The slandered Stalinist era through the eyes of eyewitnesses. Stalin era Stalin era

Stalin was born on December 9 (21), 1989 in the city of Gori. He deserves that every citizen of Russia commemorate his savior on December 21.

Stalin was deservedly praised during his lifetime, but after his death, the bankers did not spare any money to slander him, and with him to slander the Soviet government.

The West was not able to crush the Soviet Republic, the Soviet Union by military means, throwing vastly superior military forces at our country in 1918 and 1941, but crushed it with lies about mass Stalinist repressions.

Enormous money has been and is being spent on anti-Stalinist propaganda. For one article that positively evaluates the personality of Stalin and the Stalinist Soviet era, there are tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of articles aimed at discrediting I.V. Stalin and his time. Under these conditions, the return of the truth to people will not come soon, and may not come at all.

Even today, Stalin stands as a granite cliff in the way of all the ill-wishers of Russia. Whether the peoples of Russia live or not, whether the Russian state exists or not depends largely on whether or not our people believe the slanderers of Russia.

Since 1956, Stalin's critics have been instilling an inferiority complex into the Russian people, instilling hatred for socialism, Soviet power, the USSR, presenting life in the Soviet era as an alternation of crimes committed by the state, as the darkest period in the history of our Motherland.

They seek to ensure that a great and independent people begin to be ashamed of their past, so that self-abasement becomes the norm.

But the actual deeds of Stalin and the people of Stalin's time indicate that the socialist time is the greatest and most just time in the entire period of human existence. For two thousand years of our era simple people have always been disenfranchised, humiliated and insulted, deprived of most of the blessings of life.

In Russia, the USSR, the only state-family on earth was created in which people were equal and were not divided into the chosen and the outcast.

Tens of thousands of plants and factories built and restored, the collapse of the defeated Nazi Germany, created after the war by jet aircraft, rocket technology, the atomic bomb, the happy faces of the Soviet people who create, population growth, Stalin today smashes the fabrications of the liberal anti-Russian world.

In Stalin's time, the security of the peoples of the USSR was ensured. People's lives were reliably protected. The culture of the peoples of the country developed successfully, the moral level, education and upbringing protected the Soviet people from another danger of liberalism, which Leontiev warned about - "commercialization of life." Honest, educated, cultured people of honor did not recognize the cult of money and the cult of things. They had different values.

Under Stalin, a world socialist system was created, which included 13 countries, and an intergovernmental economic organization socialist countries - the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). The civil and military industries of the socialist countries developed according to a single plan.

KN Leontiev quite rightly saw the guarantee of Russia's prosperity in friendship with the East. I. V. Stalin also understood this. He built our foreign policy on an alliance with China, on friendship based on mutual respect. The population of the USSR, China and other socialist countries at that time accounted for a third of the total population of the planet - 800 million people. It was thanks to the help of the USSR that China became a great country not only in terms of population, but also in terms of industrial development.

In a little over thirty years, despite two devastating wars unleashed by the West, the USSR has turned from a backward country into a superpower of the world.

The peoples of the world admired the USSR, which, without masters, became a highly developed power in an exceptionally short period of time, defeated the strongest enemy in the world, and after the war, in the early 1950s, in terms of industrial output, including consumer goods, overtook all European countries and began to compete with The richest and most developed country in the world is the United States.

Indeed, our people under the leadership of Stalin worked wonders. For 35 years of socialist construction, we have moved from a backward country to the leaders. In fact, during the indicated period, the USSR peacefully developed for 19 years, and 16 years fell on wars (Civil and Patriotic) and restoration National economy after the wars.

The standard of living of people in peacetime was constantly rising and, of course, fell sharply during wars and during the period of reconstruction of the country. The government of the USSR did everything possible to raise the standard of living of the people. The absence of private property allowed the government to improve the well-being of the working people under the most difficult conditions.

And if after the war in the period from 1946 to 1951 in the USA, England and France the prices for basic foodstuffs (bread, meat, butter, sugar) increased by 1.5-3 times, then in the USSR they decreased by 2 times over this period. and more times.

Soviet people studied, rested and went in for sports in real palaces, accessible to every citizen of the country. From their mostly modest rooms, they found their way into the luxurious palaces of Pioneer Houses, clubs, libraries, gyms, etc.

In the early 1950s, a feeling of happiness reigned in the country. In the late 1950s, even the President of the United States admitted that the Soviet Union lagged behind in space research, education, medicine and science. At that time, the programs launched under Stalin were still working.

In 1950, the first electronic computer (computer) was created in the USSR. Perhaps these were the first computers in the world. It was they who ensured the flights of our ballistic missiles, air defense missiles, aviation, and later space flights.

After the war, work continued on the automation of production processes. Since 1949, automatic machine tools, automatic lines, automatic process control systems began to be mass-produced at specialized enterprises put into operation.

Since 1951, the industry began the mass production of watches, cameras, radios, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and cars of the latest designs.

With a deep consideration of any decision taken during the Stalinist period, you are convinced that it was the only correct one. This is not known to the current generation, to which all the decisions made in Stalin's time are presented as erroneous. And our hack writers have a false answer ready for any question. Today, in Russia, too, the truth about Stalin's time has become a rare exception, exotic.

JV Stalin wrote in 1952: “The goal of socialist production is not profit, but a person with his needs, that is, the satisfaction of his material and spiritual needs.”

The liberals, accumulated under Stalin, took out more than 2 thousand tons of gold to the West from Russian money and removed the inscription that was on Soviet money: “Bank notes are backed by gold, precious metals and other assets of the State Bank.”

In general, as a result of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, our people suffered enormous losses. These losses are still not fully realized by the citizens of Russia today.

The West still defeated us. "Not by washing, so by skating." I could not overcome in open battle, so I defeated it by creeping intervention. D. F. Dulles, who later became US Secretary of State, spoke about the plans of the West in relation to Russia: “When the war ends, everything will somehow settle down, settle down. And we will throw everything that we have, what we have ... all the gold, all the material power to fool and fool people! human brain, consciousness of people is capable to change. Having sowed chaos, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people... our allies and assistants in Russia itself.

Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth will be played out ... ". To our sorrow, to date, the Dulles plan in relation to Russia has been largely carried out.

But one should not think that all the great deeds of our people were in vain. The Great October Revolution of 1917 saved our country from destruction and division between the Entente countries. Industrialization and collectivization allowed Russia to survive, defeat Germany and its allies in 1945, saved Russia from destruction by Hitler's European hordes. Creation atomic bomb, thermonuclear weapons and the entire development of the country in the post-war period saved Russia from a nuclear strike, which the United States was preparing against us.

The most important thing in the life of Stalin and his associates was the creation of a new beautiful person and the building of a great, free and independent state. Stalin's time showed that I. V. Stalin was a great statesman and took care of Russia like a father.

We stand for peace and uphold the cause of peace.
/AND. Stalin/

Stalin (real name - Dzhugashvili) Iosif Vissarionovich, one of the leading figures of the Communist Party, the Soviet state, the international communist and workers' movement, a prominent theorist and propagandist of Marxism-Leninism. Born in the family of a handicraft shoemaker. In 1894 he graduated from the Gori Theological School and entered the Tbilisi Orthodox Seminary. Under the influence of Russian Marxists who lived in Transcaucasia, he joined the revolutionary movement; in an illegal circle he studied the works of K. Marx, F. Engels, V. I. Lenin, G. V. Plekhanov. Since 1898 a member of the CPSU. Being in a social democratic group "Mesame-dashi", led the propaganda of Marxist ideas among the workers of the Tbilisi railway workshops. In 1899 he was expelled from the seminary for revolutionary activity, went underground, and became a professional revolutionary. He was a member of the Tbilisi, Caucasian Union and Baku committees of the RSDLP, participated in the publication of newspapers "Brdzola" ("Struggle"), "Proletariatis Brdzola" ("Struggle of the proletariat"), "Baku Proletarian", "Beep", "Baku Worker", was an active participant in the Revolution of 1905-07. in the Caucasus. Since the creation of the RSDLP, he supported Lenin's ideas of strengthening the revolutionary Marxist party, defended the Bolshevik strategy and tactics of the class struggle of the proletariat, was a staunch supporter of Bolshevism, and exposed the opportunist line of the Mensheviks and anarchists in the revolution. Delegate of the 1st Conference of the RSDLP in Tammerfors (1905), the 4th (1906) and 5th (1907) Congresses of the RSDLP.

During the period of underground revolutionary activity, he was repeatedly arrested and exiled. In January 1912, at a meeting of the Central Committee elected by the 6th (Prague) All-Russian Conference of the RSDLP, he was co-opted to the Central Committee in absentia and introduced to Russian Bureau of the Central Committee. In 1912-13, while working in St. Petersburg, he actively collaborated in newspapers "Star" and "Truth". Participant Krakow (1912) meeting of the Central Committee of the RSDLP with party workers. At this time, Stalin wrote the work "Marxism and the National Question", in which he highlighted the Leninist principles for resolving the national question, criticized the opportunist program of "cultural-national autonomy". The work was positively evaluated by V. I. Lenin (see Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 24, p. 223). In February 1913, Stalin was again arrested and exiled to the Turukhansk region.

After the overthrow of the autocracy, Stalin returned to Petrograd on March 12 (25), 1917, was introduced to the Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) and to the editorial board of Pravda, took an active part in expanding the work of the party in the new conditions. Stalin supported the Leninist course of developing the bourgeois-democratic revolution into a socialist one. On the 7th (April) All-Russian Conference of the RSDLP (b) elected member of the Central Committee(since that time he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the party at all congresses up to and including the 19th). At the 6th Congress of the RSDLP (b), on behalf of the Central Committee, he delivered a political report of the Central Committee and a report on the political situation.

As a member of the Central Committee, Stalin actively participated in the preparation and conduct of the Great October Socialist Revolution: he was a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the Military Revolutionary Center - the party body for leading the armed uprising, in the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee. At the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets on October 26 (November 8), 1917, he was elected to the first Soviet government as People's Commissar for Nationalities(1917-22); simultaneously in 1919-22 headed People's Commissariat of State Control, reorganized in 1920 into the People's Commissariat Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate(RCT).

During the period civil war and foreign military intervention 1918-20, Stalin carried out a number of responsible assignments of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Soviet government: he was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, one of the organizers defense of Petrograd, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern, Western, Southwestern Fronts, a representative of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense. Stalin showed himself to be a major military-political worker of the party. By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 27, 1919, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

After the end of the Civil War, Stalin actively participated in the party's struggle for the restoration of the national economy, for the implementation of a new economic policy(NEP), for strengthening the alliance of the working class with the peasantry. During the discussion about trade unions, imposed on the party Trotsky, defended the Leninist platform on the role of trade unions in socialist construction. On the 10th Congress of the RCP (b)(1921) made a presentation "The Immediate Tasks of the Party in the National Question". In April 1922, at the Plenum of the Central Committee, Stalin was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee Party and held this post for over 30 years, but since 1934 he was formally Secretary of the Central Committee.

As one of the leading workers in the field of nation-state construction, Stalin took part in the creation of the USSR. However, initially in solving this new and complex problem, he made a mistake by putting forward autonomy project(the entry of all republics into the RSFSR on the rights of autonomy). Lenin criticized this project and substantiated the plan to create a single union state in the form of a voluntary union of republics with equal rights. Taking into account the criticism, Stalin fully supported Lenin's idea and, on behalf of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), spoke at 1st All-Union Congress of Soviets(December 1922) with a report on the formation of the USSR.

On the 12th Party Congress(1923) Stalin delivered an organizational report on the work of the Central Committee and a report "National Moments in Party and State Building".

V. I. Lenin, who perfectly knew the cadres of the party, had a huge influence on their education, sought the placement of cadres in the interests of the general party cause, taking into account their individual qualities. AT "Letter to the Congress" Lenin gave a description of a number of members of the Central Committee, including Stalin. Considering Stalin one of the outstanding figures of the party, Lenin at the same time wrote on December 25, 1922: “Comrade. Stalin, having become General Secretary, concentrated immense power in his hands, and I am not sure whether he will always be able to use this power carefully enough” (ibid., vol. 45, p. 345). In addition to his letter, on January 4, 1923, Lenin wrote:

“Stalin is too rude, and this shortcoming, which is quite tolerable in the environment and in communications between us communists, becomes intolerable in the position of general secretary. Therefore, I suggest that the comrades consider a way to move Stalin from this place and appoint another person to this place, who in all other respects differs from Comrade. Stalin with only one advantage, namely, more tolerant, more loyal, more polite and more attentive to comrades, less capriciousness, etc.” (ibid., p. 346).

By decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), all delegations were familiarized with Lenin's letter 13th Congress of the RCP (b), which took place in May 1924. Given the difficult situation in the country, the severity of the struggle against Trotskyism, it was considered expedient to leave Stalin in the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee, so that he would take into account criticism from Lenin and draw the necessary conclusions from it.

After Lenin's death, Stalin actively participated in the development and implementation of the policy of the CPSU, plans for economic and cultural construction, measures to strengthen the country's defense capability and conduct the foreign policy of the party and the Soviet state. Together with other leading party leaders, Stalin waged an uncompromising struggle against the opponents of Leninism, played an outstanding role in the ideological and political defeat of Trotskyism and right-wing opportunism, in defending Lenin's teaching on the possibility of the victory of socialism in the USSR, and in strengthening the unity of the party. Importance in the propaganda of the Leninist ideological heritage had the work of Stalin "On the Foundations of Leninism" (1924), "Trotskyism or Leninism?" (1924), "To Questions of Leninism" (1926), "Once More About the Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party" (1926), "On the right deviation in the CPSU (b)" (1929), "On the issues of agrarian policy in the USSR"(1929) and others.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the Soviet people carried out the Leninist plan for building socialism and carried out revolutionary transformations of gigantic complexity and world-historical significance. Stalin, together with other leading figures of the Party and the Soviet state, made a personal contribution to the solution of these problems. The key task in building socialism was the socialist industrialization, which ensured the economic independence of the country, the technical reconstruction of all sectors of the national economy, the defense capability of the Soviet state. The most difficult and difficult task revolutionary changes was the reorganization of agriculture on a socialist basis. When conducting collectivization of agriculture errors and omissions were made. Stalin also bears responsibility for these mistakes. However, thanks to decisive measures taken by the party with the participation of Stalin, the mistakes were corrected. Of great importance for the victory of socialism in the USSR was the implementation cultural revolution.

In the context of the impending military danger and in the years Great Patriotic War 1941-45 Stalin took a leading part in the party's many-sided activities to strengthen the defense of the USSR and organize the defeat of fascist Germany and militarist Japan. However, on the eve of the war, Stalin made a certain miscalculation in assessing the timing of a possible attack by Nazi Germany on the USSR. May 6, 1941 he was appointed Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR(from 1946 - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR), June 30, 1941 - Chairman of the State Defense Committee ( GKO), July 19 - People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, August 8 - Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

As head of the Soviet state, he took part in Tehran (1943), Crimean(1945) and Potsdam (1945) conferences the leaders of the three powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain. In the post-war period, Stalin continued to work as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. During these years, the party Soviet government did a tremendous amount of work to mobilize the Soviet people to fight for recovery and further development National economy, carried out a foreign policy course aimed at strengthening the international positions of the USSR, the world socialist system, at uniting and developing the international working and communist movement, at supporting the liberation struggle of the peoples of colonial and dependent countries, at ensuring peace and security of peoples throughout the world.

In Stalin's activities, along with the positive aspects, there were theoretical and political mistakes, and some traits of his character had a negative effect. If in the first years of work without Lenin he considered critical remarks addressed to him, then later he began to deviate from the Leninist principles of collective leadership and the norms of party life, to overestimate his own merits in the successes of the party and people. Gradually took shape Stalin's personality cult which entailed gross violations of socialist legality, caused serious harm party activities, the cause of communist construction.

20th Congress of the CPSU(1956) condemned the personality cult as a phenomenon alien to the spirit of Marxism-Leninism, the nature of the socialist social order. In the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU of June 30, 1956 "On overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences" the party gave an objective, comprehensive assessment of Stalin's activities, a detailed criticism of the cult of personality. The cult of personality did not and could not change the socialist essence of the Soviet system, the Marxist-Leninist character of the CPSU and its Leninist course, did not stop the natural course of development of Soviet society. The Party worked out and implemented a system of measures that ensured the restoration and further development of the Leninist norms of Party life and the principles of Party leadership.

Stalin was a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1919-52, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1952-53, a member of the Executive Committee of the Comintern in 1925-43, a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee from 1917, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR from 1922, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st-3rd convocations . He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (1939), Hero Soviet Union(1945), Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943), higher military rank- Generalissimo of the Soviet Union (1945). He was awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, 2 Orders of Victory, 3 Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, and medals. After his death in March 1953, he was buried in the Lenin-Stalin Mausoleum. In 1961, by decision of the XXII Congress of the CPSU, he was reburied on Red Square.

Works: Soch., vol. 1-13, M., 1949-51; Questions of Leninism, and ed., M., 1952: On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, 5th ed., M., 1950; Marxism and questions of linguistics, [M.], 1950; Economic problems of socialism in the USSR, M., 1952. Lit.: XX Congress of the CPSU. Stenographic report, vol. 1-2, M., 1956; Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences." June 30, 1956, in the book: CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses. Conferences and plenums of the Central Committee, 8th ed., vol. 7, M., 1971; History of the CPSU, vol. 1-5, M., 1964-70: History of the CPSU, 4th ed., M., 1975.

Events during the reign of Stalin:

  • 1925 - the adoption of a course towards industrialization at the XIV Congress of the CPSU (b).
  • 1928 - the first "five-year plan".
  • 1930 - beginning of collectivization
  • 1936 - adoption of the new constitution of the USSR.
  • 1939 1940 - Soviet-Finnish war
  • 1941 1945 - The Great Patriotic War
  • 1949 - Creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).
  • 1949 - successful testing of the first Soviet atomic bomb, which was created by I.V. Kurchatov under the direction of L.P. Beria.
  • 1952 - renaming of the CPSU (b) in the CPSU
History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 20th century Nikolaev Igor Mikhailovich

Culture of the Stalin era (1928–1953)

From the end of the 20s, the dictatorship of Stalin was established in the country, who, having got rid of the opposition and curtailed the NEP, began to implement Lenin's plan for building socialism - "industrialization, collectivization and cultural revolution." In the process of these transformations, many traditions of Russian culture were destroyed. State control over culture assumed a total character. New structures were added to the existing ones that carried out unification in the cultural sphere (the All-Union Committee for Higher Education, the Committee for the Arts, the All-Union Committee for Radio Broadcasting, etc.). During the years of the first five-year plans, funding for education and culture was carried out according to the residual principle. Budget subsidies were primarily received by those branches of science, the results of research in which brought practical benefits in the shortest possible time. The congresses and conferences of the intelligentsia that existed in the 1920s gradually disappeared. In 1933 the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was subordinated to the government. The content of the social sciences was completely determined by the guidelines of the "Short Course in the History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks" published in 1938. All the main questions of culture were decided personally by Stalin and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. When scientists defended a position that was not similar to the "general line of the party", they were subjected to repression. Thus, prominent Russian economists N.D. Kondratiev and A.V. Chayanov for daring to insist on continuing the New Economic Policy.

Education . In 1931, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted another resolution "On universal compulsory primary education" for children aged 8-10. By 1934, 28,300 schools were operating in the RSFSR, 98% of children were enrolled in studies. By 1939, the literacy rate for the population of all ages had risen to 89%. Soviet statistics included in this percentage all those who knew how to sign and read in syllables. Along with schools of the second stage, where it was possible to get a secondary education, factory schools (FZU) and schools for peasant youth (ShKM) were created. Uniform textbooks were issued for all subjects. A wide network of evening schools, circles and courses operated in the country.

In the field higher education continued, in the literal sense of the word, the destruction of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia. After the Shakhty case, the cases of the Industrial and Peasant Parties, the Allied Bureau of the Mensheviks, tens of thousands of specialists in all branches of knowledge were shot or perished in the camps. Their places were taken by young, politically savvy "nominees" who underwent accelerated training. The system of such training began to take shape in the 1930s. The total number of engineering, technical, agricultural, medical and pedagogical universities in the RSFSR increased from 90 in 1928 to 481 in 1940. Financing of some universities was transferred to the branch people's commissariats.

During the years of collectivization, it was completely destroyed Orthodox Church. Tens of thousands of churches in the villages and villages of Russia were destroyed or turned into clubs and warehouses. Many priests ended up in camps. Those who remained at large were taken under control by the NKVD.

Art culture . By the mid-1930s, most creative workers not only accepted the new social system, but also actively praised it in their works. In order to facilitate the control of party bodies over the activities of the creative intelligentsia, in 1925 the process of merging small associations was initiated. For example, the Federation of Soviet Writers included VAPP, Kuznitsa, Pereval, LEF, and others. In 1932, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks decided to create a single writers' organization, naturally, under party control. Similar alliances were later created in other areas of art. In 1934, at the First Congress of Soviet Writers, "socialist realism" was proclaimed the main method of creating creative works. Guided by this method, writers, artists, filmmakers, in fact, had to address only the topics indicated by the party and show not what was in reality, but what should ideally exist. The leading themes of the literature of the 1930s were revolution, collectivization, industrialization and the fight against "enemies of the people". The most notable works of this time were the novels “The Life of Klim Samgin” by M. Gorky, “Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A. Sholokhova, “How the steel was tempered” by N.A. Ostrovsky, published in mass editions. The works of A.A. Akhmatova, B.L. Pasternak, M.A. Bulgakov, M.M. Zoshchenko, I. Il'f and E. Petrova, included in the classical heritage of Russian literature, had a much smaller volume of distribution.

Since the end of the 1920s, Soviet dramaturgy has firmly established itself in the repertoire of theaters (“A Man with a Gun” by N.F. Pogodin, “Optimistic Tragedy” by V.V. Vishnevsky, etc.). Particular attention on the part of party organs and Stalin personally, who watched all the films produced, was given to cinema. New cinematographic universities were opened, mass construction of cinemas was carried out, and traveling screenings were organized. In 1931, the first Soviet sound film "Start in Life" appeared. The musical life of the country is associated with the names of S.S. Prokofiev, D.D. Shostakovich, A.I. Khachaturian, T.N. Khrennikova, I.O. Dunayevsky. Large ensembles were created - the Big State Symphony Orchestra, philharmonic orchestras. In 1932 the Union of Composers of the USSR was formed. In the same year, republican unions of artists and the Union of Soviet Architects were created. Within these unions there was a constant struggle against some "ism" in art. So, in 1935-1937. a campaign was held to “overcome formalism and naturalism”, during which persons objectionable to the leadership were purged from the ranks of creative organizations. During the above campaign, composer D.D. Shostakovich, artist A.V. Lentulov, film director S.M. Eisenstein, poet B.L. Pasternak and others. During the years of the "great terror" more than 600 Soviet writers were repressed, among them B.A. Pilnyak, O.E. Mandelstam. The writers who remained at large were forced to hide the manuscripts of their works (the novel The Master and Margarita by M.A. Bulgakov was published only in 1966, and The Requiem by A.A. Akhmatova - in 1987). "Purge" was subjected to and cultural heritage of the past. In the 1930s, the Sukharev Tower, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Miracle Monastery, the Red Gate and many other architectural monuments were destroyed in Moscow.

The Great Patriotic War brought great changes to the state ideology. They were reflected in the attitude of the Stalinist government towards culture. The Soviet people, having risen to defend their homeland, experienced an unprecedented upsurge of patriotic feelings, pushing the postulates of Marxism-Leninism into the background. These conditions led to a weakening of the ideological pressure on the creative intelligentsia. The main requirement of censorship was the obligatory patriotic sounding of works of art. In connection with the increase in defense spending, funding for culture has sharply decreased. In the first months of the war, a mass evacuation of academic and research institutes, large book collections, museum collections, and film studio equipment was carried out. The leadership of creative unions moved to remote areas of the country. During the war years, the subject of scientific research took on an even more functional character - the main goal was to meet the needs of the front. Scientists were required to develop a modern military equipment, ensuring the discovery of new minerals. In 1941, the Commission for the mobilization of resources of the Urals, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan was established, headed by Academician A.A. Baikov, who coordinated the work of 60 scientific and industrial enterprises. In 1943, a special laboratory for the fission of the uranium nucleus was resumed in Moscow, headed by I.V. Kurchatov. The topics of scientific works in social disciplines were also determined by the conditions of the war. In historical studies, monographs about the glorious pages of Russia's military past (Battle on the Ice, the Battle of Poltava, etc.) came to the fore.

Changes also took place in the system of public education, which suffered great material losses. From the first months of the war, boarding schools for orphaned children began to be created. Most of the time older students were engaged in production work, compulsory military training was introduced in schools. In 1941, admission to universities was reduced by 41%, the terms of study in them were cut to three years.

Soviet writers from the first days of the war became correspondents for army newspapers. By the content of their works, they tried to raise the morale of Soviet soldiers and officers. During these years, many talented works on a military theme were written (“Leningrad Poem” by O.F. Berggolts, “Pulkovo Meridian” by V.M. Inber, “Days and Nights” by K.M. Simonov, “Vasily Terkin” by A.T. Tvardovsky and others). The theater stages were also filled with military-themed plays. The performances “Invasion” by L.M. Leonov, "Russian people" K.M. Simonova, "Front" E.A. Korneichuk. Front-line theaters and propaganda and concert groups were created to travel to combat positions and hospitals. During the war years, the importance of documentary films and newsreels increased. Over 4 years, more than 500 newsreels and 34 full-length feature films were created. Among them are “Secretary of the District Committee”, “Two Soldiers”, “She Defends the Homeland”, “At 6 pm after the War”, “Wait for Me”, etc. In the fine arts, as in the years of the Civil War, preference was given to the propaganda poster . The artists I.M. Toidze, Kukryniksy and others. Artistic canvases on the themes of the front and rear were created by A.A. Plastov, G.G. Ryazhsky, S.V. Gerasimov.

During the war years, Soviet culture suffered huge losses. About 80,000 schools were destroyed, 430 museums and 44,000 libraries were plundered, architectural monuments of ancient Russian cities suffered from bombing. The human losses were irreplaceable.

To eliminate the consequences of the war and to strengthen control over the development of culture in the Union republics, special committees for cultural and educational institutions were created. In 1953 they were merged into the Ministry of Culture. In 1946, the Ministry of Higher Education was established, and in 1950, the Department of Science and Higher Education under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. "Released" during the war years, Soviet culture was again taken under strict party and state control.

Particular attention in the second half of the 1940s was given to new branches of the natural sciences involved in military production. The Institute of Fine Mechanics and computer science, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Institute of Atomic Energy, Institute of Nuclear Problems, etc. In 1949, the first test of the Soviet atomic bomb was successfully passed. During the years of the IV Five-Year Plan (1945-1950), compulsory seven-year education was restored, and the network of educational and cultural institutions was expanded compared to 1941. Much has been done to develop evening and correspondence education.

But the main efforts of the Stalinist leadership were aimed at solving ideological problems. This direction was headed by the Secretary of the Central Committee A.A. Zhdanov. He initiated discussions on certain branches of science, which led to a total purge of dissidents. In 1947 there was a discussion on philosophy, in 1950 on questions of linguistics, in 1951 on problems of political economy. Patriotism, revived during the war years, began to assume ugly forms of great-power chauvinism due to party dictates. Everything Russian was declared the best, and foreign was completely rejected. Thus, many major discoveries made by foreign scientists in the field of physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry, and cybernetics were rejected. Genetics and molecular biology were declared "bourgeois pseudosciences" and banned. The offensive against artistic culture, organized by Zhdanov, began in 1946. A series of resolutions was adopted (“On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad”, “On the repertoire of drama theaters”, etc.), accusing artists of apoliticality and lack of ideas, of propaganda of bourgeois ideology. The writers A.A. Akhmatova, M.M. Zoshchenko, composers V.I. Muradeli, D.D. Shostakovich. The creative workers who fell into disgrace were not able to publish their works, they were expelled from trade unions, even attracted under criminal articles. In 1949–1950 in all creative teams, elaborative campaigns were carried out to combat cosmopolitanism, directed primarily against cultural figures of Jewish nationality. The tightening of ideological pressure on art has led both to a reduction in the number of creative works and to a sharp decline in their quality level. For example, in 1945, 45 feature films were released, and in 1951 - only 9. The words of M.A. Sholokhov, uttered by him at the II Congress of Soviet Writers in December 1954: "... the gray stream of colorless mediocre literature remains our disaster." These words of the writer can be safely attributed to other areas of official art.

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Why is it so hated by the authorities in the Kremlin, home-grown "liberal democrats" and the owners of the "civilized world".

I live in Mordovia and was a witness historical events the last 35 years. Now it is fashionable to remember, but mostly to invent, about blue blood, or at least the kulak origin of family ancestors.

In the generation of my parents in pre-revolutionary Russia, it consisted entirely of workers and peasants, and therefore I am proud of them. It was they who created the great Soviet state, where social justice was not an empty word, where people had confidence in the future. Everything is relative. I have something to compare, past and present. There is something to compare with other eyewitnesses. Therefore, it is so important for the enemies of Russia to destroy this memory. They give a special place to the Stalin era, so our historical past is a club in the political struggle.

From my childhood, I remember my grandmother, a Mordovian by nationality. She, like my grandfather, were illiterate peasants from the poor. Now they are called drunks and parasites. I remember her soft, calm character, how she rejoiced and fussed when my father and I came to visit her from the city, to the Mordovian village of Otradnoye.

I didn't notice that she ever prayed, obviously she was an atheist. A special place, I remember her words when the conversation turned to the death of Stalin. She explained that when he died, the whole village was crying. She, too, was crying, because she was sure that the landowners and kulaks would now come to power. Not much wrong.

You think the kulaks of the Soviet era, as they are now called, were hard workers and honest entrepreneurs. You are wrong. They were ordinary world-eaters or "effective owners". They received their main income at the expense of the needs of their fellow villagers, giving them grain on credit at 250-300%, while for agricultural rent. inventory, burdening them with various dues. The kulak created stocks of grain by buying it from fellow villagers and really influenced the prices on the market. It was economic power, and therefore, in many respects, political power in the countryside. Having caused a grain procurement crisis in 1927, holding back grain from sale, because. the international situation became more complicated and the air smelled of war. No hard feelings, just business. As they say, they ran into greed and got collectivization. And when they began to kill collective farm activists and burn collective farm barns, they deserved dispossession.

Now it is fashionable to condemn terrorists, but it was the kulaks who carried out mass terror, both against fellow villagers who joined the collective farm, and against party activists in the countryside. Realizing power floats away from their hands. True, now this terror is considered legitimate and justified. Do you think that fellow villagers felt sympathy for them during dispossession. You are wrong again. My grandmother hated them. Ask yourself how you feel about a person who has fallen into debt bondage and he is pulling all the juice out of you. Remember those evicted by banks from mortgage apartments.

Stolypin carried out a similar exile or dispossession, only the peasants were driven to a new place, driven by hunger and want. According to many historians, the Stolypin reform failed, because. was not prepared by the authorities, so most of the settlers returned, but they had already lost what little they had previously. So, apart from fate, they become farm laborers, they didn’t have food for a stew. No one was waiting for them in the cities.

Stolypin dreamed of liquidating communities and creating more kulaks. He did not understand that he was digging a grave for tsarism and his class when he destroyed the community. Now they try not to remember that during this period of time, 7 million farmers in the United States were driven out of their land by banks for non-payment of debts. Most of them died of starvation. By the way, almost all the photographs shown at the exhibitions of the "square", as victims of "Stalin's tyranny" and the "Holodomor" arranged by him in 32-33, are photographs, namely the consequences and famine in the United States, during the Great Depression. The more monstrous the lie, the more truthful it is.

According to official data, about 380 thousand families, with a total number of 1,803,392 h., of which they were settled on specific land plots 1 421 380 hours, the rest mostly fled, tk. the passport system was introduced in the USSR in 1934. This is a note to those who claim that the peasants under Soviet rule were serfs.

Tvardovsky's father, the same was dispossessed and fled from exile to his son in Moscow. Tvardovsky sent it back at his own expense. This writer, during Stalin's lifetime, praised him to the skies, after his death he was in the forefront of the accusers of the "cult of personality."

Settlers until 1934 were exempt from taxes.. These special. settlers by 1938, according to the "Information on the state of labor settlements of the GULAG in the NKVD of the USSR": They had 1106 primary, 370 incomplete secondary and 136 secondary schools, 12 technical schools and 230 schools of vocational education. In total, 217,456 students are children of labor settlers. For cultural - mass work in these villages, there was 813 clubs, 1202 reading huts, 440 traveling cinemas, 1149 libraries. Gradually they were restored in all civil rights. With special status migrant by 1950, there were about 20 thousand people.

You say the innocent suffered. The concept of innocent, everyone is different. I believe that guilt determines the law of that era. If you do not like the law, then call the convicts of that time, fighters against "Stalin's tyranny", but not innocent.

The Bolsheviks did not call themselves innocent victims of tsarism, these words would have sounded stupid and ridiculous. Yes, there were and always will be innocent, both here and all over the world. But many who created lawlessness during dispossession are now recorded precisely as victims of "Stalin's tyranny." These victims of "Stalin's tyranny" created terror and abuse of power, now many of their actions can be safely called acts of terrorism.

And many “innocent” ones dreamed and aspired to divide the USSR, for their loved ones, in order to settle down at the trough, new “independent” states, as happened in 1991. Or squander state lands, that is, donate them to the “civilized world” in order to get them recognition and support. How does one treat them? Everyone treats differently. Many terrorist attacks by Chechen religious obscurantists, ISIS, Binder Nazis, are considered justified by the struggle for democracy and freedom. They just forget to say that in the USSR at that time, as now in the Russian Federation, the laws are more humane than in "civilized countries". For example. On May 16, 1918, the U.S. Congress passed an amendment to the "Espionage Act" according to it, who "expresses orally and or in writing in a disloyal, blasphemous, rude or offensive tone about the form of government or in relation to the constitution of the United States, or in relation to the armed powers,” faces up to 20 years in prison or a fine of up to $10,000. That's what "democracy" is like. What is forbidden among them is encouraged and considered democracy by others. At present, the legislation there and in other "civilized countries" has been sufficiently improved, that is, the concept of a crime against the state has been expanded, and the punishment has become tougher.

Many "liberal-democrats" claimed that there were no saboteurs, spies, terrorists in the USSR. I give statistics, only for the RSFSR, but there were other republics of the USSR. In the period from 1921 to June 22, 1941, over 936 thousand people were detained alone, violators of the USSR border, approximately 128 people each. in a day! In addition, during this period over 30 thousand spies, saboteurs, over 40 thousand armed bandits were detained, 1119 gangs were liquidated. So little things. Even by these figures, it is obvious what kind of living conditions the “civilized guys” suited us.

Our Mordovian family of 8, before the war, had two cows, piglets, chickens. Grandmother worked on a collective farm. Grandfather was a hired shepherd. In his free time, in the artel, he dug wells in the villages. These are now called covenants or small entrepreneurs. And he never belonged to any of the collective farms. This is about a fairy tale, about serfs before the war. The fields of collective farms were cultivated by tractors, and the harvest was harvested by MTS combines. The experience with MTS is currently being used in the USA. Why would a farm buy expensive equipment, if it is possible without the risk of ruin, hire it during the agricultural period. works. So it was in WWII. Our family sold excess milk through the collective farm, to the Consumer Cooperatives (KOPTORG). Even in perestroika times, scarce products were sold there without problems, naturally more expensive than in state-owned stores. But most importantly, the collective farmers could sell the products from their personal farms, because there were sales markets. Who understands how much food is needed for these animals. He will understand that without the support of the collective farm, this is not possible.

The older children attended a seven-year school. In 1935 was canceled card system and with groceries and basic commodities, there were no problems. Even in August Leningrad 1941, the sausage was in free sale in stores. My mother's half-sister told me about it. She lived in Leningrad and was a member of the militia of the defenders of the city. I did not believe and asked to confirm what was said. She confirmed that groceries were sold in stores in August, and even sausage, but it never occurred to her to buy more than she could immediately eat.

Many now tell tales about the insignificance of the size of household plots of that era. In 1935, at the 11th congress of collective farmers - shock workers, the size of household plots of collective farmers was set from 0.2 to 0.5 hectares, and in some areas - up to 1 hectare. Homestead land did not include residential buildings. The number was set: up to 2-3 cows, 2-3 pigs, sows, from 20-25 sheep and goats, etc., an unlimited number of poultry and rabbits, up to 20 bee hives. And only under Khrushchev these plots were cut right under the walls of the villagers' houses.

Yes, during and immediately after the war they were starving. My father told me that dung was made from cow dung and later they heated stoves in huts with them. Woven bast shoes, because. there was nothing to wear. They ate bread with quinoa. The first cow was slaughtered, because there was no fodder, the second one died in 1944. He remembered how they children stole spikelets from collective farm fields and how they were driven for it, how his younger brother died of exhaustion and illness. He also remembers that his father went missing near Kharkov in 1942, so the pension was paid in a smaller amount than those declared dead. And I think it's right. He remembers that they cut down apple trees, because. until 1947, there was a tax on literally all household plots. But the most important thing, with rare exceptions, was hard for everyone, and therefore no one grumbled, everyone brought victory closer as best they could. Children studied in schools. Despite the difficulties, they survived the war. What do you think? Now a single woman will be able to raise and raise five children.

After the war, life got better every year. After the monetary reform in 1947, taxes on household plots and personal agriculture were abolished. animals. People began to acquire agriculture. animals, chic gardens have remained since that time, I remember the seven-acre cherry orchard planted by my father and his older brother in 1951. Every year until 1953, prices for literally everything were reduced, salary. increased. And prices dropped on average, almost 2.5 times for all products and goods. My parents said that everyone was already used to it and waited New Year with joy. The older brother moved to the village of Chamzinka, the sisters moved to Nizhny Tagil in the late 40s. years. This is for the information of those who tell a fairy tale about the collective farm serfdom after wartime.

But then Khrushchev came to power, an accuser of "Stalin's tyranny", and during Stalin's life, his main public admirer and sycophant. He was in the forefront of kissing Stalin in one place and he kissed that place less than thirty times in one performance. Khrushchev, along with Eikhe, Kasior, Postyshev, Chubar, Kosarev, were the most active initiators of "mass repressions" in 1937 - 1938. It was they who, at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1937, demanded for themselves with "enemies of the people". They were given these powers. They distinguished themselves by the destruction of their opponents and those who disagree with their policies in the party. For their bloody lawlessness and abuse, they were shot. There were no untouchables back then. Earned, so get what you deserve.

It was for them that Khrushchev shed tears at the 20th Congress, as innocent victims of "Stalin's tyranny." Now these guys are naturally rehabilitated, otherwise they are the victims of the "tyrant". He shed tears before. He himself recalled:

“When Stalin was buried, I had tears in my eyes. Those were real tears."

As they say, super hypocritical scum, how not to believe this, the Lord God himself, “recommends” to believe this. He himself wrote denunciations:

“Dear Joseph Vassarionovich! Ukraine monthly sends 17-18 thousand repressed enemies of the people, and Moscow approves no more than 2-3 thousand. I ask you to take urgent measures. N. Khrushchev, who loves you.”

He spoke about the approval of sentences. And when Stalin reproachfully asked him if he didn’t find too many enemies in Ukraine, he replied that there were “actually much more”

After coming to power, Khrushchev told a fairy tale that Stalin was going to raise the tax on collective farmers and only the death of this "tyrant" saved the peasants from poverty, that is, he showed himself to be the protector of the peasants. But Khrushchev started with household plots, almost completely took them away from the collective farmers and established taxes on agriculture. animals. Collective farmers put animals under the knife. This led to a shortage of meat products. He explained his policy by the fact that the collective farmers should not be distracted by personal farming, because communism should be built towards the USSR. Then he announced at the 22nd Congress of the CPSU, the construction of Communism in 2000, not forgetting to tell another tale about the "tyrant Stalin", who destroyed 2/3 of the participants in the 17th Congress of the CPSU (b) in 1934, this congress is called the "Congress of the Winners" .

The epic with corn began. She was planted where it was necessary and where it was not necessary. As Khrushchev said, corn is food for animals and people. He disbanded the MTS and handed over the equipment to the collective farms, naturally for money, which led not only to downtime due to breakdowns, because. there was no repair base, but also to the debt bondage of collective farms, and subsequently to their miserable existence. Stalin in his work: "Economic problems of socialism". He warned that the transfer from / x. equipment to collective farms, will lead to their bankruptcy and their forced enlargement, which will lead to the formation of unpromising villages. Like looking into the water.

After Khrushchev's art, there was a shortage of bread and meat, to shoes. Prices skyrocketed. They raised prices, of course, on behalf of and for the people, as they are now going to raise the retirement age for the people. It was not for nothing that Stalin called him an ever-experimenting agronomist, which means that he must be looked after. At that time, Khrushchev repented and promised to improve. I did not forget to say a eulogy to the "teacher". Yes, he was a rare rottenness, like most of the Soviet creative intelligentsia, and the modern Russian one, does not differ much from them.

It is not surprising that modern "democrats" and "liberals" Khrushchev is so appreciated, but then the people really hated him. But our fighters for "democracy" and "free enterprise" forget to tell that before Stalin's death, in the USSR they produced products, 114,000 workshops and industrial enterprises, they were called an artel, currently they are called small and medium-sized businesses. But the difference was that the artels were engaged in the production and marketing of their products, but the prices were not more than 10-15% of the state ones. There were 2 million such entrepreneurs. And they produced mainly consumer goods, which accounted for 6% of GDP. Which accounted for 40% of furniture, 1/3 of knitwear, almost all children's toys. Stalin understood that some branches of production needed a rapid change in the products themselves. For example, tailoring and footwear, because. fashion is changing rapidly. Khrushchev, having come to power, determined that artels are a relic of capitalism. As a result, many people remember, the stores sold products in excess, which no one wanted to buy, these are the consequences of the Khrushchev “thaw”. The gradual destruction of socialism and its conquests began with him, not the communists who fought for social justice, but animal careerists began to penetrate into the party. As they say, what a pop, such a parish. The result is known. Window dressing and eyewash have become ordinary life, including in real Russia.

Before the perestroika Mordovian village of Otradnoye, my father's homeland, there were about 300 households, almost every family had a cow and piglets, many had calves. There were three herds, which were grazed in turn by fellow villagers. Collective farms provided fodder and the opportunity to procure it. The potatoes were sold. Now in Otradnoe and neighboring villages, devastation. I ask one of my relatives why you don't raise cattle. I received an answer, for such a price for feed, it is not profitable to raise animals. Potatoes are not sold, because purchase prices are too low.

Same story with milk. Now they are creating landlord farms, the same slippage, there are no honest slaves who are ready to work for a bowl of stew, cheap loans are not available, expensive equipment, mostly imported. Where is domestic? We are told that the equipment is not of high quality. So “effective owners” and the existing government, why do we need you if you cannot create high-quality equipment, under socialism it was high-quality. They created a state where all the people and entrepreneurs work on the profits of commercial banks, which, with the help of the authorities, put almost all enterprises and the majority of the population into debt bondage. Where there will be high-quality equipment, miracles do not happen.

The farmer will feed us, Stalin is to blame, he cut out the hard-working peasants and destroyed the gene pool. My grandmother already spoke about these peasants. But what about the gentlemen, with the Soviet men and women who fed the country and the army in the Second World War and the entire Soviet people under socialism. Why didn’t you create power in 30 years of “hard-working peasants”? Besides you, no one needs these "hard-working men". The state and the people need agronomists, livestock specialists, machine operators, agricultural specialists.

We do not live in the 19th century, when we plowed plows on horseback and mowed with sickles. Expensive equipment will pay for itself only with the scale of production. In the US, more than 10,000 small and medium-sized farmers go bankrupt each year. Nothing better than a large collective farm has been invented. In Israel, 90% of agriculture. products are not even produced by collective farms, something similar to communes. You choose, the revival of the landowners or, as in Israel, collective farms. But for this, quite a bit to the state was led by a patriot and a business executive, and not by a colonial manager and the great fraudster of Russia. I personally have not met a resident of the agricultural. areas, namely workers who dreamed of working for landlords or farm laborers. If they had a choice, they would prefer something like a collective farm.

Why is the Stalin era hated by the enemies of the country from the “civilized world” and the modern “democratic-liberal” public of Russia? Statistics are stubborn things. Everything is relative. According to the agricultural census:

  • In 1927 (basically the USSR was equal in terms of GDP with Russia in 1913), the gross grain harvest was 40.8 million, in 1940 - 95.6 million tons, the peasants owned 29.9 million heads of cows,
  • in 1941 - 54.8 million cows.

In 1942, 10 million heads of cattle were evacuated from Ukraine. Now on the "square", only 5 million heads. This is food for thought for some.

The production of granulated sugar increased in 1927 - from 1283 thousand tons, to 2421 thousand tons in 1937.

By industry: Cars were produced by 1913 (screwdriver production) - 0.8 thousand units. In 1937 alone, 200 thousand units were manufactured.

Email energy, in 1913 they produced 2 billion kW, in 1940 - 48.37 billion kW.

Between 1932 and 1936 the collective farms received 500,000 tractors and more than 150,000 combines. Since 1934, the country has completely abandoned agricultural imports. technology and cars.

In 1928, 0.8 thousand machine tools were produced (before 1913, machine tools were imported), in 1940 - 48.5 thousand machine tools.

Now lathes are imported from Bulgaria. We've come. And it should be of particular interest to our "liberal democrats", who claim that the growth was due to heavy industry. In 1913, 58 million pairs were produced, and already in 1940 -183 ml. steam. leather shoes. You can list indefinitely.

In the period from 1913 (1927), the GDP grew more than 10 times. Everything is relative. In 1913, the Russian Empire ranked fifth in the world in terms of GDP, that is, 5.3% of the world. In 1938, the USSR, in terms of GDP, that is, in terms of production, was already second in the world, namely 13.7%. Yielding only to the United States, which produced 41.9% of the world.

Who does not understand what were the achievements. I'll try to explain. Money is paper. The equivalent of this paper is GDP, that is, mainly production. How could the population live worse in the Stalin era, as we are constantly told, in comparison with 1913, if it increased almost 10 times money supply provided with products, and hence the purchasing power of the population. Under Stalin, capital was not exported abroad; Soviet workers did not have accounts there. Guys like Pyatakov, who received kickbacks for purchasing technology in the "civilized world", were put up against the wall.

Man does not live by bread alone. In 1914, there were 91 universities in the Russian Empire and 112 thousand students studied there, most of them paid form education, as in high schools. In 1939, there were 750 universities in the USSR, with 620,000 students enrolled in them. This does not include technical schools.

Now they “broadcast” a lot that the Russian Empire until 1913 was industrialized and fed the whole world. What was the industry I indicated above. A country cannot have a scientific and technical base and a developed industry if during this period about 15% of the population lived in rural areas, if 80% of the population was illiterate. For comparison.

In the United States during this period, 50% were literate, only among black US citizens. We are also "broadcast" that in terms of growth rates, Russia ranked first. Something Russia did not show its growth during the First World War (WWI). Here are the official statistics. During the WWI period, weapons were manufactured in pieces, I give an example: 1. By machine guns; Russia - 28 thousand, England - 23.9 thousand, USA - 75 thousand, Germany - 280 thousand, Austria-Hungary - 40 thousand. Artillery; Russia - 11.7 thousand, England - 25.4 thousand, USA - 4 thousand, Germany - 64 thousand, Austria - 15.9 thousand; 3. Aircraft - Russia - 3.5 thousand (80% of the engines are imported), England - 47.8 thousand, USA - 13.8 thousand, Germany - 4.73 thousand, Austria - Hungary 5.4 thousand. , 4. Tanks; Russia - 0, England - 3 thousand, France - 4.5 thousand, Germany - 70. Even Italy produced 4.5 thousand aircraft.

The result of such industrial development is known. Yes, there were those who fought valiantly, there were heroes. But everything is relative. And the truth is. According to Tsentrollenbezh, 3.9111 million former servicemen of the Russian army were captured by the enemy. Of these, 2.385 million are in Germany, of which more than 70 are generals. Compared. On September 1, 1918, the Russian army captured more than two times less. You will say that there were the same number of prisoners during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). But forget about 2 million Russian servicemen died in WWI. Empire, and in the Second World War there are about 8 million spacecraft and SA of the USSR. The difference is significant. There is something to compare. This is called the concept of courage.

The war cannot be won if the country is economically backward. When its elite rots and it is not able to think adequately, is not able to create a scientific and technical base and industry. And at the same time, she believes that bad people, they are ingenious and kind, always owe something. And therefore, according to their views, it is the people who are to blame for the troubles of the country. That is, the boyars are good, the king is good, the people are not full-fledged. There is also an ideological research - the king is good, the boyars are bad, the people are also good. Now this theory is often applied to V.V., Putin.

By the way, the same ideology is professed by the Chief Euro-communist Zyuganov. The Euro communist Zyuganov professes the same theory. The third indoctrination of the consciousness of the people - the bad and stupid Russian peoples can only be controlled by tyrants, and since. its king and its elite are soft and fluffy, therefore, this people must be introduced to the "democratic values" of the "civilized world." The last "brilliant idea" comes from behind the hillock. Who reads the statements of the Kyiv trolls in the social. networks will understand me. This is exactly what the Russian Empire was like in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The same situation is in the modern former USSR, that is, Russia.

It does not work with the great agricultural power that fed the whole world. Indeed, Russia exported a significant part of grain crops. In 1913, it ranked first in the world in terms of exports, that is, 22.10%. Argentina - 21.34%. USA - 12.15%, Canada - 9.58%. But they forget to clarify that this year, with a record harvest in Russia, 30.3 poods of grain were harvested per capita, in the USA - 64.3 poods, in Argentina - 87.4 poods, Canada - 121 poods. And this is all grain, including for livestock feed. That is, Russia itself did not have enough bread, and at the same time it exported, mainly at the expense of landlord farms. And what else could Russia export besides grain and raw materials?

China also exported rice during the Cultural Revolution, as did the Soviet Union before 1941. Food shortages often led to famine with crop failures, even in parts of the country. The main periods of the queen - famine are 1901, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1911 - 1912.

In the winter of 1900/01, 42 million were starving, and 2,813,000 Orthodox souls died of starvation. And in 1911 (already after the much-praised Stolypin reforms), 32 million were starving, losing 1,613,000 people. By the way - this was told to us by Stolypin himself, speaking before the State Duma. Information about the starving and dying of starvation was provided from church parishes, elders and landowners. And how many were not taken into account, Old Believers and non-Orthodox.

By the way, in 1912, 54.4% of all grain was exported, because. world market prices for these products have risen. Some "historians" claim that Russia at that time was selling a record amount on the world market butter. As they say, the more monstrous the lie, the more truthful it is. Interesting. How exactly these products were imported, if the shelf life of butter is several days. Back then, there were almost no refrigerated containers. I quote the words of the Minister of Agriculture Ros. Empires from 1915 - 16: "Russia actually does not get out of the state of famine, then in one or another province, both before the war and during the war."

It does not work with the "broadcasters" and with the power of the golden ruble. Vvito, or as they then began to call him Witte - Polusakhalinsky, he was something like a mixture of Kudrin and Gref, so the "liberals" pray for him, with their "brilliant" reforms, he put Russia on a debt needle, subsequently the debt increased, and with debts and interest on them from 4.5 to 6%. By 1913, the external state. The Empire's debt was 8.85 billion, and by the summer of 1917 it reached 15.507 billion gold rubles. Who does not understand what kind of grandmother. I remind you that the gold reserve Russian Empire amounted to about 3 billion gold rubles. That is, Russia was in debt bondage. You must have heard about Kolchak's gold.

Facts are stubborn things and hard to disprove. Then they came up with another story. The achievements of the Stalin era were achieved by monstrous methods, innocent prisoners and their slave labor. The USSR had no enemies and crooks, only angels. The population of the USSR, naturally, during collectivization and industrialization, was subjected to repression by tens of millions. Due to their inhuman exploitation, there were achievements, and how many because of the "tyrant of Stalin" tens of millions of children were not born. A special place in this tale is given to the decision in the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of 08/07/1932, now called the "Law on Three Spikelets", naturally shot and imprisoned from 5 to 10 years, for three spikelets. Only the accusers of "Stalin's tyranny" forget to clarify that these penalties were applied for large-scale theft, for small things the criminal law of the Union Republics operated. By official version authorities of the Russian Federation, the most monstrous and bloody 1937, in the ITR, ITK and prisons (prisons were then pre-trial detention centers), then 1196246 people were kept, with a population of about 164 million. In 1934 - 511 thousand prisoners, that is, to completion of the first five years. This means that there was no one to carry out industrialization on the scale of the “liberal-democrats” “broadcasting” to us. In the Russian Federation in 1998, with a population of about 145 million, there were 1.8 million prisoners. According to official data, there are now about 800 thousand prisoners, hundreds of thousands of probationers. In reality, more. At the moment, for embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale, conditionally convicted. Everyone knows Vasiliev, who is always singing and painting pictures, and who does not understand what kind of documents Serdyukov signed. Yes, these guys under the "tyrant" Stalin, at best, have long waved a pick on Magadan, extracting gold, because. they love him so much. Now Serdyukov has found a warm place again. Surely for his "professionalism", how else, the criminal case for negligence was terminated against him, due to the amnesty. And therefore, it can again be called an irreplaceable specialist.

I gave official statistics. And where is the unthinkable number of prisoners? And who told you that languages ​​should not work, they did not come to the resort and on the necks of the Soviet people, then it was forbidden to sit. So it was always and everywhere, especially in the countries of the "civilized world". Of course, there was a difference, in the USSR, even in the Gulag system, labor law was in effect, that is, a 40-hour work week and a system of clubs and other cultural institutions. There are even private prisons in the USA, try not to work there, the administration will immediately add your term, it is allowed for them by law, they are such “democrats”. It is now, in the Russian Federation, prisoners are engaged in excesses from idleness, and the taxpayer feeds them.

It does not come out of the accusers of "tyranny" and with a monstrous mortality. According to the census in the Russian Empire in 1912, about 164 ml. subjects, taking into account the lost territories in 1920, about 138 million subjects. Censuses in the USSR showed 147 million in 1926, 164 million in 1937, and 170 million in 1939. citizens, without annexed territories. On average, population growth is about 1.36% per year. In the countries of the "civilized world", during this period, population growth was: in England - 0.36%, Germany - 0.58%, France - 0.11%, USA - 0.66%, Japan - 1.37%. And as luck would have it, there was no "tyrant" Stalin. In the RSFSR, according to the 1989 census, 147.6 ml lived. citizens, in the Russian Federation in 2009 - 142 ml., and this with a million refugees from Kazakhstan and other republics former USSR. At the moment, without annexed Crimea, according to ROSSTAT estimates, about 144 million, and according to unofficial estimates, about 139 million of its citizens live in the Russian Federation. Explain gentlemen "democrats-liberals", the authorities of the Russian Federation and the intelligentsia attached to it, who carried out and are carrying out genocide and famine of their people. Everything is relative.

In conclusion, I will quote Stalin's famous saying:

“I know when I’m gone, more than one tub of dirt will be poured on my head, a bunch of garbage will be put on my grave. But I am sure that the wind of history will dispel everything!”

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On December 6, 1878, Joseph Stalin was born in Gori. Stalin's real name is Dzhugashvili. In 1888 he entered the Gori Theological School, and later, in 1894, the Tiflis Orthodox Theological Seminary. This time became the period of spreading the ideas of Marxism in Russia.

During his studies, Stalin organized and led "Marxist circles" in the seminary, and in 1898 joined the Tiflis organization of the RSDLP. In 1899, he was expelled from the seminary for promoting the ideas of Marxism, after which he was under arrest and in exile more than once.

Stalin first got acquainted with the ideas of Lenin after the publication of the Iskra newspaper. A personal acquaintance between Lenin and Stalin took place in December 1905 in Finland at a conference. After I.V. Stalin, for a short time, until the return of Lenin, served as one of the leaders of the Central Committee. After the October coup, Joseph received the post of People's Commissar for Nationalities.

He showed himself to be an excellent military organizer, but at the same time demonstrated his commitment to terror. In 1922, he was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee, as well as to the Politburo and Orgburo of the Central Committee of the RCP. At that time, Lenin had already retired from active work, the real power belonged to the Politburo.

Even then, Stalin's disagreements with Trotsky were clear. During the 13th Congress of the RCP(b), held in May 1924, Stalin announced his resignation, but the majority of the votes received during the voting allowed him to keep his post. The strengthening of his power led to the beginning of Stalin's personality cult. Simultaneously with industrialization and the development of heavy industry, dispossession and collectivization are carried out in the villages. The result was the death of millions of Russian citizens. Stalin's repressions, begun in 1921, claimed more than 5 million lives in 32 years.

Stalin's policy led to the creation and subsequent strengthening of a rigid authoritarian regime. The beginning of the career of Lavrenty Beria belongs to this period (20s). Stalin and Beria met regularly during the General Secretary's trips to the Caucasus. Later, thanks to personal devotion to Stalin, Beria entered the inner circle of the leader's associates and during the period of Stalin's rule he held key positions and was awarded many state awards.

In a brief biography of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, it is necessary to mention the most difficult period for the country. It should be noted that Stalin already in the 30s. was convinced that a military conflict with Germany was inevitable, and sought to prepare the country as much as possible. But for this, given the economic ruin and underdevelopment of industry, it took years, if not decades.

The construction of large-scale underground fortifications, called the "Stalin Line", also confirms the preparation for war. On the western borders, 13 fortified regions were built, each of which, if necessary, was able to conduct fighting in complete isolation.

In 1939, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was concluded, which was to be valid until 1949. The fortifications completed in 1938 were then almost completely destroyed - blown up or covered up.

Stalin understood that the probability of Germany violating this pact was very high, but believed that Germany would attack only after the defeat of England, and ignored persistent warnings about an attack being prepared in June 1941. This was largely the cause of the catastrophic situation that developed at the front on the first day of the war.

On June 23, Stalin headed the Headquarters of the High Command. On the 30th, he was appointed chairman of the State Defense Committee, and on August 8 he was declared the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. During this most difficult period, Stalin managed to prevent the complete defeat of the army and frustrate Hitler's plans for a lightning-fast seizure of the USSR. With a strong will, Stalin was able to organize millions of people. But the price of this victory was high. World War II was the bloodiest and most brutal war for Russia in history.

During 1941-1942. the situation at the front continued to be critical. Although the attempt to capture Moscow was prevented, there was a threat of capturing the territory of the North Caucasus, which was an important energy center. Voronezh was partially taken by the Nazis. During the spring offensive, the Red Army near Kharkov suffered huge losses.

The USSR was actually on the verge of defeat. In order to tighten discipline in the army and prevent the possibility of a retreat of the troops, Stalin's order 227 "Not a step back!" Was issued, which put the detachments into action. The same order introduced penal battalions and companies as part of fronts and armies, respectively. Stalin managed to rally (at least for the duration of the Second World War) outstanding Russian commanders, the brightest of which was Zhukov. For his contribution to the victory, the Generalissimo of the USSR was awarded in 1945 the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The post-war years of Stalin's reign were marked by the resumption of terror. But at the same time, the restoration of the economy and the destroyed economy of the country proceeded at an unprecedented pace, despite the refusal of Western countries to provide loans. AT post-war years Stalin carried out many party purges, the pretext for which was the struggle against cosmopolitanism.

AT last years During his reign, Stalin was distinguished by incredible suspicion, which was partly provoked by attempts on his life. The first assassination attempt on Stalin took place as early as 1931 (November 16). It was committed by Ogarev, a "white" officer and member of British intelligence.

1937 (May 1) - possible coup attempt; 1938 (March 11) - an attempt on the leader during a walk around the Kremlin, committed by Lieutenant Danilov; 1939 - two attempts to eliminate Stalin by the secret services of Japan; 1942 (November 6) - an assassination attempt on the Execution Ground, committed by deserter S. Dmitriev. Operation "Big Jump", prepared by the Nazis in 1947, had as its goal the elimination of not only Stalin, but also Roosevelt and Churchill during the Tehran Conference. Some historians believe that Stalin's death on March 5, 1953 was not natural either. But, according to the medical report, it came as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage. Thus ended the most difficult for the country controversial era of Stalin.

The leader's body was placed in Lenin's Mausoleum. The first funeral of Stalin was marked by a bloody stampede on Trubnaya Square, as a result of which many people died. During the 22nd Congress of the CPSU, many of the deeds of Joseph Stalin were condemned, in particular, his deviation from the Leninist course and the cult of personality. His body in 1961 was buried near the Kremlin wall.

For half a year after Stalin, Malenkov ruled, and in September 1953 power passed to Khrushchev.

Speaking about the biography of Stalin, it is necessary to mention his personal life. Joseph Stalin was married twice. His first wife, who gave birth to his son Yakov (the only one who bore his father's surname), died of typhoid fever in 1907. Yakov died in 1943 in a German concentration camp.

Stalin's second wife in 1918 was Nadezhda Alliluyeva. She shot herself in 1932. Stalin's children from this marriage: Vasily and Svetlana. Stalin's son Vasily, a military pilot, died in 1962. Svetlana, Stalin's daughter, emigrated to the United States. She died in Wisconsin on November 22, 2011.