The inscription on Solomon's ring will pass. Ring of Solomon - ancient biblical legend

King Solomon once, in a moment of spiritual confusion, turned to the court sage for advice with a request: "Help me! Too much in this life can drive me crazy. I am very prone to passions, and this hinders me!" To which the sage replied: "I know how to help you." And the sage handed the king a ring with the inscription carved on its outer surface: "This will pass." Handing over the ring, the sage explained to the astonished king: “When strong anger or strong joy overwhelms you, Sovereign, look at this inscription, and it will sober you up. In this you will find salvation from passions!” Solomon followed the advice of the sage and found peace. But once the moment came when, looking, as usual, at the ring, he did not calm down, but, on the contrary, lost his temper even more. He tore the ring off his finger and was about to throw it far into the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some kind of inscription on the inside of the ring. He looked closely and read: "This, too, shall pass." Many years passed, and Solomon grew old. Remembering those who once seemed important matters , he thought sadly that everything had passed, read again and again the inscriptions on the ring that no longer gave consolation. As he ran his finger along the edge of the ring, he suddenly felt bumps that looked like embossed letters. The king called the servant, who had excellent eyesight, and he hardly read the inscription: "Nothing passes." "A wise parable," agreed Skavronov. - That is, according to this version, the artifact was presented as a fairly thick ring with three inscriptions in Hebrew? "Quite right," Tavrov confirmed. - By the way, another version of the legend about this ring is very curious. One day, King Solomon saw a wealthy jeweler who boasted of his art and profitable craft, which brought him wealth. Such boasting angered the king and he ordered the jeweler: "Since you are so smart and skillful, then make me a ring that makes the sad happy and the happy sad. And if in three days the ring is not ready, then I will order you to be executed." No matter how talented and skillful the jeweler was, on the third day he fearfully went to the king with a ring for him. At the threshold of the palace, he met Rahavam, the son of Solomon, and remembered that the Torah says: "The son of a wise man is half of a wise man." And the jeweler told Rahavam about his misfortune. He took pity on the jeweler, took a nail and scratched three Hebrew letters on three sides of the ring: Gimel, Zayin and Yod. Rahavam gave the ring to the astonished jeweler and assured him that he could safely go to the king with it. Solomon put on the ring, thoughtfully turned it on his finger and immediately understood the meaning of the scrawled letters: this is an abbreviation of the phrase "This too shall pass." As the ring spins, all the time showing different letters, so the world spins, and the fate of a person spins in the same way. And thinking that now he is sitting on a high throne, surrounded by all the splendors, and this will pass, he immediately became sad. Time passed, luck turned away from the king, the demon Ashmodai threw him to the ends of the world and Solomon had to wander for three years. But, looking at the ring, he understood that this too would pass, and he became cheerful. “According to this legend, it turns out that the ring is the same in shape, but has only three letters on the outside,” concluded Skavronov. "But what was the ring really like?" - An older source than Muslim legends is the oldest European grimoire - a magic book - originally written in the colloquial Greek language "Koine", adopted in the Roman Empire and called "The Testament of Solomon." In the Testament, the origin of Solomon's ring is described in this way. When the Temple was being built in Jerusalem, King Solomon noticed that his beloved young apprentice was wasting away day by day. When Solomon asked the boy what had happened to him, he replied that every day, after sunset, he was attacked by some evil spirit, who not only took away from him half of the money and food earned during the day, but also sucked blood from thumb his right hand. Then Solomon went to the Temple and prayed there day and night that this demon would be given into his hands and Solomon would receive power over him. Having heard this prayer, God sent Archangel Michael to Solomon, who handed him a small ring, on the seal of which Pentalpha was carved, which is the Seal of God, which gives power over all demons, men and women. Delighted, Solomon gave the boy a ring and ordered the next time the Demon appeared, throw this ring into his chest and say: "In the name of God! Solomon orders you to come to him." When the Demon appeared again, the boy managed to fulfill all this, although he begged not to throw a ring at him, promising all the gold of the earth as a reward. Under influence magical power the demon was forced to appear before Solomon and announce his name to him. Having subdued one demon, Solomon called to himself and subdued other demons, with the help of which he built the Great Temple. Subsequently, Solomon began to worry that if suddenly the ring was stolen, then other people would also be able to use his ring - and this could lead to unpredictable consequences. So he, using his power, collected seventy-two major demons in a copper vessel, sealed it with a ring and threw it into a deep lake. But luck eventually turned away from the king. The demons that remained at large told the inhabitants of Babylon about this and inspired them that the most valuable royal treasures were hidden in the vessel. People - not without the help of the same demons - managed to find and fish out the jug. Seventy-two demons escaped from the vessel and gained freedom. Solomon finally lost all his power over demons after he fell in love with a girl named Sonmanites from the Juvesian people. She promised to give herself to him if Solomon bowed to the gods of the Juvesians, Rafan and Moloch. Blinded by passion, Solomon fulfilled the desire of the girl and, according to the expression from the ancient text "Testament of Solomon", which is attributed to the king himself, "the glory of God completely abandoned me; and my spirit faded, and I became a game for idols and demons." Here is such a sad story of King Solomon and his Ring. And what did this ring look like? “A ring of gray metal, not subject to the oxidation of iron, with the seal of Pentalph carved on it, in other words, a pentagram,” explained Tavrov. - That's the kind of ring Fr. John had.

edited news LAKRIMOzzzA - 27-03-2011, 21:38

The Testament of Solomon (about 100-400 BC) says that an angel gave him a magic ring ("Solomon's seal"), with which you could talk to animals, tame demons, and even subdue their head - Asmodeus who helped Solomon build the Temple. The power of the miraculous ring forced the demons to call their real names, thus giving Solomon power over them.

Proud of this power over the spirits Solomon was punished: Asmodeus"cast" him into a distant land, and he himself took on his image and ruled in Jerusalem. Solomon this time he had to wander, redeeming his pride, and teach the people humility, saying: "I, the preacher, was king over Israel ..." (cf. Ekk. 1, 12).

repentant Solomon was returned to the kingdom, and the werewolf disappeared ("Gitin", 67-68a).

According to a folk legend widespread in the East, the ring is kept in the tomb of the king and is guarded by some fantastic dragons. In addition, where this tomb is located is also unknown to anyone; on the other hand, everyone knows that the lucky man who managed to master this ring would become nothing more nor less than the owner and master of the whole world and the myriads of incorporeal forces that inhabit the Universe.

Seal of Solomon, or Star of David

This is the famous magical seal of Solomon, or the Star of David. The top triangle in her image is white and the bottom triangle is black. It symbolizes, first of all, the absolute law of analogy, expressed by the mystical formula: "What is below is similar to what is above."

The seal of Solomon is also a symbol of human evolution: one must learn not only to take, but also to give, absorb and radiate at the same time, radiate - for the Earth, perceive - from Heaven. We receive and are filled only when we give to others.

(According to other versions, there was a pentacle on the ring - a five-pointed star)



Despite his wisdom, King Solomon's life was not peaceful. And once King Solomon turned for advice to the court wise man with a request: “Help me - a lot in this life can drive me crazy. I am very subject to passions, and this hinders me!” To which the sage replied: “I know how to help you. Put on this ring - the phrase is carved on it: “This will pass. “When strong anger or strong joy is surging, look at this inscription and it will sober you up. In this you will find salvation from passions! Solomon followed the advice of the sage and found peace. But the moment came when, looking, as usual, at the ring, he did not calm down, but, on the contrary, lost his temper even more. He tore the ring off his finger and was about to throw it far into the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some kind of inscription on the inside of the ring. He looked closely and read: "This too shall pass."


One day, King Solomon was sitting in his palace and saw a man walking down the street, dressed in golden robes from head to toe. Solomon called this man to him and asked: “Are you a robber?” To which he replied that he was a jeweler: "And Jerusalem is a famous city, many wealthy people, kings and princes come here." Then the king asked how much the jeweler earns from this? And he proudly replied that a lot. Then the king grinned and said that if this jeweler is so smart, then let him make a ring that makes sad people happy and happy people sad. And if after three days the ring is not ready, he orders the jeweler to be executed. No matter how talented the jeweler was, but on the third day he fearfully went to the king with a ring for him. At the threshold of the palace, he met Rahavam, the son of Solomon, and thought: "The son of a wise man is half a wise man." . And he told Rahavam about his misfortune. To which he grinned, took a nail and scratched three Hebrew letters on three sides of the ring - Gimel, Zayin and Yod. And he said that with this you can safely go to the king. Solomon turned the ring and immediately understood the meaning of the letters on the three sides of the ring in his own way - and their meaning is an abbreviationגם זו יעבור "And this too shall pass." And as the ring spins, and all the time different letters protrude upwards, so the world spins, and the fate of a person spins in the same way. And thinking that now he is sitting on a high throne, surrounded by all the splendors, and this will pass, he immediately became sad. And when Ashmodai threw him to the ends of the world and Solomon had to wander for three years, then looking at the ring, he understood that this too would pass, and he became cheerful.


In his youth, King Solomon was presented with a ring with the words that when it will be very difficult for him, whether it is sad, whether it is scary, let him remember the ring and hold it in his hands. Solomon's wealth was not measured, one more ring - will it greatly increase it? ... Once in the kingdom of Solomon there was a crop failure. Pestilence and famine arose: not only children and women died, even the soldiers were exhausted. The king opened all his bins. He sent merchants to sell valuables from his treasury to buy bread and feed the people. Solomon was in turmoil - and suddenly he remembered the ring. The king took out the ring, held it in his hands ... Nothing happened. Suddenly he noticed that there was an inscription on the ring. What's this? ancient signs... Solomon knew this forgotten language. EVERYTHING WILL PASS, he read. ... Many years passed ... King Solomon became known as a wise ruler. He got married and lived happily. His wife became his most sensitive and close assistant and adviser. And suddenly she died. Grief and longing seized the king. Neither dancers and songstresses, nor competitions of wrestlers amused him ... Sadness and loneliness. Approaching old age. How to live with it? He took the ring: "Everything passes"? Sadness gripped his heart. The king did not want to put up with these words: out of annoyance, he threw the ring, it rolled - and something flashed on the inner surface. The king raised the ring and held it in his hands. For some reason, he had never seen such an inscription before: "THIS WILL PASS." … Many more years have passed. Solomon turned into an ancient old man. The king understood that his days were numbered and while there was still some strength, he needed to give the last orders, have time to say goodbye to everyone, bless his successors and children. “Everything passes,” “This too will pass,” he remembered, grinning: that’s all gone. Now the king did not part with the ring. It has already worn out, the old inscriptions have disappeared. With weakening eyes, he noticed: something appeared on the edge of the ring. What is it, some letters again? The king exposed the edge of the ring to the setting rays of the sun - the letters on the edge flashed: "NOTHING PASSES" - read Solomon ...

“On the index finger of his left hand, Solomon wore a gem of bloody
red asterix, spewing from itself six rays of pearl color.
This ring was many hundreds of years old, and on the reverse side of its stone
an inscription was carved in the language of an ancient, disappeared people: "Everything passes".

A. Kuprin - "Shulamith".



Passing by the temple..., - pray...,

Passing by the beggars..., - share...,

Passing by the young ... - do not be angry ...,

Passing by the old ..., - bow down ...,

Passing by the cemeteries ..., - sit down ...,

Passing by the memory ..., - remember ...,

Passing by mother ..., - get up ...,

Passing by relatives ..., - remember ...,

Passing by knowledge ..., - take ...,

Passing by laziness ... - shudder ...,

Passing by the idle ... - create ...,

Passing by the fallen ..., - remember ...,

Passing by the wise ..., - wait ...,

Passing by stupid ..., - do not listen ...,

Passing by happiness ..., - rejoice ...,

Passing by the generous ..., - take a bite ...,

Passing> past honor ..., - save ...,

Passing by the debt ... - do not hide ...,

Passing by the word ..., - hold ...,

Passing by the feelings ..., - do not be shy ...,

Passing by women ..., - do not flatter ...,

Passing by glory ..., - do not amuse yourself ...,

Passing by the truth ... - do not lie ...,

Passing by sinners... - hope...

Passing by passion ..., - go away ...,

Passing by a quarrel ..., - do not quarrel ...,

Passing by flattery ..., - shut up ...,

Passing by conscience... - be afraid...,

Passing by drunkenness ..., - do not drink ...,

Passing by anger ..., - humble yourself ...,

Passing by grief ... - cry ...,

Passing by the pain ..., - take heart ...,

Passing by lies... - do not be silent...,

Passing by a thief ..., - do not sneak ...,

Passing by the impudent ..., - say ...,

Passing by the orphans ... - spend money ...,

Passing by the authorities ..., - do not believe ...,

Passing by death ..., - do not be afraid ...,

Passing by life ..., - live ...,

Passing by God..., - open up...

Three legends about King Solomon's ring... but the essence is the same :)

There was a wise king Solomon. But despite his wisdom, his life was not calm. And once King Solomon turned for advice to the court wise man with a request: “Help me - a lot in this life can drive me crazy. I am strongly subject to passions, and this greatly hinders me!” To which the Sage replied: “I know how to help you. Put on this ring - the phrase is carved on it: "ALL PASSES!". When strong anger or strong joy overtakes you, look at this inscription and it will sober you up. In this you will find salvation from passions!
As time went on, Solomon followed the advice of the Sage and found peace. But the moment came and one day, as usual, looking at the ring, he did not calm down, but on the contrary, he lost his temper even more. He tore the ring off his finger and was about to throw it far into the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some kind of inscription on the inside of the ring. He looked closely and read: “THIS WILL ALSO GO…”


In his youth, King Solomon was presented with a ring with the words that when it will be very difficult for him, whether it is sad, whether it is scary - let him remember the ring and hold it in his hands. Solomon's wealth was not measured, one more ring - will it greatly increase it?
Once in the kingdom of Solomon there was a crop failure. Pestilence and famine arose: not only children and women died, even the soldiers were exhausted. The king opened all his bins. He sent merchants to sell valuables from his treasury to buy bread and feed the people. Solomon was in turmoil - and suddenly he remembered the ring. The king took out the ring, held it in his hands... Nothing happened. Suddenly he noticed that there was an inscription on the ring. What's this? Ancient signs....Solomon knew this forgotten language. "EVERYTHING PASSES", he read.
Many years passed... King Solomon became known as a wise ruler. He got married and lived happily. His wife became his most sensitive and close assistant and adviser. And suddenly she died. Grief and longing seized the king. Neither dancers and songstresses, nor competitions of wrestlers amused him ... Sadness and loneliness. Approaching old age. How to live with it? He took the ring: "Everything passes"? Sadness gripped his heart. The king did not want to put up with these words: out of annoyance he threw the ring, it rolled - and something flashed on the inner surface. The king raised the ring and held it in his hands. For some reason, he had never seen such an inscription before: "THIS WILL PASS."
Many more years have passed. Solomon turned into an ancient old man. The king understood that his days were numbered and while there was still some strength, he needed to give the last orders, have time to say goodbye to everyone, bless the successors and children. "Everything passes," "This too will pass," he remembered, grinning: that's all gone. Now the king did not part with the ring. It has already worn out, the old inscriptions have disappeared. With weakening eyes, he noticed: something appeared on the edge of the ring. What is it, some letters again? The king exposed the edge of the ring to the setting rays of the sun - the letters on the edge flashed: "NOTHING GOES" Solomon read...

“Life goes on and this will pass…
Ancient ligature on Solomon's ring,
Accept with your heart and it will come down to you
Wisdom worthy of the royal throne.

You can darken the forehead with sadness,
You can salt an unhealed wound,
And fix the gray hair,
That over the forehead appeared so early.

But everything passes and it will pass,
And there will be sunsets with sunrises again.
Moments are counted from above,
Wisdom listen to the sacred word.

Maybe only on his deathbed
On the day when life path at the end of,
You will suddenly understand, not subject to the blues,
THAT NOTHING PASSES WITHOUT A Trace” (Author unknown).


One day, King Solomon was sitting in his palace and saw a man walking down the street, dressed in golden robes from head to toe. Solomon called this man to him and asked: “Are you a robber?” To which he replied that he was a jeweler: "And Jerusalem is a famous city, many wealthy people, kings and princes come here." Then the king asked how much the jeweler earns from this? And he proudly replied that a lot. Then the king grinned and said that if this jeweler is so smart, then let him make a ring that makes sad people happy and happy people sad. And if after three days the ring is not ready, he orders the jeweler to be executed.

No matter how talented the jeweler was, but on the third day he fearfully went to the king with a ring for him. At the threshold of the palace, he met Rahavam, the son of Solomon, and thought: "The son of a wise man is half of a wise man." And he told Rahavam about his misfortune. To which he grinned, took a nail and scratched three Hebrew letters on three sides of the ring - Gimel, Zayin and Yod. And he said that with this you can safely go to the king.

Solomon turned the ring and immediately understood the meaning of the letters on the three sides of the ring in his own way - and their meaning is the abbreviation "THIS TOO WILL PASS". And as the ring spins, and all the time different letters protrude upwards, so the world spins, and the fate of a person spins in the same way. And thinking that now he is sitting on a high throne, surrounded by all the splendors, and this will pass, he immediately became sad. And when Ashmodai threw him to the ends of the world and Solomon had to wander for three years, then looking at the ring, he understood that this too would pass, and he became cheerful.

History reference

King Solomon(heb. שְׁלֹמֹה, Shlomo; Greek Σαλωμών, Σολωμών in the Septuagint; lat. Solomon in the Vulgate; Arab. سليمان‎‎ Sulaiman in the Koran) lived in 972-932. BC. Israel's state rise is associated with his name. Solomon created laws, encouraged trade and crafts. His mines, which smelted copper, gave super-profits. He built the famous Temple in Jerusalem.

The fame of Solomon's riches and wisdom, acquired thanks, in particular, to the ring of King Solomon, reached the whole world. It was truly a golden age in Jewish history. In the days of trouble simple people looked towards the king.

Solomon created 1000 songs and 3000 parables. Left a mark in history, including thanks to the ring of Solomon.

it white and yellow gold gold ring 14K.
Toyellow gold ring made with cut letters in Hebrew.

around the perimeter yellow ring there is an inscription attributed to King Solomon.

There is another inscription along the inner perimeter, which means NOTHING IS PASSING
Average ring rotates.

Solomon was the third Jewish king, whose reign marked the dawn of the kingdom of Israel. For 40 years of his reign, Solomon did not wage a single major war. He became famous as an outstanding diplomat, sage, author of many biblical texts, as well as a great builder, during whose reign the main shrine of the Jewish people was erected. The name of the king is shrouded in myths and legends. They say that in his youth, the Almighty himself appeared to Solomon in a dream, offering him power and wealth as a gift, refusing all this, Solomon asked only for wisdom, which later made him a powerful ruler. The legends that have come down to us attribute to Solomon the possession magical powers and mystical artifacts, such as his famous ring, allegedly still kept in the tomb of the king.

  • from damage.

What is written on the ring of Solomon

According to legend, in his youth, Solomon was a very hot-tempered man, which he himself was not at all happy about. Seeing how strongly he was overcome by passions, the king was forced to turn to the sage for help. After listening to his ruler, the sage gave him a ring, on top of which was inscribed the inscription: "Everything passes." The sage explained to Solomon: “At the moment when passions again surge, and you will again be possessed by anger or strong joy, look at this ring, its wisdom will sober your mind and calm your soul.” After listening to the wise old man, the king put on the ring.

Time passed, and the king more than once had to experience joy or fall into anger, but thanks to his ring, he always found self-control, It even seemed to him that nothing could piss him off, but one day it did happen. After reading the usual inscription, the king fell into an even greater rage, removing the ring and waving to throw it away, he accidentally looked at the inside of the ring. Before his eyes appeared the phrase "This too shall pass." The amazement that overtook Solomon very quickly cooled his ardor, since he had not previously noticed this inscription. Many years later, being at a rather advanced age, Solomon realized that his hour would soon come to leave the earthly world. Looking at his ring from one side and the other, the king thought sadly: "That's all gone," but suddenly another inscription flashed on the edge of the ring: "Nothing passes." Then Solomon realized that the memory of him and his great deeds would remain forever.

Another legend, recorded in the Old Testament apocrypha called "The Testament of Solomon", tells of the Solomon Ring endowed with fantastic properties. During the construction of the Jerusalem Temple, a demon came to the young son of the senior master. Appearing after sunset, he took half of the money earned from the boy and ate a significant part of the food. As a result, the guy lost a lot of weight.

Once Solomon called him to him and asked the boy what was happening to him and why he was losing weight. The young man told the king his story. After hearing this, the king went to the temple and prayed for a very long time. He asked God to give him strength to have power over the evil spirit. As a result, the Lord sent the archangel Michael to Solomon. God's messenger brought the king a ring with a pentagram carved on a stone. The next day, the king gave the ring to the boy and said that when the demon reappears, you need to throw a ring at him and order him to come to Solomon. After the young man had done everything that he was entrusted with, the evil spirit appeared before Solomon and told him his name. Using the power of the ring, Solomon was able to summon other demons, the power of which he used to build the temple. Subsequently, realizing the power of his ring, Solomon was worried that it would not fall into the wrong hands, therefore, having collected 72 demons, he enclosed them in a copper vessel, and having placed a secret seal on it, he threw it into a deep lake.

Despite his wisdom, King Solomon's life was not peaceful.
And once King Solomon turned for advice to the court wise man with a request: “Help me - a lot in this life can drive me crazy. I am very subject to passions, and this hinders me!” To which the sage replied: “I know how to help you. Put on this ring - the phrase is carved on it: "It will pass."

Cuadro de la Catedral de Gante, Painter Lucas de Heere (1534-1584)

When strong anger or strong joy surges, look at this inscription and it will sober you up. In this you will find salvation from passions! Solomon followed the advice of the sage and found peace. But the moment came when, looking, as usual, at the ring, he did not calm down, but, on the contrary, lost his temper even more.
He tore the ring off his finger and was about to throw it far into the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some kind of inscription on the inside of the ring. He looked closer and read: "This too shall pass."

One day, King Solomon was sitting in his palace and saw a man walking down the street, dressed in golden robes from head to toe. Solomon called this man to him and asked: “Are you a robber?” To which he replied that he was a jeweler: "And Jerusalem is a famous city, many wealthy people, kings and princes come here." Then the king asked how much the jeweler earns from this? And he proudly replied that a lot.

Then the king grinned and said that if this jeweler is so smart, then let him make a ring that makes sad people happy and happy people sad. And if after three days the ring is not ready, he orders the jeweler to be executed. No matter how talented the jeweler was, but on the third day he fearfully went to the king with a ring for him.
Painter Pedro Berruguete (1450-1504) Salomon around 1500

At the threshold of the palace, he met Rahavam, the son of Solomon, and thought: "The son of a wise man is half of a wise man." And he told Rahavam about his misfortune. To which he grinned, took a nail and scratched three Hebrew letters on three sides of the ring - Gimel, Zayin and Yod. And he said that with this you can safely go to the king.

Solomon turned the ring and immediately understood the meaning of the letters on the three sides of the ring in his own way - and their meaning is the abbreviation גם זו יעבור "This too shall pass."

And as the ring spins, and all the time different letters protrude upwards, so the world spins, and the fate of a person spins in the same way. And thinking that now he is sitting on a high throne, surrounded by all the splendors, and this will pass, he immediately became sad.

And when Ashmodai threw him to the ends of the world and Solomon had to wander for three years, then looking at the ring, he understood that this too would pass, and he became cheerful.

In his youth, King Solomon was presented with a ring with the words that when it will be very difficult for him, whether it is sad, whether it is scary, let him remember the ring and hold it in his hands. Solomon's riches were immeasurable, one more ring - will it greatly increase them? ... Once in the kingdom of Solomon there was a crop failure. Pestilence and famine arose: not only children and women died, even the soldiers were exhausted.

The king opened all his bins. He sent merchants to sell valuables from his treasury to buy bread and feed the people. Solomon was in turmoil - and suddenly he remembered the ring. The king took out the ring, held it in his hands ... Nothing happened. Suddenly he noticed that there was an inscription on the ring. What's this? ancient signs... Solomon knew this forgotten language. “Everything passes,” he read.
Saint Michael parish church in Untergriesbach. Church gallery (1753): King Solomon as witness of the last four things.

... Many years passed ... King Solomon became known as a wise ruler. He got married and lived happily. His wife became his most sensitive and close assistant and adviser. And suddenly she died. Grief and longing seized the king. Neither dancers and songstresses, nor competitions of wrestlers amused him ... Sadness and loneliness. Approaching old age. How to live with it?

He took the ring: "Everything passes"? Sadness gripped his heart. The king did not want to put up with these words: out of annoyance, he threw the ring, it rolled - and something flashed on the inner surface. The king raised the ring and held it in his hands. For some reason, he had never seen such an inscription before: "This too shall pass." …
Asknazy Isaac. Vanity of Vanities and all kinds of vanity. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas 19th century

Many more years have passed. Solomon turned into an ancient old man. The king understood that his days were numbered and while there was still some strength, he needed to give the last orders, have time to say goodbye to everyone, bless his successors and children.

“Everything passes,” “This too will pass,” he remembered, grinning: that’s all gone. Now the king did not part with the ring. It has already worn out, the old inscriptions have disappeared.
With weakening eyes, he noticed: something appeared on the edge of the ring. What is it, some letters again?

The king exposed the edge of the ring to the setting rays of the sun - the letters on the edge flashed: "Nothing passes" - Solomon read ...