The Griboedov Institute is state-owned or not. Preparatory Department at the Institute

Non-state higher education institution, founded in 1993. You will find student reviews at the end of this article, which provides basic information about this university.

The Institute is named after the great Russian playwright and diplomat A.S. Griboyedov.

Located at the address: Entuziastov Highway, 21 (10 minutes by public transport from the Aviamotornaya metro station).

There is a preparatory department for future applicants.

IMPE carries out educational activities in economic, legal, journalistic and linguistic areas.

Postgraduate studies of the Institute include about 10 scientific specialties.

IMPE branches are located in the following cities: Vologda, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Murmansk, Nizhnevartovsk, Petrozavodsk, Ulyanovsk.

Employment assistance is provided to graduates of all faculties.

We publish a link to the official site - IMPE them. Griboyedov. There you will find the latest information from admission committee and you can also check the class schedule.

By the way, on the website of the university there is a section “student reviews”. Well, you can read. However, it should be understood that the site management will not allow negative feedback about their university to be posted on their site. In this regard, we invite you to visit the feedback section of our readers. Only we have accurate, truthful information from "firsthand".

The educational concept of the institute is the preparation of comprehensively educated, competitive professionals, adapted to the conditions of the modern labor market. For this, original curricula have been developed, the best teachers have been involved in the educational process, new forms of professional training and honing practical skills have been created.

IN modern world success young man, as a rule, is determined by how quickly he finds a job and how easily he gets a job. Institute international law and Economics helps its students and graduates to find jobs in later life by arranging employment for them in accordance with their education in prestigious companies and organizations where they can appreciate all the features of the chosen profession. Employers appreciate our students, and those, in turn, get such an important chance at the very beginning of their career growth.

For those who are just going to enter a higher educational institution, they work preparatory department , where future students are helped to prepare for the Unified State Exam (USE). For four years in a row, all students of preparatory courses have been gaining high scores on this test, getting the opportunity to enter the most prestigious universities Moscow and Russia.

The institute has a graduate school, which trains scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of jurisprudence, economics, and philology.

In Vologda, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Ulyanovsk branches of the institute, where students are taught at the economic and law faculties according to a unified curriculum with the involvement of leading teachers from Moscow.

The material and technical base of the institute and branches is constantly developing. 5 computer classes are united in a single network and have Internet access. Students are provided free of charge with licensed software products from Microsoft Corporation Microsoft MSDN Academic Alliance for installation on home computers with the possibility of regular updates, and also have the opportunity independent work in computer classes in their free time. The problem of providing students with educational and educational-methodical literature has been solved: the library is equipped with all the necessary Russian and foreign textbooks, is updated monthly with periodicals and regulatory documents, methodological literature is posted on the Institute's website.

The Institute cooperates on a contractual basis with firms providing hostel for foreign students. Everyone has the opportunity to choose for themselves an option according to territorial and financial characteristics.

The administration makes every effort to make the stay of students within the walls of the institute comfortable and safe: a student cafe, a first-aid post are constantly working, the building is professionally guarded.

Today IMPE them. A.S. Griboyedov is not just one of the Moscow universities. This is a high-quality and affordable education, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by the success of our graduates and highly appreciated by the State based on the results of monitoring activities. educational institutions higher professional education, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, IMPE them. A.S. Griboyedov for many years ranked first among accredited non-state universities.

Many graduates of IMPE them. A.S. Griboedov's students passed the procedure of nostrification (confirmation) of diplomas of higher education in the USA and received the appropriate certificate, which significantly expanded their career opportunities, improved their image and increased their chances of employment in leading companies.

To his students IMPE them. A.S. Griboedova offers quality higher education. What will you choose?

Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboedova provides its students with high-quality higher education in the field of law, economics, management, journalism, and linguistics. Levels of training - bachelor, specialist, master.

The educational concept of the institute is the preparation of comprehensively educated, competitive professionals, adapted to the conditions of the modern labor market. For this, original curricula have been developed, the best teachers have been involved in the educational process, new forms of professional training and honing practical skills have been created.

In today's world, the success of a young person is usually determined by how quickly he finds a job and how easily he gets a job. The Institute of International Law and Economics helps its students and graduates to get a job in later life by organizing employment for them in accordance with their education in prestigious companies and organizations where they can appreciate all the features of the chosen profession. Employers appreciate our students, and those, in turn, get such an important chance at the very beginning of their career growth.

At IMPE, you can study full-time and part-time, get a second higher education according to individual schedules in a shortened time frame (3.2 years) - in a word, get an education in a comfortable environment.

For those who are just going to enter a higher educational institution, there is a preparatory department, where future students are helped to prepare for the Unified State Exam (USE). For four years in a row, all students of preparatory courses have been gaining high scores on this test, getting the opportunity to enter the most prestigious universities in Moscow and Russia.

Our full-time students not only receive an education that meets federal state educational standards, but also have the opportunity to master the additional educational program "Career", designed to increase the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

The institute has a postgraduate course, which trains scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of jurisprudence, economics, and philology.

Branches of the institute operate in Vologda, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Petrozavodsk, Ulyanovsk, where students are trained at the faculties of economics and law according to uniform curricula with the involvement of leading teachers from Moscow.

The material and technical base of the institute and branches is constantly developing. The Department of Applied Informatics combines 5 computer classes with Internet access. Students are provided free of charge with licensed software products from Microsoft Corporation Microsoft MSDN Academic Alliance for installation on home computers with the possibility of regular updates, and also have the opportunity to work independently in computer classes in their free time. The problem of providing students with educational and educational-methodical literature has been solved: the library is equipped with all the necessary Russian and foreign textbooks, is replenished monthly with periodicals and regulatory documents, methodological literature is posted on the Institute's website.

The Institute cooperates on a contractual basis with firms that provide hostels to non-resident students. Everyone has the opportunity to choose for themselves an option according to territorial and financial characteristics.

The administration makes every effort to make the stay of students within the walls of the institute comfortable and safe: a student cafe, a first-aid post are constantly working, the building is professionally guarded.

Today IMPE them. A.S. Griboyedov is not just one of the Moscow universities. This is a high-quality and affordable education, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by the success of our graduates and highly appreciated by the State based on the results of monitoring the activities of educational institutions of higher professional education, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, I.I. A.S. Griboyedov for many years ranked first among accredited non-state universities.

The institute is also certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Russian Federation, as an educational institution, the level and quality of training of specialists in which meets the requirements for inclusion in the register of the TTP of the Russian Federation.

In addition, many graduates of IMPE them. A.S. Griboedov's students passed the procedure of nostrification (confirmation) of diplomas of higher education in the USA and received the appropriate certificate, which significantly expanded their career opportunities, improved their image and increased their chances of employment in leading companies.

Training courses

Currently, documents are being accepted for preparation courses for the OGE and the Unified State Examination, classes for which will begin in October 2015. Duration of training - 7 months.

Preparation for the Unified State Examination (for students in grades 10, 11)

Preparation for the GIA (for students in grade 9)

The courses prepare students of grade 9 for passing OGE and students of grades 10 and 11 - for delivery USE and admission to universities. Thanks to the preparatory courses for the Unified State Examination, organized at our university, all students successfully passed the entrance tests to the prestigious Russian institutions.

The benefits of preparatory courses at institutes are indisputable, since high school students not only consolidate the knowledge gained at school, but they also learn the nuances of passing tests and adapt to new learning conditions.

Not only students of grades 9, 10, 11 of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, but also graduates of schools of previous years who plan to get higher education can take courses for admission to a university. The preparation period is seven months. Material development for passing the exam is carried out in the following academic disciplines:

  • mathematics,
  • in social studies,
  • on literature,
  • by history,
  • in English language,
  • In Russian,
  • on the basics of journalism.

In order to prepare for the OGE or the USE, students can choose any number of subjects from this list in accordance with the level of the exam being passed.

Additional preparatory courses

Preparing to enter a university in the popular faculty of journalism requires a lot of effort. Entrance tests the Faculty of Journalism includes a creative competition. To pass it successfully, for future journalists and PR specialists, a Course "Fundamentals of Journalism".

Applicants for training courses provide:

The cost of training in preparation courses for the OGE and the Unified State Examination is calculated individually and depends on the number of selected disciplines:









University courses

Students who have completed pre-entry training at IMPE have tuition fee benefits and enrollment benefits.

USE preparation courses

When choosing preparatory courses for the OGE and the Unified State Examination in Moscow, you need to pay attention to many factors. This is the cost of classes, the allotted number of hours, the level of the teaching staff.

The preparatory courses of our institute have the following organizational features:

  • classes in each subject are held once a week on weekdays from 17.40 to 20.00 (3 academic hours);
  • classes are held in the classrooms of the institute;
  • at each lesson, students preparing for the OGE and the USE receive handouts, all sets are selected purposefully;
  • Intermediate testing and final tests are constantly carried out to control knowledge and progress;
  • after writing the trial OGE and USE, an analysis of errors is carried out and recommendations are given to students on how to correct them.

Dear applicants!

Registration for courses in preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Examination is carried out by phone: (495 or 985) 644-60-82 and using a preliminary online application.

About the university

IMPE them. A. S. Griboedova is the leader of the Russian non-state education. And this is not an unfounded assertion. Ratings speak best of our success.

1. Elite education in the most prestigious specialties. Faculties: Law, Economics, Journalism, Linguistics.

2. Guarantee of employment. Contract for the provision educational services contains a clause according to which each student who has chosen to study in comprehensive educational programs is provided with employment for a prestigious and promising job in his specialty after graduation.

3. Two state diplomas, seniority. In order to increase the competitiveness of graduates of the Institute of A.S. Griboedov in the labor market, training is carried out according to comprehensive educational programs, which include, in addition to the state standard in the specialty, a number of programs, the development of which gives the graduate additional knowledge and skills necessary for finding a prestigious job, and also allows you to receive supporting official documents.

4. Everything - in the name of the student, everything - for the benefit of the student! Due to the small number of study groups, the institute implemented a personality-oriented approach to each student. Distinctive features IMPE teachers - professionalism, the ability to create an exciting atmosphere of mutual cooperation at lectures and seminars, which constantly supports the desire of students to acquire knowledge. More than 90 percent of the teachers of the institute are professors and associate professors.

5. Modern material and technical base. IMPE has comfortable, modern classrooms. The computer center combines five classrooms into a single network with Internet access. Each faculty has specialized classrooms. The Linguistic Center of the Institute has cozy classrooms, a language class with video and audio courses, and a simultaneous translation class.

6. Provision of educational and educational-methodical literature. All students of all forms of education are provided with educational and educational-methodical literature at the expense of the tuition fee. The library fund is constantly replenished the latest textbooks on basic professional, special disciplines and disciplines of specialization. Every month the library receives dozens of Russian and foreign periodicals on economics, law, public relations, and philology. The library of the Faculty of Linguistics has a sufficient number of foreign textbooks necessary for the study of foreign languages ​​by linguistic students, as well as students studying additional programs.

7. Rich, exciting student life. Leisure activities - sports competitions, skits, discos, KVN competitions, Miss IMPE, Mister IMPE - these issues are dealt with by the Student Council of the Institute. All aspects of academic and extracurricular life are reflected on the institute's website, the editorial board of which includes students.

8. Wide opportunities for scientific activity. From the first courses, students have ample opportunities for studying scientific activity under the guidance of leading scientists in their fields - teachers of the institute. IMPE students have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of Moscow and All-Russian scientific competitions and the Olympics. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies at the IMPE postgraduate course in economics, law and philology. The institute has dissertation councils for defending dissertations for the degree of candidate of legal sciences and candidate of economic sciences. Postgraduate students are given the opportunity to study abroad, participate in conferences and symposiums, and publish scientific articles.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

IMPE Gallery

general information

Educational private institution of higher education “Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboedov"


No. 02139 is valid Indefinitely from 05/17/2016


No. 03244 valid from 09/25/2019

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for IMPE

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)3 2 2 6 6 4
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education68.09 59.57 57.3 57.62 58.20 66.09
Average USE score credited to the budget- - - - - -
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis67.95 60.31 59.15 59.06 59.12 66.55
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department51 42.08 41.96 45.65 43.40 46.02
Number of students2774 1316 830 816 800 861
full-time department406 385 371 323 327 287
Part-time department121 53 0 0 0 9
Extramural2247 878 459 493 473 565
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

We choose universities in Moscow, where you can learn up to several foreign languages. A large list of universities, a summary analysis of profiles, forms and tuition fees.

About IMPE

Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboyedov is a university where students receive a comprehensive education that allows them to work in the most demanded specialties on the modern labor market. The university has branches in Vologda, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Murmansk, Nizhnevartovsk, Petrozavodsk and Ulyanovsk.

Education at IMPE them. A.S. Griboyedov

At the institute, students can receive full-time, part-time or part-time higher education and a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree at the faculties:

  • in economics, in the specialties of economics or management, where they will receive education in academic disciplines approved by the Federal State Educational Standard, and in those disciplines that are introduced in educational process additionally, to increase the competitiveness of university graduates in employment;
  • legal, majoring in jurisprudence of international law, state law, criminal law or civil law, where students will not only study all the necessary disciplines, but also put their knowledge into practice in specially equipped university rooms for conducting court hearings;
  • journalism, specializing in journalism with a specialization in Advertising and Public Relations or Periodicals. Classes at the faculty are conducted not only by teachers and professors, but also by political PR managers, journalists, bloggers and advertisers who pass on all their professional experience to students;
  • linguistics, majoring in translation and translation studies, where students study in depth two foreign languages, one of which is English, and the second is studying to choose from - German or Spanish.

Persons who already have an average professional education, can receive higher professional education on an accelerated program, studying on Saturdays or Sundays and studying the most relevant issues in all disciplines.

Graduated bachelors and specialists can get a second degree at a university in the areas of economics or jurisprudence.

If you wish to work as a teacher or researcher, students can enroll in full-time or part-time postgraduate studies.

Preparatory Department at IMPE them. A.S. Griboyedov

In 1993, a preparatory department was organized at the university, where high school students can improve their knowledge of school subjects, get acquainted with the basics of the professions represented at the university, and choose the specialty that they like. At the moment, the university has several different preparatory courses with very different durations, where students of grades 9-11 are invited.

During the existence of the department, more than 1000 people have already studied there, who then successfully entered the university and received higher education. Features of training at the preparatory department of IMPE are:

  • small groups of students that allow teachers to find an approach to everyone;
  • unique educational programs that include not only theory and practice, but also various games and trainings to better master the material;
  • teachers treat course participants as university students - respectfully, but demandingly;
  • course participants who want to enroll in journalism can prepare for the creative entrance exam;
  • everyone can participate in all student events that are held at the university and, thereby, join student life;
  • graduates of the courses have benefits when paying for tuition.

On April 1, 2014, the university will begin short-term Intensive preparatory courses for 11-graders who want to improve their school knowledge in a short time and with little financial investment. You can study at the courses both in one specialty and in several, choosing from the Russian language, Russian literature, mathematics, history or social science.

In 1998, the Institute established the Student Council, which deals with the self-government of the university. Any university student who wants to learn organization, communication, and the ability to convey their thoughts to the interlocutor can come here. The entire Student Council of the university is divided into four sectors.

  • The educational and scientific sector is engaged in the organization of scientific conferences, research works of students, publication of collections scientific works, conducting surveys among students, allowing to improve the educational process at the institute.
  • The mass cultural sector organizes students' recreation and arranges various evenings, performances by KVN teams, contests and concerts where children can demonstrate their vocal, dance and acting talents. In addition, trips of students to theaters and exhibitions are organized for their comprehensive development.
  • The sports sector organizes sports competitions and sports competitions among university students, promotes the participation of university teams in Moscow and Russian competitions.
  • The information sector is trying to convey to students information about all the events that are held at the institute.