Play cards Czech Fool. Variants of playing the fool

In the Czech Fool game, understand the goal - to discard the maximum number of cards and end up with the smallest score. The player whose result in the Czech Fool game is 100 points loses.


Part of the deck of cards is distributed among those present - each gets 5 pieces. The top element of the remainder serves as the base, which must be closed. Members Online Games start walking, discarding cards of the same suit and denomination. For example, if the basis is the queen of spades, then it can be closed with 10 spades, or with the queen of clubs.

The next move is given to your opponent, he closes the card that you discarded. In case there is nothing to cover, they take elements from the deck. The set is carried out until the right one is found.


So, if a participant throws an ace, then his opponent must skip the move. It's good to toss a six. For it, a mini-penalty is assigned to the opponent. He draws a card from the deck and remains out of the game for 1 round. For a seven, the opponent receives 2 cards and is also forced to remain inactive until all participants have made their moves.

dropped king of hearts- this is 5 cards for your enemy and another missed move. Ladies are universal. They can be put on any position and at the same time order a suit. The next player must start their turn with it.

The game ends if one of those present discarded all their cards. We calculate the results: jack - 2 points, queen - 3 points, king - 4 points, ace - 11 points. Cards with numbers are counted according to their value.

The game requires the player to be attentive, memory, sober calculation. Up to seven or eight people can take part in the game. Based on the number of players, a deck should also be selected: if there are only two or four players, then it is enough to take a preference deck of 32 cards from Ace to seven inclusive. With five or six players, a 36-sheet deck will be required, and if there are even more players, it is best to use a 48-sheet or full 52-sheet deck of cards.

All cards in the game are endowed with their own value, and one or another number of points is awarded in accordance with the rank of the card, while suits have practically no meaning. An Ace is worth 11 points to its owner, a King is worth 4 points, a Queen is worth 3 points, a Jack is worth 2 points, and all other cards are worth according to their face value.

In the Czech fool, the dealer is determined by drawing lots: each of the participants chooses one card from a deck laid out on the table with a speck up. The one with the lowest rank card will deal. If two players have the same small cards at once, they must draw lots again.

The dealer has the privilege of being the first to choose a seat at the table, the other players are positioned around as desired. The dealer shuffles the deck and lets one of the partners take it off. After that, he deals out five cards to all players. One card must be dealt.

The top card of the remaining deck is turned over and laid out openly on the table. It must be placed so that each player can easily reach it. The open card represents the beginning of the calculation (bank). The remaining coupon is stacked closed on the table.

The game is based on almost the same rules as macao: a player on his turn must put his own suit or rank on the top card of the pot. If he does not have such a card, he takes one from the coupon and lays it out if it suits. Otherwise, the card remains in the player's hand and the turn passes to the next partner.

Jacks occupy a special place in the game. They can be put on any card and at the same time change the suit to the desired one. For example, the Jack of Clubs is laid out on the nine of spades, and the player at the same time says: “The suit is worms!”. The next player must put a card of hearts on the Jack. To make the game more interesting, you can include several additional conditions in it. Sometimes players decide that if the game ends with Jack, the loss becomes twice as much.

Some rules stipulate that in addition to Jacks, the game great importance they also have sevens. When a seven is laid out on the bank, the next player loses his turn. In addition, he must take one penalty card from the deck. But the penalty can be transferred to the next partner if you lay out another seven from your hands.

The rules may stipulate that the Queen must be put on the King and must be of the same suit. The eight is also a stop card, if it is placed on the bank, the player following him must skip his turn, even if he has cards to lay out. Sometimes players decide that the first deal they receive is not five cards, as usual, but six or seven.

When, after the calculation, the player has only one card left in his hand, he is obliged to warn his partners about this. If, due to distraction, the player did not do this, he takes 2 penalty cards from the deck. As soon as one of the players put his last card into the bank, the draw is considered completed and the points are calculated. Each player who has cards in his hand counts the points for them and enters them into his record with a minus sign.

The game is played up to a certain number of penalty points scored, most often up to 500. When one of the players in the record reaches this figure, the game is considered over. Whoever has the fewest points wins. The loser is the one with the most penalty points.

However, there is one exception here. If one of the players in the last round was left with the Jack in his hands, he is considered a loser even if he has the fewest points. The loser is given the offensive nickname "fool", which is assigned to him until he emerges victorious in the next round of the game.

In "101", on the territory of our state they learned at the beginning of the 20th century. This European game has become widespread and popular. Its original name sounds like "mau-mau", but we originally called it exclusively as " Czech fool".

Today there are many different variations of this game, each of which has its own name. These are "Pharaoh", "Moor", "English Fool" and "Pentagon". The details of these games are slightly different from each other, but not significantly. How to play cards in "101" and what nuances exist, you should understand in more detail if only the first game is ahead.

Beginning of the game

In order to play the 101 card game, you will need a standard deck of 36 cards. A minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 4 can play. There is no difference in how to play "101" cards - two or four - does not exist. The sequence of actions is identical. The player who makes the first move is determined by lot, then everyone moves in turn. The person who deals the cards, respectively, and starts the game.

Each is dealt 5 cards, only the dealer gets 4 cards, and the last one is turned over and gets on the line. The deck is laid aside without turning it over.

Game progress

The rules for how to play cards in "101" are quite simple. This game is not associated with a high level of difficulty, but it develops attentiveness and memory very well. So, the person sitting to the left of the first player must make his move. On the card lying on the horse, you need to put a card with the same value or the exact same suit on top. If the five cards given to him do not contain a suitable one, then he draws one card from the deck. In case of failure, an additional card remains with him, the move is skipped and transferred to another player. The rules of how to play "101" cards have their own peculiarities and nuances. This is written below.

So the process of the game continues until one of the players completely folds his cards, after which all the cards that the players have are opened and counted, points are recorded, and a new distribution follows. The game lasts until the score reaches 101 points. If a player scored exactly 101 points, then his score is reset to zero, but the one who "went through" automatically becomes the loser.


Before playing "101" cards, you should study in detail all the features and nuances of this game. Namely, that cards of a certain suit and value allow you to somewhat diversify the course of the game.

So, for example, an ace placed in a suit or on another ace prohibits the next player from moving. This is very beneficial when two people play, that is, the right of the next move remains with the one who walked and allows him to throw off one more card.

Queens are profitable cards in the hand, so they can be put on a card with any value and for all suits, while the person who put the queen still has the right to order a suit that is beneficial to him. If the last card in the hand is a queen, then the player who put it down will have 20 points deducted from the account. And if this lady is also of spades, then 40.

The king of spades also has a special meaning. If it is put on the line, then the next player must take 4 cards from the deck and skip his turn.

If the player put a nine on the horse, then he must walk again, covering the card with either another nine or the same suit. Moreover, if there is no such card in his hands, he must draw cards from the deck until he covers his nine.

A seven on the line will also cause the next player to skip their turn and receive two cards from the deck as a load.

With the six, the situation is the same, only one new card is taken from the deck.

Having learned and well remembered the rules of how to play cards in "101", you can predict the course of the game and always remain the winner!


Each time before a new distribution, the cards are counted, more precisely, the points that are left in the hands of the players. The value of each card is such that the ace scores the maximum number of points - 11, the ten, respectively, to its number 10 points. The same with eights, sevens and sixes - the number of points directly depends on their number. A king is worth 4 points, a queen is worth 3, and a jack is worth 2 points. The nine is not taken into account in the calculation, its value is zero.

If the last card on the line is a queen, then the player who discarded it is deducted 20 points, if it is a queen of spades, then 2 times more is deducted.

With the modern development of computer technology, it is not at all necessary to look for a company in order to pass the time playing cards. Now you can easily download the installation file and play "101" cards with a computer, tablet or smartphone. The game can be played both with real people over the network and with virtual players.

Czech fool (game 101)

The card game "Czech Fool" is quite common in Europe. It also has the name "Mau Mau". As usual, in different time this game had many other names. So, the game was previously called "Pentagon" and "Pharaoh". In Russia, this game was very common in the middle of the 20th century.

How to play this game:

The game uses a deck of 36 cards. The cards are dealt one at a time, for a total of five cards to each player. The trump card does not need to be opened. The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the table. In the first game, lots are drawn to choose the player to go first. In the following games, the person who won the previous game will go first. You can move from any card. The next player must put down a card of the same suit, or exactly the same value. If the player does not have a card that meets these criteria, then he will take cards from the deck on the table until the desired card is pulled out, or until the deck runs out. In the case of the latter option, you need to remove the top card from the pile of open cards and leave it lying on the table. The remaining cards must again be placed in the middle of the table. These are such simple rules that differ from the Throwing Fool only in minor details.