Gdz in chemistry 11 basic level.

Chemistry is a science based on theories, various phenomena, and regularities. In this school subject, an important role is played by the compliance of observations obtained through experiments with established standards. It is for this reason that students often have difficulty understanding new topics or exercises, as the material in the eleventh grade is even more difficult, and the lack of time increases. Benefit GDZ for the textbook Chemistry for grade 11 author O.S. Gabrielyan a basic level of has a lot of table schemes, descriptions of formulas, ready-made practical works that fully correspond to the content of the paragraphs in the textbook. Using the solution book in your studies, you will find any answers to questions, solving problems will become easy and interesting for a high school student, and self-training To control work will become commonplace.

Starting to perform laboratory work and conduct chemical experiments, the student should correctly solve all the given work in order to study all the features of the new rules and in no case make mistakes in the experiments.

For high school students, it is very important to get high scores, since all grades will be displayed in the final certificate. Independent practice of solving homework tasks with 11th grade chemistry teacher Gabrielyan will become the key to passing control tests with “excellent”, which will contribute to successful admission to universities.

GDZ to the workbook in chemistry for grade 11 Gabrielyan O.S. (basic level) can be downloaded.

GDZ for control and verification work in chemistry for grade 11 Gabrielyan O.S. (basic level) can be downloaded.

GDZ for a workbook in chemistry for grade 11 Gabrielyan, Yashukov can be downloaded.

GDZ for a textbook in chemistry for grade 11 Gabrielyan, Ostroumov (advanced level) can be downloaded

The work program in chemistry for grade 11 according to the textbook of the author Gabrielyan S.S., despite the fact that it represents a basic level of knowledge, is not easy for high school students to master. Therefore, to facilitate the learning process, experts recommend using the solution compiled on the basis of this publication.

Topics studied in the eleventh grade in chemistry

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the topics that students must master are a set of the following sections:

  • the structure of the atom and the periodic law of Mendeleev;
  • bonds and compositions of substances;
  • chemical reactions, their rates and dependence on the nature of the reacting components, concentration and other parameters;
  • organic and inorganic bases;
  • ways to protect metals from corrosion.

As you can see from the set, you need to spend a lot of time in order to work it all out at a fairly high level. But some do not have enough time, as they have to prepare for the main USE exams, while others do not have enough experience and skills to master everything necessary. In any case, you can refer to ready-made homework to solve this problem. They will also be useful to teenagers planning to enter institutes in this profile.

What are the features and advantages of using GDZ for a chemistry textbook for grade 11 from Gabrielyan

Students who, in their learning, involve a solution book, have a number of advantages over the rest. They are as follows:

  • regardless of complexity homework, the student is able to cope with it. And even if he fails to complete it on his own, he can analyze the solutions offered by specialists in order to carry out everything individually in the future;
  • incomprehensible and complex can be considered in detail in order to avoid problems in the future;
  • if the student needs this subject for further admission to higher educational establishments, then he can, by developing the same type, automate his own skills in everything that is provided for by the work program;
  • you can avoid tutoring. All numbers are presented here sequentially, with an analysis of the complete solution algorithm, so even students with weak skills in the discipline can easily understand the essence of the manipulations being carried out;
  • if you carry out the correct approach to this reference and information material, you can significantly improve your grades in the subject. All control verification work and tests will run more easily than before.

You can use the GDZ both online and in the printed version. The resource offers not only scheduled exercises, but there are also video lessons that make the information even more accessible. Do not miss the chance to strengthen your knowledge base in chemistry by developing a certain skill.

The textbook continues the chemistry course for high school, set out in the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan “Chemistry. A basic level of. Grade 10". It can be used in the course of basic general chemistry.
The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education.

Periodic law and the structure of the atom.
Periodic law and the Periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev - the greatest discovery late XIX V. in the field of chemistry, the basis of modern chemistry, a dynamic and developing doctrine. It reflects phenomena that really exist in nature, and therefore will never lose its meaning.
Discovery of the Periodic Law and Periodic system was prepared by the entire course of the history of the development of chemistry, but it took the genius of D. I. Mendeleev, his gift of scientific foresight, for these patterns to be formulated and graphically presented in the form of a table.

Table of contents

CHAPTER FIRST. The structure of matter
§ 1. Basic information about the structure of the atom.
§ 2. The periodic law and the structure of the atom.
§ 3. Ionic chemical bond.
§ 4. Covalent chemical bond.
§ 5. Metal chemical bond.
§ 6. Hydrogen chemical bond.
§ 7. Polymers.
§ 8. Gaseous substances.
§ 9. Liquid substances.
§ 10. Solids.
§ 11. Disperse systems.
§ 12. Composition of matter. Mixes.
CHAPTER TWO. chemical reactions
§ 13. The concept of a chemical reaction. Reactions that take place without changing the composition of substances.
§ 14. Classification of chemical reactions occurring with a change in the composition of substances
§ 15. The rate of a chemical reaction.
§ 16. Reversibility of a chemical reaction. Chemical equilibrium and methods of its displacement.
§ 17. The role of water in chemical reactions.
§ 18. Hydrolysis.
§ 19. Redox reactions.
CHAPTER THREE. Substances and their properties
§ 20. Metals.
§ 21. Nonmetals.
§ 22. Acids.
§ 23. Grounds.
§ 24. Salts.
§ 25. Genetic relationship between classes of inorganic and organic matter.
1. Description of the properties of certain substances based on the type of crystal lattice
2. Familiarization with the collection of polymers: plastics and fibers and products from them.
3. Water hardness. Elimination of water hardness.
4. Introduction to mineral waters.
5. Acquaintance with dispersed systems.
6. The reaction of replacing copper with iron in a solution of copper sulphate.
7. Obtaining oxygen by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using manganese (IV) oxide and catalase raw potatoes.
8. Obtaining hydrogen.
9. Various occasions salt hydrolysis.
10. Testing solutions of acids, bases and salts with indicators.
11. Preparation and properties of insoluble bases.
12. Hydrolysis of chlorides and acetates of alkali metals.
13. Familiarization with the collection of metals.
14. Acquaintance with the collection of non-metals.
15. Familiarization with the collection of acids.
16. Familiarization with the collection of bases.
17. Familiarization with the collection of minerals containing salts.
Practical work No. 1. Obtaining, collecting and recognizing gases.
Practical work number 2. Chemical properties acids.
Practical work No. 3. Recognition of substances.
Project activity.

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Download the book Chemistry, basic level, grade 11, textbook Gabrielyan O.S., 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • Chemistry, grade 11, workbook for the textbook Gabrielyan O.S. "Chemistry, grade 11, basic level", Gabrielyan O.S., Yashukova A.V., 2014
  • Natural science. A basic level of. Grade 11, Gabrielyan O.S., Ostroumov I.G., Purysheva N.S., Sladkov S.A., Sivoglazov V.I., 2014
  • Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in CHEMISTRY in 2019, grade 11, 2019