Outdoor games of low mobility for the younger group. Games of low mobility material (middle group) on the topic

Games are aimed at the development of the child as a comprehensive personality. They are designed for toddlers and toddlers. preschool age. These games can be used both in direct educational activities and in independent activities.


Purpose: To teach children to move on a signal, to develop auditory qualities.

Silence by the pond

The water does not sway

The reeds don't make noise

Fall asleep kids.

Children go in a column one by one.

After the words, the children stop, squat, tilt their heads and close their eyes. The one who moves stands at the end of the column.

Interactive technologies: work in pairs, round dance, chain.


Purpose: To develop the activity of children in motor activity. Encourage children to play. Develop physical qualities.

Tiki-taki, tiki-taki

Crayfish are walking in our river.

They walk backwards
looking for crayfish in the ford river,

Crayfish began to drink water -

Come out, you lead!

The players sort out in pairs, stand in a circle. Everyone in the pair turns their backs to each other and gives hands. With the beginning of the text, all pairs move in the same direction in a circle so that the first in a pair goes straight in the direction of movement and leads the hands of the second, walking backwards (this is cancer). At the end of the text, the game is repeated with a change of direction.

Interactive technologies: work in small groups (triples), round dance, chain, carousel.


Like snow under the tree, snow,

And on the tree snow, snow,

And under the hill snow, snow,

And on the hill snow, snow,

A bear sleeps under the snow

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

Children stand in a circle. A bear is selected, he sits in the middle of the circle, closes his eyes.

On lines 1 and 3, the children go into a circle, on lines 2 and 4 - out of the circle, on line 5, children carefully approach the bear, the 6th line is pronounced by one child at the direction of the teacher. The bear must recognize by the voice who said.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "interview", "chain".

"The gray hare washes"

Purpose: To form the ability to follow the development of the game. Develop the ability to imitate characteristic actions.

Bunny gray washes

Looks like he's going to visit

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

He washed his ear, wiped it dry.

the children stand in a circle, the bunny is in the middle, he beats the text and approaches one of the children, he becomes a bunny.

Interactive technologies

work in small groups (troikas).

Purpose: To teach children to play by the rules. Develop language and physical skills.

Vanya, you are in the forest now.

We call you: "Ah!"

Well, close your eyes

Don't be shy

Who called you?

Find out soon!

children walk in a circle and say the text leading in the middle of the circle.

The driver closes his eyes and guesses which of the children called him.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".

"The guys have a strict order"

Purpose: To develop the ability to act on a signal, physical qualities.

The guys have a strict order,

They know all their places.

Well, trumpet more cheerfully:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

children walk around the room scattered. At the signal, the children line up.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "carousel".


Purpose: To develop attentiveness, quick wit, sound culture of speech.

Inflate our balloon

puff up big

stay like this

do not burst!"

children form a tight circle, hold hands, take small steps back, expanding the circle,

At the signal of the educator:

"The balloon burst!" children squat

or slowly walk towards the center of the circle and

pronounce: "sh - sh - sh - sh"

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".

"Sun and Rain"

Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills, vocabulary enrichment, development of creative imagination and motor imitation, teaching the elements of pantomime.

The sun looks out the window

shines in our room.

We'll clap our hands

very happy with the sun.

Top, top, top, top / 2r.

Clap, clap, clap, clap / 2p.

children go around

children clap their hands

children stomp rhythmically

children clapping rhythmically

At the teacher's signal "it's raining", the children squat - "hide".

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".


Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills, vocabulary enrichment, development of creative imagination and motor imitation.


By the water claps,

Clap your hands

Yes, bare feet.

Children stand freely. The game exercise is performed as shown by the teacher. Under the reading of the nursery rhyme, the children shake the hands of both hands, as if hitting the water.

They stamp their feet on the last line, stepping from one foot to the other.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel", "work in pairs", "work in small groups".

"Wolf - top"

Purpose: To develop coordination of movements, hearing, physical qualities. Teach, choose a leader with a counting rhyme.

Wolf - spinning top, wool barrel

Fled through the spruce

Fell into the juniper

Hooked on tail

Spent the night under a bush.

Children stand in a circle. According to the counting rhyme, a wolf is chosen. The wolf walks with wide steps around the circle, at the last words he crouches behind someone's back, he becomes a wolf. The game is repeated. You can choose two wolves

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".


Purpose: To develop auditory qualities, physical qualities, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

across the lawn


warmed by the sun,

Behind the flowery moth

Summer has passed.

Bathed in the river

Lie down on the sand


flew by

And disappeared into the distance.

Children stand in a circle. With the beginning of the reading of the poem, they move in a jump in one direction, and Leto gallops in an opposite direction inside the circle.

On lines 6-7, Leto stops, Leto performs jumps in place with swinging movements of the hands (“mill”). On the last 3 lines, Leto runs out of the circle and sits down behind one of the players. With the end of the text, the children look for where Summer hid. Who finds him behind his back, goes to the middle.This is a new Summer.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel",

Pair work, small group work.


Purpose: To train children in coordination and orientation in space when performing various tasks. Develop auditory attention through play.

The children stood in a circle
Saw the flag

Who to give, who to give
To whom should the flag be given?

Come out, Olya, in a circle,

Take, Olya, the flag!

Come out, come out, take it

Raise the flag higher!

Children stand in a circle, in the center one child with a flag. After the words: "come out, come out ..." the named child goes to the middle and takes the flag. The first child stands in a circle, the game is repeated

Interactive technologies: "dance", "chain".

"Make a Riddle"

Purpose: To develop speech, imagination, memory.

Try to prompt the children as they find it difficult, for example, glass, transparent, do fish live in it?

The child comes up with riddles about objects familiar to him.

Interactive technologies: "chain", "carousel".


Purpose: To develop memory, speech, the ability to analyze, present and defend arguments.

Continue the game by helping him make a certain conclusion.

The game starts like this: “It seems to me that the mother of the calf is a horse. After all, they have hooves, they are covered with wool, they eat hay, etc.”

Interactive technologies: "chain", "carousel", "work in small groups", "Interview", "Aquarium".

"Great Circle"

“Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show”

Purpose: To teach children to call an action a word, use verbs correctly (time, person), develop creative imagination, quick wits.

A more complex version of this game is the individual reproduction of similar actions. The organization of such a game is approximately the same as in "Broken Phone". All participants close their eyes, except for the first two, one of which shows the other some action (watering flowers, or chopping firewood, or playing ball). Then the second child shows the same action to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on. So in turn, the children pass the same action to each other. The last child in the row must guess this action.

Children are divided into small groups (4-5 people each), and each group, with the help of an adult, thinks through a staging of an action (washing, or drawing, or picking berries). Children must choose the story themselves and agree on how they will show it.

After such preparation, each group silently shows its action. Each show is preceded by the well-known phrase: "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show." Spectators carefully observe the comrades and guess what they are doing and where they are. After guessing correctly, the actors become spectators and the next group enters the stage.

Interactive technologies: "chain", "carousel", "work in small groups", "Interview", "Aquarium", "Big circle", work in small groups (triples).

Find yourself a mate

Material. Flags (according to the number of participants - 2 flags of each color, one flag must be left without a pair).

Game progress. An odd number of children take part in the game. Each child receives one flag. At the signal of the teacher (for example, a blow to a tambourine), the children scatter around the playground (room). On another signal (for example, two beats on a tambourine or the words “find a pair”), children with the same flags stand next to each other.

One child is left without a partner. Turning to him, all the players say:

Vanya, Vanya (Masha, Olya, etc.), don't yawn!

Pick a couple quickly.

Then, after hitting the tambourine, the children again scatter around the playground, and the game is repeated.

Game instructions. While running, children should keep their flags up.

colored cars

Material. Flags of 3 colors or circles, rings (according to the number of participants and one more flag of each color).

Game progress. Children are placed along the wall of the room or along the edge of the playground. They are cars. Each of the players is given a flag of any color (optional) or a colored circle, a ring. The teacher stands facing the players in the center of the room (platform). He holds flags of the same colors in his hand.

The teacher raises a flag of some color. All children with a flag of this color begin to run around the playground (in any direction); on the move, they buzz, imitating the car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop and return to their place. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, and the game resumes.

Game instructions. The teacher can raise one, two or all three flags together, and then all the “cars” drive out to the site.

If the children do not see that the flag is lowered, the teacher supplements the visual signal with the verbal "cars (names the color) stopped."

The teacher can replace the color signal with a verbal signal (for example, “blue cars are leaving”, “blue cars are returning home”).


Material. Cord, 3 flags of yellow, red and green.

Game progress. Children stand along the wall of the room or side of the playground in a column in pairs, holding each other's hand. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied (one child is held with the right hand, the other with the left). The teacher is in one of the corners of the room and holds three colored flags in his hand. The teacher raises a green flag, and the children run - the tram is moving. Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed: if the green flag is raised, the tram continues to move; if a yellow or red flag appears, the children stop and wait for the green flag to appear.

If there are a lot of people who want to play, you can arrange a stop where the children sit and wait for the arrival of the tram. When a tram approaches a stop, it slows down and stops; some passengers get off the tram, others enter. The teacher raises a green flag: "Let's go!"

Instructions for the game. If the children are more familiar with the bus or trolleybus, you can replace the tram with another mode of transport.

At the bear in the forest...

Game progress. A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. At the opposite end of the site, the line indicates the children's house.

The teacher appoints one of the players as a bear. The rest of the players are children, they are at home.

The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, picking mushrooms, berries, making appropriate movements (tilting and straightening the body), and at the same time recite verses in chorus:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

When the players say the word "growls", the "bear" gets up with a growl, and the children run home. "Bear" tries to catch them (to touch). Caught "bear" takes to his house. Children resume picking mushrooms and berries.

Rules of the game. Neither children nor the “bear” are allowed to run until the end of the text. When 2-3 players are caught, a new bear is chosen.

Instructions for the game. The teacher should emphasize that the children are not afraid of the bear, that they run away only when it rushes after them. The bear also does not immediately rush to catch: he must first look at them, grumble. Bears are selected only from among those who have never broken the rules and who have not been caught.

run quietly

Game progress. Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They stand behind the line at one end of the site. The driver is selected, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. At the signal of the teacher, one group runs past the driver to the opposite end of the site to the agreed place (line). Children must run silently. If the driver hears the noise of steps, he says "stop" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the presenter shows where he hears the noise from. If he pointed correctly, the children step aside; if they make a mistake, they return to their places and run again. So in turn all the troupes of children run through.

The group that the driver did not hear wins. When the game is repeated, the driver changes.

Instructions for the game. This game is best played indoors, when children are wearing slippers or other light shoes and it is more convenient for them to run on their toes. In addition, it is difficult to run silently on the site: sand, leaves, etc. rustle.


Game progress. Children become pairs: one is a horse, the other is a carrier. For the game, reins are given or children hold on to the belt.

Let's go, let's go

With nuts, with nuts

To grandfather on a turnip,

By the boy


By the hunchback.

With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm while the teacher says “gop, gop ...” or clicks his tongue until the teacher says “whoa”. When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

Game instructions. After everyone is comfortable with the game, the teacher suggests raising your knees high while running.

You should start the game with one pair, gradually increasing the number of participants to 3-4 pairs.

Hares and wolf

Game progress. One of the players is chosen as a wolf. The rest of the children portray hares.

On one side of the site, the "hares" arrange houses for themselves (draw circles). At the beginning of the game, the "hares" are in their houses; "wolf" - at the other end of the site (in the ravine).

The teacher says:

Bunnies are jumping

Jump, jump, jump,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

"Hares" jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They either jump on two legs, then sit down, nibble on the grass and look around to see if the "wolf" is coming. When the teacher says the last word, the “wolf” comes out of the ravine and runs after the “hares”, trying to catch (touch) them. "Hares" run away each to their own house. Caught "hares" "wolf" takes to the ravine.

As soon as the "wolf" leaves, the teacher repeats the text of the poem and the game resumes. After 2-3 "hares" are caught, another wolf is selected.

Instructions for the game. It is necessary to ensure that children do not make houses too close to each other.

Let's jump over the stream

Game progress. A brook is drawn on the site, narrow at one end, and then wider and wider (from 10 to 40 cm).

A group of children is invited to jump over the stream first where it is narrow, then where it is wider, and finally where it is widest.

The teacher notes those who managed to jump over the stream in the widest place.

Cucumber, cucumber...

Game progress. At one end of the playground there is a trap (teacher), at the other - children. The guys approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

At the last words, the children run away to their places, and the teacher catches up with them.

Fox in the chicken coop

Game progress. A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site (the size depends on the number of players). In the chicken coop on the perch (on the benches), “hens” sit. On the opposite side of the site is a fenced fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard.

One of the players is designated as a fox. At the signal of the teacher, the “hens” jump off the perch, walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the teacher "fox!" The “hens” run away to the chicken coop and climb onto the perch, and the “fox” tries to drag the “hen”, which did not have time to escape, and takes it to its hole. The rest of the "hens" jump off the perch again, and the game resumes.

When the "fox" catches 2-3 chickens, another child is assigned to this role.

Hunter and hares

Game progress. On one side of the playground, the teacher outlines a place for the "hunter", for the role of which one of the children is assigned. On the other side, the places of "hares" are indicated by circles. Each circle contains 2-3 "hares".

"Hunter" goes around the site, as if looking for traces of "hares", then returns to his place.

The teacher says:

- Hares ran out into the clearing.

The hares run out of their circles and jump on two legs as they move forward. At the signal of the educator "hunter!" The “hares” stop, turn their backs to the “hunter”, and he, without moving, throws a ball at them. The “hare” that the “hunter” hit with the ball is considered shot, and the “hunter” takes him to himself.

The game is repeated 3 times. Then the teacher counts the shot hares, chooses another hunter, and the game continues.

Put on a ring

Material. Various figurines (an elephant with a raised trunk, a goose with an outstretched neck, a bunny with a raised paw, etc.); rings.

Game progress. The game consists in throwing rings on various funny figures.

At a distance of 1.5-2 m from the figure, a line is drawn - the border from which the children throw the rings. The teacher shows how to stand up, how to keep the ring in a horizontal position, how to throw (away from yourself) so that it remains in a horizontal position during the flight (for children this does not work right away, so you first need to help the child by directing the movement of his hand) .

Ball through rope (net)

Material. Rope (net), ball.

In the variant of the game: balls to take 2 times less than the number of participants.

Game progress. A rope or net is stretched between trees or gymnastic racks at the level of the child's chest.

Lines are drawn on both sides of the rope (net) at a distance of 1 m from it. Groups of children (4-6 people on each side) stand on lines opposite each other.

The one on the edge gets the ball. At the signal of the educator, “start!” he throws the ball over the net to a child standing opposite. He, having caught the ball, throws it to the one standing nearby, etc. When the ball reaches the last player, the teacher notes what mistakes were made by one and the other group of players. When repeated, another group starts the game.

Game variant. All children of one of the groups receive balls and throw them to those standing opposite.


Material. Hoops, chairs (according to the number of hoops), a large chair.

Game progress. Hoops are placed on one side of the site - rabbit cages. Chairs are placed in front of them, to which hoops are vertically tied. A chair is placed on the opposite side - the watchman's house, the teacher sits on this chair. Between the house and the rabbit cages is a meadow. Children in small groups of 3-4 people become circles.

“Rabbits sit in cages,” says the caretaker, who acts as a watchman; children squat down. The teacher alternately approaches the cages and releases the "rabbits" with the words: "Walk, eat grass." "Rabbits" crawl into the hoops and start running and jumping.

After a while, the teacher says: “Run into the cages!” "Rabbits" run home, each returns to its cage, crawling back into the hoop.

The "rabbits" are in the cage until the guard releases them again.

Kittens and puppies

Material. Gymnastic wall, benches (ladder).

Game progress. The game can be played in a room where there is a gymnastic wall, or on a site.

The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, children of the other - puppies. "Kittens" are near the gymnastic wall; "puppies" - on the other side of the room (in the booths behind the benches, behind the ladder, placed on the edge).

The teacher offers the “kittens” to run easily, gently. To the words of the teacher "puppies!" the second group of children climbs over the benches. They run on all fours after the “kittens” and bark “aw-aw-aw!”. "Kittens", meowing, quickly climb onto the gymnastic wall. The teacher is there all the time.

"Puppies" are returning to their houses. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles and the game continues.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains ...

Game progress. The teacher, as if pulling the reins, walks, raising his knees high. Children follow the teacher in a free group.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains (Everyone is walking.)

Grandpa Egor is coming:

On my own horse

wife on a cow

Children on calves, (Everyone gallops.)

Grandchildren on goats.

Hop, hop, hop, hop...

Hop, hop, hop, hop...

At the word of the educator, “Whoa,” everyone stops.

Where did you swim, Ivanushka?

Material. A small pebble.

Game progress. The children sit on the bench. One of them is appointed Ivanushka. He steps aside, the rest of the players fold their palms in a “cup” and put them on their knees. The teacher has a small pebble in his palms clasped together.

The leader stands with his back to the players.

The children say in unison:

- Where did you swim, Ivanushka?

— Among the white pebbles.

I have a white stone, I have,

Talk to me, talk to me...

I have a white stone, I have,

Talk to me, talk to me...

At this time, the teacher alternately touches all the children with folded palms and quietly lowers the pebble to one of them.

By the time the children finish saying the text, all hands should be closed. Ivanushka turns to the players and tries to guess who has the pebble.

If he guesses correctly, he sits down in the place of the child who had a pebble, and he becomes Ivanushka. If he doesn't guess, he drives again. Not guessing the next time, he sits down on the end of the bench, and Ivanushka gets out again.

When the children have mastered the game well, they organize it on their own, choosing the host and Ivanushka with the help of a counting rhyme.

Teremok (round dance)

Game progress. There can be any number of players, but not less than 6 people. Children agree who will be a mouse, a frog, a hare, a fox, a wolf and a bear. There can be several mice, frogs, etc., only there must be one trap bear (it is selected using a rhyme). All players join hands, walk in a circle and say or sing:

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,

He's not low, he's not high, he's not high

Here is a field, a field a mouse runs,

She stopped at the door and knocked.

All mouse children run into the circle and say:

Someone who lives in a teremochka

Who-who lives in the low?

No one answers and they remain in the circle. The rest of the children again go in a circle and again say the same words, but instead of a mouse they call a frog, etc.

Each time the named children run out into the circle and ask:

Someone who lives in a teremochka

Who-who lives in the low?

They are answered by all standing inside the circle;

I am a mouse...

I am a frog...etc.

Having heard the appropriate answer, they say: "Come live with us."

Only one bear remains. He walks around the animals gathered together and to their question “who are you?” says: "And I'm a bear - a trap for everyone."

With these words, everyone runs to a conditional place, the bear tries to catch them. To the children caught by the bear, he himself says which of them will be who when the game is repeated; other roles are distributed as desired.

Instructions for the game. Every time the children walk in a circle, they change direction. Participants of the game can wear appropriate caps-masks.

"Bear" is chosen in the same order, and the game continues.

Sitting, sitting bunny ...

Game progress. A “bunny” is squatting against the wall. "Hunters" (10-12 people) settled down in a group at the opposite wall. Children participating in the game say:

Sitting, sitting bunny, ("Bunny" turns his head from side to side and freezes, listening.)

Sitting gray bunny

Under the bush, under the bush.

The hunters are riding, (“The hunters” gallop around in a circle and linger at the place where the “bunny” speech will catch them.)

They ride, jump in the field

In the empty, in the empty.

“You hunters, jump, (One “bunny” says, standing to his full height and slightly bending his knees.)

Stroke my tail: (Makes a jump, another jump and another jump, turning his back to the hunters.)

"Bunny" runs away. "Hunters" catch him, holding hands and trying to surround him. The “bunny” has no right to run out from under the hands of the “hunters”, if the circle is closed, he is caught.

Another child is assigned to the role of the hare, and the game is repeated.

Where did they knock?

Material. Small stick, scarf (white paper cap).

Game progress. Children sit on chairs arranged in a circle. The leader is chosen. He steps into the middle of the circle and is blindfolded. The rest of the children should be very quiet. The teacher silently passes behind the children, stops near one of those sitting and knocks with a stick on the back of a chair, and then hides the stick behind his back so that it is not visible. Then she quietly steps aside and says, "It's time!"

The one standing in the circle must guess where they knocked and go to the one who has the wand hidden. Having guessed correctly, the driver sits in the place of the child who had a wand, and he becomes the driver. If the driver made a mistake, then the game is repeated with him. We should ask the children to sit even quieter so as not to interfere with his listening. If he does not guess the second time, another driver is selected and the game continues.

Instructions for the game. Under the scarf, which is used to blindfold children, each time you need to put a piece of white paper or put on a paper cap instead of a bandage.


Material. A set of 30-40 splinters 10-15 cm long, painted in 3-4 colors.

When the game becomes more difficult, add splinters of different sizes - from 5 to 15 cm, several pieces of each size.

Game progress. To a group of children (3-4 people) sitting at the table, the teacher shows what patterns can be laid out from the splinter. Children take splinters from the box and lay out the patterns according to the pattern. Then the teacher invites the children to come up with what can be laid out of the splinters; Reminds you of what color splinter is better to use.

Instructions for the game. After the children learn how to lay out patterns, splinters of different sizes are added to the existing set. The teacher invites the children to lay out simple stories, for example, a house with a fence, a tree, etc.

Sets of splinters can be made by yourself from a wooden block or thin plywood. Splinters need to be well planed and painted with indelible paint.


Material. Cords (sledges), physical culture sticks, rings, etc.; green and red circles; the game requires a spacious area or a large hall.

With the complication of the game: home-made books or pieces of paper - passes for the right to drive.

Game progress. The playground where children play turns into a street where horses ride, as well as cars, trams and other forms of public transport.

Each of the players chooses which type of transport will depict. Some take the reins (in winter - a sled) and imitate riding a horse (they walk, raising their legs high, run); others, with steering wheels in their hands, drive a car (they run, imitating horns). But a fire truck is rushing (one child is taken by the front ends of the sticks or cords, the other by the rear ends, the third is placed in the middle).

In the middle of the square drawn on the ground, there is a "policeman" (a teacher, and later children). The “policeman” regulates the movement: he turns to one, then to the other and shows either a red or a green circle.

You can ride around the square and crossing it. If someone breaks the driving rules, the “policeman” takes a fine (the fined person pats the “policeman” on the palm as many times as it is necessary to pay, counting out loud).

"At night" the movement stops: "horses" are taken to the stable (sit on benches or chairs), "cars" go to the garage (also sit down), the "policeman" leaves duty.

Then a new "policeman" (one or two) is chosen, the children change toys and roles, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. "Horses" and "cars" stop when the red circle is raised and start moving when the green circle is raised. "Fire truck" is skipped out of turn. If the "policeman" leaves his post, all traffic stops. In the future, an additional rule is introduced - to drive on right side. This rule is introduced mainly in games with older children.

Game instructions. Streets are marked with two parallel lines at a distance of 8 - 10 m from one another. If the site is large, you can make two intersections and put two policemen. In addition to cars and horses, trams can be arranged. To do this, you need two cords, the ends of which are taken by two children. The one in front has two colored circles on his chest, indicating tram lights.

In winter, you can take a sled for play. Some sledges, with colored reins, will denote riding a horse in a sleigh; two sledges connected by a rope - a tram with a trailer (two “passengers” can ride at once, the “car driver” in front carries the sled, and the “conductor” pushes them behind).

Roles in the game change from time to time. If you need to extend the rest, you can inspect all cars and horses, issue passes for the right to ride (home-made books or papers), etc.

The game can be played during a walk in the middle and senior groups together.


Material. Red and green flags, a cap, circles-lanterns.

Game progress. From the children are selected: locomotive, driver, conductor, stationmaster, switchmen. The rest of the children pretend to be wagons and stand behind the “locomotive” (they give him circles-lanterns in his hands) and the “engine driver”, putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front.

"Switchers" with red and green flags are located along the train's route, at the corners. Stations are marked and given names.

The "station master" puts on his cap, he sends the train (raises his hand). The “engineer” gives a whistle (buzzes “ooo”), the locomotive starts up steam - “chsh-sh-sh”, and after that the train moves off. All the children rhythmically repeat after the locomotive: "Go, go, go." Then, speeding up: "Let's go, let's go, let's go." The "conductor" monitors whether the train is going well, whether the "cars" are uncoupled (if the cars are uncoupled, the "conductor" gives a signal and stops the train).

On the way of the train, you can put a bridge - the children, standing in pairs, joining their hands at the top, form the arches of the bridge. On the bridge, children walk on their toes, repeating to the beat: “On the bridge, on the bridge, on the bridge.” Having passed the bridge, the train speeds up, the "carriages" say: "We drove, we drove."

A tunnel can also be presented, passing through which children say: “Hush, hush, hush, hush.” After the tunnel, the train speeds up again: "We drove, we drove, we drove."

Approaching the station, the “locomotive” shouts: “Drink hoch-u-u-u!” The “carriages” answer, slowing down: “Oh, they are tired, oh, they are tired, oh, they are tired!” "Stationmaster" meets the train, the train stops.

Rules of the game. Perform movements in harmony and in accordance with the words. Do not break the adhesion between the "cars" and the "locomotive". Obey the signals.

Game instructions. The teacher plays with the children, most often performing the role of a wagon. This role is most convenient to regulate the movements of children and come to their aid if they forget the words.

The game is played outdoors and in a spacious room.

On the border

Material. Toy rifles (2 less than the number of children), string.

Game progress. Children portray border guards, two guys are appointed sentries with a dog. "Border guards" have a rest, for example, play musical instruments (depict the game with movements and sing), collect cones for a fire (they can be scattered around the site in advance), warm themselves by the fires (squat or in any poses in small groups), etc. . Rifles are at the other end of the platform.

The “sentry” keeps the “dog” on a leash (one end of the cord is in the hand of a child representing a dog, the other is in the hand of a border guard) and walks with it along the line that marks the imaginary border. Suddenly the "dog" pulls on the cord. "Sentry" shouts: "Alarm!" Upon hearing this signal, all "border guards" should quickly take their rifles and line up along the imaginary border. The two children who run to the line first will be sentry and guard dog in the next game.

Rules of the game. "Border guards" should be away from rifles. It is not allowed to take a rifle in advance. Whoever stands on the line depicting the border sooner will be sentry and guard dog.

Instructions for the game. Rifles should be laid out directly on the ground in a row at a short distance from one another. What the border guards will do on vacation is agreed in advance.

When repeating the game, the occupations of the border guards should be changed. For example, the first time they can play musical instruments, the second time they can warm themselves by the fire, the third time they can collect cones, the fourth time they can do physical education, etc.

You can play both indoors and outdoors.

The Fox and the Geese (based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm)

Game progress. Two houses are designated: for the fox and for the geese. Opposite the house of geese, across the platform, is a meadow where geese graze. All the children stand in a row - these are geese in the meadow. "Fox" (tutor) says: "Geese, geese, I'll eat you!"


Wait, fox, don't eat

Listen to our song

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

Tired of listening to you

I'll eat them all now!

"Geese" fly home, "fox" catches them. He takes those who are caught to his house. When the "fox" catches 3 "geese", a new "fox" is chosen.

Rules of the game. You can run away from the “fox” and catch “geese” only after the words “I will eat everyone now!”. Catching geese in the house is not allowed.

Instructions for the game. "Geese" should graze in the middle of the meadow, i.e. at an equal distance from his house and the fox's house. If the “fox” cannot catch the prescribed number of “geese” for a long time, the “geese” caught by it become its assistants. You can also keep track of the caught "geese", not detaining them in the fox's house, but immediately releasing them into the wild.

Save yourself from the wolf

Material. Swedish wall (fence).

Game progress. Children came to the forest for berries, walk and pick (from time to time they squat on cards, bend over). Suddenly, the howl of the “wolf” is heard (one of the children is appointed as a wolf), the “wolf” is shown, the children quickly climb the trees (fence, Swedish ladder), thus escaping from the “wolf”. When the "wolf" hides, the children get down again and continue to pick berries. The game is repeated several times, then, at the signal of the teacher, the children leave the forest, a new wolf is selected, and the game begins again.

Rules of the game. Climb the fence 4-5 steps, not higher, and only after the “wolf” appears. "Wolf" does not catch, but only scares the children with his voice, protruding from his lair.

Instructions for the game. To prevent children from falling off the ladder, escaping from the “wolf”, fishing should not be introduced. "Wolf" should be planted away from the stairs.

If the game is played in the forest, the children hide from the "wolf" behind the trees.

The role of the wolf can be played by children in turn, and the teacher plays with the others in picking berries. She helps the children climb the stairs.

This game should be played when children already know how to climb, otherwise someone may fall.

As a rest, you can enter a halt in the forest, during which you can tell something close to the game in content, sing a song, etc.

Game variant. Gathering berries in the forest, the children sing:

The baby walked along the forest,

I took, I took a strawberry.

She pricked her scissors into a blade of grass.

It hurts, the leg hurts, but it doesn't hurt.

At the end of the song, a "wolf" appears, and the children run to the ladder, as if they are fleeing from him in the trees. Then the "wolf" hides, the children pick the berries again, and the game is repeated.


Game progress. Children join hands, walk in an even line to the teacher, who is sitting at some distance from them on a chair. Everyone says:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Having said the last words, everyone runs, and the teacher catches someone. Caught sits on a chair, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Run only after the last word has been said. Walk in an even line, coordinating your steps with the steps of other children. Do not catch the one who gives in.

Game instructions. The game is very simple in terms of movements, but it requires a certain restraint from children. The closer the distance from the children to the one who is catching up, the more difficult it is for the children to resist, so as not to run ahead of time. This must be borne in mind and start from such a distance that the children will have enough while they are reciting verses. Gradually, it is necessary to reduce the distance - with the expectation that the last phrase would have to be said, standing still against the catcher. If the children stop too far, you can draw a line 2-3 steps from the catcher - this will be the boundary where the children must reach.

In the future, walking can be replaced by jumping from foot to foot, but in this case, the children let go of their hands and move freely. In this case, it is especially important to mark the line where everyone should gather, finishing speaking the text. When the trap catches, the children no longer jump, but run.


Game progress. The players stand near the trees or in circles marked on the ground. One of the players, remaining in the middle, approaches one of those standing in circles and says: “Mouse, mouse, sell me your corner!” She refuses, then he goes with the same words to another. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and the one in the middle tries to take the circle of one of the ones running across. If he succeeded, the one left without a corner stands in the middle and the game continues in the same form.

If the person standing in the middle fails to capture the circle for a long time, the teacher says: “The cat is coming!” Everyone simultaneously runs from circle to circle in a circle to the right, and the one in the middle tries to take someone's place.

Rules of the game. Before you run, agree with the one with whom you want to change places. Do not linger in your corner, otherwise you let down a friend who will be left without a place.

Game instructions. This game works well in a large area where there are many trees located close to each other.

At first, the corners should be placed closer, then it is easier for someone standing in the middle to occupy someone's corner. Gradually, the distance between the corners increases.


Material. Flags (colored cord, pegs).

Game progress. Everyone chooses a pair for himself, with whom he will run a race. The couples line up one after the other. It is determined in advance where to run, and this place is indicated by flags or a colored cord stretched between two pegs. "One two Three!" - all the players say in unison, and the first couple runs, trying to quickly run to the border and return back. Having returned, the children stand behind everyone, and the next couple runs after the signal, etc. When all pairs run 2 times, new pairs are formed from the players and the game starts again.

Rules of the game. Run only after the signal. Run exactly to the border and only then return back.

Instructions for the game. The distance that children run should be calculated according to their strength (approximately 20-25 m).

At first, the children themselves choose their partners at will, but when the game is repeated, the teacher tries to influence this choice so that the forces of the children in the pair are approximately equal.

In this game, children have enough time to rest after running. If there are a lot of players, waiting in line can be too long, and it is better to put the children in two columns so that 2 pairs run at once. You can from time to time release a race of all at once - this brings revival to the game.

The game will become more interesting if the children are given various tasks, for example: walk the intended distance in steps or (with a significant decrease in the distance) jump to the border (from foot to foot). If playing indoors, you can give the task to get to the specified place as quietly as possible, on toes or on all fours, which is especially popular with children.

Of course, in the same game, so many tasks are unacceptable. They should be grouped in approximately two, without being carried away by variety, so as not to tire the children.


Game progress. The players stand one after another in one row; at the same time, each wraps around the one in front of the torso. The first in a row (teacher) is called a baker, all those following him make up the oven, except for the last one: he is called a pie. One of the children is designated as the buyer.

A “buyer” comes up and asks: “Where is my pie?” The "baker" replies: "He lies behind the stove." "Pie" shouts: "And runs, and runs!" With these words, the "pie" breaks away from the general chain, trying to stand in front of the "baker" before the "buyer" has time to catch him. The "baker" also does not stand still - he tries to move towards the "pie".

If the "patty" manages to stand in front of the chain, he becomes a baker, the "buyer" again comes to buy, and the one who was behind the chain will be the patty.

If the "pie" is caught, he becomes a buyer, and the latter becomes a baker. So the roles are constantly changing.

Rules of the game. It is not allowed to detain the “buyer” in any way. "Pie" cannot run away from the "oven" far. Those who form the oven must hold tightly to each other and to the "baker".

Game instructions. The game can only be played with a small group of children (8-12 people). If there are many who want to play, you can arrange two "ovens", select two "buyers" and two "bakers".

At an older age, you can play with a large number of participants. The role of the baker is only initially performed by the teacher, then the children themselves will successfully fulfill it. The educator can be the buyer, while pleasuring the children with intentional blunders, through which the children will be able to move more quickly through the roles of pie and baker that are most interesting to them.

So that the children can take a break from movements, it is possible to announce in the middle of the game that the stove has “collapsed” - everyone runs to hide in different places of the site, and the teacher, in the role of a stove maker, goes to look. Having gathered everyone and built again one after another, the “stove-maker” announces that the stove has been fixed, and the game starts over.

This game can be played outdoors at any time of the year, provided that it is not slippery, otherwise it will be especially difficult for children to hold the chain and run around it.

Roll the hoop to the flag

Material. Large flag, small red flags (2-3 times more quantity participants), hoops (according to the number of participants)

Game progress. The teacher lines up the children at the line drawn on the ground and says:

“Let’s see who rolls his hoop to this flag and never drops it on the way.”

He stands on the side and, waving a red flag 3 times, gives a signal for action.

Adjusting their hoop with a stick, the children roll it to a large flag, which is the final goal of their run.

Whoever rolls his hoop to the flag, never dropping it along the way, receives a red flag. After waiting for everyone to gather, the hoops are rolled in the same order to another place where the flag moves, etc.

Rules of the game. Push the hoop carefully, not letting it fall. Follow the signal: if someone runs ahead of time, you need to replay. You can repeat the game only when all participants have reached the flag.

Game instructions. The game should be carried out when the children have already played enough hoops and have mastered the necessary movements a little. This game will increase their interest in hoops and give them a certain impetus for further independent games.

You need to start with a small distance, gradually increasing it. When the children learn how to roll hoops well, you can play the game "Who will quickly roll their hoop to the flag." Here you can give children flags of different colors: the very first one gets a red flag, the second one gets a green one, the third one gets a blue one, etc.

Benches should be placed at the boundaries of the playground so that the children wait for each other while sitting. It is more convenient for children to stand at some distance from one another when they start the game, otherwise they will interfere with each other during the movement.

It is more convenient to divide the children into two small groups. When the first group rolls the hoops, the rest watch and wait. After the game, the flags that each group received are counted. When distributing into groups, it is important to ensure that the forces of the children are approximately equal in both one and the other group.


Material. Lightweight celluloid ball (ball).

In game version: celluloid balls (balls) are 2 times less than the number of participants.

Game progress. Children sit in a circle on a carpet (the diameter of the circle is approximately 2 m) at some distance from each other and roll a celluloid ball or ball over the circle. The child standing in the middle tries to intercept the ball. If he succeeds, the one who rolled the ball unsuccessfully goes to the middle instead of him.

Rules of the game. Roll the ball only through the circle. Say the name of the child to whom you send the balloon.

Game instructions. To play, you need a light ball or ball so that it does not hurt if it accidentally hits a child standing in a circle.

Game variant. You can sit not in a circle, but opposite each other (at the same distance). Then each pair has its own ball. It is more interesting to play this game if there are few players and you have to wait for a short time until the ball falls into the hands of everyone.

Balls and columns

Material. Logs (cylinders) from large building material; gymnastic sticks (building material) to mark the line; 3-4 balls.

Game progress. Several logs or cylinders of large building material are placed on one line at intervals of approximately 20-30 cm. All players sit on chairs. At the direction of the teacher, 3-4 children go out in turn and stand at the designated line (the line can be laid out from gymnastic sticks or building material). Sitting children together with the teacher clap their hands 3 times. The last clap is the signal to roll the balls. This sets the following tasks:

1) roll the ball through the "gate" (the gap between the cylinders);

2) hit the ball in the cylinder or column - hit the ball on the column;

Rules of the game. Roll the ball while standing at the designated border. Wait your turn. Perform a specific task.

Instructions for the game. It is necessary to start the game from a small distance, gradually increasing it. The tasks are given at the beginning the most simple, and then become more complicated. You should not rush into new tasks if the children still find it difficult to complete more simple movements. The game is played indoors or on the terrace.

Simple Skittles

Material. Several large skittles; wooden ball.

Game progress. Several large skittles are drawn up together. A line is drawn in front of them at a distance of 3-4 steps - from here each child in turn tries to hit the skittles with his ball. But it is important not only to hit the skittles, but also to knock them all down with one blow of the ball. The one who succeeds, the next time, can roll the ball already from the second line, and then from the third - the last one. The one who rolls his ball so well from the third line that he knocks down all the pins is considered the winner. After the winner is revealed, the game can be started again.

Rules of the game. Roll the ball in turn. Everyone rolls the ball once and passes it to the next one. If the pins are not knocked down, in the next turn, you must try again from the previous position.

Instructions for the game. Skittles need to be placed on a flat place and close to one another. If it will be difficult for children to knock down all the pins at once, you can first consider the successful move in which the child managed to knock down at least 1-2 pins. The task is easier to cope with if a larger and more massive wooden ball is given.

If more than ten children are playing, two games should be organized in parallel so as not to tire the children with a long wait.

ball game

Material. Balls (2 times less than the number of participants).

Game progress. 6 lines are drawn on the ground, parallel to one another, at a distance of approximately 0.5 m. Between the 2nd 3rd lines from each edge, put the children in two lines, opposite each other.

Each pair of players receives one ball. "One two Three!" - the teacher says, this is a signal that it is time to start throwing balls to each other. Each pair of players must throw the ball to each other three times in a row (back and forth). If at the same time the ball has never fallen, one of the partners goes over the next line (takes a step back) and the distance between the children increases. If one of the pair drops the ball, the count of the transfers must be started again.

After each of the three successful throws of the ball, one or the other player moves back one line until both are at the last line. Then the game starts over, and the children can change pairs.

Rules of the game. If the ball has fallen, you must start the count from the beginning. It is impossible to move from the drawn border. The first to go to the next line is the one who started the game, i.e., who first throws the ball.

Game instructions. The game must be shown to children by playing with one of the children as a partner.

Pairs should be spaced away from one another (at intervals of up to 0.5 m) so that they do not interfere with each other to catch. The game must be started with large balls, and then, as a complication, you can give smaller balls. If it will be difficult for children to catch at such a distance, you can reduce it, and then one line will be a little closer to the other.

This game can be played both collectively and individually with individual children.

It is also interesting for older children, but for them you have to increase the distance between the lines and add one more line on each side.

Take care of your hands

The players form a circle, standing at a distance of one step from each other. The teacher appoints one driver, who becomes in the middle of the circle.

Children stretch their arms forward with palms up.

At the signal of the teacher: "Take care of your hands!" the leader tries to touch the palms of one of the players.

As soon as a child standing in a circle notices that the driver wants to touch his hands, he immediately hides them behind his back.

Those children whose palms were touched by the driver are considered losers. When 2-3 losers appear, the driver chooses another child instead of himself (but not from among the losers) and changes places with him.

Magic word

The leader shows various movements and addresses the players with the words: “Raise your hands, stand, sit down, stand on your toes, walk in place ...”, etc.

The players repeat the movements only if the driver adds the word “please”. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

hot hands

Children form a circle.

The leader stands in the center of the circle. The players standing around him raise their hands to waist level and hold them with their palms up.

The driver seeks to smack someone in the palm of his hand. The players, escaping, quickly lower their hands. The one whom the leader knocks down becomes the leader.

If there are a lot of players, two or three people can be driving. The players may not remove their hands, but turn them palms down.

The game goes faster when the driver tries to quickly move around the circle in different directions.


Children form a circle and walk in a circle one after another.

At the driver's signal: "Stop!" stop, clap their hands four times, turn 180° and start moving in reverse side. The one who makes the mistake is out of the game.

Earth, water, air

Children sit in a circle or in a row.

The host walks between them and, pointing at each in turn, says the word: “Water!”. The child he pointed to should name a fish or an animal that lives in the water.

If the driver said the word "earth", the child calls the one who lives on the ground, if the word "air" is called - the one who flies.

Golden Gate

Two leaders are appointed. They stand up, holding hands, and raise them up, showing the gate. All other participants pass through the gate, saying:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you.

Leading hands down at the end of the verse. Before whom the gates are closed, that participant stands up together with the leaders, raise their hands.

The game continues until all participants have turned into a gate.


The horse is running, running. (Clap hands on knees.)

The horse is walking on the grass. (Three palms of hands.)

And here is the barrier (We take air into our mouths and hit our cheeks.)

And another barrier...

Actions are changing. The game is repeated several times.


Children choose the "owner" and two "buyers", all the rest playing - "paints".

Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly calls it to the owner. When all the paints have chosen a color, the owner invites one of the buyers.

Buyer knocks:

- Knock Knock!

- Who's there?

- Buyer.

- Why did you come?

- For paint.

— For what?

- For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says:

Walk the blue path

Find blue boots

Take it back and bring it back!

If the buyer guessed the color of the paint, he takes the paint for himself.

A second buyer approaches, the conversation with the owner is repeated. So buyers pass in turn and dismantle paints.

The buyer who guessed the most colors wins.

When the game is repeated, he acts as the owner, and the players choose the buyers.

The buyer must not repeat the same paint color twice, otherwise he gives way to the second buyer.


Children stand in a circle, and the leader stands inside the circle. He holds a ring in his palms, which he quietly tries to pass to one of the guys. With palms folded into a boat, the leader in turn opens the palms of the children. Children closely monitor the actions of the driver and their comrades. And the one who got the ring does not betray himself.

At the signal of the driver: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” - a child with a ring runs into the center of the circle. He becomes the leader.

If the children noticed his ring before the signal, then they do not let him into the circle. The game in this case is continued by the former driver.


Children form a circle, walk in a round dance and say:


Play the horn

One two Three -

Tanya, turn over!

The named girl (boy) should turn 180 °. Game continues.

Who left?

Children stand in a circle or semicircle.

The teacher invites one of the players to remember those who are nearby (5-6 people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes.

One child is hiding.

The teacher says: “Guess who left?” If the child guesses correctly, he chooses someone instead of himself. If he makes a mistake, he turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who was hiding returns to his place. The guesser must name it.

Who has arrived?

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Who has arrived? (Put together the palms and fingers of both hands, clap the tips of the thumbs 4 times.)

We, we, we! (The tips of the thumbs are pressed against each other and motionless, with the tips of the remaining fingers they quickly and simultaneously clap 3 times.)

Mom, mom, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap with index fingers.)

Dad, dad, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap with the tips of the middle fingers.)

Brother, brother, is that you?

Oh sister, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clapping with the tips of the ring fingers.)

Grandpa, is that you?

Grandma, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of the little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes Yes Yes! (We clap our hands.)


Children form a circle.

Without holding hands, the children move with side steps, first in one direction, and when the words are repeated, in the other direction, saying:

Together we dance -

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Our favorite dance

This is lava.

The host says: "My fingers are good, but the neighbor's is better." Children take each other by the little fingers and repeat the words with movements to the right and left.

Then the driver gives other tasks:

My shoulders are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My ears are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My eyes are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My cheeks are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My waist is good, but my neighbor's is better.

My knees are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My heels are good, but my neighbor's is better.


Two players stand opposite each other.

The players simultaneously clap their hands, and then join their palms in front of them (right with left, left with right). Then the palms are joined crosswise - right with right, left with left. Then clap - and again palms together.

At first, the movements are done slowly, and then faster and faster until the palms are tangled. Then the game starts over.


Put your hands on the floor (table). Clench one palm into a fist, put the other on the plane of the table.

Simultaneously change the position of the hands. The complication of the exercise is to accelerate.

We walked around Africa

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

We walked around Africa (Stomp our feet.)

And they picked bananas. (Depict picking bananas.)

Suddenly a huge gorilla (We circle a large circle with our hands.)

Nearly crushed me. (We knock with the right, left hand on the chest.)

Ladies for mom, ladies for dad (We knock on the right, then on the left knee.)

And I will not cheat myself. (We knock with the right, left hand on the chest.)

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Ten, nine, (clap hands)

Eight, seven, (Slap on the knees.)

Six, five, (clap)

Four, three, (Spank.)

Two, one. (They clap.)

We are with the ball (They cover their eyes with the inside, then the outside of the palm.) We want to play.

Just need

We find out: (Clap for every word.)

Ball who will (Stomp on every word.)

Catching up. (They sit down.)

Find and shut up

Children stand in a row facing the teacher.

He invites them to turn around and close their eyes, while he himself hides an object.

With the permission of the teacher, the children turn, open their eyes and begin to search for a hidden object. The finder of the object comes up to the teacher and quietly, in his ear, says where he found it. If the child said correctly, he steps aside.

The game continues until all the children have found the object.

low - high

Children stand in a circle.

The adult says: “We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and different Christmas trees grow in the forest: wide, low, high, thin. I will say:

"High" - raise your hands up;

"Low" - squat and lower your hands;

"Wide" - make the circle wider;

"Thin" - make a circle already.

The game is more fun if an adult tries to confuse the children.


The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the land of fairy tales.

- What are they doing there?

- Wash (dance, draw, run, comb their hair, squat, smile, etc.).

The players imitate or perform the named action.

five names

Children are divided into two teams.

Two players, a boy and a girl (representatives of two teams), stand side by side in front of two lines.

On a signal, they must go forward (first one, then the other), taking five steps, and for each step without the slightest mistake, hesitation (without breaking the rhythm) say some name (boys - the names of girls, girls - the names of boys). At first glance, this is a simple task, in fact, it is not so easy to complete.

You can name five other words (animals, plants, household items, etc.). There are many names, but not everyone will be able to pick up five names and pronounce them one after another without delay in the rhythm of the step.

The winner is the one who copes with this task or manages to name more names.

Edible - inedible

Children stand in a circle.

The driver pronounces the word and throws the ball to the player.

If the word means food (fruits, vegetables, sweets, dairy, meat and other products), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). If the word denotes an inedible object, the ball is not caught.

A child who has not completed the task becomes the driver, calls the intended word and throws the ball to someone.


Children are scattered.

The teacher gives a signal: "Tick!" - children make inclinations to the left-to the right; on a signal: "Yes!" - stop, and on a signal: "Knock!" - bouncing in place. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. Signals are repeated 5-8 times. The sequence of signals must change.

At the end of the game, the most attentive player should be noted.

Three, thirteen, thirty

Choose a driver. The players stand in a circle and open their arms outstretched. The driver stands in the center of the circle. When playing the game for the first time, it is desirable that the teacher be the driver.

The teacher explains that if he says: "Three" - all the players put their hands to the sides; if he says: "Thirteen" - everyone puts their hands on their belts; if he says: "Thirty" - everyone raises their hands up (you can choose any movement).

The teacher quickly calls one or the other movement. The player who made a mistake sits on the floor. When 1-2 players remain in the circle, the game ends; winners are announced.

Free place

The players sit in a circle.

The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They stand with their backs to each other and at the signal: "One, two, three - run!" - they run in different directions around the circle, run to their place and sit down.

The adult and all the players note which of the guys was the first to take a free place.

Then the teacher calls the other two guys, the game is repeated.

Sit, sit, Yasha

Children form a circle.

In the center of the circle is a blindfolded child. The rest of the players, holding hands, walk in a circle and say:

Sit, sit, Yasha,

Under the walnut bush.

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha,

Hardened nuts

Gifted to dear.

Children stop and clap their hands:

Chok, chok, piglet,

Get up, Yasha-man.

The child-driver gets up and slowly circles inside the circle.

Where is your bride

What is she wearing

What is her name

And where will they bring it from?

With the last words, "Yasha" goes to the children, chooses any child, feels him and tries to guess who he found, describe his clothes and call him by name.

Guess what they did

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher chooses one child who moves away from all the players by 8-10 steps and turns his back to them. He must guess what the players are doing.

Children agree on what action they will portray. According to the teacher: "It's time!" the leader turns, approaches the players and says:

Hello children!

Where have you been?

What did you see?

Children answer:

What we saw, we won't say

And we will show you what we did.

If the driver guesses correctly, he chooses another child instead of himself. If he answers incorrectly, the game is repeated with the same driver.


Children move freely around the hall (platform).

For one clap of the driver, they should jump, for two clap - sit down, for three clap - stand up with their hands up (or any other movement options).

All children imitate some kind of action, for example, they play the accordion, ride horses, etc. The driver guesses the action being depicted. If the driver did not guess correctly, then he loses. The children tell him what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again.

Then another driver is selected, the game is repeated.


Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

My neck, my ears, (Palms rub my neck, ears.)

We wipe them dry. (Imitate rubbing with a towel.)

Cleanliness is everything. (Threaten with finger.)

We brush our teeth too. (Imitate brushing teeth.)

One-two-three, one-two-three (clap hands)

Brush teeth cleaner three! (Imitate brushing teeth.)

Games low mobility

Senior - preparatory group


- How are you? Like this!

Show the thumbs of both their hands pointing up.

— How are you going? - Like this!


- How do you run? - Like this?

Run in place.

- Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

Connect your palms and put your head on them (cheek)

- How do you take it? - Like this!

Press your hand towards you.

- Do you give? - Like this!

Put your palm forward.

- How are you kidding? - Like this!

Puff out your cheeks and gently hit them with your fists.

How are you threatening? - Like this!

Wag your finger forward, or at each other.

"Say the opposite"

(Children stand in a circle, throw and catch a ball with the name of antonym words)

To the calm music, the children leave the hall.


Views, views,

The hands are clenched in front of them into fists. Rotate your fists around each other. Pronounce the text in a low voice.

I'm nailing it.

Knock fist on fist (alternate 2 hits - on top of the right hand, 2 hits - on top left hand).

Show the index fingers of both hands.

Views, views, views view.

Rotate your index fingers in front of you around each other. Pronounce the text in a normal voice (medium pitch).

I'm beating mallets. I'm pinning.
I'm nailing it.

Tap the index finger of the right hand on the index finger of the left hand (from top to bottom) and vice versa.

Clench your hands into fists and show your little fingers.

Views, views, views view.

Rotate the little fingers around each other in front of you. Pronounce the text in a thin voice-com.

I'm beating mallets. I'm pinning. I'm nailing it.

Tap the little finger of the right hand on the little finger of the left hand (from top to bottom) and vice versa.

Press the tip of the nose with your index finger.


At Malania, at the old woman's

Clapping hands: now the right, then the left hand from above.

Lived in a small hut

Fold your arms at an angle, showing the "hut".

seven sons,

Show seven fingers.

All without eyebrows

Outline the eyebrows with your fingers.

With these ears

Bring your palms with spread fingers to your ears.

With such noses

Show a long nose by placing palms with spread fingers one after another.

With a head like this

Outline a large circle around the head.

Here with such a beard!

Show a big beard with your hands.

They didn't drink or eat

With one hand, bring a “cup” to your mouth, with the other, a “spoon”.

Everyone looked at Malania

Keeping your hands by your eyes, pat your fingers like eyelashes.

And everyone did this...

Children show the hidden actions.


Curious Barabara



Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki, They cut down an oak with an ax.

The palms are folded into the castle. Make chopping movements with your hands (bending your elbows and moving the lock to the left, then to the right).

We took the planer in hand

And the bitches cut everything.

The palms are folded and straightened. Bent elbows (palms at the stomach) straighten forward. And bend again, bringing your palms closer to your stomach.

A smooth log came out.

Oh, it's heavy.

Stroke yourself on the sides, pressing your hands to the body

What should we do?

How can we be?

We will roll the log.

From Petya to Masha

From Masha to Ilyusha,

From Ilyusha to Pasha...

Everyone sits down in a circle.

One of the children depicts a log, lies down, straight arms pressed to the body. The child, who is called in the text, rolls a “log”, neighbors in a circle on the left and right can help him.


Game progress: All the players stand in pairs facing each other and hold hands - this is the gate. The children from the last pair pass under the gate and stand in front of the column, followed by the next pair.

Rules: you need to go so as not to touch the gate, the children hold each other's hands.


The deer has a big house,

And the bunny is small.

deer sits,
looks out the window.

Bunny running across the field

There is a knock on his door:

"Knock knock, open the door,

There is an evil hunter in the forest!”

Bunny, Bunny, Run!

Give me a paw!

Hands above the head depict the roof of the house.

Hands represent the roof, but lowered down

Support the cheek with the right fist; The left hand supports the right.

Run in place.

Stomp your feet, hands on your belt.

Imitation of knocking on the door in turn
right and left hand

Hands on the belt, alternately turn to the right and left, while turning the head back.

Inviting hand movements

Reach out with an open palm

"Snowman"(Senior - preparatory group).

"FALCON"(Senior - preparatory group).

"KOLOBOK"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The ball for this game can be any size. Participants stand in a circle at a distance of outstretched arms from each other. In the center of the circle is the driver. The players pass the ball to one another with their feet, and the driver tries to intercept it. Players are not allowed to leave their place. They can smoothly roll the ball, hit it, make deceptive movements. You can't just pick it up. And the driver can do as he pleases; hold the ball with your foot, hand, knock it out of the circle, just touch it lightly.

If the driver succeeds in holding the ball, he takes the place of the player from whom the ball hit him

"PIKE"(Senior - preparatory group).

Past the forest, past the cottages,

Floated down the river

red ball.

I saw a pike: -

What is this thing?

Grab, grab.

Don't catch.

The ball popped up again.

Come out, you lead!

Game progress: The game is played with a ball. Children stand in a circle. Pike is selected. She goes to the middle of the circle. On the first four lines of the poem, the children roll the ball from one to the other through the center of the circle (past the Pike). On the fifth line of the poem, the ball rolls over to Pike, who takes the ball, pronouncing the text of the sixth line, and, as it were, looks at the ball.

On the first three lines of the second stanza of the poem, Pike hits the ball on the floor, pronouncing this text, on the fourth line she rolls the ball again to the children, who continue to roll it again from one to another through the middle. The child on whom the words “You drive” came out with the ball in the middle. He becomes a pike. The game is repeated.

"Who left?"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: Children are built in a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher touches one of the players standing in a circle, and he quietly leaves the room. The teacher allows the driver to open his eyes and asks him: “Guess who left?” If the driver has guessed correctly, then he stands in a circle and chooses another driver. If he didn’t guess correctly, he closes his eyes again, and the one leaving the hall takes his former place in the circle. The driver, opening his eyes, should call him.

"Flies - does not fly"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: Children go in a column one by one. The teacher calls various items. If the object flies, for example, an airplane, a bird, then the children should raise their arms to the sides and flap them like wings, if the object does not fly, then they should not raise their hands.

The one who raised his hands incorrectly is considered the loser.

"KHOROVOD"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The players form two circles, one inside the other, and join hands. At the signal of the teacher, they begin to move in a given direction (walking or slow running). You can offer rhythmic walking to a song or musical accompaniment

"Brook"(Senior - preparatory group).

Children go in a column in twos. At the command of the teacher “Stream”, the children stop, hold hands and raise their hands up. Each pair, starting with the last one, runs inside (under the arms) one by one and stands in front, raising their hands up.

"Cold - hot" (Senior - preparatory group).

game progress: The driver leaves the room, the children hide the object. After that, the driver enters and looks for the item. And the children follow him and say:

Cold...warm...hot...helping find a hidden object.

"Water"(Senior - preparatory group).

"Nakhodka"(Senior - preparatory group).

"Bumblebee"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The players sit in a circle. A ball rolls on the ground inside the circle. Those who play with their hands roll it away from themselves, trying to overpower the other (get into the legs). The one who was touched by the ball (stung) turns his back to the center of the circle and does not participate in the game until another child is touched. Then he comes into play, and the stung again turns his back in a circle.

Rules: roll the ball only with your hands; you can not catch, hold the ball.


"King Peas"(Senior - preparatory group)

Game progress: According to the rhyme, the driver is selected - King Peas, he moves away from the children for 8-10 steps and turns his back. The rest of the children agree on what action they will portray. King Pea comes up to the children and says:

Children perform the planned movement / wash, play the accordion, sweep the floor ... / King Peas guesses. If he did not guess correctly, then he loses, the children tell him what they did and come up with a new action.

"FIND THE DIFFERENCE"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: Everyone sits in a circle. For the game to play, the players need to carefully examine each other. When the facilitator leaves the room, the participants should make small changes in their appearance: pin up their hair, bandage a finger, undo a button, etc. The facilitator must determine what has changed for the players. The one with whom he found the most changes will drive.

Game progress: Children form a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Without holding hands, the children walk in a circle to the right (left) and say:

"Shapes"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The players form a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. Holding hands, everyone begins to move in a circle in a given direction. At the signal of the teacher, everyone stops and takes a variety of poses - the figures, for example, depict a running athlete, a flying bird, a jumping hare, etc. The driver chooses the figure that he liked the most and changes places with this player.

"statues"(Senior - preparatory group).

This game is best played with a big ball. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other with their hands. Whoever does not catch the ball receives a penalty: continues the game, standing on one leg. If in this position he manages to catch the ball, then the penalty is removed; he stands on both legs. If another mistake is made, the player goes down on one knee. On the third mistake, he goes down on both knees. If the player catches the ball in this position, all penalties are forgiven and he continues the game standing on both feet. And if you fail, you will have to leave the game.

"Echo"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: Children go in a column one by one. The teacher pronounces a phrase, and the children, like an echo, repeat the last word. For example, the teacher says: “Kukareku” - the children answer drawlingly: “Ku-ku”.

"Who will pass quietly"

Tasks: to acquaint with walking in a given direction, to develop the ability to maintain balance.

Game progress: Children walk in a free formation in one direction. The teacher offers to walk quietly on tiptoes (shows how to do this). Then he gives a signal: "And now we walked quickly." The walking speed on the signal changes several times.


Game progress: Children are portrayed as balloon gradually filled with air: slowly raise your hands up and puff out your cheeks. But the ball “burst”: the children are slowly in a relaxed state and sink to the floor saying: shhh

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"


Tasks: teach children to act according to the rules, develop endurance.

Game progress:
Educator: They planted grains in the ground. (Children sit on the floor, shrink into a ball.) It rained, and then the sun shone. The grains began to germinate, sprouts appeared. (Children slowly rise, pull themselves up, raising their hands - "sprouts" up - and turning towards the "sun").


Tasks: to teach children to act on the command of the teacher, to develop attention.

Game progress: Children and adults stand in a circle holding hands.
Inflate the bubble.
Inflate big.
stay like this
Don't crash.
Children gradually stepping back expand the circle. At the words “The bubble burst”, they lower their hands and say “sh-sh-sh”.
The game is repeated 2-4 times.

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"


Tasks: develops auditory memory and to some extent coordination of movements and attentiveness.

Game description:

The leader is blindfolded with a bandage, and the rest of the children stand around him.
The leader begins to spin and say the chants:
"Here is a frog on the path
Jumping, stretched out her legs,
I saw a mosquito, I screamed ...
“On the word“ screamed ”, the presenter points fingers in front of him.
The player pointed to by the leader (or closer to whom) says: "Kwa-kva-kva." The facilitator should call the name of this player.
If the leader guessed correctly, then the identified player becomes the next leader, otherwise the leader repeats everything.

Rules of the game
1. The leader is blindfolded, and the rest of the children stand around him.
2. The host spins and pronounces the above chants.
3. On the word "shouted", the host points his fingers in front of him, and the player to whom he points must say: "kva-kva-kva".
4. If the leader correctly guesses who is in front of him, then this player becomes the leader, otherwise the game starts anew from the second point.


The host is not allowed to touch the players.
To complicate the game, it is allowed to pronounce qua-qua in an unnatural voice for yourself.


Tasks: the game develops artistry, dexterity.

Game progress:

The child crawls on all fours, depicting a cat. Stops and turns his head (the cat looks around), then tilts his head (the cat drinks milk).

For children over two years old, you can complicate the game: the cat crawls between the legs of an adult, under a chair, climbs onto the sofa, lies down, purrs.

"Humpty Dumpty"

Game progress

Children stand in a relaxed position, arms hanging freely. Under the text that the adult pronounces, turn the body to the right and left (hands should hang freely, like a rag doll).


Humpty Baltai
Sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty.
Fell off in a dream.

Children relax on the floor. The game can be played with one child or with a subgroup of children.


Tasks: develops attention, thinking.

Game progress:

Children sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish.

Educator: The north wind blew. It has become cold, cold. (Children shrink into balls, arms crossed over their chest.)

At the signal “The sun came out. It became warm-warm” children relax and fan themselves. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

"Find a Pair"

Find a Pair - the game develops classification and sorting skills, hand-eye coordination, hand motor skills, and mental skills.

Game description

Objects are laid out on the table that are combined with each other according to some signs. Mix them up. The child is invited to take any object and find a pair for it, and then explain why he considers these objects to be paired.

Rules of the game

1. Various items are assembled that are combined with each other (pencil and paper, sock and shoe, lock and key, etc.)
2. Lay out the items on the table and mix.
3. The child is seated at the table.
4. An adult chooses any object and asks the child to find a pair for him (or
the child chooses the subject independently).
5. If the child finds a mate, they put it aside.
6. Take the next item and repeat the same.
7. The game continues until all the items are collected in pairs.

Instead of objects, you can use pictures from the object.
Source M.F. Litvinov "Russian folk outdoor games"

"Find by description"

Find by description - a game for children of two or three years. Promotes the development of observation, memory and attention of the child.

Game description:

Ask the child to show what you describe to him.
For example: “Please show me the object. It is round, one side is red and the other is blue. You can play with it: roll it, throw it to each other ”(this is a ball).

Rules of the game:
1. Describe an object to the child: its color, shape, what it is made of, what you can do with it
2. The child guesses and names the object from the description


You can describe people, animals, nature - precipitation, trees ... (yes, everything that surrounds us) and ask the child to guess who / what you are talking about.


Tasks: The game develops speech and memory with the help of rhymes.
Before the game starts, the chorus players say:

Primroses, worms
The bells rang.
By the fresh dew
In a different lane.
There are cups, nuts,
Honey, sugar.
After the word "Silence" everyone should be silent. The host tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words, nursery rhymes. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a phantom. At the end of the game, the children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poetry, dance, and perform interesting movements.