Homemade amplifier on tda7294. Chips of the TDA series

A low frequency amplifier (ULF) is such a device for amplifying electrical oscillations corresponding to the frequency range audible to the human ear, i.e. ULF should amplify in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, but some ULF can have a range up to 200 kHz. ULF can be assembled as an independent device, or used in more complex devices - TVs, radios, radios, etc.

The peculiarity of this circuit is that the 11th output of the TDA1552 microcircuit controls the operating modes - Normal or MUTE.

C1, C2 - bypass blocking capacitors, used to cut off the constant component of the sinusoidal signal. Electrolytic capacitors should not be used. It is desirable to place the TDA1552 chip on a heatsink using heat-conducting paste.

In principle, the presented circuits are bridge circuits, since there are 4 amplification channels in one TDA1558Q microassembly case, therefore pins 1 - 2, and 16 - 17 are connected in pairs, and they receive input signals from both channels through capacitors C1 and C2. But if you need an amplifier for four speakers, then you can use the circuit option below, although the power will be 2 times less per channel.

The basis of the design is the TDA1560Q class H microassembly. The maximum power of such an ULF reaches 40 W, with a load of 8 ohms. Such power is provided by an approximately doubled voltage due to the operation of the capacitors.

The output power of the amplifier in the first circuit assembled on the TDA2030 is 60W at a load of 4 ohms and 80W at a load of 2 ohms; TDA2030A 80W at 4 ohm load and 120W at 2 ohm load. The second circuit of the considered ULF is already with an output power of 14 watts.

This is a typical two-channel ULF. With a little piping of passive radio components on this chip, you can assemble an excellent stereo amplifier with an output power of 1 watt per channel.

Microassembly TDA7265 - is a fairly powerful two-channel Hi-Fi class AB amplifier in a typical Multiwatt package, the microcircuit has found its niche in high-quality stereo technology, Hi-Fi class. Simple switching circuits and excellent parameters made the TDA7265 a perfectly balanced and excellent solution for building high-quality amateur radio equipment.

First, a test version was assembled on a breadboard exactly as per the datasheet on the link above, and successfully tested on S90 speakers. The sound is good, but something was missing. After some time, I decided to remake the amplifier according to the modified circuit.

The Micro Assembly is a class AB quad amplifier designed specifically for use in automotive audio applications. Based on this microcircuit, several high-quality ULF variants can be built using a minimum of radio components. The microcircuit can be advised to beginner radio amateurs for home assembly of various acoustic systems.

The main advantage of the amplifier circuit on this microassembly is the presence of four independent channels in it. This power amplifier works in AB mode. It can be used to amplify various stereo signals. If desired, you can connect to the speaker system of a car or a personal computer.

TDA8560Q is just a more powerful analogue of the TDA1557Q chip, widely known to radio amateurs. The developers only strengthened the output stage, thanks to which the ULF is perfect for a two-ohm load.

The LM386 micro-assembly is a ready-made power amplifier that can be used in low-voltage designs. For example, when the circuit is powered by a battery. LM386 has a voltage gain of about 20. But by connecting external resistances and capacitances, you can adjust the gain up to 200, and the output voltage automatically becomes equal to half the supply voltage.

The LM3886 micro-assembly is a high quality amplifier with an output of 68 watts into 4 ohms or 50 watts into 8 ohms. At the peak moment, the output power can reach a value of 135 watts. A wide voltage range from 20 to 94 volts is applicable to the microcircuit. Moreover, you can use both bipolar and unipolar power supplies. The ULF harmonic coefficient is 0.03%. Moreover, this is over the entire frequency range from 20 to 20,000 Hz.

The circuit uses two ICs in a typical connection - KR548UH1 as a microphone amplifier (installed in the PTT) and (TDA2005) in bridge connection as a terminal amplifier (installed in the siren case instead of the original board). As an acoustic emitter, a modified alarm sipen with a magnetic head is used (piezo emitters are not suitable). Improvement consists in disassembling the siren and throwing out the native tweeter with an amplifier. Microphone - electrodynamic. When using an electret microphone (for example, from Chinese handsets), the connection point of the microphone with the capacitor must be connected to + 12V through a resistor ~ 4.7K (after the button!). The 100K resistor in the K548UH1 feedback circuit is better to put with a resistance of ~ 30-47K. This resistor is used to adjust the volume. It is better to install the TDA2004 chip on a small radiator.

To test and operate - with a radiator under the hood, and a tangent in the cabin. Otherwise, squealing due to self-excitation is inevitable. The trimmer resistor sets the volume level so that there is no strong sound distortion and self-excitation. With insufficient volume (for example, a bad microphone) and a clear margin of power of the emitter, you can increase the gain of the microphone amplifier by increasing the value of the trimmer in the feedback circuit several times (the one that is 100K according to the scheme). In a good way - we would need another primambas that does not allow the circuit to self-excite - some kind of phase-shifting chain or a filter for the excitation frequency. Although the scheme and without complications works fine

At present, a wide range of imported low-frequency integrated amplifiers has become available. Their advantages are satisfactory electrical parameters, the ability to select microcircuits with a given output power and supply voltage, stereo or quad performance with the possibility of bridging.

For the manufacture of a structure based on an integral ULF, a minimum of attachments is required. The use of known-good components ensures high repeatability and typically no further tuning is required.

The given typical switching circuits and the main parameters of integrated ULF are designed to facilitate the orientation and selection of the most suitable microcircuit.

For quadraphonic ULF, the parameters in the bridged stereo connection are not indicated.


Supply voltage - 6...24 V

Output power (Un \u003d 14.4 V, THD \u003d 10%):
RL=2 ohm - 6.4W
RL=4 Ohm - 6.2 W
RL=8 ohm - 3.4W

SOI (P=1 W, RL=4 Ohm) - 0.2%


Supply voltage - 5.4...20 V

Maximum current consumption - 3 A

Un=16V - 6.5W
Un=12V - 4.2 W
Un=9V - 2.3 W
Un=6B - 1.0W

SOI (P=1 W, RL=4 Ohm) - 0.2%


Supply voltage - 10...40 V

Maximum current consumption - 1.5 A

Output power (THD=10%) - 4.2 W


Supply voltage - 3.6 ... 18 V

Output power (RL=4 ohm, THD=10%):
Un=12V - 4.2 W
Un=9V - 2.3 W
Un=6B - 1.0W

SOI (P=1 W, RL=4 Ohm) - 0.3%


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

RL=2 Ohm - 12 W
RL=4 Ohm - 7W
RL=8 ohm - 3.5 W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

THD=0.5% - 5.5 W
THD=10% - 7.0 W


Supply voltage - ±10...±30 V

Maximum current consumption - 6.4 A

Output power:
Un \u003d ± 27.5 V, R \u003d 8 Ohm - 40 W
Un \u003d ± 23 V, R \u003d 4 Ohm - 48 W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

RL=2 ohm - 9W
RL=4 ohm - 5.5W

RL=2 Ohm - 12 W
RL4 Ohm - 7W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

Output power (Un =14.4 V, THD=0.5%):
RL=2 ohm - 7.5W
RL=4 Ohm - 5W

Output power (Un =14.4 V, THD=10%):
RL=2 Ohm - 11 W
RL=4 Ohm - 6W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 2.5 A

Output power (Un=14.4V RL=4 Ohm):
THD=0.5% - 5 W
THD=10% - 6 W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

Output power (Un =14.4 V, THD=0.5%):
RL=2 ohm - 8.5W
RL=4 Ohm - 5W

Output power (Un =14.4 V, THD=10%):
RL=2 Ohm - 11 W
RL=4 Ohm - 6W


Supply voltage - 6...17.5 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

Output power (Up=14.4 V, THD=0.5%):
RL=2 ohm - 6 W
RL=4 Ohm - 5W

Output power (Un =14.4 V, THD=10%):
RL=2 ohm - 11W
RL=4 Ohm - 8.5W


Supply voltage -6...18 V

THD=0.5% - 5 W
THD=10% - 6 W


Supply voltage - ±7.5...±21 V

Output power (Un=±12V, RL=8 ohm):
THD=0.5% - 6 W
THD=10% - 8 W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

Output power (Un = 14.4 V, RL = 4 ohms):
THD=0.5% - 17 W
THD=10% - 22 W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

Output power (Up=4.4 V, RL=4 Ohm):
THD=0.5% - 17 W
THD=10% - 22 W


Supply voltage - 6...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 4 A

Output power (Up = 14.4 V, RL = 4 ohms):
THD=0.5% - 5 W
THD=10% - 6 W


Supply voltage - 8...18 V

Output power (Un=14.4V, THD=10%):
RL=4 Ohm - 6.5W
RL=3.2 ohm - 8.0 W
RL=2 ohm - 10W
RL=1.6 ohm - 11W

KHI (Un=14.4V, P=4.0 W, RL=4 Ohm) - 0.2%;

Bandwidth (by level -3 dB) - 35...15000 Hz


Dual integrated ULF, designed specifically for use in a car and allowing operation at a low-resistance load (up to 1.6 Ohm).

Supply voltage - 8...18 V

Maximum current consumption - 3.5 A

Output power (Up = 14.4 V, THD = 10%):

RL=4 Ohm - 20W
RL=3.2 Ohm - 22W

SOI (Up = 14.4 V, P = 15 W, RL = 4 Ohm) - 10%

Bandwidth (by level -3 dB) - 40...20000 Hz


Integral VLF providing high output current, low harmonics and intermodulation distortion.

Supply voltage - ±6.0...±15 V

Maximum current consumption - 3 A

Output power (Ep=±12V, THD=10%):
at RL=4 Ohm - 12 W
at RL=8 Ohm - 6...8 W SOI (Ep=±12V):
at P=8 W, RL= 4 Ohm - 0.2%
at P=4 W, RL= 8 Ohm - 0.1%

Bandwidth (by level -3 dB) - 20...100000 Hz

Consumption current:
at Р=12 W, RL=4 Ohm - 850 mA
at P=8 W, RL=8 Ohm - 500 mA


A dual integral ULF with a single in-line arrangement of pins, specially designed for use in television and portable radio receivers.

Supply voltage - +6...+26 V

Quiescent current (Ep=+18 V) - 50...90 mA

Output power (THD=0.5%):
at Ep=+18 V, RL=4 Ohm - 6 W
at En=+22 V, RL=8 Ohm - 8 W

at En=+18 V P=3 W, RL=4 Ohm - 0.1%
at En=+22 V, P=3 W, RL=8 Ohm - 0.05%

Bandwidth (by level -3 dB) - 40...80000 Hz


Integral ULF, designed to operate on a low-resistance load, providing a high output current, very low harmonic content and intermodulation distortion.

Supply voltage - +10...+28 V

Quiescent current (Ep=+18 V) - 65...115 mA

Output power (Ep=+18V, THD=10%):
at RL=4 Ohm - 10...12 W
at RL=8 Ohm - 8 W

THD (Ep= +18 V):
at Р=6 W, RL=4 Ohm - 1%
at P=4 W, RL=8 Ohm - 1%

Maximum consumption current - 3 A


Dual integrated ULF, designed for use in high-quality music centers.

Supply voltage - +8...+28 V

Quiescent current (Ep=+18 V) - 60...120 mA

Output power (Ep=+24 V, THD=1%):
at RL=4 Ohm - 12.5 W
at RL=8 Ohm - 7 W

Output power (Ep=+18 V, THD=1%):
at RL=4 Ohm - 7 W
at RL=8 Ohm - 4 W

at En= +24 V, P=7 W, RL=4 Ohm - 0.2%
at En= +24 V, P=3.5 W, RL=8 Ohm - 0.1%
at En= +18 V, P=5 W, RL=4 Ohm - 0.2%
at En= +18 V, P=2.5 W, RL=8 Ohm - 0.1%

Maximum consumption current - 3.5 A


Supply voltage - ±6...±18 V

Quiescent current (Ep=±14 V) - 40...60 mA

Output power (Ep=±14 V, THD=0.5%):
at RL=4 Ohm - 12...14 W
at RL=8 Ohm - 8...9 W

SOI (Ep=±12V):
at P=12 W, RL=4 Ohm - 0.5%
at P=8 W, RL=8 Ohm - 0.5%

Bandwidth (by level -3 dB) - 10...140000 Hz

Consumption current:
at P=14 W, RL=4 Ohm - 900 mA
at P=8 W, RL=8 Ohm - 500 mA


Integral ULF providing high output current, low harmonics and intermodulation distortion.

Supply voltage - ±2.5...±20 V

Quiescent current (Ep=±4.5...±14 V) - mA 30...100 mA

Output power (Ep=±16 V, THD=0.5%):
at RL=4 Ohm - 20...22 W
at RL=8 Ohm - 12 W

SOI (Ep=±12V, P=10W, RL=4 Ohm) - 0.08%

Maximum consumption current - 4 A


Integral ULF, providing high output power, low harmonics and intermodulation distortion. Designed to work in Hi-Fi stereo complexes and high-end TVs.

Supply voltage - ±4.5...±25 V

Quiescent current (Ep=±4.5...±25 V) - 30...90 mA

Output power (Ep=±18, RL=4 Ohm, THD=0.5%) - 24...28 W

THD (Ep=±18V, P=24W, RL=4 Ohm) - 0.03...0.5%

Bandwidth (by level -3 dB) - 20...80000 Hz

Maximum consumption current - 5 A


Integral ULF, which has a small number of external elements and provides a low content of harmonics and intermodulation distortion. The output stage operates in class AB, which allows you to get more output power.

Output power:
at Ep=±18 V, RL=4 Ohm, SOI=10% - 40 W
at Ep=±22 V, RL=8 Ohm, SOI=10% - 33 W


Integral ULF, the output stage of which operates in class AB. Allows a wide range of supply voltages and has a large output current. It is intended for work in television and radio receivers.

Supply voltage - ±6...±25 V

Quiescent current (En = ±22 V) - 70 mA

Output power (Ep = ±22 V, THD = 10%):
at RL=8 Ohm - 22 W
at RL=4 Ohm - 40 W

Output power (En = 22 V, THD = 1%):
at RL=8 Ohm - 17 W
at RL=4 Ohm - 32 W

SOI (with a bandwidth of -3 dB 100 ... 15000 Hz and Pout = 0.1 ... 20 W):
at RL=4 Ohm -<0,7 %
at RL=8 Ohm -<0,5 %


Integral ULF, designed to work in household equipment.

Supply voltage - 6...35 V

Quiescent current (Ep=18 V) - 25 mA

Maximum consumption current - 1.5 A

Output power (THD=10%): at Ep=18 V, RL=8 Ohm - 4 W
at Ep=12V, RL=8 0m - 1.7 W
at Ep=8.3 V, RL=8 Ohm - 0.65 W
at Ep=20 V, RL=8 Ohm - 6 W
at Ep=25 V, RL=15 Ohm - 5 W

SOI (at Рout=2 W) - 1%

Bandwidth - >15 kHz


(Ep=24 V, RL=8 Ohm, Pout=6 W) - 0.5%
(Ep=24 V, RL=8 Ohm, Рout=8 W) - 10%

Quiescent current (Ep=24 V) - 35 mA


Integral ULF, designed to work in household equipment (television and radio receivers).

Supply voltage - 15...42 V

Maximum consumption current - 2.2 A

Quiescent current (Ep=24 V) - 35 mA

(Ep=24 V, RL=8 Ohm, Pout=6.5 W) - 0.5%
(Ep=24 V, RL=8 Ohm, Pout=8.5 W) - 10%

Bandwidth (by level -3 dB) - 30...20000 Hz


Dual ULF, designed to work in stereo radios or TVs.

Supply voltage - ±7.5...21 V

Maximum current consumption - 2.2 A

Quiescent current (Ep=7.5...21 V) - 18...70 mA

Output power (Ep=±12 V, RL=8 ohm):
THD=0.5% - 6 W
THD=10% - 8 W

Bandwidth (by level-3 dB and Рout=4 W) - 20...20000 Hz


Dual ULF, designed to work in portable radio and television receivers.

Supply voltage - 3...15 V

Quiescent current (Ep=6 V) - 12 mA

Output power (THD=10%, RL=4 ohm):
En \u003d 9V - 1.7 W
En \u003d 6V - 0.65 W
En \u003d 4.5V - 0.32 W




Dual ULF, designed to work in portable radio and television receivers

Supply voltage - 3...15 V

Maximum current consumption - 1.5 A

Quiescent current (Ep=6 V) - 12 mA

Output power (THD=10%, RL=4 Ohm)
En \u003d 9 V - 1.7 W
En \u003d 6 V - 0.65 W
En \u003d 4.5 V - 0.32 W

SOI (Ep=9 V, RL=8 Ohm, Pout=0.5 W) - 0.2%


ULF with a wide range of supply voltages, designed to work in portable radios, cassette recorders, etc.

Supply voltage - 1.8 ... 16 V

Quiescent current (Ep=6 V) - 9 mA

Output power (THD=10%):
En=12V, RL=6 Ohm - 1.8 W
En=9B, RL=4 Ohm - 1.6 W
Ep=6 V, RL=8 Ohm - 0.4 W
Ep=6 V, RL=4 Ohm - 0.7 W
En \u003d Z V, RL \u003d 4 Ohm - 0.11 W
Ep=3 V, RL=8 Ohm - 0.07 W

SOI (Ep=6 V, RL=8 Ohm, Pout=0.2 W) - 0.3%


ULF with a wide range of supply voltages, designed to work in portable radio and television receivers, cassette recorders, etc.

Supply voltage - 1.8...24 V

Maximum current consumption - 1.0 A

The article provides a project to create an amplifier on a single chip TDA7297 a simple powerful 2 x 15 W stereo amplifier powered by 12 volts. It has a minimum of parts and is very compact, just like the .

Building an amplifier on the TDA7297 chip does not require a lot of body kit. The electronic circuit is built according to the scheme proposed by the manufacturer from the datasheet with minor modifications. In particular, the refinement of the typical TDA7297 amplifier circuit is to add a volume control using a 10 kΩ double logarithmic potentiometer.

Specifications TDA7297

  • Mounting type: Through hole
  • Output power: 15W
  • Output signal: Differentiated
  • Supply voltage range TDA7297: 6.5 ... 18V
  • Power Source: Unipolar
  • Maximum Potential Gain: 32dB
  • Maximum power dissipation: 33W
  • Product: Class AB
  • Operating supply voltage: 9V, 12V, 15V
  • Working temperature range: 0…+ 70C
  • Speaker impedance: 8 ohm
  • Total harmonic distortion + noise: 0.1%
  • Output type: 2 stereo channels
  • Enclosure Type: Multiwatt-15
  • Consumption current: 2A

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TDA7297 - wiring diagram from datasheet

This diagram from the datasheet shows how easy it is to connect the TDA7297.

TDA7297 - power amplifier circuit

Below is a diagram of an amplifier on the TDA7297, which you can assemble with your own hands. The TDA7297 amplifier is an output bridge chip and, therefore, the connected speakers must be equipped with electrolytic capacitors.

The output bridge configuration is simple - two identical amplifiers for each channel, operating in antiphase. Each output pin is connected to one speaker pole. This control of the output voltage allows you to get high power with a very low supply voltage. According to the declared parameters of the TDA7297 chip, this circuit can operate at a voltage of 6.5 volts to 18 volts. In this version, a voltage of 12V was used.

Amplifier TDA7297 circuit

A resistive divider consisting of two 47 kΩ resistors and an electrolytic capacitor of 10 microfarads at 25 volts serve to eliminate distortion when the power is turned on. Two 2.2 microfarad capacitors - polyester or ceramic.

Pretty simple. Even a person who is not very strong in electrical engineering can repeat it. ULF on this chip will be ideal for use as part of a speaker system for a home computer, TV, cinema. Its advantage is that fine tuning and tuning is not required, as is the case with transistor amplifiers. And what can we say about the difference from lamp structures - the dimensions are much smaller.

No high voltage is required to power the anode circuits. Of course, there is heating, as in lamp designs. Therefore, if you plan to use the amplifier for a long time, it is best to install, in addition to an aluminum radiator, at least a small fan for forced airflow. Without it, on the TDA7294 microassembly, the amplifier circuit will work, but there is a high probability of switching to temperature protection.

Why TDA7294?

This chip has been very popular for over 20 years. It has won the trust of radio amateurs, since it has very high characteristics, amplifiers based on it are simple, anyone, even a beginner radio amateur, can repeat the design. The amplifier on the TDA7294 chip (the diagram is given in the article) can be either monophonic or stereophonic. The internal device of the microcircuit consists of an audio frequency amplifier built on this microcircuit belongs to class AB.

Advantages of the microcircuit

Benefits of using a microchip for:

1. Very high output power. About 70 W if the load has a resistance of 4 ohms. In this case, the usual scheme for switching on the microcircuit is used.

2. Approximately 120W into 8 ohms (bridged).

3. A very low level of extraneous noise, insignificant distortion, reproducible frequencies lie in the range that is completely perceived by the human ear - from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

4. The microcircuit can be powered from a constant voltage source of 10-40 V. But there is a small drawback - you must use a bipolar power supply.

It is worth paying attention to one feature - the distortion factor does not exceed 1%. On the TDA7294 microassembly, the power amplifier circuit is so simple that it is even surprising how it allows you to get such high-quality sound.

The purpose of the pins of the microcircuit

And now in more detail about what conclusions the TDA7294 has. The first leg is the “signal ground”, it is connected to the common wire of the entire structure. Conclusions "2" and "3" - inverting and non-inverting inputs, respectively. The "4" pin is also a "signal ground" connected to ground. The fifth leg is not used in audio frequency amplifiers. The "6" leg is a volt additive, an electrolytic capacitor is connected to it. "7" and "8" conclusions - plus and minus the power supply of the input stages, respectively. Leg "9" - standby mode, used in the control unit.

Similarly: "10" leg - mute mode, also used when designing an amplifier. "11" and "12" conclusions are not used in the design of audio frequency amplifiers. From the "14" output, the output signal is taken and fed to the speaker system. "13" and "15" pins of the microcircuit are "+" and "-" for connecting the power supply of the output stage. On the TDA7294 chip, the circuit is no different from those proposed in the article, it is only supplemented by which it is connected to the input.

Features of microassembly

When designing an audio frequency amplifier, you need to pay attention to one feature - the power minus, and these are the legs "15" and "8", electrically connected to the microcircuit case. Therefore, it is necessary to isolate it from the heat sink, which in any case will be used in the amplifier. For this purpose it is necessary to use a special thermal pad. If you use a bridge amplifier circuit on the TDA7294, pay attention to the version of the case. It can be vertical or horizontal type. The most common is the version designated as TDA7294V.

Protective functions of the TDA7294 chip

The microcircuit provides several types of protection, in particular, against a drop in the supply voltage. If the supply voltage suddenly changes, the microcircuit will go into protection mode, therefore, there will be no electrical damage. The output stage is also protected against overloads and short circuits. If the body of the device heats up to a temperature of 145 degrees, the sound is turned off. When it reaches 150 degrees, it goes into standby mode. All pins of the TDA7294 chip are protected from electrostatics.


Simple, accessible to everyone, and most importantly - cheap. In just a few hours, you can assemble a very good audio frequency amplifier. And most of the time you will spend on etching the board. The structure of the entire amplifier consists of power and control units, as well as 2 ULF channels. Try to use as few wires as possible in the design of the amplifier. Follow these simple guidelines:

1. A prerequisite is the connection of a power source by wires to each UZCH board.

2. Bundle the power wires. With this, it will be possible to slightly compensate for the magnetic field that is created by the electric current. To do this, you need to take all three supply wires - “common”, “minus” and “plus”, with a slight tension weave them into one pigtail.

3. In no case do not use the so-called "earth loops" in the construction. This is the case when a common wire connecting all blocks of the structure closes in a loop. The ground wire must be connected in series, starting from the input further to the UZCH board, and must end at the output connectors. It is extremely important to connect the input circuits with shielded wires in isolation.

Standby and mute control unit

This chip also has muting. It is necessary to control the functions using the conclusions "9" and "10". The mode is turned on if there is no voltage on these legs of the microcircuit, or it is less than one and a half volts. To enable the mode, it is necessary to apply a voltage to the microcircuit legs, the value of which exceeds 3.5 V. In order for the amplifier boards to be controlled simultaneously, which is important for bridge-type circuits, one control unit is assembled for all cascades.

When the amplifier turns on, all the capacitors in the power supply are charged. In the control unit, one capacitor also accumulates a charge. When the maximum possible charge is accumulated, the standby mode is turned off. The second capacitor used in the control unit is responsible for the operation of the mute mode. It charges a little later, so the mute mode is disabled second.

IC amplifier TDA2030 is a fairly popular and cheap microcircuit that allows you to build a high-quality amplifier for domestic needs. It can work with both bipolar and unipolar power supply.

The TDA2030 is a monolithic integrated circuit in a Pentawatt type package with five pins.

The microcircuit is intended for the manufacture of low-frequency class AB audio amplifiers.

Class A Amplifier- is linear, the amplification is performed on the linear section of the current-voltage characteristic. The advantage is good amplification quality and practically no transient distortion. The disadvantages include not economical in terms of energy consumption, hence the low efficiency.

Class "B" amplifier- amplification occurs by active transistors, each operating in a key mode, amplifying its part of the signal half-wave. This class has a high efficiency, but at the same time the level of non-linear distortion is higher, due to the imperfect coupling of both half-waves.

Class AB Amplifier- the average option. Due to the initial offset, the non-linear distortion of the audio signal is reduced (“docking” is close to perfect), but there is a deterioration in terms of efficiency.

The IC provides 14 watts of power output (d = 0.5%) at 14V (bipolar) or 28V (unipolar) supply voltage and load into 4 ohms. And also provides a guaranteed output power of 12/8 watts at a load of 4/8 ohms.

The TDA2030 generates high output current and has very low harmonic and crosstalk distortion.

Harmonic vibrations arise due to the distortion of the voltage waveform from an ideal sinusoid. This leads to the fact that, in addition to oscillations of the primary frequency (the first harmonic), oscillations of higher harmonics appear in the voltage form, which are harmonic distortions.

Crosstalk are the cause of the non-linear input characteristics of transistors operating in "B" mode amplifiers.

Besides, TDA2030 includes an original and patented short circuit protection system consisting of an automatic power dissipation limiting module to keep the operating point of the output transistors within their safe operating range. There is also a typical overheating shutdown circuit.

Specifications TDA2030

Overall dimensions and pinout of the TDA2030 microcircuit pinouts

Typical switching circuit TDA2030 with output power up to 14 watts

The input signal (approximately 0.8 volts) can be an audio signal from the output of a CD / DVD player, radio, MP3 player. A loudspeaker with a coil impedance of 4 ohms must be connected to the output. Variable resistor P1 is designed to change the value of the input audio signal. If it is necessary to amplify a rather weak signal, for example, a signal from a microphone or from an electric guitar pickup, then in this case it is necessary to apply.

A preamplifier is a weak signal amplifier, usually located near the source of this signal to prevent all kinds of distortion due to various interference. Used to amplify low-current signals from devices such as microphones, all kinds of pickups.

It is desirable to assemble the power supply on a separate board from the amplifier itself. The power supply circuit is quite simple.

A rectifier transformer can be any transformer that provides a voltage of about 20 ... 22 volts on the secondary winding. For normal operation of the amplifier, it is desirable to install the TDA2030 chip on a heat sink. A small aluminum plate with a thickness of about 3 mm with a total surface area of ​​approximately 15 square meters is quite suitable. see. An amplifier assembled without errors does not need adjustment and starts working immediately.

Bridge switching circuit TDA2030

If you need to get a more powerful sound amplification, then you can assemble the amplifier using the TDA2030 bridge connection scheme.

The acoustic signal from the output of the DA1 chip comes through a divider on resistors R5, R8 to the inverting input of the DA2 chip. This allows you to work in the opposite phase. In this connection, the voltage at the load increases, and, consequently, the output power increases. With a supply voltage of 16 V and a load resistance of 4 ohms, the output power can be 32 watts.

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