Summary of how animals help people. Animals and people

Synopsis of OOD for cognitive development familiarization with the subject, social environment

in the senior group

How Animals Help Man.

Preliminary work. Reading stories about animals. Didactic games. Conversations about animals. Looking at pictures of animals. Drawing and sculpting animals different countries.

Material and equipment. Animal presentation (horse, elephant, camel, dog). A4 paper, colored pencils.

Course progress.

The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures. The first picture is a picture. The teacher offers to name the animal. Asks: Is the horse a domestic or wild animal? Summarizes the children's answers: horses living in nature are wild animals. Man was able to tame the horse and make it a pet. A person takes care of pets and can use them in his Everyday life.

The teacher invites the children to think about how a horse helps a person in life.

The teacher talks with the children on the images in the pictures. Encourages correct and interesting answers.

The next slide shows an elephant. The teacher offers to name the animal. Asks: Is the elephant a domestic or a wild animal? Summarizes the children's answers. Explains that the man tamed the elephant. On a domesticated elephant, a person can ride, use it as a means of transportation, and carry cargo. Such tamed elephants are mainly kept in India and Africa. Invites children to think about how an elephant can help a person in his life.

Fizkultminutka. Children perform actions in accordance with the text of the poem. (perform each movement 2-3 times.)

There is an elephant in the zoo. (Children stand in a circle.)

Ears, trunk, he is gray. (They show what ears and trunk the elephant has.)

She nods her head, (Nods her head.)

It's like he's inviting you. (Spread hands to the sides.)

The next slide shows a camel. The teacher offers to name the animal. He asks: is the camel a domestic or a wild animal? Summarizes the children's answers. Explains that a man tamed a camel. On a domesticated camel, a person can ride, use it as a means of transportation, and carry cargo. In the desert, a camel can easily find a source of water and bring it there. Domesticated camels are kept mainly in Asia, Africa and America. Invites children to think about how a camel can help a person in his life.

The teacher talks with the children on the images on the slides. Encourages correct and interesting answers.

The next picture is of a dog. The teacher offers to name the animal. Asks: Is the dog a domestic or a wild animal? Summarizes the children's answers: a long time ago, dogs were also wild animals. A man tamed a dog, and she became his faithful friend and helper. Most common on earth useful to man animal - domestic dog. Invites children to tell how a dog can help a person in his life.

The teacher offers to draw pictures on the topic “A dog is a friend and helper of a person”, then come up with a story from the picture.

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Slides captions:

How animals help a person GCD in a preparatory group for school Prepared by: Chernyshova Oksana Sergeevna Educator of the 1st qualification category

Program content: Expand children's ideas about animals from different countries and continents. Contribute to the formation of ideas about how animals can help people. Develop curiosity, cognitive activity. Develop creative abilities. Expand words knowledge.

Preliminary work: Reading stories about animals. Didactic games. Conversations about animals. Looking at pictures of animals. Drawing and modeling animals from different countries. Material and equipment: Laptop, projector. Presentation "How animals help people." A4 paper. Colour pencils.

The teacher invites the children to watch the slides. 1 shows a horse. Offers to name the animal. Asks: Is the horse a domestic or wild animal? Summarizes the children's answers - horses living in nature are wild animals. Man was able to tame the horse and make it a pet. A person takes care of pets and can use them in their daily life.

How can a horse help a person in his life?

Talking about the pictures on the slide. Encouragement of the most interesting statements. On the next slide is an image of an elephant.

The man tamed the elephant. On a domesticated elephant, a person can ride, use it as a means of transportation, and carry cargo. Such tamed elephants are mainly kept in India and Africa. How can an elephant help a person?

The rider rides an elephant

Elephant carrying logs

Elephant carrying cargo

Image conversation. Encourage correct and interesting answers of children. Fizkultminutka. In the zoo there is an elephant Ears, a gray trunk, he nods his head As if he invites guests. The next slide shows a camel. The teacher asks to name the animal.

The man tamed the camel. On a domesticated camel, you can ride, carry cargo. In the desert, a camel can easily find a source of water and lead a person there. Domesticated camels are kept mainly in Asia, Africa, America. How can a camel help a person?

Cameleers ride on camels

Camels in the desert near the water

Camel carrying cargo

Talk with children on the image on the slides. Encouragement of the most interesting statements. The next slide shows a dog. The teacher offers to name the animal. Asks: domestic or wild animal dog?

Long ago, dogs were also wild animals. A man tamed a dog, and she became his faithful friend and helper. A domestic dog is the most useful animal on earth. How can a dog help a person?

dog guarding the house

Owner with a dog on the hunt

The dogs pull the sled

A blind man is led by a guide dog

Policeman with a dog chasing a criminal

The teacher offers to draw pictures on the topic "A dog is a friend and helper of a person." THE END

1. Guide pony

Yes, this little horse in the picture below is indeed wearing sneakers. And not because its owner decided to distinguish himself by posting a creative picture on the net - this animal puts on shoes on duty.

Just like people, horses come in different sizes. And these little ones can be trained to help the blind.

They do the job just as well as dogs. And they have a lot of advantages: They are not at all interested in birds and cats. They will never pick up a half-eaten pie thrown by someone. Horses live longer than dogs and can do many things that dogs can't, such as leading their owners to the button on a traffic light.

For Muslims, the presence of a dog in the house is unacceptable - these animals are considered unclean. And with miniature horses, there are no problems. Moreover, the horses calmly wear shoes.

True, there is also back side. Horses eat more than dogs, and their other processes are also much larger. They may get scared and kick (and if you can't see anything, then you are unlikely to be able to dodge). They are larger, so it is difficult to travel with them by any means of transport - by car, train or plane.

2. Ferrets Lay Cable and Clean Pipes

In May 1999, at the US Peterson Air Force Base, a need arose to lay wires through pipes more than 12 meters long. The work was extremely difficult and threatened to drag on for a week. And then Lieutenant Colonel Randy Blasdell, who led the work, dawned on him. He drove home and brought his son's beloved ferret. A cable was tied to Misty (that was the name of the ferret) and launched into the pipe. The process of laying the cable took no more than an hour. Misty also did not remain in the loser - he was rewarded with a strawberry cake.

And in America, at the National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, a ferret named Felicia was similarly used to clean the 100-meter particle accelerator tubes. The animal pulled a rope through the pipe, to which they then tied a special brush and pulled it in the opposite direction.

In general, ferrets as workers in production simply have no price. One thing is bad - he may just want to lie down and take a nap for a couple of hours somewhere in the middle of the pipe ...

3. Monkeys collect coconuts

Harvesting coconuts is not as easy as it seems. They grow very, very high on palm trees. In India, only a few agreed to such a dangerous and not very well-paid job. The coconut industry was on the verge of collapse, and the government, trying to save the day, offered a prize to the first person to come up with a machine to harvest coconuts. No one invented the car, but the solution was found - monkeys.

Coconut farmers have a knack for training monkeys to climb palm trees and shake until all the fruit is on the ground. In addition to the fact that monkeys are cheaper than humans, they also have much higher productivity - a person can collect up to a hundred coconuts a day, a monkey - 500-800.

Before starting work, the monkeys undergo a training course in a special school, which lasts from three to six months. They are taught which coconuts to pick, how to toss into a basket and how to ride a tricycle.

But, by the way, the monkey workers were also quite capricious. If something is wrong, they can launch it with a coconut. One such incident ended in death for an overly demanding planter.

4. Spiders protect fruits from pests

Every farmer today faces a dilemma: on the one hand, the consumer demands that the fruit be grown without pesticides, on the other hand, he disdains worms. How to be?

Tesco decided to hire an army of predatory spiders to exterminate pests. The idea seemed brilliant on paper. In fact, people did not really like to find these "gardeners" in shopping bags.

One woman began to wash a large beautiful bunch of grapes and saw a "black widow" crawling out of the berries. And she swore that from now on she would only buy frozen or dried fruits.

5 Pigeon Smuggler

Everyone knows that pigeons can be trained to carry letters or small objects from one place to another. And of course, someday it would inevitably occur to someone to involve birds in the transportation of drugs.

Prisoners from Colombia have adapted to receive dope from the wild by pigeon mail. The sky is always open, and it would never occur to anyone to search the birds flying into the prison. Outside the prison gates, tiny pockets stuffed with drugs were tied to pigeons and sent to the homies on the other side of the barbed wire.

And this is not the only case when pigeons were involved in crimes. In South Africa, they are involved in the smuggling of diamonds. Therefore, the local police outlawed innocent birds and mercilessly shoot them.

6. Parrots on the lookout

Parrots are popular among pirates and those who like to feed various orphan animals. And given their ability to imitate the human voice, you can teach the bird to curse and slang words, which will make it a source of pride for any gopnik.

The same ability to understand language makes them popular with crooks as well. Colombian gangs (Colombian criminals love to use birds, perhaps because there are not only many wild monkeys in Central America, but also parrots) train parrots to shout “Run, run, the cat is going to catch you”, naturally in Spanish, every time they see Central American ment.

One such parrot with the underground nickname Lorenzo warned a gang of smugglers before the police could round them up. “You could say he was something like a sentinel bird,” said police officer Hollman Oliveira of Lorenzo, after he finally managed to tie the bird with his accomplices.

When the police broke into the building that Lorenzo was guarding, they arrested over 200 weapons and made four arrests. The guards of the Latin American order deceived the bird in the most banal way: by sending police officers out of uniform.

After the uniformed cops showed up at the end of the raid, Lorenzo's script apparently went off, and for the next few hours he continued to yell his warning, driving the cops there white-hot.

And if you think this is a unique case, then the Colombian authorities say that they have already caught over 1,700 of these parrots, which are trained to shout such warnings.

7 Dogs That Can Predict Seizures

Since time immemorial, dogs have been in the service of people, helping them to hunt, as well as herding sheep, guarding houses, leading the blind, vomiting on the carpet, wiping upholstered furniture and doing many other useful things.

And you know what makes dogs even more useful? They can predict the most that neither is the present future.

True, they have a strange ability to predict rather specific events - when a person with epilepsy will have a seizure, but they can actually do this, predicting seizures in minutes and even hours.

When they sense that an attack is coming, the dogs will bark, run in circles, lie down in front of their master, or sometimes (but rarely, which is already there) spread the word “attack” with their noses using dry food. A person who is threatened with such a nuisance may take medication, or have time to find a safe place. And some dogs are trained to call for help if their owner can't do it himself.

Obviously, we are terribly intrigued by how the same animals, unable to understand that it is you, teasing them, direct the pointer of a laser pointer, how the hell do they manage to feel the approach of an attack even before they themselves began to suspect it sick. No one knows. There are suggestions that animals notice small changes in human behavior, or are able to smell changes in body chemistry, but there is not yet enough scientific evidence to support either theory.

Therefore, there is no way to train a dog to recognize when an attack is coming. They either can do it or they can't. Most dogs can be trained to help a person who is having a seizure so that if you have epilepsy you won't injure yourself, however recognizing a coming attack is an innate ability of only about 10 percent of dogs.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4 "of the urban district of the city of Agidel of the Republic of Bashkortostan

How animals help people!

Use of ICT in OOD

For Cognitive Development

In the senior group

Educator: Samatova G.R.


Target: To provide knowledge about the benefits that animals bring to humans.Program content:

Educational tasks:

Clarify children's ideas about nature. Expand children's ideas about animals from different countries and continents. Promote the idea of ​​how animals can help humans.

Development tasks:

Develop curiosity, cognitive activity. Expand words knowledge.

Educational tasks:

To form ideas that a person is a part of nature and that he should protect, protect and protect it. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Preliminary work:Conversations about animals from different continents, reading fiction, didactic games looking at an illustration depicting animals.

Materials and equipment:Notebook, netbooks (5pcs), screen,presentation "How animals help people", didactic games "The fourth extra", "Find out by description", tape recorder, emoticons.

Lesson progress:

Q: Guys, we have guests! Are you surprised? You welcome guests!

D: Yes!

B: Say hello, give them your smiles!

D: Hello!

B: We go to our places and quietly sit down! Sit right, guys!

Listen carefully!

You are all ready to go!

D: Ready!

Q: Guys, look at the map. We live on the Earth. The land is beautiful and rich. Who lives on planet Earth?

D: People, birds, animals, fish, plants.

Q: You have named many inhabitants of the Earth, and how many have not yet been named. Today we will talk about the amazing kingdom - the animal kingdom. B will help us with this: slide 1.

Hi guys! Hedgehog, Nyusha, Krosh and I want to know how animals help people? Please tell us!

Look, I have to move this haystack. I can't do it myself. Here I go to my friend in the village. Who is he, you will learn from the riddle and tell about him.

Q: Guys, listen to the riddle.

shod feet,

Runs down the road;

Mane arc,

And the tail with a broom!

D: Horse.

Q: Look at the screen.

Slide 2. That's right, it's a horse! Guys, what benefits does a horse bring to people?

D: talking to children.

Q: Look at the screen.

Slide 3. Rider riding a horse.

D: talking to children.

B: Slide 4. A horse carrying a load.

D: talking to children.

Q: Slide 5. Koumiss is made from mare's milk.

D: talking to children.

B: Slide 6. I also found out about my friend. But can you tell us how animals on other contingents help people? For example, in Africa?

Q: You will learn about them by guessing riddles.

The mountain is walking on the sand

He drinks two buckets of water.

Here the rich, good-natured,

And in the desert it is very necessary.

D: Camel.

Q: Look at the screen. Slide 7. Yes, this is a camel.

D: talking to children.

Q: Look at the screen, how does a camel help people?

B: Slide 8. The driver rides a camel

D; conversation with children.

Q: Slide 9. A camel is carrying a load.

D: talking to children.

B: Slide 10. Mittens, socks are knitted from wool,

make pillows and blankets.

D: talking to children.

B: Well done guys!

Listen to the next riddle.

Raising a giant

The load is heavy to the clouds.

And if it's stuffy

It will pour itself out of the soul.

D: Elephant

Q: Slide 11. Look at the screen, it's an elephant. What benefits does an elephant bring to a person?

D: talking to children.

Q: Slide 12. Look at the screen.

The rider rides an elephant.

D: talking to children.

Q: Slide 13. The elephant transports people.

D: talking to children.

B: Slide 14. Guys, I’m sitting here and thinking: all animals help people, but me? Why am I useful? I don’t give milk, I don’t transport anything, I can’t even bring hay for myself. Something made me sad...

D: talking to children.

Q: Will the guys cheer up Barash? Let's have a fun workout!

Dynamic pause.

B: We rested, we continue the lesson.

Let's play the game on netbooks "The Fourth Extra"

Slide 16. Guys, you need to find an extra picture. Look carefully. What is superfluous?

D: Ant.

Q: Why is it redundant?

D: talking to children.

Q: That's right, it's an insect, and the rest are animals.

Slide 17. Look at the next task. What is redundant here?

D: Butterfly.

B: That's right, butterfly. Why is the butterfly missing?

D: talking to children.

B: That's right guys. A butterfly is also an insect, and the rest are birds. Well done boys! You have completed this task.

And now let's play another game "Find out by description"

Slide 18. Recognize the first animal. This is a domestic animal: with horns, with a hoof, loves grass and gives milk.

D: cow.

B: Right.

He has large horns, long legs, of all animals is huge, but not a predator.

D: Moose.

B: It's an elk.

B: Likes nuts, jumps from branch to branch.

D: Squirrel.

B: That's right, it's a squirrel.

B: Slide 19. What a great fellow you are! All that you know! Thanks everyone! I'm going to tell all my friends!

Slide 20. Thank you for your attention!

Q: Guys, I really liked you today, you were active, inquisitive.

Guys, there are two circles on the tables in front of you, what is drawn there.

D: Emoticons.

Q: Can you tell me what they are?

D: One is happy, the other is sad.

Q: Guys, if it was easy for you at the lesson today, clearly show a cheerful emoticon, and if it was difficult for you to answer, raise a sad emoticon.

D: (raise emoticons).

Q: What have we learned?

D: talking to children.

B: Here the lesson is over,

See you soon.

To all friends and adults,

Say "Goodbye!"

Summary of the lesson for children 5-6 years old "Labor of animals"

Program content: to give children an idea of ​​how wild and domestic animals work, how they help people.
preliminary work: talking about wild and domestic animals, reading fiction, didactic games, memorizing riddles, watching movies.
materials: Illustrations depicting animals, brownies Kuzya, a gift from Kuzya, pictures of products, building blocks.
Lesson progress:
caregiver: Guys, look who came to visit us? Did everyone recognize him? (children's answers) That's right - Brownie Kuzya.
Kuzya: Hello guys. So I decided to visit you. Guys, do you know that people have a lot of animal helpers. They work and help people (children's answers). Now I will ask you a riddle about animals, and you tell me how they help people.
Friendly with the owner
The house guards
Lives under the porch
Ring tail. (Dog)

caregiver: How many people live on earth, so much a dog lives next to them. The dog helps the shepherd protect the flock of sheep from wolves. In the taiga, she hunts together with a man. And in the North there are sled dogs, there are dogs that help search for missing people during explosions, floods, earthquakes. A dog is man's best friend.
Kuzya A: And I have a friend. His name is Cook, we live very happily with him. In general, I have many animal friends. Here's another riddle.
red dairy
The day chews and the night chews,
After all, the grass is not so easy
Transfer to milk. (Cow)

Kuzya: Correctly answered, well done! After all, a cow is a mother. All children have grown up on milk given by a cow. Many different dairy products are made from milk. Do you know what these products are? Children's answers (cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, yogurt, kefir, cream)
Kuzya: Well, you know all the answers. Very smart kids!
Kuzya: Something I'm tired, let's warm up with you! (physical education minute)

Grass grows in the meadow
bulk mature,
To collect weed
You have to squat deeper.
Vilya in hand we take
And we put grass in stacks.
We will be now in the winter
What to feed us barnyard
And a cow, and a pig, a goat, a ram.
Everyone will say thank you
We care so much.

caregiver: Guys, I have questions for you: What is a barnyard and a haystack. Children's answers)
Kuzya: Correctly. I don’t even know to ask you this and you didn’t know.
caregiver: Kuzya, the guys listen well and remember what they are told.
Kuzya: Listen to the following riddle:

Flew over the lawn
pat over a flower,
He will share honey (Bee)
(children's answers)

caregiver: That's right, bees are great workers. They make honey for people.
Kuzya: I really like honey. Guys, do you know that honey is very useful product. Various medicines are made from it. I treat all my friends only with honey. And you will find out that there are not only domestic bees, but also wild ones that live in the forest. They put their beehives on trees (children's answers).
Kuzya: Guys, many other animals live in the forest and work in the forest. Listen to the riddle:

We are forest dwellers
Wise Builders
From the needles of the whole artel
Build a house for yourself under the spruce (Ants)
(children's answers)

caregiver: Ants are always at work, right Kuzya?
Kuzya: Yes. They get food all day and carry it to the anthill, in addition to food they carry it to the anthill and construction material(straw, twigs, needles)
Kuzya: Guys, imagine yourself as ants. Build a house out of cubes and be a builder. (children build houses from cubes)
Kuzya A: Well, that's tired. Me too, especially the hands, because the cubes are heavy, let's do gymnastics for the hands.

Everyone knows: everyone is stronger
Our hard worker is an ant.
He's just small
And it's not easy to fight him.
He is a builder anywhere
The house will be built from sand.

Kuzya: we stretched the handles.
caregiver: Kuzya, you told us so much about your friends. We really enjoyed your story.
Kuzya: I also liked you, and for this I will give you a jar of honey. It was given to me by forest bees. Goodbye, soon I will come to you again and tell you about other animals.