From 1 year to 4. Development of children in a year and four months

Probably, every mother knows well how a baby should develop, how many months to hold the head, and how much to sit on their own. The situation changes when the child reaches the age of 1 year. Few parents can answer questions like "When should a child learn to ride a bike or tie their shoelaces?" In this article, we have tried to answer the most common parenting questions.

Parents need to remember that the development of each child is individual and your baby's skills may differ from the norm. Unless your child is months behind in a skill, or falls behind in several skills at once, there is no cause for concern. Babies born prematurely may be slightly behind those born at term. As a rule, by two years this difference is smoothed out. But if, in addition to the fact that the child “lags behind” on several points, he also has other disturbing symptoms: he rarely smiles, is excessively capricious, makes too few sounds or too rarely, parents should bring this to the attention of a doctor.

At the age of 1 year (12-14 months), a child usually:
Walks or takes 2-3 steps without support.
· Well worth it.
· Puts the item in the box.
Place two dice on top of each other.
Responds to a simple command that is not accompanied by gestures (for example, “Give!”).
In addition to "ma-ma" and "pa-pa" says another 1 to 6 words.
· He babbles a lot.

Learning: Already at this early age, you can begin to teach your child letters, numbers, colors and shapes. Don't think it's too soon. Even if full understanding comes a little later, this information is somehow deposited in the child's brain. Of course, learning should be unobtrusive and take place in a playful way with the help of pictures, poems and toys.

At 1.5 years (16-18 months) the child:
· Walks and runs well.
· Likes to climb stairs.
Drinking from a cup.
Tries to eat on his own with a spoon.
Indicates familiar objects called by adults.
· Understands a few simple phrases.
Shows the nose, mouth and eyes on the toy.
· Draws pencils.
· Lifts, bending over, a toy and carries it from place to place.
Expresses love, pleasure, excitement with gestures or sounds.
Preference for favorite toys.
· Speaks at least 15 words.

Pacifier: If you gave your child a pacifier, it is better to remove it from the child no later than one and a half years. Until this age, the use of a pacifier is generally considered harmless. Babies who suck on a pacifier before the age of 3-4 may develop speech problems later.

First Responsibilities: At this age, begin to teach your child to cleanliness and order - clean up toys, put laundry in the dirty clothes basket or bring napkins to the dinner table. And if he needs your help at first, you'll be surprised how quickly he learns to do it all on his own. As the child grows, add new responsibilities to this, such as: watering flowers, wiping up after yourself if you knocked over a glass of water, making your bed and taking dirty dishes (plastic) to the sink.

First visit to the dentist: Your child's first visit to the dentist should be about 6 months after the baby's first tooth appears. In the future, visit a doctor every six months or a year, especially if the child has problems with teeth - stains on the teeth or malocclusion.

First bike: You can buy it for your child now. And even if the ability to pedal comes later, the child can enjoy riding back and forth, pushing off the ground with his feet, or enjoy the ride when you yourself push the bike.

At 2 years old child:
Good running and jumping.
· Builds a tower of 4-6 cubes.
· Throws and kicks a ball.
· "Feeds" a doll from a spoon.
・Climbs and descends stairs independently.
· Knows his own name and speaks of himself in the third person, calling by name.
Shows nose, mouth and eyes.
Look at the pictures in the book.
Can take off some items of clothing by himself.
· Speaks 15 to 50 words (deviations from these numbers are quite normal).
· Uses several two-word phrases in his speech.
Begins to control the bladder and bowels.

The first "creativity": By the age of two, the child's eye-hand coordination improves significantly. Therefore, at this age, many kids love to draw (“doodle”), paint, build from cubes, make pictures from simple puzzles and cubes.

"Adult" bed: At the age of two years, it is time to move the child from a crib to a large bed. At this age, many babies try to get out of their crib by swinging their leg over the railing. It may be dangerous.

First four-legged friend: Do not get pets until the child is 2 years old. At this age, a child can follow with interest, for example, the fish in an aquarium, without much harm to them and to himself. With pets such as a cat or a dog, it is better to wait until the child learns to be more careful and understanding, that is, until he is at least 3-4 years old.

At 3 years old child:
Going down and up the stairs, alternately rearranges the legs.
Can dress and undress independently (with varying degrees of success).
· Rides a tricycle.
· Understands and follows combined two-part commands (“Pick up the shovel and put it in the bucket!”).
· Builds phrases from 4-5 words.
Uses pronouns in his speech ("I", "you", etc.)
· Pronounces most of the words clearly and articulately.
Understands the speech addressed to him well (within reasonable limits of complexity).
Points to at least 4 familiar objects in the book.
· Knows the names of at least 6 body parts.
· Plays and/or socializes with other children.
· Toilet trained (minor incidents are perfectly acceptable).

By the age of 3, the child's speech skills improve significantly. Pay more attention to learning rhymes and songs, read more books with your child, carefully examining and discussing the pictures.

At 4 years old child:

Already has good control over his body. He becomes a real "specialist" in the field of fastening and unbuttoning buttons, laces, zippers, scaring you with the desire for complete independence and independence. He also skillfully uses a spoon and a fork. At this age, it's completely normal for your chubby baby to turn into a lanky "gum". Do not be alarmed, gradually over a few years the child's fat will “melt” and be replaced by muscles. The height and weight of the child should increase evenly. If the weight grows faster than the height, then the child may be inclined to be overweight. Pay attention to the inner thighs and upper forearms of the child - if the fat hangs in folds there, this is also a sign excess weight. In this case, it is worth reviewing the child's diet and giving him more wholesome and healthy food, as well as actively involving him in outdoor games. If the child has not grown noticeably in six months, consult a doctor: some children may lack growth hormone.
· A four-year-old's dictionary can already contain 1,000 words! He can already build phrases from 6-8 words, and strangers already understand his speech to a sufficient extent.
At this age, children begin to be interested in their bodies and the differences between men and women. Therefore, the game "doctor" becomes so popular.

Shoelaces: Your child should be able to tie their shoelaces by the time they start visiting. Kindergarten, in any case, by 4-5 years. Velcro shoes are certainly more comfortable, but then the development of fine motor skills of your child's hands (for example, the ability to write) will take much longer.

Swimming: A child can learn to swim independently as early as 4 years old. At this age, you can write it to the pool. Until the age of 4, the child, on average, has not yet developed the appropriate skills and coordination.

Starting from the age of three, the child begins a new period of life, when he turns from an unintelligent baby into an adult.

What should a child know and be able to do at 3 years old? He already boasts a good memory, knowledge of letters and numbers, the ability to communicate and help, good physical condition. At the same moment, the “weaning” of the baby from the mother occurs. Now the child begins to show with all his actions that he is a person and he needs recognition, respect and appropriate communication.

Features of mental development

Some features of the development of children 3-4 years old often alarm parents. Adults cannot understand why their child is changing dramatically, showing some demands and completely ignoring parental instructions.

At one time, the famous psychologist specializing in personality development, Lidia Ilyinichna Bozhovich, said a wonderful phrase: “A child does everything in his own way, not because he wants it that way, but because he needs it.”

Therefore, everything that happens to a baby at this age should not be considered a manifestation of his disrespect for adults, his whims and whims. It's just the way a person works, sooner or later he crosses a certain life line, changing his character and needs, seeking his place in the cell of society.

Marina, Anyuta's mother, 3.5 years old: “Once I noticed that my baby, affectionate, attentive and quiet, at one moment turned into some kind of imp. She began to do everything in her own way and in defiance. “Get dressed - I don’t want to! Let's go for a walk - I won't go. I won't brush my teeth!" No persuasion, requests or threats work. Punishments (ban on TV) lead to tantrums. And if earlier Anyuta could apologize and hug, now she can come up and hit. And all this happened almost immediately after she was 3 years and 2 months old. Does it really happen, or is it a parental mistake in upbringing?

There are two reasons for this behaviour:

  • global protest against requests or tasks imposed by parents;
  • overloading the child with these very requests and tasks, because of which he is lost.

In the case when 3-year-old children do not obey, they do everything in defiance, psychologist Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter advises to “let go of the reins”. This does not mean that the child should not be required to fulfill the requests, it just needs to be given time to comprehend the task.

“It is necessary to monitor not the child, but the extent to which the next order is carried out by the child. If not satisfied, do not repeat it immediately. Otherwise, escalation will follow," Gippenreiter advises in his book "What to do so that children ...".

There is a wonderful metaphor: you need to educate a child, how to pull a fish on a spinning rod - then pull, then let go. Do not pull sharply right away, but be flexible, otherwise he will break loose and it will be difficult to improve relations. Sometimes you can give in a little, for the sake of peace:

Masha, it's time for bed.
- I'll play again!
You haven't finished the game and you need more time...
- Yes!
- Okay, 5 more minutes. I'll set a timer on my phone. But then go to sleep!
- Okay!

A 3-year-old child is already a person who must be respected.

Otherwise, the child will begin to protest, and the only way to strike available to him at this age is to do everything in defiance.

Characteristics of the features of the comprehensive development of the baby from 3 to 4 years

Watching your baby develop, you probably noticed that his psychological, social and physical development have undergone some changes.


There is a craving for communication and the ability to independently invent activities not only for themselves, but also for peers. The baby begins not only to interact better with other children, but also tries to take a leading position in the company. The child begins to realize that not only he has feelings, but also those around him. Sometimes tries to take into account the needs and wishes of others. At the same time, there is a need to choose your own idol. Therefore, do not be upset if your baby does not obey you at all, but only reacts to the words of the pope. This is not a division of parents into “loves - does not love”, this is the next stage of growing up and becoming a person.


He seeks to ask others as many questions as possible and get exhaustive answers to them. Now the baby can rightly be called the "great why-why". At this time, speech develops at a rapid pace. The kid can not only repeat words and correlate them with objects and actions, but also invent his own vocabulary from non-existent words. Most of the information comes to the baby during the game. Therefore, now the main task of the development and upbringing of the baby should be the game. Parents at this stage can teach their child a lot in a playful way.

Features of the age development of a child from 3 to 4 years in the table

In addition to the fact that the baby is changing in character, at this age he continues to develop comprehensively. What should a child of 3-4 years old be able to do? In the table you can see the main achievements that a child can demonstrate at this age.

mental development
The child is aware of himself as a person. The period of "I myself" begins. Can observe objects or actions for a long time, best of all remembers something interesting for him. Imagination and thinking develops - the child knows how to play role-playing games, invent stories, fairy tales.
Physical development
Subject actions are well developed - it can build stable structures from cubes, assemble large puzzles. Can hold a pencil. Dexterously controlled with the ball, can throw it over his head. Without support, jumps on one leg, climbs stairs.
emotional development
He sharply perceives everything that happens around, easily transforms into his favorite heroes of fairy tales and cartoons. Therefore, some stories can plunge the baby into a state of stress. Able to empathize, regret.
sensory development
He perceives information well both at the tactile level, and at the level of hearing and vision. Knows and names colors (minimum 5). Knows how to distinguish the sounds of nature (birds, insects, animals), music (cheerful - sad, loud - quiet).
Development of intelligence (memory, logical thinking, attention)
Remembers 2-3 words out of 10 voiced and up to 5 items out of 10 shown. Able to divide objects into groups: clothes, furniture, animals, insects, vegetables, fruits, etc. Knows how to find and explain inconsistencies in pictures (tasks "find the differences"). Able to assemble a puzzle of 4-6 parts. Must be able to count to at least 5, know and identify the shapes of objects (circle, square, oval, triangle). Understands the meaning of such expressions as big - small, high - low, etc.
Speech development
Vocabulary is 1200-2500 words. Can distinguish and use gender in speech (father - he, mother - she). Correctly uses the pronouns "I", "you", correctly builds sentences of 5-6 words. Describes items, events that happened in the correct sequence. On the incomprehensible events and phenomena asks the question "why?".
Feels the need to play with peers. There is a desire to play not nearby (in the same sandbox), but together with other children. An adult becomes not just a “teacher”, but a partner for joint games.
Knows how to put on clothes without fasteners, Velcro shoes. He eats on his own, wipes himself with a napkin, observes the rules of behavior at the table. Knows and observes the rules of hygiene (washing hands, washing, brushing teeth). Collects toys, keeps order. Skillfully uses scissors, draws geometric figures, tracing and coloring pictures.

Children from 3 to 4 years old also have an increased ability to learn. This age becomes ideal for acquiring new skills and information. Therefore, by the age of 4, many kids already know almost all the printed letters of the alphabet and write them. The same is true with numbers. Children, especially during the game, can count up to 10, divide objects into equal parts, understand the time on an electronic clock. During this period, you can offer your child classes with counting sticks or abacus.

In addition, children given age can already show social skills, communicating with peers and trying to help adults. Therefore, you can offer the baby to make the bed, fold things, put away toys, dust, etc. Of course, the child will not do everything as well as you, but with pleasure.

What to do if the child is behind in development?

Many parents believe that if a child lacks some of the skills required at this age, then he lags behind in development. Specialists (psychologist, neurologist) will help to resolve all doubts. But it must be borne in mind that all children are different and the conditions in which they grew up to 3 years old too.

If adults have never told a child that a mosquito, a fly and a beetle are insects, then how can he know this? Therefore, when evaluating the abilities of your child, consider your contribution to them.

But in no case should the development of a child of 3-4 years old be left to chance. This is the age of active accumulation of knowledge about the world around us, people, development of skills and intellectual abilities. Therefore, it is important to guide the child, to provide him with conditions for harmonious development.

How to develop a child 3-4 years old

Knowing the features of the development of children 3-4 years old, the main tasks of the development and upbringing of the baby should be based on the principle "Do no harm." In order not to "break" the baby, but to help him survive a rather difficult stage of life, parents should heed the recommendations below.

Treat your child with respect

Try to be understanding and patient with the feelings of the crumbs and his new beliefs. If you suppress the will of a child at this age, then you can make him an infantile, dependent and passive person. Which will significantly complicate the future life of your child. If the situation allows and the child is not in danger, it is better to give in to the baby. Remember that you, too, were small and also tried to do a lot of ridiculous things in defiance of your parents.

Understand that the stubbornness of a baby at this age is not an attempt to upset you, but just a call for adults to begin to reckon with his opinion.

Try to feel your baby

Do not think that if a child walks, eats, drinks and talks on his own, he feels everything like an adult. Learn to take his fears and frustrations seriously. After all, even a wheel that has fallen off a toy car for your child can become a tragedy of incredible proportions. Do not suppress the child's emotions, but try to switch them.

Provide your child with interactions with peers

Lovely conversations with you or grandmas are wonderful. But at this age, the child needs more communication with other children. Therefore, if possible, then give the baby to a kindergarten. If for some reason this does not work out, enroll him in a group of active development of children or in some kind of drawing or modeling circle.

Lead by example in dealing with others

This advice may seem unimportant to many. But it is precisely on how you treat the people around you and your family members that the model of behavior with them will be built in the crumbs. When Matvey's mother complained that her son began to talk to her arrogantly and even impudently, it turned out that this is how she herself talks to her subordinates. And the child, who is often at her work, concluded that this was the right thing to do.

Exercise with him

All children's fun (hurdles, long jumps, ball games, etc.) should be in the child's daily "menu". If funds allow, purchase a gymnastic complex for the children's room. Praise the child when he climbs the ladder, hangs on the rings and tries to climb the rope.

Developing classes are required

Developing classes - modeling, drawing, building from cubes are required in 3-4 years. If you work and have only 1 hour a day to devote to the child - choose them.

Communicate with your child as much as possible

The more words your baby hears, the wider his vocabulary will be. Read books with him, tell funny stories, sing songs. Don't forget that the child absorbs everything like a sponge, so watch what you and all your family members say. Indeed, children often remember especially interesting words much faster, and use them for other purposes, but when they please. And if this happened, do not rush to punish the baby, start better with yourself.

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This age is called the most capricious and traumatic in the development of children. At 1 year 4 months, your baby is as fickle as the wind in May, so be patient and watch your baby very carefully.

Physiological parameters of a child at 1 year 4 months: weight, height of the baby

  • Growth. For boys, it is considered optimal in the region of 78 cm. The average height of girls at this age is slightly more than 80 cm.
  • The weight. Girls of this age weigh an average of 10.6 kg, boys a little more - 11.3 kg.
  • Head circumference - 45.6-48.9 cm, chest 47.3-53.1 cm.
  • Teeth . According to generally accepted norms, the upper fangs appear in this month.

Fangs are said to be the hardest to erupt, so stock up on soothing gels, teethers, and strong nerves.

What a child can do at 1 and 4: baby skills at 1 year 4 months

Children of this age are full of energy and cheerfulness. It is very important for a child, in addition to the ability to jump and run, to satisfy emotional curiosity and sensory thirst. Let the baby explore the world around him, using all the senses, and touch, study objects by taste and touch.

What can children do at this age?

  1. The child already gets up on his own, walks, holding onto a support, sits down and turns in different directions.
    Of particular note is the ability of the baby to walk up the stairs: up and down, holding the hand of adults or the railing. In addition, he demonstrates attempts to climb on chairs, armchairs, sofas.
    At this age, the risk of injury increases significantly, since the movements of the baby are not coordinated, and there is no fear of falling.
    Therefore, do not leave the child unattended even for a few minutes!
  2. Children begin to quite confidently hold a spoon in their fist, try to eat on their own, drink from a mug.
    Stock up on patience and bibs. Give the baby the opportunity to independently eat thick foods - mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, porridge.
  3. The kid already knows how to perform simple actions - raise his hands up, forward, take him behind his back, to the sides, rotate his hands, move his fingers. He can do these actions both independently and at the request of adults.
    In addition, it is considered mandatory to be able to fulfill the requests of adults “Show me. Bring it. Give."
  4. The child reacts emotionally to different situations: parting with parents, returning from a walk, the arrival of a grandmother, etc.
  5. Children of this age pronounce 4-10 words , know the names of animals, fruits, vegetables, body parts, household items.
  6. Perform certain actions with toys , play simple plot games: they know how to pour sand into a bucket, they can pour water, feed toys, rock a doll.

What to feed and how to care for the babyat 1 year 4 months: child care and diet

As for hygienic care at this age, it can be noted that there is no need to wash the baby often, since he already “goes to the toilet” less often, and some by this time are generally “friends” with the pot.

Everything else is as usual:

  • morning wash;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • evening water procedures.
  • daytime sleep - 2-3 hours;
  • daily walks in the fresh air are required.

At this age, children develop the habit of cleanliness. They begin to wipe their hands themselves, when they get dirty, they can ask to wash.

It is very important to follow the daily routine. To overcome the changes taking place with the baby, he needs confidence in the stability of events.

The daily routine gives the child a sense of constancy and soothes.

You can gradually switch to four meals a day. The fifth feeding in the form of milk or kefir should be saved for children with poor appetite. But it is not advisable to insist in those situations when the child himself shows a tendency to switch to four meals a day.

Approximate serving size for each meal

Dishes are still prepared mainly in puree and chopped form. But gradually, denser food and more pieces are added to the baby's diet in order to develop chewing skills.
Children of this age already have their own food preferences - favorite and least favorite dishes. Listen to the wishes of the child, but do not follow his lead.

Menu for a child aged 1 year and 4 months for a week

The suggested dishes can be taken as a basis, as a general guide.

It is important to change the baby's menu so that dishes are not repeated more than twice a week.

Speech and psychology of development of children at 1 year and 4 months: communication and emotions of the baby

At this age, children's speech begins to take a meaningful form. The kid already knows how to pronounce simple, easy words that relate to a particular situation. For example, when seeing a cat, a baby can say “Kitty” and point to the animal.

  • The vocabulary of a child at 1 year 4 months varies greatly. For one it may be only 10 words, for another it may be more than 50.
  • Stimulate the development of speech in the crumbs by reading poetry aloud, since rhyming lines are easier to perceive.
  • Choose bright illustrated books to read. They help to absorb information not only by ear, but also visually.
  • As you read, encourage your child to try to say a word by pointing to the picture to which the word refers.

At this stage, the range of emotions expands significantly:

  • kids are happy when they succeed and upset when they fail;
  • trying to express agreement or disagreement with facial expressions and gestures;
  • react differently to familiar and unfamiliar people.

A feature of this age is the ability to "infect" emotions and feelings - the baby can cry or laugh "for the company." Children:

  • surprised by the new and afraid of unexpected actions;
  • easily switch attention from one subject to another.

The difference between boys and girls in behavior and emotionally. Boys are more independent and independent, less responsive to the emotions of others. Girls are more receptive, cry more often, like to sit on their hands or hug.

What to do with a baby at 1 year and 4 months old: educational activities and games for a child

The games of the baby at this age are imitative in nature - they are very fond of repeating everything that they do after their parents. Therefore, stock up on toy dishes, a broom, an iron and other similar toys that will help the child feel like an adult.

Properly selected educational games will make the child's leisure time rich and interesting.

  1. With great pleasure, children are now engaged in games that develop fine motor skills, and hence speech centers. For example, a variety of mosaics with large and bright elements. A variety of lacing and bright designers with clinging details are also popular.
  2. The simplest, most affordable and exciting game - stringing beads or buttons on fishing line or safety wire.
  3. Pyramids and cups will be great toys different sizes and colors, inserted into each other.
  4. At this age, you can already draw the baby's attention to more complex educational games: simple labyrinths, figurines with inserts, games related to shifting or pouring all kinds of objects.

Girls and boys of this age prefer different toys and games.

  • boys they prefer more active ones, with a ball and cars, but at the same time they spend less time concentrating on any activity.
  • Girls they like to deal more with small objects and plot games: they clean the house, feed the dolls, treat animals.

At this stage, you can start playing educational games to study the world around you: colors, shapes, properties of objects: large - small, soft - hard, smooth - rough, etc.

At this age, children do not realize the need to share toys and do not want to wait even a minute. Psychologists advise in such cases to switch the baby's attention to another object or to occupy him with a simple game, for example, entertain him with finger games.

Just do not overdo it with educational games so that the child does not lose cognitive interest.

You can see that the child develops character. He will begin to show his taste, now it will be difficult to feed the crumbs with a very healthy porridge if he does not like it. This age in a child's life is perhaps one of the most capricious. The mood, tastes and preferences of the baby will change in the blink of an eye, and you need to get used to it in order to catch these changes.

In the development of a child at 1.4 months (memory, thinking, speech, sensory), the process of formation is now taking place. This does not go smoothly and evenly, but in peculiar jumps that manifest themselves in the emotional state of the little one.

Physical development

important Each toddler develops according to its own unique program and differs from other children, but there are guidelines that can help control the growth processes of a child.

So, for boys aged 1.4 months:

  • the average body weight is 11-11.3 kg;
  • height - 79.5-81 cm.

For girls, on average, the following indicators are normal:

  • weight equal to 10.3-11 kg;
  • height - 77-78.5 cm.

motor skills

In addition to the fact that the baby continues to hone his skills in the skills that he received earlier, he successfully continues to master more and more new actions. Having started walking, he did it very uncertainly, and now he not only walks and runs - the baby begins to learn to spin around his axis, tries to stand on his toes.

information The child really likes an active lifestyle, and he is constantly ready to run and rush anywhere and everywhere. At the age of 12-18 months, babies begin to make their first dance moves.

neuropsychic development

cleanliness begins to appear. If earlier the baby liked to wash his hands and smiled because it was an interesting game for him, now he begins to wipe his hands on his own, which will get dirty or can make it clear that they need to be washed.

As before, at 1 year and 4 months, the development of the child is dominated by the repetition of what he saw.. The kid adopts those behavior patterns that he sees from his relatives. Observing your behavior, he tries his best to behave correctly, i.e. the way you do it.

At the age of 16 months, the child can understand and fulfill up to 70% of your requests.. How he will behave further depends on your reaction to his behavior.

important At this age, in addition to good skills, bad ones can also appear. For no apparent reason, one day, the baby may start to beat one of his loved ones.

In such situations, try to hold his pen by catching it and tell the fighter: "I'm in pain!" Show your child how upset you are with their behavior. But do not scold the baby - long explanations about how bad it is will not give a better result.

Intelligence Development

the brain is already well developed. In the period of 12-18 months, that part of it that is responsible for remembering and reproducing information and events of the recent past begins to receive its intensive development. Since then, the little ones can already remember what happened to them and around them recently (it can be from 2-3 hours to 2-3 days). Most children at 1.4 months have already developed memory function.

From this moment on, your child is able to learn and develop due to the information seen or heard.. You don’t even realize that when you wash the dishes, cook or clean, your baby, watching you, remembers and learns everything. Now imagine how tender you will be when you see how the baby reproduces all these actions while playing with his toys. So he goes through the stage of training his memory.

In the life of the crumbs, now is a period of intensive development of sensory skills.. By playing and interacting with different objects, your child begins to learn what shape, size, gets acquainted with different colors and with such a concept as distance.

More and more mobile and nimble children require constant attention from adults, they need an eye and an eye.

additionally In order for the baby to develop motor skills well, he needs to provide free space. Playgrounds that you can visit during a walk will help you with this.

Let the little one ride down the hill, run after other children, jump over curbs - all this will only benefit him. Do not be afraid to give the baby freedom in mastering the playground, let him show his activity and mobility.

Various toys can help in the development of motor skills and coordination, among them should be:

  • balls of different sizes and from a variety of materials;
  • a set for games in the sand (bucket, scoop, rakes, molds);
  • baskets, bags;
  • a car or stroller with a rope for which the baby can carry it;
  • large toys on wheels that the baby can roll or which he can sit on and ride himself, turning over with his legs.

Already now the little one will be interested in trying to draw. Give him paper and pencils, let the baby show creative notes.

Of course, don't forget to involve your child in doing housework.. Try to expand the circle of those things in which the baby can help you. Train him to take on new assignments. And never forget to praise your assistant, because he needs your approval so much.

Encourage your child's independence- let him try to learn how to undress, starting with at least one hat or mittens.

In the development of a child's speech, fairy tales or short stories will be useful.. Read to your child every day before bed. This will not only be a good bedtime ritual, but will also help increase your baby's vocabulary.


Here are the main recommendations that will help you deal with the development of the baby at this age. But not a single scientific method can compete with a sensitive mother's heart. Only you know how best to approach your baby. And, of course, there is nothing better for him than your love, attention and care.

What to look for in the development of a child in 1 year of life and subsequent months. In babies up to 2 years old, vocabulary is accumulated, pottery mastered ...

For 12 months, parents watched with impatience and surprise how quickly their baby was changing. The development of a child at 1 year and subsequent months will no longer be so rapid, but adults still need to know what skills the baby should acquire and what to pay attention to in his upbringing.

Year and 1 month

Perhaps your child has not mastered enough new way movement - walking, does it uncertainly, waddling from side to side, like a bear. But the new horizons of the unknown and unexplored that open before him allow the baby to explore the world around him even more actively, which brings a lot of trouble to his relatives. Climbing for something interesting on a table or window sill, the baby is not able to get back down, so it must be constantly supervised.

Many parents underestimate the speech abilities of their baby, taking into account only his active vocabulary, which is still quite stingy: mom, lala, give - about 10 combinations of simple syllables. In fact, in babies up to two years old, passive vocabulary is accumulated. For example, a child after a year already fully understands the simplest requests: give a ball, bring a cube.

What else can a child at 13 months:

  • pushes, pulls toys;
  • interested in household items, understands their purpose;
  • looking for communication with other kids;
  • experiments with his voice (raises, lowers intonation, makes new sounds).

year and 2 months

After 13 months, children become more and more bored with the company of mom and dad, so try to walk with your child more often in places where there are a lot of other children: sandboxes, parks, play centers.

Achievements of the baby in a year and 2 months: distinguishes the voices of relatives from strangers, walks well without parental support, imitates the sounds of some animals, asks for help from parents with gestures and “own” words.

The enrichment of the vocabulary is noticeable after the baby begins to fulfill many new requests from relatives: come, show me where ..., bring it.

Thematic material:

The child shows feelings for loved ones and favorite toys: he can hug, kiss, regret.

Parents have more and more questions about education, because the growing desire of the child for self-expression results in whims and tantrums. If the child constantly answers with a firm “no” to all the suggestions of adults, perhaps you yourself have gone too far with prohibitions.

To interrogative "Y?" crumbs try to explain and tell in detail: what is it, why is it necessary, and why is it dangerous.

Year and 3 months

After the 15th month of life, the baby noticeably grows the desire for independence. Don't stop him. Stock up on patience, change of clothes, food and let the child eat and drink on his own.

The same applies to other cases that are within the power of the crumbs. Do not rush to help if you know that the baby is trying to get a rolled up toy or move his high chair. Just be there.

What will please the parents of a child at 15 months:

  • imitates the actions of adults: coughs, sneezes, knocks on the keyboard,
  • leafing through books, “talking on the phone”;
  • knows how to play "palmies", say goodbye with a pen;
  • while walking carries or pushes an object;
  • “checks” mom and dad, violating prohibitions.

Year 4 months

Many parents may notice unpleasant changes in the behavior of the child - capriciousness and changeable mood. Try to distract the baby, provide opportunities for "saturation" of his sensory feelings, do not limit the knowledge of the world around him.

What does the baby do in a year and 4 months: indulges, standing on his toes while walking, spinning; swears if the usual order is violated, for example, after something is rearranged or removed; begins to play the simplest story games (feeds, puts favorite toys to bed); may refuse food, does not try new foods.

Up to two years, the child needs to master the pottery wisdom, after a year and 4 months comes best time to learn about this important subject. If you delay the training process, the baby may get used to the fact that you can walk in panties.

Thematic material:

Year and 5 months

If after a year there were about 10 words in your child's vocabulary, now their number is growing rapidly. This applies to most children, but parents whose child does not yet speak should not worry. Up to three years, the development of speech occurs according to an individual schedule.

Of the new skills, by 17 months, children have the following: walk in a circle, know how to run; walk up the stairs; stack a few cubes; show resentment; know how to manipulate a spoon; climb into hard-to-reach places with the help of stands (for example, a stool); know some parts of the body.

By this age, the child is capable of the simplest systematization of familiar objects. For example, at your request, he will collect only balls.

Year and 6 months

A child of one and a half years is noticeably different from a one-year-old. This is already a rather independent little man who has completely mastered the actions with cutlery; performs some hygiene procedures (combs hair, brushes teeth, washes hands, wipes herself); plays by himself for a long time; knows where and what is in his dwelling; moves well, avoiding obstacles.

All this makes the baby feel its importance. But it is also important for him to know that you perceive him as an adult. Take this into account in your upbringing, support the child, praise him for completing assignments, respect his personality.

Speech skills also need to be developed. Speak the correct, beautiful language. Do not switch to his simplified words like “beep”, “av-av”, which, by the way, instead of 10, there are already more than 40 in the child’s arsenal.

One and a half year old children are able to distinguish several colors, recognize the simplest geometric shapes, understand how to assemble 2-3 pyramid rings in the desired sequence.

Year and 7 months

After a year and a half, the baby learns to ignore some prohibitions. He perfectly understands that it is impossible when enough is enough, but consciously continues his actions.

Raising a baby can be further complicated by the fact that adults do not always manage to figure out what he wants. It ends with outbursts of anger and practiced loud crying.

Parents can only wish to be patient and learn to prevent such behavior. Do not overwork and overexcite the crumbs, avoid "controversial" situations, express your love more often.

From mental skills comes the ability to distinguish shapes, sizes, colors. An understanding comes that many actions lead to consequences, for example, a child closes his eyes, throwing an object on the floor.

Year and 8 months

After 20 months, children are increasingly involved in the lives of their parents. At this age, it is quite possible to introduce them to the process of preparing dinner, setting the table, and even cleaning the house. Most likely, after this, household chores will only increase, but very soon the baby will become a real helper.

Sometimes it seems that the upbringing process has reached a dead end, because the child has a categorical “no”, which is difficult to overcome. Do not worry, this is temporary, in the end, you can always agree, because adults are still smarter than a little rebel.

After a year and a half, children are more and more interested in their peers, now they are not just standing side by side, but are directly involved in joint games.

Year and 9 months

The indefatigable energy of 21-month-old babies can only be envied. They run endlessly, jump, climb onto the backs of sofas and roll off them, they cannot sit still for 10 minutes. Children know and remember exactly where the sweets are, and where the toys left yesterday.

If a child has been sufficiently engaged, he can easily understand shapes, colors, sizes, loves to draw, sculpt, knows how to assemble a large mosaic, plays with lacing. Up to two years, these skills will only improve.

Manipulations with a spoon become more confident, now even liquid food enters the mouth with minimal losses.

Year and 10 months

A year and 10 is the age when the cute swelling and folds of the crumbs completely disappear. Now the baby is taller and slimmer than it was before the age of one and a half. Strong-willed abilities become more perfect - at the age of 10 and 10, the child can “postpone” his crying in order to listen to the parent.

The emerging desires of the baby are simply unrealistic, which causes a violent reaction on his part. Therefore, do not forget that proper upbringing excludes physical punishment, it is better to learn to negotiate with children.

At the age of 10 and 10, children are already starting to disassemble toys, which means that you need to make sure that small parts do not get into their mouths.

Year and 11 months

The coordination of the movements of the baby is more and more perfect. At a year and 10-11 months old, he can jump on one leg, walk backwards, dance, repeat the movements of an adult, walk up the stairs, leaning on one leg.

A month to 2 years old, many children already dress themselves. Adult items are often preferable to them than toys.

Pay attention to educating your child's social skills: stop pugnacity, learn to share.

Many guys of this age already operate on about 200 words, put together small sentences.

2 years

By this age, motor skills usually “level out”, the ability to walk along the crossbar and climb through the hoop is added.

If the number of words spoken by a child is usually very individual and does not lend itself to the norms up to 3 years, then with understanding the speech of adults in babies, everything is usually all right. Try to watch what you say in the presence of the child, because your speech is now the standard for him.

Raising children is a complex science, sometimes requiring all the strength and capabilities. But they are small only once, so do not miss a single important minute.