Let's learn together. We study together What will happen on the exam in chemistry

Option No. 1357842

USE in Chemistry - 2016. Main wave (Part C).

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. Units of measurement are not required. The answer to tasks 1-29 is a sequence of numbers or a number. For a complete correct answer in tasks 7-10, 16-18, 22-25, 2 points are given; if one mistake is made, - 1 point; for an incorrect answer (more than one error) or its absence - 0 points.

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Using the electron balance method, write the equation for the reaction:

Determine the oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

Copper(II) oxide was heated in a hydrogen atmosphere. The resulting solid dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid. The resulting salt reacted with potassium iodide, and the released gas was mixed with chlorine and passed through a solution of potassium hydroxide.

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

Write the reaction equations that can be used to carry out the following transformations:

When writing reaction equations, use the structural formulas of organic substances.

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

Zinc nitrate was heated. Some of it decomposed, and 5.6 liters of a mixture of gases were released. The solid residue weighing 64.8 g was dissolved in a strict amount of 28% sodium hydroxide solution (that is, sufficient to dissolve and without excess). Determine mass fraction sodium nitrate.

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

However, it is often chosen by students who want to enter universities of the corresponding direction. This test is necessary for those who want to further study chemistry, chemical engineering and medicine, or will specialize in biotechnology. It is inconvenient that the date of the exam coincides with the exam in history and literature.

However, these subjects are rarely taken together - they are too different in focus for universities to require USE results in such a set. This exam is quite difficult - the percentage of those who fail it ranges from 6 to 11%, and the average test score is about 57. All this does not contribute to the popularity of this subject - chemistry is only seventh in the ranking of popularity among graduates of past years.

The exam in chemistry is important for future doctors, chemists and biotechnologists

Demo version of the USE-2016

USE dates in chemistry

early period

  • April 2, 2016 (Sat) - Main exam
  • April 21, 2016 (Thu) - Reserve

main stage

  • June 20, 2016 (Mon) - Main exam
  • June 22, 2016 (Wed) - Reserve

Changes in the USE-2016

Unlike last year, some general innovations appeared in the examination in this discipline. In particular, the number of tests that will have to be solved at the basic level has been reduced (from 28 to 26), and the maximum number of primary points in chemistry is now 64. As for the specific features of the 2016 exam, some of the tasks have undergone changes in the answer format, which should give the student.

  • In task No. 6, you must demonstrate whether you know the classification of inorganic compounds and choose 3 answers out of 6 options offered in the test;
  • Tests numbered 11 and 18 are designed to determine whether the student knows the genetic links between organic and inorganic compounds. The correct answer involves choosing 2 options from the 5 specified formulations;
  • Tests No. 24, 25 and 26 require an answer in the form of a number that must be determined independently, while a year ago, schoolchildren had the opportunity to choose an answer from the proposed options;
  • In numbers 34 and 35, students should not only choose answers, but establish a correspondence. These tasks are related to the topic "Chemical properties of hydrocarbons".

In 2016, the chemistry exam includes 40 tasks

General information

The exam in chemistry will last 210 minutes (3.5 hours). The examination ticket includes 40 tasks, which are divided into three categories:

  1. A1–A26- relate to tasks that allow assessing the basic training of graduates. The correct answer to these tests makes it possible to score 1 primary point. You should spend 1-4 minutes to complete each task;
  2. B1–B9- these are tests with an increased level of complexity, they will require schoolchildren to briefly formulate the correct answer and in total they will make it possible to score 18 primary points. Each task is given 5-7 minutes;
  3. С1–С5- belong to the category of tasks of increased complexity. In this case, the student is required to formulate a detailed answer. In total, you can get another 20 primary points for them. Each task can be given up to 10 minutes.

The minimum score in this subject must be at least 14 primary points (36 test points).

How to prepare for the exam?

To pass the statewide chemistry exam, you can download and work through the demo versions of the exam back in advance. The proposed materials give an idea of ​​what you will have to face at the exam in 2016. Systematic work with tests will allow you to analyze gaps in knowledge. Practicing on the demo version allows students to quickly navigate through the real exam - you do not waste time calming down, focusing and understanding the wording of the questions.

The work consists of two parts:
- part 1 - tasks with a short answer (26 - basic level, 9 increased),
- part 2 - tasks with a detailed answer (5 high-level tasks).
The maximum number of primary points remained the same: 64.
However, some changes will be made.:

1. In tasks of the basic level of complexity(former part A) will include:
a) 3 tasks (6,11,18) with multiple choice (3 out of 6, 2 out of 5)
b) 3 tasks with an open answer (calculation problems), the correct answer here will be the result of calculations, written with a specified degree of accuracy;
Like other basic level assignments, these assignments will be worth 1 primary point.

2. Tasks advanced level(former part B) will be represented by one type: compliance assignments. They will be evaluated at 2 points (if there is one mistake - 1 point);

3. From the tasks of the basic level to the advanced one, the question on the topic: "Reversible and irreversible chemical reactions. chemical balance. Equilibrium shift under the influence of various factors.
However, the issue of nitrogen-containing compounds will be tested at a basic level.

4. The time of the unified exam in chemistry will be increased from 3 hours to 3.5 hours(from 180 to 210 minutes).

What to look for when preparing for the exam-2017

In 2016, 75,096 graduates took the chemistry exam, which is about the same number as in the previous two years.

They did not cross the established minimum threshold in terms of the number of points scored (less than 34) - 13.2%, satisfactorily passed (up to 60) - 47.3%, good (up to 80) - 33.7%, excellent (up to 100) - 5, eight%.

In total, there were 40 tasks in the work: 35 with a short answer made up the first part, five with a detailed answer - the second.

In the examination paper in chemistry in 2016 (compared to 2015), changes were made to six tasks. Instead of choosing one answer, it was necessary to choose 2-3 or give the answer as a number with a given degree of accuracy. In two tasks of increased complexity (34 and 35), instead of multiple choice, it was required to establish correspondences between elements of two sets. Unfortunately, these changes led to poor results of the listed tasks.

Tasks of increased complexity turned out to be too difficult for the examinees, and the percentage of those who coped with them is small. This was, for example, task 39. It turned out that only individual well-trained graduates are able to carry out calculations using reaction equations. Even among the guys with good training, only 19.6% were able to cope with this task. Apparently, those who are now preparing for the USE-2017 need to pay special attention to such tasks and work out the algorithm for their implementation.

At the same time, another task of increased complexity (number 36) on redox reactions based on electronic balance was completed by 61.5% of the examinees.

In 2017, some changes are planned in the chemistry exam. This is due to the desire to more objectively check the success of mastering the subject.

Fewer tasks are expected: instead of 40, as in 2016, only 34. The primary score will drop from 64 in 2016 to 58-60.

Graduates need to be ready to demonstrate not only the successful assimilation of the general education program in the subject, but also the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in educational situations. For example, classify organic and inorganic substances, describe them Chemical properties. In the task, it may be necessary to indicate the numbers of acids from the listed substances, that is, it is necessary to show knowledge of the characteristics of this class of substances - the presence of only hydrogen ions as cations. Or, for example, such a task: which of the listed substances will react with phosphorus and magnesium (the main thing here is to remember that these two substances can be reducing agents, which means they can react with an oxidizing substance).

There will also be tasks to establish a correspondence between the two groups of proposed substances. For example, to determine which substances from one group can react with substances from another.

These examples show that nothing extra difficult, beyond the school curriculum, will be required from the graduate, however, knowledge must be systemic, not sketchy - this is the main factor in successfully passing any exam, not only in chemistry.

Familiarize yourself with the codifier of the checked content elements and the specification posted on the FIPI website, let the child try to complete the demo version of the exam. After that, together honestly assess the chances of passing this very difficult exam positively. You can’t beat him in one sitting even by the minimum score. If you completed the demo version for a low score, it may be worth looking for other options for continuing education, and therefore, choosing other disciplines, the scores for which are passing to the newly selected university, already taking into account real abilities and acquired knowledge.

Yes, high scores on the Unified State Examination in Chemistry will open the doors of many prestigious educational institutions. However, in this case, before cutting off, that is, deciding to take chemistry, it’s not just that you need to measure seven times, but seventy-seven. After all, the future of the child depends on success in the exam. As they say, what he studied for, he fit in. In the eleventh grade, it is too late to start studying this most difficult subject from scratch. To repeat yes, but to teach as a completely new, completely unfamiliar discipline, no. Be realistic.

But if the child nevertheless chose to pass the exam in chemistry, it is necessary to make every effort to firmly master the educational program for this course, which will be rewarded by obtaining the maximum number of points, entering the chosen university and successfully studying in it.