How many years have you been in school in Canada? Education system in Canada

One of the real achievements for Canada is the school system. Canadian schools have good sports facilities, modern equipment in the classrooms. Teachers have bachelor's and master's degrees. As a result of all this - a well-thought-out form of education, excellent preparation of students, regularly demonstrated in international tests.

There is a moderate cost of education and living, which is important for foreign citizens. In addition, in the cities of Canada, the crime rate is several times lower compared to the United States. Therefore, school education in Canada attracts with its accessibility and dynamics.

School education of the state type is financed by. Foreign students, including Russians, study in state institutions on a paid basis. The approximate annual cost is 9 thousand dollars. Russian citizens, in most cases, live in patronage families with three meals a day and a separate room. For this they pay $700 every month.

The requirements are quite high - you definitely need a certificate from the police, recommendations.

Many local families welcome Russian students, like any other foreigners, and it's not about additional income, but the opportunity to get to know the traditions of another culture better, to expand their understanding of the world. As a rule, even after graduation, contact is maintained with the pupils.

Almost 90% of Canadian students attend public-type secondary schools, the rest choose private (fee-paying) schools. Therefore, Russian students go through the same form of education as the main part of the local residents. An important rule for foreign citizens wishing to study at a school in Canada is knowledge of English.

School choice

Education in Canada is focused on attending the so-called Public Schools - public schools that are funded by the local budget. The form of education is joint, that is, the institution is attended by both boys and girls. Most schools are guided by the rule that children of Canadians, persons who are permanently employed, as well as Russians with knowledge of English, have the right to education.

In some institutions of the country, an international form of education has been introduced, according to which students from abroad can study in local institutions. The features of such a program are intensive extended study of English spoken and scientific language, developing classes with a psychologist, living in local families, as well as consultations for those wishing to continue their school education in Canada and successfully enter a higher educational institution in the future.

One of the schools, the form of education in which involves the admission of foreign students, is located in West Vancouver County. More than 30 years ago, this international program for the admission of high school students from different countries- Students International, in particular for grades 8-12. The approximate cost of training is 14 thousand Canadian dollars. Additionally, you need to pay for food and accommodation - 10 thousand dollars.

An alternative form of education is enrollment in private schools. Russian citizens can also study in them, but you will need to go through a big competition, plus, knowledge of the English language must be at the highest level. According to statistics, about 300,000 children study in private schools in Canada.

The form of education in boarding schools is mixed, that is, everyone can choose for himself with whom it is better for him to study. In these institutions, classes are much smaller, there are modern sports facilities, including a swimming pool, a psychologist conducts consultations, and additional English lessons are conducted. Children study on the territory of the boarding house, live in dormitories on the territory, which develops the team spirit well, makes it possible to devote more time to sports achievements. The daily routine is strictly controlled by the teachers.

The main thing is that it is much easier for graduates of boarding schools to enter good universities Canada, or continue , or . Therefore, even a private primary school in Canada has a high level of knowledge of children.

Private schools

A private form of education in the country involves paying for a course of knowledge received by schoolchildren for all years. You can enter this institution by passing a high competition, an English language test, an interview with a psychologist.

Local residents take care of the admission of children to these boarding schools even before they are born. Separate education is popular, but you can also choose a mixed school if you wish. These institutions are much better equipped than the state ones:

  • comfortable hostels with all conditions;
  • modern equipment;
  • large areas;
  • small classes.

For living conditions that are several times more comfortable than their counterparts in other countries, Canadians pay much less. Particular attention is paid to the comprehensive education of the student, his emotional state, therefore, a psychologist often conducts conversations with children. The program is carefully thought out, it includes sports activities, lessons in special subjects, as well as the study of art and music.

The requirements for students are quite high. Work, perseverance, painstaking and responsibility are the main fundamental training. as training and serious attitude to study in some provinces of the country they arrange certification tests, on the basis of which it is decided whether the student goes to universities or.

One of the advantages of studying in a private boarding house is the opportunity to maximize your skills in 2 languages ​​at once: French and English, as well as the modern correctional and developmental work of a psychologist at school. This attracts every year more and more parents who are serious about the education of their children.

Today's Canada is one of the most developed countries with a high standard of living and an extremely low crime rate. Every year, hundreds of thousands of applicants seek to move to study in this country, and their number is constantly growing, including due to immigrants from Russia and the CIS.

Getting a Canadian education not only provides great prospects for the future, but is distinguished by loyal conditions for admission and the learning process itself. Educational institutions provide a high level of knowledge, an international diploma, the possibility of further employment both in Canada itself and in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and other developed countries of the world. In addition, education is relatively inexpensive.

Canada has two official languages: English and French. Since the country is a federal state, each administrative unit has a large level of autonomy. Therefore, despite general principles early childhood education, each province has its own characteristics.

Varieties of preschool institutions

  • The first option is called Junior Kindergarten(In some, such as Ontario and New Brunswick, children start kindergarten at age 3 and end at age 5.)
  • Second - Primary Kindergarten(In other regions, education in preschool children's institutions lasts only a year - from 5 to 6 years old.)

Kindergarten opening hours vary. It can be either full or part-time. In Ontario and British Columbia, as a rule, all kindergartens operate on a full-time basis. In other provinces of the country, not all preschool institutions work according to this schedule, but parents always have the opportunity to choose the most comfortable mode for visiting a nursery or kindergarten.

Kindergarten opening hours

  • At incomplete working day children are in kindergarten from 8 am to 12.00, maximum until 14:00.
  • in kindergartens with full during the day the stay is from 8 am to 5 pm.

In public kindergartens, there is no fee for visiting. This rule applies to both children of Canadian citizens and children of foreigners legally residing in the country. In addition to public kindergartens, there are also private ones. Their services will cost from 300 to 700 US dollars per month. Parents will also need to pay a one-time fee of $200 and an annual fee of $300. The advantage of private institutions is a variety of programs, an individual approach to each child and the highest level of training of educators.

School enrollment

Secondary education in Canada includes three stages and lasts for 11-12 years (classes). Of course, each of the Canadian provinces may have its own structure of secondary education, and therefore the length of study in secondary school may vary.

For Canadians, all public schools are absolutely free. Children enter them at the age of 5-6, and continue their education until the age of 15-16. If you wish, you can study there longer.

A feature of school education in Canada is the division of subjects into compulsory (mathematics, history, geography, English and French, physical education and career guidance) and desirable (at the choice of the student and his parents). By the way, since there are quite a lot of Ukrainians in Canada, there are many Ukrainian and bilingual English-Ukrainian schools here.

In the Canadian school, training has been going on for 12 years.

And everything oldersecondary . And in Alberta, the same period of study is divided into three components:

  • elementary(from Kindergarten to grade 6 inclusive)
  • junior high(7th to 9th grade)
  • senior high(grade 10-12)

Other provinces have their own peculiarities. Quebec is especially different in this respect.

Middle education institutions in Canada are called "high schools", a logical name for high school middle schools in Canada, primary level second stage classes are worn.

Beginning of the school year

The academic year, as a rule, begins in Canada in September and ends in May-June. Instead of the usual quarters for a Russian schoolchild in schools in Canada, as in most Western educational institutions The academic year is divided into two semesters of six months.

Extension of study time

In the province of Ontario the secondary school period also covers 5 grades, and education can continue up to the age of 21-22. This is due to the fact that at the last stage, secondary education will be supplemented by vocational education (as in Quebec). Therefore, the training period is extended by 2-3 years.

Some graduates choose additional classes to prepare for university entrance exams. Canada has opportunities for in-depth study of some specialized disciplines, which are combined into a program called "Advanced Placement Program".

In the case of passing this complicated educational program, students in the future will be able to gain a certain advantage during admission to most higher education institutions in Canada, the UK, the USA and other countries. This program includes the development of chapters best schools USA and Canada since the middle of the last century in more than thirty disciplines that are taught in depth - as it happens in the first year of universities.

If a foreign child is studying in a Canadian school, then parents will have to pay for his education from 30 to 60 thousand dollars. This amount is relevant for public institutions, in private schools, studies will cost much more.

Private schools in Canada

In addition to public schools, there are alsoprivate schools ) . Such schools are equipped with first-class technical facilities. Highly paid teachers work here. In general, such schools provide a higher level of knowledge than public schools. However, studying at a private school is quite expensive. Approximately 60 thousand C$ per year.

Private boarding houses regularly implement a program for their wards International Baccalaureate which helps them to enter the best institutions of the state.

Most popular private schools

  • Apple College. Located in the province of Ontario, you can study there for 60 thousand Canadian dollars a year;
  • Bodwell High School. Located in Vancouver, daytime tuition at this boarding house is $18,000, full board will cost $35,000.

To enter a public or private school, you must submit your report cards for the past years of study, as well as successfully pass the SSAT, CAT, TOEFL or IELTS tests of your choice. Even a school for admission requires a certain package of documents in English, in some private schools, children undergo an oral interview.

It should be noted that in fact there are two types of school education in the country: in English and in French.

The fact is that the official (state) languages ​​​​of Canada are these two languages, and the country itself is divided into two parts - English and Francophone. The vast majority of primary and secondary educational institutions offer a choice of education in one language or another, but this must be further clarified for each specific school in Canada, because there are purely French or English educational institutions.

Advantages of school education for Russian schoolchildren

  • Firstly, a certificate of complete secondary education from any school in Canada is highly rated among the leading and ranking universities in the US, the UK and many other countries.
  • Secondly, an important aspect of studying in Canada is the fact that the cost of school education in private boarding schools, with a comparable level of education quality and the proposed living and learning conditions, is somewhat lower than in the same UK or the USA, as well as in some other countries. countries.
  • Thirdly, Canada has a relatively loyal policy towards immigrants from other countries of the world, including Russia. This policy provides for the opportunity for international students to obtain citizenship, work and resettle in Canada for permanent residence, and strong economic growth will allow them to find work and achieve success.
  • Fourthly, the education sector in Canada receives huge subsidies and investments from the state, so there is every opportunity to use the latest achievements of human thought, modern computers, infrastructure elements, teaching methods and educational programs. The vast majority of educational institutions in Canada have modern computer labs equipped with the latest technology, which has an extremely positive impact on the quality of school education in Canada.
  • Fifthly, Canada has both a pleasant and comfortable climate and a friendly atmosphere towards foreign citizens.
  • Sixthly, school education in Canada is not only and not so much an academic education, but rather the development of the skills and talents of each student, the search for the area that is of interest to each student. The teaching staff pays a lot of attention to these aspects, using an individual approach, that is, giving each of his students as much time as he needs to understand this or that material, to achieve a new level of knowledge. All this subsequently helps the children in passing final school exams and entering higher educational institutions not only in Canada, but throughout the world.
  • Finally, the rich infrastructure of educational institutions in Canada is not limited to computer classes: the Canadian education system pays much attention to the sports development of students, for which many schools build their own stadiums, sports complexes, swimming pools, as well as indoor ice hockey rinks - Canada's national sport.

Features of higher education

In Canada, the higher education system looks different than in other countries: each university and the procedure for studying in it are not regulated at the state level, but are determined by each province (region) independently. But funding for every university and college in the country for two-thirds comes from the state budget.

Higher education in Canada is represented by colleges and universities. All this together in Canada is calledPost - secondary Education . As in the case of schools, there are public and private universities. At the same time, there are much more state-owned ones and the most prestigious of the universities are state-owned. All educational institutions are subordinate to the provincial governments, except for the Royal Military College in Kingston.

Types of higher education programs

  • certificate program. They involve training for 0.5 to 1.5 years. However, graduates do not receive any degree. However, they can take up jobs at the grassroots level.
  • Diploma Program. In this case, the training lasts 2-3 years. But, as in the previous case, graduates do not receive a degree. That, however, does not prevent them from working in middle-level positions.
  • Bachelor degree. The 4-year course provides an opportunity to obtain a bachelor's degree. Canadian universities allow you to get this degree in an accelerated mode in 3 years. As a rule, bachelor's programs have a practical focus.
  • Master degree. This is an analogue of the Ukrainian master's program. As a rule, such a degree is needed in order to continue scientific activity or to prepare for a Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.) degree.

Programs include the following degrees

Diplomas for all three degrees are awarded by universities, while bachelor's and master's degrees can be obtained at the college.

College education is aimed at obtaining applied knowledge (banking, marketing, management, media, computer technology, etc.), university graduates work in the academic direction.

Colleges of Canada

After leaving school, young people go to colleges, technical universities, universities. As in Russia, colleges provide professional knowledge, while universities provide theoretical training.

Colleges in Canada have a different professional focus: technical, military, art. Thus, here you can get any special education. In Canada, all colleges are focused on professional work and future careers (unlike universities that are focused on research and development).

Notable colleges in Canada

A common scheme for studying at Canadian universities includes lectures and seminars at the university in parallel with a paid internship. Internships start from the 2nd year, since in Canada it is believed that any theory must necessarily be supported by practice. It often happens that a student is hired by the staff at the end of the internship.

Education in Canada is considered one of the most high-tech: large classrooms with computers for each student, equipped with laboratories and studios.

Universities in Canada

Universities in Canada are universities that are focused on research activities and theoretical research in various fields. A university is an organization that provides both undergraduate and postgraduate education.

The structure of academic degrees at universities in Canada is very similar to the structure in the United States:

Bachelor degree. The Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science is a degree that usually takes three, four or five years to complete.
Master's degree. Master of Arts or Master of Science. The training usually takes two years.
PhD. A doctorate or doctoral degree is a specialized postgraduate program that can take 3 to 6 years to complete.

The most popular specialties for which there are high competitions are medicine, dentistry and law. In order to enter a university, students from Russia must graduate from a local boarding school or study for several years at a Canadian college in the relevant specialty, and then enroll in a university by transfer.

Benefits of a university over colleges

  • They can give the degree of doctor of science, master's degree.
  • Universities are focused on scientific activity.
  • Conduct various scientific research.

Canada is a country that keeps pace with technological progress: according to statistics, there are at least three computers for every Canadian.

Canada is a bilingual country, so training is conducted in English or French, or both at the same time.

Beginning of studies at

The academic year is divided into two semesters, the beginning of studies - in September, the end of the year - in June. At the end of December (2 weeks) and summer (2 months) - holidays. However, students have the option to forego vacations and study without breaks, thus reducing the duration of their studies.

Canadian universities and colleges have a points accumulation system, or credits (ECTS), so a student can easily enter or transfer to a Canadian or any other university.

The cost of full-time full-time education for foreigners

Advantages and disadvantages of studying in Canada

Advantages Flaws
  • Canadian education is prestigious, high quality and popular;
  • in the process of studying, you can master two languages ​​\u200b\u200bat once - English and French;
  • educational conditions are democratic;
  • the cost is relatively low;
  • there is an opportunity to get a well-paid job after graduating from a Canadian university;
  • the period of study is counted towards the period of naturalization and shortens the path to Canadian citizenship;
  • the country has a comfortable climate, a low crime rate, democratic laws and a benevolent population;
  • attitude towards foreigners is tolerant (Canada was created precisely by immigrants);
  • there is a possibility of additional earnings during training and holidays.
  • the distance from the homeland is enormous;
  • flight or travel on a passenger ship is expensive;
  • you need to know English or French well, optimally both;
  • it is impossible to enter a university immediately after graduating from high school in Russia;
  • relatively high fees for accommodation in student dormitories;
  • there is no teaching in Russian;
  • you can really gain a foothold in Canada only when you have received an education in a specialty that is in demand in its economy;
  • will have to live in a country with an unusual mentality for a Russian.

How is a diploma quoted in the world

Diplomas from Canadian universities are highly rated all over the world. According to statistics, 70% of graduates get a job within one year after graduation. In addition, all young professionals, including foreign ones, can stay in the country for 1 year after graduation to look for work.

Therefore, a person with a local diploma is highly valued all over the world. 4 Canadian universities entered the TOP-50 of the best institutions around the world, and this says a lot. Therefore, employers give preference to Canadian graduates. This trend is valid both in America and in Europe or Asia.

It is believed that a graduate with such a diploma did not just listen to a course of lectures, sitting on the back of the desk. Work experience is also an advantage. Therefore, most graduates are employed in a prestigious position a year after receiving a certificate.

Job prospects in the country

Studying in Canada for Russians means the possibility of legal migration. First, you have the right to obtain a visa for the period of study. After graduating from the university, you can legally work for 3 years without leaving the state, and after this period you already apply for a residence permit and citizenship. Therefore, our compatriots often stay in the country, trying to find work in their specialty.

For migrants who want to find a job, this country is a real paradise on earth. There are many factories and plants operating on the territory of the state. The industry is in excellent condition. Due to the large number of inhabitants, the service sector also flourishes.


The education system in this country is quite simple, but at the same time very variable. She has absorbed the best features of other countries, trying to become convenient and efficient. Realizing this, the country's government spends more than 8% of its total GDP on maintaining universities, colleges and technical schools in perfect condition.

It is easier to find a place for yourself in large cities, like Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and so on. However, if you can work in difficult conditions and get a decent salary for it, move north and get a job in the extractive industry.

Canada is a country where public spending on education accounts for almost 7% of the country's gross income. In terms of the country's population, Canada ranks first in funding educational processes among developed countries. The second factor that ensures the quality of Canadian education at various levels (school, college, university) is the mandatory testing of teachers when applying for a job.

The education system in Canada as a whole is similar to the Russian one - preschool institutions (kindergartens), primary and secondary schools, colleges and technical institutes, universities.

School: elementary, middle and high

School education in Canada is compulsory and free up to high school. That is, until the age of 15, children are required to attend school and the state provides them. School equipment contains everything necessary for learning: laboratories and classrooms, gyms and playgrounds, computer software and the Internet.

The beginning of school education is provided for at 6 or 7 years, depending on the province, education lasts 12 years. Preparation for school is carried out by pre-school education - in Canada it is a system of kindergartens that children attend from the age of 4. After kindergarten, the child enters elementary school. In Canada, school education is divided into three periods: elementary (grades 1-5), middle (grades 6-8) and senior (grades 9-12).

Features of school education

The main feature of Canadian education is the different requirements for the organization of the learning process and educational programs in different provinces. Canada does not have a nationwide education system for children and youth. Each province decides this issue in its own way, taking into account national and cultural characteristics, and its own history.

The main part of the schools are public, 93% of schoolchildren study in them. A smaller part are private paid schools or boarding schools in which children study and live. Free schooling is guaranteed only to a Canadian child. For foreign children, education is paid, the approximate level of payment is 25,000 Canadian dollars per year (including the cost of living in a host family).

If a Russian child is equally required to pay school fees, you should choose a private school or a boarding school. Private schools guarantee excellent learning outcomes. Boarding schools have the opportunity to send young man to the university (thanks to the boarding house's own connections). With ideal performance, school boarding schools send students to universities without entrance exams.

In addition, there are religious Catholic schools in Canada.

In Canadian schools, conditions are created for interesting and exciting learning, but, unlike Russian schools, children are not forced to study. The issue of motivation for learning is solved within the family by the parents themselves.

Another feature of schooling in Canada is the division of subjects into compulsory (mathematics, history, geography, English and French, physical education and career guidance) and desirable (at the choice of the student and his parents, guardians).

Thanks to a large number of immigrants, Russian schools exist in Canada. For example, in Vancouver there is a Russian school. A.S. Pushkin, in Toronto - the Russian-language school "Roots" and centers for creative development, and in Winnipeg - the Russian school "Svetlyachok". In general, there are a lot of Russian-language schools and development centers for children of Russian emigrants. In almost every city, you can organize a child the opportunity to communicate with peers in Russian.

Post-secondary education: why to Canada?

Vocational education in Canada is considered prestigious for several reasons:

Colleges of Canada

After leaving school, young people enter colleges, technical universities, universities. As in Russia, colleges provide professional knowledge, while universities provide theoretical training.

Colleges in Canada have a different professional focus: technical, military, art. Thus, here you can get any special education. In Canada, all colleges are focused on professional work and future careers (unlike universities that are focused on research and development). Notable colleges in Canada:

  • George Brown College;
  • Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology;
  • Humber College;
  • Conestoga College of Technology and Advanced Learning;
  • Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology;
  • Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology.

Universities in Canada

Higher education in Canada is second in quality after the American one. In total, there are 260 universities in Canada, the total number of students is 1.9 million, including 200 thousand foreign students (annually).

Canadian universities are divided into private (they are called private) and public (called public). Just like educational processes in schools, education in universities is regulated and controlled not by centralized state bodies, but locally - in the provincial governments.

Universities have advantages over colleges:

  • They can give the degree of doctor of science, master's degree.
  • Universities are focused on scientific activity.
  • Conduct various scientific research.

Features of higher education in Canada

Post-secondary education is aimed at acquiring future profession. Free education in Canada is possible with certain grants. That is, payment for education is present, but it is not the student who pays, but the organization that issued the grant to him. The most prestigious areas of education are medicine and law.

Medical education in Canada is one of the longest. Four years at university followed by 4 years in medical school and 3 to 5 years in an internship. Legal education in Canada is also possible only after three years of study at a university with a mandatory high average score (not lower than 4.5 on a five-point scale). To enter the legal specialty, you must pass the LSAT test, which not only checks the general level of knowledge, but also assesses the development of logical thinking, the ability to navigate large volumes of text, and structure the material. And also for foreigners - a TOEFL test with a high grade "A". Studying at the Faculty of Law in Canada is prestigious, exclusive and elite.

Second higher education in Canada is carried out on the basis of a bachelor's degree (diploma after four years university education).

Canadian Education Diploma

School graduates receive various degrees qualifications:

In general, the education system is similar to the Russian one, but it is distinguished by great prestige, the presence of a good material base, the level of practical training and the end result. A diploma from a Canadian university guarantees employment in any country in the world without additional confirmation of a diploma. If you are employed in a country with a Russian diploma, you need to confirm it. How does this happen?

Confirmation of a diploma in Canada - requires passing an assessment and qualification exam (theory and practice). In addition, for work in some specialties (for example, a doctor), Canadian citizenship is required. But a law degree from a Russian university is not valued at all in Canada. A full-fledged Canadian legal training is required.

"Letidor" occasionally publishes interesting articles (for example, my). I came across an interesting story about a Canadian school. If I were there, I would write the same. At the end, I wrote what can be applied with us. Read especially the end - everything is laid out on the shelves, as I did in the old days.

Canadian school education is ranked 6th in the world.

The education system in Canada is heterogeneous, and it also varies from province to province. At the provincial level, many laws are passed on the functioning and financing of schools, on their responsibilities and rights, and so on. But in its most general form, the structure of the school world looks like this:
- Comprehensive schools(the same free general education which we are well aware of)
- Catholic schools. The most widespread religion in Canada. Several centuries ago, the system of Catholic education that still exists in Canada was created. In such schools, children are taught both ordinary subjects and religion.
- Private schools. By paying for education in private schools, in return, parents get the opportunity to choose both a “bias” (Montessori, sports) and a “chosen society” for their children - only children from families with above-average incomes, well, and a number of others, certainly get here "bonuses" like wearing a school uniform, canteen at school, etc.
- Home schooling is also possible, but not very common. Add to this the fact that Canada is a bilingual country; each of these types of schools is possible in the variant when the main education is conducted in English, and French is studied as a second language, and vice versa.

How is the training organized?

In a Canadian school, several steps are common, along which students move:
- "Preschool" called Kindergarden. Children are admitted here at less than five years of age, and are taught for two years, after which they go to the first grade. Studying at this time is 100 percent "play learning".
- Primary school, grades one through six.
- Secondary school, grades 7-8.
- High school, grades 9-12.

As a rule, during his studies, a Canadian student changes three buildings: in the first he studies from classes in Kindergarden and up to the 6th grade, in the second they gather students in grades 7-8, well, and in the third the most difficult part of the training takes place in a Canadian school until graduation. But the student changes classes, teachers and classmates every year. In a Canadian school, classes are re-formed every year, so during their studies, the student manages to get to know literally everyone.

There is no propiska system in Canada, but it is the place of residence that determines which school your child will go to. Each school has its own place in the provincial ranking (depending on how well the students wrote tests in the main subjects this year). Higher rating - more expensive than a house in the area, which is "assigned" to this school.

The photo shows a typical Canadian elementary school building. Two (sometimes one) floor, Canadian flag at the entrance. The area around (the borders are marked) is school property. In Canada, these are not empty words: just as the owner is obliged to look after his "land", so the "alien" is obliged to follow the rules. For example, you can't go in and play on the school playground, or take a shortcut through the school field, or ride a bike - for more safety, you will need to walk, cycling alongside.

A typical phenomenon for the Canadian school, unfortunately - "trailers". When classes cease to accommodate students, part of the classes are held in such wagons. Well-maintained, of course, with sewerage and heating. Parents are still not too happy, but the children are okay, for them it's like an adventure.

Another quintessentially Canadian way to optimize student placement is with "twin" classes: for example, class 1/2 or 3/4. In such groups, children from two classes study at the same time - from the older one all in a row, from the younger - those who can "pull" more independent learning. At the same time, the teacher gives part of the time the same material, part of the time - two different programs, but the main difference is in the work that the children do; less requirements for younger ones.

Classes in primary school starts at 9:10 am and ends at 3:30. Every morning, a long chain of backpacks line up near the entrances to the school: students are allowed into the school only on a call. Considering that there are usually 5-6 inputs, there is no particular fuss.
Where crowdedness and noise is in the corridors of the school: there are hangers for clothes and backpacks, boxes for change of shoes. An elementary school student takes only a diary with him to class (and sometimes a favorite toy, junior students are allowed).
In the classroom, wherever you look - posters, drawings, visual aids. The walls are 100% used.

The floor is a space for playing, building complex structures (often the whole class is building either a super-city or a miracle monster). There are no desks at all in the classrooms for "preschoolers" - several tables with chairs, and many "stations" for playing - there is a computer with game programs, and a corner of "nature" - they grow plants, watch ants or snails, and a large container with sand where you can pour water and mess around, developing fine motor skills.

In older classes, desks appear, but the student sits at it only when it is necessary to write. For discussion, the teacher most often gathers the children in a circle - they sit on the floor with their legs crossed, he is in a comfortable rocking chair nearby.

What and how is taught in a Canadian school?

Every morning starts with the Canadian anthem (everyone is standing, but you can sing along) and the school radio show. Then study begins. Subjects are usually combined into clusters: for example, in the lessons of "science" they study physics, chemistry, biology, the word "art" hides classes in drawing, modeling and computer graphics. From the first grade, schoolchildren study "social sciences" - and if civics and history begin closer to the middle classes, then a first grader in Canada already knows how important it is to wait in line, share with friends, and properly sort garbage for reuse.

A very large part of the educational process is devoted to the art of presentation. The quality of the project and the ability to talk about it in front of the class are evaluated. In this case, you can use any expressive means.

Canadian version of "what girls are made of..and boys" presentations in French about who likes what.

And there are a lot of sports in Canadian schools. Sports activities - three to four days a week. This includes traditional physical education (in non-cold weather - on the street), and various sport games: in just one year, a student can try himself, for example, in badmindton, football, baseball, tennis and dancing.

What can definitely be envied is the equipment of local schools. As an example - in the photo - the music room of a completely ordinary Canadian high school in a small town.

Canadian school is fun. Rarely does a week go by without some special event. Either a public holiday, or a large-scale school holiday (for example, a school anniversary or a performance / concert that the whole school staged), or simply Pajama Day. On this day, everyone, both students and teachers, come to school in pajamas, favorite slippers and hugging pillows, blankets, toys. There is Hat Day, and Favorite Book Character Day.

But the beginning of the school year, by the way, does not apply to holidays. School in Canada begins on the first Monday in September, after Labor Day, and there are no special outfits or bouquets for teachers in sight. They finish their studies, by the way, here much later - usually in the last week of June.

Before the start of classes on the first day of school

Socialization, involvement in communication and teaching the rules of conflict-free cooperation generally mean at least as much in local schools as academic grades themselves. How well or poorly a child learns is rather the concern of him and his parents. The concept is this: the teacher gives knowledge, and how much the child "took" depends on his/her desire and capabilities. In Canada it is generally not customary to criticize, and schools are no exception; a report card with teacher grades at the end of the quarter and year in an envelope - thus, only the student and his parents can view it, and the children themselves absolutely do not focus on how well or poorly their classmates study.

Canada is a country of immigrants, and therefore the appearance at school - including in the middle of the school year - of a child who does not speak a word of English is a completely common phenomenon. The mechanism has been worked out to automatism: a portion of questionnaires for parents to fill out, a “friend” for a new student or student (usually selected from schoolchildren who speak the same language as the newcomer). At first, the main occupation of a "student" (that's how students are called schoolchildren in Canada) is language acquisition; therefore, he spends about half of his entire study time not in regular classes, but in ESL - English as a Second Language classes. As a result, even children who start learning a language from scratch begin to communicate more or less fluently after a few months.

Is there free education?

Let's count. At the beginning of the school year, parents of primary school students are given a list with the wishes of what they need for their studies. Usually this is an office - you can keep within $ 20. You need to partially compensate for the cost of excursions, this is from 5 to 15 dollars for each. $ 10 is a beautiful color diary called a planner - he plays the role of a diary here.
Everything else is on a truly voluntary basis. There is no form. You can buy a T-shirt with the school logo, but it is not required. It's also optional to buy school lunches, but almost all parents pay to have their child get their pizza and milk on the weekly "pizza day". Photo days are regularly held at school, but again, it’s up to you to buy out photos (and at the end of the year - a yearbook, that is, an album for memory, or skip it.

In Canadian public schools, children bring their own food. Special lunch boxes come in a thousand and one variations: for example, this one from the photo is “environmentally friendly”: all food can be put into compartments without using packaging.

For supporters of the fact that the child should eat hot - thermos: there is enough heat until the moment when the student sits down for a snack.

Somehow, in Canada, the involvement of the school in the life of the whole society is felt especially strongly. The Canadian school is the farthest from the principle “Don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your charter”: schoolchildren live in the same rhythm with what is happening around. There was an Olympics - and in all Canadian schools, children discussed who played and how, counted medals, cheered for "ours". In addition, guests often perform in the classroom. "State employees" - policemen, firefighters; animal advocates - those come to class with a mini-zoo. As a consequence of "integrity with society", Canadian teachers behave quite differently. The current Canadian teacher (among them, by the way, there are many men) is quite a sociable comrade who “takes” not by status, but by the fact that he (or she) knows a lot, teaches the subject interestingly and masterfully manages the learning process.

As in all Canadian society, volunteering plays a big role in local schools. As a rule, in Canadian families, children are born one after another, with a difference of two to three years. Mom - if the financial situation of the family allows - stays at home until the youngest of them goes to first grade. So the mothers of Kindergardens are the most frequent volunteers. They help at home (preparing, for example, dough for modeling), at school (sorting, organizing, folding), and in the classroom in the classroom - for example, reading with children or helping solve problems. And of course, volunteers are simply indispensable at field events.

Farm visit - view the animals and bet on the pig race

In the warm season, such "forays" are made once a month, or even more often. Fascinating - children's eyes burn - trips to the theater, library, farm or zoo, fire station or hospital - are accompanied by mini-lectures on how everything works, as well as "what is good and what is bad."


What can be applied to us:

- developed private schools (if parents have money, then why not organize an individual approach for the student, useful circles and classes, good equipment. In the regions this actual problem, since there are rich people, but there are no quality schools)

– elementary school up to grade 6(at the age of 11, children are not yet ready to move to secondary school, where they are left to their own devices. Therefore, our teachers treat them like children for a couple of years. And then teenagers get used to it. I believe that teachers should change as they grow up, so that children do not get used to

- mixing by class every year(useful for both leaders and losers (I don't know the synonym in Russian))

- closed territory(they walked our dogs. Yes, and 2 of my bikes would not have been stolen at the doorstep of the school if it had been fenced)

- start at 9:10 (I had it at 8:30. It's terrible. I would have done it at 10:00, because schoolchildren would not load public transport, it's already light in winter, sleep longer)

- making the most of the walls(this is prettier, useful for schoolchildren)

- sit on the floor(we already sit in Samara. On linoleum. If they made carpet, it would be cool to relax at breaks)

"From the first grade, schoolchildren study "social sciences" - and if social science and history begin closer to the middle classes, then a first grader in Canada already knows how important it is to wait in line, to share with friends"

- many projects and presentations(many of us cannot speak to people at all or talk on the go)

"Socialization, involvement in communication and teaching the rules of conflict-free cooperation generally mean at least as much in local schools as academic grades themselves"

- events and invited people(for a variety of educational process)

P.S. It would seem that these are simple tips, but even the implementation of these points (quite sensible and suitable for Russia) can radically change school education in the country. And judging by USE results it really needs some major changes.

Tell your friends. This is very important for me: it stimulates me to write more posts.

The Canadian school system is one of the achievements of the country. enough in Canadian schools modern equipment, good sports facilities, and teachers have bachelor's and sometimes master's degrees. The result is a good basic preparation of students, which they demonstrate during various international tests type PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). At the same time, the cost of education and living can be called moderate, and the crime rate in Canadian cities - something that worries many parents - is significantly lower than the American one.

The strength of the country's schools is the high availability of computers. On average, there is one computer for every seven students. This is the best indicator in the world. Canadian schools are ahead of all others in the number of machines connected to the Internet.

Canadian children start first grade at the age of six. Until the sixth grade, they study in elementary school, and then in high school. The year is divided into two semesters.

Education is free and compulsory. It is conducted in one of the state languages ​​- English or French. The language of instruction varies by province.

There are other features in the approaches. In Quebec, for example, the system is organized in the French manner: they finish school in the 11th grade, after which they need to study for another two years preparatory department in the college of the GEGEP system (Colleges d´enseignement general et professionnel).

The list of items varies depending on the class. In elementary school, a basic integrated course is studied (Core Сourse, a combination of classes in mathematics, grammar, literature), natural sciences (an integrated course Science: physics, chemistry, biology), computer skills, physical education, arts, etc.

In the 10th grade (Grade 10), students study the following compulsory subjects: mathematics, English, "science" (Sciense is a complex subject that includes the study of chemistry, physics, biology). There are only two left in 11th grade. compulsory subject- mathematics and English, at 12 - only English. They are supplemented by subjects of choice from a fairly large list (world religions, information technology, etc.).

In Ontario, for example, a student must study 8 subjects in total. Each is taught at two levels - standard, applied (College Level) and advanced (University Level), you can choose a group of one or another level. That is, curricula are personalized, based on the analysis of abilities, an optimal set of subjects for the student is developed.

Subjects are studied in blocks: the first semester - the first four subjects, the second - the remaining ones. That is, every day the same four lessons of 75 minutes each.

Considerable attention is paid independent work. Each student prepares a personal task (Independent Study Project, ICP), in which he must collect information on a given topic and write an essay. The results of this work he draws up in the form of an oral presentation in front of the class.

In the 12th grade, they begin to teach how to apply to the university. The school has a special consultant with whom any student can discuss their plans and next steps. They hold presentations on when and what to do, distribute booklets with university requirements.

In addition, subjects for in-depth study are selected from senior grades. In particular, you can study auto business, graphic design, hotel and tourism management.

Ratings are given as a percentage. For example, 50-60% is roughly equivalent to a "three", 65-75% is a "four", 80-90% is close to "excellent". It is very difficult to get 100%, perhaps, it is possible only in mathematics and other exact sciences.

Based on the grades obtained in all subjects, the average score (percentage) is calculated. To transfer to the next year, you need to collect more than 50%. If the average score is more than 80%, then you can get an exemption from the exam and a diploma (Honorable Roll).

During the semester, control is carried out by writing written assignments. In some subjects (mathematics, English) exams are held in the middle of the semester, in others - only at the end of the year.

As a rule, examinations are held in written form. This is either a test with questions on the material covered, or writing an essay. However, for a number of subjects from the field of art, creative task(for example, to play a work of a certain complexity on a musical instrument).

Each exam is given 1.5-2 hours. The wording of the topics can be communicated in advance so that students can prepare. However, you are not allowed to bring anything to the exam itself. Cheating is severely punished.

The final exam in history, for example, is a test of 50 multiple-choice questions, as well as an assignment to define words and write an essay (three topics to choose from). Exam on English language also involves writing an essay on three works that have been studied during the year.

The final grade consists of several - for written work submitted during the semester; for a personal project; for the exam. For example, 60% of the total mark is the average for written papers, 10% for the presentation, 20% for the final exam. If the subject is successfully studied, one or two credit units (credit) are awarded for it.

To get a diploma, you need to score a certain number of such units. A prerequisite is also voluntary work as a volunteer in the interests of the community (in the library, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.).

Final exams are taken in the final twelfth grade. Based on their results, a certificate of the corresponding province is issued. In Ontario, for example, this is the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Which school to choose?

As elsewhere, Canada is dominated by public schools funded by their provincial budgets. They are designed for co-education of boys and girls. As a rule, only children of Canadians, immigrants and persons permanently working in Canada can study in them. However, some schools organized so-called " international programs", making it possible for students from abroad to study. Their features are living in host families, additional intensive English classes, consultations for those who want to enter a college or university in Canada after graduation.

An example is School District #45 West Vancouver in British Columbia. Three of its fifteen schools - Ecole Sentinel Secondary, Rockridge Secondary School and West Vancouver Secondary School - organized the International Student Program in 1982. It is aimed at high school students (grades 8-12). The cost of education is 13.5 thousand CAD per year. Another 9.7 thousand CAD will have to be paid for accommodation and meals provided on the basis of host families.

As an alternative, you can also consider studying in private boarding schools. About 6% of the country's schoolchildren (slightly more than 300,000 children) study there. There are a lot of private schools - for example, there are about 350 of them in the province of British Columbia alone.

Private schools have smaller classrooms, better laboratories for experiments and sports facilities (usually have their own swimming pool, for example). While boys and girls study together in all public schools, frequent ones offer a choice: mixed, boys only, or girls only. Graduates of well-known private Canadian schools easily enter the leading universities in Canada, the nearby United States or Great Britain. But the cost of education is on average higher.

The advantage of private schools is the availability of hostels. That is, children live and study on the school grounds. This allows you to develop a team spirit, devote a lot of time to sports, education, and more strictly control the daily routine of the student.

Rules of behavior

Each school has its own code of conduct, more or less strict. Usually it is strictly forbidden to break the daily routine, smoke, drink alcohol or drugs, show aggression towards other students, cheat on exams. Violation of these requirements is followed first by a warning, then by expulsion. As a rule, studying at a boarding school involves wearing a school uniform, which is purchased at a special store.

Parents are regularly sent a report on the progress and behavior of the student. Absences from school grounds are strictly regulated. In order for the child to be released for the weekend, a written application from the parents or guardian is required.

An example is Columbia International College. Founded in 1979, it is Canada's largest international boarding school. Located in Hamilton, Ontario.

The school is known for developing the Total Care intensive study methodology with international students. According to the results of the last four years, 100% of graduates were enrolled in universities.

About 1000 students study within the walls of Columbia International College. Foreigners make up about 90%. At the service of children are three modern student residences, playgrounds, a spacious educational building, computer laboratories, a canteen, an assembly hall, and a gym.

The cost of schooling is from 12 thousand CAD per year. The cost of living is from 11 thousand CAD per year.

And at Malaspina International High School, a year of study will cost 19.8 thousand CAD. This amount includes 12,000 for tuition for ten months, 6,000 for homestay and meals, 650 CAD for medical insurance, 600 CAD for textbooks and computer programs, 420 CAD for a public transport pass.

Admission process

To enter a Canadian school, regardless of its form of ownership, you need to pass a test in English and key subjects (mathematics, etc.). Parents are required to fill out an application form, submit grades for the previous 1-2 years of study at their home school, a recommendation from the teacher. When sending a package of documents, you must attach two photographs, a copy of your passport or birth certificate (with translation into English and notarization).

To educate a child by law, a guardian is required - a Canadian citizen who assumes responsibility for the child, replacing parents in resolving a number of issues (if it is impossible to promptly contact them). In particular, the guardian makes the decision if it is an urgent operation. For parents from abroad who do not have relatives or acquaintances in Canada, guardianship agencies offer their services.

The questionnaires are completed by the child's parents or guardian in Canada, but sometimes one part of the questionnaire must be completed by hand by the child. Typically, applicants are charged a registration fee of 100-200 CAD. Another 200-300 CAD can cost the selection of a family for accommodation (with this type of accommodation).

If the application is approved, the parents and prospective student are called in for an interview. It is usually conducted by the principal of the school himself. In some cases, it can be replaced by a telephone conversation.

Well, then it remains to wait for a decision. If it is positive, a student visa will be required. It will cost $95 to get it.

Approximate daily routine at the boarding school (weekdays)

6:45 Wake up

7:15 – 8:05 Breakfast

8:10 am – 8:30 am Morning meeting (at the church)

8:35 start of lessons

12:35 - 1:20 Lunch

1:25 - 3:10 Continuation of classes

3:30 – 5:30 Sports

5:30 – 6:15 Dinner

6:15 — 7:15 Different kinds leisure

7:30 – 9:30 Homework preparation

10:00 End*

Note: * - Time varies depending on the class