The softest lawn grass. What lawn grass is better to plant in the country - the properties of herbs in mixtures

Intending to choose grass for planting in the country, you can not fully rely on companies that pack lawn grass seeds in bright bags with promising names. You will have to deal with the composition of the mixtures and, at least a little, study the differences between some cereals from others.

Lawn seeds and marketing

High-quality lawn seeds are the product of the tireless care of breeders, specialized seed farms. Quality products with multi-stage control are guaranteed only by world-famous manufacturers. One of the most famous companies is DLF Trifolium, which has production in different countries peace. The best seeds are supplied with the obligatory indication of the brand of the seed corporation and with the exact indication of the composition of the mixture in percentage with the Latin names of cereals.

Marketing names such as "Lazy Lawn", "Canada Green", "Cottage", etc. do not give an accurate idea of ​​what lawn grass will grow. Often, bright packaging contains a set of non-wintering varieties, and even fodder cereals.

Seeds are sold in packages of 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 kg. Before choosing the right packaging, you must know the exact quantity needed. To do this, you need to calculate the area of ​​​​the lawn. Consumption during manual sowing is 35-50 g per 1 m², when using a mechanical seeder, the consumption is reduced to 30 g.

Basic lawn grasses

Proven in the conditions of the middle lane and even in more northern regions, lawn grass is a variety of varieties and types of red fescue and bluegrass meadow. Their Latin names should be on the packages: Festuca rubra - red fescue, Poa pratensis - meadow bluegrass. In total, these herbs should be at least 65-70%.

Lawn from a quality mixture of grasses

  • strong turf with developed roots;
  • the brightest shades of green:
  • thin graceful shape of strong harsh leaves;
  • survival in bright sun and not too rich soils;
  • winter hardiness;
  • tolerance for frequent shearing.

High quality turf mixes include up to 5 varieties red fescue. This composition forms a community of beautiful and hardy cereals.

- a classic unpretentious grass for sowing lawns, one of the essential components in most seed mixtures. Thick elastic cover resists weeds well. The tillering node is located close to the ground, so the plant is decorative, without hard shoots and stems. Dense turf is frost-resistant, can grow in one place for many years.

Unlike red fescue, which has more than a dozen varieties, the variety of bluegrass is not so great (no more than three varieties are in use). This durable and reliable cereal is used as the main crop in the production of rolled lawns. It is also chosen for sowing in a monoculture - the creation of grass coverings from one type of seed.

Auxiliary lawn grasses

In the basic composition for sowing, depending on the conditions, seeds of special lawn grasses of other types are included in the right amount:

  • Perennial or perennial ryegrass is a fast-growing cereal with wide leaves. Its feature is fast germination and high growth rate. It is included in the lawn mixture to protect slow-growing grasses with its leaves and create the first decorative effect on a young lawn. While the rest of the grass grows, the ryegrass defends the territory from the weeds. Should not be more than 20%, because it freezes in winter and disappears;
  • thin bent grass - a plant with delicate silky leaves. Gives to a lawn special softness, as a rule, enters parterre mixes. Poorly survives under mechanical stress;
  • sheep fescue, reed fescue - hardy herbs for arid sunny places;
  • oak bluegrass is added to compositions for growing lawns in shady places;
  • swamp bluegrass is sometimes used for damp places.

It is worth being alert if the composition of the mixture on the package contains rump, wheatgrass, team hedgehog, timothy grass, soddy pike. Such plants are used for sowing on roadsides, railway embankments, and they are of little use for arranging a green lawn in the country. These grasses tend to form tussocks, have rough stiff stems, and quickly throw out tall shoots.

Alternative lawns

Sometimes in the country there are conditions under which other types of plants are chosen instead of the traditional mixture of seeds for the lawn.

In open sunny places where it is not possible to constantly mow the grass, the so-called Mauritanian lawn is sown. In addition to perennial cereals, its composition includes various types of unpretentious bright flowers: cornflowers, calendula, daisy, escholcia and others.

A motley carpet of flowers and herbs brings the site closer to the natural style. Seeds of annual flowers crumble, ensuring the resumption of flowering the next year.

Alternative lawn with flowers and ornamental grasses


  1. it is difficult to maintain a colorful look for a long time. Usually, after 2-3 years, some species are replaced by the most resistant plants;
  2. difficult to control weeds. Mauritanian lawn is sown only after thorough cleaning of the soil from the rhizomes of perennial weeds, since among the seedlings of many flowers and herbs it will be difficult to distinguish and weed them out.

Another variant of the alternative lawn is made from white clover. It has soft silky leaves that are pleasant to walk barefoot on. The desire to make a lawn out of clover most often arises among those summer residents who do not seek to create an ideal green lawn "like everyone else." In the country, there is often a need to close the free plots of land near the house, along the fences, to ennoble the empty spaces adjacent to the borders from overgrowing with weeds.

A clover lawn rarely requires mowing - 3-4 times per season. It forms a dense grass cover that does not give freedom to weeds, quickly tightens bald spots with creeping shoots.

You should not plant a clover lawn in the place where young children play. The flowers of this plant are an excellent honey plant, they are very popular with bees and bumblebees. If you allow even a slight bloom of uncut clover, there is a chance to make unwanted contact with stinging insects.

Help for a damaged lawn

No matter how carefully lawn grass seeds are selected for certain conditions, it is difficult to avoid damage to the green carpet. Ambulance may be required in many cases:

  • the appearance of mosses and mushrooms;
  • blockage big amount weeds (dandelion, bindweed, plantain);
  • mechanical damage (unforeseen arrival of heavy equipment);
  • decay, soaking, mold;
  • freezing, sunburn;
  • nutritional deficiency.

First of all, you need to identify and eliminate the causes of defects on the lawn. Carry out treatment with fungicides, top dressing, weed removal, aeration, drainage. After that, they begin to repair the bald spots, again sowing the seeds of special lawn grasses in place of the dead plants.

In the damaged area, the remains of the old sod are cut off, the recess is covered with finely sifted soil, moistened, tamped and the seeds are sown. Ideally, if their composition is the same as the grass sown initially. Experienced summer residents, when purchasing seeds for sowing a lawn, always leave a small amount for repair work so that the patches do not differ from the rest of the lawn.

The need to help the lawn arises in places of frequent presence of people, on playgrounds, around the porch. Compacted soil does not allow plants to build up a powerful root system, frequent haircuts weaken the aerial part. To recover and rest, lawn grass is allowed to grow more from time to time (up to 15 cm), increasing the periods between mowing.

Without getting acquainted with the characteristics of cereal plants, it is impossible to choose the right lawn mixture for sowing in your country house. Growing grass that can live in one place for a long time, fight weeds, withstand frequent cuttings, temperature fluctuations is an activity that requires not only patience, but also creativity. It can become a real hobby and arouse the desire to independently compose seed mixtures for the summer cottages of friends and relatives.

It does not matter how large the plot is and in what style it is maintained - a well-groomed lawn will give it a complete, noble look, if you choose the right herbs for it and provide them with proper care.

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the lawn - it can be a backyard or, conversely, an area in front of the entrance to the house. In addition, you need to clearly understand what you will use it for, because the application various kinds cereals results in completely different lawns.

Perfect Lawn

Varieties of lawn grass and the detailed characteristics of these plants, the method of planting, care must be known even before going to the seed store.

An ideal lawn with a good dense turf can be obtained by sowing it with grass of one variety. To choose the right kind of lawn grass for your summer cottage, you need to take into account the characteristics of the soil, the function of the lawn and its location.

Regardless of which lawn you have chosen for your site, when choosing seeds, you should pay attention to a few points:

♦ They must not be expired or show obvious signs of fungus or mould.

♦ It is better if their quality is confirmed by an international certificate.

Table of characteristics of types of lawn grasses

Monoculture- these are grass seeds of one species, it is used infrequently due to the high cost, fastidiousness in care and growing conditions. However, these shortcomings are fully compensated by the quality of coverage they provide. Most often, sports fields or an English lawn are made from monoculture.

Herbal Blend is a combination of seeds most suitable for a particular region. Due to the combination of the best qualities of individual species, the grass mixture lawn is decorative and not so whimsical to care for. When buying, it is also important to look at the seeding rate for a monoculture or mixture. Most often it depends on the individual characteristics of the cereal or mixture. If there are no clear instructions on the seed bag, then the norm is considered to be 50 grams per 1 m² when sowing with a Hamilton automatic seeder, drum type. If you do it manually, then you need to add 10% to the figure.

The ratio of lawn grasses in grass mixtures when sowing them on various soils

The proportions in which lawn grasses and its varieties are mixed are determined by the specific functions and specifics of the future lawn in front of the house at their summer cottage.

Versatile turf is easy to care for and uses grass varieties such as bluegrass and red fescue to create a uniform stand and turf strength.

The playing turf must be stable and durable. Children playing on the lawn should not trample it. A play lawn needs grass varieties that are capable of regenerating quickly. One of the best varieties for this is perennial ryegrass.

sports lawn

The sports ground must have excellent properties for the restoration of its vegetation. They will drive the ball on it, kick the turf with their feet, so the regeneration process of the coating should be high enough. It is sown with a mixture of seeds: 2/3 of perennial ryegrass and 1/3 of meadow bluegrass. Such a lawn will require constant watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizers. Then the sports ground will always be green and without bald spots.

Perfect Lawn

front view of the site

Parterre lawn is the main front lawn, which is the decoration of the site. It should look like a carpet, with a very dense, even turf and no weeds. Such a lawn is the pride of the owners, and therefore it is necessary to take responsibility for the choice of grass varieties for it. To create an impeccable look, regular haircuts, top dressing and timely watering are needed. main lawn country house sown with a mixture of seeds in a certain proportion: red fescue - 75%, perennial ryegrass - 20%, bluegrass meadow - 5%. This mixture of the most popular seeds allows the grass in the ground to be permanently green.

Characteristics of the main types of lawn grasses in points from 1 to 10

Proportions must be observed, because with a decrease in perennial ryegrass, the main area, covered with greenery, acquires grace, but loses the strength of the turf. Then it will be necessary to constantly fight with bald spots.

Types of lawn grass

Lawn grass, the species of which are numerous, is classified according to several criteria: the development of the root system; shoot height; lifetime.

By type of root system There are four types of lawn grasses:

rhizomatous- the root is not very deep, but grows rapidly, forming many nodes that give above-ground shoots. Thanks to this, the herbage is preserved for many years. These herbs include: bluegrass; white bent; meadow foxtail.

Loose bush- unlike the first type, the root forms only one underground node. The splendor of the plant is created by shoots from the above-ground bush. These include: timothy; perennial ryegrass.

Dense bush- you need to be very careful with this type of grass, as they can form dense bumps, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing on the lawn. This feature is explained by the fact that new shoots released by the above-ground bush quickly grow together with the old ones. This species includes: red oatmeal; Belous.

tap root plants- a very unpretentious view with a lush, beautiful bush. The main tap root goes deep into the ground, young shoots form on it. The tap root include: sainfoin; horned loon.

Field germination of seeds, preservation and overwintering of the main types of lawn grasses in the first year of life

According to the height of the shoots

This criterion determines in which layer of vegetation the lawn grass will be located.

It is customary to distinguish the following tiers:

Upper- it is formed by more light-loving plants, the stems of which can reach more than 1 meter in height. Representatives: vikolistny sainfoin; awnless fire.

Average- is formed from semi-top grasses with a stem length from 50 cm to a meter. They bush well after shearing, forming a beautiful cover. Among them: hybrid clover; yellow alfalfa; timothy.

Lower- usually these are grasses that tolerate a slight darkening well, with thin stems up to 70 cm tall. These include: bent; white clover; red fescue.

According to plant life

Annuals; biennial; perennial.

Terms of planting seeds and characteristics of lawn grasses

The quality of the turf cover of grass mixtures for creating parterre lawns

The lawn is an ecosystem that lives on general laws nature. After sowing lawn grass seeds, cultivated plants begin to fight weeds for the right to exist on their territory. Plants that have received slow development are oppressed by more active and tall rivals. cultivated plants always lose to weeds. Therefore, it is very important not to miss the planting dates and sow lawn grass seeds immediately after the end of frost - from the end of March to April 15. Then they will grow in time, and they will have a better chance of surviving. Lawn grass can be sown from August 15 to September 1, when the summer heat subsides and the air temperature is suitable for seed germination.

When creating lawns in mid-latitudes, a mixture of 3 grasses is used: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. On playgrounds, shoot-bearing and thin bent grass is often used, which has high regeneration and twitches quickly.

Bluegrass meadow

Bluegrass meadow - a tradition of choice

Meadow grass meadow is the most frost-resistant and heat-resistant species. Bluegrass meadow surpasses fescue in its unusual beauty. But this grass is capricious, and with inattentive care, the lawn loses its luster and gloss. At proper care quickly begins to turn green and completely restores its green cover, which will not turn yellow even in late autumn. In the first year, the bluegrass is weak and helpless, it requires weeding, otherwise the weeds will crush it. In the second year of life, it forms a dense carpet that does not let a single weed blade of grass through.

Table of carrying out the main activities for sowing and lawn care

In the spring, after the snow melts, bluegrass begins to turn green very first, because it retains its appearance even in winter. In an open area with proper care bluegrass lives for a very long time. The main enemy of this plant is powdery mildew. It is she who does not allow bluegrass to grow in the shade. If the lawn is located in the shade, then another variety of bluegrass, squat or forest, will suit this darkened place.

Other varieties of bluegrass:

  1. Common bluegrass loves shade and moisture, so it is used on marshy soils.
  2. Bluegrass annual produces seeds even with a very short haircut, easily tolerates any winter. It is often referred to as a weed.
  3. Bluegrass squat is used in damp shady places, creates a carpet of greenery, destroying all neighbors, but dies without watering.
  4. Bluegrass survives in complete darkness and, like all shade-tolerant grasses, does not form a dense turf, it is easily trampled down and does not grow back after mowing. It is better to sow it separately.


Red fescue - unpretentious beauty

Fescue is a hardy herb. Even in the absence of any care, its roots constantly grow and form a strong turf. With constant care for fescue, her grass will be tender and silky. It beautifully shimmers in the sun with different shades of green, pleasing to the eye and calming the nervous system. Red fescue has such qualities as shade tolerance and drought tolerance.

Bluegrass and fescue live well together on the same lawn. These varieties complement each other well: in a drought, fescue reigns on the lawn, and in the cold season, bluegrass pleases the eye. The same lawn can be different depending on the season: it changes its appearance (shades of green), but never turns yellow.

  1. Sheep fescue and dryish - 2 similar species. These are steppe grasses that form a tussock. They are drought-resistant and unpretentious, but you can’t get a lawn carpet from them either. Another disadvantage is that they grow slowly. When clogging the seeds of red fescue, they spoil the lawn with their appearance.
  2. Reed fescue is salt and drought tolerant and can only exist on temporary lawns in warm climates.

perennial ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass - early maturing lawn

In order to get a lawn in the same season, you should pay attention to perennial or perennial ryegrass. It should be borne in mind that this beautiful lawn grass does not have rhizomes, due to which evenness and density of the carpet should be ensured. Perennial ryegrass bushes, forms tussocks, thins out with minimal thickening. Ryegrass seeds are found in any lawn mixture: when it is added, the lawn quickly begins to turn green. But its seeds of this variety must be sown annually.

Table with the conditional seeding rate of grasses on different types lawns

Polevitsa - the queen of golf

Often in lawn mixtures you can find bent seeds. It is planted with seedlings, it is easily accepted with frequent watering, and in two months the sports field will be ready for the game. This grass is popular on golf courses. She needs frequent shearing, requires regular watering and regular top dressing. In the first 2 years, it has increased growth, and then it twitches violently and eradicates itself. Because of the tightness, diseases attack the bent grass, which bring the grass to death. The bent grass destroys all herbs near it. A lawn made from such grass requires renewal in 3-4 years.

How to calculate the number of seeds? It is recommended to sow 20 g of seeds per 1 m² - this is a matchbox with a top. By applying simple mathematical operations, you can calculate how many seeds you need to buy for your lawn.

What lawn grass seeds are used in admixtures and mixtures? There are other types of grass in lawn grass mixtures that are not suitable for creating a good lawn.

white clover

Perfectly complements herbal mixtures for lawns. This is a special, hybrid species that is ideal for low mowing. Valued for the bright color of the sprouts.

Herbs that litter the area

One of the main requirements for lawn grasses is that they should form seeds very poorly, but vegetative reproduction was at its best. This property of plants gives a rapid overgrowth of the turf surface of the lawn. In lawn mixtures, you can find such meadow grasses as: foxtail, meadow fescue, white bent grass, timothy grass, cocksfoot. They do not meet this requirement. These herbs are not suitable for planting on country lawns, because they clog the lawn so that you have to dig it up and create it again.


Timothy grass small-leaved

Ornamental grass, which is famous for its endurance and ability to grow in almost any conditions and on any soil. Cold, darkening, high humidity are not terrible for this variety.


It is usually used in mixtures, since by itself it forms a not very even cover with bald spots and bumps. It has the ability to displace weeds, develops in almost any conditions. It grows well on the slopes, strengthening them due to the developed root system.

common comb

common comb

It has very dense, short shoots, which is important for the lawn. Even during frosts, it is able to preserve the greenness of the leaves, perfectly tolerates both drought and an excess of moisture. Excellent for low mowing.

Choosing the right grass variety is half the success in arranging a lawn. Considering the advice and recommendations of experts when choosing seeds, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the green lawn on your site. And the lawn grass species of which are described above will help you with your choice.

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​Creation drainage system.​

So, the English lawn needs complete openness, lack of shade and winds.

​If you decide to sow grass with seeds, then you will have to do it yourself if you have a small area, or, using a winnowing machine, sow a large area if necessary. Each lawn has its own purpose according to the type of use. It can be sports, landscape gardening, universal, Mauritanian, rolled lawn. Whichever one you choose, you should be aware that they all require regular maintenance, and creating from scratch is a lot of time and money.​

  • You need to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. A manual seeder will help to sow the seeds of cereals on the lawn evenly. If you do not have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass may give bald spots that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.
  • . Fescue is an ideal grass for the lawn that does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of forbs. Within a month, the fescue gives thick shoots and is ready for a haircut.
  • Bluegrass meadow is a fast-growing grass, the seedlings of which you will see before other crops. It looks bright and very decorative.
  • . It is a type of cereal mix for playgrounds, stadiums and outdoor areas.​
  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;

Creeping bluegrass

Someone already has experience in growing a lawn, someone is just thinking about creating a green area on their territory, and in both cases, the question often arises: is there a lawn grass that does not need to be cut? Because it is precisely this activity, which at first can even be romantic (the smell of hay, the monotonously buzzing lawn mower or the meditative swinging of a scythe) that tires later when caring for the lawn. The next component of the idea is obvious - if we strive to avoid mowing, then the grass should not be tall. Consider the options. If your site is in a lowland, then you need to save the earth from waterlogging. To do this, before digging up the lawn, make drainage. After rain, mark the places where water accumulates and dig deep holes (about a meter) in them. Line the bottom of the pits with broken bricks, then with coarse gravel, and over it with a layer of sand. Leave 40 cm on fertile soil. After planting, the water will go into the soil and enter the drainage hole through the soil.

Any grass will not grow normally in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpermanent shade, which happens in the immediate vicinity of buildings. How do you know how much seed to take for your site? Measure the area and read the recommended proportions on reverse side herbal packaging. You should not exceed the recommended parameters, as well as reduce.​

Not every lawn will take root in every place, so choose a place responsibly.​

Fescue does not require special care, it tolerates the sun, partial shade and harsh Russian winters well

Fescue is an excellent grass for the lawn, both in its pure form and as part of forbs. Its juicy seedlings appear quickly and fill the lawn with dense greenery.


​Climate blends​

What grass to choose for planting a lawn: an overview of first-class varieties + their photos

Good development of the root system;

Lawn seed selection rules

- also often referred to as low-growing lawn grass, which is suitable for landscaping for the lazy. But there is a caveat - bluegrass in the first season can grow no more than 10 cm, while actively forming the root system. In subsequent years, it will already reach a height that requires mowing. Its growth is slower than that of other lawn grasses, and in places of active trampling it compacts into turf, and it seems that it stops growing.

  • Low-growing lawn grass that does not require cutting
  • Leveling the site and digging.
  • ​If you are planning to sow a lawn under an orchard or ornamental trees, then within the crown radius, the lawn has little chance of survival. Firstly, most of the nutrition will be taken by the root system of more powerful trees. Secondly, the branches will give a large amount of shade that interferes with the processes of photosynthesis. As a result, the grass will have a pale appearance. You will either have to sacrifice the lower branches of the trees and cut them off, or refuse to plant grass in this place.​
  • You need to water the lawn regularly and carefully, without flooding the grass, but without depriving a sufficient amount of moisture. The grass needs at least 2.5-3 cm of water per week. Watering is best done through a sprinkler.
  • The place for the lawn must be chosen carefully and in advance. The lawn must take root, and it can only do so under certain conditions. The conditions depend on the type of lawn and the composition of the grass mixture that you will purchase for the future lawn.​

Ready-made grass in a roll is a very convenient option for a quick lawn. You just need to lay the rolls correctly, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

Our experts will answer the most frequently asked questions of beginner gardeners:


Herb mixes

  • . It is important to choose grass varieties for a lawn not only in appearance, but also in terms of climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady places, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant grass varieties. Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • Grass mixtures "Moorish lawn" There are small green lawn grasses that seem to be adapted by nature for those who dream of having a lawn, but do not want to bother mowing it every week.
  • On uneven areas, it is necessary to level the terrain so that the lawn has a flat horizontal. To do this, pull the cords to the pegs at different ends of the site and look at the level of the difference. The pits fall asleep, the bumps are cut. After that, the entire area is dug up. Perennial weed roots, debris and stones are removed. Sandy soils are fertilized with black soil or peat. Too greasy is diluted with sand. If the summer cottage is located in a low-lying, waterlogged area, then the roots of the grasses will constantly rot. The lawn does not like waterlogging, so you will have to make high-quality drainage. True, there are mixtures of herbs that grow even with stagnant water, but even they are not shown a constant excess of moisture.
  • Between the previous and next watering, the sod should dry out, but not dry out - this is important. So, it is better not to place the turf under sprawling trees, because they create a shadow, and the grass does not particularly like it, however, the scorching sun does not favor it either. By the way, trees are not only the presence of shade, but also a regular lack of water, which is actively taken away by tree roots. And that is not all! Lawn grass does not like excessive moisture, in the presence of which, the owner of the site will have to build a surface drainage system.
  • A seeded lawn is a great way to remove weeds and decorate your yard profitably. The green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now it remains only to decide which lawn grass will grow on your site. 1. Why is ordinary grass not suitable for a lawn?​

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

. The dark rich green of the thin bent grass looks good on any lawn. This grass withstands frequent mowing, cold winters and removes weeds over time.​ Mixtures of flowers and herbs Ability to vegetative reproduction;

- perhaps not entirely related to the topic “lawn grass that does not need to be cut”, but several types of it are included in such mixtures, which are supplemented with seeds of many types of flowers, and in total you get a lawn that is not mowed throughout the season (which we and strive). It is very beautiful and looks like a wild meadow. This is a lawn that does not need to be mowed during the summer, but when flowering ends it is mowed just before winter.​

Shooting bent grass

Ramming and loosening. If elevation changes are observed on the site, then at the transition points the soil is subject to erosion and leaching. You need to smooth the slopes so that their steepness does not exceed 30˚ and additionally reinforce with a mesh that will hold the soil, preventing it from crumbling.​ The density and density of the lawn will ensure the timely removal of weeds. Thus, the appearance of bald spots can be avoided. You can get rid of weeds by systematically pulling out and digging up the latter, using gluten from cornmeal or spraying with herbicides.

It would be a bad idea to build turf on a hillock with a slope greater than 35 degrees. On the slopes, the grass is quickly washed out and thins out. It is possible to equip a lawn on a hill only with the help of geogrids or retaining walls.​

The lawn is an important part of your site, not only from the aesthetic side. Lawn grass does not deplete the soil, as ordinary weeds do, has small roots and looks much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly, and improve its decorative appearance after each new haircut. The thin bent grows densely, without bald spots. It withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze and has a rich green color

. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose ready-made mixes of herbs or mix flowers and grasses that can take turns blooming all summer long. For a neat bright meadow lawn, low-growing greens are suitable, and you can decorate a plot in a rural style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.

Good haircut tolerance. There are also various low-growing grass mixtures created both abroad and in our country, where lawn grass varieties are selected and mixed that can satisfy any gardener's needs. Of course, this is more expensive than buying one well-known variety of cereal, sowing a plot and relaxing with a view of the lawn, but you have to pay something - not with time and effort, but with money.- This is a lawn grass that is not cut, especially loved by gardeners who decide to create a "lazy lawn". This wonderful plant is famous for its qualities:

Before planting seeds for the lawn, it is necessary to compact the soil tightly, walking on it in small steps or using a board. It is placed on the edge of the plot and jumped over it until the earth settles. Then they move the board and continue until they trample the entire area. You can also roll a thick log. As soon as you step on the ground, and it does not wash under your foot, the soil is ready for planting. It remains to slightly loosen it with a rake and sow it with a lawn mixture with the density recommended in the instructions.

The most common lawn grass questions

You should not make a lawn path in a place of constant movement of people and cars, for example, from the gate to the house. By trampling the same track every day, you will compact the earth so much that the grass will lose oxygen to the roots and “suffocate”. Even sports mixes will not work in this case, because they are designed for heavy traffic of people throughout the site, and not in one narrow lane. If the desire to keep the area green is so great, then lay strips of tiles or wooden chocks between the lawn to step on them, and not on the grass.

​If you like field forbs and meadows dotted with flowers, then choose this type of lawn. It will be a lawn blooming all summer with a bright palette of colors. You can create a mixture for a meadow lawn yourself by choosing plants so that they bloom alternately throughout the summer season.

The success of the entire event called "lawn" can sometimes depend on the choice of seeds. So, for the parterre lawn that you want to organize under the windows of your house, you better choose a mixture of seeds, which are dominated by meadow bluegrass and red fescue. Sports turf needs stronger and more resilient grass - resistant to trampling, the most popular of this series was, is and will be perennial ryegrass.

For what purposes do you need a lawn in a country house or plot, besides decorative functions? The most important thing is to protect against dust. But in order to answer this question in detail, you can dig deeper, for which you will have to answer many other questions, from “what kind of lawns are there” to “what grass to plant, how to sow, what grass mixture is suitable for your lawn and terrain.”

2. How many years does lawn grass grow?

Elite lawn compound

Don't neglect and general rules choice of lawn grass: expiration date of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer's warranties, etc.

​Another option to simplify lawn care is you might want to replace the wording "non-mowed lawn grass" with "non-mowed lawn plant". There are such! Beautiful lawn grass without a haircut is obtained from creeping tenacity, white clover, duchenea and periwinkle.

Appearance - bright, rich colors delight throughout the "summer period";

After the earth is rammed, it is necessary to move the upper layer with a rake so that the seeds gain access to air and moisture

It is desirable that the drafting of a rough draft of your future lawn takes place in the winter. Then, with the beginning of spring, you will immediately begin earthworks. Lawn mixtures show the best survival rate in early spring, when the earth is saturated with moisture and there is no strong heat. If the moment is missed, then you should not sow the lawn in the summer. Wait until the autumn days when the rains nourish the soil, and then proceed to sowing. But do not be late: before winter, a young lawn should leave after 1-2 mowing.

An easier option is to buy a ready-made Moorish lawn, where grasses have already been selected that get along well together, do not drown out each other and are distinguished by bright colors. Naturally, such lawns are rarely mowed (only to remove faded plants and allow the next generation to germinate). But it is not recommended to walk on them either, because tall, about 10 cm grasses will crush underfoot and are unlikely to restore their former appearance.

When choosing an herb or grass mixture, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations, which are always on the packaging. First of all, you should be interested in the climate intended for grass, since some plants, even with your great desire and costs (financial, temporary), will still not sprout or die quickly.

In general, there are a lot of questions and we will answer them gradually so as not to confuse the reader and at the same time provide him with the maximum amount of useful information. Lawn grasses are used for many years. Seedlings will take a decorative look in 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for the green lawn, cut it on time, feed it and water it regularly, your lawn will delight you for more than one year.​


. Although a mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, its appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any places free from planting.

Lawn functions

For the lawn, it is best to use cereals. They have a good root system, give uniform green shoots, help control weeds and have a great decorative look after shearing. Most often, such varieties of grasses are sown as meadow bluegrass, bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

In addition, in order for the lawn to grow beautiful and bright, you need to properly prepare the soil and sow the lawn.

What are lawns

Pleasant to the touch - gentle soft vegetation allows even the smallest members of the family to walk barefoot on it, without fear of injuring themselves on the sharp edges of blades of grass;

Location selection

​If you sow the seeds with your own hands, it is difficult to make the lawn even, like a brush, because the grass is scattered unevenly. As a result, some places will germinate densely, while others will grow weakly. To achieve uniformity, a portion of seeds calculated per meter of space is mixed with the same volume of fine sand and then sown. It is optimal to sow with a manual seeder, but you will not always find it on sale.​

The order of work is as follows:

Meadow lawns, especially Moorish lawns, are great for rustic landscaping styles and look naturalistic

If you just want to green up the territory and give your site a well-groomed and beautiful look, feel free to buy a universal grass mixture. By the way, the names of some grass mixtures allow you not to choose grass according to the type of lawn for a long time, as they are called according to this very type - “Sports grass mixture”, “Park grass mixture”, etc.

Grass selection

First you need to understand what a lawn is. The simplest explanation of this term is the grass cover, well-groomed by a person. Turf can be natural or artificial. Natural turf consists of self-growing grasses that are cut or mowed regularly. Artificial lawns are created by human hands from scratch, requiring a lot of time and attention.​

Green shoots of ryegrass will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a lawn of pure ryegrass can only be annual

. This grass can be found in lawn grass mixtures. It has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate Russian winters well. Therefore, in its pure form, it can only be sown in the southern regions of our country, or used as an annual lawn.

lawn hydroseeding

Ryegrass belongs to the elite varieties of herbs. It looks very beautiful in any place free from landings. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral dressings.

Can lawn grasses be mixed?

Sowing seeds

Short stature is perhaps the main attribute for using this lawn grass, where lawn grass is used that does not require cutting; bushes reach 10-12 cm;

Sprinkle the seeds with earth and roll them with a log so that the birds do not peck. If the ground is dry, it is recommended to water from a small sprinkler under low water pressure so as not to wash the crops.

Lawn watering


Universal lawns are created very quickly, because they use ready-made rolled grass strips. They are sold with turf and quickly take root in a new place. With the help of rolled materials, they equip any areas on the site in which movement is planned. As a decorative parterre lawn, this option is not suitable, because unpretentious hard grasses that do not have high aesthetic qualities are used for its cultivation. It should be borne in mind that such a lawn will cost you much more than sowing grass for a lawn, because rolled strips require special soil preparation and the ability to properly line them.

Weed control

It is better to start sowing a new turf at the end of April, when the soil is well warmed up by the spring sun and grass seeds will definitely germinate under its warm rays. This time also boasts favorable air and earth humidity, which, along with normal temperature provide ideal conditions for quick germination of sown grass.​

Meadow (Moorish) lawn

The device of artificial turf begins with the preparation of the site and soil, cleansing of stones and weeds, subsidence of the earth, leveling the soil, sowing with grass. But what kind of lawn grass is better to plant and how to choose it - this is also important question, it will also be provided with a detailed answer below.​

3. What is the difference between a grass mixture and a single seed variety?​

Ryegrass has medium width leaves. This variety sprouts very amicably, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. More often you can find ryegrass in the composition of elite grass mixtures

Universal lawn

Bluegrass meadow

​Universal Blend​

It is better not to do this yourself, but to choose a ready-made lawn grass mixture that meets your requirement. The choice is rich.​

  • Growth - with the help of shoots that take root immediately (treading even improves this effect by pressing the shoot to the ground), the plant is able to grow from a small bush to an area of ​​​​a square meter, or even more, in one season.
  • ​The manual seeder helps to save lawn grass seeds and at the same time the quality of planting is more uniform.
  • First of all, the future site is cleared of all kinds of construction debris, stones. Stumps are uprooted, low-growing branches on trees are cut.
  • Rolled lawns are a universal type of lawn (albeit expensive!), on which you can create recreation areas, playgrounds
  • ​Thanks to modern technologies Landscaping of territories can be done at a completely new, much higher level, for example, with the help of a specially created liquid mixture sprayed under pressure over the area. The mixture contains growth accelerators, mulching material, hydrogel, which accumulate and gradually release moisture, as well as fertilizers and grass mixtures.​
  • The main function of the lawn, as already mentioned, is to contain street dust. Scientists have proven that one hectare of grass can absorb about 100 tons of dust per year. The next, no less important functions are the strengthening of the upper layers of the soil, the prevention of erosion of the soil of the site, the increase in soil moisture, and the creation of a favorable microclimate. And the last important function is decorative. The most interesting thing is that it is she who is leading for a person who is not at all interested in protection from dust, the strength of the soil of his site, he just wants to walk on a beautiful lawn or enjoy it if he chooses, for example, a Moorish lawn.

Features of proper sowing

​You can choose monoculture (one type of grass) or a mixture of several types. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, sites and ornamental lawns. Such grass, although it gives a rich decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and sensitive to care and external conditions. Herb blends are more stable, produce uniform greens, and require less maintenance.​

There is a lot of trouble with your lawn: does the grass look not as decorative as on the package with seeds, freezes in places, turns yellow, thins and overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you have chosen the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. Which lawn grass is best for you, and which varieties are better to choose, we will tell you today.

Lawn seed selection rules

Grass on the lawn should be perennial, hardy to frost and fast growing. These are important conditions for an ideal lawn, but not the most important. We list the main factors for buying seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are better to choose in the store:

  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;
  • Good development of the root system;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • The ability to vegetative reproduction;
  • Good haircut tolerance.

Do not neglect the general rules for choosing lawn grass: the expiration date of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer's warranties, and so on.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

For the lawn, it is best to use cereals. They have a good root system, give uniform green shoots, help control weeds and have a great decorative look after shearing. Most often, such varieties of grasses are sown as meadow bluegrass, bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass belongs to the elite varieties of herbs. It looks very beautiful in any place free from landings. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral dressings.

Herb mixes

  • Universal Blend. The herbs in this mixture are fast germination, hardy, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports grades. It is a type of cereal mixtures for playgrounds, stadiums and places for outdoor activities.
  • Blends for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for a lawn not only in appearance, but also in terms of climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady places, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant grass varieties.
  • Mixes of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose from ready-made herb mixes or mix flowers and grasses that can take turns blooming all summer long. For a neat bright meadow lawn, low-growing greenery is suitable, and you can decorate a plot in a rural style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.
  • Elite lawn compound. Although a mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, its appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any places free from planting.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Bluegrass meadow. This perennial variety is one of the earliest cereals. In its pure form, it is practically not sown, since the roots of this herb slowly take root. Bluegrass is an excellent base for grass mixtures. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds, and grows well with other grasses.

It happens that with proper care, the lawn still does not please with its density, in some places it freezes out during the winter and requires frequent overseeding. All these are the consequences of an incorrectly chosen herbal mixture. When buying, we usually pay attention only to the information on what type of lawn the mixture is intended for (sports, parterre, etc.). The herbs that make up the composition are of less interest to us, especially since their names will say little to the average buyer. But this information is more important than the rest, because a lot of mixtures are imported into our country from Europe. There the climate is milder, and the criteria for selecting lawn grasses are not so strict. But in our harsh climate, the European lawn often freezes out, because it does not contain frost-resistant grasses. To avoid such problems, lawn grass should be selected according to the degree of adaptability to the climate and soils of your area. Let's analyze this in more detail.

  • The most adapted to the Russian climate herbs
  • Additional components in mixtures
  • Herbs with specific properties
  • Clues in Latin

What requirements should high-quality grass meet?

Any ornamental lawn grass should be a perennial, because the lawn is created for more than one year, and it makes no sense to sow the site in a new way every spring. Of all the existing plant species, cereals are the most adapted to the conditions of the lawn. But not all, but only those that meet the following requirements:

  1. Frost resistant.
  2. Decorative externally (juicy green flowers, with uniform germination of shoots, with the same density of cover, etc.).
  3. They develop a strong root system that does not collapse as a result of movement, is able to grow on compacted soils, etc.
  4. After mowing, they quickly build up cover and respond well to mineral fertilizers.
  5. The ability to reproduce vegetatively, because seeds cannot reproduce on the lawn.

The most adapted to the Russian climate herbs

If we analyze all the plants offered in mixtures according to the five listed criteria, then out of the whole variety there will be only three names of lawn grass that ideally meet the conditions of Russian weather. These are thin bent grass, red fescue and meadow bluegrass. All of them are included in the group of short-rhizomatous cereals and have similar properties.

These plants are not afraid of temperature contrasts, especially during frosts in early spring or late autumn. Their root system withstands severe frosts and forms such a dense turf that it is simply unrealistic to break through it for weeds. For 1 sq.m. develops about 30 thousand shoots. Grasses withstand frequent mowing, have a high rate of vegetative propagation, so with proper care, the lawn will last for decades without overseeding.

Red fescue grows quite slowly, so the lawn will look poor for the first year of planting, but for the next season the plant creates a dense even cover

Bluegrass meadow is not worth buying in its pure form, because it slowly builds up the root system. It is better to take a mixture where it is the main ingredient

The thin bent grass is famous not only for its winter hardiness and unpretentiousness, but also for its rich dense green color, which gives the lawn a rich look.

When studying the composition of mixtures in stores, choose for yourself those that contain the largest percentage of these particular cereals. Sometimes the names of the components are written in Latin on the packaging. Remember how these three herbs sound in Latin:

  • The thin bent grass is designated as Agrostis tenuis;
  • Bluegrass meadow is Poa pratensis;
  • Red fescue is translated as Festuca rubra.

Additional components in mixtures

In addition to the three cereals, other plants suitable for the climate of our latitudes can also be found in mixtures. All of them will have good frost resistance and undemanding maintenance. But there are some disadvantages that do not allow these herbs to be considered the best for the lawn. And if you find their names in the mixture, then remember that they should not be the main component, but can be used as an addition.

We list the types of grasses often used in lawn mixtures:

  • The bent grass is shoot-bearing. Best quality- very fast growth. Minus - gives horizontal shoots that stand out with a light color against a dark green lawn. From this, the lawn acquires a non-uniform color. This quality is inappropriate on parterre lawns, although it is not so important for a recreation area.
  • Other types of bluegrass. In addition to the meadow, which we described earlier, in mixtures there are narrow-leaved, common and flattened types of bluegrass. They are distinguished by poor durability, i.e. after 5-7 years they require reseeding, and the decorative properties are lower (blades of grass are too hard and with a bluish tint).

The light green color of the horizontal shoots of the bent grass contrasts with the color of the main lawn grass, so the grass is not suitable for parterre lawns

Herbs with specific properties

There are certain types of undersized lawn grasses that are adapted to specific growing conditions. They cannot be called universal, but for certain places on the site it is recommended to plant them.

So, the oak bluegrass has a high ability to grow in partial shade. Those. under garden trees and in places near buildings where light rarely hits, this plant will save the lawn from bald spots and pale cover. True, you must take into account that the oak bluegrass cannot form a dense root system, therefore it does not tolerate movement and frequent mowing.

Swamp bluegrass will save the situation on lawns with high humidity, where drainage has not been carried out. It forms a beautiful green cover and develops strong roots, but is short-lived and requires frequent overseeding. It can be combined with white bentgrass, which also grows well in moist soil. But its decorative properties are lower than those of bluegrass, and the life span is about 8 years.

For parterre lawns, on which it is not planned to walk at all, you can use dog grass. This is one of the most luxurious outwardly herbs, because it has an emerald color and delicate, thin blades of grass. Such a lawn is also called "velvet", because from a distance it looks like an expensive fabric. But with all the external virtues, the plant is very capricious. It lives for about 5 years, has weak roots, grows slowly and is absolutely not resistant to trampling.

If it is important for you that the lawn looks aesthetically pleasing in a month or two, then choose a mixture that contains meadow fescue. This is the fastest growing cereal that closes its stems in 2 months. It can be used in its pure form for a temporary lawn, which is destined to grow in one place for 4 years, because the grass does not live longer. In addition, meadow fescue has weak roots that are afraid of trampling. But in the composition of the mixture, this cereal can be very useful as an addition to the main grass. For example, meadow bluegrass grows slowly, and until it comes into full force, empty places will successfully close the stems of meadow fescue.

Meadow fescue will save the owners when it is urgent to make the lawn decorative, because after 2 months the blades of grass form a continuous thick carpet

Your lawn will be dense already in the first summer, although a little motley. Meadow fescue has wide stems and a light color, which will look contrast against the background of narrow dark green blades of bluegrass. The next year, when the main grass begins to grow rapidly, it will simply squeeze out this cereal and take its place.

Herbs unsuitable for the Russian climate

There are grasses in European mixes that should be avoided when planting on lawns because they are designed for mild climates. For example, perennial ryegrass has excellent growth, decorativeness and dense cover, but after the first winter your lawn noticeably “goes bald”, although in Europe such lawns successfully turn green for about 8 years.

Perennial ryegrass (pasture) is able to surprise only in the first year after planting. Harsh winter is too much for him

Often found, as an additional component of the mixture, annual bluegrass. Its peculiarity is unpretentiousness in care and rapid growth. But this cereal reproduces by seeds, so that with constant mowing the next year, it will not be able to give offspring and will free the land for the germination of weeds.

Another “two girlfriends” - soddy pike and sheep fescue - are good for all properties, except for one: they form bumps over time, and gradually your lawn will turn into a field of green mounds.

Clues in Latin

To make it easier for you to navigate when reading the composition of lawn mixtures, and to better understand what kind of lawn grass the manufacturer offers, we have collected the names of the herbs described in the article in Latin. Remember them and look for them on the packages:

Before creating a lawn, it is worth asking yourself a few questions. First, what exactly do you need a lawn for? For beauty? For sports games outdoors? Or for everything at once? Secondly, what are the conditions on the site intended for the lawn - sun, shade, wet, dry, soil acidity high or low? And based on this, make a choice from the list the best manufacturers lawn grass.

As a rule, only certain varieties of herbs are suitable for the Russian climatic zone. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully read the composition of the mixture and determine if there are the following species: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. Sometimes bent grass is added to them (its different types). Despite some scarcity of the main set, each species has many varieties that differ in appearance, growth rate, resistance to damage, and so on.

There are several requirements for quality lawn mixtures:

  1. they should take root quickly (and even on nutrient-poor soil);
  2. after mowing, grow more slowly, but the brightness of the color and density should remain the same;
  3. tolerate temperature fluctuations characteristic of Russia;
  4. be disease and pest resistant.

If the lawn in your country house has already grown, you should think about buying a lawn mower, we have selected the best models for you:

  • Top 10 electric lawn mowers of 2017
  • Top 10 Gas Lawn Mowers 2017

In Russia, five manufacturers of herbal mixtures are the most popular.

5. Green Meadow

The American company Green Meadow opens the rating of manufacturers of high-quality grass mixtures for lawns. It is one of the most famous suppliers of various plants both in the USA and in Europe. Her assortment is rich, however, the Russian lawn enthusiast should remember that a rare mixture will take root on Russian soil. The basis of the mixture is perennial ryegrass, it is very beautiful in appearance, but short-lived. Ryegrass is an ingredient in many mixtures, as its fast germination will provide the lawn with a beautiful, even color at the very beginning, and then give way to longer-lived grasses. At the same time, he still does not tolerate frost well and dies at temperatures from -15 and below. Residents of the southern regions of Russia can enjoy its bright malachite color, but the "Europeans" and Siberians should think hard.

4. Midget

Lawn mix from "Liliput" is specially designed for the harsh Russian climate and made as undemanding as possible. This is a lawn for the lazy (or for those who can't garden more than one day every couple of weeks). The grass mixture from "Liliput" is built on the basis of bluegrass meadow and four parts of different varieties of fescue. All varieties are very hardy and resistant to negative factors. environment- from fluctuations in temperature to diseases.

3. Green square

Another domestic manufacturer opens the top 3 of the best lawn grass mixtures. It differs from Lilliput both in a large number of options and in a more favorable price. Although the difference in price begins to be felt at large scales, for example, if the lawn area starts from 50 m2 or more. There are mixtures specially designed for various climatic regions of Russia - from the subtropical zone of the Caucasus to the arid Lower Volga region and harsh Siberia.

2. Powerseed

Lawn mixes from Powerseed are adapted to the western/central climate conditions of the USA, therefore, will be suitable for the central and southern regions of Russia. One of the most popular mixtures is for quick restoration of lawns. It is convenient that the old lawn does not need to be dug up, fertilized, or regularly watered. It just grows by itself - what else do you need?

1. Terragrun

One of the hallmarks of Terragrün is its own blends, in which wild species and cultivated varieties. At the same time, the germination of seeds from German craftsmen reaches 95% (one of the most high performance On the market). And a wide range of products will help create a lawn not only in favorable climatic conditions in the south of Russia, but also in other, colder regions.

The varieties "Universal", "Canada-green", "Golf-Master" are very popular on the market. By the way, the latter, despite the specialized name, is actually very stable and looks great in the lawn. The only drawback is that it requires a good drainage system, as it does not tolerate freezing of the soil and may die.

Emerald grass lawn is an important part of landscape design. Grass for the lawn, which does not require a haircut, will greatly facilitate the work of the owner. After all, in order for the lawn to look perfect, it needs to be carefully looked after.

    Show all

    Tender bent shoot

    Some plants are undersized. If you use them as lawn grass, the need for a haircut will disappear.

    Gardeners have long appreciated the merits of the shoot-bearing bent grass. This plant is ideal for a home garden. It has a bright emerald color that does not fade or turn yellow all summer long.

    The stems of the bent grass are very tender and pleasant to the touch. It is pleasant to walk on them barefoot, they will not scratch even sensitive children's skin. Its bushes do not exceed 10-12 cm in height. This is the ideal height for lawn grass.

    The plant quickly takes root and grows rapidly. In one summer, a small bush is able to cover with its shoots an area larger than 1 sq.m. Walking on the lawn does not slow down this process, but stimulates it. The bent grass is tolerant of trampling. While walking on the lawn, the shoots are pressed to the ground and take root faster.

    The plant is unpretentious and grows well in various soils, calmly tolerates partial shade. The disadvantage of grass is its vulnerability to drought. In hot weather, the lawn should be constantly watered. If it didn’t work out in time to water the lawn and the grass dried up, it’s not scary. The lawn will quickly restore its former beauty after watering or rain.

    The shoot-bearing bent grass loves moisture very much. If it is regularly watered and fed, it will begin to grow luxuriantly, including upwards. In this case, it will have to be cut. But during the season, such a need arises no more than 3-4 times.

    Bluegrass meadow

    Bluegrass meadow is considered one of the best lawn plants because of its extraordinary beauty.

    Thin and delicate plants stand upright, like the villi of a carpet.

    This herb is highly resistant to frost and drought. She first appears after the snow melts and decorates the local area when other plants are still sleeping. Meadow grass meadow retains its green color even under snow. The lawn will not turn yellow until late autumn. The plant needs open space and plenty of light. The enemy of grass is powdery mildew. It is she who destroys the bushes located in the shade.

    During a drought or a great heat, the grass "falls asleep". With the first rain, the lawn quickly revives and recovers. An area covered with meadow bluegrass will look perfect for several years without requiring special care. In the first year after planting, meadow bluegrass will grow no higher than 10 cm. During this period, its root system will actively form.

    The next year, the bushes will stretch upwards and from now on they need to be mowed. But they grow very slowly. And in places of active trampling, the grass is pressed into the turf and its growth is not visible. Therefore, you rarely have to mow the lawn.

    Young bluegrass meadow can suffer from weed plants, so in the first year after planting, he needs regular weeding. However, from the second year of life, the bushes cover the surface of the earth with a dense carpet and do not allow a single weed to break through. The grass forms underground shoots, creating a dense turf.

    Bluegrass meadow loves abundant watering. Calmly tolerates prolonged flooding with melt water. Since the plant is highly resistant to trampling, playgrounds and football fields are sown with it.

    The low-growing variety of meadow grass Dolphin grows more slowly and requires mowing even less often.

    Capricious perennial ryegrass

    Perennial ryegrass quickly fills the area. The grass of a dark saturated color forms many offspring shoots, creating lush dense bushes everywhere. It has a strong, highly branched root system that holds the soil together. In the first year, it grows weakly and slowly, directing all its forces to the root system and shoots. During this period, mowing the lawn is not required.

    Ryegrass is resistant to trampling and quickly recovers from damage. The plant is sensitive to spring and autumn frosts. Bald spots from dead frozen plants may appear on the lawn. In winter, it tolerates a temperature of -18 ºС without snow cover. Under the snow can withstand even more severe frost. But changes in frost and thaw are dangerous for him.

    Grows in open areas and in the shade. Does not like an abundance of moisture in the soil. Prefers highly fertile soils, so it should be fed with fertilizers. The lawn needs surface irrigation. Ryegrass is considered the most suitable lawn plant for 1 year. The beauty of the cover in the first season surpasses all other types of lawn plants. However, the plant quickly ages and the next year will not please with an excellent appearance.

    Cleopatra is the shortest variety of ryegrass. It also has exceptional wear resistance.

    unpretentious clover

    Undersized clover almost never needs a haircut. The plant spreads along the ground, slightly rising above it. Thanks to attractive spherical flowers, the clover lawn looks unusual and original. It will be an excellent backdrop for nearby flower beds, rose gardens, rock gardens and garden beds.

    The powerful root system of clover inhibits the growth of other plants and prevents weeds from spoiling the cover. It allows him to firmly gain a foothold in the ground, even on steep slopes. Clover grows throughout the territory allotted for it, covering the surface with a dense grassy mass of bright green color. Between late spring and early autumn, clover blooms twice.

    Most often, gardeners sow a lawn with a plant with white flowers. If necessary, this type of clover can be sheared. He tolerates a haircut well and recovers quickly. If the clover lawn is heavily cut, after 2-3 days the “bald” places will be overgrown with young shoots. But a white clover haircut is very rarely needed. Some gardeners do not cut it for years.

    This plant is unpretentious, does not require frequent watering and top dressing. It has delicate foliage. It is very pleasant to walk barefoot on the clover cover. Despite the softness of the stem and leaves, clover is resistant to trampling.

    The plant belongs to the legume family. Bacteria that saturate the soil with nitrogen live on its roots. If clover is planted with other lawn grasses, the nitrogen produced with it will be a top dressing for them. The properties of the shamrock will protect its neighbors from pests and diseases.

    The disadvantage of the clover lawn is dried flowers, which inevitably appear during its flowering. The plant absorbs moisture and becomes slippery. Therefore, it is unsafe to walk on the lawn after rain or watering. Growing, the shamrock is able to go beyond the lawn and suppress cultivated plants in nearby areas.

    Fescue simple red

    This undersized grass is very popular among lawn lovers. She has a powerful root system, thanks to which she grows quickly, filling all the voids. Like bluegrass meadow, simple red fescue grows weakly in the first year after planting and does not require a haircut. Make up for the lost plant next year.

    The grass looks very attractive. Bushes evenly and densely cover the ground. Thin stems with leaves directed vertically. A dwarf lawn sown with red fescue looks like a fluffy green carpet. Grass loves light soils. On heavy clay soil, it will grow slowly, forming a sparse, hummocky herbage. The plant is resistant to trampling, therefore it is suitable for children's and sports grounds.

    The grass loves watering and is hard to tolerate drought. Prolonged heat can destroy a low-growing lawn. The plant calmly transfers a certain amount of melt water to the surface of the site.

    Red fescue grows well in open areas and in shaded areas.

    Hairy red fescue

    Hairy red fescue is a short and slow growing herb. It is ideal for a dwarf lawn. The area sown with it in the first year can not be cut. Grass grows slowly and not high. She has elastic long and very thin stems with pressed leaves. They resemble a wire directed vertically upwards.

    The lawn of hairy red fescue is very dense. Short underground shoots provide a quick "patching holes" of the cover. The plant easily tolerates low light and can grow in the shade. Weed is tolerant of extreme changes in temperature and humidity. It is resistant to drought and does not fade in the sun even in forty-degree heat.

    Hairy red fescue grows well on any soil. It is planted along the roads, which are abundantly sprinkled with salt in winter. The presence of a large amount of salt in the soil does not affect the external characteristics of the plant. But it will demonstrate all its beauty only in the presence of fertilizers in the soil. It is recommended to add humus and mineral fertilizers to the soil of the territory.

    From low-growing plants, mixtures are formed for a lawn that does not require frequent mowing. They include seeds of several types of lawn grasses in various proportions. The ratio of herbs is selected taking into account the possible dominance of one plant over another, as well as in order to give the coating pronounced decorative characteristics. Mixes of Moorish lawn and Lilliput are popular.