Orthoepic norms in the system of norms of the Russian language.  Russian language and culture of speech

Practice #1

Introduction. Orthoepy. Accentology


1. Codified ratio literary language and national language.

2. The concept of the norm of the literary language.

3. Orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language.

4. Accentological norms of the modern Russian literary language.

5. The importance of the phonetic level of the language in business communication and the Russian speech portrait.


1. Pleshchenko T.P., Fedotova N.V., Chechet R.G. Basics of style and culture of speech: Tutorial for university students. - Mn., 1999.

2. Modern Russian language. Part 1. / Ed. P.P. Fur coats. - Mn., 1998.

3. Chechet R.G. Russian language: Culture of speech. Tutorial. - Mn., 2002.


1. Bondarko L.V. The sound structure of the modern Russian language. - M., 1977.

2. Voronin S.V. Fundamentals of phonosemantics. - L., 1982.

4. Zhuravlev A.P. sound and meaning. - M., 1981.

5. Karaulov Yu.N. Russian language and linguistic personality. - M., 1987.

8. Culture of Russian speech. Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book. Avenue. - Krasnoyarsk, 1990.

9. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities. - M., 1998.

10. Levitsky V.M. On the problem of sound symbolism // Psychological and psycholinguistic problems of language proficiency and possession. - M., 1969.

11. Leontiev A.A. The world of man and the world of language. - M., 1984.

12. Logical analysis of language. Language of speech actions. - M., 1994.

13. The world sounding and silent, the semiotics of sound and speech in the traditional culture of the Slavs. - M., 1999.

14. Optimization of speech impact. - M., 1990.

15. Panov M.V. History of Russian literary pronunciation. - M., 1990.

16. Panov M.V. Modern Russian: Phonetics. - M., 1979. S. 46 - 69.

17. Speech impact. Problems of Applied Psycholinguistics. - M., 1972.

18. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1987.

19. Spillane M. Create your image. Guide for women. - M., 1996.

20. Stepanov Yu.S. In the three-dimensional space of language: Semiotic problems of linguistics, philosophy, art. - M., 1985. S. 83 - 87.

21. Phonosemantics and pragmatics. Abstracts of the Vseros. conf. - M., 1993.

22. Cherepanova I.Yu. Witch's house. Suggestive linguistics. - St. Petersburg, 1996.

23. Jacobson R. Sound and meaning // Selected. work. - M., 1985. S. 30 - 92.

Orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language

For the speed and ease of understanding oral speech, pronunciation rules are necessary. Orthoepy is a field of linguistics that studies, establishes and recommends pronunciation norms.

Orthoepy does not include such an important aspect of sounding speech as diction. Stuttering, burr, etc. - from the field of medicine, not linguistics. You can pronounce slurredly, but correctly. You can have excellent diction, but not have a literary pronunciation.

Orthoepic norms developed simultaneously with the formation of the national literary language in the 17th century on the basis of the Moscow dialect. At the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. as a result of the policy of Ivan the Terrible, the territory around Moscow was depopulated. “Screaming” people from the southern regions came to Moscow to serve. The akanya principle is simpler than the okanya principle: there is no need to distinguish between [o/a]. The norms established in Moscow were transferred to other cultural centers not only because Moscow became the capital of the state, but also because the Moscow pronunciation combined the norms of the two main dialects of the Russian language - northern and southern - and was devoid of narrow features.

At the beginning of the 18th century, St. Petersburg became the capital of Russia. Thanks to the reforms of Peter 1 in the areas government controlled and education, an important position could be occupied by people from different strata of society and different regions of Russia. In their speech, under the influence of spelling, the elements of “letter” pronunciation were strengthened. Penetrated into the speech and features of northern dialects. This is how the opposition of Moscow and St. Petersburg pronunciation took shape.

The modern literary language really exists in many stylistic varieties, so we can rightfully talk about different styles of pronunciation.

In relation to the neutral (stylistically least colored) colloquial speech of educated native speakers of the literary language, we can also characterize other styles. A higher bookish style is used in public speaking, conveying important messages to the media, and reading poetry. The vernacular style is reduced compared to colloquial speech (speech is carelessly framed): [sonnet] is a form of book style, [sΛn’et], [wΛgda] is a form of colloquial speech, [kada] is a unit of colloquial speech.

Speech styles cannot be thought of as isolated from each other. Phenomena that appeared in common speech can penetrate into the colloquial style: bulo[h] naya instead of the older pronunciation bulo[sn] and I. Some phenomena of the bookish style, bypassing the colloquial, penetrate into vernacular - they give the speech a quasi-bookish, supposedly intelligent coloring: sku[h] about,[Th] about instead of literary sku[sn] about,[PCS] about.

We do not mix with differences in pronunciation styles differences due to the pace of speech. Fluent speech is characterized by a fast pace of speech and therefore less thorough articulation. Distinct speech is characterized by a slower pace and painstaking articulation.

Stage speech has a special relation to these styles. The pronunciation of the actors is not only its external form, but also an expressive means of acting, it changes depending on the style of the play, the time and place of the action, the nature of the characters.

Why is there variation in literary pronunciation norms?

The language is developing. In the Russian literary language, the distinctive ability of vowels decreases, and the distinctive ability of consonants increases. According to the "junior" norm, Russian speakers "hiccup", do not distinguish<э>and<и>: scream, visna. The "older" norm distinguished: scream spring. According to the "senior" norm, it is required to pronounce: is it raining[in'm'] i'm pouring, the "junior" norm advises saying: co[vm'] naturally.

Literary and dialectal norms interact in the language. Features of the native dialect affect the speech of those adults who spoke the dialect in childhood.

Pronunciation is influenced by writing. They spoke [who], [nokhti], began to speak who[who], nails[nocci]. The letter does not act contrary to phonetic laws.

Orthoepic norms regulate the pronunciation of individual sounds in different phonetic positions, in combination with other sounds, as well as their pronunciation in certain grammatical forms, groups of words or in individual words.

It is important to maintain uniformity in pronunciation. Spelling errors affect the listener's perception of speech: they distract his attention from the essence of the presentation, can cause misunderstanding, indignation and irritation. Pronunciation, which corresponds to orthoepic standards, greatly facilitates and speeds up the process of communication.

Orthoepic norms are determined by the phonetic system of the Russian language. Each language has its own phonetic laws that regulate the pronunciation of words.

The basis of the Russian literary language, and hence the literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect.

In Russian orthoepy, it is customary to distinguish between "senior" and "junior" norms. "older" norm preserves the features of the old Moscow pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, words and their forms. "Junior" norm reflects the features of modern literary pronunciation.

Let us turn to the basic rules of literary pronunciation that must be observed.

Pronunciation of vowels.

In Russian speech, only vowels that are under stress are pronounced clearly: s [a] d, v [o] lk, d [o] m. Vowels that are in an unstressed position lose clarity and clarity. It's called the law of reduction (from Latin reducire to reduce).

Vowels [a] and [o] at the beginning of the word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable, they are pronounced as [a]: deer - [a] laziness, being late - [a] p [a] to build, forty - from [a] rock.

In an unstressed position (in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed one) after hard consonants in place of the letter o pronounced short (reduced) obscure sound, the pronunciation of which in different positions ranges from [s] to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted by the letter [b]. For example: side - side [b] rona, head - g [b] fishing, dear - d [b] horn, gunpowder - por [b] x, gold - gold [b] t [b].

After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable in place of letters a, e, i pronounce sound, middle between [e] and [and]. Conventionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and e]: language - [and e] language, pen - p [and e] ro, hours - h [and e] sy.

Vowel [and]
after a solid consonant, preposition, or when the word is fused with the previous one, it is pronounced as [s]: pedagogical institute - pedagogical [s] institute, to Ivan - to [s] van, laughter and tears - laughter [s] tears. In the presence of a pause, [and] does not turn into [s]: laughter and tears.

Pronunciation of consonants.

The main laws of pronunciation of consonants in Russian - stun and likeness.

voiced consonants, standing before the deaf and at the end of words, are stunned- this is one of characteristic features Russian literary speech. We pronounce table [p] - pillar, snow [k] - snow, hand [f] - sleeve, etc. It should be noted that the consonant [g] at the end of the word always turns into a deaf sound paired with it [k ]: smo[k] - could, dr[k] - friend, etc. The pronunciation in this case of the sound [x] is considered as a dialect. The exception is the word god - bo[x].

[G] pronounced like [X] in combinations gk and gch: le [hk "] y - easy, le [hk] o - easy.

Deaf consonants before voiced ones are pronounced as their corresponding voiced ones: [z] give - hand over, pro [z "] ba - request.

In the pronunciation of words with a combination of ch, there is a fluctuation, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation. According to the norms of the modern Russian literary language, the combination ch that's how it's usually pronounced [h], this is especially true for words of book origin (endless, careless), as well as for relatively new words (camouflage, landing). Chn is pronounced like [sn] in female patronymics on -ichna: Kuzmini[shn]a, Lukini[shn]a, Ilini[shn]a, and is also preserved in separate words: horse[shn]o, sku[shn]no, re[shn]itsa, yai[shn]itsa, square[shn]ik, etc.

Some words with the combination ch in accordance with the norm have a double pronunciation: order [shn] o and order [ch] o, etc.

In some words, instead of h be pronounced [w]: [w] something, [w] something, etc.

The letter g in the endings -whoa-, -his- reads like [in]: niko [in] o - no one, mine [in] o - mine.

Final -tsya and -tsya verbs are pronounced like [tssa]: smile [tsa] - smiles.

Pronunciation of borrowed words.

As a rule, borrowed words obey modern orthoepic norms and only in some cases differ in features in pronunciation. For example, the pronunciation of the sound [o] is sometimes preserved in unstressed syllables (m[o] del, [o] asis) and solid consonants before the vowel [e]: an [te] nna, co [de] ks, ge [ne] tika ). In most borrowed words, before [e], the consonants are softened: k[r"]em, aka[d"]emia, faculty[t"]et, mu[z"]ee, shi[n"]spruce. Consonants g, k, x is always softened before [e]: ma [k "] em, [g "] eyzer, [k "] egli, s [x"] ema.

Variant pronunciation is allowed in the words: dean, therapy, claim, terror, track.

You should pay attention and for setting the accent. The stress in Russian is not fixed, it is mobile: in different grammatical forms of the same word, the stress can be different: ruká - ruku, accepted - accepted, end - final - finish.

In most cases, you need to contact orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language, in which the pronunciation of words is given. This will help to better master the pronunciation norms: before using in practice any word that causes difficulties, look into the spelling dictionary and find out how it (the word) is pronounced.

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Orthoepy- the science of the norms of pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, as well as the patterns of stress, one of the most important sections of the "culture of speech". Some scientists define orthoepy only as the science of pronunciation, highlighting the norms of stressing into a separate science of accentology.

Orthoepic norms are the norms of pronunciation of words, morphemes, sentences, as well as stresses in them.

For the literary Russian language (i.e., as it is customary to speak in a given historical era), it is characteristic

  • akanye, i.e. pronunciation of a sound close to /a/ instead of /o/ in unstressed syllables (k/a/ rova)
  • hiccup, i.e. pronunciation of a sound close to /i/ instead of /e/ in unstressed syllables (pronunciation of the word forest as l /i/ sa)
  • reduction vowel sounds in an unstressed position (i.e. a change in the quality of vowel sounds in an unstressed position - for example, in the word “mama” unstressed /a/ is not the same as /a/ stressed)
  • stun / voicing consonant sounds (for example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word - oak - du / p /).

The Russian language has three styles of pronunciation (depending on the communicative situation):

  • high (nocturne, poet, for example, when reading poetry)
  • neutral (nActurne, paet)
  • low / colloquial (thousand, right now)

Pronunciation norms just like other norms, they change

  1. senior norm: Kone/w/no
  2. junior norm: certainly

Vowel pronunciation norms

(we describe the most common norms)

  • hiccup
  • pronunciation of unstressed vowels after w, w, q: sounds /e/, /i/ are pronounced as /s/ - w/s/lka (silk), w/s/l tok (yolk), sound /a/ is pronounced as / e / - w / e / gat
  • preservation of unstressed O in foreign words (boa, bolero, radio). I must say that this norm is going away (we are already talking vkzal, rman). The b here denotes a very short sound that cannot be reduced to either /a/ or /o/.
  • pronunciation of the sound e in different positions as e, and, s, b (tEndEr, Itage, but / s / rbrod, mod / b / rnization)

Norms of pronunciation of consonants

  • pronunciation of the sound /v/ in adjective endings (blue/v/o)
  • the pronunciation of a hard consonant before / e / - stand, mash, requiem (the older norm demanded to pronounce consonants softly).(Double pronunciation is allowed in words - terrorist, creed, dean. BUT only a soft consonant sound is pronounced in the words beige, brunette, museum, pioneer, rail, term, plywood, overcoat, cream, hair dryer)
  • the older norm demanded to pronounce w, w softly in words yeast, reins, buzz, squeal, later, before / burn / and. Now it is permissible to pronounce solid w, sh in the same way as in other words of the Russian language
  • pronunciation combination CHN as /shn/ and as /chn/. The tendency to pronounce /ch/. (Check yourself. Do you keep the pronunciation /shn/ as recommended by dictionaries of recent years in the words: mustard, loser, of course, eyeglass, laundry, trifling, birdhouse, boring, scrambled eggs, shopkeeper, candlestick, decent, dog lover, switchman, alarm clock In the words hearty, capped, milky, a double pronunciation is possible depending on the meaning).
  • the sound Г can be pronounced as /k/ - ko/k/ti or as /x/ - le/x/cue. In the word God it is pronounced / x / - Bo / x /

Stress norms

Quite often a derivative word, i.e. a word formed from another word retains the stress of the word from which it is formed: provide - provision, shine - glow.

  1. Equal, i.e. can be pronounced in different ways: barge - barge, Otherwise, otherwise, sharpness - sharpness, born - born
  2. Fluctuating, i.e. the older norm is leaving, but the new one has not yet settled down: stirs - stirs, deep - deep, snow-covered - snow-covered
  3. Common - professional, i.e. as it is customary to say and as they say in professional jargon: mining - mining (among miners), chassis - chassis (among pilots), convict - convict (among lawyers)
  4. Literary - vernacular, i.e. as it is customary to say educated people, and so, as uneducated city dwellers say: catalog - catalog, quarter - quarter, more beautiful - more beautiful.

Attention! Stress in verbs. Just borrow, accept, start!!!

What about the rules of pronunciation and stress?

We must understand that we speak as our environment speaks or spoke, as we are used to. Everything else is perceived as strange.

To change or not to change pronunciation if we suddenly find out that we are speaking incorrectly. Everyone decides this for himself, although sometimes the correct pronunciation is required by the profession (announcer, teacher, journalist, actor, etc.)

In other words, there is a story about a Soviet academician. The story illustrates a differentiated approach to norms. It happened a very long time ago.

This academician was asked how he says portfolio or portfolio. He replied: “It depends where I will be. In my native village I’ll say Porfel, otherwise they will think that I’m conceited. At the meeting of the Academy of Sciences I will tell the portfolio, otherwise Academician Vinogradov will wince.

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Orthoepy (from the Greek. orthos- "correct" and epos- "speech") - these are the historically established norms of Russian literary pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations in the flow of oral speech.

The pronunciation features of the Russian literary language were mainly formed by the middle of the 17th century. based on the spoken language of the city of Moscow. Of course, certain changes have taken place since then, but the main features have survived to this day as an orthoepic norm. Let's consider some of them.

1. In the Russian literary language, the sound [o] is not pronounced in an unstressed position. In its place, after solid consonants at the beginning of a word and the first pre-stressed syllable, [a] is pronounced, so the words are pronounced the same way P about ry" and P a ry", st a gave birth and st about gave birth, although they are spelled differently.

2. After soft consonants in place of vowels, which are indicated by letters e, e, i(i.e., in place of the sounds [e], [o], [a]), in an unstressed position, a sound close to [and] is usually pronounced, for example: carries, blind, spring. Therefore, the same (with a sound close to [and]) are pronounced, for example, the words dedicated I tit - dedicated e tit, approx e ryat - approx. and ryat.

3. Paired voiced consonants, denoted by letters b, c, d, e, g, h, become deaf (stunned) at the end of a word and before paired deaf consonants, denoted by letters p, f, k, t, w, s: cru G ([to]), bro in b([f"]), gara and ([w]), in cous([f]), uka h ka([With]), on d jumped([t]).

Paired deaf consonants before paired voiced consonants become voiced (voiced): about t glitter([d]), about With bba([z"]).

4. In some combinations of consonants (stn, zdn and some others) there is a loss of sound, although the letter is written: poses d ny, chu in to succumb.

5. Combination ch excellent ch oh then ch th, ve ch about etc. But in some words the combination ch pronounced like [shn]: horse ch oh naro ch oh laundry ch ah, yay ch itza, square ch ik, empty ch wow, Nikiti ch a etc. In a number of words, a double pronunciation is allowed ([ch] and [shn]): bulo ch oh, plum ch oh, yay ch oh, gre ch left.

6. Combination thu, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling: me thu a, neither thu burning, by thu and, at thu and etc. But in union what and pronoun what, and also in words derived from them it is pronounced [pcs]: thu about, thu oby, thu about anything, thu oh something, something thu about.

7. In foreign words, double consonants are often found; in some words they are pronounced as double (wa nn a, then nn a, ma ss a, ha mm a), in others as solitary (a kk urate,compromise ss, a kk emulator,gra mm).

8. In many foreign words, consonants before e pronounced firmly: svi those R([te]), ka fe ([fe]), summary me ([me]), she de vr([de]), those sis([te]). But in many borrowed words the consonants before e softly pronounced: aka de mia, p re ssa, shi not l, comp re ss, those rmometer.

9. In reflexive verbs at the end it is written - to be or -tsya (laugh, laughs), but it is pronounced the same - [ca].

10. At the beginning of some words is written mid, but pronounced [w "]: mid astier, mid et.

Orthoepic norms also relate to setting the correct stress in words. You should memorize words with the correct stress, and in case of difficulty, refer to the "Orthoepic Dictionary".


Apartments "nty, pampered" ba "nty, ba" rust, faith "giving, turn on" t, gas pipeline "d, dispensary" r, envy "bottom, neighing" vet, call "t, and" long ago, industry " i, rolled "g, quart" l, kilometer "tr, whooping" w, paint "vee, flint" n, necrolo "g, provide" chenie, facilitate "t, illumine" home, parte "r, reward" t, to force, rust, vet, means, orphan, you, table, then mouths, moves, secrets, Christians, hosts, gypsy, scoop, sorrel.

It should be borne in mind that in some verbs of the past tense, in short adjectives and participles in feminine forms, the stress falls on the ending: took - bra "whether - took", on "hired - on" hired - hired", on "chal - on" chali - beginning ", but put - cla" li - cla "la; rude - gro "bo - gro" would be - rude", right - right "in - right" you are right "; when "accepted - when" accepted - accepted "accepted - accepted", about "given - about" given - about "given - sold" and about "given.

The participles are often stressed on the same syllable as in indefinite form of the corresponding verb: having invested, asked, gulf, occupied, washed down, exhausted (NOT: exhausted), started, raised, lived, watered, put, understood, betrayed, undertook, arrived, accepted, sold, cursed, spilled, penetrated, drunk, created

You can find out how this or that word is pronounced in the “School Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language” by P. A. Lekant and V. V. Ledeneva, as well as in the book “Russian Literary Pronunciation” by R. I. Avanesov, in the orthoepic dictionary I.L. Reznichenko.

In the literary language, we focus on generally accepted patterns - norms. Norms are characteristic of different levels of the language. There are lexical, morphological, spelling, phonetic norms. There are pronunciation rules.

Orthoepy - (Greek orthos- "simple, correct, epos" - "speech") is a set of rules that establish pronunciation standards.

The subject of orthoepy is oral speech. Oral speech is accompanied by a number of mandatory features: stress, diction, tempo, intonation. But orthoepic rules cover only the area of ​​pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions or combinations of sounds, as well as the features of the pronunciation of sounds in certain grammatical forms, in groups of words or individual words.

Compliance with orthoepic rules is necessary, it helps to better understand speech.

Pronunciation norms are of a different nature and have different origins.

In some cases, the phonetic system dictates only one possibility of pronunciation. A different pronunciation will be a violation of the laws of the phonetic system.

For example, indistinguishing between hard and soft consonants

or pronunciation of only hard or only soft consonants; or distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants in all positions without exception.

In other cases, the phonetic system allows not one, but two or more possibilities of pronunciation. In such cases, one possibility is recognized as literary correct, normative, while others are evaluated either as variants of the literary norm, or are recognized as non-literary.

Norms of literary pronunciation are both a stable and developing phenomenon. At any given moment, they contain both something that connects today's pronunciation with past eras of the literary language, and something that arises as new in pronunciation under the influence of the live oral practice of a native speaker, as a result of the internal laws of the development of the phonetic system.

Modern Russian pronunciation evolved over the centuries, from the 15th to the 17th centuries. on the basis of the so-called Moscow vernacular, formed on the basis of the interaction of the North Great Russian and South Great Russian dialects.

By the 19th century Old Slavonic pronunciation has developed in all its main features and, as an exemplary one, has extended its influence to the pronunciation of the population of other large cultural centers. But there was never complete stability in pronunciation; there were always local differences in the pronunciation of the population of large centers.

So, the norms of literary pronunciation are a stable and dynamically developing phenomenon; they are based on the laws of the functioning of the phonetic system of the language and on socially developed and traditionally accepted rules, which are subject to changes in the development of oral literary speech as a result of the influence of various factors of language development on it. These changes initially have the character of fluctuating norms, but if such changes do not contradict the phonetic system and become widespread, they lead to the emergence of variants of the literary norm, and then, possibly, to the establishment new norm pronunciation.

There are several sources of deviation from the norms of literary pronunciation: 1) the influence of spelling, 2) the influence of dialect features, 3) the influence of the native language (accent) - for non-Russians.

The heterogeneity of pronunciation in different population groups determined the emergence of the doctrine of pronunciation styles. For the first time, L.V. Shcherba took up the issues of pronunciation style, he distinguished two styles of pronunciation:

1. Full, characterized by maximum clarity and clarity of pronunciation;

2. Incomplete style - the style of ordinary casual speech. Within these styles, various variations are possible.

In general, the current orthoepic norms of the Russian language (and their possible options) are registered in special dictionaries.

It should be highlighted:

a) rules for the pronunciation of individual sounds (vowels and consonants);

b) rules for pronunciation of combinations of sounds;

c) rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms;

d) rules for pronunciation of individual borrowed words.

1. The pronunciation of vowels is determined by the position in pre-stressed syllables and is based on a phonetic law called reduction. Due to reduction, unstressed vowels are preserved in duration (quantity) and lose their distinct sound (quality). All vowels undergo reduction, but the degree of this reduction is not the same. So, the vowels [y], [s], [and] in an unstressed position retain their main sound, while [a], [o],

[e] qualitatively change. The degree of reduction [a], [o], [e] depends mainly on the place of the syllable in the word, as well as on the nature of the preceding consonant.

a) In the first pre-stressed syllable, the sound [Ù] is pronounced: [vÙdy / sÙdy / nÙzhy]. After hissing, [Ù] is pronounced: [zhÙra / shÙry].

In place of [e] after hissing [w], [w], [c], the sound [ye] is pronounced: [tsyepnoį], [zhyeltok].

After soft consonants in place [a], [e], the sound [ie] is pronounced:

[ch٬iesy / s٬iela].

b) In the rest of the unstressed syllables, in place of the sounds [o], [a], [e], after solid consonants, the sound [b] is pronounced:

par٨vos] After soft consonants in place of sounds [a], [e], it is pronounced [b]: [n" tÙch "okʹ / h" mÙdan].

2. Pronunciation of consonants:

a) the norms of literary pronunciation require a positional exchange of paired deaf and voiced in a position in front of the deaf (only deaf) - voiced (only voiced) and at the end of the word (only deaf): [chl "epʹ] / trʹpkʹ / proʹ b]];

b) assimilation softening is not necessary, there is a tendency to lose it: [s"t"inaʹ] and [st"inaʹ], [z"d"es"] and [zd"es"].

3. Pronunciation of some combinations of vowels:

a) in pronominal formations what, to - th is pronounced like [pcs]; in pronominal formations such as something, mail, the pronunciation [h "t] is almost preserved;

b) in a number of words of predominantly colloquial origin, [shn] is pronounced in place of ch: [kÙn "eshn / nÙroshn].

In words of book origin, the pronunciation [h "n] has been preserved: [ml "ech" nyį / vÙstoch "nyį];

c) in the pronunciation of the combinations vst, zdn, stn (hello, holiday, private trader), one of the consonants usually decreases or drops out: [holiday "ik], [h "asn" ik], [hello]

4. Pronunciation of sounds in some grammatical forms:

a) pronunciation of the form I.p. unit adjectives without stress: [red / s "in" iį] - under the influence of spelling arose - th, - y; after back-lingual r, k, x ® uy: [t "iх" iį], [m "ahk" iį];

b) pronunciation - sya, - sya. Under the influence of spelling, soft pronunciation became the norm: [n'ch "ielas" / n'ch "iels" aʹ];

c) the pronunciation of the verbs na-ive after g, k, x, the pronunciation [g "], [k"], [x"] became the norm (under the influence of spelling): [vyt "ag" ivyt "].

5. Pronunciation of borrowed words.

In general, the pronunciation of borrowed words is subject to the phonetic system of the Russian language.

However, in some cases there are deviations:

a) pronunciation of [o] in place of [Ù]: [boaʹ / otel" / poet], although [rÙman / [rÙĵal" / prucent];

b) [e] is preserved in unstressed syllables: [Ùtel"ĵé / d"epr"es"iįb];

c) before [e], g, k, x, l are always softened: [g "etry / k" ex / bÙl "et].

The pronunciation of borrowed words should be checked in a dictionary.

Speech norms act differently in different styles of pronunciation: in colloquial, in the style of public (bookish) speech, of which the first is realized in everyday communication, and the second in reports, lectures, etc. The differences between them relate to the degree of reduction of vowels, simplification of consonant groups (in colloquial style, the reduction is more significant, the simplification is more intense), etc.


1. What is the subject of study of orthoepy?

2. Describe the basic rules for the pronunciation of vowels.

3. Describe the basic rules for the pronunciation of consonants.

4. Indicate the main features and pronunciation variants of certain grammatical forms acceptable by the literary norm.

5. Indicate the features of the pronunciation of some combinations of sounds and doubled consonants.

6. Describe the main features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants in foreign words.

7. What are the main reasons for the appearance of pronunciation options and violations of the norms of literary pronunciation?


1. Avanesov R. I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1972.

2. Avanesov R. I. Russian literary and dialectal phonetics. M., 1974.

3. Gorbachevich K. S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1978.