July 11 nettle charm folk omens. Synthesis diary - what happens, happens on time

July 11 (date according to the old style - June 28)- folk-Christian celebration, which is called Pavel, Nettle spell. It's the eve of Peter's day.

On this day, the old people wove nettle canvases, relieving pain in the lower back and joints. Be sure to take a steam bath with nettle brooms that day. They were believed to cure many ailments.

Often nettles were also used for magical purposes, performing various rituals and reading on it.

Rite of July 11 to preserve youth and beauty They took freshly picked nettles, plucked leaves from it, which were added to warm water prepared for bathing. There she should lie down for about 10 minutes, and then they said these words:
“Nettle-nettle, gave me health, youth and beauty. The fortress of the spirit gave, joy and happiness settled in the soul.
Then you had to pour the charmed water on yourself. It was believed that she would not only give youth and beauty, but also cleanse the energy and calm.

A conspiracy in the nettle plot from uninvited guests They took a leaf of nettle and slandered the following words on it:
“I’ll prepare a potion that will turn away uninvited guests for the Nettle Conspiracy. The threshold of the house will not be crossed, the nettle leaves will not let them in. Lock. Language. Law".
They put a sheet under the rug at the front door (if it is not there, then it could be put under the threshold).

July 11 ritual to lose weight This ritual is performed only on. Collected nettles in a small pile, set fire to it. They stood up in the direction of the smoke and uttered the following words of the spell:
"Healing smoke is coming, my extra weight will take. He will fumigate, intoxicate, force someone else to throw off the body. I will be as thin as a birch and as flexible as a willow.”
Then it was necessary to wait until the fire went out, collect the ashes and scatter them in the wind.

Conspiracy in Nettle Conspiracy from Garden Pests Buy a knife with a black handle and stick it in the ground, while saying three times:
“Just as the Sun does not eat the Moon, so the aphids will not eat my food. Go away, pest, go to hell, where you lived before. Forget the way to me, I have closed the way for you.
Then bury this knife in the middle of the garden. You can dig it out only after the harvest is fully harvested.

Ritual for the density and beauty of hair This ceremony is carried out only on. Take spring water, boil it, and pour it into a liter container, throw 12 nettle leaves there, collected on July 11 at dawn, and then say these words:
“Key water, let my hair drink you. Silk and thick, long and linen (if blonde) / resin (brunette) will grow. They won’t get lost from the head, they will be able to become attached to it tightly. ”
Let the water with nettle leaves stand for an hour, and then rinse your hair with it.

How to make a talisman against damage and the evil eye Before noon on July 11, collect 7 or 9 nettle leaves, bring home, wash and say these words:
“Washed from dirt, cleaned from dust, so protect the servant of God (name) from a dirty word, protect from evil intent. For his being to be pure, there is no place for trouble in his life.
These leaves are placed in a hand-sewn white bag made of natural fabric. Carry it always with you.

Signs on July 11 on the day of the nettle spell

✦ The cuckoo that fell silent on July 11 promises an early and snowy winter.
✦ Do not mow until Peter's Day, otherwise the Lord will punish, so much so that not a single doctor or healer will help get rid of the diseases sent to them.
✦ If there is no wind on July 11, and the forest is noisy, it will soon rain.
✦ Maple "cries" - to a thunderstorm.
✦ The leaves began to fall today - by the coming autumn.
✦ Sparrows fight for food - to drought.
✦ Whoever goes down the aisle on July 11 will stand under it twice more.
✦ Children under one year old are not cut in the nettle plot - according to signs, they will speak badly.
✦ If today the child went for the first time, you need to pat his legs with nettles.
✦ Honey purchased on July 11 may ferment.
✦ Carp splashes on the day of the nettle spell - to a good catch.
✦ Whoever falls asleep during the day will have a headache until the evening.
✦ A dream that occurred from July 11 to 12 is prophetic.
✦ Whoever quarrels today will sulk at each other for a long time.
✦ Find a coin on July 11 - get rich soon.
✦ It is recommended on the eve of St. Peter's Day to sprinkle the head with dew collected from nettles - the head will not hurt.
✦ Golden pollen flies from the pines - oilers will grow profusely.
✦ By bad weather, the marigolds begin to turn in the afternoon towards the sun.
✦ The bread baked on the day of the Nettle Spell broke into two halves in the hands - a family quarrel is expected.
✦ July 11 people are kind and strong people, they easily cope with any difficulties.

Fortune-telling methods on July 11 on the day of the Nettle Charm

On July 11, fortune-tellers gathered together, sat right on the grass, surrounding themselves in a circle with nettles, which gave them strength and energy. Although, not only witches could today, but also ordinary people asked questions to the Higher powers. Often nettles were used for divination on the day of the nettle spell.

Method of divination on the enemy To find out if there was an enemy in the environment, they took nettles and beat them on the palm, while pronouncing the names of acquaintances. Under which name it burns the most, that one is the enemy. He must beware.

Way of divination by desire Collect a bouquet of wild flowers, among which put a nettle branch. Then close your eyes and make a wish. Stretch your hands to the bouquet and choose a plant at random. If a nettle is caught, the plan will come true, another plant will not.

Divination method for the future Pick linden, sweet clover, St. John's wort, oregano, Ivan-tea, nettle, tansy, cornflower and heather. Mix them up and spread them around. Then take a currant berry and throw it into a circle without looking. See what grass the berry fell on.
Lipa - a fun period is ahead, an interesting trip is possible, which has been dreamed of for so long. Donnik - a stable financial position, acquaintance with a person in power. St. John's wort - anger, disappointment, to be in a debt hole. Oregano - a romantic date, meet your destiny. Ivan tea - friendly gatherings, a joint business with friends. Nettle - the successful completion of the work begun, success. Heather is a fussy period, troubles are possible in the professional field. Tansy - failures will rain down like from a cornucopia. Cornflower is an unexpected pleasant surprise.

Scenario of the folklore holiday "Autumn gatherings on Pokrov"

Galda Tatyana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 3 s. Arzgir

Purpose: To instill love and interest in Russian folk art

Tasks: Educational:

  1. Cultivate love and interest in folk art
  2. To captivate the children with folk songs and music
  3. Education of a conscious attitude to folk art

Educational :

  1. The ability to emotionally express a state of mind through performance
  2. Show the importance of folk music as a guardian of human culture


  1. Develop children's vocal and choral skills

Equipment: decoration in the form of a Russian hut (stove, chest, table, samovar, spinning wheel, yoke, self-woven path), wooden spoons, pipe, balalaika, yoke with buckets.

The course of the holiday

To the music, children in Russian folk costumes enter the hall and become in a round dance.


Hello good people. Dear guests!

Do you sit at home today,

Yes, look out the window

Be sad and be sad!

We are glad to see you at our place.

In our upper room of the Russian house!

Here for you dear guests

There will be a big holiday

Joyful holiday.

According to the Orthodox "Protection" is called.

Let's have fun and be happy.

1 : Father Pokrov, cover the hut with a plank, and the owners with good!

2: Father Pokrov, cover the ground with a snowball, and a young woman with a handkerchief!

3: You will have a fun Veil, you will find a faithful friend.

Presenter: Fun is salvation from all troubles. Do not miss the people - start a round dance.

Dance with headscarves

Presenter: (sits down on a bench) and now let's sit in a row, let's talk okay. And let's talk about the Russian holiday of the Autumn Cover.

October came to us

He brought with him our favorite holiday - the Intercession!

Do you guys know what kind of holiday this is?

Children in chorus : Tell me, Mistress!

Presenter: (The story goes to the sound of musical accompaniment)

It was a long time ago.

Some people were praying in the church. And suddenly, she lit up with light. People raised their heads to the sky and saw the Mother of God. She took off a white handkerchief from her head and waved it, blessing the praying people. She, as it were, covered her with her cover from troubles and misfortunes.

And at that time a heavy snow fell, covering the whole earth. And there was a transition from autumn to winter. Since then, this day has become revered in Rus', and in the church it is called the Intercession.

In autumn, young people gathered for parties and gatherings. They played games and played jokes.

Leading : Let's sit on the benches, take a look at the girls. All the girls are white, all are ruddy. One kukomoya (slob). Masha is crazy! Learned, freaked out. Masha, wash yourself, wash yourself, wipe yourself off. Do we have water? Gotta get on the water!

The song "Went young for water"

Went young for water

Golden rocker

Hey hey lyuli

The rocker is golden.

Golden rocker

Oak buckets

Hey hey lyuli

Oak buckets.

I'll throw buckets up the mountain

I will go to the dance myself.

Hey hey lyuli

I will go to the dance myself.

I myself will go to the dance,

I'll scatter with an apple tree.

Hey hey lyuli

crumble like an apple tree

And who will play the harp,

And who will play the harp,

And who will dance?

Hey hey lyuli

And who will dance?

Vanya will play the harp

Tanya will dance.

Hey hey lyuli

Tanya will dance.

Leading : And here is some water, so it's time to wash!

Presenter: And now guess my riddle: Matryona is standing, healthy, vigorous. The mouth opens, what is given - swallows!

Children: stove.

Presenter: That's right, I'll put firewood in the stove to make it warm.

4: On Pokrov-holiday, kind hostesses begin to heat stoves and say special words:

Father-Pokrov, Flood our hut without firewood!

5: There is such a sign in Rus' - mothers: "If you flood the stove with birch firewood on Pokrov, then it will be warm in the house all winter." From Pokrov the evenings became long and cold, people began to engage in needlework and handicrafts. As people say: "From boredom - take matters into your own hands!"

6: And they also said: "Without work - there is no good"

7 : A small deed is better than any idleness

8 : The case of the master is afraid.

9 : Without labor - you can't even catch a fish from a pond.

10 : Walk, don't waste time!

11 : There is patience - there will be skill!

12: Skillful hands do not know boredom!

Leading :-And now I’ll remind you of another proverb “Sleep, sleep, but there is no time to rest.” Who is this about? About Drema, of course!

Presenter: You can fall asleep with Drema! What to do, what kind of game would we come up with in order to wake up and stir.

Children: Rain!

Russian folk game"Rain"


Rain, rain, more

I'll give you thick, a piece of bread

Chew a skull, I'll give you a spoon

Eat a little.

Who gets caught in the rain

He will dance with us!

Raise your arms and shake your hands. They put their hands on the belt, take them away right hand to the side and put it on the belt. Take the left hand to the side and put it on the belt. They join hands with a “cup”. Raise one hand up, clenching your fingers into a fist. Slightly lean forward, stretching out your arms, turning your palms up. Raise your hands up and gently lower them down quickly moving your fingers. They put their hands on the belt and alternately put their feet on the heel. The children run away from the "rain". The caught guys dance randomly, the rest of the children clap.

Presenter: In the old days, it was old-fashioned, fiction, fiction. And now I will give you another riddle, and, after listening, guess.

They beat me, beat me, cut me, toss me. And I endure everything and cry with all the good.


Of course, the earth, thank you dear, thank you nurse, I bow to you.

Leading : And now we will all be silent, but as in ancient times we will listen to fairy tales and poems, about autumn, about red!

(Winter, Vyalko, Tsybulina)

Autumn, autumn, autumn,

We ask you to visit

With rich bread

With high sheaves

With falling leaves and rain

With a migratory crane.

autumn, autumn,

Stay for eight weeks:

With strong thunders

With rain, with showers,

With a threshed sheaf

And ruddy pie!

Autumn, autumn, on the threshold!

Autumn people - a pie!

For our patience

A treat for everyone!

We ate a pie

More wanted!

Presenter: How Marfusha cooked for Peter, baked ninety-two pancakes, two troughs of jelly, fifty pies, and found eaters.

Leading : The guest is happy - the owner is happy! You are welcome to taste pies at the table.

Hostess: You won't be full of games and dancing. The Russian people are famous for their hospitality and treats! (takes out the samovar):

I go, I go, I go

I carry a samovar with me!

The corners of the hut are not red,

And red with pies!

Hot tea on the table

Donuts and jam!

We invite you to taste

Our treat!

Host: Drinking tea is not chopping wood!

Under the dance tune, the children leave in pairs.

The Nettle Spell holiday got its name in connection with the custom of preparing the last nettle cabbage soup this year - after all, from the next Petrov day, nettles lost their benefits.

The plant was used not only in cabbage soup, they stuffed pies with nettles, made salads, fermented and salted for future use.

Nettle composition. The plant contains vitamins A, C, B, K, as well as tannins, useful amino acids (for example, lecithin), enzymes (peroxidase, oxidase, chlorophyllase), organic acids. For example, formic acid is the reason why nettles burn. According to the content of ascorbic acid, the plant is four times higher than lemon. Trace elements are represented by silicon, potassium, calcium, iron.

AT folk medicine infusions and decoctions of young nettle leaves were used to stop internal bleeding, strengthen the strength of sick and weakened people. Many were repeatedly burned on serrated nettle leaves covered with burning hairs. An unpretentious plant can be found near housing - in the garden, in the garden, along ditches, in wastelands. Medicinal properties nettles are used to improve the condition of the hair, in case of eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis. In skin diseases, an infusion of flowers is especially effective. The seeds of the plant help with pain in the stomach, kidney stones.

Also, nettle decoction made hair silkier and stronger so that it did not fall out.
They learned to turn nettle into a fabric that was cheaper than linen and cotton, but suitable for the simplest clothes, strong sails and bags were made from it.
It turns out that the story written by Andersen about a girl who silently collected burning nettle leaves to knit shirts for her brothers is somewhat real.

Folk beliefs attributed to nettles a wonderful ability to protect from the evil eye, for which they fumigated the hut with smoke from its seeds burned on coals, and to drive away evil spirits, nettles were hung over windows and doors.

Night festivities on the Nettle Spell continued all night, with dancing, games and round dances. You could also try your luck and find a special plant "Peter's cross", which, uprooted, brought to its owner great luck, relieved troubles and could even lead to a treasure.

  • By this time, the trees began to slowly lose their dress, i.e. leaves, about which, in anticipation of autumn, they said: “It fell on a leaf, August will come - it will fall in two.”
  • In some places it was time to start digging the first potatoes.
  • Early winter was expected if the cuckoo ceased to announce the surroundings with its cuckoo.

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The Nettle Spell holiday got its name in connection with the custom of preparing the last nettle cabbage soup this year - after all, from the next day, Petrov, nettles lost their benefits. The plant was used not only in cabbage soup, they stuffed pies with nettles, made salads, fermented and salted for future use.

In folk medicine, infusions and decoctions of young nettle leaves were used to stop internal bleeding, strengthen the strength of sick and weakened people.

Also, nettle decoction made hair silkier and stronger so that it did not fall out. They learned to turn nettle into a fabric that was cheaper than linen and cotton, but suitable for the simplest clothes, strong sails and bags were made from it.

It turns out that the story written by Andersen about a girl who silently collected burning nettle leaves to knit shirts for her brothers is somewhat real.

Folk beliefs attributed to nettles a miraculous property to protect from the evil eye, for which they fumigated the hut with smoke from its seeds burned on coals, and in order to drive away evil spirits, nettles were hung over windows and doors.

Night festivities on the Nettle Spell continued all night, with dancing, games and round dances. It was also possible to try your luck and find a special plant "Peter's cross", which, uprooted, brought great luck to its owner, relieved troubles and could even lead to a treasure.

By this time, the trees began to slowly lose their dress, that is, the leaves, about which, in anticipation of autumn, they said: “It fell on a leaf, August will come, two will fall.”

July 11 conspiracies

Pest conspiracy in the garden

If pests appear in the garden, stick a knife into the ground and say:

The sun does not eat the moon
The earth does not eat the harrow,
And you, caterpillar, aphid, get away from me,
From my garden.
Till the end of time. Amen.


Saints Herman and Sergius of Valaam, according to church tradition, were Greek priests who came in the 10th century to the possessions of Veliky Novgorod along with the first Orthodox missionaries. They preached Christianity in Karelia and settled on the Valaam Island. There they founded the Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery, which became the center of Orthodoxy in the Northern Territory of Rus'. The holiday is timed to honor the nettle and is rooted in the distant past, when paganism flourished in Rus', and the people worshiped plants, animals, and natural phenomena. The inhabitants believed that the nettle spell was the last day of the year when the nettles were full. healing properties, from the next day it brought much less benefit. Nettle Eating Contest

Signs and beliefs on Nettle spell

The cuckoo fell silent - there will be an early winter with large quantity snow. The forest is noisy without wind - to the rain. Maple exudes a tear - in 3-4 days it will rain. Those born on July 11 are strong and kind people. Whoever is lucky enough to find a blooming scale on this day (aka the king-grass, secret woman or Peter's cross) and uproot, the plant will serve as a protective amulet from human evil and the machinations of evil spirits. Another scale can indicate where the treasure is hidden, and help to get the treasure. Whoever starts mowing before Peter's Day, God will punish him so that not a single doctor or healer can heal him. Nettle canvas woven on this day relieves back pain. It is better to collect the plant with bare hands - then the joints will not hurt, and the blood will rejuvenate.

Traditions and rituals on the nettle spell

The main traditions on this day are cooking dishes and decoctions from nettles, folk festivals, digging the first potatoes. - At the Nettle Conspiracy, the inhabitants melted the bathhouse and steamed. - Night festivities at the Nettle Spell continued all night, with dancing, games and round dances. It was also possible to try your luck and find a special plant "Peter's cross", which, uprooted, brought great luck to its owner, relieved troubles and could even lead to a treasure. - On July 11, mystical properties were attributed to nettles and it was believed that nettles are a strong amulet against evil spirits. Its branches were hung in the rooms and hidden under the path at the threshold, as protection from evil spirits. - On the eve of Peter's Day, leaves began to fall from the trees. People said: “A leaf has fallen, August will come, two will fall,” and they began to wait for autumn.

Nettle composition

The plant contains vitamins A, C, B, K, as well as tannins, useful amino acids (for example, lecithin), enzymes (peroxidase, oxidase, chlorophyllase), organic acids. For example, formic acid is the reason why nettles burn. According to the content of ascorbic acid, the plant is four times higher than lemon. Trace elements are represented by silicon, potassium, calcium, iron.

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Vyatka cultural and educational center

Kurgan region

Kargapol district


folklore holiday

Scenario compiled

additional education teacher N.Ya. Koryapina

v. Vyatkino

year 2014

Target: introducing children and adults to the origins of Russian culture

Script for the celebration.

Dress up a scarecrow of Kostroma and sing:

Kostromushka – Kostroma

My mother is my lady.

Oh, where have you been?

Walked up the hillside

Hands - legs broke.

I broke the ring

golden vodka

What is jelly with milk,

Yes, a shovel with cottage cheese

(This song is sung for young Kostroma, which is dressed up outside the village by young girls. The Kostroma doll is made of green grass)

(And in the club they dress up "Kostroma from straw")

Kostromushka - Kostroma, madam my mother

You aged me both from the cold and from the youth,

That I'm a human.

They say: - Hello, godfather! Is Kostroma alive?

(Sing again: "Kostromushka - Kostroma"

Hello godfather! Is Kostroma alive?

Got sick!

Hello godfather! Is Kostroma alive?

Hello godfather! Is Kostroma alive?

They took it to the church!

Hello godfather! Is Kostroma alive?

They took it to the graveyard!

Hello godfather! Is Kostroma alive?


(They put Kostroma in a trough and lament):

My mother Kostroma flew away

Left us to live in a gorushka

Warm summer will come

Cuckoo - then there is a cuckoo in the field!

I will burn, bitter, without you, Kostroma!

No one will warm me, except for the clear, red sun!

Red sun rolled away

For the mountains, yes for the high ones,

For a forest it is, but for dense ones,

For the clouds and for the walkers,

For frequent stars, but sub-eastern!

She left us to grieve for centuries - that is eternal!

Send all the people to bury Kostroma outside the village with songs, ditties. Outside the village, girls with “young Kostroma” are waiting - they also lament:

Say goodbye, Kostroma, to the mansions, to your beloved mountain girl, to your girlfriends. Farewell, grain-growing fields, hay meadows!

The last day is passing by in the evening

The red sun is moving towards the west,

Everything is lost in a cloud

Kostroma is on the way - the track is setting off!

(They go far to the place. They put both stuffed Kostroma side by side, dance in a round dance, sing songs, ditties)

A mermaid sits on the rafts in the distance and combs her hair. Everyone shouts: “Mermaid! Mermaid!" (Mermaid runs from people, hides)

As the mermaids sat this week, they asked for shirts.

Don't be angry, mermaid, your holiday is over!

The little mermaid sat on a pebble above the water,

She sang a sonorous song, shook her head.

The moon has risen, it is full of beauty, it has given us freedom.

The boat has been ready for a long time, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

"Sit down, my beauty, I'm happy with you"

Friends, I'm happy: my dear is with me!

The friends laughed and began to say:

Your sweet yesterday with another was laughing at you "

And sent me so ashamed that my dear changed.

And I felt sorry that I broke my oath.

One was a willow bush, and it began to dry up.

One was a friend, my dear, and he began to forget!

Everyone asks the Sun for a warm summer and rain:

Give us, Sun, a good, grain-growing summer,

Generate thick, spiky life!

Rain, rain, give me thicker bread!

Ugly, turnip, not thick, not rare - with a mouse tail, a cockroach nose!

Children called summer:

Oh, early, early the little bird sang, ay!

The little bird sang, summer called out, ay!

Oh, winter in a cart, flyer in a shuttle, ay!

The path turned black, the sky cleared up, ay!

Oh, early, early, the sky brightened up!

Oh, summer, summer, get out from under the cage!

Come here with a plow, a harrow, with a mare, a crow, with great joy!

With sweetness, with grainy rye,

With curly oats, with mustachioed barley.

With millet, with buckwheat, with viburnum - raspberries, with blackcurrant,

With every gardening, with plentiful bread, with tall flax,

Summer is warm, grain-growing!

kite game

Girls with wreaths on their heads stand in a circle and hold hands. They say to the kite - the driver:

kite, kite, what are you doing?

I'm digging a hole.

What are you looking for there?


What's the money for?

Buy a needle.

What to do with a needle?

Sew a bag.

What's the bag for?

Put stones.

What are the stones for?

Throw at children, they tore all my flowers.

Why do they need flowers?

Twist wreaths.

Everyone walks around the "kite", singing:

We went into the green forest, picked a flower from the grass, put a wreath on the head. Kite, kite, sit high! kite, kite, look far! After 3 fields are clean, after 3 fields are blue, after 3 fields are dark, after 3 fields are green, Masha is coming to you, she is carrying a blue wreath!

"Kite" takes a wreath from the girl whose name is mentioned in the song. So bypasses all the participants in the game, takes wreaths, steps aside. Each girl comes up to him and asks to return the wreath:

Kite, kite, give me back my wreath! I spent the whole summer walking, picking flowers, making wreaths! Mosquitoes have bitten my legs, my hands have been bitten! Kite, kite, give me the wreath!

The kite agrees, but first he makes a riddle or asks to sing, dance

Game "Kostromushka"

They choose "Kostromushka", sit in the center of the round dance, and sing any song themselves. At the end of the song, everyone scatters, and Kostromushka catches them. Whom he catches, he becomes "Kostromushka". Round dance: - Where is Kostromushka, a white swan?

Kostromushka - Kostroma, why did you wander into the forest?

There are frequent stumps in the forest, look, do not break your leg!

Where is Kostroma?

In the barn!

Why did you wander into the barn? There is a rare ceiling in the barn, you will break your sock.

Let's guess girls! Whoever ties a ribbon above all on a willow branch over the river will get married this year!

They kindle a fire, cut off the hair of the girls and throw the hair into the fire so that the braids grow better: “Grow, braid, to the heels, the suitors are in a hurry!”

Old Kostroma is burned, and the ashes are thrown into the water. The young are left on the tree until next summer.

We dressed up Kostroma, We saw off the young lady for Spring.

Kostroma, Kostroma, we have for you

And jelly, and water, oil porridge, a painted spoon.

A jug of cottage cheese and one pie. Swim, Kostroma!

Ivan and Marya swam in the river, where Ivan swam - the shore swayed!

Where Marya bathed, the grass spread.

Swim day tomorrow! Hooray! (Wreaths are thrown into the water)

(Singing and dancing):

My Kostroma, Kostromushka, merry little head!

Kostromushka has jelly and pancakes, Kostromushka has hot pies!

A feast went on for the whole world! Yar hops stepped on the ground!

Yarilo calls to celebrate the holiday, lead round dances, play songs !!!