Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group “The life of a primitive man. The early stages of the development of the most ancient man Lesson how primitive people lived

yana voynova
Abstract of the lesson on cognitive development in senior group"The life of a primitive man"

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on cognitive development« The life of a primitive man»

Voynova Yana

Abstract« The life of a primitive man»


introduce children with appearance and life primitive man; expand vocabulary by introducing new words, develop imagination, fantasy, logical thinking. Teaching children to use objects - replaced. Promote development of fine motor skills.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Talk about primitive people, viewing illustrations, reading about primitive people"My first encyclopedia» , magazine of the publishing house OOO "De Agostini" № 10 « Primitive»

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Illustration on the theme, dummies of products (fish, nuts, berries, a fire mock-up, a cave mock-up, twigs for a skewer, a flat stone, a long stone, sticks, ropes and "spears" by the number of children; winder toys.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, amazing adventures await us today. Now I will tell you the true story. It was a long time ago, on our planet, where different animals and birds already lived, appeared ... (show picture - primitive man) .


Lived in the light primitive

He for the first time in my life I even saw snow

Built huts, cooked game

And he threw a loud cry to the monkeys.

Picking the ground with a stick,

Procured food,

And the laws of nature

Followed very closely.

caregiver: It was a long time ago. On our planet, where different animals and birds already lived, appeared human. Where did he come from? We do not know. But he did show up. That's what he was (illustration display). At human there were no sharp teeth or claws, he could not fly, however, he was fast, agile and quick-witted.

Ancient people, in those ancient times, lived human packs. And in every flock there was a leader, elder. While the adult members of the pack were engaged in hunting, the children learned from the wisest and most experienced mentors. Today I will be your leader.

See what the ancient was wearing human?

Children: Ancient the man was wearing a skin.

caregiver: Yes, there were no modern clothes then. From the bones obtained by hunting animals, human learned how to make needles to stitch animal skins and make clothes out of them. And who knows why he needs a skin? (shows plot pictures on the multimedia screen)

Children: The skin was needed primitive man not to freeze. The skin protected from the cold.

caregiver: Maybe you can say what else was needed man, to survive? (Guiding questions of the educator.)

Children: He needed water, food and a home to survive.

caregiver: Where do you think the ancient people lived?

Children: They lived in caves and built huts from branches.

caregiver: And here is our cave with you. It's dark and cold in here, brrr. I started to freeze. What would you come up with that would make it warmer and lighter.

Children: Make a fire

caregiver: Yes, it would be nice make a bonfire, here is the firewood cooked. Yes, that's the trouble, how to get fire? (children's answers). I will tell you one secret. Primitive people were waiting when a tree ignites from lightning in the forest, and they kept this fire in their cave. But there is another way to get fire. You need to take some forest moss, put a stick on it and quickly rotate it with your palms. You need to do this until the fire appears. (Children "mined" the fire). Yes, this process is difficult and long. To speed it up, I suggest blowing on the fire. (Children blow on the fire, appears "light"). Well, it immediately became light and warm.

caregiver: You hear someone big and evil walking near our cave. They must be predators! I'm afraid! What to do? (children's answers). We need to arm ourselves. Ancient people made weapons from different materials: from stone - knives and darts, spearheads; from wood - spears and ax handles, clubs. They tied the stone point to a tree with the help of flexible plants - vines. Let's try and make a spear primitive man. True, we will replace the stone tips with cardboard ones, and the vines with ropes. But to protect our cave, it will do. Do you agree? (Children make spears). We have real weapons, and now we are not afraid of any predators, nor saber-toothed tigers, nor even mammoths.

Dynamic pause "Islands".

One, two - islands.

(Two claps, a semicircle with one hand, then with the other to the side, as if depicting two islands)

Three, four - we sailed.

(Two claps, with both hands depict wave-like movements away from you)

Five, six, let's go.

(Two claps, alternate movement of the right hand, palm down (we hit the ball, left palm up (toss the ball)

Seven, eight - how many pines.

(two claps, right hand pull up then on the word "pines" pull left)

Nine, ten, we're on our way.

(Two claps, with the middle and index fingers of both hands, move forward from you, depicting "Steps")

Counted to ten!

caregiver: Human everything necessary for food was mined in the forest and the river. Guys, what do you think, what kind of food could the forest and the river give?

Children: Primitive man hunted game, collected berries, mushrooms and various roots, collected eggs of wild birds, fished, collected nuts.

Something you want to eat. Are you hungry? Let's go fishing. (The game "Who will catch the fish faster"). What a big catch!

caregiver: Look how much tasty and healthy nature has given us. (Shows children dummies of products.) How can we prepare all this?

Children: Products can be boiled, fried, dried

caregiver: To butcher a bird, we need a knife. To do this, we will take a long stone, which we sharpen on another stone.

caregiver: And we will fry it on a spit. We string the chicken on a stick and hang it over the fire. But someone needs to turn the spit. To keep the meat from burning. In the meantime, the chicken is fried, let's cook the fish and eggs, dig out the roots with a digging stick.

After eating, the cavemen loved to eat tasty treats. But, there were no sweets or cookies in those days. But in the forests there were apparently-invisibly tasty and sweet berries. Let's go to the forest for berries. (The game "Pick the Berries").

caregiver: And now we will again turn into modern children (children remove skins). Well done kids, we did great with everyone primitive difficulties. Tell me how it was first people on our blooming planet?

Children: It was hard for primitive people. They hardly got food, clothes, etc.

caregiver: What did they have to do to survive in difficult environmental conditions?

Children: Primitive people had to think a lot, to work.

caregiver: Right. And also guys first people were very friendly, helped each other and always stuck together. Let's follow their example and continue our walk together.

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Plan - a summary of the lesson.

Primitive people.

Purpose: To form in older preschoolers an idea of ​​​​the origin and history of the civilization of mankind.


1. To get acquainted with the appearance of a primitive man.

2. Introduce the achievements of primitive man: mastery of speech, the ability to make fire, the manufacture of tools, hunting, rock art, everyday life.

3. Expand vocabulary with new words: mammoth, shaft, skin, leader, tribe.

4. Develop coherent speech, word creation.


1.Develop creative thinking, imagination, fantasy.

2. To develop pantomimic and mimic abilities in children.

4. Contribute to the development of cognitive interests.


1. Raise interest in history, respect for ancestors.

Preliminary activity:

1. Conversations "Who is the primitive man"

2. Consideration of illustrations.

Materials: Presentation "Ancient Man".

Subject-developing environment:

Encyclopedia "Dinosaurs", "History of the World", pictures depicting rock paintings.

Course progress.

It was a long time ago. On our green and flourishing planet, where various animals and birds already lived, a man appeared. Where did he come from? Whether it descended from monkeys, whether it flew from space - we do not know. But he did show up. And he was like this, our distant ancestor.

Slide number 1. (primitive man)

The most ancient man was very different from us and looked like a large monkey.

The man had neither sharp teeth nor claws, he could not fly, but he was fast and agile. He walked on two legs, but at the same time he leaned forward strongly. The man's hands hung down to his knees, were free, and he could do simple work with them: grab, hit and dig the ground. The foreheads of the people were low and sloping. Their brains were larger than those of a monkey, but much smaller than those of modern humans.

The ancient man could not yet speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed anger and fear, called for help and warned each other about danger.

See what the ancient man was wearing? (in skin)

Yes, there were no modern clothes then, because there were no factories, no factories, and a person had to do everything with his own hands.

And who will guess why he needs a skin? (protection from the cold)

We guessed how the primitive man escaped from the cold.

Maybe you can guess what else a person needed to survive? Of course, he needed drink, food and shelter. He could drink from a river or stream.

Where could he live? (In a cave)

What could he eat? (berries, grass, meat)

Where is the fish found? (in a river, lake)

How to get it from there? (catch on a hook, fishing rod)

How to get meat? (go hunting)

In those distant times, mammoths lived on earth.

Slide number 2. (mammoth)

What animal does a mammoth look like? (on the elephant)

Slide number 3. (elephant)

How is a mammoth different from an elephant? (the mammoth has wool and huge tusks)

Slide number 4 (elephant and mammoth)

Why do you think a mammoth needs tusks, a trunk and long hair?

Mammoths appeared many millions of years ago. They lived in the cold corners of our planet, and elephants live in warm regions. But mammoths died out a long time ago, at the end ice age, and elephants still live today.

Animals need tusks to dig roots and grass out of the ground. Mammoths also tore snow with them in search of food. And the tusks were also used to protect their cubs. A shaggy fur coat warmed the mammoth in severe frosts and protected from prickly northern winds.

Scientists still do not know why mammoths became extinct. Perhaps, at the end of the ice age, the endless northern pastures disappeared. Perhaps some terrible disease is to blame, or primitive people killed the last mammoth.

And even then there were saber-toothed tigers. They were the size of a lion. They could run fast, but only for short distances. Saber-toothed tigers had the largest teeth of any cat that has ever lived on Earth. These teeth are longer than a human palm. These animals could not get enough food for themselves and gradually died out.

Slide number 5. (saber-toothed tiger)

They have huge and sharp fangs like sabers.

People also hunted cave bears.

Slide number 6. (cave bear)

What did a person need to go hunting for wild animals? (weapon)

What can it be made from? Weapons can be made from different materials, but only wood and stone were available to primitive people. Ancient people learned to make knives, darts, spearheads, ax blades out of stone; and from wood - the spear itself and the ax handle. They tied the stone point to the tree with the help of flexible plants - vines.

Slide number 7. (weapon)

Primitive people lived in herds. It was the human herd. He had his own leader.

Slide number 8. (tribe)

And also the elders - the wise old people who taught the young how to make weapons, collect fruits and much more.

So the most ancient man did not live alone, but among his own kind.

What do you think people need in order to understand each other? How can they communicate? Here our man is going to hunt, how can he call others?

You can call with gestures. How? (children portray)

You can call mimicry. (wink)

At first, ancient people communicated only by sounds. But it was very inconvenient and they invented their own language. We will play with you now.

Phys. minute.

Ball game. The teacher throws the ball, the child answers with a word invented by him.

It turns out that ancient people communicated with the help of drawings.

What did primitive people draw on? (on a stone, rock)

Then people did not come up with paper and drew on stone. And they painted what was close to them: animals, hunting, people.

Slides No. 9, 10, 11, 12. (rock paintings)

Now guess what is shown here?

I want to tell you that people not only drew well, but were closely connected with nature and depended on it. They did not know and did not understand much, therefore, they considered various natural phenomena: rain, lightning, sun - to be a manifestation of God. They had many gods. The god of water was responsible for all the seas, rivers, lakes. What color can it be shown? (blue cards) The god of fire sent lightning. (red cards) The god of the sun is light and heat. (yellow)

And now each of you will choose your element of fire, water or sun. And when his music sounds, he will turn into this element and begin to move according to the music.


What beautiful elements we had. Well done! Our journey to the ancient people is over. Goodbye, primitive man!



Plan - a summary of the lesson.

Primitive people.

Purpose: To form in older preschoolers an idea of ​​​​the origin and history of the civilization of mankind.



1. To get acquainted with the appearance of a primitive man.

2. Introduce the achievements of primitive man: mastery of speech, the ability to make fire, the manufacture of tools, hunting, rock art, everyday life.

3. Expand vocabulary with new words: mammoth, shaft, skin, leader, tribe.

4. Develop coherent speech, word creation.


1.Develop creative thinking, imagination, fantasy.

2. To develop pantomimic and mimic abilities in children.

4. Contribute to the development of cognitive interests.


1. Raise interest in history, respect for ancestors.

Preliminary activity:

1. Conversations "Who is the primitive man"

2. Consideration of illustrations.

Materials: Presentation "Ancient Man".

Subject-developing environment:

Encyclopedia "Dinosaurs", "History of the World", pictures depicting rock paintings.

Course progress.

It was a long time ago. On our green and flourishing planet, where various animals and birds already lived, a man appeared. Where did he come from? Whether it descended from monkeys, whether it flew from space - we do not know. But he did show up. And he was like this, our distant ancestor.

Slide number 1. (primitive man)

The most ancient man was very different from us and looked like a large monkey.

The man had neither sharp teeth nor claws, he could not fly, but he was fast and agile. He walked on two legs, but at the same time he leaned forward strongly. The man's hands hung down to his knees, were free, and he could do simple work with them: grab, hit and dig the ground. The foreheads of the people were low and sloping. Their brains were larger than those of a monkey, but much smaller than those of modern humans.

The ancient man could not yet speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed anger and fear, called for help and warned each other about danger.

See what the ancient man was wearing? (in skin)

Yes, there were no modern clothes then, because there were no factories, no factories, and a person had to do everything with his own hands.

And who will guess why he needs a skin? (protection from the cold)

We guessed how the primitive man escaped from the cold.

Maybe you can guess what else a person needed to survive? Of course, he needed drink, food and shelter. He could drink from a river or stream.

Where could he live? (In a cave)

What could he eat? (berries, grass, meat)

Where is the fish found? (in a river, lake)

How to get it from there? (catch on a hook, fishing rod)

How to get meat? (go hunting)

In those distant times, mammoths lived on earth.

Slide number 2. (mammoth)

What animal does a mammoth look like? (on the elephant)

Slide number 3. (elephant)

How is a mammoth different from an elephant? (the mammoth has wool and huge tusks)

Slide number 4 (elephant and mammoth)

Why do you think a mammoth needs tusks, a trunk and long hair?

Mammoths appeared many millions of years ago. They lived in the cold corners of our planet, and elephants live in warm regions. But mammoths died out a long time ago, at the end of the ice age, and elephants still live today.

Animals need tusks to dig roots and grass out of the ground. Mammoths also tore snow with them in search of food. And the tusks were also used to protect their cubs. A shaggy fur coat warmed the mammoth in severe frosts and protected from prickly northern winds.

Scientists still do not know why mammoths became extinct. Perhaps, at the end of the ice age, the endless northern pastures disappeared. Perhaps some terrible disease is to blame, or primitive people killed the last mammoth.

And even then there were saber-toothed tigers. They were the size of a lion. They could run fast, but only for short distances. Saber-toothed tigers had the largest teeth of any cat that has ever lived on Earth. These teeth are longer than a human palm. These animals could not get enough food for themselves and gradually died out.

Slide number 5. (saber-toothed tiger)

They have huge and sharp fangs like sabers.

People also hunted cave bears.

Slide number 6. (cave bear)

What did a person need to go hunting for wild animals? (weapon)

What can it be made from? Weapons can be made from different materials, but only wood and stone were available to primitive people. Ancient people learned to make knives, darts, spearheads, ax blades out of stone; and from wood - the spear itself and the ax handle. They tied the stone point to the tree with the help of flexible plants - vines.

Slide number 7. (weapon)

Primitive people lived in herds. It was the human herd. He had his own leader.

Slide number 8. (tribe)

And also the elders - the wise old people who taught the young how to make weapons, collect fruits and much more.

So the most ancient man did not live alone, but among his own kind.

What do you think people need in order to understand each other? How can they communicate? Here our man is going to hunt, how can he call others?

You can call with gestures. How? (children portray)

You can call mimicry. (wink)

At first, ancient people communicated only by sounds. But it was very inconvenient and they invented their own language. We will play with you now.

Phys. minute.

Ball game. The teacher throws the ball, the child answers with a word invented by him.

It turns out that ancient people communicated with the help of drawings.

What did primitive people draw on? (on a stone, rock)

Then people did not come up with paper and drew on stone. And they painted what was close to them: animals, hunting, people.

Slides No. 9, 10, 11, 12. (rock paintings)

Now guess what is shown here?

I want to tell you that people not only drew well, but were closely connected with nature and depended on it. They did not know and did not understand much, therefore, they considered various natural phenomena: rain, lightning, sun - to be a manifestation of God. They had many gods. The god of water was responsible for all the seas, rivers, lakes. What color can it be shown? (blue cards) The god of fire sent lightning. (red cards) The god of the sun is light and heat. (yellow)

And now each of you will choose your element of fire, water or sun. And when his music sounds, he will turn into this element and begin to move according to the music.


What beautiful elements we had. Well done! Our journey to the ancient people is over. Goodbye, primitive man!

The Stone Age went through three main stages in its development:

1) Old Stone, or Paleolithic, which is divided into three periods - early (Acheulean), middle (Mousterian) and late (Aurignac, Solutre, Madeleine) Paleolithic 2) Middle Stone Age, or Mesolithic; 3) New Stone Age (Neolithic and Eneolithic).

Early Paleolithic. This period is characterized by the formation of man and human society, as well as the appearance of the first tools of labor. The earliest people lived in primitive herds. Man used natural food sources, limiting himself to gathering and hunting. In Central Asia, choppers were mainly distributed - coarse chopping tools, i.e. massive pieces of stone - pebbles, hewn on one, less often on both sides. With their help, an ancient man could dig up roots, get animals, cut, prick, etc. The physical type of the early Paleolithic man is represented by the archanthrope /ancient man/, the varieties of which are Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus.

Middle Paleolithic / Mousterian /. The cold snap, which began as a result of the spread of sharp glaciation, forced the ancient people to improve the hunting economy, adapting it for hunting large animals. In the Mousterian era, ancient people began to use grottoes and caves for housing, primitive clothing made from skins. One of the most important achievements was the invention various ways obtaining fire. Man learned to make a spear and a horn. Ancient people begin to unite in larger groups, in which the rudiments of a tribal structure and division of labor by sex appear. Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus are replaced by Neanderthal, which is a transitional step to man modern look and was distinguished by high growth, upright walking, had a more developed brain.

Upper Paleolithic Late Paleolithic. Along with the technique of chipping, the technique of squeezing retouching appeared in the processing of stone, drilling appeared, mainly bone, sometimes stone. Sharp thin knives, scrapers, piercers, cutters are widely used. An important invention that contributed to the development of hunting was the creation of a dart, a spear thrower - the forerunner of the bow and arrows. The features of the Upper Paleolithic were the emergence of fishing, the construction of long-term winter dwellings. In the late Paleolithic era, the primitive herd was replaced by the maternal tribal community, which is an exogamous ban on marriages within the community of a group of people. The stage in the history of mankind, when tribal communities united around a woman-mother, was called matriarchy.

Mesolithic. The most important inventions of the era were composite tools - an ax as a result of attaching a handle to an axe, a bow and arrows, which led to an increase in the role of single hunters. A new technique arose - grinding, first bone, and at the end of the period - stone. In the Mesolithic era, a person begins to tame animals: dogs, lambs, deer, goats, cats, pigs. New branches of the economy are emerging: hoe farming, cattle breeding. The Mesolithic period includes a wide distribution of colorful rock paintings made in red ocher Shirabad district of Surkhandarya region /.

Neolithic. The Neolithic era became a transitional period from an appropriating economy, hunting, gathering, to a productive economy - agriculture and cattle breeding. Man learned how to make a boat, which contributed to the development of shipping. In the Neolithic era, matriarchy reaches its peak in its development. The matriarchal tribal community concentrates all production functions in its hands, a paired family arises.

They were upright, able to make and use tools, which distinguished them from the animal world. Remains of bones ancient man, who knew how to make the simplest stone tools, scientists discovered in South Africa (Australopithecine), in the village of Zinj of East Africa (Zinjanthropus), on the island of Java (Pithecanthropus), in China (Sinanthropus), in the Fergana Valley at the Selengur site, in Germany (Neanderthal) and in France - modern type of man (Cro-Magnon).

When the climate on Earth was warm, human settlements were located on hills near small rivers or streams. In the last periods of the early Paleolithic, the Great Glaciation began - the advance of the glacier. Severe trials fell on the lot of primitive man. This forced people to adapt to new living conditions. At the same time, the fittest survived.

Occupations of the ancient people

The sites of primitive man have been found in many areas of Africa, Asia and Europe. In Central Asia, the oldest stone tools were found at the sites of Selengur in the Fergana valley and Kulbulak in the Tashkent oasis. These rough pebble tools, upholstered in the form of a point, were called choppers.

The tools of labor were very simple. A man armed with pointed stones and a club hunted animals, using a digging stick he dug up edible roots and tubers of plants. Thus, a person took what nature gave him, therefore the most ancient occupations of people - gathering and hunting are called appropriating economy. Teshiktash Cave, discovered in 1938, is a world famous monument of the Middle Paleolithic period. About 300 stone tools and a huge number of animal bones were found in it - a mountain goat, a deer, a wild horse, a leopard, a hare, small rodents, as well as birds.

The most famous find in Teshiktash was the remains of a man belonging to a primitive boy of 8-9 years old. His skull has been preserved lower jaw. This is one of the few Neanderthal skulls discovered by archaeologists and one of the first from the Old Stone Age. The body of the deceased boy was placed in a specially dug hole in the depths of the cave, horns were stuck into the ground around him. mountain goats that form a circle. These horns, according to people, were supposed to protect the buried in another world.

The origin of religious beliefs

Labor and the accumulation of knowledge about the world around us gradually changed the thinking of man. People observed many natural phenomena that they did not understand: the change of day and night, seasons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and others. Unable to explain them, they begin to worship various natural forces - thunder, lightning, wind, rain. The change of seasons, thunderstorms, storms, ancient people explained by the actions of the spiritualized forces of nature. Belief in supernatural beings in science is called animism.

Primitive people also believed that any items could bring good luck or avert misfortune. This belief is called fetishism. Another proof of the existence of religious beliefs among primitive people is the discovery of rock paintings that date back to the late Paleolithic. The oldest of them were found in the caves of Altamira in Spain, Lasko in France and Kapova cave in Bashkiria. People believed that the drawings would help them in the upcoming hunt. In front of them, they performed dances, imitating the movements of animals, presented hunting scenes, practicing javelin throwing. The origin of religious beliefs and the oldest burials of the dead appear in the Middle Paleolithic.

Ancient drawings are the most valuable historical documents. They help to understand what a person thought about, how he imagined the world around him, what animals he hunted, what tools and weapons he used. Man's desire to understand the world around him served as the basis for the development of primitive fine arts.


Nikita Sivachev

what kind of small animals?

very good text helped me a lot with the lessons

Imprints. More or less rigidly set programs that the brain is genetically obliged to accept only at certain moments of its development, known in ethology as moments of imprint vulnerability. They form the basis of the functioning of our psyche and determine the typical behavioral responses. here is the link, I immediately warn the article is complicated: http://www.vestniknlp.ru/rannie_imprinty_cheloveka/

Helped with tutorials thanks