoos with the caduceus are quite rare, because for the majority it is associated exclusively with medicine. Of course, the symbol has something to do with medicine, but in fact its meaning is much deeper. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the caduceus tattoo and the original symbolism of this sign.

Symbol history

Initially, the caduceus was an attribute of the messenger, a symbol of trade and mediation. It was also called the rod of Hermes, associated with reconciliation. Initially, the caduceus was an olive branch entwined with garlands, which was crowned with two shoots. Later, the shoots were transformed into wings, symbolizing the speed of the messenger of the gods, and the garlands into snakes.

What, then, does the caduceus have to do with medicine? As a symbol of medicine, the rod of Hermes began to be widely used only in the century before last. Around the rod of Aesculapius, the god of healing, a snake is also wrapped around, hence the roots of such a widespread mistake. However, the caduceus can still be considered to some extent a symbol of healing, because in some sources it is mentioned as a key that opens the gates that separate life and death, light and darkness, good and evil. In the Sumerian tradition, intertwined snakes were also considered a symbol of healing, and in Asia Minor - fertility.

If we talk about a later and deeper understanding of the symbol, the wand is a symbol of power over all things, snakes are wisdom, and wings are spirit. The wand in this case acts as a kind of analogue of the world axis (like the Yggdrasil tree in the Scandinavian tradition), snakes symbolize the joint development of two principles (like yin and yang in Taoism). The symmetry that is present in the image of the caduceus only enhances its cosmic aspect. If we consider the snake as an earthly symbol, and the wings as heavenly, then we observe a balance between two opposing forces. They are in harmony, because, ultimately, they serve a common goal - the harmonious development of both higher and lower spheres of being.

Images, exactly repeating the Greek caduceus, are also found in India. Serpents wrapping around the rod (world axis) symbolize kundalini, life energy. They connect at seven points that are associated with the seven chakras.

There are many interpretations of the caduceus, but they all agree that it is a symbol of creation, secret knowledge.

Symbolism in tattoo

Based on the ancient interpretations described above, one can imagine what the caduceus tattoo means in full:

  • Harmony, balance. A person who chooses such a tattoo wants to achieve an absolutely harmonious state. Perhaps he even engages in some spiritual practices. If you believe in the mystical power of symbols, the image of the caduceus in this case is intended to help establish a balance between the material and the spiritual.
  • Secret knowledge. The owner of the tattoo strives for a deep understanding of the world. He wants not only to fit in his head as much knowledge as possible, but to be fully aware of the processes that take place in the human mind. He wants not just to possess information, but to feel and understand at a level higher than ordinary cognitive processes.
  • Wisdom. A deep understanding of how a person and the world works is the real wisdom that the caduceus personifies.
  • Justice. Awareness, which is mentioned in the previous paragraphs, leads to an impartial assessment of reality and oneself, the ability to objectively evaluate one's own actions and aspirations.
  • World. Peace is a consequence of achieving harmony. Awareness of one's own shortcomings leads to reconciliation with oneself, and understanding of the world order leads to reconciliation with others.
  • Creativity, inspiration. This meaning is indicated by the wings - the eternal symbol of the flight of fantasy and creativity.
  • Belonging to a profession related to medicine. Although we have already found out that the caduceus became a symbol of medicine by mistake, it still has something to do with healing, based on the symbolism of the snake in some cultures. Therefore, such a tattoo can become a kind of talisman for doctors.

Suitable styles

There can be a lot of options for the image of the symbol, just look at the photo of the caduceus tattoo to see this. The work can be both schematic and realistic - with live snakes or, for example, depicting a three-dimensional symbol in the form of a stone bas-relief. Realism in this sense is a very suitable style for such a tattoo. It allows you to accurately convey all the details as they would actually be with a real rod of Hermes.

Of course, in order to do quality work in any style, you need talent and experience. However, realism is considered the most difficult to perform, so the choice of a master must be approached with the utmost responsibility. If a tattoo artist makes beautiful and bright works in the old school style, for example, this does not mean at all that he is just as good in all other styles. After all, a tattoo artist is, first of all, an artist, and each artist has his own unique style.

Another interesting option is dotwork. The style is quite new, it became popular only in the 90s of the last century, so it has not yet gained a whole army of fans. The dotwork looks original and interesting due to the way of drawing a picture, which is unusual for traditional styles - the image is created using dots located at different distances from each other.