The diet is very effective and fast with a table. What is the most effective diet for weight loss: a review of the best and reviews

An effective weight loss diet allows you not only to lose extra pounds in a short period of time, but also to do it safely for health. Physical training and exercise must necessarily complement the diet. Otherwise, a good, and most importantly, stable result cannot be achieved.

Short-term and strict diets or long-term, but balanced?

The choice of a dietary diet depends on what result you want to achieve. If the goal is to lose 2-3 kg in the shortest possible time, a strict diet with maximum restrictions should be selected. Such diets last for several days, during which you can lose up to 5 kg and achieve a flat stomach.

When food is sharply limited, the body experiences severe stress, and this has an extremely negative effect on the condition and functioning of internal organs. The first 1-2 days to replenish energy costs, the body, not receiving energy from food, will digest the cells of the subcutaneous fat layer, due to which weight loss occurs.

But if a strict diet lasts for a long time, the body will save subcutaneous fat in order to save energy for further work.

The disadvantage of long-term diets is that you should not expect a quick result from them, the weight will go away rather slowly.
The likelihood that the lost weight will return again is practically absent, provided that a person changes his lifestyle and continues to eat right. In addition, if you follow long-term diets - about 3 months, you can lose weight not by 3-4 kg, but by 20 kg.

Warm water reduces appetite, drink a glass at the first feeling of hunger.

10 most effective diets for fast weight loss

The best diets for fast weight loss. There are many diets for weight loss, but not all of them help not only to quickly lose weight, but also to do it without harm to the body. Nutritionists identify 10 effective diets for quick weight loss, which have different principles:

  • for 10 days;
  • on onion soup;
  • Japanese;
  • English;
  • cleansing;
  • for the lazy;
  • vegetarian;
  • water;
  • cabbage;
  • potato.

Diet for 10 days

The menu is varied compared to other types. diet food. Nevertheless, the diet is strict, so it is difficult to tolerate, especially if observed for the first time.

Each day, you need to consume only one product in the prescribed amount. The menu for 10 days is as follows:

  • The first is 4 boiled eggs.
  • The second - 400 g of boiled fish.
  • Third - 400 g of chicken breast.
  • Fourth - 5 potato tubers (boiled).
  • Fifth - 400 g of veal.
  • Sixth - fruits in any quantity.
  • Seventh - 400 g of vegetables.
  • Eighth - 500 g of cottage cheese.
  • Ninth - 1 liter of kefir.
  • Tenth - 2 liters of rosehip broth.

Any spices are prohibited. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. For dressing vegetable salads, only lemon juice can be used. If you do not deviate from the menu, you can lose 10 kg in 10 days.

onion soup diet

This weight loss method is designed for a week. To prepare 3 liters of soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  • onions - 6 pcs.;
  • cabbage - 1 small;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • celery - 1 bunch.

Salt and other spices should not be added. This is an effective method of losing weight, helping to get rid of 10 kg in a week. In addition to soup, raw vegetables and fruits are allowed.

Japanese diet

Calculated for 2 weeks. List of allowed products:

  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • lean fish and meat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cottage cheese.

Approximate diet for 1 day:

  • breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar;
  • dinner - braised cabbage, 2 boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juice;
  • dinner - a small piece of boiled fish or lean meat.

Between main meals, snacks in the form of vegetables, fruits, juices are allowed. In addition to losing 10 kg or more, such a diet will help cleanse the intestines.

English diet:

Designed for 3 weeks, the basis of the menu is fresh vegetables and fruits.

Such diets are called summer diets. They help to lose weight and saturate the body with vitamins. The result is a weight loss of 15 kg. The first 2 days you can use only milk, up to 2 liters and 2 slices of bread. The remaining 19 days have the following menu:

  • morning - 2 apples;
  • lunch - vegetable soup;
  • afternoon snack - any fruit;
  • dinner - cutting vegetables.

Such a diet has contraindications - the presence of diseases of the digestive tract.

Cleansing Diet

Eliminates extra pounds and cleanses the body. Diet rules - refusal of fatty, spicy foods and spices. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water, eat 4 times a day. For 10 days of a cleansing diet, you can lose about 10 kg.

diet for the lazy

Fully justifies its name. Yes, you can’t lose weight without a diet, but this diet does not require the preparation of separate dishes. This nutrition system helps to get rid of 10 kg without returning weight in the future.

The basic rule is to drink 2 glasses of water before each meal, meals 3 times a day. Snacks are allowed, but before each of them a glass of water is drunk. After eating, you can drink water and other liquids, but only after maintaining a gap of 2 hours. From the diet you need to remove fatty foods, sauces, excess salt, bakery products.

Vegetarian diet

Means eating only plant origin: vegetables, fruits, cereals. The duration varies from 7 days to 2 weeks, during which you can lose 10 kg. This diet is especially good for the legs, because their volumes quickly decrease.

water diet

It implies fractional nutrition, the rejection of fatty and fried foods, bakery products. The basic principle is to drink water according to the schedule - half an hour after waking up in the morning, 30 minutes before meals and half an hour after it.

You can't drink food. In 10 days, you can lose weight by 7 kg or more if you play sports.

cabbage diet

Helps to lose 10 kg in 10 days. The basis of the daily menu is any variety of cabbage that is consumed raw, boiled or steamed. In addition to cabbage, lean meat and fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits are allowed.

potato diet

It is considered the most unusual. It is better to carry out a diet in the summer so that new potatoes are present on the menu. The tubers are baked or boiled, but consumed without salt and other spices.

Which diet to choose for girls depends on their personal and taste preferences. The main thing is that the diet should not cause constant hunger.

The most popular and effective diets

When choosing a diet, you need to focus on your physical capabilities and willpower. The hungrier the diet with many restrictions, the faster the breakdown will occur.

Hollywood diet for 2 weeks

This is a strict diet with a lot of restrictions and a low daily calorie content. The duration is 14 days, after which you can lose from 7 to 15 kg, depending on the initial weight and physical activity.

The main principles are the exclusion of sugar and salt, the rejection of fats, a categorical ban on bakery products. The advantage of the diet is to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

If you add raisins, ripe persimmons and dried apricots to natural yogurt, you get a healthy dessert.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast - as such, is absent, it is allowed to drink a cup of coffee or tea without sugar and other sweeteners.
  • Lunch - a few boiled eggs, 1 tomato, coffee.
  • Dinner is a small piece of lean meat, vegetable salad.

Fish can be alternated with lean meat, vegetables with fruits. The daily amount of calories is from 600 to 800.

Dukan protein diet minus 20 kg

It will be useful for those people who want to lose weight, but do not want to lose muscle mass. The duration depends on the initial weight. There is a diet designed for 1 month, but there is also a longer one - about 3 months. If you endure it, you can lose 20 kg in 2-3 months.

Sample menu for 1 week:

Breakfast 2 breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner Before bedtime
Monday A glass of milk or kefir Rice porridge 150 g 200 g boiled beef 200 g vegetables 250 g boiled fish, 2 boiled eggs
Tuesday Tea or coffee 150 g cottage cheese 1 part boiled chicken breast, 150 g buckwheat porridge 200 g vegetables Steam omelet from 2 eggs, 150 g of boiled fish
Wednesday Cocoa 200 g fish 150 g rice or buckwheat porridge, 100 g seafood Vegetable ragout with rice Fried eggs, 150 g boiled meat
Thursday Decoction of fruits or vegetables 1 boiled breast Soup of vegetables and rice, a piece of dark bread 200 g vegetables 200 g fish, 2 hard-boiled eggs
Friday A glass of kefir Rice and vegetable stew 150 g fish, 2 pcs. potatoes 200 g cottage cheese Lamb 100 g, 2 eggs
Saturday Kefir or decoction 2 eggs, a piece of bread 150 g buckwheat, 100 g lean meat 200 g vegetables 200 g fish, 150 g cottage cheese
Sunday Milk or kefir 200 g fish, a glass of tomato juice 150 g of fish and the same amount of rice 200 g vegetables Steam omelette, 2 apples

90 day diet of separate nutrition minus 30 kg

This is a cyclic type of diet that lasts 3 months, after which you can lose 30 kg. The diet menu is divided into 4 days, which are repeated in a circle:

  • Protein - during the day you can only eat protein foods - lean meat and fish, eggs;
  • Starchy - the basis of nutrition is vegetables and fruits with starch - potatoes, bananas, grapes;
  • Carbohydrate - you can eat vegetables and cereals;
  • Vitamin - the menu is dominated by fruits.

For breakfast salads, use olive oil and lemon.

After 4 days, the diet is repeated again, starting from the protein day, and so on for 90 days. The menu is compiled individually, based on personal preferences. Sauces and spices are excluded, only olive oil or lemon juice is used for dressing salads.

Diet Malysheva

The duration of the diet is 2 months, during which you can lose up to 25 kg. The basis of the diet - low-fat dairy products, lean meat and fish. It is strictly forbidden to combine proteins and carbohydrates.

The daily calorie content of food is 1200 kcal at the beginning of the diet, gradually decreases to 1000.

One of the simplest and most inexpensive diets will be considered a kefir diet, the result will not be long in coming.

Kefir - in 3 days minus 5 kg

Duration - 3 days, result - from 5 kg and more. The basis is fat-free kefir, its amount per day is 1.5 liters. Menu - 200 ml of kefir every 2 hours. it classic version diets. If it is difficult to stick to it, you can switch to a more gentle option - in addition to kefir, introduce snacks from fruits, vegetables, lean meat or fish.

Buckwheat - in 7 days minus 10 kg

The diet is difficult because the diet is poor and it is difficult to eat only one buckwheat during the week. But in 7 days it takes 10 kg. Buckwheat can be eaten in unlimited quantities, the main thing is to cook it correctly. It is forbidden to flavor porridge with salt or oil, it is allowed to cook cereals only on water.

Drink a glass of water before every meal. The diet is effective, but harmful, because unbalanced. Therefore, in order not to harm the body, it is necessary to additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes. To enhance the effectiveness of the diet and improve its results, it is necessary to play sports, giving preference to cardio training.


The principle of the diet is to strictly monitor the amount of carbohydrates, which should be no more than 40 units per day. Prohibited products - flour products, sweets, sugar. It is recommended to limit protein. The diet can last from 1 week to 3 months. In 7 days you can lose 5 kg, in a month - from 10 kg, in 3 months - about 30 kg.

Menu for 1 week, 20 c.u. per day (if the diet lasts longer, the menu can be repeated cyclically):


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese, 2 boiled eggs, tea or coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch - vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, cabbage) with vegetable oil, meat soup with sour cream, grilled steak, sugar-free drink;
  • Dinner - boiled cauliflower, fried chicken breast without breading, drink without sugar.
  • Breakfast - fried eggs with ham, a drink without sugar;
  • Lunch - salad with mushrooms and vegetables, steak, vegetable soup;
  • Dinner - tomato salad, boiled or fried fish, a drink without sugar;
  • Breakfast - hard cheese, 2 boiled sausages, a drink without sugar;
  • Lunch - baked fish, sauerkraut salad;
  • Dinner - boiled beef with broccoli, a drink without sugar.
  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs with cheese, a drink without sugar;
  • Lunch - fish soup, fried chicken, turnip puree;
  • Dinner - leaf salad with vegetable oil, with the addition of lemon juice and pumpkin seeds, kebab, a drink without sugar.
  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomatoes and mushrooms, a drink without sugar;
  • Lunch - Greek salad, steak, celery soup;
  • Dinner: grilled chicken, vegetable salad, a glass of yogurt.
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with berries, a drink without sugar
  • Lunch - meat hodgepodge, egg salad, boiled chicken and cucumbers with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner - steak with vegetables (pumpkin, kohlrabi, bell pepper, asparagus, other non-starchy vegetables), a drink without sugar.


  • Breakfast - omelet with ham and mushrooms, drink without sugar;
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, pork chop, lettuce;
  • Dinner - boiled sausages, stewed cauliflower with green peas, Apple.

For those who cannot do without coffee, the French diet is suitable.


Lasts 2 weeks. It is not only the selection of products that matters, but also the number of servings. Every day the weight will decrease by 1.5-2 kg. The diet is strict, you can repeat it no more than 1 time in six months.

Menu for 14 days:

1 and 8 days:

  • breakfast - coffee;
  • lunch - lettuce, 1 tomato, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner - boiled lean meat, lettuce.

2 and 9 days:

  • morning - coffee and 1 cracker;
  • lunch - boiled meat;
  • evening - 2 slices of boiled sausage or ham, lettuce.

3rd and 10th day:

  • breakfast - coffee;
  • day - carrots fried with 1 tomato and orange;
  • in the evening - 2 soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, a slice of sausage, a lettuce leaf.

4 and 11 days:

  • morning reception - coffee;
  • daytime - boiled egg, raw carrots, a slice of low-fat cheese;
  • dinner - fruit salad, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

6th and 13th day:

  • breakfast - coffee;
  • lunch - a piece of boiled chicken, lettuce;
  • evening reception - 200 g of boiled lean meat.

7 and 14 days:

  • morning - tea;
  • lunch - boiled meat, fruits;
  • evening - a couple of slices of ham or low-fat boiled sausage.

Between meals, you can drink ½ cup of fat-free yogurt as snacks.

Unloading days for weight loss

Warm up friendly meetings with tea based on fruits. They will keep you in a good mood and a positive result of your diet.

If the diet lasts for a long time - from 1 month or more, it is recommended to spend fasting days every week, using only low-fat kefir, water or decoctions based on fruits and vegetables.

The fact is that with prolonged diets at some point, the body stops losing weight, because it gets used to working in a new diet. Therefore, the body needs a “shake-up” in the form of an even greater restriction in nutrition in order to restart the process of burning subcutaneous fat.

When choosing a diet for themselves, each person pursues a specific goal: some want to quickly lose a couple of kilograms before an important event, the second get rid of the hated belly, and the third drastically change the weight, fixing the result once and for all. This article discusses most effective diets for weight loss that will please everyone.

Diet "Roller coaster"

Martin Catan (American psychologist) developed this nutrition system based on an incredible discovery:

A few days after the start of the diet, the body gets used to the new diet. An underestimated amount of calories becomes enough and the weight ceases to go away. This moment is called the plateau.

"Roller coaster" - by right, the most effective diet for weight loss.

So that the number on the scales brings joy long time, you must adhere to the following order:

First 3 days:

  • The calorie content of the daily diet should not cross the line of 600 kcal. The time of eating is not controlled, the main rule is not to go beyond the calorie content. With such a diet, the body loses fats and fluids.

On days 4, 5 and 6:

  • The calorie content of the diet reaches 900 kcal. This amount is quite enough for normal life, but the weight will continue to go away.

Day 7 - final.

  • The calorie content of the diet does not exceed 1200 kcal.

At the end of the seven-day “shake-up” of the body, you can switch to your favorite diet. If the weight stops decreasing again, we return to the roller coaster.

This approach will allow you to lose the right amount of kilograms without changing the main diet and without causing additional stress to the body.

Effective diets for fast weight loss

Along with the safest express diets that allow you to quickly prepare your figure for an important event, there are those that should not be abused. But occasionally you can still resort to their help.

Kefir diet: lose weight in 72 hours

The main product present in the kefir diet throughout is kefir. Weight goes away thanks to a strict diet with an interval of 2 hours.

Sample menu for kefir diet:

  1. Start every day with a cup of weak green tea. And no sugar!
  2. After 2 hours, you can enjoy grated carrots, slightly flavored with olive oil.
  3. After another 2 hours - an apple and 1 glass of fat-free yogurt.
  4. For lunch, 100-150 g of boiled beef, chicken or turkey is suitable. Poultry meat is skinned!
  5. One unsweetened apple.
  6. Prunes.
  7. For dinner, a glass of kefir is provided.

Diet of top models

One of the most dangerous and difficult diets, since only one boiled egg and 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese per day are allowed.

The diet of top models helps to get rid of 5 kilograms in just 3 days. But you can not stick to a diet longer than the allotted time and carry out more than 1 procedure per month.

Fresh juice diet

Another very effective, but very difficult express diet, which can be resorted to only in the most extreme situation.

Within 3 days it is allowed to drink only freshly squeezed citrus juices: orange, grapefruit, lemon. Plenty of clean water is also recommended.

Advantages: in a few days you can lose up to 4 kg! Disadvantage: such a diet is very difficult to maintain.

Important!!! Resorting to the help of express diets, do not forget about their harm to the body. In order for emergency weight loss to bring only benefits, it is important to adhere toa few golden rules and understand the physiological principle of such diets.

Effective diets for weight loss by body type

Every woman has her own body type. There are several types of shapes: pear, hourglass, apple, triangle and rectangle. Sometimes it is the physical characteristics of the body that create a lot of problems with the selection of an effective diet.

So, the type of figure "apple" is characterized by the deposition of fat in the sides and abdomen, people with the "pear" type suffer from voluminous hips, and the "rectangles" have no waist. How to lose weight in a problem area?

How to beat a bulging belly

The most effective diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides is a fasting diet. It is often used after childbirth, as women tend to acquire an apple-shaped figure after having children.

Curious! The most notable owner of the "apple" figure type is the singer Eva Polna.

Girls with an “apple” figure are especially prone to fullness in the abdomen, have slender legs and graceful shoulders. To get rid of the stomach and unwanted sides, they need: proper nutrition, permanent physical exercises, healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to start getting rid of fat in the problem area by cleaning the body. Green tea and ginger root do an excellent job with this task.

Then add to your diet:

  • fiber (legumes, bran and root crops);
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • fish.

You will have to exclude from the diet:

  • fried foods;
  • animal fats;
  • smoked meat;
  • White bread;
  • bananas;
  • canned vegetables.

How to get rid of thigh fat

A diet designed for people with a pear body type includes the following foods:

  • cottage cheese and any dairy products;
  • rice, preferably dark;
  • greens;
  • tomatoes;
  • sea ​​fish.


  • potatoes and any starchy foods;
  • drinks with gases;
  • pasta;
  • animal fats.

Curious! Jennifer has a pear body type Lopez.

Diet for acquiring feminine curves

Women who do not have bends in the waist (rectangle type of figure) need to build a diet on the following products:

  • protein products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • green tea.

You will have to exclude:

  • sweets, muffins;
  • alcohol;
  • potato.

Hourglass figure: rational weight loss

For women with a "sand" figure, a uniform distribution of weight and fat is characteristic. Therefore, the diet for them is selected more sparing.

The diet should include:

  • protein (any meat and eggs);
  • green vegetables (asparagus);
  • fresh juices.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • sweets;
  • dried fruits;
  • bananas.

The most effective weekly diets

Among all the diets, the most relevant are diets for a week. This is a fairly quick weight loss, accompanied by a sparing diet and causing minimal harm to the body.

Diet for a week - an effective diet based on a gradual or sharp decrease in the daily calorie intake and a sharp change in the usual diet.

Among the most popular weekly diets are the following:

Buckwheat diet - minus 1.5 kg per day

An important principle of this is based on the method of cooking buckwheat. It is allowed to steam, usually at night.

  1. You need to eat with a protein diet every 3 hours.
  2. Breakfast a quarter of an hour after waking up.
  3. Dinner is allowed 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. To improve the effect, it is important to exercise.

Lose weight at home! Success Secrets

It is not so difficult to independently compose a competent diet for weight loss, without resorting to the help of specialists.

It is necessary to adhere to the basic rules on which any diet is built:

  • The golden rule of diets is a complete rejection of fried foods, as well as simple carbohydrates, represented by bakery and bakery products, sugar.
  • The next rule is to reduce the total caloric content of the daily diet. However, without consulting a specialist, it is recommended to reduce calories gradually so as not to cause significant harm to the body.
  • And we must not forget that continuing the diet for more than 2 weeks in a row can adversely affect health. Weight loss will stop due to the body getting used to the new diet.

No less important is the competent selection of combined products:

Effective weight loss diets at home:

  • One of the most effective home diets is protein-carbohydrate bringing minimal stress to the body. It lasts no more than 3 days, and with its help you can lose more than 5 kilograms.
  • No less effective effect on excess weight and fasting days which are especially popular after the holidays. They are used not only to burn "holiday" fat, but also to quickly restore the digestive system after an excessive load.

Protein menu of fasting days:

  • half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese per day;
  • 500 g of boiled white meat without salt for lunch;
  • for dinner, 2 boiled eggs and no more than 100 g of low-fat cheese are allowed;
  • kefir is allowed from drinks.

Carbohydrate menu of fasting days:

  • for breakfast, use 200 g of bran;
  • 1 kg of boiled potatoes for the whole day;
  • 150 g boiled rice divide into 3 parts and consume: in the morning with cinnamon, for lunch with an apple, for dinner with carrots;
  • kefir is allowed from drinks.


There is a huge variety of effective diets. For burning fat, the most effective diet is the one that is most suitable for gastronomic preferences and does not cause discomfort. The diet should be given easily and bring only joy and satisfaction.

And for a long-term fixation of the result, the diet should become a part of your life and the basis of a healthy diet.

Here you will find the most effective diets, tested not only in theory, but also in practice, the results of which you will also learn only from us. With us you can choose the diet that suits you best. You don't have to re-read hundreds of diets, as we have collected only the best diets, tested by more than one person. But remember that the main goal is health! Therefore, do not forget about the correct and healthy eating. We recommend that you first consult a doctor before going on a diet, as a diet is a serious test for the body.

Select the section you are interested in:

List of diets for weight loss:

Weight loss diets are the most popular type of existing diets. AT modern world the standard of beauty is harmony, which is far from being achieved with any diet.

Fashion for harmony dictates a great demand for various diets for weight loss. AT different time low-carbohydrate, protein, kefir, onion, Japanese, French, "Kremlin", Chinese and many other diets became popular.

Which diet is right for you? Which one can be used constantly, and which one can be used only as an emergency, “ambulance” in order to lose weight by 3-4 kg in a couple of days? What are the contraindications for each diet? What are the health implications? To whom are diets contraindicated and how to exit the diet correctly so as not to gain the lost kilograms again?

Much more difficult than losing weight is maintaining it. To alleviate it, in consultation with a nutritionist or doctor, you can resort to taking drugs that reduce appetite. So, for example, taking a modern combined drug of central action Goldline Plus for 6 months allows not only to reduce body weight, but also to form the right eating habits to maintain the result in the future. Thanks to the substance sibutramine, which is part of the drug, the feeling of fullness is accelerated and the amount of food eaten is reduced by 20%, and the calorie content of food by 25%. In addition, Goldline Plus enhances thermogenesis (heat production by the body), due to which about 100 kcal is additionally burned per day.

To achieve the effect, it is necessary to take the drug in the dosage and duration of the course that the doctor will prescribe and, of course, do not forget about diet and physical activity.


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Verified Information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Most women believe that there are no diets that can effectively get rid of excess weight. However, it is not. Of course, with the help of such diets it will be extremely difficult to maintain the achieved results, but if you urgently need to lose weight, for example, before some important event, you can quickly transform your figure. How? Now you will know everything.

There is a huge variety of diets that are aimed at weight loss. Some of them last very long (more than a month), but at the same time they allow you to safely lose weight and keep the results achieved for a long time. But there are also other diets that last from 2 to 7 days, while it is possible to lose from 1 to 8 kg.

Of course, at first glance it seems that this is not real. However, such diets exist and, as practice shows, they are really effective.

Do not forget that fast diets can lead not only to the desired weight loss in a short time, but also to such a side effect as the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Dermatologists strongly recommend using a modeling cream during the diet. But not every cream is good for health. If the composition of the cosmetic product contains components such as parabens, animal fats or mineral oils, then they should be discarded.

Experts advise using only natural cosmetics that have the necessary certificates. These include the products of the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. The modeling cream of this company does an excellent job with stretch marks and is completely safe for the female body. We recommend that you visit the website and choose for yourself not only a cream, but also other products of the company that will help you not only achieve the desired result, but also keep your skin healthy and young for a long time.

General rules to guide when choosing a diet

Quick and easy diets are based on severe dietary restriction and usually include 1 or 2 foods that are allowed to be consumed. Therefore, if you urgently need to lose weight, then choose exactly the diet that will include foods that are available to you and you love.

If you force yourself to use this or that product, then most likely you will not last even two days. In addition, you will have to set yourself up on a psychological level, since you will definitely have to starve, and this, as you know, leads to the formation of depression, irritability, dizziness and sleep disturbances.

Choose a diet that includes meals that do not require a complex cooking process and will take a minimum of time. The less you'll be in the kitchen, the less you will be tempted to eat something tasty.

So, let's move on to the description of simple diets that will help you transform in a very short time.

This easy and simple diet is the most popular today. It involves the use of 1% kefir during the day. On the day you need to drink only 1.5 liters of kefir and the same amount of regular drinking water. You can't eat anything else.

It is worth noting that this diet has a pronounced laxative effect, so it should be used only on those days when you can afford to spend the whole day at home.

It is impossible to “sit” on a kefir diet for more than three days. Since a strong one occurs during it: slags, toxins, excess salt and water are removed from the body (due to which, in fact, weight loss occurs). However, already on the 3rd - 4th day, along with harmful substances, useful substances begin to be excreted from the body, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the development of various diseases.

If you feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness or headache, you should abandon such a diet and switch to your usual diet. However, the transition should be very careful, gradually increasing the daily caloric content of meals.

Kefir-cucumber diet

This diet is one of the options for the kefir diet and involves the use of 1.5 liters of 1% kefir, 1.5 kg fresh cucumbers and the same amount of drinking water per day. All these products must be divided into equal parts, while you can use them even before bedtime or at night, if you suddenly have an appetite that keeps you awake.

However, this diet, like the previous one, has a pronounced laxative effect. Therefore, you should be careful about your well-being. This simple diet lasts 5 - 6 days, no more, allows you to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.

This is the simplest and most effective diet for weight loss. Buckwheat is a dietary product that has a low calorie content and does not cause allergic reactions, so everyone can try it.

In just one week, you can lose about 5 kg. Only buckwheat can be eaten. However, you can cook it different ways, the main thing is that it does not contain fats, that is, add creamy and vegetable oil no, and salt.

You can eat such buckwheat in unlimited quantities. This is how this diet works. Unsalted buckwheat helps to remove salt from the body, which retains excess fluid in the body. A low calorie this product, causes the body to spend much more energy per day than it receives, due to which the burning of body fat occurs.

You can watch the following videos for cooking buckwheat for weight loss:

This diet is more rigid, but at the same time it is the most effective. The diet of top models lasts only 3 days, but during this period it is quite possible to lose 3-5 kg. In this case, your daily diet will consist of:

  • one boiled chicken egg;
  • 300 g fat-free cottage cheese.

The main rule of this diet is that all these products must be consumed before 17:00, dinner should be completely absent, and if you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon juice.

Fresh juice diet

This simple but effective diet involves drinking freshly squeezed juices for three days. However, it is not so easy to withstand it, because it is necessary to drink only juices from citrus fruits. However, they cannot be diluted with water and sugar cannot be added to them.

Juices should be prepared just before drinking. You can use only oranges, lemons or grapefruits for these purposes. At one time, you need to drink one glass of juice (200 - 250 ml), there should be three meals in total. The rest of the time it is allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral or ordinary drinking water.

This is another easy and simple diet that is designed for 7 days. During this time, you can lose 4 - 5 kg. During the week, you need to eat only vegetable soups, and their number is not limited.

The main rules for cooking vegetable soups:

  • do not use potatoes;
  • do not use meat products for making broth;
  • do not use oils;
  • add salt in small quantities.

Such a diet is easily tolerated, since the soup is a liquid, a hot liquid that quickly fills the stomach and contributes to almost instant satisfaction of hunger.

It is very important to observe the drinking regimen. By the way, this applies to all diets. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, you can’t drink it immediately after eating, as this will lead to stretching of the walls of the stomach, due to which the feeling of hunger will return very quickly, and to a slowdown in metabolism, which you definitely don’t need in this case.

Carbohydrate-free diet of fashion models

This diet has gained its popularity due to rapid weight loss and long-term preservation of the results achieved, since its action is not based on cleansing the body, but on the breakdown of body fat.

The diet lasts three days. In this short period of time, you can lose 2 - 3 kg. However, in this case, active training in gyms is required. I think this diet has the following:

  • for breakfast you can eat one boiled egg in a "bag";
  • for lunch 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese and one cup of unsweetened tea are allowed;
  • for an afternoon snack only fat-free cottage cheese (150 g) and unsweetened tea are also allowed.

Dinner in this diet is completely absent, the rest of the time you need to drink plenty of drinking water.

This is the hardest version of the diet. But there is another option for a carbohydrate-free diet, which is the most easily tolerated and also gives positive results in the shortest possible time. The diet lasts 7 to 14 days.

Her menu is monotonous and includes:

  • for breakfast a slice of rye bread, one cup of unsweetened tea (preferably green) and a couple of slices of hard cheese;
  • for lunch a slice of rye bread, a portion of boiled beans, fat-free cottage cheese (150g) and one cup of tea;
  • for dinner steamed chicken breast (100 g), tomato and cucumber. One cup of tea is also allowed.

Pumpkin diet lasts for 12 days and allows you to lose up to 6 kg. It is transferred quite easily, as it involves a variety of dishes, but has contraindications. The pumpkin diet is forbidden for people during lactation and pregnancy, as well as for people with chronic diseases.

The essence of the diet is that it is necessary to prepare dishes from pumpkin pulp. However, they should be boiled or steamed. In addition, a minimum of salt, oil and various spices should be used. Pumpkin is allowed to be combined with various vegetables, but the main ingredient, which should make up 80% of the diet, is pumpkin.

From it you can cook various soups, mashed potatoes, mashed soups, cereals, salads. In addition to all this, you can use pumpkin juice, only natural and preferably freshly squeezed, as well as pumpkin seeds, which allow you to have a good time in the evenings in front of the TV.

It is worth noting that the main meals should not be more than 3, and snacks should not be more than 2. Physical activity and adherence to the drinking regime are also welcome and lead to the best results.

As you can see, the list of fast and effective diets is very large. You just have to choose the right one for you and go to your goal.

Video about the best diet

Video with recipes for a quick diet

On the eve of the New Year, many seek to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters at any cost in order to show off a slender figure in festive attire at New Year's celebrations. We interviewed well-known nutritionists to find out what diets their patients most often choose, intending to get in shape.

As you know, the best diet is the one that you can follow for a lifetime. Alas, not everyone is guided by this postulate, in a hurry to urgently lose weight for the holiday.

Diet Malysheva

(193 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

Elena Malysheva's diet is a set of ready-made meals for weight loss, designed for 4 meals daily. The action of the diet is due to the low calorie content of foods (800-1200 kcal), a minimum of fat, salt and sugar. Weekly, it is also necessary to withstand a fasting carbohydrate day, on which you can eat only cereals.

PROS: No need to spend time preparing food. Frequent eating relieves the feeling of hunger. Weight loss is gradual, at a safe pace (up to 6 kg per month), preventing health risks due to rapid weight loss. Since the diet is balanced in terms of nutrients, it can be followed for a long time.

CONS: Many complain about the "tidy sum" that you have to pay for ready-made kits, consisting of the most uncomplicated products - cereals, eggs, vegetables, chicken, fish, cereal bars and the like. After all, self-cooking eggs, cereals and chicken soups- It is not costly either in terms of money or time. Yes, and counting calories with a minimum of practice will not cause any trouble.

Ducan's diet

(115 thousand requests)

The Dukan Diet refers to a high-protein or low-carbohydrate diet. The basis of the diet are protein products, but carbohydrates and fats are reduced to a minimum. Protein nutrition in conditions of a severe deficiency of other nutrients, it forces the body to expend its fat reserves in an enhanced mode.

PROS: The diet practically does not impose restrictions on the amount of food - only on the choice of products. Weight is reduced at a rapid pace - up to 3-5 kg ​​per week.

CONS: The diet is not balanced in nutrients, poor in vitamins and minerals, and therefore fraught with great health risks. The first of these is the development of ketosis (carbohydrate starvation), which is expressed in a breakdown, decreased immunity, increased blood cholesterol, swelling and headaches. This diet has an impressive list of contraindications and poses a serious threat to the body - especially to gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

(51 thousand requests)

Buckwheat diet refers to mono-diets based on the consumption of one product. The food consists of small portions of steamed buckwheat without salt, oil and other additives. Weight is reduced due to a meager and monotonous diet.

PROS: Simplicity and cheapness of the diet, normalization of blood cholesterol levels, rapid weight loss (up to 5 kg per week).

MINUSES: Tasteless monotonous food is a big psychological and physiological problem: irritability, weakness, dizziness, headache and other malfunctions of the body develop. Due to nutritional deficiencies, this diet should not be followed for more than two weeks. There is a large list of contraindications. At the end of the diet, the lost weight returns, and, as a rule, with an excess.

(34 thousand requests)

The kefir diet is also a mono-diet based on the consumption of low-fat kefir. In more sparing options, a minimum amount of other dietary products is acceptable: apples, vegetables, lean meat. Weight loss is explained by the low calorie content of the diet and the diuretic effect of kefir.

PROS: Simplicity and affordability of the product, accelerated weight loss - up to 5 kg per week.

MINUSES: This diet is designed for a short period, since with its long-term observance, disorders of the digestive system develop: gastritis, intestinal upset, flatulence. There is a fairly extensive list of contraindications. Due to the ban on many products, the diet is difficult to sustain psychologically. After the end of the diet, the weight quickly returns.

Diet "Doctor Bormental"

(33 thousand requests)

The nutrition system according to "Doctor Bormental" is not a diet in the classical sense. Rather, it is a healthy, balanced and varied diet plus psychological support and motivation that helps patients follow dietary recommendations with pleasure and enthusiasm.

PROS: This method, unlike others, includes long-term customer support by experienced professionals. A professional approach ensures efficiency, safety and reliable prevention of recurrence of extra pounds. Clients are trained in practice to create the right diet, rich in all nutrients, focusing on their individual taste preferences. There are no bans on products: only their quantity is regulated. The physiology of nutrition and psychological comfort make it easy to adhere to this system throughout life.

CONS: Group psychotherapeutic trainings, personal supervision, individual consultations, analysis of the diet and constant psychological support are not cheap pleasures. This method is usually used by people who have unsuccessfully tried many diets and are desperate to lose weight on their own.

(32 thousand requests)

The Kremlin diet, like the Dukan diet, is low-carbohydrate - with the difference that fats are not limited. Its principle of action is to minimize the saturation of the body with carbohydrates by replacing them with proteins and fats. Thus, the cause of weight loss is the artificially created carbohydrate starvation of the body.

PROS: Lack of hunger, fast weight loss - up to 5-6 kg per week.

MINUSES: A complete ban not only on sweets, but even on cereals, potatoes and bread - not everyone can endure such hardships. Being saturated with fats and poor in vitamins, microelements and fiber, the Kremlin diet creates risks for the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and has a huge number of contraindications.

(31 thousand requests)

Diet "6 petals" is based on the principles of mono-diets and separate power supply. The essence of its action lies in the daily separate consumption of products according to the main nutritional components - proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, as a result of which the body finds itself in conditions of a shortage of certain essential substances. There is also a restriction on the volume of products to create a calorie deficit.

PROS: Short-term and quick effect: 4-5 kg ​​are consumed in six days of the diet.

MINUSES: Feeling of hunger, a complete rejection of sweets and starchy foods, boring, monotonous food (only one product can be eaten every day of the diet). Due to the poor diet, there are many contraindications. After returning to the usual menu, the lost kilograms, as a rule, return.

(15 thousand requests)

The name speaks for itself: we are talking about a diet, following which you need to consume only one allowed product or small group products. We have already touched on this topic, talking about buckwheat and kefir diets. There is still a great variety of mono-diets in various variations: rice, fish, vegetable, fruit, cottage cheese and even chocolate.
PROS: Obvious advantages include simplicity and low budget. Usually, mono-diets do not last more than 2-3 days, so they are unlikely to have time to cause damage to physical health and the psyche.

MINUSES: Mono-diets do not imply any nutritional diversity. No matter how useful the product is, it will not be able to satisfy the need for the entire spectrum of nutrients. The body needs both fats, and proteins, and carbohydrates - therefore, any long-term mono-diets are unhealthy. In addition, the result of mono-diets is usually unstable: it is only necessary to return to normal nutrition, and the kilograms that were dropped return.

(7.5 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

The Mediterranean diet is a food system that corresponds to the food traditions of the peoples of the Mediterranean countries. The diet is based on unpeeled cereals, flour products from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits, supplemented with dairy products, eggs, nuts, olive oil, fish and lean meats. Only store-bought sweets, sausages, animal fats, snacks and other fatty, high-calorie foods are excluded from the diet.

PROS: An indisputable advantage is the balance and variety of the menu. Eating 5 times a day in sufficient portions contributes to satiety and good health. Weight loss is slow, but its results are relatively stable.

CONS: Products on the Mediterranean diet must be natural, high quality and freshly prepared, which requires a significant investment of time and money. It will be psychologically difficult for lovers of sweets, pastries, sausages and smoked meats to refuse these dishes.

(6.2 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

The apple-based diet refers to express diets. Its variants are represented by a mono-diet or a combination of apples with a small amount of other dietary products: kefir, cottage cheese, buckwheat, eggs, etc.

PROS: Easy to use and fast results. The diet is suitable for those who love apples, but for the rest it will be difficult to stick to it due to food monotony.

MINUSES: The diet does not give a persistent feeling of fullness and provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The result of weight loss is very unstable.


As you can see, there is a great variety of diets - there are plenty to choose from! But, in any case, before following any strict diet, we recommend that you consult a doctor, as chronic diseases, allergic reactions and other health problems can be a good reason for not dieting.

And one more important warning. Following the popular belief “the faster the weight goes off, the better”, when compiling the rating, we attributed the rapid weight loss with a particular diet to the “pros”. However, from a medical point of view, this is an absolute minus. As enticing as the short-term prospects of dieting may seem to you, remember that if the weight goes off too quickly, then it comes back even faster.

The main principle that should be followed in the pursuit of beauty is not to harm your body. And if on the eve of the holidays you have an alternative: to stay healthy or to squeeze into an elegant dress a size smaller for a couple of evenings, then the choice is obvious, isn't it?

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