What to read the last 10 days of Ramadan. The last ten days of Ramadan - an opportunity to reach Paradise

We are entering the last ten days of Ramadan. Usually at this time, fewer friends invite each other to iftars, all less people come to mosques for tarawih prayers and increasingly go shopping and return to their usual activities.

I remember when I was a child, my parents used to tell us in the middle of Ramadan - do not worry, you have reached the top of the hill, now it will be easier to move, because we will go downhill. This belief has become entrenched in us, in this regard, we carelessly treat the last days of Ramadan, so we miss the most important days this month.

However, it is at this time that Allah calls us to work towards Paradise. Instead, we think about what to cook for dinner on Eid al-Fitr and what purchases to make for this in the store. In connection with this attitude, last days Ramadan becomes a really difficult task, it will require strong faith.

When the month comes to an end, we enter a period in which the important and fertile night of Leylatul-Qadr is located. This night of huge rewards is the perfect time to spend alone reading the Qur'an or spend it in the mosque. Even at home, you can spend this time with small children, explaining to them the importance of this night.

During fasting, we imitate angels who do not need food or drink. Because we are human, we are made of earth, but when we fast, we suppress our material desires and awaken our angelic nature. May this month make us and we will continue to imitate the angels in their obedience and service to the Almighty.

The last ten days of Ramadan are considered its best time. It has a night about which it is said that it is better than a thousand months. Surah Al-Qadr says:

"one. Verily, We [Allah] sent it down [the entire Quran] (with the Protected Tablet to the nearest heaven) on the night of doom!

2. And what let you know[at least you know] (Oh Prophet)what is the night of doom[on this night, Allah Almighty determines the affairs for the next year]?

3. Night of Destiny[deeds done during it] better than a thousand months.

4. Angels descend (from heaven) and the spirit [of the angel Jibril] into her [that night] with the permission of their Lord for (performations)any commands.

5. She [this night] is peace [goodness and tranquility] before dawn!"(Sura 97).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Ramadan, a blessed month, has come to you, during which Allah prescribed fasting for you, at this time the doors of Paradise are opened and the doors of Hell are closed, and the rebellious devils are chained. It has a night that is better than a thousand months, and whoever is deprived of its blessings is truly deprived of everything. (An-Nasai, 2106, Ahmad, Sahih at-Targhib, 999).

Here is the list some things we can do in these ten days:

1) Don't waste your time these days!

These days, every moment matters. Read the Quran more, dhikr, dua, additional prayers, help other people - the rewards for all this increase many times over. No one knew about the importance of these days more than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), about whom they say that “he was zealous in those ten days in worship as he had never been before” (Sahih Muslim).

If we lose this opportunity, we will have to wait a whole year, hoping that we will live to see him in good health. Even if we live to see the next Ramadan, it is possible that we will have some problems and worldly affairs that will not allow us to use it to the fullest. So there is no better time than to turn to Allah right now.

2) If you have the opportunity, read the Quran.

We can talk for a long time about the dignity and value of reading the Qur'an. It is narrated in an authentic hadith that the Qur'an itself will ask for those who recite it at night. It was narrated from Abdullah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Fasting and the Quran will testify for a person on the day of resurrection. Fasting will say: “O Allah, I deprived him of food and other desires during the day, so let me intercede for him.” The Qur'an will say: "O Lord, I deprived him of sleep at night, so let me intercede for him" (Ahmad, 3882).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: “The best of you is the one who recites the Quran and teaches it to others” (Sahih al-Bukhari).

3) Make dua and ask for forgiveness for your sins

It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) warned:

“A person is deprived of his food (rizka) because of his sins” (Ibn Maja, 4022).

However, it is known that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said:

“Whoever spends Laylat al-Qadr in prayer with faith and in the hope of a reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.”

One of the best dua that can be said at this time is the dua that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her).

Aisha narrates:I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, if I catch the night of Laylat al-Qadr, what should I say?”

He said:

"Tell: Allahumma innaka ‘afuvvun tuhibbul-‘afwa fa`fu anni”

“O Allah, You are the All-Forgiving and You love to forgive, so forgive me” (Tirmizi).

Remember all you have to ask Allah and ask Him now.

And finally, when you are in the state of ibadat (prayer and worship), please remember in your prayers your brothers and sisters who are in difficult situations around the world. Remember that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“A prayer that receives a quick answer is one that is performed by one Muslim for another in his absence” (Narrated by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi).

Ramadan is called Kareem, generous. This month is truly bountiful with all its blessings and treasures. During this month we can achieve forgiveness of sins. May you all benefit from this generosity. May Allah have mercy on us, forgive us and guide us to the straight path. Amine.

Ramadan is a particularly blessed time in the life of a Muslim, and its last ten days are especially significant in the life of a believer.

These are the most blessed days of the most blessed month of the year. In the month of Ramadan there is one majestic night - Laylatul-qadr, when the worship of the Lord, like any good deeds, even the most mundane, everyday ones, are more significant in terms of Divine retribution than those that have been performed for a thousand months.

The last third of Ramadan is the time of liberation from the fire of Hell. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said in a hadith:

“People, a great and blessed month is approaching. There is a night in this month that is better than a thousand months. Allah has made fasting during the day of this month obligatory and prayer at night is praiseworthy during this month. Whoever does good deeds of his own free will during this month is equivalent to doing an obligatory good deed at another time, and whoever does an obligatory good deed is equivalent to doing seventy obligatory good deeds at another time. This is the month of patience, and the reward for patience is Paradise. This is the month of kindness and mercy. This month the degree of the believer increases. Anyone who gives food to a fasting person this month will receive forgiveness for their sins and be saved from hellfire... The first third of the month of Ramadan is a time of mercy, the second third is forgiveness, the third is intended for liberation from hellfire...”

It is no coincidence that a whole sura of the Holy Quran is dedicated to this night!

Verily, We [says the Lord of the worlds] sent down it [the Holy Qur'an] in Laylatul-qadr (on the Night of Might).

And how do you [Muhammad] know what Laylatul-qadr (Night of Power) is?!

Laylatul-kadr is better than a thousand months! The angels descend [to the limits of the planet Earth] on this night and ar-ruh [the angel Jabrail (Gabriel)] by permission of their Lord, in every deed. World. (Or: "In every business on this night [establishes] peace, tranquility").

It [this night lasts] until dawn.

Explanations and comments:

The fact that at one time the last Scripture - the Holy Quran - was brought down from the Preserved Tablet to the first heavenly level of the seven existing on this very night, speaks of its indescribable majesty and specialness before the Almighty Creator .

  1. Repetition "Laylatul-frame" three times is no coincidence. This technique in Arabic indicates respect and significance.
  2. "Laylatul-frame" means "Night of Power". Scientists have made various suggestions as to why this time period is named that way. Here is some of them:

■ “its power and majesty lies in the fact that the Holy Quran was brought down on this particular night”;

■ “... for the reason that an incredibly huge number of angels descends to Earth this night”;

■ “...the manifestation of grace, mercy and forgiveness by the Lord of the worlds on this night is incomparable with that on other nights in its significance”;

■ "... a believer who spends this night in prayer acquires, by the grace of the Almighty, an unusually large amount of strength and vitality."

Word "al-qadr" can be translated as "crowding". Given this meaning, theologians said: “On this night, such a huge number of angels descend on the earth that it becomes simply “crowded” for them.

Another translation is "limitation". The interpretation from here is as follows: awareness and knowledge about which of the nights of the next month of Ramadan will be exactly Laylatul-qadr are limited by the Almighty. The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gives only approximate guidelines.

Sometimes "Lailatul-qadr" is interpreted as "The Night of Predestination". This is if the word "frame" read like "kadar". With this interpretation in mind, Islamic scholars supposedly explained: “How this night will be spent by the one who prays and with what prayers (heartfelt attitude) he will turn to God, can significantly affect the next year of life. this person, going in parallel and unity with the original all-awareness of the Creator".

“Laylatul-kadr is better than a thousand months!” ‒ when in these months and among many thousands of days there is no night itself in them, there is no Laylatul-qadr.

The ayat makes it clear in plain text that doing any good deed on this blessed night is more rewarding before God than doing the same good deed or action, even saying good word, for a thousand months. This is a manifestation of the Creator's greatest mercy to people who often forget about Him, forget about eternity and about themselves.

  1. "Angels Descend Tonight"- as they descend from heaven to earth, so they become closer to believers.
  2. "... And ar-ruh [angel Jabrail (Gabriel)]". The Almighty, first speaking about all the angels, and then highlighting one of this huge number with a separate mention, pointed to the special position of the angel Jabrail (Archangel Gabriel) before Himself .
  3. "In every case"- that is, the angels descend both to bring down and fulfill the commandments of the Most High, and in order to establish, affirm all those things that should happen in the next year .
  4. "It [this night lasts] until dawn"‒ Laylatul-frame begins immediately after sunset and ends at dawn, that is, with the beginning of the Fajr morning prayer time

Look for Laylat al-qadr

“Seek Laylat al-Qadr in the last ten nights of Ramadan, when there are nine or seven or five nights left until the end of Ramadan.” (Bukhari)

This is the most important night of the entire priceless month. Whatever you do, plan to spend the odd of the last ten nights (i.e., the nights before odd days, as Muslims consider the Maghreb to begin the day) in deep worship at the mosque, at home, or among friends. Postpone all other pursuits, for this night is worth thousands of months in remuneration. Imagine worshiping this one night is equivalent to worshiping continuously for 83 years and 4 months. How can you miss it?

On these nights, ask Allah to keep you on the path of Islam, strengthen your faith and wisdom and help you find the best way to serve Him and His ummah.

And be sure to add this dua:

It was narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): “I asked:“ O Messenger of Allah! How should I pray in Laylat al-Qadr?" "He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied:" You should recite the following dua: Allahhumma innaka afuwun tuhibbul-afwa, fafu` anni (Allah, you are forgiving, and forgive me) "" (at-Tirmidhi).

Signs of Laylatul-qadr?

  1. This night has its own unusual brilliance, radiance.
  2. This night, according to local climatic conditions, will be neither cold nor hot. That is, the night temperature will be average for a given climate, location and time of year.
  3. It will be calm, cloudless and without precipitation.
  4. The stars do not fall tonight.
  5. The next morning after this night, the sun will rise clean, without rays, a disk, soft red. Its light will be gentle, not blinding, like the light of a full moon on a cloudless night. .

Why is her time shrouded in mystery?

Perhaps it is hidden so that people do not limit themselves to one night a year, when they try to be far from sin and are most alive in heart and soul.

Some famous scholars said: "A person should look for Laylatul-qadr in every night of the year." That is, revive it with prayers, prayer-du‘a, reflections on the mundane and eternal.

Secrecy and the lack of clear certainty in this matter are similar to the uncertainty of the date of death, the date of the onset of the End of the World. Why? Yes, because, having the opportunity to be devout today, you do not need to leave it for tomorrow, and even more so for the coming years and decades!

AT Holy Quran Much has been said about the merits of the night Laylatul-qadr: Verily, We [says the Almighty, pointing to His greatness, but by no means plurality] brought him down [the Holy Quran] on the blessed Night. And We, truly, warn (notify) [people with those edifications that We have indicated in the Holy Scriptures, as well as the explanation of what awaits them on the Day of Judgment, in eternity]. On this Night [Lailatul-qadr] all wise deeds [finally decided and affirmed] will be distinguished [distributed, become clear, defined]. By Our command. Verily, We send down [bring down]. And this is a manifestation of the mercy of your Lord. Verily, He is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing .

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Whoever stood up the night prayer [First of all, the prayers of Tarawih, Tahajjud and Witr] in Laylatul-qadr, believing in retribution and doing it only for the sake of the Almighty, the previous sins will be forgiven.

Every night of the last ten days is spent as if it were Lailatul-qadr!

More positive, energy in business, along with the ability to listen to your heart, look into the most hidden nooks and crannies. Read the Holy Quran, do dhikr, pray to the Almighty and ask Him for blessings (taufiq) in subsequent planned deeds, grace (barakat), speaking in the language in which it is easiest for us to express our thoughts, aspirations and wishes.

In these last ten days, one should not forget the valuable admonition of the Messenger of the Most High: “May you have the four qualities this month. Think about them often. Two of them will serve as a reason for achieving the contentment of the Almighty. The other two are necessary for you. The first of these four qualities is evidence of Monotheism ... "That is, the frequent repetition of the words" la ilaha illa llah "with the realization of the deep meaning that lies in them .

“... The second is an appeal to the Almighty with “istigfar” [that is, a prayer for forgiveness and pronouncing the words “astaghfirullah” (“O Allah, forgive my sins and show Your mercy”)] ...”

You can also read the du'a prayer in Arabic. For example, ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) once asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “With which prayer-du‘a is it better to address the Almighty in Laylatul-qadr?”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied: "Say:

Allahumma innakya 'afuvvun tuhibbul-'afwa fa'fu'anni.
اَللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

"Oh my God! Verily, You are the Forgiving, You love to forgive. Forgive me!"

Who strongly desires and strives to be from among the Ummah, about which the Messenger of the Almighty said: “My ummah is blessed, above it is Divine mercy”‒ spend the last ten days of Ramadan in ‘itikaf in the mosque in search of Laylatul-qadr.

What is ‘itikaf?

I'tikaf- this is a special, spiritualized, aimed at replenishing vital and spiritual forces, the stay of a fasting person in a mosque with the intention of being in it.

The mosque should be one where there is an imam and obligatory prayers are held.

The Holy Qur'an mentions the state of I'tikaf: “And do not have intimate relations with spouses when you are in mosques in a state of i‘tikaf”.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed I'tikaf every year on the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, from the year of his arrival in Medina until his death.

Islamic scholars are unanimous: i'tikaf in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan for men is sunnah, that is, a desirable action. Of course, each person must independently and responsibly assess their capabilities, abstracting from work, family concerns, life activity up to 10 days, without infringing on the rights of those who are under his care. It is assumed that a person has planned everything in advance and his absence during this time will not harm anyone or anything.

The essence of being in the mosque with the intention of i‘tikaf is that a person, especially during fasting, moves away from worldly problems for a certain period, has the opportunity to calmly analyze Last year of your life, to see mistakes, errors and repent in the silence of God's temple in a state of peace of mind while still in the body, to try to comprehend the spiritual atmosphere in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions were.

In a state of calm, a believer can outline, make plans for the next months and years, praying to the Almighty for blessings and help in achieving their goals.

For someone who spends several or all ten days in the mosque, it is especially important to protect himself from useless conversations and deeds, devoting these days to cleansing his heart from vices, weaknesses, and shortcomings. After all, all the sources of our life, deeds, thoughts originate there, in the heart. And of course, you need to ask and pray to God to strengthen yourself, this human being, weak before the storms of life, in faith, piety and perseverance.

See, for example: Al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 14 vols. T. 4. S. 300.

See, for example: Al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 14 vols. T. 4. S. 300, 301.

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. V 32 v. T. 30. S. 332

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. V 32 v. T. 30. S. 333, 335

If you want to feel the transience of our life, pay attention to how the month rushes past us. It seems like just yesterday, we were impatiently waiting for the new moon to appear in the sky, made the Ramadan menu, hurried on the way home from work to catch iftar, and today we are starting the last countdown.

10 days... and the most amazing month of the year will leave our homes. 10 days ... and we will no longer rush to the mosque for taraweeh namza. 10 days ... and our life will return to its usual track: breakfast-lunch-dinner, home-work-home. And so you want to feel the sweetness, divide its grace into eleven equal parts and eat it every month throughout the year, like a rare delicacy. Is it possible? Yes! Indeed, Allah is infinitely generous! But in order to feed our souls until the next month of fasting and prayer, we must work hard and reap a rich harvest in this. There is very little left - 10 days, but they can become a turning point in our destiny.

Will we get closer to Paradise, or will we stay where we were, will we return to old habits, or will we continue our spiritual growth? Today we are talking about what to do if you want to get the most out of the last decade and keep its grace for the whole year.

1. Favorite series - TURN OFF

Most likely at the beginning holy month you set a goal to stop watching TV. If not, then the last ten days is the best time to hide the remote far, far away ...

2. Internet - TURN OFF

8. Forgiveness - PLEASE

And now let's talk about the soul ... Perhaps you are all nurturing the idea in yourself to ask for forgiveness from those who were once offended, to improve relations with relatives, to return warmth to married life. The last ten days of the Holy Month are the best time for this. Ask for forgiveness from your parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, acquaintances, ask for forgiveness from the Almighty, and forgive yourself everyone who could secretly or openly offend you.


Perhaps, even before you started, you set yourself some kind of goal - to start reading the Koran, perform additional prayers, fulfill promises, visit your parents every day. If during the course you have not yet managed to take the first steps towards achieving your goal, then start this path while the grace of this special month is still in the air. Take the first steps, and the Almighty will help you reach the finish line.

10. Dua - PLEASE

Until the last day, hour and minute, we ask Allah Almighty for everything that our hearts worry about. We ask you to show the way to His contentment, to cleanse from sins, to give Paradise to all who are dear to us. We ask for the whole RAMADAN and we ask for the whole LIFE!

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The last ten days of Ramadan have a number of features that make them superior to all other days of this blessed month. This is confirmed by numerous sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and his companions.

It is reported from the words of Aisha that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, showed such zeal in the last ten days of Ramadan, which he did not show on other days (This hadith was narrated by Ahmad, Muslim and at-Tirmidhi). Another hadith of Aisha says: “When the last ten days of Ramadan came, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, tightened his Izar, stayed awake at night and woke up his family members” (This hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

This means that in the last ten nights of Ramadan, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, moved away from his wives in order to devote himself completely to prayer and worship. On these days, he worshiped with special zeal, prayed for a long time, read the Koran, remembered Allah Almighty, distributed alms, etc. And at night he was awake, standing idle at night in prayer, reading the Qur'an and remembering Allah with his heart, tongue and body.

As we have already noted, the reason for this was the greatness of the last ten nights of Ramadan, which, according to many theologians, are considered the most glorious nights of the year. And the most majestic among them is the night of predestination, which the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and his companions longed to spend in worship.

It is reported from the words of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Whoever fasted in Ramadan with faith and hope for a reward, his previous sins will be forgiven, and who stood the night of predestination with faith and hope for a reward, he will be the sins committed before are forgiven” (This hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhari, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasai).

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, called on the believers to spend the night of predestination in diligent worship, and this does not contradict the words of Aisha: “I did not see the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, stand in prayer all night until morning” (This narrated by Muslim). This hadith indicates that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, never performed prayer all night, but this does not mean that he did not stay awake until morning in the last ten nights of Ramadan, since he performed various rites of worship, and not only namaz. And Allah knows best!

We have already noted that in the last ten nights of Ramadan, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) woke up the household for prayer so that they could remember Allah Almighty and fully benefit from these blessed nights. It is not befitting for a believing husband to miss such a great opportunity - he should use it himself and call his family members to this. After all, the month of fasting lasts only a few days, but in these short moments a person can earn the mercy of Allah and find happiness both in this world and in the eternal world.

Unfortunately, many Muslims waste these precious moments by spending most of the night in empty amusements. When is the time to stand up night prayer they fall asleep and lose the great good. But next year, such a great opportunity to earn Paradise may not be presented to them! Satan laughs at them, deceives them and leads them astray from the way of Allah. Addressing this audacious enemy, Allah Almighty said: “Verily, you have no power over My servants, except for the erring ones who follow you” (al-Hijr, 17:42).

A prudent person will not indulge the desires of Satan, knowing about the hatred that he feels for the descendants of Adam. He does not hide his enmity towards people and tirelessly tries to turn them away from everything that benefits them. Therefore, only those of little faith follow his path, who act contrary to the requirements of religion and do not listen to the voice of reason. The Almighty said: “Do you really recognize him and his descendants as your patrons and helpers instead of Me, while they are your enemies? This is a bad substitute for the wicked!” (al-Kahf, 18:50). He also said, “Verily, the devil is your enemy, so treat him as your enemy. He calls his party to become inhabitants of the Flame” (Fatir, 6).

# Another feature of the last ten days of Ramadan is seclusion in the mosque. It is known that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and his companions retired to the mosque to worship the Almighty every year.

It is reported that Abu Said al-Khudri said: “Once the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, retired to the mosque in the first ten days of Ramadan. Then he continued his seclusion in the second decade of Ramadan. Then he said: “I retired to the mosque in the first decade of Ramadan to catch the night of predestination. Then I continued seclusion in the second decade. Then a revelation was sent down to me that this night is in the last decade. Therefore, those of you who want to retire to the mosque, let him do it in the last ten days of Ramadan ”(This hadith was narrated by Muslim).

It is reported from the words of Aisha that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, retired to the mosque in the last ten days of Ramadan until the Almighty and Great Allah called him to himself, and after his death, his wives began to do the same.

In another hadith, narrated from the words of Aisha, it is reported that every Ramadan the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, retired to the mosque for ten days, and in the last year of his life he retired for twenty days (This hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari).

And in the hadeeth of Anas b. Malik says: “Usually the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, retired to the mosque in the last ten days of Ramadan. Once he could not do it, and the next year he retired to the mosque for twenty days ”(This hadith was narrated by Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi).

It is reported that Aisha said: “When the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was about to retire to the mosque, he performed the dawn prayer, after which he went to a place of solitude.” Aisha asked him to let her set up a tent for herself in the mosque, and he allowed her to do so. Hearing of this, Hafsa also set up a tent for herself. Following her, Zeinab heard about this and also set up a tent for herself. After the dawn prayer, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, saw four tents and asked: “What is this ?!” They told him what had happened, and he said: “What prompted them to such piety? Remove these tents so I don't see them again!" In that year, he retired not in Ramadan, but in the last ten days of Shawwal. shawwal).

From these traditions it follows that solitude in the mosque is a desirable prescription. Imam Ahmad said: "I have not heard that there is disagreement among theologians regarding the fact that seclusion in the mosque is a desirable injunction."

The purpose of this rite is to fully dedicate oneself to the worship of Allah Almighty in order to win His favor and catch the blessed night of predestination. Therefore, during solitude, a person should avoid worldly conversations that do not concern him, remember Allah, read the Koran, perform namaz and other rites of worship.

The great Muslim scholar Ibn al-Qayyim wrote about the meaning of this beautiful rite: “Mental well-being and adherence to the direct path leading to Almighty Allah are achieved when a person gathers his thoughts together and fully devotes himself to Almighty Allah. If there is a commotion in the soul, then it is possible to put it in order only thanks to the aspiration to Allah Almighty. Excessive food and drink, excessive sleep, useless meetings with people, empty talk - all this creates confusion in the soul of a person, scatters his thoughts in different directions, blocks his path leading to Allah Almighty, weakens him, hinders him and, finally, stops his. That is why the Mighty and Merciful Allah had mercy on His servants and commanded them to fast, which allows a person not to overindulge in food and drink and get rid of base passions that prevent him from approaching the Almighty Lord. He prescribed fasting to the extent that brings a person only benefit. And thanks to this, the slave benefits from this for his worldly and future life. Fasting does not harm a person and does not prevent him from arranging the worldly and future life. And along with this, Allah ordered His servants to retire to worship Him. The meaning and wisdom of this prescription lies in the fact that a person rushes to Allah Almighty with all his soul, devotes himself to Him alone, retires with Him, moves away from worldly affairs and engages only in the worship of his Lord. During solitude, all the worries and thoughts of a person are connected with how best to remember and love Allah and how best to aspire to Him. A person gets rid of all other worries and thoughts. He is concerned only with striving towards Allah. His thoughts are only occupied with the remembrance of Allah and the reflection on how to win His favor and draw closer to Him. He refuses to associate with people in order to associate with Allah and imagines himself on the Day of great loneliness, when he will be in the grave. Indeed, there a person will not find interlocutors and will be able to enjoy communication only with Allah. This is the meaning of great solitude. And if so, then the goal can be achieved only through solitude during fasting. And therefore, it is necessary to retire to worship Allah on the most glorious days of fasting. These are the last ten days of Ramadan” (Ibn al-Qayyim, Zad al-Maad, vol. 2, pp. 82-83).

The Holy Quran and the Most Pure Sunnah clearly set out the rules that must be observed during solitude in the mosque.

We have already mentioned the hadith of Aisha: “When the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was about to retire to the mosque, he performed the dawn prayer, after which he went to a place of solitude” (This hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

From this hadith it follows that seclusion in the mosque in the last ten days of Ramadan should begin on the twenty-first day of this month after dawn prayer. However, Abu Hanifa, Malik, ash-Shafi'i, Ahmad and many other theologians believed that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, began seclusion in the mosque before the sunset prayer of the twentieth Ramadan. And after the dawn prayer, he retired to the tent and began to worship Allah separately. This opinion is correct, because it allows you to combine all the traditions about how the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, retired in Ramadan.

During seclusion in the mosque, it is forbidden to have sexual intercourse, as well as to perform any actions preceding this, for example, kissing a wife or touching her with lust. Allah Almighty said: “Do not get close to them when you are in the mosques” (al-Baqarah, 2:187).

Shaykh al-Saadi, in a commentary on this verse, wrote: “Since the permission to have sexual intercourse with wives at night in Ramadan does not apply to absolutely all fasting, Almighty Allah said that one should not have sexual intercourse with wives during seclusion in the mosque. This revelation testifies to the legality of seclusion in the mosque to worship Allah Almighty, having renounced worldly life. It also follows from this verse that solitude is allowed only in mosques, and in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, mosques were considered places where five obligatory prayers were regularly performed. It also follows from this verse that sexual intimacy violates the seclusion in the mosque” (As-Saadi, “Taysir al-Karim ar-Rahman”, p. 70).

However, there is nothing reprehensible if, during seclusion, a believer, out of necessity, converses with his wife or with someone else. It is reported that the mother of the faithful Safiyya bt. Huyei said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, when he retired to the mosque. I visited him at night and talked to him. Then I got up to leave and he got up to see me off.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim). Then she stayed in the house of Usama b. Zeid.

During seclusion, it is allowed to stick out part of the body from the mosque. It is reported that Aisha said: “When I had monthly bleeding, and the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, retired to the mosque, he stuck out his head, and I washed it” (This hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari). In another hadith, it is reported that Aisha said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, stuck his head towards me, staying in the mosque, and I combed his hair. When he retired to the mosque, he came home only when necessary ”(This hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim, and its text is given according to the version of al-Bukhari).

As for leaving the mosque, it can be divided into three categories.

The first category includes going out when necessary, when a person leaves the mosque for natural needs, ablution, eating, etc. In this case, he has the right to leave the mosque if he cannot do so without leaving it. For example, if a mosque has a toilet and a bathhouse where a person can defecate and bathe, or if someone brings him food, then he is forbidden to leave the mosque, since this is not necessary.

The second category includes going out to perform a righteous deed, such as visiting a sick person or attending a funeral. In this case, it is allowed to leave the mosque if the person stipulated this condition before he began seclusion. For example, if a relative of a person is very ill or is dying, then he is allowed to make a reservation before the start of seclusion that he will visit him.

The third category is leaving the mosque for something that is contrary to the spirit of seclusion in the mosque, such as trading or sexual intimacy. If a person leaves the mosque for this purpose, then the rite of solitude is violated and loses all meaning.

Another feature of the last ten days of Ramadan is the night of predestination. This night is better than a thousand months, and in it important events take place that determine the fate of creations. The superiority of this night and how Muslims should spend it will be discussed in the next lesson, Allah willing.

At the end of this topic, it only remains for me to add that the final stage of any rite of worship, of any undertaking, is of exceptional importance. It depends on him whether the efforts of a person will be accepted or not, whether they will bring benefits or turn out to be futile and useless.

It is reported that Sahl b. Saad al-Saidi said: “During one of the campaigns, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, met the pagans, and the Muslims entered into battle with them. Then the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, returned to his camp, and the pagans to theirs. Among the companions of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, there was one person who did not miss a single opportunity not to set off in pursuit of a pagan and cut him down with his sword, and people began to say: “Today, none of us has done so much, how much did so-and-so! However, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Verily, he is from among the inhabitants of Hell!” Then one of the people said: “I will follow him everywhere,” and he rode along with him, stopping where he stopped and hurrying when he was in a hurry. And then this man was seriously wounded, and, wanting to end his life as soon as possible, he put the hilt of his sword to the ground, and its tip to his chest, threw himself on the sword and committed suicide. Then the one who followed him came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and said: “I testify that you are the Messenger of Allah!” He asked, "What happened?" He said: “You called that person one of the inhabitants of Hell, and this amazed the people. Then I said, "I'll tell you about him." So I began to follow him relentlessly. He was seriously wounded and, wanting to end his life as soon as possible, put the hilt of his sword to the ground, and its tip to his chest, threw himself on the sword and committed suicide. Then the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Indeed, it may seem to people that a person does the deeds of the inhabitants of Paradise, while he is among the inhabitants of Hell, and it may appear to people that a person does the deeds of the inhabitants of Hell, while he from among the inhabitants of Paradise!” In another version, it is added: “Indeed, all deeds are judged by their completion” (This hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari).

That is why Muslims should honor the last days of Ramadan, pay special attention to worship in them and not miss the slightest opportunity to do good deeds during this blessed period.

It's hard to believe, but Ramadan is about to end. There are only a few days left, and for a believer, such an opportunity for Savab will come no earlier than in a year. The last 10 days of Ramadan are the most blessed, so the believer should increase his worship and commitment to faith, as in his hands he holds gem named Laylat al-Qadr, which is better than 1000 nights. The believer should strive to reach this night, which is hidden in the last 10 days of the holy month. This is our chance to get closer to the Almighty, to achieve his mercy and forgiveness of past and present sins.

1. Performing I'tikaf

Itikaf - staying in the mosque in worship with the intention to become closer to the Almighty, to perform constant dhikr, praising the Almighty. Itikaf is a sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). If a believer is not able to perform itikaf for 10 days, he should try to perform itikaf for as many days as he can - nafl itikaf. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) devoted himself to itikaf (solitude for worship in the mosque) during the last ten nights of Ramadan, until he left the world, his wives followed this practice. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

2. Make a daily worship list.

Plan and make a list of acts of worship that you must perform during the day and stick to it. Manage your time in the most efficient way.

3. Increasing worship in the last days of Ramadan.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) especially increased his worship in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: When the last ten nights (Ramadan) began, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stayed awake at night (for prayer and worship), woke up his family and prepared himself to be more diligent in worship. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

4. Continuously read the Quran.

The Qur'an was sent down on the blessed night of Predestination, it should be read a lot on this night. After all, the reward for reading one letter of the Qur'an in Ramadan is 700 hasan. It is important to read Sura Yasin daily after Fajr. Surah "Mulk" before going to bed, Surah "Kahf" every Friday.

5. We make voluntary prayers.

The reward for reading fard prayers outside of Ramadan is the highest that a Muslim can achieve, but in Ramadan we can get the same reward for doing voluntary prayers. We must strive to make as many voluntary prayers as we can in order to become closer to the Almighty.

6. We remember the Almighty.

Increase the remembrance of Allah in the last days of Ramadan by praising Him. The hadith says: “On the Day of Judgment, a person will be shown the time that he spent in his life. And he will greatly regret every hour he has spent without the remembrance of Allah.” This was narrated by Ibn Rajab in Jami‘ al-‘ulum wa-l-hikam (p. 135).

7. Making dua

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: “If My slaves ask you about Me, then I am close and answer the call of the prayer when he calls to Me. Let them answer Me and believe in Me, so that they may follow the right path” (2:186).

Dua has great value before the Almighty. Allah loves those who repent and those who turn to him in sincere repentance: “Verily, Allah loves the repentant…” (2:222).

8. In the last days of Ramadan, increase the sunnah by using miswak, sunnahs of going to bed, eating, drinking, etc.

9. We make repentance about the past and the present.

The last ten days of Ramadan are the days of God's forgiveness, which we can earn only through worship and sincere petition.

10. Strive for the Night of Predestination

“We sent it down on a blessed night, and We warn. All wise deeds are decided in it by command from Us. We send prophets and scriptures” (44:2-5).

The first condition for receiving rewards on this night is to be awake. As for what exactly a person should do during this night, in this case the choice is up to the person himself. He can: perform nafil or kaza prayers, read the Qur'an, make as much dua as possible or indulge in meditation. All this is Sunnah. And there is no doubt that if you spend in worship every night of the last ten days of Ramadan, you will certainly reach the night of Destiny and gain permanent blessings, as if you had worshiped for 83 years.

07.06.2018 Mignonette 11 378 2

Reseda Asiatullina