Services to prepare for the exam. Paid online preparation courses for the exam and oge

Just don't fool yourself! “In principle, everything is not bad with us,” parents often tell me in the first telephone conversation, “At school, the child has fours and even fives, only the trial exam “accidentally” wrote two! I was probably worried.”

Friends! If a person really knows the subject for a B, he will not be able to pass the exam for a B, even if he is unconscious. Don't be fooled! Randomness is not a deuce on a mock exam, but a waterfall of fours and fives that falls on schoolchildren during 11 years of study. Unfortunately, practice shows that 90% of school grades are fake! We will not talk now about the reasons for this phenomenon (for more details about this, you can read here), but rather think about how to give yourself (or your offspring) an objective assessment.

I can suggest several options:

  • use tests in chemistry and mathematics on this site;
  • buy a collection USE tests in the relevant subject and try to solve several options (only honestly, without cheating and without the help of friends!);
  • seek advice from a qualified tutor, ask him to assess the current level of knowledge and draw up a program for preparing for the exam.

Set a realistic goal for yourself. Consider time limits

If there are four months left before the Unified State Examination, at the moment you are barely able to solve 3-4 simple tasks, and you aim for 90 points, I'm afraid that you will be disappointed! To reach the level of 80 points in mathematics, even a very capable student will need 1.5 - 2 years intensive work.

It is very difficult to clearly define what is realistic goal. Too many variables to take into account. The initial level of the student, his abilities, and the level of motivation, and, of course, the time reserve play a role. An experienced tutor already after one or two lessons understands what one or another of his wards can count on. A non-professional very often at times can exaggerate or underestimate the capabilities of a child.

I will try to give just a few guidelines on the example of typical situations. So,

Typical situation Forecast
We are preparing for the exam in mathematics, we have a year in stock, the current level is "below the plinth". We can count on 60 points in the exam, a maximum of 65, subject to intensive work.
We are preparing for the USE in mathematics, we have a year left, at the moment we can solve about 50% of the tasks from the first part. Realistic forecast: 70 - 75 points.
Preparing for the math exam two years in reserve, at the moment we can solve about 50% of the tasks. We can rise even above 90 points. The level of 80 points during normal operation is practically guaranteed.
We are preparing for the exam in chemistry, we have a year in stock, the current level is "zero with a minus". We can count on 70 - 75 points on a real exam (with intensive work during the year).
We want to pass the exam in chemistry, at school - a "real" four, a year in reserve. 80 - 90 points is an achievable result.
We dream of getting 100 points on the exam in chemistry, we have two years ahead and a great desire to work. We do all the homework, we work regularly. The dream of 100 points can become a reality.
Six months before the exam in mathematics, we even uncertainly know the multiplication table. Is it possible to pass the exam with at least a minimum score? Yes, you can. You need to find a professional tutor and start working seriously.
Similar question for chemistry. Of course you can.
There are two to three months before the exam. Zero knowledge. Is there anything to hope for? You can only count on passing the exam with a minimum score, and even then, subject to intensive work under the guidance of a top-class tutor.

Once again, I remind you that only guidelines are given here. Naturally, there are no guarantees in such forecasts and cannot be!

Make a study program

So, by the beginning of June, you plan to confidently solve, for example, ten problems in a test. Currently, you are able to complete 2-3 tasks. Take a piece of paper, a pen and try to sketch out a rough work plan: December will be devoted to tasks B1 and B4, January - B2 and B5, etc. If you are preparing for the exam with a tutor, the situation is simplified: he will have to make a plan and follow its implementation. If preparing on your own, show your plan to the school teacher; maybe something needs to be adjusted.

It is likely that some changes will be made to the plan in the course of preparation. This is normal.

Give yourself time

It is important to understand that life makes its own adjustments to any plan. You can get sick, the exam can be postponed to an earlier date, it turns out that a topic that seemed very easy to you, in fact, will require more effort, etc.

You must provide for a reserve of time. Let's say you already know that the exam in mathematics will take place on June 10th. But you should be fully prepared by May 15th. If there are any problems, you can solve them in the remaining time. If there are no problems, you can once again repeat the material covered, or even work on more complex examples.

Check yourself periodically

Any preparation loses its meaning if you do not constantly monitor the implementation of your plan. After each session, organize a small test for yourself. Check all completed tasks according to the answers (but do not adjust to the answer!) Periodically arrange a trial exam for yourself: you can use collections of exam tests or materials from the Internet. The main thing is that the exam should be as objective as possible. Do not look at textbooks, solve problems in an "exam setting", ask friends or parents to check you.

Your results should gradually improve. If progress is not observed, it is necessary to change the training system: use a different textbook, devote more time to classes, seek the help of a tutor.

Prepare for the exam every day

I understand that today is a friend's birthday, and tomorrow is an important test at school, and the day after tomorrow - New Year. Yesterday I had a headache, and the day before yesterday they promised a collision of the Earth with an asteroid (and why bother preparing for the exam at all?). No, my friends, it won't work like that! If you plan to do it from time to time, once a week or even less often, I have to disappoint you: the effectiveness of such work tends to zero.

Daily sessions of 20 minutes are much more useful than one two-hour session once a week. Regularity of work is the basis of success. And let friends, holidays, social networks, football, TV wait until the summer!

Preparing for the exam is not just about solving tests

I would like to once again warn graduates against the thoughtless use of numerous "Collections of tests for preparing for the exam."

Firstly, the quality of a large (if not more!) part of these collections is not very high (this is putting it mildly!): a lot of factual errors, incorrect assignments, etc.

Secondly, even high-quality collections of this type do not replace textbooks, reference books, etc. These books, of course, have the right to exist, but only as an auxiliary element of education. You can use them to assess your entry level (see above), for periodic self-control during training.

The stupidest thing you can think of when preparing for the exam is just "solving" (as some teachers like to say) an infinite number of tests.

Preparation for the exam (as well as for any other exam) is work on certain topics, over tasks of certain types. Today you learn to solve quadratic equations, tomorrow you analyze equations with modules, the day after tomorrow you remember fractional rational equations etc. You only need to fully master the previous one to move on to the next topic.

Obviously, test collections will not help you in such work. It is better to use ordinary school textbooks or specialized literature for university students.

To successfully prepare for the exam, you need not only to know the subject, but also to understand how the exam works. In this review, I will talk about sites with which you can improve your school knowledge, practice in completing standard USE tasks, work with a teacher and submit written work for verification.

The review consists of two parts. The first is devoted to the exam in all subjects, the second - to English language.

Part 1: Sites for preparing for the exam in all school subjects

Before talking about simulators and training services, I note that when preparing for the USE 2017, it is first of all advisable to read the following documents: specifications, codifications and demo versions. In short, specifications and codifications are detailed description exam, including evaluation criteria, and the demo version is a demonstration, a training version of the exam. These documents are compiled by FIPI (Federal Institute pedagogical measurements), they can be downloaded from this link.

1. Examer - a simulator for self-preparation for the exam

Preparation for the exam is not only a repetition of the school curriculum, but also preparation for the exam itself. To a large extent, the successful passing of the exam depends on familiarity with its structure, typical tasks. In other words, in order to pass the exam, you need to train well, rehearse, passing standard tasks. For this purpose, “Examer” is well suited - a simulator for self-preparation for the exam in the Russian language, mathematics, physics and other school subjects.

The key word is “simulator”, because, while studying on the “Examer”, for the most part you go through exactly the same tasks that are found on the USE in the chosen subject, including even creative ones. Here is how the preparation for the exam goes:

  • Choose a subject and take an entrance test.
  • Specify the date passing the exam and the desired score, on the basis of which the lesson plan will be built.
  • The program generates a lesson plan, you just need to go through its task after task.

The picture above shows that the plan consists of modules, control works and final simulations of the exam. A module is a group of tasks that repeat typical “egesh” tasks. For example, in Russian, these can be tasks like insert a missing letter.

Also on the “Examer” there are sections:

  • Theory- a brief reference on the subject.
  • Job Analysis- the program tells you what your knowledge gaps are and recommends exercises.
  • Variants + verification by experts- here you can perform tasks, including creative part. Creative tasks checked by experts for a small fee.
  • EGE Arena- an online game where users compete in the knowledge of school subjects, made according to the principle of "Own game".

2. Foxford - preparation for the exam with a professional teacher

In fact, this is a simulation of the first three parts of the exam in English:

  • listening,
  • reading,
  • grammar and vocabulary.

The course includes eight variants of the exam, each of which has all these three parts.

Even if you know the language well, look without any problems, you still need to prepare for the exam. For example, in the first task for listening, you need to match six passages read by the speakers with seven statements, one of which is superfluous.

This is not easy to do without preparation. The first time I tried this task, I made mistakes, and only then I realized that I must first carefully read all seven statements, and then listen, taking notes and trying to find correspondences between the speaker's speech and statements - often veiled.

It's the same with reading. In the reading task, you need to be able not only to understand what is written, but to be able to highlight the main thing, read between the lines - all this needs to be practiced.

The LinguaLeo USE preparation course is similar to the Examer course, since the latter offers to pass the same tasks. Let me highlight the main differences:

  • There are fewer features on LinguaLeo, for example, there is no knowledge analysis and not so many trainings (only 8 options),
  • The course on LinguaLeo is cheaper.
  • On Examer, listening texts are read with a slight Russian accent, while on LinguaLeo they are voiced by native speakers.
  • Examer has a more pleasant and understandable interface.

However, both Examer and LinguaLeo will not help you prepare for the written and oral parts. Here you can not do without the help of living people.

2. Language social networks for writing and speaking practice

It is impossible to prepare for the written and oral part of the exam in English without the help of a person. If you are practicing writing essays - you need someone to check them, practicing in speech - you need an interlocutor.

If there is no one to check and no one to practice with, language social networks will help you. I will talk about them briefly, since I have already written reviews about each of these sites (links).

  1. - a large and very popular community where you can find both tutors in different languages, and partners for free language practice (with whom you can just chat on Skype). If you are looking for a tutor to prepare for the exam, look for Russian speakers, as foreigners are not familiar with this exam.
  2. social network for free language exchange via text or voice chat. Find with the help of questionnaires with whom to chat, contact and practice!
  3. is a language social network for written practice. You write sentences, short texts on foreign language, and native speakers of this language check them, correct and comment. HiNative will not explain to you how to write an essay for the Unified State Examination (no one knows what it is there), but they will help you check certain points in written work, improve your writing skills in English and knowledge of the language in general.

No preparation for the exam is complete without additional resources. Not only schoolchildren use the Internet for preparation, but many tutors and teachers turn to the Internet for help.

What can you find for the exam on the Internet? And theoretical materials, and online forums, and, and most valuable - real tests on which you can train. We have selected for you the 5 best online resources with which you will increase your final score.

FIPI website

This is the most important tool of any eleventh grader. Here you can find all the relevant information about certification in any subject. The codifier contains all the topics that are covered in the assignments. The specification shows the distribution of questions by types of tested skills and methods of action. There are demo versions for all disciplines and are updated annually according to innovations. But the most important thing is the task bank. All tests are formed strictly based on what is in this bank. Having solved all the tasks, you maximize your result.

Pros: only current and important information the format of the exam; all questions that may be encountered in KIM; video consultations on preparation are posted.

Minuses: there are no answers to the tasks, the design of the site.


The most popular educational portal that every graduate has heard about. Why did everyone love him? For available materials and tests. In the "Handbook" section, all the theory that is needed for a successful solution is added. Although this is not the most valuable thing on this site. Online tests that you can take in a live mode - and get the results immediately - that's what makes it stand out.

However, you will have to check the part with a detailed explanation yourself according to the specified explanations. The biggest drawback is that obsolete positions are not removed. And this means that you risk wasting your time on questions that have been eliminated from the exam format. You have to choose what you need.

Pros: online tests, all tasks have answers, user-friendly site interface, there is a theory for each subject.

Minuses: irrelevant tasks are not deleted.


This site contains articles on the most popular exam disciplines. In them you will find information on certain topics related to the test. The most attractive thing is that all the material of the school curriculum is extremely conveniently assembled here - in the form of cheat sheets. It has long been proven that diagrams, tables and graphs are remembered much better.

Pros: articles are updated regularly, which is a guarantee of relevance, there are many services for completing individual tasks online, a lot of tests have been collected.

Minuses: there are no theoretical materials on some subjects; there is no test.


Here, graduates have the opportunity to learn how to cope with USE options in special mode. For each correct decision, points are awarded that affect the rating of students. So they have a growing desire to solve more in order to take high positions and get on the “Honor Board”. Additional stimulation in preparation for the final certification is not superfluous and will once again force the student to postpone his laziness.

Pros: test tasks; incentive system; game preparation.

Minuses: distraction from the serious purpose and features of exam questions.

Everything is collected here for self-study, that is, the site can even replace an eleventh grader. First you need to specify your goal, and the system will build an individual training plan. If you do not deviate from the intended path, then success is guaranteed. However, how this is developed remains a mystery. Here you will need to complete quests, fight with rivals in the USE task arena, pass control and monitor progress, and rewards are provided for each step. Unfortunately, many of them are paid.

Pros: friendly feedback from graduates about this service, a game form of training, a bonus system, a personal development trajectory, there are all the items, a user-friendly interface.

Minuses: paid services, suspension from the exam format.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In order to pass the exam well, you need to prepare well for it. And for some reason, there is an opinion that preparing for the exam is a very expensive process. But today I would like to talk about how preparation for the Unified State Examination can take place for free, list some options for free preparation and think about how useful they can be. There was already an article about it, you can read it at the link.

Preparation for the exam for free, different options

Of course, the most obvious option is preparation at school, in the classroom, because for sure everyone is forced to solve the Unified State Examination of past years. I can’t say anything bad about such training, here they will introduce you to the tasks, but they change little from year to year, and the teachers will answer the questions and check everything, pointing out errors. The only drawback is that such preparation may not be enough, but do not rush to carry your money to tutors, it is better to see what other options for preparing for the Unified State Examination are for free.

So, how can I supplement the preparation, I will try to list the methods as detailed as possible and not forget about anything:

  1. The most interesting option is free courses preparation for the exam. To be honest, I'm far from sure that this can be found in every city, and that such courses are definitely useful for graduates. It's just that I can't get my head around the fact that any of the teachers will spend their time and deal with groups of students. If such a thing exists, and the education received in these courses is really useful, then honor and praise be given to such teachers. But be careful not to run into someone who useful information You will not give, but only spend time, which is always lacking anyway.
  2. There are various books that help prepare for the exam for free. It would be more honest, of course, to buy them, but you can always download books for free to prepare for the exam. Not everything can be downloaded, but there are a lot of such books on the Internet, the main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing educational literature. It is best to focus not on the reviews on the site, but to ask the teacher if he knows about such a book or such an author. If the teacher speaks well of the author, then use this tutorial is possible and necessary for such a process as preparing for the exam for free.

The following options can be combined into one group, which is called "preparation for the exam online for free." Downloading a book also takes place not without the participation of the World Wide Web, but there time on the Internet is minimal. So, what can the Internet provide us with:

What I would like to say in conclusion. You should not disdain and not believe that it is possible to prepare for the Unified State Examination for free, it is quite possible and not necessary to carry money to tutors - this is also not a guarantee of successfully passing the Unified State Examination, tutors are different and the result does not depend on the cost of classes. But also do not forget that the main thing in preparing for the exam is your efforts, diligence and determination.

Good luck with your preparations. See you on the blog pages site

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