Hamomilla homeopathy - indications for use. Homeopathic remedies for acute conditions Hamomilla 30 instructions for use

Chamomile or mother herb. The tincture is prepared from the whole fresh plant, and the rubbing is made from the same parts, dried and powdered. The pathogenesis of Chamomilla is found in Hahnemann's "Pure Medicine Science". Type of According to Berike, hamomillas are irritable, sensitive, hot, sleepy and changeable. A calmly suffering patient is not a hamomilla patient. Thus, it suits especially children and nervous hysterical women. The Chamomilla type is well defined: sullen, angry, quarrelsome, always displeased, answers questions rudely, and is extremely sensitive to pain, which drives him to despair. Characteristic 1. Strong irritability. 2. Hypersensitivity to the slightest pain, accompanied by excitement and groans. Fainting. 3. Restlessness and insomnia due to pain and extreme sensitivity. 4. Feeling of numbness, which occurs simultaneously with pain or alternating with it (rheumatism, paralytic condition). 5. Feeling of heat in the soles of the feet. The patient sticks them out from under the covers (pulsatilla, sulfur). 6. One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold. 7. Perspiration on the face after eating and drinking. 8. Intolerable pain in the abdomen in the morning, at sunrise. Pain. Acute, neuralgic. The patient takes them very badly, with fainting, restlessness, groans and nervousness. The pains are often accompanied by or alternating with numbness, and sometimes afterwards. The pains are aggravated by heat, but are not relieved by cold, as are the pains of Pulsatilla. Chair. Diarrhea during teething. Very painful diarrhoea, with bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, accompanied by restlessness and nausea. The stool is green with a disgusting smell of rotten eggs. Menses: premature, profuse and extremely painful. The blood is black with clots. Colic with pressure from below upwards. Summary Chamomilla is called the mother herb, as it is one of the important remedies for childbirth and for pathological complications after them. It is called a bachelorette party because it helps with painful menstruation in young girls. Great remedy for teething.

indications for use

Main indications NERVOUS. Hysteria: extreme susceptibility, tendency to faint, convulsions with groans and despair. Lethargy. Ecstasy. ANGER. Hamomilla is the best remedy for anger. Neuralgia with severe pains, especially if the pains are poorly tolerated and cause the patient to become irritated and desperate. In these cases, good results are obtained from alternating hamomilla with belladonna. TOOTH ache caused by hot food or drink. DIGESTIVE disorders during teething. Chamomilla is an excellent remedy for anxiety, gloom, spasms and diarrhea. But if there are cerebral symptoms with epileptiform convulsions, belladon should be given. Gastralgia and convulsions in the stomach. Chamomilla, along with belladonna and ignatia, are the main remedies for gastralgia attacks. In addition to the general nature of the pains, it is also indicated by the redness of the face, general sweats due to pain and swelling in the stomach. An attack of pain easily causes pallor of the face, fainting, nausea and vomiting, and convulsions in children. SEXUAL ORGANS. Simple uterine bleeding or due to abortion. After childbirth or in cases of simple menorrhagia. The blood is red and clotted. The patient yawns. Slight chill alternating with heat, redness of the face, or at least one cheek, intermittently alternating with pallor, melancholy, restlessness, diarrhoea. Painful menses. In these cases, hamomilla is the traditional remedy. Violent pains, slight chills, vomiting, diarrhoea, and fainting spells indicate this remedy. COUGH, especially in children. Strong, dry, aggravated at night, even in sleep, and the patient does not wake up. Catarrh in children during dentition, one cheek red, the other pale, screaming, restless, colic, diarrhoea, restless sleep with sudden awakening. FEVER. Violent chilliness with sensation of icy cold. Violent heat, one cheek red and hot, the other cold and pale, burning in the eyes. Profuse hot sweats general or only head and hands.

action on the body

Physiological action Hamomilla acts primarily on the nervous system. It is a precious remedy for severe morbid susceptibility of the sensory and motor nerves. This is manifested by spasms and convulsions, both in pregnant women and in young children. The action of hamomilla extends to the emotional nervous system. The consequences of major trouble, anger and annoyance are under her control even when, bypassing the nervous system, they are expressed in bilious disorders. Apparently, it has some special effect on the dental pulp and on the gums. The action of chamomilla on the digestive organs is expressed in convulsions, colic and diarrhea; constipation occurs as a rare exception and, obviously, the action is secondary. Hamomilla causes uterine bleeding with colic in the uterus, as in childbirth, with the release of blood clots. Its action on the respiratory tract is expressed by the symptoms of acute catarrh.


Hamomilla begins to show its therapeutic effect only from the 6th dilution. Often it is successfully used in 18 dilutions. The 12th was R. Yuz's favorite breeding.


The Chamomilla patient has the following predominant characteristics:

- arousal
- intolerance to pain

- fever


The Chamomilla patient is agitated. This excitement of it is a striking characteristic of this remedy (type), so that it can be directly said that Chamomilla will never be indicated in a calm patient. The excitement in the Chamomilla type is both physical and mental. The subject is in a state of constant movement; the child in the doctor's office does not sit still, but walks back and forth, touches various objects on the table, moves them (and often this ends up dropping or spoiling them). He intervenes in the conversation, interrupts the elders, and if they make a remark to him, he begins to cry and scream or falls into a real fit of rage.

When a Chamomilla patient lies down, he is simply unbearable, as he cannot remain still. For example, if you charge a child of 10-12 years old to lie down to rest after dinner, he will not be able to lie quietly in bed: he will move his legs from place to place, taking the most incredible poses. He will gesticulate all the time, which will also interfere with his rest. If we are talking about a baby, only one thing can calm him down: to be carried in his arms or rolled in a stroller. If we are talking about an adult, he is immediately calmed by riding in a carriage, etc. transport.

Another remedy (type) in the materia medica shows the same modality: Acidum nitricum. A nitricum acid subject always gets relief from riding in a car, carriage, or wagon. But a difference can be pointed out between nitric acid and Chamomilla patients. The former is irritable, always dissatisfied, disgusting, like the Chamomilla type, but one circumstance excuses him - he has been suffering for a very long time, presenting a chronic disease as a result of this condition, and he has long been waiting for that good medicine that will cure him. In addition, the subject of the Acidum nitricum type has pains - very strong, sharp, stitching; usually they are compared with the sensation that a splinter-splinter that has stuck into the body creates. Finally, the nitricum acid subject exhibits such morbid changes as to make it immediately distinguishable from the Chamomilla type, which has only functional or sensory disturbances. The ulcers of the Acidum nitricum type have uneven edges, and the bottom is bleeding and always extremely painful. Subjects of the Acidum nitricum type are almost always cancerous (meaning "precancerous" in the more familiar terminology), with ulcerations, warts and warts - such changes constitute, so to speak, the "label" of this remedy (type).


The patient exhibits a marked hypersensitivity, and in general his pain is non-negotiable: he is a subject who, of course, suffers, but he experiences his suffering with a heightened acuteness completely disproportionate to the real reasons causing pain in this particular case.

How do Chamomilla pains manifest themselves? They are very sharp, they are strong neuralgic pains of a shooting type. And we should not forget one of their traits: they are always disproportionate to the problem that causes them (according to the patient!).

When do they occur? Usually at night, or rather before midnight; from about 9 pm to midnight the Chamomilla suffers the most. Pain is accompanied by numbness of the affected areas. It is often possible to detect alternation of numbness with pain.

A few other remedies (types) are characterized by numbness accompanying the pains, such as Cocculus and Rhus toxicodendron, but the real alternation (sometimes numbness, sometimes pain) occurs almost exclusively in the Chamomilla type.

The pains of the Chamomilla type are generally aggravated by heat. They are intolerable (or rather, the patient does not tolerate them at all). At the slightest sensation of the slightest neuralgia, the patient complains, lets out cries, and behaves restlessly. This anxiety prompts the patient to rush from side to side with groans, with contradictory statements. He just goes crazy, comes to despair. "It's better to die than to suffer like this," he says. He loudly calls for death - not because he would like to disappear, he just has such a manner of expressing his thoughts and showing the intensity of pain. The only thing that calms him down is artificially induced arousal. And this is quite homeopathic: the subject is agitated (experiencing unbearable pain); if he is artificially aroused by something, his suffering is lessened. For example, when it comes to an infant, pushing him in a stroller not only improves his physical condition, but also improves his mental state.

But what is remarkable: when a child is put in motion (carried in his arms or rolled in a wheelchair), he has an improvement not only in terms of his physical or mental state (subjective), but also the disease process that he had - if it corresponds to Chamomilla, it also undergoes a change in a favorable sense (this indicates the participation in this process not only of the conscious components of the nervous system, but also of the unconscious components of the autonomic system, including nervous trophism). For example, if we are talking about a patient suffering from colic with diarrhea or other (objectively distinguishable) intestinal disorders, they disappear when the sick child is carried in their arms or rolled in a stroller (even a fool!).

Unbearable pain and constant excitement perfectly characterize all the reactions of the Chamomilla subject. But note at once that a submissive attitude towards pain and a forbearing temper are a complete contraindication to the use of this remedy.


When does it show up? Mainly in children, as adults rarely show signs of Chamomilla fever. In those adults, however, in whom the nervous system remains over-irritated, especially in the inhabitants of large cities, it is sometimes possible to find the development of a fever of the type characteristic of Chamomilla.

The febrile manifestations of the Chamomilla type are most readily manifested in the spring, when, after a few hot days, cold days suddenly come back. A fever of the Chamomilla type likewise develops when the subject of the corresponding type falls into great anger. Sometimes it happens to see children and even adults who develop a fever of 38.5-39 ° C with other febrile symptoms, but they cannot find any reason for such a fever, except for an outburst of strong anger, sometimes with a state of despair. This sudden mental reaction is so significant in them that it determines the result, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in temperature.

It is not surprising that anger can cause a painful disorder. The Lycopodium patient begins his hepatic crisis as a result of great anger (the proverbial "bile"); a Chamomilla subject, under the influence of the same cause, may show febrile symptoms, or diarrhea, or neuralgic pains; in a word, various disorders, but always accompanied by intolerance of pain, agitation and characteristic restlessness.

Chamomilla fever is especially apt to come on between 9 pm and 11 pm. Chill develops without thirst: the whole body trembles violently, which is especially noticeable when the patient undresses - it is then that the chill is especially strong. We find the same characteristic again in the Hepar sulphur type, but in this case the chill comes on even if the patient only puts his hand out from under the covers.

The face and breath are hot in Chamomilla. The alternation of heat and chills is rapid (as in the Pulsatilla type). However, in the Pulsatilla type, everything is calm and submissive in nature, in complete contrast to the reactions of the Chamomilla type. Or as in the Ferrum phosphoricum type (in which, however, there is a painful change with congestion, such as inflammation of the lung).

The chill in Chamomilla fever quickly changes to heat, a damp heat, followed by the same perspiration as in Belladonna, but the Chamomilla patient is not depressed: on the contrary, he is extremely agitated, restless, in a bad mood. This is a subject from among those who call a doctor to him, but send him to hell as soon as the doctor begins to examine him. He answers the doctor's questions rudely and even simply impudently.

But then the Chamomilla patient began to sweat. His sweats are very profuse and have one peculiarity: they are very hot. Where do they especially occur? On the face and in general on the head. Let us add that in this type sweats are especially apt to appear after a meal. Let us point to another type of patient who sweats while eating, that is Kali carb. He has sweat on the lips, around the mouth, and especially on the forehead; all this as soon as the subject begins to eat. The Chamomilla subject sweats on falling asleep, while the Sambucus type sweats on waking.

And looking at a Chamomilla subject in such a state (perspiration), one can easily understand that there are two objective signs of Chamomilla: sweats in the region of the face and head, and a characteristic appearance of the face: one cheek is red and hot, and the other is pale and cold. This difference in the color of the patient's two cheeks is one of the objective signs of the Chamomilla type.


Let us now see, very briefly, what are the causes that may cause the symptoms of Chamomilla to appear in an individual.

Cold wind causing neuralgia. Teething, causing a number of disorders: digestive, intestinal, gastric and nervous.

But one of the main causes often causing manifestations of the Chamomilla type is anger. If fright tends to bring on the disturbances corresponding to Aconite or Opium, anger often manifests itself in such symptoms as are characteristic of Lycopodium, Staphysagria, and especially Chamomilla.

Another reason justifies the use of Chamomilla: dysmenorrhea. In general there is a tendency to regard Chamomilla as an exclusively childish remedy, most indicated during teething or digestive troubles. But this is a delusion. Those women who suffer during menstruation require Chamomilla, which is exactly the same remedy for bleeding as Ipecacuanha and China.

Let us note, finally, that the Chamomilla type is always hypersensitive to pain and, in general, to all impressions. Usually dealing with an adult who abuses coffee or drugs. The abuse of coffee creates an indication for either Nux vomica or Chamomilla.


Two subjects are predisposed to reactions of the Chamomilla type: the child and the woman. Chamomilla is almost never indicated in the adult male: Lycopodium, Gelsemium, or Staphysagria are more often indicated in him.


There are three signs that call for the administration of Chamomilla: ear pain, cough, digestive disorders.

1. Otalgia

The ear is swollen and hot, and may be red. The pains are intermittent, never continuous. But their great distinguishing feature is that they are strong to such an extent that they cause screams in a small patient. They come in attacks, and then the child goes berserk, mad, excited, rushing about the bed from side to side. But he is not as anxious as the Aconite type, he simply has a constant restlessness and agitation.

In general, it must be assumed that the ears of the Chamomilla child are extremely sensitive to cold, so much so that the mother willingly wraps the head of such a child with a shawl. But while the neuralgias of the Silicea type are relieved by wrapping the patient's head in warmth, the earaches of the Chamomilla type are similarly prevented.

The ear is strongly stuffed up, the child hears badly, complains of buzzing in the ears. There is no pain on palpation of the ear, no pain reaction from the mastoid process, in complete contrast to the Capsicum type.

2. Cough

The cough is spasmodic, dry, crackling, tearing and painful.

It is always caused by a tickling sensation in the back of the throat, similar to that which is usual in the Hepar sulphur type, but while the Hepar sulphur type cough comes on after midnight, the Chamomilla type coughs predominantly come on before midnight. Subject coughs most between 9 p.m. and midnight. If he is warm he coughs less, and this is curious, because the pains of the Chamomilla type are aggravated by warmth. The cough comes on at night and reveals one essential characteristic in the child: he does not wake up from coughing. When he is told the next day that he coughed during the night, he states that he did not notice it. When it comes to a child from 4 to 12 years old, he usually coughs in his sleep without waking up, coughs in attacks, tearing cough, from which, it would seem, he should be in pain and should wake up, but he continues to sleep.

Chamomilla coughs can also be brought on by anger. Some subjects cough for hours on end after an outburst of anger. And then the Ignatia type is usually remembered, because the more the subject coughs, the more he is tempted to cough, but often Chamomilla is indicated in such cases. Cough completely without sputum, without painful changes in the lungs.

3. Digestive disorders

Let us study successively disorders during teething and proper digestive disorders.

Teething disorders. The child suffers especially before midnight and in a hot room. Suffering, and after being given hot drinks, relieved by cold drinks. But the most important characteristic of Chamomilla toothache is that it is accompanied by extreme excitement, and in a small child such excitement may manifest itself as real convulsions. Teething convulsions are an indication for Chamomilla, especially if the objective signs of Chamomilla familiar to us are revealed: one cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold, and hot sweats on the face and head, appearing at the time of falling asleep. Add to this the fact that the child has such a feeling as if the tooth that hurts has become longer than the rest, and the gums are swollen; while breathing acquires an unpleasant odor. It so happens that sometimes outbreaks of gingivitis can be relieved by Chamomilla.

Digestive disorders. Let us now study the actual digestive disorders. An interesting observation is that sometimes one has to deal with an infant showing clear signs of the Chamomilla type, due solely to the abuse of coffee by the nurse, so that Chamomilla can be given to the child without any success. It is much better to limit the coffee consumption of the nurse - this will cure the baby faster and without relapses.

The first digestive manifestation of Chamomilla is an almost insatiable thirst: the child is always thirsty and, moreover, cold, cold water. Another sign: gases with the smell of rotten eggs. Another remedy (type) has the gas sign of the smell of rotten eggs - this is Arnica. But it is almost impossible to confuse the Arnica and Chamomilla types. The third digestive symptom of Chamomilla is frequent nausea, vomiting, and especially colic.

These colics are extremely violent, appearing in the form of very violent spasms, forcing the patient to double up exactly as the Colocynthis type does; of the Chamomilla type does not get any relief from forward bending of the torso. And he not only stoops forward, but he also becomes excited, lets out cries, groans, he passes flatus, but this does not bring him relief, whereas in the Colocynthis type, flatulence brings relief, if only for a few minutes.

The only thing that calms a child is when they carry him in his arms or roll him in a stroller. And, of course, we have all seen such nurses more than once who (being nervous and irritable themselves) drink so much coffee that they bring their breastfed infant to a uniform illness, and then rock him in her arms or in a cradle for days on end, if only he would give them a moment of rest. Here one must begin by forbidding the nurse from drinking much coffee, forbidding her from any thrilling excitement, and after that it makes sense to give the child Chamomilla.

When examining a child, various symptoms of Chamomilla can be found in him. The abdomen is swollen and tense like a drum, the tongue is yellow or whitish, but always with a red stripe in the middle. Salivation is strong, the child simply splashes with saliva, especially at night, soiling the pillows. Painful colic is accompanied by diarrhoea, especially at night. The stool is watery - something greenish in color ( lawn grass), then the color of a shaken egg. When the stools are greenish, they are usually mixed with mucus and always have the same rotten egg smell characteristic of Chamomilla. Such a chair has an irritating effect. When the child is already able to tell about his feelings, he says: "It's hot, it burns." But even when dealing with a non-speaking infant, excoriations that are painful to touch may be found on examination in the perianal region.

We note that the same disorders can also be noted in an adult, although, of course, there can already be no talk of teething here. But in this case, the triggering disorder of the Chamomilla type is a mental cause: anger. If the patient had an attack of anger during the day, he has colic with diarrhea the next night, and the stools are like a shaken egg, watery, hot, extremely irritating (even just acrid), painful during defecation. At the same time, the patient may have an outbreak of hemorrhoids. Finally, in an adult, as in a child, one can sometimes find objective signs of Chamomilla: hot sweats of the head when falling asleep; redness and warmth of one cheek, while the other is pale and cold.


The predominant feature is an increased sensitivity to pain and a tendency to bleed.

What are her periods like? They come prematurely, are profuse, the blood is black and always goes on expelled in the form of large clots; they are especially extremely painful, so that the patient cannot remain at rest. They say to her: "Lie down." She goes to bed with a heating pad on her stomach, but is unable to lie still: either she assumes the “position of a pointing dog” (on her side with her legs tucked in), then she lies on her stomach (prone), turns on one side, then on the other. Extreme excitement during menstrual pains is an indication of the Chamomilla type. In addition, he generally suffers from various kinds of pain: shooting, cramping, severe pain in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the patient has a feeling of pressure, but while in Sepia, Natrum muriaticum, Belladonna, Lilium tigrinum there is a feeling of pressure from top to bottom ("as if the insides are coming out"), in Chamomilla there is a feeling of pressure in the opposite direction - from below upwards , as if all the insides from the pelvis are driven deep into the abdomen. This sensation is a distinct characteristic of the Chamomilla type.

Colic is so strong that at some moments they simulate pain during premature birth, but they have the opposite direction of spread - from bottom to top. They may come on or be worse during menstruation, in a fit of anger for some reason: from this the pains are immediately aggravated, the agitation and restlessness increase, and the whole clinical picture characteristic of the Chamomilla type develops.

Chamomilla is also indicated for leucorrhoea of ​​an exceptionally peculiar character: it is acrid and burning, yellowish in color. Chamomilla should not be given for this indication alone, but it is appropriate to give it when we have a woman in whom her usual reactions correspond to Chamomilla.

Menses are always very profuse. We are talking about real menorrhagia - black blood with large clots, at the same time there are already mentioned "false labor pains" with their characteristic reverse direction of spread. Chamomilla is an excellent remedy for uterine bleeding. Finally, it is often possible to notice in a woman a very painful inflammation of the nipples, which become extremely sensitive.

Chamomilla may be indicated in children, including girls who have not yet menstruated, in whom the breasts become sore. But tenderness of the chest is an indication for Chamomilla in children, provided that at the same time the other characteristic signs of this type are found in the child in the form of vasomotor disorders of the face or excitement, restlessness and increased sensitivity to pain. Bear in mind that tenderness of the breasts in pre-menstruating little girls can sometimes also be an indication for Bryonia or Conium.

Chamomilla is an excellent remedy in a pregnant woman, especially towards the end of pregnancy, when the patient has false labor pains, characterized by a feeling of pressure from below upwards. Compressive pains are accompanied by pains radiating to the back and inner thighs, with stiffness of the cervix; the patient is excited, screams, calls the obstetrician, but immediately pushes him away when he comes. This is where it must be remembered that the Chamomilla type (whether child or adult) always behaves very unpleasantly with everyone around him.

After delivery, the puerperal may still have peculiar pains in the uterus - contractions; they recede when the mother feeds the baby. At the same time, the breasts can be inflamed and very painful.

This is how Chamomilla can be indicated on the one hand when there are the above-mentioned false labor pains at the end of pregnancy, and also after delivery while feeding the baby - cramping pains in the uterine region. On the other hand, it can also be shown in threatened abortion with black blood flowing and in such a mental state as has only recently been described by them and will now be analyzed in more detail.


The state of mind is truly dominant in the indications for Chamomilla. It is of great interest even in an acute state. Indeed, it is not because of the 39°C fever that the patient develops a mental state of the Chamomilla type.

What are the characteristics of the mental state of the Chamomilla type? Such a patient is irritable, impatient, capricious, agitated.

Irritability: the patient is extremely touchy, gloomy, grumpy, does not tolerate anyone near him; cannot bear to be looked at, to be spoken to, to be interrupted in his conversation. And precisely because of this, he cannot stand his doctor, whom he called to himself with a cry. But he gets angry when he is questioned, examined, etc. In general, he has a habit of not answering questions put to him, or else answering them sullenly, insolently, sending to hell those whom he generally trusts and from whom he could expect help. Often he is impolite, rude, vicious. If you are dealing with an adult, he knows perfectly well that he is like that, he is well aware of his shortcomings, but he is not able to do otherwise: he simply declares that this is impossible for him, because he would suffer greatly from his other behavior.

Another remedy (type) that can be compared with Chamomilla is Anacardium. This is a subject who can be very polite, very well-mannered, but who, against his own will, becomes unpleasant, cannot refrain from saying just the opposite of what he thinks, even to those who are dear to him most of all. For example, a husband who loves his wife and sincerely wants to say something nice to her tells her just the opposite. Naturally, throughout his life, such an unfortunate subject causes himself a lot of anxiety and trouble. But it is wonderful that he always becomes accommodating during meals, at the table.

Impatience: the Chamomilla subject becomes angry over trifles, easily falls into insane irritation, manifested by extreme violence, reaching the point that the patient completely loses control of himself. He says completely unreasonable things and, of course, then does not even remember them. Anger so shakes his whole nature that he may develop a fever, an attack of convulsions, colic, diarrhea, even jaundice (just jaundice is common with them).

A fit of anger causes a severe headache in the Ignatia subject, which can quickly pass if someone says something pleasant to this subject after an hour or two. The subject of the Chamomilla type, on the other hand, experiences from this only a still deeper shock, which finds expression in important functional disorders.

whims: the child wants to receive some object, but when this object is given to him, he immediately discards it and screams that he be given something else. But the fate of this other is the same. In an adult, caprice manifests itself differently, and here we are talking not only about a woman who wants some precious trinket, but who no longer wants it when it is offered to her; no, here we are talking about a woman who is generally fickle, in need of constant changes, who is always dissatisfied with where she is and with what she has; the one in whom her eternal excitement cannot find peace.

The same symptom can be found in another patient who cannot stay at home, not because he suffers, but because he cannot remain shut up: this is the Rhus toxicodendron type. However, he always gets relief from the movement, even his state of mind, while the Chamomilla type is never satisfied with the position he occupies, and is dissatisfied with what is offered to him in return. The Chamomilla subject is indeed such a patient who is never satisfied, who groans and complains all the time.

Let us remember well that humility and patience are formal contraindications for the administration of Chamomilla..

We find indications for this remedy especially in fluoric subjects, for whom inconstancy is generally considered the rule. If, in Calcarea carb., the subject can be regarded as chronic in relation to Belladonna, if Sulfur continues Aconite in the same sense, then Natrum muriaticum and Silicea may be considered to be the usual adjuncts of Chamomilla.

Chamomilla of Homeopathic Pharmacology is the Germanic variety of chamomile, Matricaria Chamomilla. This remedy seems to work best in patients with sensitive nervous systems. It is similar to Coffea, Ignatia and Belladonna in that it reduces nervous excitability.

In every disease where Chamomilla is indicated, we note the peculiar excitability. The patient is angry and irritable, whether it be a child or an adult, a woman suffering from childbirth or from a toothache. If this state is not present, then Chamomilla is most likely to cheat on you.

When strong emotions, like fear, affect the internal organs, for example, the liver, with the phenomenon of jaundice, then you, when discussing this case, think about this remedy. In this respect it is similar to few remedies.

Staphisagria is indicated in children when colic is due to fear.

Bryonia has gastrointestinal symptoms after fear. However, these symptoms, developing under this remedy, are accompanied by chilliness, under the influence of Chamomilla - heat; from Bryonia the face is dark red, from Chamomila it is hot. The tongue of Bryonia is covered with a white coating, the tongue of Chamomila is yellow.

Following further the nervous symptoms of Chamomila, we find this remedy suitable for insomnia in children, when they start in their sleep, and the muscles of the face and arms contract convulsively. The same symptoms may be accompanied by colic; the face is red, especially one cheek, and the forehead and scalp are bathed in hot sweat. Here an explanation is needed: sometimes during a fit of fever a child will have a red cheek on which he lies, but this will not be a symptom of Chamomila. These nervous symptoms of Chamomila are usually a reflex of the abdominal region. Symptoms of delirium in these cases are very unclear. When there are cerebral phenomena, Chamomila ceases to be a suitable remedy and Belladonna takes its place.

If during dentition Chamomilla is unfaithful, Belladonna will be a suitable remedy, as it corresponds to the further state of this process.

The same nervous state of Chamomilla may be used for the use of this remedy in rheumatism. The rheumatic pains drive the patient out of bed and make him walk to and fro. He feels thirsty, hot and almost beside himself with pain.

The analogous remedies here are Rhus, which lacks the excitement of Chamomilla; Ferrum metallicum, whose rheumatism is relieved by slow movements; Veratrura album, the frenzied pains of which make the patient walk to and fro. But with the last remedy there is no fever and excitement which characterize Chamomilla.

Chamomilla also acts on the mucous membranes, producing symptoms of catarrh. It is indicated in catarrhs ​​of children when the nose is stuffed up, and yet hot, watery mucus drips from the nostrils; there is sneezing and inability to fall asleep, a painful dry cough that wakes the child or happens during sleep, or the cough is hoarse, as if the bronchi were filled with mucus. Especially Chamomilla is useful in coryzas received on cold windy days.

Nux vomica is also indicated in coryza, when there is a feeling of stuffing in the nose, but there is no discharge.

Sambucus is indicated in coryza when the child suddenly jumps up as if choking.

Sticta corresponds to a rough, dry, barking cough; nose stuffed up and dry; the essential condition here is that the nasal compartment dries up so quickly that it cannot stand out.

Chamomilla has many stomach symptoms. It is useful in gastric conditions dependent on fear. We find it so indicated in gastralgias, especially when the food eaten seems to lie in the stomach like a heaviness. The areas of the hypochondria are swollen, the tongue is covered with a yellowish-white coating and there is a bitter taste in the mouth; spasmodic pains in the abdomen; which are relieved by a cup of coffee.

Chamomilla produces diarrhea with hot, yellowish-green stools, like chopped eggs and often mixed with bile, painful in the anus and smelling of hydrogen sulfide; this condition usually worsens in the evening. This should not be forgotten during teething.

Chamomilla is often followed here by Sulfur, as both produce the same stools with soreness in the stomach.

If these symptoms are accompanied by great tenesmus, Mercurius will be the remedy.

If the stools are worse in the morning and the stools flow quickly, Podophyllum should be considered.

Chamomilla is an invaluable remedy in the puerperal room; it is indicated when labor pains begin in the small of the back and descend along the inside of the thighs. With this strong nervous excitement, childbirth promises to be extremely painful; after the end of childbirth, the postpartum discharge (lochia) seems to be dark and too profuse, and the postpartum pains are severe and unbearable.

Chamomilla may be used in threatened miscarriage due to fear, if the pains are of the character just described, and there is dark blood flowing.

Viburnum is resorted to in threatened miscarriage if these pains descend to the lower abdomen and go inside the thighs. She will stop the pain, even if she cannot prevent a miscarriage.

Hamomilla (according to Berike)

Chamomilla Chamomile

The main indications for this remedy are the mental and emotional symptoms found in many forms of various diseases.

Especially often prescribed for diseases in children, when they become irritable, restless and complain of colic. And it is contraindicated with a soft, calm, cautious character with lethargy of the intestines, which causes constipation.

The Chamomilla is sensitive, irritable; constantly thirsty; body hot and insensitive. Excessive sensitivity from abuse of coffee and drugs. Unbearable pain with numbness. Night sweats.

Psyche. Tearful anxiety. The child demands various items, but, having received them, loses interest in them; groans plaintively if he cannot get the desired thing.

It calms down only when it is carried in the arms and pampered all the time. impatience; extremely dislikes being addressed or interrupted during a conversation. Extremely sensitive to pain. Complains all the time. Evil, irritable. Complaints based on anger and worries. Peace of mind is a contraindication to Chamomilla.

Head. Pulsating pains in one side of the head. Tendency to tilt the head back. Hot clammy sweat on forehead and scalp.

Ears. Tinnitus. Otalgia with sore ears; the swelling and heat are maddening. Stitching pains. Feeling stuck.

Eyes. Burning pains in the eyelids. Yellowish sclera. Spasmodic closing of the eyelids.

Nose. Sensitivity to all odors. Runny nose, preventing sleep.

Face. One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold. Stitching pains in jaws extending to inner ear and teeth. Toothache worse from hot drinks; leads to neuropsychic excitement; worse from coffee and at night. Twitching of the tongue and facial muscles. Teething ailments in children (Calc. phos.; Terebinth.).

Throat. Swelling of the parotid and submaxillary glands. Constriction and pain as from a stuck plug.

Mouth. Toothache from hot things in the mouth, from coffee, during pregnancy.

Night salivation.

Stomach. Putrid burps. Nausea after coffee. Sweat after eating or drinking.

Aversion to warm drinks. Tongue coated with yellow; bitter taste. Biliary vomiting. Increased acidity, food regurgitation. Bitter bilious vomiting. Pressive gastralgia, like stones in stomach (Bry.; Abies n.).

Stomach. Inflated. Constrictive pains in the umbilical region and pain in the small of the back. Gas colic after a fit of anger, with red cheeks and hot sweat. Hepatic colic. Acute duodenitis (Kali bich. in chronic cases).

Chair. Hot, green, watery, offensive, slimy, with crampy pains.

Small lumps of whitish and yellow mucus, like finely chopped eggs and spinach.

Soreness of the anus. Diarrhea during dentition. Hemorrhoids with painful fissures. Female reproductive organs. Uterine bleeding. Profuse discharge of coagulated dark blood, with contractions as in childbirth. Spasmodic labor pains with upward pressure (Gels). The patient is intolerant of pain (Caul.; Caust.; Gels.; Hyos.; Puls.). Nipples inflamed, sensitive to touch. Sensitivity of baby nipples. Yellow acrid leucorrhea (Ars.; Sepia; Sulph.).

Respiratory organs. Hoarseness, coughing, rawness in the larynx.

Irritant, dry, tickling cough; suffocative constriction of the chest, with bitter expectoration during the day. Loud bubbling of mucus in the chest of a child.

Back. Unbearable pain in the lower back and hips. Lumbago. Rigidity of the occipital muscles.

Limbs. Violent rheumatic pains drive the patient out of bed at night and make him walk up and down the room. Soles "burn" at night (Sulph.). Ankle joints "surrender" in the afternoon. Nocturnal paralytic weakness of the feet; it is impossible to step on them.

Dream. Sleepiness with groans, weeping and wailing during sleep; disturbing, frightening dreams with half-open eyes.

MODALITIES. Aggravation from heat; anger outdoors; from the wind; at night.

Better (child) from carrying; in warm damp weather.

RELATIONSHIPS. Indicated after Belladonna in diseases of children and abuse of Opium.

Antidotes: Camph.; Nux; Puls.

Extras: Bell.; Mag. c.

Similar: Cypriped; Anthemis; aconite; Puls.; Coffee; Bellad.; Staphis.; Ignat.

Compare: Rubus villosus. Diarrhea for children; stools are watery, clay-coloured.

BREEDINGS. From the third to the thirtieth.

Hamomilla (according to Kent)

Chamomilla / Chamomilla - pharmacy chamomile

Main dosage forms. Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6, C12 and above. Drops D2, D3, C3, Sat, C12 and above.

Indications for use. Disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic. Inflammation of the respiratory organs. Bronchial asthma. Dry coryza with stuffy nose. Dry cough. Inflammation of the lymphatic glands: cervical, inguinal, submandibular, parotid and testicles. Toothache. Difficult dentition. It acts on the endings of the motor and sensory nerves (mainly in the intestines), helps to reduce intestinal swelling due to relaxation or spasms. Dyspepsia. Colitis. Pain in the uterus. Erysipelas. Eczema. Burns with x-rays.

Characteristics: This remedy is suitable for hypersensitive, irritable, restless, ill-humoured patients who have redness and localized fever of the cheek on the affected side. The drug is not suitable for mild, calm, quietly suffering patients. Predominantly a remedy for children, used for difficult teething with diarrhea and unbearable pain in the jaw or ear.

External use: a teaspoon of Q in a glass of water as a mouthwash for toothache or sore throat. Stronger solutions or water infusion - for compresses for inflammation, abscesses.

The general constitutional feature of Chamomilla is hypersensitivity; she is sensitive to any impressions, surroundings, people, and finally, everything else pales before her hypersensitivity to pain. The constitutionally determined irritability is so pronounced that any, even minor pain, can cause symptoms that indicate the terrible suffering of the patient. The remedy usually corresponds to the state of the female nervous system, when the patient is literally agitated, and extremely sensitive to pain.

Along with this, a characteristic mental state is also determined: mental sensitivity and pronounced irritability. These two features are so closely intertwined in the pathogenesis of Chamomilla that they become completely inseparable from each other. Sensitivity to pain. They are easily offended and upset, so that the nervous system becomes extremely susceptible to such manifestations, pains, convulsions, colic, headaches and other types of nervous symptoms occur. After punishment, such nervous children have convulsions. Nervous women with hypersensitivity are often distressed. Twitching and spasms of muscles from resentment or excitement. Hypersensitivity of the nervous structures, this symptom is so pronounced that only a few remedies are suitable for it, among them Coffea, Nux vomica. Opium.

You have not yet heard a lecture on Opium, so it is natural that you think of Opium as a drug that can only cause stupor. Those of you who have observed the terrible state of mind and body which usually follow the administration of Opium will easily understand what I mean by Chamomilla sensitivity. Convulsions in children. This, unfortunately, is not uncommon even today, especially in countries where nannies and young mothers give babies chamomile tea for colic, after which children often begin to have convulsions. It would never occur to anyone to associate these symptoms with chamomile tea, but the doctor should always keep this in mind and recognize such cases; if he knows Chamomilla well, he will have no difficulty in associating the convulsions with the use of chamomile tea.

So, in such cases, you will see twitches, convulsions, a hot head, hypersensitivity. Sensitivity to noises, to surroundings, between spasms strong irritability is possible. Convulsions in children: the whole body tenses up, the eyes roll out, the face is distorted, there are twitching of the muscles, tossing of the limbs, clenching of the thumbs, the body arches back. These symptoms are common in Chamomilla convulsions; such manifestations often accompany painful teething. In fact, teething is a completely natural process, but it often looks like a disease, many doctors know medicines for "teething" and prescribe them, first one thing, then another. Chamomilla is doomed to do a disservice and is often used in "teething." Indeed, during this period, many children suffer from increased irritability of the brain tissue, convulsions, gastric disorders and vomiting, but, I repeat once again that teething should not be considered a disease, since it is the norm. In healthy children, teeth erupt without causing them much suffering. Medical assistance should be resorted to only in cases of delayed teething, when this is combined with states of irritation, hypersensitivity, as a result of which the child cannot sleep. Wakes as if from a terrible dream. Wakes agitated, may vomit, diarrhea - green, slimy stools resembling chopped grass. Fetid diarrhea during teething. These symptoms usually occur when the baby was not properly cared for or the mother was not ready enough to give birth. "Tetanic convulsions, twitching of the eyelids, pains in the limbs, great prostration, fainting." Neuralgic pains all over the body, with numbness. Jerking, stinging, tingling pains. Most of the pains are relieved by heat, with the exception of the symptoms of the teeth and jaws. Toothache is better from cold and worse from heat. Earaches and pains in limbs are ameliorated by heat.

In the text under the heading "Temperature and weather" you will find the symptom "Pains are aggravated by heat", highlighted with two black bars to indicate its importance, and just below it without any highlighting: "Sensitive to cold. Chilly" and "Better from the heat"; in fact, heat only aggravates the pains relating to the teeth and jaws (this is a particular symptom affecting certain parts of the body), while the general condition of the patient, on the contrary, improves from heat. In general, the pains are ameliorated by heat. The whole condition of the patient is better from the heat. Pains concerning the teeth are usually worse from heat, and this is a particular symptom.

The most important part of the pathogenesis of Chamomilla is represented by the peculiarities of the psyche. They are reflected in the whole organism, you will see that in each of its areas, in each part considered, the features of the mental state of the patient can be traced. This remedy has more mental symptoms than morbid manifestations in other parts and organs. Cry. "Mournful lamentations. Irritability". Irritability is expressed so strongly that it sometimes manifests itself in a rather strange way. It seems that the pains drive the patient into a frenzy, she forgets about caution and decency. Loses nobility; she no longer cares about other people's emotions. She intervenes in an argument or dispute, regardless of the feelings of others. Therefore, having started the practice, do not be surprised if, going up to the bedside of a patient who has contractions accompanied by pain and suffering, you hear: “Doctor, I didn’t call you, if you please get out.” Another Chamomilla patient under different circumstances will behave in exactly the same way. The terrible pains she experiences drive her into a frenzy; her rage, hypersensitivity to pain echoes her mental state. She is not able to control her temperament, which brings her to white heat.

Now about children: the child whines, cries and spits for any reason; every minute he needs new entertainment. Refuses everything he just asked for. Whether it is something edible or some kind of toys that are handed to the child, he throws everything on the floor, scatters it all over the room. He hits the nanny in the face because she offered him something that he does not want, although five minutes ago he asked for exactly this. Capricious. All pains and sufferings are relieved by passive movements. This symptom is generally characteristic of children. The pains are reduced when the baby is carried in his arms, so he wants to be kept in his arms. Similar symptoms often occur with colic or stomach problems. The same is true of earaches, and of evening fevers, and of general symptoms brought on by exposure to cold or teething. The child needs to be worn. The nanny has to keep the baby in her arms all the time. Characterized by anxiety and whims in relation to all family members. The nanny with the child goes around the room in a circle two or three times, after which he insistently asks for his mother; walks around the room two or three times in her arms, then crosses over to dad. And so constantly. He never calms down, never satisfied with anything. In diseases of the ears, sharp, shooting pains make the child squeal. Brings hands to ears. Pain often causes the voice to take on a harsh, shrill tone.

In adults, the pains are so severe that they cannot endure them calmly; they don't always actually get better from moving, but they seem to. They move because they just can't stay still. Thus, while in bed, the Chamomilla patient is constantly tossing about, never lying still. Along with all these signs, there is also a strong irritability. The pain makes the patient very agitated; he is angry at the pain; she annoys him; he scolds her; the pain turns into a real torture for him. Characterized by aversion to conversations, captiousness and irritability. When there is no pain, the patient simply sits and looks inward.

Chamomilla is characterized by melancholy, the presence of mental complaints and the absence of pain. In such cases the Chamomilla patient sits and thinks to herself, a kind of self-contemplation. It is impossible to force her to utter a word, she yearns. The Chamomilla child must not be touched. He wants everything to be aimed at giving him pleasure. Longs for change; always wants something new. Both adult patients and children answer questions with irritation. Complaints arise when they are contradicted and out of anger. Convulsions from anger. In whooping cough, the child has a coughing fit, and a spasmodic cough, after something irritates him. He reacts violently, his face turns red, and soon begins to cough. Grumpiness. “He likes to argue. Often angry or enraged. Bad consequences of insults and hurt feelings. These are the most characteristic features of the mental state of this remedy. As I have already said, such mental symptoms accompany every condition of the Chamomilla patient. whether it be pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, inflammatory lesions of the ears, erysipelas, headaches or fevers. In all these cases Chamomilla is capable of producing a brilliant curative effect, of course in those cases where the characteristic mental as well as particular symptoms of this remedy are present.

Chamomilla headaches occur in sensitive patients, more often in women. Nervous, too tense and tired. Fussy, restless. Excitable women who suffer from pain. Even a small headache is perceived by them as something terrible. Throbbing, tearing, explosive headaches. Congestive headaches. Worse from thoughts of pain, or generally from thoughts of illness and suffering. Headaches get worse in the evening. The characteristic time when many complaints are intensified is 9 o'clock, sometimes 9 o'clock in the morning, sometimes 9 o'clock in the evening. Symptoms of fever are usually worse at 9 am. The pains get worse in the evening, especially around 9 o'clock. Stitching, tearing pains in temples and whole head. Wandering pains in the temples. Pressing pains in the head, appear immediately, as soon as they begin to pay attention, relief comes if you think about something else, do something, force yourself to think about something or find a job. Head congestion. Sharp neuralgic pains in the face, teeth, ears, in the sides of the head. Pain in the mouth, better from cold. Pain in ears and sides of head is better from heat.

Characterized by pain in the eyes. Inflammatory lesions of the eyes with bleeding. Leakage of bloody fluid from the eyes in newborns. Chamomilla will also help patients with an overly irritable temperament. Profuse, acrid discharge; yellow color; purulent discharge from the eyes. Sharp pressure in the orbit of the eyes. Lachrymation accompanying coryza with sneezing. Nasal congestion. Headaches, irritability. Along with the above, the following symptoms are possible: "The face is red, hot on one side, pale on the other." As with the whole constitution of this remedy, there is a heightened sense of hearing. Roaring, ringing and chattering in the ears. Stitching pains in ears, better from heat. Pressing pains in the ears. When the pain begins, the child grabs his ears with his hands, groans plaintively, whimpers and screams. Sharp pains in the ears. Older children, who can already clearly articulate their sensations, complain of a feeling of heat in the ear, a feeling of fullness, as if the ear canal is narrowed or completely blocked. Among adults, nervous, sensitive women are most often affected, who cannot bear to ride in the wind with bare ears. Their ears are extremely sensitive to air, while nothing of the kind is noted either from other parts of the face, or from the head in general. Some patients cannot stand it when the wind blows around their neck. Others need to carefully cover their shoulders. Chamomilla is capable of selectively affecting the ears. It is possible that the whole body of the patient is sensitive to cold and to air in general, he tries to put on as much as possible.

Sneezing, runny nose. The face is hot on one side, and there is often pain in the head and jaws. Coryza, viscous, acrid, with loss of smell. Decreased sense of smell continues throughout the cold.

Tearing pains in the face, at times involving both the teeth and the side of the face. It is not uncommon to find a very sensitive woman who was very upset and annoyed after a quarrel with the servants. She retired to her room, she is tormented by pain in her face, the causes of which are excitement and anger. If the extrinsic nerves of the face are involved, the pains are ameliorated by heat; when the teeth are affected, the pains are ameliorated by cold. The face is hot while the rest of the body is cold. "Sweating of the face after eating or drinking." For this remedy, the most characteristic feature is perspiration only in the region of the head, its scalp. Sometimes during measles or scarlet fever there may be symptoms of Chamomilla. Sweating of head, face reddened on one side only. "Swelling of only one cheek"; as a result of the inflammatory reaction, the cheek becomes redder and redder, eventually acquires a purple hue, erysipelas occurs with characteristic mental symptoms. Hot face, redness on one side. Burning in the face. Neuralgia in the face.

Warm food or drink put into the mouth causes aching pain in the teeth, and sometimes burning and throbbing in the roots of the teeth; tearing, stabbing, pinching pains, aggravated during a conversation; worse outdoors, warm room or warm bed. Anything that warms the body will aggravate the pain in the teeth; better after rinsing with cold liquid or drinking cold drinks. Toothache that is absent during the day. As soon as night falls and the patient lies down in a warm bed, these shooting, tearing pains begin. Chamomilla toothache is often associated with irritability, hypersensitivity to pain, with a characteristic mental state that the head becomes hot. “Swelling and inflammation of the gums. Threat of an abscess in the gums. Toothache on entering a warm room, especially when all these symptoms are better in cold air. Toothache may come on from taking a cold, after a perspiring patient has been exposed to cold air, although already existing toothache is always better from cold. "Pain in the teeth from draft." “Better after eating chilled foods. Worse before midnight. Most of the symptoms of Chamomilla, which come on in the evening and at night, are better before or sometimes after midnight. From midnight until morning almost all Chamomilla complaints are gone. Many of them are absent during the day. Characterized by worsening in the first half of the night. “Teeth seem too long. Swollen gums." Chamomilla children often hold a glass of cold water close to the gums. Inflamed gums in babies, painful gums, teething causes great pain, it seems that they want to keep a cold mouth longer. The child is still so small that you would not even think that he would be able to guess that by holding the edge of a cold glass in his mouth, he can help himself. Offensive, disgusting odor from the mouth.

In children, spasms that affect mainly the larynx are possible. "Cramps in the larynx with or without coughing. Spasmodic constriction of the larynx. Suffocation. Throat spasms. Pain and inflammation." Chamomilla cures a sore throat, especially in cases where the local soreness extends to the whole throat, accompanied by great swelling. Tonsillitis. Strong redness; with characteristic mental symptoms. This remedy is ineffective in sore throats, except when they are combined with a peculiar, irritable constitution, one that suffers from pain and quickly becomes angry in response to any stimuli. Before administering Chamomilla in sore throats, one must be sure that the characteristic mental symptoms of this remedy are present.

“Loss of appetite. Great thirst for cold water and desire for sour drinks. Unquenchable thirst." Aversion to coffee, warm drinks, soups and liquid foods. An aversion to coffee is an amazing trait. Chamomilla and coffee are similar in general sensitivity. They are antidotes for each other. Chamomilla can be used as an antidote in cases where the patient drinks too much coffee, such as nurses who drink coffee at night to stay awake and monitor the sick. Tired and overworked patients who abuse coffee. "Thirst and heat with pain." In cases where pain occurs, it does not matter where. The patient warms up, resulting in some actual fever. The face is red, especially on one side. Head hot; marked irritability.

Chamomilla is very characteristic of vomiting. Belching with gas that smells like hydrogen sulfide. The Chamomilla patient has violent urge to vomit. He makes incredible efforts to call her. It looks like his stomach is about to burst. Covered in cold sweat. Exhausted. It is like the effect of morphine, if you have ever seen a patient to whom the doctor prescribed too much drug - I hope that you will never be in the place of such a doctor. Never provoke a disease, you will meet with it sooner or later. It is possible that if you go to a city where an allopathic doctor practices, you will be able to observe the consequences of prescribing morphine to one of these hypersensitive patients; it is possible that for some time her pains will subside a little, but a strong eructation will begin, vomiting with sharp urges, which will end only after there is nothing left to vomit. A couple of minutes after the first dose, Chamomilla will cure these symptoms, it is the only remedy needed in such cases. It will stop the vomiting that follows from the administration of morphine and comes after its direct action has ended.

Colic, especially in young children and newborns. Pain in the stomach and abdomen. The child doubles over, screams and kicks; wants to be carried in the arms; terribly irritable: attacks come on in the evening; one side of the face is red, the other is pale; demands something, when it is given to him, refuses - this is the characteristic picture of Chamomilla colic. These are colic with the winds. They continue for some fractions of a minute, then pass. It seems that they are based on spasms with flatulence. Adults who can describe these symptoms speak of cutting, burning pains. Cramping pains, which are usually called colic. Spasms in the intestines. Possible contractions, reminiscent of the urge to a chair. The abdomen is distended like a drum. Improvement sometimes comes from warm compresses. "Colic during urination"; although this symptom is rare. "Colic in the morning. Abdominal tympanitis.

The most distinctive feature of Chamomilla is green grass-like stools, or chopped eggs, or a mixture of chopped eggs and grass; white and yellow mixed with slime like green grass or spinach. Greenish, watery, mucous discharge. Patients old enough to describe how they felt during the tests mentioned that the stool felt hot during bowel movements. It smells like hydrogen sulfide. Profuse stools; scanty stools with dysentery tenesmus. Watery diarrhoea, six or eight times a day. Mucous diarrhea. Green, watery stools, offensive and slimy. "Yellowish brown stool." There may also be constipation with the inability to strain. Paralytic weakness of the rectum; rectal inactivity. Great itching and soreness in the region of the rectum and anus, especially in the evening. The anus is swollen, with redness and swelling visible on examination.

Women of this type are usually sensitive to pain, irritable and picky, suffer greatly from even minor pain, many symptoms appear in their menstrual period. Menstrual flow black, clotted, disgusting in appearance. Cramp-like pains in the uterus, grasping and constricting, better from heat. "Increased sensitivity to pain", combined with pains and other complaints, characteristic mental state, irritability, pickiness during menstruation. A profuse discharge of black clots is characteristic, whether it is menorrhagia or metrorrhagia. "Menstrual colic resulting from anger," which means violent spasmodic pains in the uterus during menstruation, especially if the patient had previously experienced great excitement that made her furious. Sexual irritability, emotions, mental disorders cause cramps during menstruation in a woman for whom they are not typical at all. These symptoms appear in her as if from a cold.

It is very effective in cases of membranous dysmenorrhea. Similar violations can occur in the first menstruation. Every month, a woman releases a small amount of membranes. This is usually accompanied by sharp, cramping pains, often with clots. In such cases, Chamomilla may be a palliative. It should not be regarded as a constitutional remedy, which, having a profound anti-psoric action, can remove all symptoms and prevent future discharge of membranes, but it may well be a good palliative in the most severe attacks, which are accompanied by increased mental irritability; febrile symptoms relieved by heat; spasms and cramping pains, reminiscent of real contractions. “Yellow, burning leucorrhea. Too heavy menstruation; blood dark, almost black, clotted, with pain from back to front, loss of consciousness, cold extremities, intense thirst.

During pregnancy, women may also experience symptoms of Chamomilla. Irregular, false contractions. Contractions that are felt in atypical places. Contractions that involve the back too much. Contractions painful, cutting, tearing, screaming. The patient is very irritable; she curses the pain, the doctor; everyone around, puts the doctor out of the room, the midwife, and then calls her again; refuses everything that is offered to her. Contractions that are accompanied by a feeling of constriction and spasms here and there, indicating that some groups of uterine fibers are contracting in one direction, and others in the other. These are not the usual, regular contractions that usually occur during childbirth, the birth of an afterbirth or a child. If the doctor undertakes to observe a pregnant woman during childbirth, he must be able to choose the right medicines in order to remove these irregular contractions or prevent them when the time of childbirth comes. Then the pain will not be so strong. A woman will, of course, feel contractions, but they will not be so painful. It is not always possible to prepare a woman well for childbirth, often patients resist this. Before childbirth, more than at other times, women become especially picky and capricious, wanting to do everything their own way.

During the entire pregnancy, and sometimes after childbirth, women need treatment. Pregnancy is a time when they simply need treatment. At this time, symptoms appear that indicate disorders in the body that do not bother her at all at other times. They seem to doze off until pregnancy occurs; especially if the patient is of a psoric constitution, pregnancy becomes, as it were, a starting point, triggering the symptoms that are inherent in her constitution. Thus, pregnancy is a good time for the homeopath, when he can study the patient well and prescribe her a constitutional remedy based on these symptoms, and not only remove them and prepare her for childbirth, but also change the vital activity of her body in many ways, so she will live her life free from many diseases that might have remained hidden if not for a powerful trigger. All women should be aware of homeopathy in order to receive regular constitutional treatment during pregnancy. To do this, it is necessary to tell the doctor about everything, about all the details, ailments, all problems, only then will he be able to study the case in detail. The symptoms observed during pregnancy must be added to the constitutional symptoms that appear outside of pregnancy, since they are all manifestations of different aspects of the same person.

The patient should be treated, not the disease. Any malaise is just one of the forms of disturbances in order, disorders of the body's vital functions. During labor itself, and also in its immediate vicinity, Chamomilla causes irregular contractions, resembling hourglass contractions. "Stiffness of the cervix", residual pain after childbirth - these symptoms must be combined with a characteristic mental state and increased sensitivity to pain. "Postpartum hemorrhage". Cramps in the uterus every time the child is put to the breast, cramps in the back - Chamomilla cures these symptoms either singly or both. For symptoms such as cramps in the back and cramps in the abdomen while breastfeeding, the two main remedies to be kept in mind are Chamomilla and Pulsatilla. These drugs are quite different in mental characteristics. One is soft and supple, though capricious; the other is picky and irritable. Both are sensitive to pain, but Chamomilla is much more so than Pulsatilla.

Chamomilla is characterized by inflammation of the mammary glands. You cannot prescribe this remedy until you see its characteristic symptoms, but I am sure you will recognize the Chamomilla patient at once. The woman begins to have convulsions. At the beginning of labor, the husband enters the room in an irritated state, intending to "make the wife behave properly." This literally infuriates her and she starts having convulsions. In another situation, the doctor might not attach much importance to this, but here he immediately thinks: “Why not give this woman a dose of Chamomilla? It might have prevented convulsions." After taking the medicine, the patient is able to look at things more calmly and philosophically and often falls asleep.

Very characteristic are various attacks of suffocation, difficulty in breathing, inflammatory lesions of the larynx, etc., which you can read about. Chamomilla cough has several distinguishing features. It is a hard, dry, hacking cough. After falling asleep at night, the child continues to cough in his sleep. The child has a cold, he has a slight fever, his face is red on one side. After waking up, he is irritable. The child becomes angry during a minor cold or with a slight cough, he may also show signs of a slight lesion of the larynx or bronchial tree, somehow immediately, suddenly he becomes more excitable, wants to be carried. In response to the inconvenience caused, the non-fulfillment of his desires, or out of anger, he has violent attacks of coughing, which may be accompanied by vomiting. "Bouts of coughing from anger." This means that against the background of an already existing cold or cough, as a result of anger, the patient has coughing fits. Complaints related to coughing, and also complaints from the chest or larynx are worse at night. During colds, the Chamomilla patient has febrile symptoms at night, and the same applies to Chamomilla whooping cough and chest complaints. Many Chamomilla complaints are better after midnight. From 21.00 to midnight they usually intensify. "Dry cough, worse at night and during sleep." Dry cough with a cold. Rough, irritating cough in children in winter, with tickling in jugular notch, worse at night. Dry cough lasting during sleep. The cough is relieved when the child is placed in a warm bed. Chamomilla is very often used during whooping cough when the child wants to be carried; the nanny is busy with him all day. Cough with retching and vomiting, child very irritable, capricious and fastidious, coughs in sleep.

Now it will be easy for you to imagine chest symptoms. They are always associated with mental manifestations, irritability and coughing. It must be said that a chest cough differs little from both a cough with damage to the larynx and a cold cough. It's the same Chamomilla cough. Sleep cough. With many complaints, fever, colds. Acute complaints and small attacks are associated with burning in the limbs.

Stitching pains in limbs. Cramps in the muscles of the limbs on falling asleep. Along with pains in the limbs, and sometimes in other parts of the body, there is a feeling of numbness or pain with a feeling of deadness. Pain accompanied by numbness, sometimes complete loss of skin sensitivity. Sharp pains in the limbs along the long nerves remain, and the patient seems to be as sensitive to pain as I used to be. Great sensitivity to pain; the pain itself causes a sensation of numbness. In old books such pains were called paralyzing. Cramps in the limbs. Convulsions all over the body. “Cramps in the legs and calf muscles; tearing pains in the feet, following a violent chill. Burning in soles at night; sticks his feet out from under the blanket. Those who are accustomed to working according to a pattern, only when they see that the patient sticks out his feet from under the covers, immediately give Sulfur, although hot feet, their burning are present in the pathogenesis of a large number of remedies, and they all stick their feet out from under the covers, in order to to cool them down a bit. This is no reason to give Sulfur to all such patients.

Another characteristic of the pains, which begin at night, and sometimes before midnight, is their sharpness and intensity, so that the patient cannot be at rest. With these pains, a child wants to be carried all the time in his arms, this makes him feel a little better. When pain occurs in an adult, he gets out of bed and walks around the room. Paralyzing pains, pains ameliorated by heat, which compels one to rise from bed at night, with twitching in the limbs. Increased sensitivity to pain. Strong irritability. The Chamomilla patient cannot sleep at night. He is sleepy, like Belladonna, but cannot sleep. If he lies down during the day, he will immediately want to sleep. As soon as the time for a night's sleep comes, he wakes up, all night, especially the first half of it, he has insomnia, he cannot lie in one place. At times the Chamomilla patient has so many visions, he is so agitated in the first half of the night, he resorts to so many tricks to sleep, that when he finally falls asleep he twitches, has terrible dreams, and has many complaints and ailments. "Disturbing dreams. Sees terrible ghosts and shudders: dreams of deaths. Trying to sleep causes mental fatigue and physical fatigue.

Chamomilla (according to Grangeorges)

Chamomilla vulgaris (storm)

"It's too much pain, I don't deserve it," whatever the cause of the pain (childbirth, teething, otitis), Chamomilla is worried, nervous, screaming in a fit of violent rage. In addition, Chamomilla does not tolerate a meteorological storm and is afraid of the wind. Redness of one cheek is often observed, while the other is pale. The fever is greatest between 9 pm and midnight, and sour sweat covers the head. The patient's condition improves when swinging on the hands or in the car. In these cases, dads "walk" in the evening in the car of their capricious baby, suffering from difficult teething.

Description and indications for the use of a homeopathic preparation of a homeopathic preparation CHAMOMILLA

Great sensitivity to the environment, people, situations. Great fear of blowing wind when she is at home. Strong anxiety. Clings to others with acute respiratory infections. There may be illnesses after suffering grief.

Children have aggression, irritability and demands, they begin to yell if you do not give what they demand. They scream for no reason, but there is no anger. They will beat anyone, regardless of age, spit. Pulls out his hair.

Adults have very strong irritability, it can be for no reason, they are annoyed by everything and they don’t understand why, they don’t know what they want. Even the clothes they wear can be annoying. Quarrels with neighbors, swears. Loses control over himself. The ill-mannered. Uncivilized (boorish) behavior of an educated cultured intelligent person (Sif. miasm). The patient insists that the doctor cure him immediately. Red face, angry, shaking. Easily explodes, easily offended. Sharp.

Can't stand pain. Pain in teeth, better from cold water. Aggressive (Bell., Nux.). Angry, angry, looking down, rude, uncivilized, rudeness. At the reception, he does not look at the doctor, he looks at his feet.

Child - can hit anyone, spits. Pulls out his hair. Screams loudly (Cina whines, annoys with her whining, gundos, speaks through her nose) (Meta). Demands that the mother carry him in her arms while hitting her on the cheeks (children who do not like to be carried or lifted are the Bryonia type).

Pain during menstruation extends up the back and down along the thighs. Pain and numbness in the leg at the same time.

The delusion that she is being insulted. Intolerance towards others (sif. miasm). Looks down. Dissatisfied with myself. Bad mood complaining all the time. Moans, heat in the face.

Pain intolerance, despair. When at last all this will end - pain, illness. Insomnia. Dull. Absent-mindedness - sits and looks ahead.

Suffering during digestion, during defecation - intolerance to physiological processes - the primary psora.

Delusion: She is punished for possessing a body. Everything that happens physiologically to the body causes pain.

Secondary psora is a projection of these sufferings to the whole world. Wants to protect himself. But these processes are unstable: they appear and then disappear. Everything I do is good. Everything others do is bad: sycotic defense. Syphilitic defense - withdraws into itself, isolates, catatonia. Or becomes cruel, harsh, rude to others. Tertiary psora - protective processes become permanent.

From observations: Several friends, having studied an article about chamomile as a harmless panacea for all diseases, published in a popular publication (which, as you know, are not responsible for the quality of advertising and published recipes placed on their pages), decided to use chamomile instead of tea and water. , constantly, daily and in unlimited quantities for yourself and your children. But, it should be noted that medicinal herbs, even non-poisonous ones, are not food products, and their use, both internally and externally, must be justified, strictly dosed and individually. Knowing homeopathic pharmacology, one can imagine what a disorder of physical and mental health such a thoughtless use of our simple chamomile could lead to.

“Medicinal substances are those substances which have the power to influence the animal body in both its healthy and diseased state.”

The practical application of homeopathic remedies required extensive and detailed trials on healthy people. The report of these tests constitutes a special homeopathic pharmacology. Homeopathy makes use of all the observations about poisoning and experiments on animals, which are the essence of the usual pathogenic material, but to them we add more important pure tests on healthy people. In homeopathy, the data of the manuals on toxicology and pharmacology are fully taken into account.

Homeopathic pharmacology has distinctive feature. Under it is understood not the medicinal substances themselves, but the totality of their pathogenic effects on a healthy organism. Of these disease-causing actions, some make observations on poisonings and the effects of excessive doses; but the vast majority represent the result of tests on a healthy human body, as well as indirect effects in giving them as a medicine. In homeopathic treatment, one cannot be satisfied with a few symptoms, which are perhaps enough to determine the disease.

CHAMOMILLA is an annual plant with a 15-40cm stem. height. Stems solitary, branched. The leaves are doubly pinnately divided into narrow linear lobes. Baskets solitary, at the ends of stems and branches 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Marginal flowers - female, reed, white, median - bisexual, yellow, tubular. Widespread in Europe and Asia. Chamomile is not poisonous and does not produce toxic effects. However, it is known that chamomile can cause bleeding in pregnant women with subsequent miscarriage.

This is humble and common plant attracted the attention of Hahnemann early. As early as 1805, the first pathogenesis of CHAMOMILLA contained 275 symptoms, and in 1825 another 219 symptoms were added to the pathogenesis. Later, Dr. Allen gave a pathogenesis, which already consisted of 1446 symptoms.

Chamomile, once much used by physicians, became only a home remedy in Hahnemann's time. Its main use was in diseases of the uterus, whence it takes its name. Matricaria(from matrix - uterus). Hahnemann's tests and its application proved that in terms of its multilateral action on the human body, this remedy is used much more widely in homeopathy than in conventional medicine.

This remedy has been repeatedly tested on healthy people, which made it possible to establish the type of patient on whom it acts especially successfully. CHAMOMILLA is indicated for persons extremely sensitive to pain and external stimuli such as touch, cold, wind, pressure. Intolerance to any pain leads them to resort to drugs, which was noted by Hahnemann in his time.

CHAMOMILLA affects primarily the nervous system. Its pathogenetic action is weak and unclear, but its medicinal properties are very definite. Of the pains indicating CHAMOMILLA, Hahnemann said: “Their peculiarity is that they are worse at night, when they drive the person almost to madness and are often accompanied by indefatigable thirst, heat and redness of the cheeks, as well as hot sweat of the head. In general, these pains seem completely unbearable. ... The paralytic sensation excited by CHAMOMILLA in all parts is always accompanied by drawing and tearing pains, and drawing and tearing pains are rarely without a feeling of numbness or paralytic sensation in this part.

Irritability of the motor nerves is manifested in those clonic convulsions to which women and small children are subjected. The most important indication for this remedy is in such patients extreme irritability, which they are often aware of, but cannot control. When the nervous system is excited during teething, which is accompanied by restlessness, melancholy and convulsions.

Anger. Strong irritability.
Annoyed infants or children who may even hit or kick.
You have to carry him in your arms, he cries angrily if he is put in the crib.
Inconsolable children and babies.
Aversion to touch. Explodes in anger and leaves to be left alone.
Capricious; demands something and then throws it away.
Afraid of the wind.
Unnatural sensitivity to pain.
Crying in your sleep.
Motor restlessness.

Increased sensitivity to pain; the pain seems unbearable.
The disease begins after anger.
Complaints during teething.
General deterioration in the morning at 9 o'clock (or in the evening - from 21 to 22 o'clock).
The condition worsens at night.
General aggravation from coffee.
Spasm and even convulsive activity, especially in children.
General aggravation from wind.

One cheek red, the other pale.
Acute or chronic otitis media.
Pain in ear, worse from touch, worse from wind.
Facial neuralgia.
Heat in the face or eyes.
Face sweats after eating.
Toothache: worse from coffee, from warm food, from anger; better from cold drinks.

Gastrointestinal tract.
Diarrhea during dentition.
Stool with a "rotten egg" smell.
Liquid green stools or yellow, like chopped eggs.

Pain in abdomen, worse from touch, worse from coffee.
Nausea and vomiting are relieved by drugs.
Thirst for cold drinks.

Urogenital system.
Uterine bleeding after anger.
Severe dysmenorrhea, pain can radiate to the hips.
Pain during childbirth, with great irritability.

Cough, especially dry, worse in the evening, from 9 pm to midnight.
Retention of breath in angry children.
Croup. Bronchitis. Asthma.

Feet hot, must open them at night.
The arthritic pains are worse at night in bed and a little better walking.

Restless sleep, waking frequently.
Crying in your sleep.

acute conditions.
Otitis media.
Colica is an inconsolable child, arching, screaming angrily.
Fever - one-sided chills, one cheek is hot, sweat in covered areas
body and scalp, thirst, restlessness and irritability.

A strange case (from the practice of Buel N.S. and Urbansky A.P.)

Old patients asked us to help the youngest member of their family, a six-year-old boy. The little patient, at first glance, gave the impression of complete health. However, from the story of his grandmother, we learned that almost daily, for unknown reasons, the child runs away from home to a wasteland, which is located a few yards from their house, and where he is found crying bitterly every time. The child himself does not understand why he runs away there. But this is repeated with him daily, several times a day, for several months now. This behavior makes parents worry, because the child will go to school in six months, and he behaves so strangely. After a long communication with the child and parents, taking into account all the collected anamnesis, the boy was given Chamomilla. A week later, to the surprise of the grandmother and parents, the baby stopped running away to the wasteland. Three months later, the child calmly went to school. During the year, no more recurrences of strange behavior were observed.

In contact with

Chamomile or mother herb.

The tincture is prepared from the whole fresh plant, and the rubbing is made from the same parts, dried and powdered.

The pathogenesis of Chamomilla is found in Hahnemann's "Pure Medicine Science".


Hamomilla acts primarily on the nervous system. It is a precious remedy for severe morbid susceptibility of the sensory and motor nerves. This is manifested by spasms and convulsions, both in pregnant women and in young children.

The action of hamomilla extends to the emotional nervous system. The consequences of major trouble, anger and annoyance are under her control even when, bypassing the nervous system, they are expressed in bilious disorders.

Apparently, it has some special effect on the dental pulp and on the gums.

The action of chamomilla on the digestive organs is expressed in convulsions, colic and diarrhea; constipation occurs as a rare exception and, obviously, the action is secondary.

Hamomilla causes uterine bleeding with colic in the uterus, as in childbirth, with the release of blood clots.

Its action on the respiratory tract is expressed by the symptoms of acute catarrh.

According to Berike, hamomillas are irritable, sensitive, hot, sleepy and changeable. A calmly suffering patient is not a hamomilla patient.

Thus, it suits especially children and nervous hysterical women. The Chamomilla type is well defined: sullen, angry, quarrelsome, always displeased, answers questions rudely, and is extremely sensitive to pain, which drives him to despair.


1. Strong irritability.

2. Hypersensitivity to the slightest pain, accompanied by excitement and groans. Fainting.

3. Restlessness and insomnia due to pain and extreme sensitivity.

4. Feeling of numbness, which occurs simultaneously with pain or alternating with it (rheumatism, paralytic condition).

5. Feeling of heat in the soles of the feet. The patient sticks them out from under the covers (pulsatilla, sulfur).

6. One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold.

7. Perspiration on the face after eating and drinking.

8. Intolerable pain in the abdomen in the morning, at sunrise.

Pain. Acute, neuralgic. The patient takes them very badly, with fainting, restlessness, groans and nervousness. The pains are often accompanied by or alternating with numbness, and sometimes afterwards. The pains are aggravated by heat, but are not relieved by cold, as are the pains of Pulsatilla.

Chair. Diarrhea during teething. Very painful diarrhoea, with bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, accompanied by restlessness and nausea. The stool is green with a disgusting smell of rotten eggs.

Menses: premature, profuse and extremely painful. The blood is black with clots. Colic with feeling

pressure from bottom to top.


NERVOUS. Hysteria: extreme susceptibility, tendency to faint, convulsions with groans and despair. Lethargy. Ecstasy.

ANGER. Hamomilla is the best remedy for anger.

Neuralgia with severe pains, especially if the pains are poorly tolerated and cause the patient to become irritated and desperate. In these cases, good results are obtained from alternating hamomilla with belladonna.

TOOTH ache caused by hot food or drink. DIGESTIVE disorders during teething.

Chamomilla is an excellent remedy for anxiety, gloom, spasms and diarrhea. But if there are cerebral symptoms with epileptiform convulsions, belladon should be given.

Gastralgia and convulsions in the stomach. Chamomilla, along with belladonna and ignatia, are the main remedies for gastralgia attacks.

In addition to the general nature of the pains, it is also indicated by the redness of the face, general sweats due to pain and swelling in the stomach.

An attack of pain easily causes pallor of the face, fainting, nausea and vomiting, and convulsions in children.

SEXUAL ORGANS. Simple uterine bleeding or due to abortion. After childbirth or in cases of simple menorrhagia. The blood is red and clotted. The patient yawns. Slight chill alternating with heat, redness of the face, or at least one cheek, intermittently alternating with pallor, melancholy, restlessness, diarrhoea.

Painful menses. In these cases, hamomilla is the traditional remedy. Violent pains, slight chills, vomiting, diarrhoea, and fainting spells indicate this remedy.

COUGH, especially in children. Strong, dry, aggravated at night, even in sleep, and the patient does not wake up. Catarrh in children during dentition, one cheek red, the other pale, screaming, restless, colic, diarrhoea, restless sleep with sudden awakening.

FEVER. Violent chilliness with sensation of icy cold. Violent heat, one cheek red and hot, the other cold and pale, burning in the eyes. Profuse hot sweats general or only head and hands.

Hamomilla begins to show its therapeutic effect only from the 6th dilution. Often it is successfully applied at 18

breeding. The 12th was R. Yuz's favorite breeding.

Chamomilla is called the mother herb, as it is one of the important remedies for childbirth and for pathological complications after them. It is called a bachelorette party because it helps with painful menstruation in young girls. Great remedy for teething.

Causticum Causticum