Version of the execution of the royal family. There was no execution of the royal family

Sergei Osipov, AiF: Which of the Bolshevik leaders made the decision to execute the royal family?

This question is still the subject of debate among historians. There is a version: Lenin and Sverdlov they did not sanction regicide, the initiative of which allegedly belonged only to members of the executive committee of the Ural Regional Council. Indeed, direct documents signed by Ulyanov are still unknown to us. However Leon Trotsky in exile, he recalled how he asked Yakov Sverdlov a question: “- And who decided? - We decided here. Ilyich believed that it was impossible to leave us a living banner for them, especially in the current difficult conditions. The role of Lenin, without any embarrassment, was unequivocally pointed out by Nadezhda Krupskaya.

In early July, I urgently left for Moscow from Yekaterinburg party "owner" of the Urals and military commissar of the Urals military district Shaya Goloshchekin. On the 14th, he returned, apparently with final instructions from Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and Sverdlov to destroy the entire family Nicholas II.

- Why did the Bolsheviks need the death of not only the already abdicated Nicholas, but also women and children?

Trotsky cynically stated: “In essence, the decision was not only expedient, but also necessary,” and in 1935 he clarified in his diary: “The royal family was a victim of the principle that constitutes the axis of the monarchy: dynastic heredity.”

The extermination of members of the House of Romanov not only destroyed the legal basis for the restoration of legitimate power in Russia, but also bound the Leninists with mutual responsibility.

Could they survive?

- What would happen if the Czechs approaching the city released Nicholas II?

The sovereign, members of his family and their faithful servants would have survived. I doubt that Nicholas II would have been able to disavow the act of renunciation of March 2, 1917 in the part that concerned him personally. However, it is obvious that no one could question the rights of the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. A living heir, despite his illness, would personify the legitimate power in Russia engulfed in turmoil. In addition, along with the accession to the rights of Alexei Nikolayevich, the order of succession to the throne, destroyed during the events of March 2-3, 1917, would automatically be restored. It was this option that the Bolsheviks were desperately afraid of.

Why were some of the royal remains buried (and the murdered themselves canonized) in the 90s of the last century, some - quite recently, and is there any certainty that this part is really the last?

Let's start with the fact that the absence of relics (remains) does not serve as a formal basis for refusing canonization. The canonization of the royal family by the Church would have taken place even if the Bolsheviks had completely destroyed the bodies in the basement of the Ipatiev House. By the way, in emigration, many thought so. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the remains were found in parts. Both the murder itself and the cover-up took place in a terrible hurry, the killers were nervous, the preparation and organization turned out to be bad. Therefore, they could not completely destroy the bodies. I have no doubt that the remains of two people found in the summer of 2007 in the town of Porosenkov log near Yekaterinburg belong to the emperor's children. Therefore, the point in the tragedy of the royal family, most likely, has been set. But, unfortunately, both she and the tragedies of millions of other Russian families that followed her left our modern society practically indifferent.

about the activities of P.L. Voikov

Pyotr Lazarevich Voikov (1888 - 1927) was born into the family of a seminary teacher (according to other sources, the director of the gymnasium). Since 1903, a member of the RSDLP, Menshevik. In the summer of 1906, he joined the fighting squad of the RSDLP, participated in the transportation of bombs and the assassination attempt on the Yalta mayor. Hiding from arrest for terrorist activities, he left in 1907 for Switzerland. Studied at the Universities of Geneva and Paris.

In April 1917, Voikov returned to Russia in a "sealed wagon" through Germany. He worked as a secretary to a comrade (deputy) minister of labor in the Provisional Government, contributed to the unauthorized seizure of factories. And in August he joined the Bolshevik Party.

From January to December 1918, Voikov was the commissar of supplies in the Ural region, supervised the forced requisitions of food from the peasants. His activities led to a shortage of goods and a significant decrease in the standard of living of the population of the Urals. Involved in repressions against entrepreneurs in the Urals.

P.L. Voikov, being a member of the Ural Regional Council, participated in the decision to execute Nicholas II, his wife, son, daughters and their companions. A participant in the execution of the royal family, Yekaterinburg Chekist M.A. Medvedev (Kudrin) indicates Voikov among those who made the decision to destroy the family of Nicholas II. His detailed memoirs about the execution and burial of the royal family were addressed to N.S. Khrushchev (RGASPI. F. 588. Op.3. D. 12. L. 43-58).

Voikov actively participated in the preparation and concealment of the traces of this crime. In the documents of the judicial investigation conducted by the investigator on special important matters at the Omsk District Court N.A. Sokolov, contains two written demands from Voikov to issue 11 pounds of sulfuric acid, which was purchased at the Russian Society pharmacy store in Yekaterinburg and used to disfigure and destroy corpses (see: N.A. Sokolov. Murder of the Royal Family. M., 1991; N. A. Sokolov, Preliminary Investigation 1919-1922, Collection of Materials, M., 1998, The Death of the Royal Family, Materials of the Investigation in the Case of the Murder of the Royal Family (August 1918 - February 1920, Frankfurt am Main, 1987, etc.) .

The memoirs of the former diplomat G.Z. Besedovsky, who worked with Voikov in the Warsaw Permanent Mission. They contain the story of P.L. Voikov about his participation in the regicide. So, Voikov reports: “the question of the execution of the Romanovs was raised at the insistent demand of the Ural Regional Council, in which I worked as a regional food commissar ... The central Moscow authorities did not want to shoot the tsar at first, meaning to use him and his family to bargain with Germany ... But the Ural Regional Council and the Regional Committee of the Communist Party continued to strongly demand execution ... I was one of the most ardent supporters of this measure. The revolution must be cruel to the overthrown monarchs... The Ural Regional Committee of the Communist Party raised the issue of execution for discussion and finally decided it in a positive spirit from [beginning] July 1918. At the same time, not a single member of the regional party committee voted against ...

The implementation of the decree was entrusted to Yurovsky, as the commandant of the Ipatiev house. Voikov was supposed to be present during the execution as a delegate of the regional party committee. He, as a naturalist and chemist, was instructed to develop a plan for the complete destruction of corpses. Voikov was also instructed to read the decree on execution to the royal family, with a motivation consisting of several lines, and he really learned this decree by heart in order to read it as solemnly as possible, believing that by doing so he would go down in history as one of the main characters in this tragedy. Yurovsky, however, who also wanted to “go down in history”, got ahead of Voikov and, after saying a few words, began to shoot ... When everything was quiet, Yurovsky, Voikov and two Latvians examined the executed, firing several more bullets at some of them or piercing them with bayonets ... Voikov told me that it was a terrible picture. The corpses lay on the floor in nightmarish poses, their faces disfigured from horror and blood. The floor became completely slippery as in a slaughterhouse...

The destruction of the corpses began the very next day and was carried out by Yurovsky under the direction of Voikov and the supervision of Goloshchekin and Beloborodov ... Voikov recalled this picture with an involuntary shudder. He said that when this work was completed, near the mine lay a huge bloody mass of human stumps, arms, legs, torsos and heads. This bloody mass was poured with gasoline and sulfuric acid and immediately burned for two days in a row ... It was a terrible picture, - Voikov finished. - All of us, the participants in the burning of corpses, were downright depressed by this nightmare. Even Yurovsky, in the end, could not stand it and said that a few more days like that - and he would go crazy ... ”(Besedovsky G.Z. On the way to Thermidor. M., 1997. P. 111-116).

The cited account of what happened is consistent with other well-known documents and memoirs of the participants in the murder of the royal family (see: Repentance. Materials of the Government Commission for the Study of Issues Related to the Study and Reburial of the Remains of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family. M., 1998. P. 183 -223). At the same time, it should be said that they pierced with bayonets the living (bullets ricocheted from corsets) and innocent young girls, daughters of Nicholas II.

P.L. Voikov since 1920 was a member of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade. He is one of the leaders of the operation to sell to the West at extremely low prices the unique treasures of the imperial family, the Armory and the Diamond Fund, including the famous Easter eggs made by Faberge.

In 1921, Voikov headed the Soviet delegation, which agreed with Poland on the implementation of the Riga Peace Treaty. At the same time, he handed over Russian archives and libraries, art objects and material values ​​to the Poles.

Since 1924, Voikov became the Soviet plenipotentiary in Poland. In 1927, he was killed by a Russian emigrant B. Koverda, who declared that this was an act of revenge on Voikov for complicity in the murder of the royal family.

Senior Researcher

Candidate of Historical Sciences I.A. Courland


Institute Russian history RAS,

candidate of historical sciences V.V. Lobanov


Workers' and Peasants' Government of the Russian Federative Republic of Soviets Ural Regional Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies

Presidium No. 1


April 1918 30 days, I, the undersigned, chairman of the Ural Regional Council Rab., Kr. and Sold. Deputies Alexander Georgievich Beloborodov received from the Commissar of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Vasily Vasilyevich Yakovlev delivered by him from the city of Tobolsk: 1. former Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, 2. former Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova and 3. former. led. Princess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova, for their detention in the city of Yekaterinburg.

A. Beloborodov

Member Region Performed Committee G. Didkovsky


Yurovsky about the execution of the royal family

On the 15th, I began to prepare, as it was necessary to do it all quickly. I decided to take the same number of people as were being shot, I gathered them all, saying what was the matter, that everyone should prepare for this, that as soon as we received final instructions, everything would have to be skillfully carried out. After all, it must be said that the execution of people is not at all as easy as it may seem to some. After all, this is not happening at the front, but, so to speak, in a “peaceful” situation. After all, there were not just bloodthirsty people here, but people who were fulfilling the heavy duty of the revolution. That is why it was not by chance that such a circumstance happened that at the last moment two of the Latvians refused - they could not stand the character.

On the morning of the 16th, under the pretext of a meeting with the uncle who had arrived in Sverdlovsk, I sent the cook boy Sednev. This caused anxiety among those arrested. The constant intermediary Botkin, and then one of the daughters inquired where and why, took Sednev away for a long time. Alexey de misses him. Having received an explanation, they left as if reassured. I prepared 12 revolvers, distributed who would shoot whom. Tov. Philip [Goloshchekin] warned me that a truck would arrive at 12 o'clock at night, those who arrived would say the password, let them through and hand over the corpses, which they would take away to bury. At about 11 o'clock in the evening on the 16th, I again gathered people, handed out revolvers and announced that we should soon begin to liquidate the arrested. I warned Pavel Medvedev about a thorough check of the guard outside and inside, that he and the guard should watch all the time in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and the house where the external guards were located, and that they keep in touch with me. And, that only at the last moment, when everything is ready for execution, to warn both sentries of everyone and the rest of the team that if shots are heard from the house, so as not to worry and do not leave the room and, what if anything especially will bother, then let me know through the established connection.

Only at half-past one did the truck arrive, the time of unnecessary waiting could no longer help but contribute to some anxiety, waiting in general, and most importantly, the nights are short. Only on arrival or after the phone calls that I left, I went to wake up the arrested.

Botkin was sleeping in the room closest to the entrance, he went out, asked what was the matter, I told him that it was necessary to wake everyone up right away, since it was alarming in the city and it was dangerous for them to stay here at the top, and that I would transfer them to another place. The preparations took a long time, about 40 minutes. When the family got dressed, I led them to a pre-designated room, downstairs. Comrade Nikulin and I obviously thought out this plan (it must be said here that we did not think in time about the fact that the windows would let the noise through, and secondly, that the wall near which the people to be shot would be placed was stone, and, finally, the third thing, which is impossible it was foreseen that the shooting would take on a disorderly character. This latter should not have happened because everyone would shoot one person i, that everything, therefore, would be in order. The reasons for the latter, that is, disorderly shooting, became clear later. Although I he warned them through Botkin that they did not need to take anything with them, however, they took some various trifles, pillows, handbags, etc., and, it seems, a small dog.

Having gone down into the room (here, at the entrance to the room, there is a very wide window on the right, almost the entire wall), I suggested that they stand along the wall. Obviously, at that moment they had no idea what awaited them. Alexandra Fedorovna said: “There are not even chairs here.” Alexei was carried in his arms by Nikolai. He stood with him in the room. Then I ordered to bring a couple of chairs, one of which right side from the entrance to the window almost into the corner of the village Alexandra Fedorovna. Next to her, towards the left side of the entrance, stood her daughters and Demidov. Then Alexei was seated next to him in an armchair, followed by Dr. Botkin, the cook and others, while Nikolai remained standing opposite Alexei. At the same time, I ordered that people come down, and ordered that everyone be ready and that everyone, when the command was given, be in his place. Nikolai, having seated Alexei, stood up so that he blocked him with himself. Alexei was sitting in the left corner of the room from the entrance, and I immediately, as far as I remember, told Nikolai something like the following, that his royal relatives and relatives both in the country and abroad were trying to free him, and that the Soviet of Workers' Deputies decided to shoot them. He asked: "What?" and turned to face Alexei, at that time I shot him and killed him on the spot. He did not have time to turn to face us to get an answer. Here, instead of order, random shooting began. The room, although very small, everyone, however, could enter the room and carry out the execution in order. But many, obviously, fired over the threshold, since the wall was made of stone, the bullets began to ricochet, and the shooting intensified when the cry of those being shot rose. With great difficulty I managed to stop the shooting. A bullet from one of the shooters from behind buzzed past my head, and one, I don’t remember whether it was a hand, a palm, or a finger, touched and shot through. When the shooting was stopped, it turned out that the daughters, Alexandra Fedorovna and, it seems, the maid of honor Demidova, as well as Alexei, were alive. I thought that they fell from fear or, perhaps, intentionally, and therefore are still alive. Then they started to finish shooting (in order to have less blood, I suggested in advance to shoot in the heart area). Aleksei remained sitting petrified, I shot him. And [at] the daughters they shot, but nothing came of it, then Yermakov used the bayonet, and it didn’t help, then they shot them, shooting in the head. The reason why the execution of the daughters and Alexandra Fedorovna was difficult, I found out only in the forest.

Having finished with the execution, it was necessary to transfer the corpses, and the path is relatively long, how to transfer? Then someone guessed about the stretcher (they did not guess in time), took the shafts from the sleigh and pulled, it seems, a sheet. After checking that everyone was dead, they began to carry. It turned out that there would be traces of blood everywhere. I immediately ordered to take the existing soldier's cloth, put a piece in a stretcher, and then lined the truck with cloth. I instructed Mikhail Medvedev to take the corpses, he is a former Chekist and currently an employee of the GPU. It was he, together with Yermakov Petr Zakharovich, who had to accept and take away the corpses. When the first corpses were taken away, I, I don’t remember exactly who, said that someone had appropriated some valuables. Then I realized that, obviously, in the things they brought, there were values. I immediately stopped the transfer, gathered people and demanded to hand over the taken valuables. After some denial, the two who took their valuables returned them. Threatened with execution to those who would loot, he removed these two and ordered, as far as I remember, comrade. Nikulin, warning about the presence of the executed valuables. Having previously collected everything that turned out to be in certain things that were captured by them, as well as the things themselves, he sent them to the commandant's office. Tov. Philip [Goloshchekin], obviously sparing me (since I was not distinguished by health), warned me not to go to the “funeral”, but I was very worried about how well the corpses would be hidden. Therefore, I decided to go myself, and, as it turned out, I did well, otherwise all the corpses would certainly have been in the hands of the whites. It's easy to see what kind of speculation they would make around this case.

Having ordered everything to be washed and cleaned, we set off about 3 hours, or even a little later. I took with me a few people from the internal security. Where it was supposed to bury the corpses, I did not know, this business, as I said above, was apparently entrusted by Philip [Goloshchekin] Comrade Ermakov (by the way, Comrade Philip, as Pavel Medvedev, it seems, told me that very night, he saw him when he ran to the team, walked all the time near the house, probably worrying a lot about how everything would go here), who took us somewhere to the V [top]-Isetsky plant. I have not been to these places and did not know them. Approximately in 2 - 3 versts, and maybe more, from the Verkh-Isetsky plant, we were met by a whole escort on horseback and in cabs of people. I asked Ermakov what kind of people they were, why they were here, he answered me that they were people prepared for him. Why there were so many of them, I still don’t know, I heard only separate cries: “We thought that they would give us them alive, but here, it turns out, they are dead.” Still, it seems, after 3-4 versts we got stuck with a truck among two trees. Here some of Ermakov's people at the bus stop began to stretch the blouses of the girls, and again it turned out that there were valuables and that they were beginning to appropriate them. Then I ordered to put people in order not to let anyone near the truck. The stuck truck did not move. I ask Ermakov: “Well, is the place he has chosen far?” He says: "Not far, behind the railroad tracks." And here, in addition to being caught on trees, it is also a swampy place. Wherever we go, all swampy places. I think he brought so many people, horses, at least there were carts, otherwise cabs. However, there is nothing to do, you need to unload, lighten the truck, but this did not help either. Then I ordered to load on spans, as time did not allow to wait longer, it was already dawn. Only when it was already dawn, we drove up to the famous "tract". A few dozen paces from the planned burial shaft, peasants were sitting by the fire, apparently spending the night in the hayfield. On the way, at a distance, there were also loners, it became completely impossible to continue working in front of people. It must be said that the situation was becoming difficult, and everything could go down the drain. Even at that time I did not know that the mine was not fit for our purpose. And then there are those damned values. That there were quite a lot of them, I still did not know at that moment, and the people for such a case were recruited by Yermakov in no way suitable, and even so many. I decided that the people should be sucked out. I immediately learned that we had driven off from the city about 15-16 versts, and drove up to the village of Koptyaki, two or three versts from it. It was necessary to cordon off the place at a certain distance, which I did. I singled out people and instructed them to cover a certain area and, in addition, sent to the village so that no one would leave with an explanation that there were Czechoslovaks nearby. That our units have been moved here, that it is dangerous to show up here, then that everyone they meet will be turned into the village, and those who are stubbornly disobedient will be shot if nothing helps. I sent another group of people to the city as if they were not needed. Having done this, I ordered to download the corpses - 21-30, take off the dress to burn it, that is, in case of destroying everything without a trace and then how to remove superfluous suggestive evidence if the corpses are found for some reason. He ordered to make fires, when they began to undress, it turned out that on the daughters and Alexandra Fedorovna, on the latter I don’t remember exactly what was on, either on the daughters or just sewn things. The daughters were wearing bodices so well made of solid diamonds and other valuable stones, which were not only receptacles for valuables, but at the same time protective shells. That is why neither the bullet nor the bayonet gave results when shooting and hitting the bayonet. By the way, no one is to blame for these death throes of theirs, except for themselves. These values ​​turned out to be only about half a pood. Greed was so great that, by the way, Alexandra Fedorovna was wearing just a huge piece of round gold wire, bent in the form of a bracelet, weighing about a pound. All valuables were immediately flogged so as not to carry bloody rags with them. Those parts of the valuables that the whites discovered during excavations undoubtedly belonged to things sewn separately and remained in the ashes of the fires during burning. Several diamonds were given to me the next day by comrades who found them there. As they did not watch over other remnants of valuables. They had enough time for this. Most likely, they simply did not guess. By the way, we must think that some valuables are returning to us through Torgsin, since, probably, they were picked up there after our departure by the peasants of the village [evni] Koptyaki. Valuables were collected, things were burned, and the corpses, completely naked, were thrown into the mine. This is where the new trouble began. The water covered the bodies a little, what to do here? They decided to blow up the mines with bombs in order to fill up. But, of course, nothing came of it. I saw that we had not achieved any results with the funeral, that it was impossible to leave it like that and that everything had to be started all over again. So what to do? Where to go? At about two o'clock in the afternoon, I decided to go to the city, since it was clear that the corpses had to be removed from the mine and transported somewhere to another place, since besides the fact that even a blind man would have discovered them, the place was failed, because people- they saw that something was going on here. Outposts left the guards in place, took the valuables and left. I went to the regional executive committee and reported to the authorities how unfavorable everything was. T. Safarov and I don’t remember who else listened, and they didn’t say anything anyway. Then I found Philip [Goloshchekin], pointed out to him the need to transfer the corpses to another place. When he agreed, I suggested that we immediately send people to pull out the corpses. I'll look for a new place. Philip [Goloshchekin] summoned Ermakov, scolded him severely and sent him to retrieve the corpses. At the same time, I instructed him to take bread and dinner, since people there are almost a day without sleep, hungry, exhausted. There they had to wait for me to arrive. It was not so easy to get and pull out the corpses, and they suffered a lot with this. Obviously, they were busy all night, because they left late.

I went to the city executive committee to Sergei Egorovich Chutskaev, then the city executive committee, to consult, perhaps he knows such a place. He advised me on the Moscow highway very deep abandoned mines. I got a car, took with me someone from the regional Cheka, it seems Polushina, and someone else, and we drove, not having reached a verst or a mile and a half to the indicated place, the car broke down, we left the driver to repair it, and we ourselves set off on foot, examined the place and found that it was good, the only thing was that there were no extra eyes. Some people lived near here, we decided that we would come, pick them up, send them to the city, and at the end of the operation we would let them go, and we decided on that. Returning to the car, and she herself needs to be dragged. Decided to wait for someone passing by. After a while, someone rolls on a steam, stopped, the guys, it turned out, they know me, they rush to their factory. With great reluctance, of course, but I had to give up the horses.

While we were driving, another plan arose: to burn the corpses, but no one knows how to do it. Polushin seems to have said that he knows, well, okay, since no one really knew how it would turn out. I still had in mind the mines of the Moscow tract, and therefore transportation, I decided to get the carts, and, in addition, I had a plan, in case of any failure, to bury them in groups in different places on the road. The road leading to Koptyaki, near the tract, is clayey, so if you bury it here without prying eyes, not a single devil would guess, bury it and drive through it, you get a hodgepodge and that's it. So three plans. Nothing to drive, no car. I went to the garage of the chief of military transportation, if there were any cars. It turned out the car, but only the chief. I forgot his last name, who, as it turned out later, was a scoundrel and, it seems, he was shot in Perm. The head of the garage or the deputy head of military transportation, I don’t remember exactly, was Comrade Pavel Petrovich Gorbunov, currently deputy. [Chairman] of the State Bank, told him that I urgently need a car. Him: “Oh, I know why.” And gave me the chief's car. I went to Voikov, the head of supply of the Urals, to extract gasoline or kerosene, as well as sulfuric acid, this is in case to disfigure faces, and, in addition, shovels. I got all this. As a comrade of the commissioner of justice of the Ural region, I ordered ten wagons without coachmen to be taken from prison. We loaded everything and went. A truck was sent there. I myself was left to wait for Polushin, a “specialist” in incineration, who had gone missing somewhere. I was waiting for him at Voikov's. But after waiting until 11 o'clock in the evening, he did not wait. Then I was told that he had come to me on horseback, and that he had fallen off his horse and injured his leg, and that he could not ride. Bearing in mind that you can get back in the car, already at 12 o’clock at night, I went on horseback, I don’t remember with which comrade, to the location of the corpses. I also got into trouble. The horse stumbled, knelt down and somehow awkwardly fell on its side and crushed my leg. I lay there for an hour or more until I was able to get back on my horse. We arrived late at night, work was underway to extract [corpses]. I decided to bury some corpses on the road. They started digging a hole. She was almost ready by dawn, a comrade approached me and told me that, despite the prohibition not to let anyone close, a man familiar to Ermakov appeared from somewhere, whom he allowed to a distance from which it was clear that there was something then they dig, as heaps of clay lay. Although Ermakov assured that he could not see anything, then other comrades, besides the one who told me, began to illustrate, that is, showing where he was and that he, undoubtedly, could not help but see.

And so this plan failed. It was decided to restore the pit. After waiting for the evening, we boarded the cart. The truck was waiting in a place where it seemed to be guaranteed against the danger of getting stuck (the driver was the Zlokazovsky worker Lyukhanov). We were heading for the Siberian Highway. Having crossed the railroad track, we reloaded the corpses into a truck again and sat down again soon. After breaking through for about two hours, we were already approaching midnight, then I decided that we should be buried somewhere here, since no one here really could see us at this late hour in the evening, the only one who could see several people was the railway guard of the siding, for I sent to bring sleepers to cover the place where the corpses would be piled, bearing in mind that the only guess that the sleepers were there would be that the sleepers were laid in order to carry a truck. I forgot to say that this evening, or rather at night, we got stuck twice. Having unloaded everything, they got out, and the second time they got hopelessly stuck. About two months ago, leafing through the book of the investigator for extremely important cases under Kolchak Sokolov, I saw a picture of these laid sleepers, it is indicated there that here is a place laid with sleepers for a truck to pass. So, having dug up the whole area, they did not think to look under the sleepers. It must be said that everyone was so devilishly tired that they no longer wanted to dig a new grave, but as always happens in such cases, two or three got down to business, then others set to work, immediately lit a fire, and while the grave was being prepared, we burned two corpses : Alexei and, by mistake, instead of Alexandra Feodorovna, they obviously burned Demidov. A hole was dug at the place of burning, the bones were piled, leveled, a large fire was lit again and all traces were hidden with ashes. Before we put the rest of the corpses in the pit, we doused them with sulfuric acid, filled up the pit, covered it with sleepers, the empty truck passed, tamped the sleepers a little and put an end to it. At 5-6 o'clock in the morning, having gathered everyone and outlining to them the importance of the work done, warning that everyone should forget about what they saw and never talk about it with anyone, we went to the city. Having lost us, we had already finished everything, the guys from the regional Cheka arrived: comrades Isai Rodzinsky, Gorin and someone else. On the evening of the 19th I left for Moscow with a report. I then handed over the valuables to Trifonov, a member of the Revolutionary Council of the Third Army; Soviet power in the liberated Urals, then I also went here to work, the same Novoselov valuables, I don’t remember with whom they took it out, but N. N. Krestinsky, returning to Moscow, took them there. When in 21-23 I worked in the Gokhran of the Republic, putting things in order, I remember that one of Alexandra Feodorovna's pearl strings was valued at 600 thousand gold rubles.

In Perm, where I was dismantling the former royal things, a lot of valuables were again discovered that were hidden in things up to black linen, inclusive, and there was more than one carriage of good things.


participant in the execution of the royal family Medvedev (Kudrin)

On the evening of July 16, New Style, 1918, in the building of the Ural Regional Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution (located in the American Hotel in the city of Yekaterinburg - now the city of Sverdlovsk), the Regional Council of the Urals met in an incomplete composition. When I, a Chekist from Yekaterinburg, was summoned there, I saw in the room the comrades I knew: Chairman of the Council of Deputies Alexander Georgievich Beloborodov, Chairman of the Regional Committee of the Bolshevik Party Georgy Safarov, Military Commissar of Yekaterinburg Filipp Goloshchekin, Council member Pyotr Lazarevich Voikov, Chairman of the Regional Cheka Fyodor Lukoyanov, my friends, members of the collegium of the Ural Regional Cheka Vladimir Gorin, Isai Idelevich (Ilyich) Rodzinsky (now a personal pensioner, lives in Moscow) and commandant of the House of Special Purpose (Ipatiev House) Yakov Mikhailovich Yurovsky.

When I entered, those present were deciding what to do with former king Nicholas II Romanov and his family. The report about the trip to Moscow to Y. M. Sverdlov was made by Philip Goloshchekin. Goloshchekin failed to obtain sanctions from the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for the execution of the Romanov family. Sverdlov consulted with V.I. Lenin, who spoke in favor of bringing the royal family to Moscow and an open trial of Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, whose betrayal during the First World War cost Russia dearly.

- Precisely the All-Russian Court! - Lenin argued to Sverdlov: - with the publication in the newspapers. Calculate what human and material damage the autocrat inflicted on the country during the years of his reign. How many revolutionaries were hanged, how many died in hard labor, in a war that no one needed! To answer before all the people! Do you think that only a dark peasant believes in our good father-king. Not only, my dear Yakov Mikhailovich! Has it been a long time since your advanced worker from St. Petersburg went to the Winter Palace with banners? Just some 13 years ago! It is this incomprehensible “racist” credulity that must be dispelled into smoke open process over Nikolay the Bloody...

Ya. M. Sverdlov tried to argue Goloshchekin about the dangers of transporting the royal family by train through Russia, where counter-revolutionary uprisings broke out in cities every now and then, about the difficult situation on the fronts near Yekaterinburg, but Lenin stood his ground:

- Well, what if the front moves away? Moscow is now deep in the rear, so evacuate them to the rear! And here we will arrange for them to judge the whole world.

At parting, Sverdlov said to Goloshchekin:

- Say so, Philip, to your comrades - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee does not give official sanction for execution.

After Goloshchekin's story, Safarov asked the military commissar how many days, in his opinion, Yekaterinburg would hold out? Goloshchekin replied that the situation was threatening - the poorly armed volunteer detachments of the Red Army were retreating, and in three days, in a maximum of five, Yekaterinburg would fall. There was a painful silence. Everyone understood that to evacuate the royal family from the city not only to Moscow, but simply to the North would mean giving the monarchists a long-desired opportunity to kidnap the tsar. Ipatiev's house was to a certain extent a fortified point: two high wooden fences around, a system of posts of external and internal guards from workers, machine guns. Of course, we could not provide such reliable protection for a moving car or crew, especially outside the city.

Leaving the tsar to the white armies of Admiral Kolchak was out of the question - such a “mercy” jeopardized the existence of the young Republic of Soviets, surrounded by a ring of enemy armies. Hostile to the Bolsheviks, whom he considered traitors to the interests of Russia after the Brest Peace, Nicholas II would become the banner of counter-revolutionary forces outside and inside Soviet Republic. Admiral Kolchak, using centuries-old faith in the good intentions of the tsars, could win over to his side the Siberian peasantry, who had never seen the landowners, did not know what serfdom, and therefore did not support Kolchak, who imposed landlord laws on the land he captured (thanks to the uprising Czechoslovak Corps) territory. The news of the "salvation" of the tsar would have multiplied the strength of the embittered kulaks in the provinces of Soviet Russia.

We, the Chekists, were fresh in our memory of the attempts of the Tobolsk clergy, headed by Bishop Hermogenes, to release the royal family from arrest. Only the resourcefulness of my friend, sailor Pavel Khokhryakov, who arrested Germogen in time and transported the Romanovs to Yekaterinburg under the protection of the Bolshevik Soviet, saved the situation. With the deep religiosity of the people in the province, it was impossible to allow even the remains of the royal dynasty to be left to the enemy, from which “holy miraculous relics” would be immediately fabricated by the clergy - also a good flag for the armies of Admiral Kolchak.

But there was another reason that decided the fate of the Romanovs not in the way that Vladimir Ilyich wanted.

The relatively free life of the Romanovs (the mansion of the merchant Ipatiev did not even remotely resemble a prison) at such a disturbing time, when the enemy was literally at the gates of the city, aroused understandable indignation among the workers of Yekaterinburg and its environs. At meetings and rallies at the factories of Verkh-Isetsk, the workers said bluntly:

- Why are you, Bolsheviks, babysitting Nikolai? It's time to finish! Otherwise, we will smash your Council to pieces!

Such sentiments seriously hampered the formation of units of the Red Army, and the very threat of reprisals was serious - the workers were armed, and their word and deed did not differ. Other parties also demanded the immediate execution of the Romanovs. As early as the end of June 1918, members of the Yekaterinburg Soviet, the Socialist-Revolutionary Sakovich and the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Khotimsky (later a Bolshevik, Chekist, died during the years of the personality cult, posthumously rehabilitated) at a meeting insisted on the speedy liquidation of the Romanovs and accused the Bolsheviks of inconsistency. The leader of the anarchists, Zhebenev, shouted to us in the Soviet:

- If you do not destroy Nicholas the Bloody, then we will do it ourselves!

Without the sanction of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for execution, we could not say anything in response, and the position of delaying without explaining the reasons embittered the workers even more. Further postponing the decision about the fate of the Romanovs in a military situation meant further undermining the confidence of the people in our party. Therefore, it was the Bolshevik part of the regional Soviet of the Urals that gathered to finally decide the fate of the royal family in Yekaterinburg, Perm and Alapaevsk (the tsar's brothers lived there). It practically depended on our decision whether we would lead the workers to the defense of the city of Yekaterinburg or whether the anarchists and the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries would lead them. There was no third way.

For the last month or two, some “curious” people have been constantly climbing to the fence of the Special Purpose House - mostly dark personalities, who, as a rule, came from St. Petersburg and Moscow. They tried to pass notes, products, sent letters by mail, which we intercepted: in all assurances of loyalty and offer of services. We, the Chekists, had the impression that there was some kind of White Guard organization in the city, stubbornly trying to get in touch with the tsar and tsarina. We stopped the admission to the house even of priests and nuns who carried food from the nearest monastery.

But not only the monarchists who secretly came in large numbers to Yekaterinburg hoped to release the captive tsar on occasion - the family itself was ready for abduction at any moment and did not miss a single opportunity to contact the will. Yekaterinburg Chekists found out this readiness rather in a simple way. Beloborodov, Voikov and Chekist Rodzinsky wrote a letter on behalf of the Russian officer organization, which reported on the imminent fall of Yekaterinburg and suggested preparing for an escape at night of a certain day. A note translated into French Voikov and rewritten in white red ink in the beautiful handwriting of Isai Rodzinsky, through one of the soldiers of the guard, they handed it over to the queen. The answer was not long in coming. Compose and send a second letter. Observation of the rooms showed that the Romanov family spent two or three nights dressed - the readiness for escape was complete. Yurovsky reported this to the regional Soviet of the Urals.

After discussing all the circumstances, we make a decision: on the same night to strike two blows: to liquidate two monarchist underground officer organizations that can strike in the back of the units defending the city (Chekist Isai Rodzinsky is allocated for this operation), and to destroy the royal Romanov family.

Yakov Yurovsky offers to make indulgence for the boy.

— What? heir? I'm against! I object.

- No, Mikhail, the kitchen boy Lenya Sednev needs to be taken away. A cook for something ... He played with Alexei.

What about the rest of the servants?

“From the very beginning, we suggested that they leave the Romanovs. Some left, and those who remained declared that they wanted to share the fate of the monarch. Let them share...

Decided: to save the life of only Lena Sedneva. Then they began to think about who to allocate for the liquidation of the Romanovs from the Ural Regional Extraordinary Commission. Beloborodov asks me:

- Will you take part?

- By decree of Nicholas II, I sued and was in prison. I definitely will!

“We still need a representative from the Red Army,” says Philip Goloshchekin: “I propose Pyotr Zakharovich Ermakov, military commissar of Verkh-Isetsk.

- Received. And from you, Jacob, who will participate?

“Me and my assistant Grigory Petrovich Nikulin,” Yurovsky replies. - So, four: Medvedev, Ermakov, Nikulin and me.

The meeting is over. Yurovsky, Ermakov and I went together to the Special Purpose House, went up to the second floor to the commandant's room - here Chekist Grigory Petrovich Nikulin (now a personal pensioner, lives in Moscow) was waiting for us. They closed the door and sat for a long time, not knowing where to start. It was necessary to somehow hide from the Romanovs that they were being led to be shot. And where to shoot? In addition, there are only four of us, and the Romanovs with a life doctor, a cook, a footman and a maid - 11 people!

Hot. We can't think of anything. Maybe, when they fall asleep, throw grenades into the rooms? Not good - a roar for the whole city, they will still think that the Czechs broke into Yekaterinburg. Yurovsky suggested the second option: to stab everyone with daggers in their beds. They even distributed who to finish off whom. Waiting for sleep. Yurovsky several times goes to the rooms of the king and queen, the grand duchesses, servants, but everyone is awake - it seems that they are alarmed by the removal of the cook.

It was past midnight and it got colder. Finally, the lights went out in all the rooms of the royal family, apparently, they fell asleep. Yurovsky returned to the commandant's office and proposed a third option: wake the Romanovs in the middle of the night and ask them to go down to the room on the first floor under the pretext that anarchists were preparing to attack the house and bullets during a shootout might accidentally fly into the second floor where the Romanovs lived (the tsar with the tsarina and Alexei - in the corner, and daughters - in the next room with windows on Voznesensky Lane). There was no real threat of an anarchist attack that night, since shortly before that, Isai Rodzinsky and I dispersed the anarchist headquarters in the mansion of engineer Zheleznov (the former Commercial Assembly) and disarmed the anarchist squads of Petr Ivanovich Zhebenev.

They chose a room on the ground floor next to the pantry, just one barred window towards Voznesensky Lane (second from the corner of the house), ordinary striped wallpaper, a vaulted ceiling, a dim electric light bulb under the ceiling. We decide to put a truck in the yard outside the house (the yard is formed by an additional external fence from the side of the avenue and lane) and start the engine before the execution in order to drown out the shots in the room with noise. Yurovsky had already warned the outside guards not to worry if they heard shots inside the house; then we handed out revolvers to the Latvians of the internal guard - we considered it reasonable to involve them in the operation so as not to shoot some members of the Romanov family in front of others. Three Latvians refused to participate in the execution. The head of security, Pavel Spiridonovich Medvedev, returned their revolvers to the commandant's room. There were seven Latvians left in the detachment.

Long after midnight, Yakov Mikhailovich goes into the rooms of Dr. Botkin and the Tsar, asks to get dressed, wash and be ready to go down to the basement shelter. For about an hour the Romanovs put themselves in order after sleep, finally - at about three in the morning - they are ready. Yurovsky suggests that we take the remaining five revolvers. Pyotr Ermakov takes two revolvers and puts them in his belt, Grigory Nikulin and Pavel Medvedev take each revolver. I refuse, because I already have two pistols: an American Colt on my belt in a holster, and a Belgian Browning behind my belt (both historical pistols - Browning No. 389965 and Colt caliber 45, government model "C" No. 78517 - I have kept until today). The remaining revolver is taken first by Yurovsky (he has a ten-shot Mauser in his holster), but then he gives it to Yermakov, who tucks the third revolver into his belt. We all involuntarily smile, looking at his warlike appearance.

We go to the landing of the second floor. Yurovsky leaves for the royal chambers, then returns - they follow him in single file: Nicholas II (he carries Alexei in his arms, the boy has non-coagulation, he hurt his leg somewhere and cannot walk by himself yet), he follows the king, rustling skirts, the corseted tsarina, followed by four daughters (of which I only know by sight the youngest plump Anastasia and the older Tatiana, who, according to Yurovsky’s dagger version, was entrusted to me until I argued with the tsar himself from Ermakov), the girls are followed by men: doctor Botkin, a cook, a footman, is carrying white pillows by the queen's tall maid. On the landing there is a stuffed bear with two cubs. For some reason, everyone is baptized, passing by the scarecrow, before going down. The procession is followed by Pavel Medvedev, Grisha Nikulin, seven Latvians (two of them have rifles with attached bayonets behind their shoulders), and Yermakov and I complete the procession.

When everyone entered the lower room (the house has a very strange arrangement of passages, so we had to first go to the courtyard of the mansion, and then enter the first floor again), it turned out that the room was very small. Yurovsky and Nikulin brought three chairs - the last thrones of the condemned dynasty. On one of them, closer to the right arch, the queen sat on a cushion, followed by her three eldest daughters. For some reason, the youngest, Anastasia, went to the maid, who was leaning against the jamb of the locked door to the next pantry room. A chair was placed in the middle of the room for the heir, Nicholas II sat on a chair to the right, and Dr. Botkin stood behind Alexei's chair. The cook and the footman respectfully moved to the pillar of the arch in the left corner of the room and stood against the wall. The light of the bulb is so weak that the two female figures standing at the opposite closed door at times seem to be silhouettes, and only in the hands of the maid two large pillows clearly turn white.

The Romanovs are completely calm - no suspicions. Nicholas II, the tsarina and Botkin are carefully examining me and Ermakov as new people in this house. Yurovsky calls Pavel Medvedev away, and both go into the next room. Now Grisha Nikulin is standing opposite Tsarevich Alexei to my left, the Tsar is standing opposite me, Peter Ermakov is to my right, behind him is an empty space where a detachment of Latvians should stand.

Yurovsky enters swiftly and stands next to me. The king looks at him questioningly. I hear the sonorous voice of Yakov Mikhailovich:

- I'll ask everyone to stand up!

Easily, in a military way, Nicholas II stood up; flashing her eyes angrily, Alexandra Fyodorovna rose reluctantly from her chair. A detachment of Latvians entered the room and lined up just opposite her and her daughters: five people in the first row, and two - with rifles - in the second. The queen crossed herself. It became so quiet that from the courtyard through the window you can hear the rumble of a truck engine. Yurovsky steps forward half a step and addresses the tsar:

- Nikolai Alexandrovich! Attempts by your like-minded people to save you were unsuccessful! And now, in a difficult time for the Soviet Republic... - Yakov Mikhailovich raises his voice and cuts the air with his hand: - ... we have been entrusted with the mission to put an end to the house of the Romanovs!

Women's cries: “My God! Oh! Oh!" Nicholas II quickly mutters:

- Oh my God! Oh my God! What is this?!

— And that's what it is! - says Yurovsky, taking out a Mauser from his holster.

"Then they won't take us anywhere?" Botkin asks in a dull voice.

Yurovsky wants to answer him something, but I'm already pulling the trigger of my "Browning" and putting the first bullet into the tsar. Simultaneously with my second shot, the first salvo of the Latvians and my comrades is heard from the right and left. Yurovsky and Yermakov also shoot Nicholas II in the chest almost in the ear. On my fifth shot, Nicholas II falls in a sheaf on his back. Women's squeals and groans; I see how Botkin falls, the footman settles against the wall and the cook falls to his knees. The white cushion moved from the door to the right corner of the room. In the powder smoke from the screaming women's group, a female figure rushed to the closed door and immediately fell, struck by the shots of Yermakov, who was already firing from the second revolver. You can hear how bullets ricochet from stone pillars, lime dust flies. Nothing is visible in the room because of the smoke - the shooting is already on the barely visible falling silhouettes in the right corner. The screams subsided, but the shots still rumble - Yermakov fires from the third revolver. Yurovsky's voice is heard:

- Stop! Stop shooting!

Silence. Ringing in the ears. One of the Red Army soldiers was wounded in the finger of the hand and in the neck - either by a ricochet, or in a powder fog, Latvians from the second row of rifles burned them with bullets. The veil of smoke and dust thins. Yakov Mikhailovich invites me and Ermakov, as representatives of the Red Army, to witness the death of every member of the royal family. Suddenly, from the right corner of the room, where the pillow moved, a woman's joyful cry:

- Thank God! God saved me!

Staggering, the surviving maid rises - she covered herself with pillows, in the fluff of which bullets got stuck. The Latvians had already shot all the cartridges, then two with rifles approached her through the lying bodies and pinned the maid with bayonets. From her death cry, the slightly wounded Alexei woke up and often groaned - he was lying on a chair. Yurovsky approaches him and fires the last three bullets from his Mauser. The guy calmed down and slowly slides to the floor at the feet of his father. Yermakov and I feel Nikolai's pulse - he is riddled with bullets, dead. We inspect the rest and shoot from the “colt” and the Yermakov revolver still alive Tatiana and Anastasia. Now everyone is breathless.

Head of security Pavel Spiridonovich Medvedev approaches Yurovsky and reports that shots were heard in the courtyard of the house. He brought the Red Army internal guards to carry the corpses and blankets that could be worn up to the car. Yakov Mikhailovich instructs me to oversee the transfer of corpses and loading into the car. First, we put Nicholas II lying in a pool of blood on a blanket. The Red Army soldiers carry the remains of the emperor into the courtyard. I follow them. In the passage room I see Pavel Medvedev - he is deathly pale and vomits, I ask if he is injured, but Pavel is silent and waves his hand. Near the truck I meet Philip Goloshchekin.

- Where were you? I ask him.

- Walked around the square. Heard shots. It was heard. — Bent over the king.

“The end, you say, of the Romanov dynasty?” Yes ... The Red Army soldier brought Anastasia's lap dog on a bayonet - when we walked past the door (to the stairs to the second floor), a long, plaintive howl was heard from behind the wings - the last salute to the Emperor of All Russia. The dog's corpse was thrown next to the royal one.

- Dogs - dog death! Goloshchekin said contemptuously.

I asked Philip and the driver to stand by the car while the corpses were being carried. Someone dragged a roll of soldier's cloth, one end spread it on sawdust in the back of a truck - they began to lay the executed on the cloth.

I accompany each corpse: now they have already figured out from two thick sticks and blankets to tie some kind of stretcher. I notice that in the room during packing, the Red Army soldiers remove rings and brooches from the corpses and hide them in their pockets. After everyone is packed into the back, I advise Yurovsky to search the porters.

“Let's make it easier,” he says, and orders everyone to go up to the second floor to the commandant's room. He lines up the Red Army men and says: - He suggested laying out on the table from his pockets all the jewelry taken from the Romanovs. Thinking for half a minute. Then I'll search every one I can find - execution on the spot! I will not allow looting. Got it all?

- Yes, we just like that - took the event as a keepsake, - the Red Army soldiers make an embarrassed noise. - Not to be lost.

A pile of gold things grows on the table in a minute: diamond brooches, pearl necklaces, wedding rings, diamond pins, gold pocket watches of Nicholas II and Dr. Botkin and other items.

The soldiers left to wash the floors in the lower room and adjacent to it. I go down to the truck, once again I count the corpses - all eleven are in place - I cover them with the free end of the cloth. Yermakov sits down next to the driver, several guards with rifles climb into the back. The car moves off, drives out of the wooden gates of the outer fence, turns right and along Voznesensky Lane through the sleeping city carries the remains of the Romanovs out of town.

Beyond Verkh-Isetsk, a few versts from the village of Koptyaki, the car stopped in a large clearing in which some kind of overgrown pits loomed. They made a fire to warm themselves - those who were riding in the back of the truck were cold. Then they began to take turns carrying the corpses to the abandoned mine, tearing off their clothes. Ermakov sent the Red Army soldiers to the road so that no one would be let through from the nearby village. On ropes, they lowered the executed into the shaft of the mine - first the Romanovs, then the servants. The sun was already out when they began to throw bloody clothes into the fire. ...Suddenly, a diamond trickle splashed from one of the ladies' bras. They trampled down the fire, began to choose jewelry from the ashes and from the ground. In two more bras in the lining, sewn-in diamonds, pearls, some colored precious stones were found.

A car rumbled on the road. Yurovsky drove up with Goloshchekin in a car. We looked into the mine. At first they wanted to fill the corpses with sand, but then Yurovsky said that they should drown in the water at the bottom - anyway, no one would look for them here, since this is an area of ​​​​abandoned mines, and there are a lot of trunks. Just in case, they decided to bring down the upper part of the cage (Yurovsky brought a box of grenades), but then they thought: explosions would be heard in the village, and fresh destruction was noticeable. They just threw old branches, branches, rotten boards found nearby. Ermakov's truck and Yurovsky's car started back. It was a hot day, everyone was exhausted to the limit, they struggled with sleep, for almost a day no one ate anything.

The next day - July 18, 1918 - the Ural Regional Cheka received information that the whole of Verkh-Isetsk was only talking about the execution of Nicholas II and that the corpses were thrown into abandoned mines near the village of Koptyaki. Here is the conspiracy! Not otherwise, as one of the participants in the burial told his wife in secret, she told the gossip, and it went all over the county.

Yurovsky was summoned to the collegium of the Cheka. Decided: that same night, send a car with Yurovsky and Ermakov to the mine, pull out all the corpses and burn them. From the Ural Regional Cheka, my friend Isai Idelevich Rodzinsky, a member of the collegium, was appointed for the operation.

So, the night came from July 18 to 19, 1918. At midnight, a truck with Chekists Rodzinsky, Yurovsky, Ermakov, sailor Vaganov, sailors and Red Army soldiers (six or seven in total) drove into the area of ​​abandoned mines. In the back were barrels of gasoline and boxes of concentrated sulfuric acid in bottles for disfiguring corpses.

Everything that I will tell you about the reburial operation, I speak from the words of my friends: the late Yakov Yurovsky and the now living Isai Rodzinsky, whose detailed memoirs must certainly be recorded for history, since Isai is the only survivor of the participants in this operation, who today can identify the place where the remains of the Romanovs are buried. It is also necessary to record the memoirs of my friend Grigory Petrovich Nikulin, who knows the details of the liquidation of the Grand Dukes in Alapaevsk and Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich Romanov in Perm.

We drove up to the mine, lowered two sailors on ropes - Vaganov and another one - to the bottom of the mine shaft, where there was a small platform-ledge. When all the executed were pulled by the ropes from the water to the surface by the feet and laid in a row on the grass, and the Chekists sat down to rest, it became clear how frivolous the first burial was. In front of them lay ready-made “miraculous relics”: ice water mines not only completely washed away the blood, but also froze the bodies so much that they looked like they were alive - a blush even appeared on the faces of the king, girls and women. Undoubtedly, the Romanovs could have been preserved in such excellent condition in a mine refrigerator for more than one month, and before the fall of Yekaterinburg, I remind you, there were only a few days left.

It started to get light. On the road from the village of Koptyaki, the first carts were pulled to the Upper Iset Bazaar. Outposts expelled from the Red Army blocked the road from both ends, explaining to the peasants that the passage was temporarily closed, as criminals had escaped from the prison, this area was cordoned off by troops and the forest was being combed. The leads were turned back.

The guys didn’t have a ready-made plan for the burial, where to take the corpses, no one knew where to hide them either. Therefore, they decided to try to burn at least some of the executed, so that their number would be less than eleven. They took away the bodies of Nicholas II, Alexei, the queen, Dr. Botkin, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The frozen corpses smoked, stank, hissed, but did not burn at all. Then they decided to bury the remains of the Romanovs somewhere. They piled all eleven bodies (of which four were charred) into the back of a truck, drove onto the Koptyakovskaya road and turned in the direction of Verkh-Isetsk. Not far from the crossing (apparently, through the Gorno-Uralskaya railway - check the location on the map with I. I. Rodzinsky) in a swampy lowland, the car stalled in the mud - neither forward nor backward. No matter how much they fought - not from a place. Boards were brought from the railway watchman's house at the crossing and with difficulty they pushed the truck out of the marshy pit that had formed. And suddenly someone (Ya. M. Yurovsky told me in 1933 that he was Rodzinsky) came up with the idea: this pit on the road itself is an ideal secret mass grave for the last Romanovs!

They deepened the hole with shovels to black peat water. There, the corpses were lowered into the swampy bog, filled with sulfuric acid, and covered with earth. A truck from the crossing brought a dozen old impregnated railway sleepers - they made a flooring over the pit from them, drove over it several times by car. The sleepers were slightly pressed into the ground, dirty, as if they had always been there.

Thus, in a random swampy pit, the last members of the royal Romanov dynasty, a dynasty that tyrannized Russia for three hundred and five years, found a worthy rest! The new revolutionary government did not make an exception for the crowned robbers of the Russian land: they were buried in the same way as from ancient times they buried robbers from the main road in Russia - without a cross and a tombstone, so as not to stop the gaze of those walking along this road to a new life.

On the same day, Ya. M. Yurovsky and G. P. Nikulin left for Moscow through Perm to visit V. I. Lenin and Ya. M. Sverdlov with a report on the liquidation of the Romanovs. In addition to a bag of diamonds and other valuables, they carried all the diaries and correspondence of the royal family found in the Ipatiev house, photo albums of the royal family’s stay in Tobolsk (the king was a passionate amateur photographer), as well as those two letters in red ink that were compiled by Beloborodov and Voikov to clarify the mood royal family. According to Beloborodov, now these two documents were supposed to prove to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee the existence of an officer organization that set itself the goal of kidnapping the royal family. Alexander was afraid that V. I. Lenin would bring him to justice for arbitrariness with the execution of the Romanovs without the sanction of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. In addition, Yurovsky and Nikulin had to personally tell Ya. M. Sverdlov the situation in Yekaterinburg and the circumstances that forced the Ural Regional Council to decide on the liquidation of the Romanovs.

At the same time, Beloborodov, Safarov and Goloshchekin decided to announce the execution of only one Nicholas II, adding that the family was taken away and hidden in a safe place.

On the evening of July 20, 1918, I saw Beloborodov, and he told me that he had received a telegram from Ya. M. Sverdlov. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee at a meeting on July 18 decided: to consider the decision of the Ural Regional Council on the liquidation of the Romanovs correct. We hugged Alexander and congratulated each other, which means that in Moscow they understood the complexity of the situation, therefore, Lenin approved our actions. On the same evening, Philip Goloshchekin for the first time publicly announced at a meeting of the regional Council of the Urals about the execution of Nicholas II. There was no end to the jubilation of the listeners, the mood of the workers rose.

A day or two later, a report appeared in the Yekaterinburg newspapers that Nicholas II had been shot by the verdict of the people, and the royal family had been taken out of the city and hidden in a safe place. I do not know the true goals of such a maneuver by Beloborodov, but I assume that the regional Soviet of the Urals did not want to inform the population of the city about the execution of women and children. Perhaps there were some other considerations, but neither I nor Yurovsky (whom I often met in Moscow in the early 1930s, and we talked a lot about the Romanov story) were not aware of them. One way or another, this deliberately false report in the press gave rise to rumors that live to this day about the salvation of the royal children, the flight of the daughter of the Tsar Anastasia abroad and other legends.

Thus ended the secret operation to rid Russia of the Romanov dynasty. It was so successful that neither the secret of the Ipatiev house nor the burial place of the royal family has been revealed to this day.


The criminal case on the murder of the royal family on July 17, 1918 was opened on August 19, 1993. The case was handled by the senior prosecutor-criminalist of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation Vladimir Solovyov. On October 23, 1993, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, a Commission was established to study issues related to the study and reburial of the remains of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family. The first chairman is Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Yuri Yarov, since 1997 - Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov. Genetic examinations were carried out: in 1993 - at the Aldermaston Center for Forensic Research (England), in 1995 - at the Military Medical Institute of the US Department of Defense, in November 1997 - at the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of Russia. On January 30, 1998, the government commission completed its work and concluded: "The remains found in Yekaterinburg are the remains of Nicholas II, members of his family and close people." Answers were given to 10 questions of the Russian Orthodox Church. On February 26, 1998, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke out in favor of the immediate burial of the remains of Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family in a symbolic memorial grave. When all doubts about the “Yekaterinburg remains” are removed and “the grounds for embarrassment and confrontation disappear” in society, we should return to the final decision on the place of their burial.

On February 27, 1998, the Government of Russia decided to bury the remains of Nicholas II and his family members in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg on July 17, 1998 - the day of the 80th anniversary of the execution of the royal family. On June 9, at a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, it was decided that Patriarch Alexy II would not take part in the burial ceremony of the royal remains. On July 17, the burial ceremony began at 12 o'clock. Russian President Boris Yeltsin delivered a speech. Members of the Government of the Russian Federation, scientists and cultural figures, public figures, more than 60 members of the Romanov House were present (Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna, her daughter Maria Vladimirovna, Tsarevich Georgy were not present at the ceremony in the Peter and Paul Cathedral; they took part in a memorial service in the Trinity-Sergius Cathedral, served by Alexy II). At the time of the burial, a gun salute of 19 volleys sounded (two less than determined by the ritual established for the burial of the emperor). On the same day, memorial services were served in all churches for the innocently murdered Nicholas II and his family.

Historical reference RIA Novosti

The family of the last Emperor of Russia, Nikolai Romanov, was killed in 1918. Due to the concealment of facts by the Bolsheviks, a number of alternative versions appear. For a long time there were rumors that turned the murder of the royal family into a legend. There were theories that one of his children escaped.

What actually happened in the summer of 1918 near Yekaterinburg? You will find the answer to this question in our article.


Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century was one of the most economically developed countries in the world. Nikolai Alexandrovich, who came to power, turned out to be a meek and noble man. In spirit, he was not an autocrat, but an officer. Therefore, with his views on life, it was difficult to manage a crumbling state.

The revolution of 1905 showed the inconsistency of power and its isolation from the people. In fact, there were two authorities in the country. The official one is the emperor, and the real one is officials, nobles and landowners. It was the latter who destroyed the once great power with their greed, licentiousness and short-sightedness.

Strikes and rallies, demonstrations and bread riots, famine. All this was indicative of a decline. The only way out could be the accession to the throne of a powerful and tough ruler who could take control of the country completely under his control.

Nicholas II was not like that. It was focused on building railways, churches, improving the economy and culture in society. He has made progress in these areas. But positive changes affected, basically, only the tops of society, while the majority of ordinary residents remained at the level of the Middle Ages. Splinters, wells, carts and peasant-craft everyday life.

After joining Russian Empire During the First World War, the discontent of the people only intensified. The execution of the royal family became the apotheosis of general insanity. Next, we will look into this crime in more detail.

Now it is important to note the following. After the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II and his brother from the throne in the state, soldiers, workers and peasants begin to advance to the first roles. People who have not previously dealt with management, with a minimum level of culture and superficial judgments, gain power.

The petty local commissars wanted to curry favor with the higher ranks. Ordinary and junior officers simply mindlessly carried out orders. Time of Troubles, which came in these turbulent years, splashed unfavorable elements to the surface.

Next you will see more photos of the Romanov royal family. If you look at them carefully, you can see that the clothes of the emperor, his wife and children are by no means pompous. They are no different from the peasants and escorts who surrounded them in exile.
Let's see what really happened in Yekaterinburg in July 1918.

Course of events

The execution of the royal family was planned and prepared for quite a long time. While power was still in the hands of the Provisional Government, they tried to protect them. Therefore, after the events in July 1917 in Petrograd, the emperor, his wife, children and retinue were transferred to Tobolsk.

The place was specially chosen to be quiet. But in fact, they found one from which it was difficult to escape. By that time, the railway tracks had not yet been extended to Tobolsk. The nearest station was two hundred and eighty kilometers away.

It sought to protect the family of the emperor, so the exile to Tobolsk became for Nicholas II a respite before the subsequent nightmare. The king, queen, their children and retinue stayed there for more than six months.

But in April, the Bolsheviks, after a fierce struggle for power, recall the "unfinished business." A decision is made to deliver the entire imperial family to Yekaterinburg, which at that time was a stronghold of the red movement.

Prince Mikhail, the tsar's brother, was the first to be transferred to Perm from Petrograd. At the end of March, son Mikhail and three children of Konstantin Konstantinovich were sent to Vyatka. Later, the last four are transferred to Yekaterinburg.

The main reason for the transfer to the east was the family ties of Nikolai Alexandrovich with the German Emperor Wilhelm, as well as the proximity of the Entente to Petrograd. The revolutionaries were afraid of the release of the king and the restoration of the monarchy.

The role of Yakovlev, who was instructed to transport the emperor and his family from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg, is interesting. He knew about the assassination attempt on the tsar being prepared by the Siberian Bolsheviks.

Judging by the archives, there are two opinions of experts. The first say that in reality it is Konstantin Myachin. And he received a directive from the Center "to deliver the king and his family to Moscow." The latter are inclined to believe that Yakovlev was a European spy who intended to save the emperor by taking him to Japan through Omsk and Vladivostok.

After arriving in Yekaterinburg, all prisoners were placed in the Ipatiev mansion. A photo of the royal family of the Romanovs has been preserved when they were transferred to the Yakovlev Ural Council. The place of detention among the revolutionaries was called the "house of special purpose."

Here they were kept for seventy-eight days. More details about the relationship of the convoy to the emperor and his family will be discussed later. In the meantime, it is important to focus on the fact that it was rude and boorish. They were robbed, psychologically and morally crushed, mocked in such a way that it was not noticeable outside the walls of the mansion.

Considering the results of the investigations, we will dwell in more detail on the night when the monarch with his family and retinue was shot. Now we note that the execution took place at about half past three in the night. Life physician Botkin, on the orders of the revolutionaries, woke up all the captives and went down with them to the basement.

There a terrible crime took place. Yurovsky commanded. He blurted out a prepared phrase that "they are trying to save them, and the matter is urgent." None of the prisoners understood. Nicholas II only had time to ask them to repeat what was said, but the soldiers, frightened by the horror of the situation, began firing indiscriminately. Moreover, several punishers fired from another room through the doorway. According to eyewitnesses, not everyone was killed the first time. Some were finished off with a bayonet.

Thus, this indicates the haste and unpreparedness of the operation. The execution became lynching, to which the Bolsheviks who had lost their heads went.

Government disinformation

The execution of the royal family still remains an unsolved mystery of Russian history. Responsibility for this atrocity may lie both with Lenin and Sverdlov, for whom the Ural Soviet simply provided an alibi, and directly with the Siberian revolutionaries, who succumbed to the general panic and lost their heads in wartime conditions.

Nevertheless, immediately after the atrocity, the government launched a campaign to whitewash its reputation. Among researchers dealing with this period, the latest actions are called the "disinformation campaign."

The death of the royal family was proclaimed the only necessary measure. Since, judging by the customized Bolshevik articles, a counter-revolutionary conspiracy was uncovered. Some white officers planned to attack the Ipatiev mansion and free the emperor and his family.

The second point, which was furiously hidden for many years, was that eleven people were shot. Emperor, his wife, five children and four servants.

The events of the crime were not disclosed for several years. Official recognition was given only in 1925. This decision was prompted by the publication in Western Europe of a book that outlined the results of Sokolov's investigation. At the same time, Bykov was instructed to write about the "real course of events." This pamphlet was published in Sverdlovsk in 1926.

Nevertheless, the lies of the Bolsheviks at the international level, as well as the concealment of the truth from the common people, shook faith in power. and its consequences, according to Lykova, caused people to distrust the government, which has not changed even in the post-Soviet era.

The fate of the rest of the Romanovs

The execution of the royal family had to be prepared. A similar "warm-up" was the liquidation of the Emperor's brother Mikhail Alexandrovich with his personal secretary.
On the night of June 12-13, 1918, they were forcibly taken out of the Perm hotel outside the city. They were shot in the forest, and their remains have not yet been discovered.

A statement was made to the international press that the Grand Duke had been kidnapped by intruders and was missing. For Russia, the official version was the escape of Mikhail Alexandrovich.

The main purpose of such a statement was to speed up the trial of the emperor and his family. They started a rumor that the escapee could contribute to the release of the "bloody tyrant" from "fair punishment."

Not only the last royal family suffered. In Vologda, eight people related to the Romanovs were also killed. The victims include the princes of imperial blood Igor, Ivan and Konstantin Konstantinovich, Grand Duchess Elizabeth, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, Prince Paley, manager and cell attendant.

All of them were thrown into the Nizhnyaya Selimskaya mine, not far from the city of Alapaevsk. They only resisted and were shot dead. The rest were stunned and thrown down alive. In 2009, they were all canonized as martyrs.

But the thirst for blood did not subside. In January 1919, four more Romanovs were also shot in the Peter and Paul Fortress. Nikolai and Georgy Mikhailovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich and Pavel Alexandrovich. The official version of the revolutionary committee was as follows: the liquidation of the hostages in response to the assassination of Liebknecht and Luxembourg in Germany.

Memoirs of contemporaries

Researchers have tried to reconstruct how members of the royal family were killed. The best way to deal with this is the testimonies of people who were present there.
The first such source is notes from Trotsky's personal diary. He noted that the blame lies with the local authorities. He especially singled out the names of Stalin and Sverdlov as the people who made this decision. Lev Davidovich writes that in the conditions of the approach of the Czechoslovak detachments, Stalin's phrase that "the tsar cannot be handed over to the White Guards" became a death sentence.

But scientists doubt the exact reflection of events in the notes. They were made in the late thirties, when he was working on a biography of Stalin. A number of errors were made there, indicating that Trotsky forgot many of those events.

The second evidence is information from Milyutin's diary, which mentions the murder of the royal family. He writes that Sverdlov came to the meeting and asked Lenin to speak. As soon as Yakov Mikhailovich said that the tsar was gone, Vladimir Ilyich abruptly changed the subject and continued the meeting, as if the previous phrase had not happened.

The most complete history of the royal family in last days life was restored according to the protocols of interrogations of participants in these events. People from the guard, punitive and funeral squads testified several times.

Although they are often confused, the main idea remains the same. All the Bolsheviks who were next to the tsar in recent months had claims against him. Someone in the past was in prison himself, someone has relatives. In general, they gathered a contingent of former prisoners.

In Yekaterinburg, anarchists and socialist-revolutionaries put pressure on the Bolsheviks. In order not to lose credibility, the local council decided to quickly put an end to this matter. Moreover, there was a rumor that Lenin wanted to exchange the royal family for a reduction in the amount of indemnity.

According to the participants, this was the only solution. In addition, many of them boasted during interrogations that they personally killed the emperor. Who with one, and who with three shots. Judging by the diaries of Nikolai and his wife, the workers guarding them were often drunk. Therefore, real events cannot be reconstructed for certain.

What happened to the remains

The murder of the royal family took place in secret, and they planned to keep it a secret. But those responsible for the liquidation of the remains did not cope with their task.

A very large funeral team was assembled. Yurovsky had to send many back to the city "as unnecessary."

According to the testimonies of the participants in the process, they were busy with the task for several days. At first, it was planned to burn the clothes, and throw the naked bodies into the mine and cover them with earth. But the crash didn't work. I had to remove the remains of the royal family and come up with another way.

It was decided to burn them or bury them along the road, which was just being built. Previously, it was planned to disfigure the bodies with sulfuric acid beyond recognition. It is clear from the protocols that two corpses were burned, and the rest were buried.

Presumably, the body of Alexei and one girl from the servant burned down.

The second difficulty was that the team was busy all night, and in the morning travelers began to appear. An order was given to cordon off the place and forbid leaving the neighboring village. But the secrecy of the operation was hopelessly failed.

The investigation showed that attempts to bury the bodies were near the mine number 7 and the 184th crossing. In particular, they were discovered near the latter in 1991.

Kirsta investigation

On July 26-27, 1918, peasants discovered in a fire pit near the Isetsky mine a golden cross with precious stones. The discovery was immediately delivered to Lieutenant Sheremetyev, who was hiding from the Bolsheviks in the village of Koptyaki. It was carried out, but later the case was assigned to Kirsta.

He began to study the testimony of witnesses who pointed to the murder of the royal Romanov family. The information confused and frightened him. The investigator did not expect that these were not the consequences of a military court, but a criminal case.

He began to interrogate witnesses who gave contradictory testimonies. But on their basis, Kirsta concluded that perhaps only the emperor and his heir were shot. The rest of the family was taken to Perm.

One gets the impression that this investigator set himself the goal of proving that not the entire Romanov royal family was killed. Even after he explicitly confirmed the fact of the crime, Kirsta continued to interrogate new people.

So, over time, he finds a certain doctor Utochkin, who proved that he treated Princess Anastasia. Then another witness spoke of the transfer of the emperor's wife and some of the children to Perm, which she knew about from rumors.

After Kirsta finally confused the case, it was given to another investigator.

Sokolov's investigation

Kolchak, who came to power in 1919, ordered Dieterichs to figure out how the Romanov royal family was killed. The latter entrusted this case to the investigator for especially important cases of the Omsk District.

His last name was Sokolov. This man began to investigate the murder of the royal family from scratch. Although he was given all the paperwork, he did not trust Kirsta's confusing protocols.

Sokolov again visited the mine, as well as the Ipatiev mansion. Inspection of the house was hampered by the presence of the headquarters of the Czech army there. Nevertheless, a German inscription on the wall was discovered, a quotation from Heine's verse that the monarch was killed by subjects. The words were clearly scratched out after the loss of the city by the Reds.

In addition to documents on Yekaterinburg, the investigator was sent files on the murder of Prince Mikhail in Perm and on the crime against the princes in Alapaevsk.

After the Bolsheviks recapture this region, Sokolov takes out all the paperwork to Harbin, and then to Western Europe. Photos of the royal family, diaries, evidence, and so on were evacuated.

He published the results of the investigation in 1924 in Paris. In 1997, Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein, transferred all office work to the Russian government. In return, he was delivered the archives of his family, taken out during the Second World War.

Modern Investigation

In 1979, a group of enthusiasts led by Ryabov and Avdonin, according to archival documents, discovered a burial near the 184 km station. In 1991, the latter declared that he knew where the remains of the executed emperor were. An investigation was reopened to finally shed light on the murder of the royal family.

The main work on this case was carried out in the archives of the two capitals and in the cities that appeared in the reports of the twenties. Protocols, letters, telegrams, photos of the royal family and their diaries were studied. In addition, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, research was carried out in the archives of most countries of Western Europe and the USA.

The study of the burial was carried out by the senior prosecutor-criminalist Solovyov. On the whole, he confirmed all of Sokolov's materials. His message to Patriarch Alexei II states that "under the conditions of that time, it was impossible to completely destroy the corpses."

In addition, the investigation of the late 20th - early 21st century completely refuted the alternative versions of events, which we will discuss later.
The canonization of the royal family was carried out in 1981 by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, and in Russia in 2000.

Since the Bolsheviks tried to classify this crime, rumors spread that contributed to the formation of alternative versions.

So, according to one of them, it was a ritual murder due to a conspiracy of the Jewish Masons. One of the investigator's assistants testified that he saw "kabbalistic symbols" on the basement walls. When checked, it turned out to be traces of bullets and bayonets.

According to the theory of Dieterichs, the head of the emperor was cut off and alcoholized. The finds of the remains disproved this crazy idea.

Rumors spread by the Bolsheviks and false testimonies of "eyewitnesses" gave rise to a series of versions about people who escaped. But photographs of the royal family in the last days of their lives do not confirm them. As well as the found and identified remains refute these versions.

Only after all the facts of this crime were proven, the canonization of the royal family took place in Russia. This explains why it was held 19 years later than abroad.

So, in this article, we got acquainted with the circumstances and investigation of one of the worst atrocities in the history of Russia in the twentieth century.

The main condition for the existence of immortality is death itself.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The execution of the Romanov royal family on the night of July 17, 1918 is one of the most important events of the era of the Civil War, the formation of Soviet power, and the exit of Russia from the First World War. The murder of Nicholas 2 and his family was largely predetermined by the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. But in this story, not everything is as simple as it is commonly said. In this article, I will present all the facts that are known in this case in order to assess the events of those days.

History of events

We should start with the fact that Nicholas 2 was not the last Russian emperor, as many believe today. He abdicated (for himself and for his son Alexei) in favor of his brother, Mikhail Romanov. So he is the last emperor. This is important to remember, we will return to this fact later. Also, in most textbooks, the execution of the royal family is equated with the murder of the family of Nicholas 2. But these were far from all the Romanovs. To understand how many people we are talking about, I will give only data on the last Russian emperors:

  • Nicholas 1 - 4 sons and 4 daughters.
  • Alexander 2 - 6 sons and 2 daughters.
  • Alexander 3 - 4 sons and 2 daughters.
  • Nicholas 2 - son and 4 daughters.

That is, the family is very large, and any of the list above is a direct descendant of the imperial branch, which means a direct contender for the throne. But most of them also had children of their own ...

Arrest of members of the royal family

Nicholas 2, having abdicated the throne, put forward rather simple demands, the fulfillment of which the Provisional Government guaranteed. The requirements were as follows:

  • Safe transfer of the emperor to Tsarskoe Selo to his family, where at that time Tsarevich Alexei was more.
  • The safety of the whole family at the time of their stay in Tsarskoye Selo until the full recovery of Tsarevich Alexei.
  • The safety of the road to the northern ports of Russia, from where Nicholas 2 and his family should cross to England.
  • After graduation civil war the royal family will return to Russia and will live in Livadia (Crimea).

It is important to understand these points in order to see the intentions of Nicholas 2 and later the Bolsheviks. The emperor abdicated the throne so that the current government would provide him with a safe exit to England.

What is the role of the British government?

The provisional government of Russia, after receiving the demands of Nicholas 2, turned to England with the question of the consent of the latter to host the Russian monarch. A positive response was received. But here it is important to understand that the request itself was a formality. The fact is that at that time an investigation was underway against the royal family, for the period of which it was impossible to leave Russia. Therefore, England, giving consent, did not risk anything at all. Something else is much more interesting. After the complete justification of Nicholas 2, the Provisional Government again makes a request to England, but more specific. This time the question was no longer posed abstractly, but concretely, because everything was ready for the move to the island. But then England refused.

Therefore, when today Western countries and people, screaming at every corner about the innocently killed, talk about the execution of Nicholas 2, this only causes a reaction of disgust at their hypocrisy. One word from the British government that they agree to accept Nicholas 2 with his family, and in principle there would be no execution. But they refused...

In the photo on the left is Nicholas 2, on the right is George 4, King of England. They were distant relatives and had an obvious resemblance in appearance.

When was the royal family of the Romanovs executed?

Michael's murder

After the October Revolution, Mikhail Romanov approached the Bolsheviks with a request to remain in Russia as an ordinary citizen. This request was granted. But the last Russian emperor was not destined to live "quietly" for long. Already in March 1918 he was arrested. There is no reason for the arrest. Until now, not a single historian has been able to find a single historical document explaining the reason for the arrest of Mikhail Romanov.

After his arrest, on March 17 he was sent to Perm, where he lived for several months in a hotel. On the night of July 13, 1918, he was taken away from the hotel and shot. This was the first victim of the Romanov family by the Bolsheviks. The official reaction of the USSR to this event was ambivalent:

  • It was announced to its citizens that Mikhail shamefully fled from Russia abroad. Thus, the authorities got rid of unnecessary questions, and, most importantly, received a legitimate reason to toughen the maintenance of the rest of the members of the royal family.
  • For foreign countries, it was announced through the media that Mikhail was missing. They say he went out on the night of July 13 for a walk and did not return.

The execution of the family of Nicholas 2

The backstory here is quite interesting. Immediately after the October Revolution, the Romanov royal family was arrested. The investigation did not reveal the guilt of Nicholas 2, so the charges were dropped. At the same time, it was impossible to let the family go to England (the British refused), and the Bolsheviks really did not want to send them to the Crimea, because there were “whites” very close by. Yes, and throughout almost the entire Civil War, Crimea was under the control of the white movement, and all the Romanovs who were on the peninsula were saved by moving to Europe. Therefore, they decided to send them to Tobolsk. The fact of secrecy of the dispatch is noted in his diaries by Nikolay 2, who writes that they were taken to ONE of the cities in the depths of the country.

Until March, the royal family lived relatively calmly in Tobolsk, but on March 24 an investigator arrived here, and on March 26 a reinforced detachment of Red Army soldiers arrived. In fact, since that time, enhanced security measures have begun. The basis is the imaginary flight of Michael.

Subsequently, the family was moved to Yekaterinburg, where she settled in the Ipatiev house. On the night of July 17, 1918, the Romanov royal family was shot. Together with them, their servants were also shot. In total that day died:

  • Nicholas 2,
  • His wife, Alexandra
  • The emperor's children are Tsarevich Alexei, Maria, Tatiana and Anastasia.
  • Family doctor - Botkin
  • Maid - Demidova
  • Personal chef - Kharitonov
  • Footman - Troupe.

In total, 10 people were shot. corpses by official version was thrown into the mine and filled with acid.

Who killed the family of Nicholas 2?

I have already said above that since March, the protection of the royal family has been significantly increased. After moving to Yekaterinburg, it was already a full-fledged arrest. The family was settled in the house of Ipatiev, and a guard was presented to them, the head of the garrison of which was Avdeev. On July 4, almost the entire composition of the guard was replaced, as was his chief. In the future, it was these people who were accused of murdering the royal family:

  • Yakov Yurovsky. He led the shooting.
  • Grigory Nikulin. Yurovsky's assistant.
  • Peter Ermakov. Head of the Emperor's Guard.
  • Mikhail Medvedev-Kudrin. Cheka representative.

These are the main persons, but there were also ordinary performers. It is noteworthy that all of them significantly survived this event. Most later took part in the Second World War, received a pension from the USSR.

Reprisal against the rest of the family

Since March 1918, other members of the royal family have been gathering in Alapaevsk (Perm province). In particular, Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Princes John, Konstantin and Igor, as well as Vladimir Paley are imprisoned here. The latter was the grandson of Alexander 2, but had a different surname. Subsequently, all of them were transported to Vologda, where on July 19, 1918 they were thrown alive into the mine.

The latest events in the destruction of the Romanov dynastic family date back to January 19, 1919, when princes Nikolai and Georgy Mikhailovich, Pavel Alexandrovich and Dmitry Konstantinovich were shot in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Reaction to the assassination of the Romanov imperial family

The murder of the family of Nicholas 2 had the greatest resonance, which is why it needs to be studied. There are many sources indicating that when Lenin was informed about the murder of Nicholas 2, he did not seem to even react to it. It is impossible to verify such judgments, but one can refer to archival documents. In particular, we are interested in Protocol No. 159 of the meeting of the Council of People's Commissars of July 18, 1918. The protocol is very short. Heard the question of the murder of Nicholas 2. Decided - take note. That's it, just take note. There are no other documents regarding this case! This is complete absurdity. In the yard of the 20th century, but not a single document is preserved regarding such an important historical event, except for one note "Take note" ...

However, the underlying reaction to the murder is investigation. They started

Investigations into the murder of the family of Nicholas 2

The leadership of the Bolsheviks, as expected, began an investigation into the murder of the family. The official investigation began on 21 July. She conducted an investigation quickly enough, since Kolchak's troops approached Yekaterinburg. The main conclusion of this official investigation is that there was no murder. Only Nikolai 2 was shot by the verdict of the Yekaterinburg Soviet. But there are a number of very weak points that still cast doubt on the veracity of the investigation:

  • The investigation began a week later. In Russia, the former emperor is being killed, and the authorities react to this a week later! Why was this week of pause?
  • Why conduct an investigation if there was a shooting on the orders of the Soviets? In this case, right on July 17, the Bolsheviks were supposed to report that “the execution of the Romanov royal family took place on the orders of the Yekaterinburg Soviet. Nikolai 2 was shot, but his family was not touched.
  • There are no supporting documents. Even today, all references to the decision of the Yekaterinburg Council are oral. Even in Stalin times when they were shot by the millions, documents remained, they say, “by the decision of the troika and so on” ...

On the 20th of July 1918, Kolchak's army entered Yekaterinburg, and one of the first orders was to begin an investigation into the tragedy. Today everyone is talking about investigator Sokolov, but before him there were 2 more investigators with the names Nametkin and Sergeev. No one has officially seen their reports. Yes, and Sokolov's report was published only in 1924. According to the investigator, the entire royal family was shot. By this time (back in 1921), the Soviet leadership had voiced the same data.

The sequence of destruction of the Romanov dynasty

In the story of the execution of the royal family, it is very important to observe the chronology, otherwise it is very easy to get confused. And the chronology here is this - the dynasty was destroyed in the order of contenders for succession to the throne.

Who was the first pretender to the throne? That's right, Mikhail Romanov. I remind you again - back in 1917, Nicholas 2 abdicated the throne for himself and for his son in favor of Mikhail. Therefore, he was the last emperor, and he was the first pretender to the throne, in the event of the restoration of the Empire. Mikhail Romanov was killed on July 13, 1918.

Who was next in line of succession? Nicholas 2 and his son, Tsarevich Alexei. The candidacy of Nicholas 2 is controversial here, in the end he renounced power on his own. Although in his attitude everyone could change the other way, because in those days almost all laws were violated. But Tsarevich Alexei was a clear contender. The father had no legal right to relinquish the throne for his son. As a result, the entire family of Nicholas 2 was shot on July 17, 1918.

Next in line were all the other princes, of which there were quite a few. Most of them were gathered in Alapaevsk and killed on July 19, 1918. As they say, rate the speed: 13, 17, 19. If we were talking about random murders that were not related to each other, then there would simply not be such a similarity. In less than 1 week, almost all pretenders to the throne were killed, and in order of succession, but history today considers these events isolated from each other, and absolutely not paying attention to disputed places.

Alternative versions of the tragedy

A key alternative version of this historical event is set forth in Tom Mangold and Anthony Summers' book The Murder That Wasn't. It hypothesizes that there was no execution. AT in general terms situation is as follows...

  • The reasons for the events of those days should be sought in the Brest peace treaty between Russia and Germany. The argument is that despite the fact that the secrecy stamp was removed from the documents a long time ago (it was 60 years old, that is, there should have been a publication in 1978), there is not a single full version this document. An indirect confirmation of this is that the “executions” began precisely after the signing of the peace treaty.
  • It is a well-known fact that the wife of Nicholas 2, Alexandra, was a relative of the German Kaiser Wilhelm 2. It is assumed that Wilhelm 2 introduced a clause into the Treaty of Brest, according to which Russia undertakes to ensure the safe departure to Germany of Alexandra and her daughters.
  • As a result, the Bolsheviks extradited women to Germany, and Nicholas 2 and his son Alexei were left hostage. Subsequently, Tsarevich Alexei grew up in Alexei Kosygin.

A new round of this version was given by Stalin. It is a well-known fact that one of his favorites was Alexei Kosygin. There are no big reasons to believe this theory, but there is one detail. It is known that Stalin always called Kosygin nothing more than "tsarevich".

Canonization of the royal family

In 1981, the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad canonized Nicholas 2 and his family as great martyrs. In 2000, this happened in Russia as well. To date, Nicholas 2 and his family are great martyrs and innocently killed, therefore they are saints.

A few words about the Ipatiev house

The Ipatiev House is the place where the family of Nicholas 2 was imprisoned. There is a very well-reasoned hypothesis that it was possible to escape from this house. Moreover, unlike the unfounded alternative version, there is one significant fact. So, the general version is that there was an underground passage from the basement of the Ipatiev house, which no one knew about, and which led to a factory located nearby. Proof of this has already been provided in our day. Boris Yeltsin gave the order to demolish the house and build a church in its place. This was done, but one of the bulldozers during the work fell into this same underground passage. There is no other evidence of a possible escape of the royal family, but the fact itself is curious. At the very least, it leaves room for thought.

To date, the house has been demolished, and the Temple on the Blood has been erected in its place.


In 2008 the Supreme Court Russian Federation recognized the family of Nicholas 2 as a victim of repression. Case is closed.

In Alexander Park. Tsarskoye Selo

From March 9, Nicholas II and his family were under arrest in Tsarskoe Selo. The Provisional Government set up a special commission to study materials to bring the Emperor and his wife to trial on charges of high treason. The commission tried to obtain incriminating documents and evidence, but did not obtain anything confirming the accusation. But instead of announcing this, the Kerensky government decided to send the royal family to Tobolsk. Nicholas II, members of his family and fifty loyal courtiers and servants were brought to Tobolsk in early August 1917 and kept under arrest in the governor's house. This is where the Bolshevik coup found them. In the diary of the Sovereign for November 17, the following words remained: “It is sickening to read the description in the newspapers of what happened ... in Petrograd and Moscow! Much worse and more shameful than the events of the Time of Troubles!

On January 28, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars decided to transfer Nikolai Romanov to Petrograd to face trial. Trotsky was designated as the main accuser. However, neither the transfer to Petrograd nor the trial took place. Before the Bolsheviks the question arose: what to judge? Just because he was born an heir and was the Emperor? Why judge his wife? For being a spouse? And what can be blamed on the children of the Tsar? In addition, the trial of them could only be open. Therefore, it turned out that it would not be possible to sue everyone even by a Bolshevik court. But to kill the Tsar and, if possible, all the members of the dynasty was, of course, the goal of the Bolsheviks. As long as the old rulers are alive, the power of the Bolsheviks over the Russia they have captured cannot be firm. The Bolsheviks remembered that in France, 20 years after the revolution, the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty took place. In Russia, they were going to rule for much longer than 20 years, and therefore any possibility of a monarchical restoration had to be ruled out. In addition, the assassination of the tsar put a bloody seal on the regime established by the Bolsheviks. The new rulers, having committed such an atrocity, would be "tied by blood", could not hope for mercy and had to fight the opponents of their regime to the end. “The execution of the royal family was needed not only in order to intimidate, horrify, and deprive the enemy of hope, but also in order to shake up their own ranks, to show that there was no retreat, that ahead was either complete victory or complete death”- Trotsky cynically admitted to himself (entry in his diary on April 9, 1935).

By the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in the spring of 1918, Nicholas II was transferred with his family from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg. On May 19, an entry appeared in the minutes of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) that Yakov Sverdlov was entrusted to negotiate with the Urals about the further fate of Nicholas II. At the end of June, the military commissar of the Ural region, the most influential Bolshevik of the Urals, Isaiah Isaakovich Goloshchekin (Comrade Philip), whom Sverdlov and Lenin knew very well from their joint underground work, arrived in Moscow to discuss the issue of the assassination of the tsar. Goloshchekin, like many Ural Bolsheviks, was eager to deal with the Tsar and his family and did not understand why Moscow was slow.

In Tobolsk 1918

On the night of June 11-12 near Perm, Chekists led by G.I. Myasnikov killed Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and his secretary, Englishman Brian Johnson. They tried to hide the murder, they announced that Mikhail had been kidnapped by the White Guards, later it was said about the lynching of the people, but, of course, this was an action specially organized by Lenin - "dress rehearsal for regicide" and, perhaps, a measure of intimidation for Nicholas II, so that he would be more accommodating in the negotiations planned by the Bolsheviks and Wilhelm of the deposed Russian Tsar with the Germans. If the Tsar, even if he had abdicated, had sealed the conditions of the Brest peace with his signature, Berlin would have sighed much calmer. The signatures of Lenin and Sokolnikov were hardly considered by German lawyers as quite legitimate.

On July 2, at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars, a decision was made to nationalize the property of the Romanov family. The decision is all the more strange since all their property has been appropriated by the Bolsheviks or plundered by the “revolutionary people” for several months now. Most likely, it was at this meeting that the decision was made that determined the fate of the king and his family. On July 4, the security of the house for special purposes was taken from the hands of the Ural Council and transferred to the Cheka. Instead of locksmith Alexander Dmitrievich Avdeev, Yakov Khaimovich Yurovsky, a Chekist and "Commissioner of Justice" of the Ural Region, was appointed commandant of the house. He changed all the internal guards. The prisoners thought that this change took place in order to stop the theft of their property, which under Avdeev was an ordinary occurrence. Thefts did indeed stop, but the property of the Romanovs was not taken care of in Moscow. On July 7, Lenin ordered that direct communication be established between the chairman of the Ural Council, Alexander Beloborodov, and the Kremlin "in view of the extreme importance of the events."

On July 12, Goloshchekin returned to Yekaterinburg with the authority to carry out the death sentence. On the same day, he reported to the executive committee of the Ural Soviet "about the attitude of the central government to the execution of the Romanovs." The Executive Committee approved the decision of Moscow. The fact that it is necessary to prepare for the murder of Nicholas II Goloshchekin told Yurovsky. On July 15, Yurovsky set about preparing the assassination. On July 16, the official decision of the Presidium of the Ural Council "on the liquidation of the Romanov family" took place. The commander of the military squad of the Verkh-Isetsky plant, P.Z. Ermakov, had to ensure the destruction or reliable concealment of the corpses. 12 people were directly involved in the murder. Including - Ya.M.Yurovsky, G.P.Nikulin, M.A.Medvedev (Kudrin), P.Z.Ermakov, P.S.Medvedev, A.A.Strekotin, possibly Chekist Kabanov. On the other participants in the murder, the investigating commission and 1918-20. and 1991-95 couldn't find any information. It is only known that the group included 6-7 "Latvians", that is, people of northern European appearance who did not speak Russian well. Yurovsky spoke German with five of them. On the wall of the Ipatiev house, investigator Sokolov found an inscription in Hungarian - “Verhash Andras. Security guard. July 15, 1918". There is evidence that among the killers was a well-known Hungarian communist Imre Nagy. Two "Latvians" refused to shoot at the girls and were removed from the group. It is surprising that neither the names, nor the positions, nor the service records of these people, apparently well-tested in the Cheka, have been preserved. After all, the assassination of the Tsar was prepared at the “state level”. Only one of these "Latvians" showed up later and told about his "exploits". It turned out to be the Austrian Hans Meyer, who fled in 1956 from the GDR. There are suspicions that he acted in 1956 on instructions from the KGB. In the murder of the last Russian Tsar and his family, far from everything is still clear.

On the night of July 17, Nicholas II and his family were killed without trial or investigation by Chekists under the command of Yurovsky in the basement of the house of military engineer Ipatiev. The brutality of the killers was so great that they even shot three dogs of the imperial family, and hung one lapdog. Immediately after the murder, the remains were taken outside the city, where vile abuses were committed over the bodies of women. Then they tried to destroy the bodies with fire and hydrochloric acid, and then buried them. In addition to Yurovsky, I.I. Radzinsky, an employee of the local Cheka, led the concealment and attempted destruction of the bodies. Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their four daughters - Olga, Maria, Tatyana and Anastasia 22-17 years old, fourteen-year-old Tsarevich Alexei and four faithful friends who refused to leave the Emperor's family during these terrible days, - Dr. Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin, valet Aloisy Egorovich Trupp, cook Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov and maid Anna Stepanovna Demidova. On July 18, according to the report of Sverdlov, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars approved this atrocity. On July 19, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee officially announced that the decision to execute Nicholas II was made in Yekaterinburg, without consultations with the Council of People's Commissars, and the wife and children of the "executed Nicholas Romanov" were evacuated to a safe place. It was a 100% lie.

Here is a description of the murder that Yurovsky, who led it, offered in 1920 to the red historian M.N. Pokrovsky: “All preparations were made: 12 people (including 6 Latvians) with revolvers were selected, who were supposed to carry out the sentence. 2 of the Latvians refused to shoot the girls. When the car arrived (at 1.30 am - to take away the corpses) everyone was asleep. They woke up Botkin, and he woke up everyone else. The explanation was given as follows: “due to the fact that the city is restless, it is necessary to transfer the Romanov family from the upper floor to the lower one.” Dressed for half an hour. Downstairs, a room with a wooden plastered partition was chosen (to avoid ricochets); all the furniture was taken out of it. The team was at the ready in the next room. The Romanovs had no idea. The commandant (i.e. Yurovsky himself) went after them personally, alone, and led them up the stairs to the lower room. Nikolai carried Alexei in his arms (the boy had a severe attack of hemophilia), the rest carried pillows and various small things with them. Entering the empty room, Alexandra Fyodorovna asked: “Why is there no chair? Can't you even sit down? The commandant ordered two chairs to be brought in. Nikolay put Alexei on one, Alexandra Fedorovna sat on the other. The rest of the commandant ordered to stand in a row. When they got there, they called the team. When the team entered, the commandant told the Romanovs that in view of the fact that their relatives were continuing their offensive against Soviet Russia, the Ural Executive Committee had decided to shoot them. Nikolai turned his back on the team, facing his family, then, as if coming to his senses, turned to the commandant, with the question: “What? What?˝ The commandant quickly repeated and ordered the team to get ready. The team was told in advance who to shoot at whom and ordered to aim directly at the heart in order to avoid a large amount of blood and finish sooner. Nikolai said nothing more, turning back to the family, others uttered several incoherent exclamations, everything lasted for several seconds. Then the shooting began, lasting two or three minutes. Nikolai was killed on the spot by the commandant himself, then Alexandra Fedorovna and the Romanovs' people immediately died ... Alexei, three of his sisters and Dr. Botkin were still alive. They had to be shot… They tried to stab one of the girls with a bayonet… Then they began to take out the corpses and put them in a car…”— Repentance. Materials of the government commission ... - S.193-194. The population of Yekaterinburg learned about the incident from leaflets pasted around the city on July 22. The next day, the text of the leaflet was published in the newspaper "Working Ural". On July 22, the guards guarding Ipatiev's house were removed. Yurovsky gave the killers 8,000 rubles and ordered the money to be divided among all. Here is the text of the leaflet: “The White Guards tried to kidnap the former tsar and his family. Their plot was exposed. The Regional Council of Workers and Peasants of the Urals prevented their criminal plan and shot the all-Russian killer. This is the first warning. The enemies of the people will also not achieve a return to autocracy, just as they failed to get a crowned executioner into their camp.

In the Ural town of Alapaevsk, since May 1918, the Bolsheviks kept under Russian and Austrian guards several representatives of the Romanov dynasty, their friends and servants - Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (widow of Grand Duke Sergei Alksandrovich and sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna), Grand Dukes Sergei Mikhailovich, John Konstantinovich , Konstantin Konstantinovich and Igor Konstantinovich (sons of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich and second cousins ​​of Emperor Nicholas II) and Prince V.P. Paley (son of Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich and nephew of Emperor Nicholas II). On June 21, servants and associates were removed from them (except for the secretary F.S. Remez and nun Barbara), jewelry was taken away and a strict prison regime was introduced. On July 18, at 3:15 in the morning, the Bolsheviks staged an attack on the school where the prisoners were kept, took them to the Verkhnyaya Sinyachikha tract, and there, severely beaten, threw them into the mine. The “operation” was led by G. Safarov, a member of the executive committee of the Ural Council, who had arrived the day before from Yekaterinburg. Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich resisted and was shot, the rest were thrown alive. Five members of the royal house - the Grand Duchess, nun Elizaveta Feodorovna, princes John, Konstantin and Igor Konstantinovich, Prince Vladimir Pavlovich Paley and Elizabeth Feodorovna's cell-attendant nun Varvara Yakovleva died from lack of air and water a few days later. Local residents heard prayer singing coming from the mine. Together with the persons of the reigning house of the Romanovs, their faithful friends and servants were killed in the Urals on the same days, following the Emperor, the Grand Dukes and Princesses until last chance- maid of honor Anastasia Vasilievna Gendrikova, clerk Ekaterina Adolfovna Schneider, adjutant general Ilya Leonidovich Tatishchev, marshal Prince Vasily Alexandrovich Dolgoruky, manager Pyotr Fedorovich Remez, uncle of Tsarevich Alexei Klementy Grigoryevich Nagorny, valet Ivan Dmitrievich Sednev, valet Vasily Fedorovich Chelyshev. 8 days after regicide

The relics of the great prince. Elizabeth

Yekaterinburg and Alapaevsk were occupied by the white troops of General Sergei Nikolaevich Voitsekhovsky, advancing from Siberia, and the commission of the investigator N.A. Sokolova took up the study of the circumstances of all three group murders. The remains of Grand Duke Michael, Brian Johnson and the Alapaevsk sufferers were discovered by the commission of inquiry. The remains of Sovereign Nicholas II and those killed with him could not be found then.
Historian's opinion: “The brutal murder of Nicholas II, his wife, children and servants is truly a unique event in world history. Yes, and in former times, other monarchical persons were executed - for example, in England and France, but always after a trial, publicly, and, of course, excluding the fact that their children, doctors, cooks, servants, were executed along with them, court ladies. The Bolshevik liquidation of the royal family is more like a dark murder committed by a gang of criminals who tried to destroy all traces of the crime.- writes the Danish scientist B. Jensen (Among the regicides M., 2001 - p. 119.)

There is one important facet in the whole story of the murder of the Emperor and family members. The German Emperor could easily make one of the conditions for concluding the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk the extradition of his cousin “dear Nika” Nicholas II and his family to Germany in order to save them. But he didn't. Moreover, all attempts to mediate in this direction by the Danish King Christian, uncle Nicholas II and great-uncle of his children, and the Swedish king were rejected by the Kaiser. The German ambassadors in Moscow and Kyiv, Mirbach and Eichhorn, were asked to accept the tsar and his family under the protection of Germany in May-June 1918 by Russian public figures - Boris Nolde, A.V. Krivoshein, A. von Lampe. But no steps were taken in this direction by the German authorities, and it was very simple to take them - in the spring and summer of 1918, the Council of People's Commissars was defended by German bayonets. Consequently, Germany did not want the salvation of the Tsar and his family.
Historian's opinion: “The Danish king, of course, was disappointed by the evasive answer of Wilhelm (to his request of March 15 to help the family of the Russian Emperor - A.Z.). If Germany did not want to put pressure on the Bolsheviks, then no one could do it. Germany ... forced the Soviet regime to retreat by military force, recognized the Leninist government in Moscow and, apparently, at that moment could achieve the execution of the request for the departure of the royal family from Russia. But this went against the political and military interests of Germany.— B. Jensen. (Among the regicides M., 2001 - p. 70.)

House of Ipatiev. Yekaterinburg

The Germans knew the uncompromising attitude of the deposed Russian monarch towards a separate world, and when they again became convinced that he would never support the Brest Treaty with his authority, its destruction began to suit the Germans no less than the Bolsheviks. After all, he could theoretically stand at the head of the anti-German patriotic forces that were advancing from Siberia. It is very possible that on this issue, at the end of June 1918, an agreement was concluded between Lenin and the German authorities. At the very least, the presence of an authorized German command during the assassination is likely. We do not know the names of all the killers. One of them left an inscription on the wall of the room where the murder took place: "Belsatzar ward in selber Nacht von seinen Knechten umgebracht" - "That night Belshazzar was killed by his servants". A revolutionary soldier or a Latvian rifleman would hardly have called himself in 1918 "servants" of the tsar. But from the point of view of a non-Russian subject, the murder in the Ipatiev House could well be perceived as an uprising of serfs against their master, and therefore these verses by Heine were recalled to such an observer. It is very possible that the observer himself did not participate in the murder, and it was strictly forbidden to talk about his presence, while the participants themselves boasted of the murder and did not repent at all until their death (Yurovsky died in 1938, Beloborodov and Goloshchekin were killed by their own during the great terror - in 1938 and 1941, Medvedev died in 1964, Chekist I. Radzinsky - in the 1970s).

The royal family was killed not because they were afraid to give it into the hands of the whites - it was possible to take the Emperor and his loved ones out of Yekaterinburg on July 16 and even on July 22, when Goloshchekin left for Moscow with royal luggage and got quite safely. This terrible murder was, first of all, revenge and a matter of satanic malice for all those who wanted to commit it and committed it. “The Germans allowed the murder of the tsar and his family, having every opportunity to order the Bolsheviks not to do this. They allowed (if they did not directly order the Bolsheviks to do this) the execution of the one who was then the most likely, most legitimate and most convenient candidate for the Russian monarchist movement. Having allowed the assassination of the tsar with his entire family, the Germans beheaded the Russian monarchists. Without wanting, of course, this, with their negotiations, Nolde, Krivoshein and other monarchists led the Germans to think about the danger to them of Nicholas II and his family, not to mention the Siberian movement, which simply could, having captured the tsar and his family, cause the greatest unrest in Russia at a time when, in view of the struggle on the Western Front, there should have been absolute peace. When Nolde complained to me about the "frivolity and short-sightedness" of Hindenburg and Mirbach, who did not want a monarchical coup with Nicholas II at the head, he could with great success attribute these epithets to himself and his like-minded people.It is clear, in any case, that the Bolsheviks would never have decided to execute them without consulting the Germans or without being absolutely certain that they would look at it through their fingers or that such an act would definitely be pleasant to them. Nicholas II and his family were killed, at least with the connivance of the Germans, and ... July 6 (O.S.), two and a half weeks after the assassination of the tsar, Mirbach himself is killed by the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries with the full approval of this act by all circles, not excluding monarchical, which the Germans brutally carried out, allowing the murder of Nicholas II with his family, objectively so beneficial to them. - Written by G.N.Mikhailovsky. (Notes. T.2. M., 1993. S.109-110.). N.V. Charykov, the maternal uncle of G.N. During the turmoil, he was the Minister of Public Education and the chairman of a special diplomatic commission in the Crimean government of General Sulkevich. Charykov's conversation with Mikhailovsky took place in Simferopol at the beginning of October 1918. (G.N. Mikhailovsky. Notes. V.2, P.120-121)

“Answering the painful question, which largely disrupted the Germanophile movement in Russian anti-Bolshevik circles, the question of the attitude of the Germans towards Nicholas II and the Romanovs in general, Charykov said: “The Germans fell out of love with the Romanovs from the time of the Franco-Russian Union, and Nicholas II they hated and feared his accession." When asked if he believed that the Germans deliberately allowed the death of the entire royal family in order to eliminate the possibility of the revival of the monarchy in Russia under a monarch who declared war on them and did not want to conclude a separate peace with them, Charykov replied: “If they did not want the execution of Nicholas II and his family, they had only to lift a finger, and the Bolsheviks would never dare to do it. “How was the news of the assassination of Nicholas II received among the German command?” I asked. “Champagne,” answered Charykov. So from the lips of a man who was in the extreme south of Russia, I heard something that was hardly guessed by a few in Petrograd and Moscow ... ".

Russian society met the news of the murder of the Sovereign in very different ways. The coming to power of the Bolsheviks and their atrocities and atrocities forced many cultured and religious people to repent even more deeply for the revolutionary dreams of 1916 and the enthusiasm of February 1917. In this environment, monarchical sentiments and love for the abdicated Emperor and his family were again strengthened. He was considered a "comrade in misfortune", the first of the deceived sufferers. But most of the people were still in the grip of rebellion, were still blinded by the permissiveness of robbery and the disgrace of desertion. Few people prayed at the funeral services for the Sovereign and his family. “On everyone whom I had to see in Petrograd, this news made a stunning impression: some simply did not believe it, others wept silently, the majority were simply stupidly silent. But on the crowd, on what is usually called "the people", this news made an impression that I did not expect. On the day of the publication of the news, I was twice on the street, rode a tram, and nowhere did I see the slightest glimpse of pity or compassion. The news was read loudly, with grins, mockery and the most ruthless comments... Some kind of senseless callousness, some kind of boasting of bloodthirstiness. The most disgusting expressions: ˝it would have been like this a long time ago, ˝come on, reign some more˝, ˝cover Nikolashka˝, ˝eh, brother Romanov, danced – were heard all around from the youngest youth, and the elders either turned away or were silent indifferently "- V.N. Kokovtsov (Memoirs. - P. 531). General Denikin bitterly writes about the attitude of the public to the regicide in the summer of 1918: “When, during the Second Kuban campaign, at Tikhoretskaya station, having received news of the death of the Emperor, I ordered the Volunteer Army to serve requiems, this fact caused severe condemnation in democratic circles and the press ... They forgot the wise word: “vengeance is mine, and I will repay ...”. — A.I. Denikin Essays on Russian Troubles. v.1. — M.: Nauka., 1991. S. 128.

Honest remains of Grand Duke John Konstantinovich

On July 19, Germany sent an official protest to Radek and Vorovsky and expressed concern about the "fate of the German princesses" - Alexandra Feodorovna, Elizaveta Feodorovna and their children. Radek answered this protest quite mockingly: “If Germany was really concerned about the fate of the ex-tsarina and her children, then they could get the opportunity to leave Russia for humanitarian reasons.” Germany did nothing more, and a month later Lenin could assure Vorovsky that "The question of Nikolai Romanov has been settled and there is no panic." German money continued to go into the pockets of the Bolsheviks as regularly as before the July assassination. Already after the capitulation of Germany, completely on their own initiative on the night of January 27, 1919, in the Peter and Paul Fortress of Petrograd, the Bolsheviks killed the Grand Dukes Georgy Mikhailovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Pavel Alexandrovich. Petitions about them to Lenin from the Western powers and Russian public figures did not help and could not help ... Their bodies were fed to the animals of the Petrograd Zoo. In those same days, Grand Duke Nikolai Konstantinovich was killed by the Bolsheviks in Tashkent. It is noteworthy that back in September 1918, the Danish envoy in St. Petersburg, Harald Skavenius, agreed with the German Consul General in St. Petersburg, Hans Karl Breiter, that he would try to release the Grand Dukes from prison if they asked him to do so. Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich angrily rejected this proposal, coming from the enemies of Russia, dooming himself and his brothers to death.

After the murder, in the papers of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, they found a poem by the poet Sergei Bekhteev “Prayer” copied by her, sent by him in October 1917 through Countess A.V. Gendrikova to the Grand Duchesses in Tobolsk:

Send us, Lord, patience
In a time of stormy, gloomy days
Endure popular persecution
And the torture of our executioners.

Give us strength, oh right God,
To forgive the crimes of the neighbor
And the cross is heavy and bloody
To meet with your meekness.

And in the days of rebellious excitement,
When enemies rob us,
To endure shame and insults,
Christ the Savior, help.

Ruler of the world, God Almighty,
Bless us with prayer
And give rest to the humble soul
In an unbearable terrible hour.
And at the threshold of the grave
Breathe into the mouth of your slaves -
Inhuman forces
Pray humbly for your enemies.

Thinker's opinion: Having behind him the experience of the French Revolution and the assassination of King Louis XVI, Count Joseph de Maistre wrote in 1797: “Any encroachment on the Supreme Power, created on behalf of the People, is always, to a greater or lesser extent, a national crime, for the Nation is always guilty of the fact that a certain number of rebels are able to commit a crime on its behalf ... The life of every person is precious to him, but life those on whom many lives depend, the lives of sovereigns are precious to all. And if the life of the Sovereign is cut short by a crime, a terrible abyss opens up in the place that he occupied, and everything that surrounded him falls there. Every drop of Louis XVI's blood will cost France in torrents of blood. Four million Frenchmen may pay with their heads for a great national crime - for an anti-religious and anti-social rebellion, crowned with regicide.— Reflections on France. M., 1997. - S.24-25.

The remains of nine of the 11 killed in the Ipatiev house were discovered in the 1980s. and solemnly, with military honors, were interred by the decree of President B.N. Yeltsin and in his presence in the Catherine's chapel of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. In July 2007, 20 meters from the place where the remains of the nine murdered were found, the remains of a young man and a girl were discovered, presumably being Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria. There is, however, an opinion that those buried in the Peter and Paul Fortress are not Emperor Nicholas II, members of his family and their servants.

The Message of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on the 75th anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II and his family says: “The sin of regicide, which occurred with the indifference of the citizens of Russia, has not been repented by our people. Being a crime of both Divine and human law, this sin lies with the heaviest burden on the soul of the people, on its moral self-awareness ... We call to repentance all our people, all their children, regardless of their political views and views on history, regardless of ethnic origin, religious belonging, from their attitude to the idea of ​​the monarchy and to the personality of the last Russian Emperor. Renouncing the sins of the past, we must understand that good goals must be achieved by worthy means. Creating and renewing the life of the people, one cannot follow the path of lawlessness and immorality. When doing any deed, even the most kind and useful, one cannot sacrifice human life and freedom, someone's good name, moral standards and norms of the law ... ". On July 17, 1998, when the remains of the victims of the murder in the Ipatiev House were given a Christian burial in the Peter and Paul Cathedral, President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, in the past the secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee and the destroyer of the Ipatiev Mansion, confessed over the coffins of the sufferers both his personal guilt and the guilt of the people : “For many years we hushed up this monstrous crime, but we must tell the truth, the massacre in Yekaterinburg has become one of the most shameful pages in our history. By burying the remains of the innocently killed, we want to atone for the sin of our ancestors. Guilty are those who committed this atrocity, and those who justified it for decades. We are all guilty."

Historian's opinion: “In the way the murder of the royal family was prepared and committed, how it was first denied and then justified, there is some kind of exceptional vileness, something that distinguishes it from other acts of regicide and allows us to see in it a prelude to the massacres of the twentieth century ... Like the heroes of Dostoevsky's The Possessed, the Bolsheviks had to shed blood to bind their wavering followers in the bonds of collective guilt. The more innocent victims were placed on the party's conscience, the more clearly the rank-and-file Bolshevik must have understood that retreat, hesitation, compromise were impossible, that he was tied to his leaders by the strongest of threads and doomed to follow them to "complete victory" - at any cost - or ˝complete death˝. The Yekaterinburg murder marked the beginning of the "Red Terror", formally announced six weeks later... in which completely new moral laws operate. This is the symbolic meaning of the event that happened on the night of July 16-17 in Yekaterinburg. The assassination committed by the secret order of the government ... was the first step of humanity on the path of conscious genocide. The same train of thought that forced the Bolsheviks to pass the death sentence on the royal family soon led both in Russia itself and beyond its borders to the blind destruction of millions of human beings, whose only fault was that they turned out to be an obstacle to the implementation of certain grandiose plans. rebuilding the world"- R. Pipes. Russian revolution. T.II. Bolsheviks in the struggle for power. M.2006. - P.591-593.

The fate of members of the Imperial House after the revolution

Representatives of the Imperial House of the Romanovs, who belonged to it in 1917, in addition to the family of Emperor Nicholas II himself, were divided into five branches, the two oldest of which are direct descendants of Alexander II, and the rest descended from the non-reigning children of Nicholas I.

1. Children of brother Alexander III century. Vladimir Alexandrovich: Kirill (b. 1876; rear admiral), Boris (b. 1877; major general), Andrei (b. 1879; major general) and Elena (b. 1882; wife of the Greek crown prince) Vladimirovichi, and also the children of Cyril - Vladimir (b. 1917), Maria (b. 1907) and Kira (b. 1909).

2. Another brother of Alexander III century. Pavel Alexandrovich (b. 1860; cavalry general) and his children Dmitry (b. 1891; staff captain of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment) and Maria (b. 1890).

3. Descendants of V.K. Konstantin Nikolaevich: his children are Nikolai Konstantinovich (b. 1850), Dmitry Konstantinovich (b. 1860; cavalry general), Olga (b. 1851; Queen of Greece), and the children of the deceased in 1915. V.K. Konstantin Konstantinovich - John (b. 1886; staff captain of the life guards of the cavalry regiment), Gabriel (b. 1887; colonel of the life guards of the hussar regiment), Konstantin (b. 1890; captain of the life guards of Izmailovsky regiment), Igor (b. 1894; staff captain of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment), George (b. 1903), Tatyana (b. 1890; wife of Prince K.A. Bagration-Mukhransky) and Vera (b. 1906), as well as the children of John - Vsevolod (b. 1914) and Catherine (b. 1915).

4. Descendants of V.K. Nikolai Nikolaevich "senior": his children - Nikolai "junior" (b. 1856; cavalry general), Peter (b. 1864; lieutenant general) Nikolaevich, as well as Peter's children - Roman (b. 1896; second lieutenant l.- Guards Sapper Regiment), Marina (b. 1892) and Nadezhda (b. 1898).

5. Descendants of V.K. Mikhail Nikolaevich: his children are Nikolai (b. 1859; infantry general), Anastasia (b. 1860; wife of Hertz F. Mecklenburg-Schwerinsky), Mikhail (b. 1861; colonel of the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery Brigade ), Georgy (b. 1863; lieutenant general), Alexander (b. 1866; admiral) and Sergei (b. 1869; artillery general) Mikhailovichi, children of Alexander Mikhailovich - Andrei (b. 1897; cornet of the Cavalier Guard Regiment), Fedor (b. 1898; cadet of the Page Corps), Nikita (b. 1900; midshipman of the Naval Corps), Dmitry (b. 1901), Rostislav (b. 1902), Vasily (b. 1907) and Irina (b. 1895; wife of Prince F.F. Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston) and daughters of Georgy Mikhailovich Nina (b. 1901) and Xenia (b. 1903).

The descendants from the marriage of V.K. also belonged to the Imperial House. Maria Nikolaevna with hertz. Maximilian of Leuchtenberg - daughter of Eugene (b. 1845; wife of Prince A.P. Oldenburg) and the children of her deceased brother George - the princes of Romanov, the Dukes of Leuchtenberg: Alexander (b. 1881; colonel of the life guards of the Hussar regiment), Sergei (r . 1890; senior lieutenant of the 2nd Baltic naval crew) and Elena (b. 1892).

The Bolsheviks killed: Emperor Nicholas II with his wife and children on July 17, 1918 in Yekaterinburg; VC. Sergei Mikhailovich, V.K. Elizaveta Feodorovna, John, Konstantin and Igor Konstantinovich - July 18, 1918 in Alapaevsk; VC. Mikhail Alexandrovich - June 13, 1918 in Perm; four senior grand dukes: Pavel Alexandrovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich, George and Nikolai Mikhailovich - January 30, 1919 in Petrograd; VC. Nikolai Konstantinovich was then killed in Tashkent.

Vel. book. Kirill Vladimirovich

The rest of the members of the Imperial House managed to go abroad. V.K. had unconditional seniority among these persons. Kirill Vladimirovich, who by 1917 was the first in rights to the throne after Mikhail Alexandrovich, who became the head of the dynasty in exile, and on July 26, 1922, proclaimed himself the guardian of the Russian throne. In the 1920s, the most popular figure among the Russian emigration as a whole was V.K. Nikolai Nikolayevich, the former Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Commander of the Caucasian Front during the First World War. He was especially popular in military circles, and in 1924 he officially announced his leadership of the army (the Russian Army of General Wrangel continued to exist until the autumn of 1924, when it was transformed into the ROVS) and all military organizations, remaining in this capacity until his death in 1929. However, he had no claims to the throne, and when in May - June 1922 he was elected at the Reichengall Congress (where the monarchist movement in exile for the first time dared to organizationally and ideologically declare itself) the Supreme Monarchist Council, headed by N .E.Markov invited him to head the monarchist movement, Nikolai Nikolaevich refused to do so.

After information about the death of V.K. Mikhail Alexandrovich was finally confirmed; on September 13, 1924, V.K. Kirill Vladimirovich proclaimed himself Emperor Cyril I (by virtue of the formula of the Law on Succession to the Throne: “After the death of the Emperor, His Heir ascends the Throne by the very law of succession, assigning Him this right”). This act was approved by all members of the Imperial House, except for the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna (who still did not believe in the death of children) and - for political reasons - Nikolai and Peter Nikolayevich and the latter's son Roman, who believed that the question of state power in Russia should be in the future decided by the people's will. In the future, members of the Imperial House played a prominent role in emigration, heading various organizations (including guards regimental associations), and a number of them were very close to the ROVS. First of all, it was Sergei Georgievich Romanovsky, Duke of Leuchtenberg, himself a member of the White movement. He worked closely with the ROVS until his death. Among other members of the Imperial House associated with the ROVS were Andrei Vladimirovich, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Dmitry Pavlovich (since December 1931, honorary chairman of the Union of Russian Military Invalids), Gabriel and Vera Konstantinovichi (when, after the abduction by the Bolsheviks of the head of the ROVS, General E.K. .Miller, the organization was going through hard times, it was supposed to introduce Boris and Andrei Vladimirovich, S.G. Romanovsky, Gavriil Konstantinovich and Nikita Alexandrovich to the members of the Military Conference for the heading and reform of the EMRO).

After his death in 1938, V.K. Kirill Vladimirovich, the rights of the head of the Imperial House passed to his son Vladimir Kirillovich, which was also not questioned by any of the other Romanovs. All male representatives of the older generation of all branches of the Imperial House died by the mid-1950s: Boris Vladimirovich (d. ), Mikhail Mikhailovich (d.1929), Alexander Mikhailovich (1933). On December 23, 1969, Vladimir Kirillovich declared his daughter Maria (b. 1953) guardian of the throne. By this time, Roman Petrovich (died 1978), Andrei, Nikita, Dmitry, Rostislav and Vasily Alexandrovich and Vsevolod Ioannovich, who were dynastically “older” to Mary and, in the event of the death of Vladimir Kirillovich before them, would successively inherit the throne (but due to the unevenness of their marriages, they could not keep him in their offspring). After the death of the last of them in 1989, Maria was proclaimed heir to the throne, and after the death of her father (1992), she inherited the position of Head of the Imperial House. From her marriage to Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia, she has a son, George (b. 1981). Of the persons who were members of the Imperial House in 1917, not a single person remained alive by 2008: the last to die in 2007 was Princess Ekaterina Ioannovna (born in 1915).

Repentance. Materials of the government commission for the study of issues related to the study and reburial of the remains of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family. M., 1998.

N.A. Sokolov. Assassination of the royal family. M., 1990.

N.G.Ross, comp. The death of the royal family. Investigation materials. Frankfurt am Main: Posev, 1987.644 p.

A.B. teeth, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at MGIMO