Repair of emergency lighting fixture SKAT LT. Repair of emergency lighting fixture SKAT LT

They brought a lamp ( fig.1), asked to see if there was anything that could be done to make it work. There is only one lamp in the case, it does not react to switching the switch, and when powered from the mains, there is also no reaction. There are no instructions, no diagrams ... Okay, I'm looking for at least some information on the net ... Yeah, there is a photo and a description - this model with thin T5 fluorescent lamps is marked 886, the passport for the lamp says that it is designed to provide evacuation and backup lighting in the event of a power outage and is able to maintain autonomous mode from an internal sealed battery 6 V 1.6 Ah (it's almost a quote). It turns out that it does not work from the 220 V network, the network only recharges the battery and, presumably, if the battery is completely discharged, then there will be no lighting. I connect the lamp to the network, leave it on charge for the evening and night.

The following morning, the red "CHARGE" LED on the switch panel began to glow. But weakly - if you do not look closely, it is almost not noticeable. More than 10 hours have passed since the start of charging, and, theoretically, it should burn much brighter. Although, perhaps, in the lamp there is some kind of system for turning off the charging current with an indication - there is no charge, there is no glow. Flicked the switch to the left, to the right, does not light up. I disconnect from the network, I click - it does not light up.

I'm starting to disassemble the lamp. First, I remove the light diffuser to inspect the lamp. The filaments are intact, the phosphor at both ends of the lamp has small annular darkening ( fig.2).


I put the diffuser in place, remove the back cover ( fig.3) and take out the “insides” ( fig.4).



All wiring ( fig.5) and sketch all the places of soldering conductors to the printed circuit board ( fig.6) and sign with a marker directly on the board - you can see it on figure 4.



Since there is a transformer with a ferrite core on the board, the circuit is most likely a low-voltage DC-to-high-voltage AC converter. No starters and chokes are visible in the lamp supply circuits; it seems that the lamps are simply “ignited” during a high-voltage “breakdown” of the gas.

On the board, there are spots of swelling of the “greenery”, but the copper foil under it is not deformed, which means that the green varnish fell off not from overheating, but just like that. Fresh soldering is visible just at the points of connection of the conductors going to the lamps, but judging by the holes on the board, the conductors were soldered correctly. A swollen electrolytic capacitor is also noticeable ( fig.7). I immediately change it, I didn’t find the nominal value of 220 uF / 16 V, I set it to 330 uF / 25 V and soldered a ceramic 0.1 uF to its conclusions from the print side. The capacitor is located near the transformer and is almost certainly connected with impulse currents (otherwise it would not “swell”) and installing an additional ceramic capacitor, which has less reactance for impulse currents, will make it easier for him to work in the future.


The voltage measurement at the battery terminals did not please - the potential was slightly less than 3 V. I unsoldered the battery, connected the conductors to a laboratory power supply with a voltage of 6.5 V. I flipped the switch, no reaction. I turned on the oscilloscope, poked the probe into different places on the board and, of course, at the legs of the low-voltage windings of the transformer - there is no generation anywhere. So, you need to deal with the integrity of the details. I turned everything off and unsoldered all the wires from the printed circuit board ( fig.8 And fig.9) - they will still fall off when the board is turned over repeatedly.



On figure 10 the marking "MD886" is visible. The numbers match the marking of the lamp, the letters do not. Nevermind.


The tester's dialing of all semiconductor parts revealed a "dead" transistor (short circuit between the base and the collector). A radiator is screwed to the transistor and it is logical to assume that it is the power switching element in the converter (a transistor, not a radiator). The marking is not familiar, but the search engines for the query "transistor 882" gave out information on 2SD882. Well, okay, so be it.

I didn’t find such a transistor at home, I read the datasheets and installed our native, Soviet KT972 ( fig.11). I understand that the replacement is not entirely equivalent (ours is a composite one), however, the circuit, after returning all the wires to their place, started working. The lamp lit up, but not very brightly. Although, perhaps, this is how a 6-watt fluorescent tube should shine with this method of ignition. Changing the supply voltage in the range from 7 V to 5 V did not have much effect on the brightness, but, probably, the frequency of the converter changed, since a low whistle appeared in the transformer. The transistor is warm, but not hot.


While I was calling the details “for integrity”, along the way I copied their connection ( fig.12). Then I redrawn all this in a normal “readable” form and the result was a diagram ( fig.13) (the indicated voltages were measured and put down during the next battery charging after the repair of the lamp).



The circuit can be conditionally divided into two parts - one, high-voltage, is responsible for charging the battery when the lamp is connected to a 220 V network, the other is a converter, powered only by the battery and works only when 220 V is not supplied to the lamp.

On figure 13 it can be seen that the alternating mains voltage passes through the current-limiting capacitor C1 and enters the diode rectifier bridge VD1 ... VD4. The ripple of the rectified voltage is smoothed out by capacitor C2. The level of this voltage mainly depends on how charged the Bat1 battery is. Since its charging current passes through the VD6 diode, after the total voltage on Bat1 and on the VD6 diode approaches the opening threshold of the VD5 zener diode, the currents will begin to be redistributed - the charger will decrease, and the current through the zener diode will increase. This is how the battery is protected from overcharging. The circuits with rectified voltage are also connected to the CHARGE mode indicator on the HL1 LED (with a current-limiting resistor R3) and a resistor divider R5R6, the voltage from which is supplied to the base of the transistor VT1, thereby "opening" it. The open transistor VT1, in turn, "locks" the transistor VT2, "shorting" the base-emitter junction VT2, thereby prohibiting the blocking generator of the converter. If the voltage in the 220 V network disappears, then the capacitor C2 will be discharged, the transistor VT1 will “close”, the converter will work, voltage will appear on the high-voltage winding of the transformer Tr1 and the lamps will start to glow. Of course, this will happen if the slide switch S2 (2 directions, 3 positions) is in one of the extreme positions, i.e. in normal operating mode. To check the operability of the lamp connected to the network, the circuit has a button S1 - pressing it forcibly “closes” the transistor VT1 and starts the converter.

For other elements of the scheme. Resistor R1 discharges capacitor C1 through itself after the lamp is disconnected from the 220 V network. R2 is current-limiting for the VD5 zener diode. There was no marking on the zener diode, but, most likely, in this circuit it should be with a large dissipated power, for example, 5 watts. A chain of resistor R4 and LED HL2 "BATTERY" - an indication of the presence of the supply voltage of the converter - turns on at any extreme position of switch S2. The same switch selects the ignition mode of one or two lamps and, in the case of working with two lamps, increases the base current of the transistor VT2 by connecting resistor R7 in parallel with resistor R8. The current of pulses coming to the base VT2 from the winding of the transformer Tr1 is limited by the resistor R9. The capacity of the capacitor C4 selects the operating frequency of the converter - when working with one lamp (after installing the KT972 transistor), it turned out to be better to increase the capacitance C4 by one and a half times - the current consumed from the battery decreased and at the same time the brightness of the lamp increased). Capacitor C5 is needed for the operation of the blocking generator (if I may say so, it is used to “short” to “minus” the pulses at the upper output of the base winding Tr1 and, accordingly, obtain optimal level pulses based on VT2).

While there is no new normal battery, you can “look at” the old one - it is clear that it does not hold capacity, but you need to assess the degree of its inoperability and try to “bring it to your senses” with several successive charge and discharge cycles.

The battery has dimensions of 100x70x47 mm and has no markings, except for letters and numbers on the top cover ( fig.14). Search engines say that it is most likely lead-acid, sealed, maintenance-free, with a capacity of 4.5 Ah (and the passport for the lamp says that a battery with a capacity of 1.6 Ah is used).


On figure 14 it is clear that someone has already tried to pry off the lid that blocks access to the insides - two slots have been scratched. I insert a thin wide textolite screwdriver into the slot on the right edge and with some effort I take out the cover ( fig.15). Three rubber sealing caps are visible, put on the necks of the cans. And since there are three of them, then, presumably, each bank is designed for a voltage of 2 V.


Remove caps with tweezers fig.16).


Then I connect the probe of the positive output of the voltmeter to the positive terminal of the battery, and with the “crocodile” on the negative probe I clamp the medical needle. Carefully, without effort, I lower the needle into the jar and touch its insides in different places ( fig.17). The task is to touch solid conductive surfaces. The maximum voltage that the tester showed was about 0.5 V. Then, using the second needle, I also check the second jar ( fig.18) - the tester also shows 0.5 V.



And only when checking the third can, finally, a normal voltage of 2 V appeared. In total, in total, the very 3 V that were measured at the stage of examining the insides of the lamp are obtained.

For the "per-can" battery charge, a circuit was assembled for figure 19. Here, the ammeter shows the current flowing in the circuit (taking into account the current through the La1 bulb), the voltmeter shows the voltage on the bank being charged. The voltage on the power supply was set so that at the beginning of the charge, the current through the jar did not exceed 150 mA. The voltage on the bank was controlled by a VR-11A multimeter. When the value of 2.3 V was reached, the switch S1 opened, the charge stopped and the discharge began to a voltage of 1.8 V. In total, four such cycles were carried out and after that the battery was fully charged. The lamp on it worked for a little over five minutes - the time, of course, is not impressive, but given that the battery had not worked at all before, the result of the training is visible. On Figure 20 shows the voltage measurement at the terminals after the next charge.



After turning on the lamp several times and charging, the lamp began to “diverge” and shine brighter and brighter ( fig.21). I did not control the current consumption from the battery, but judging by the fact that the transistor heats up in the same way as it warmed up, if the current has increased, then this does not affect the transistor - this is probably right and good.


On Figure 22- indication when charging in the "OFF" position of the switch, on figure 23- in the position of the switch "One lamp". When the luminaire is disconnected from the mains, one tube starts to glow and only the green LED "BATTERY" remains on ( fig.24).




It is clear that the described case of repair can be attributed to "amateurish", but, as it turned out, the electrical circuit is quite simple and understandable, there are few details, the most difficult thing that can be is transformer repair. Although, probably, it’s also not a problem - to solder, disassemble the core, preheat it, count the turns and remember the direction of winding, wind new ones, assemble everything and solder.

Andrey Goltsov, Iskitim

List of radio elements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
Drawing No. 13
VT1 bipolar transistor


1 To notepad
VT2 bipolar transistor


1 To notepad
VD1...VD4, VD6 rectifier diode


5 To notepad
VD5 zener diode1N5343B1 see text To notepad
HL1 Light-emitting diodeL-513ed1 red To notepad
HL2 Light-emitting diodeL-513gd1 green To notepad
C1 Capacitor2 uF1 film 400 V To notepad
C2, C3 electrolytic capacitor220uF1 16V To notepad
C4, C5 Capacitor10 nF2 film 100 V To notepad
R1 Resistor

560 kOhm

1 To notepad
R2 Resistor

The SKAT LT-301300-LED-Li-Ion luminaire from BASTION with a built-in lithium-ion battery and increased light output is designed to illuminate escape routes in the event of an emergency at a protected facility or during power surges at workplaces. SKAT LT-301300-LED-Li-Ion is equipped with 30 high brightness LEDs. A backup power supply ensures uninterrupted operation of the lamp in the event of a power outage from 3 to 6 hours.

The SKAT LT-301300-LED-Li-Ion lamp has two operating modes and a brightness control that allows you to adjust the lighting power depending on the characteristics of the room. Rugged and compact housing is easy to install in the workplace. Ceiling mount included.

Main features of SKAT LT-301300-LED-Li-Ion

  • 30 bright LEDs
  • Reserve time up to 6 hours
  • Li-ion battery
  • 2 operating modes
  • Wall and ceiling mount

Specifications SKAT LT-301300-LED-Li-Ion

Mains voltage 220 V, frequency 50±1 Hz with limits of change 187…242 V
The number of LEDs in the lamp 30
The power of light 30x2500 mcd
Backup battery built-in Li-ion type 18650 3.7 V 1200 mAh
Battery capacity 1.2 Ah
dimensions 270x65x52 mm
Weight 0.26 kg
Operating temperature range 0 °С…+40 °С
Relative humidity at 25 °C 85%
The degree of protection by the shell according to GOST 14254-96 IP20

Manual for lamp SKAT LT-301300-LED-Li-Ion Bastion

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You can buy an emergency lighting fixture SKAT LT-301300-LED-Li-Ion Bastion with delivery or pickup at a low price. Our experts will help you to choose the necessary equipment. We offer high quality equipment with a 1 year warranty.

The SKAT LT-2330 LED luminaire is used in emergency lighting systems of objects in the event of a power outage. Safety lighting is used to continue important work during a blackout, and evacuation lighting is used to illuminate passageways. This lamp turns on only in the absence of mains voltage; it cannot be used as a conventional lamp. It is constructed using 30 LEDs, which are distinguished by an increased light output of 2,500 mCd. The luminous power switch can switch the luminaire to half power.

SKAT LT-2330 LED is installed for emergency lighting of exits from premises and evacuation routes in case of power failure at the facility. The increased light output provided by a matrix of 30 powerful LEDs guarantees excellent illumination of a large area.

It is used as a reliable autonomous source of backup lighting with a built-in rechargeable battery.

2 working modes:

The "charge" mode is activated in the presence of a network of 220 V AC; the LEDs are not on and the CHARGE indicator is on;

The "reserve" mode is activated when the AC voltage of 220 volts fails; LEDs are on.

On the plastic case there is a switch for the power of the glow of the LED lamp.

The duration of battery life from the battery at low luminous power reaches 8 hours, and at high - up to 4 hours.

The lamp has battery protection against overcharging and deep discharge.

Wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted installation option is available.

Stylish modern housing design with a transparent cover that protects the LED matrix.


Light intensity 2500 mCd

Number of LEDs 30

Power consumption about 18W

Battery recharge time about 24 hours

Glow color white

Battery capacity 1.2 Ah

Battery life:

At low luminous power 8 h

At high luminous power 4 h

Way of mounting invoice

Supply voltage 187...242 V AC

Dimensions 265x68x55 mm

Weight 0.39 kg

Material plastic

Housing color white, gray

The SKAT LT-2330 LED emergency light is powered by 187~242 V AC and supports autonomous operation due to an internal rechargeable battery with a capacity of 1.2 Ah. If there is voltage in the mains, the battery charge mode is active; if the mains fails, the lamp turns on automatically. The battery life of the luminaire is 4 hours (8 hours at half power). The battery is protected from deep discharge and overcharging. This model supports lamp operation mode - pressing the TEST button simulates a mains voltage failure. Bastion software engineers have provided two options for wall mounting of the SKAT LT-2330 LED luminaire, as well as the possibility of mounting on the ceiling.

Powerful emergency lighting fixture with built-in battery BASTION SKAT LT-2330 LED. Designed to illuminate escape routes in the event of an emergency at a protected facility or during power surges at workplaces. SKAT LT-2330 LED is equipped with 30 LEDs and has two adjustable operating modes. The power switch allows you to adjust the brightness of the lighting in connection with the characteristics of the room.

SKAT LT-2330 LED is equipped with a backup power supply that ensures uninterrupted operation of the lamp from 4 to 8 hours in the event of a power failure. The compact body makes it easy to place the device in the workplace. Ceiling mount included.

Key features of SKAT LT-2330 LED

  • 30 bright LEDs
  • Reserve time up to 4/8 hours
  • Battery protection against overcharging and deep discharge
  • 2 operating modes
  • Wall and ceiling mount

Specifications SKAT LT-2330 LED

Manual for lamp SKAT LT-2330 LED Bastion

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You can buy an emergency lighting fixture SKAT LT-2330 LED Bastion with delivery or pickup at a low price. Our experts will help you to choose the necessary equipment. We offer high quality equipment with a 1 year warranty.