Internet conference with the leadership of the admission committee of the IKBFU And

Hello! I have the first higher education - economic (KSTU). If I complete a master's degree in history at the IKBFU. Kant, will I have the right to teach history at school? Is it possible to enter the budget? And what is the cost of education on a paid basis? What are the deadlines for submitting documents, what is required for this, when and where will the entrance exams be held? Thanks in advance!

At the end of the master's program, the qualification "master" is awarded, which gives the right to teach at the school.

You can participate in the competition for both state-funded places (this year there are 10 state-funded places in the Master's program in History) and contract places (tuition fee is 37,300 rubles per semester).

It should be noted that this year people who graduated from universities with the qualification of "specialist" have the right to enter the budgetary basis in the magistracy. Next year, this opportunity will no longer be due to the entry into force of a new federal law"On Education".

Hello! I am a citizen of Latvia, I have a permanent residence permit in the Russian Federation. Next year I will finish school and I will take the exam. Tell me, please, can I apply for admission to the University on a budgetary basis? If so, what is the procedure and deadlines for submitting documents for my case? Thank you.

Yes, you can apply for admission to the IKBFU. I. Kant on a budgetary basis, if you confirm your status as a compatriot (for example, provide your birth certificate, birth certificate of your parents in the USSR to the selection committee). You will need to submit documents from June 20 to July 25 if you have the necessary USE results on entrance examinations for your chosen areas of training or specialty. The list of areas of study in 2014 will be published on the university website on February 1, 2014.


Good afternoon. Tell me what new areas of training will be at your university in 2013?? Thanks in advance for your reply

In 2013 IKBFU I. Kant announced the recruitment of the following new areas of training:

Undergraduate: Information systems and technologies; Land management and cadastres; Hotel business; Construction; Socio-cultural activities.

Master's degree: Technology of transport processes; Chemistry; Geography; Philosophy; Political science; Story; Documentation and archiving; Social work; Design; Service.

Internship specialties: Obstetrics and gynecology; Anesthesiology-reanimatology; Dermatovenereology; Pathological anatomy; Neurology; Therapy; Traumatology and orthopedics; Surgery.

Residency Specialties: Obstetrics and gynecology; Allergology and Immunology; Anesthesiology-reanimatology; Dermatovenereology; Clinical pharmacology; Pathological anatomy; Cardiology; Neurology; Traumatology and orthopedics; Surgery.

Good afternoon! I am interested in passing scores (for the last year) and for which categories of students is the scholarship provided (and its amount)? Thanks for the answer.

With the amount of passing scores required for admission to the IKBFU. I. Kant last year, can be found on the university website:

IKBFU students I. Kant have the opportunity to receive the most different types scholarships, some of which are even provided for students on a contract basis. The types of scholarships and conditions for obtaining can be found on the university website:

At the BFU I. Kant's preparatory courses work all year round, now, before the entrance examinations, classes in intensive groups are just beginning, which you can sign up for by phone 595-535 .

Terms of study: bachelor's degree - 4 years, master's degree - 2 years, in correspondence form of study, the period of study is increased by 1 year, for more details on areas and specialties, see the list entrance examinations link: .

Enrollment procedure:

On July 27, an announcement will be made on the IKBFU website. I. Kant and at the information stand admission committee ratings of applicants indicating the amount of points scored for all entrance examinations.

Persons eligible for admission without entrance examinations;

Persons eligible for admission out of competition;

Persons who have successfully passed the entrance examinations for places allocated for targeted admission;

Persons who have successfully passed the entrance examinations.

Enrollment for the first course is carried out in the following order:

August 5 - issuance of an order on the enrollment of persons from the list recommended for enrollment, who provided the original certificate.

If there are vacancies, further enrollment is carried out from among the persons included in the rating, until the vacancies are completely filled according to the following schedule:

August 9 - the last day for submitting the original state document on education;

More detailed information See website for enrollment.

Hello! Can I go to your graduate school if I graduated from another university? What are the requirements? Is it possible to become a free listener?

Of course, it is possible to apply for postgraduate studies at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University after graduating from another university. Admission to graduate school this year is from June 3 to August 15.

Applicants to graduate school take entrance exams:



Foreign language

Our address:

st. A. Nevsky, 14, administrative building of the IKBFU I. Kant, room. 104, phone 53-09-23.

Education in postgraduate study as a free student is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How many state-funded places in higher and secondary education?

In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2013 IKBFU. I. Kant announces recruitment for 1741 budget places (1303 for higher education vocational education and 438 state-funded places for secondary vocational education programs). The number of places for full-time higher vocational education this year is 856.

1) I have a complaint. why is the admissions office not open on saturday? 2) I already have a higher education. I want to join you distance learning for jurisprudence. What do you need to take for this and how long will the training last?

1. The period for accepting documents at the IKBFU I. Kant is quite long - from June 20 to July 25, especially so that everyone has the opportunity to bring their documents at a convenient time. Schedule for receiving documents: Monday-Friday from 9.00 to 17.00 (on Friday until 16:00). On Saturday, the employees of the selection committee are processing all the documentation received. In addition, documents can be sent by mail, see the website for information:

2. The term of study on the correspondence course in the direction of "jurisprudence" is 5 years. Entrance tests: Social science (test), History (test), Russian language (exposition).


Hello, when submitting documents to the selection committee, what documents are needed? Thank you.

Education document and passport.


Please list the educational programs in which the scholarship is the largest

Upon admission to the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, all students during the first semester receive a basic scholarship - 1200 rubles. Upon successful passing of the session, the scholarship for students with "good", "good and excellent" is 1900 rubles, only "excellent" - 2300 rubles. If a student belongs to the category of low-income, then upon providing a certificate from the social protection authorities, he can additionally apply for a state social scholarship in the amount of 1800 rubles. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 945, for those who have particularly distinguished themselves in their studies, scientific, social, sports and cultural life, starting from the 2nd year, an increased scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis (students call it a “miracle scholarship”) from 4,500 to 10,000 rubles. There are also a number of nominal scholarships awarded on a competitive basis, detailed information can be found on the university website -

Good afternoon. Please tell us more about the program of compatriots

Government Special Program Russian Federation"Support for compatriots living abroad" allows compatriots to apply for admission on a budgetary basis to Russian universities. To do this, they need to apply to the Russian Embassy in the territory of the state where they live, submit documents, then the documents are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science. Compatriots are enrolled in universities on the basis of referrals from the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

IKBFU I. Kanta has been participating in the program “Support for Compatriots Living Abroad” since 2005. Recruitment is carried out for all training programs: bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate studies.

Foreign citizens wishing to become members of the Compatriot Support Program should contact the Embassy or Consulate General of the Russian Federation in the relevant foreign country for detailed information.

Residents of Latvia can contact the Representation of the IKBFU. I. Kant in Latvia.

Head of the Representative Office - Katkov Boris Grigoryevich.


Ropažu iela 122/12 ist. 24

Tel: +371 67 55 12 09

Could you please tell us how the places in the dormitories are distributed?

The distribution of places in the dormitories of the IKBFU I. Kant is engaged in the housing commission, which includes representatives of the student trade union committee, student government and


Good afternoon. Tell us more about the practice and employment of your graduates. What law firms do you work with? Is there any student labor exchange?

Employment of students and graduates of the IKBFU I. Kant is engaged in a special service - the Center for the Employment of Graduates and the Promotion of Student Employment. The university has concluded agreements with more than 300 organizations of the region on cooperation. From organizations of a legal profile: "Zagarins and partners", "Notary's office of Yablonskaya I.S." Agreements are concluded with the Kaliningrad Regional Court, the Statutory Court, Court of Arbitration, world courts Kaliningrad region, prosecutor's office of the Kaliningrad region.

“Labor Exchange of the IKBFU I. Kant” is an electronic platform that organizes the relationship between students and graduates of the university and employers interested in the selection of young highly qualified personnel. This resource helps students and graduates to express themselves, improve their professional level, interest the future employer, pass an online interview and get a chance to become an employee of the enterprise.

In 2012, on the website of the IKBFU. I. Kant, new sections “Resume of applicants” and “CV-video resume” appeared, in which everyone can leave information about themselves (full name, faculty / specialty, age, contact information, desired job, etc. ), a database (registry) of employers has also been created.

Hello! I already have a higher BFU. Kant, Philology. I want to enter the second higher "jurisprudence" this year. Are there budget places? If not, what is the cost of training. Also interested in the term of study and what entrance exams you need to take, are there any questions about the exams and where to get them? Thank you.

This year at the IKBFU I. Kant 1909 graduates of full-time, part-time, part-time forms of higher professional education. 70% of our graduates are employed immediately, including 50% in their specialty, 20% continue their education in postgraduate, master's, internship, and residency studies. Another 10% of boys go to serve in the army, and girls - in maternity leave. As of the end of 2012, IKBFU graduates were not registered with the employment service. I. Kant.

Hello! Tell me, how many areas of preparation for a master's program can I apply for and to how many universities? What to do if the entrance examinations for different directions fall on the same day and at the same time? And is it true that from next year it will be possible to apply for state-funded places in the magistracy only if you continue your studies in the bachelor's degree program?

Hello! For admission to master's programs, there are no restrictions on applying to a specific number of universities or a specific number of areas of study, just when submitting documents, the applicant must present a diploma of higher education(script). If the entrance examinations coincide, you can apply to the selection committee with an application to postpone the entrance examination to a reserve day.

Effective September 01, 2013 new law"On Education", according to which only persons with a bachelor's degree in the relevant profile will be able to enter the free basis of training in the magistracy, for all other persons (specialists or bachelors not in the profile), the magistracy will be considered the second higher education (and the second higher education in in accordance with Russian law can only be obtained on a paid basis)

June 20, 2018 at the IKBFU I. Kant, the admission campaign starts - it is on this day that the acceptance of documents from applicants begins.

This year IKBFU I. Kant announced a set of 188 educational programs. From absolutely new programs - bachelor's degree: " Teacher Education" (with two training profiles: "Primary education and foreign language"; "Mathematics and Informatics"); "Primary education and organization of extracurricular activities", "Pedagogical education" profile: "Preschool education".

Secondary vocational education: "Technology of analytical control of chemical compounds" (on the basis of 11 classes). This program is included in the TOP-50 professions.

Master's degree: "Digital technologies in the humanities" within the framework of three areas of the master's program: History, Philology, Documentation and archiving; "Russian Philosophy: Means and Methods for the Production of Meanings" within the framework of the direction "Philosophy"; "Written translation" within the direction "Linguistics"; "Management of international projects in education" within the direction "Pedagogical education"; "Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education in primary school"as part of the "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" direction; the updated program "Innovative Business Management Models" within the "Management" direction.

Postgraduate studies: "Clinical Pharmacology" in the direction of "Clinical Medicine".

All programs for admission to the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University can be found on the university website.

Budget places

Number of budget places this year 2144 , of them 1083 - these are places for undergraduate and specialist programs, 564 - on the master's programs, 125 places in graduate school 17 places in residency, 355 places in secondary vocational education programs.

For admission to the university, it is necessary to provide identification documents, citizenship (passport or temporary identity card) and a state document on secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational or higher education (original or copy). Documents can be personally submitted to the selection committee or use the service e-filing documents.

Increased Scholarship for Top Students

In 2018, applicants enrolled in bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate programs will be able to apply for an increased scholarship. The basis for the appointment of scholarships will be high USE scores, as well as victories in the Olympiads of the All-Russian and international levels - for those who entered the bachelor's and specialist's programs. Undergraduates and graduate students will be able to count on an increased scholarship, subject to receiving points for particularly significant individual achievements.

Scholarships for applicants for undergraduate and specialist programs based on the sum of points of three USE

    • 20 000 rubles
    • 5 000 rubles
    • 10 000 rubles- the sum of USE scores from 260 and above; the sum of USE scores from 170 and above for the programs "journalism", "design", " Physical Culture";
    • 5 000 rubles- the sum of USE scores from 240 to 259; the sum of the USE scores is from 160 to 169 for the programs "journalism", "design", "physical culture".

Scholarships for applicants for undergraduate programs of creative and professional orientation: "journalism", "design", "physical education" on the basis of the scores of two USE:

    • 20 000 rubles– winners or prize-winners of the All-Russian and international Olympiads;
    • 5 000 rubles- 100 USE points for one of the entrance tests;
    • 10 000 rubles- the sum of USE scores from 170 and above;
    • 5 000 rubles- the sum of USE scores from 160 to 169 for the programs "journalism", "design", "physical culture".

Scholarships for applicants to Master's and PhD programs based on the sum of points for particularly significant individual achievements:

    • 20 000 rubles– the sum of points for especially significant individual achievements is over 50 points.
    • 15 000 rubles- the sum of points for especially significant individual achievements from 31 to 50 points.
    • 10 000 rubles- the sum of points for especially significant individual achievements from 21 to 30 points.
    • 5 000 rubles- the sum of points for especially significant individual achievements from 11 to 20 points.

New in admissions-2018: individual achievements for admission to the master's program

The new system of competitive selection of applicants to the master's program will affect not only the receipt of increased scholarships, but also enrollment. In particular, upon admission to the magistracy, individual achievements of applicants will be taken into account, for which additional points will be awarded.

Among the innovations is an extended period for receiving documents up to 30 working days for those entering the residency program. And for applicants for master's and postgraduate programs, individual achievements have been introduced:

・Individual Achievement

Number of points

Master's degree


· Scientific publications

1 quartile of Web of Science and Scopus publications

2nd quartile of Web of Science and Scopus publications

3rd quartile of Web of Science and Scopus publications

other editions of Web of Science and Scopus, as well as in specialized professional databases Astrophysics, PubMed, Mathematics, Chemical Abstracts, Springer, Agris, GeoRef, MathSciNet, BioOne, Compendex, CiteSeerX, etc.

Publications of the list of VAK

Publications indexed in the RSCI

· Diploma with honors

Participation in external research projects (grants)

Diplomas of winners and prize-winners of international and all-Russian scientific competitions, student olympiads

Diplomas of winners and prize-winners of regional scientific competitions, student olympiads

Stages of admission to free places in undergraduate and specialist programs

Enrollment in the IKBFU I. Kant goes as follows:

July 28 at 18.00- the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons entering without entrance examinations and entering places within quotas (applicants with benefits, and entering targeted areas) is nearing completion. July 29 an order is issued on their enrollment;

First enrollment stage:

August 1 at 18:00 the acceptance of original documents on education and statements of consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places is being completed, while filling out 80% budgetary places remaining after the enrollment of persons without entrance examinations, persons with special rights, as well as those entering within the target admission quota. On August 3, an order is issued on their enrollment.

Second enrollment stage:

August 6 at 18:00 the acceptance of original documents on education and statements of consent to enrollment is being completed until completed 100% main competitive places. On August 8, an order is issued on their enrollment.


The address of the admission committee of the IKBFU I. Kant (place of receipt of documents required for admission): 236016, Russia, Kaliningrad, st. A. Nevsky, 14, room 116, "Admission Committee"

tel. 595-596, tel. 466422

st. A. Nevsky 14, room. 116

Mon-Thu: 9:00 - 18:00 (reception of documents until 17.00)

Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 (reception of documents until 16:00)

Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00

Saturday and Sunday are days off.

In connection with the matches of the World Cup in Kaliningrad, the admissions committee of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University is closed on June 22, 25 and 28. Please use the "Electronic submission of documents" service these days.


Baltic federal university named after Immanuel Kant was created in the Kaliningrad region - an exclave of Russia in the center of Europe. The closest Russian region, the Pskov region, is further than Warsaw or Berlin. This geographical location poses special challenges for the university related to the presentation of Russian educational, scientific, cultural traditions in the European space. In addition, exclavity significantly affects the development strategy of the region, imposing a number of restrictions. However, exclavity also opens up a “window of opportunity” for building a truly modern economy based on innovation and high technology. In such a situation, the university should become one of the most important factors in the development of the Kaliningrad region, a source of innovation and professional staff.

Today IKBFU I. Kant is the largest educational, scientific, cultural, educational center of the westernmost region of Russia. Currently, the university implements more than 300 educational programs of secondary, higher, additional and postgraduate professional education. There are 2 thousand employees, 780 teachers, about 14 thousand students (of which almost 8 thousand are full-time students).

The mission of the university is to present and broadcast best practices Russian science, education and culture in Europe, as well as increasing the international competitiveness of the Kaliningrad region (by building up intellectual, scientific, technical, image capital).