What leaves willow have in autumn. Willow wild species

Many site owners underestimate willow and treat it as a waste or even weed plant. A cursory acquaintance with some species and decorative forms can radically change this view of this interesting culture. Willow has long been treated, used it on the farm. Today we can afford to decorate our plots with this plant, choosing the right look. This plant is better than many others for creating garden bonsai and unusual forms.

Willow in bloom

Where is the fluff from?

Willow is a dioecious plant that has males with anthers and females that bear fruit. Less common are bisexual specimens. Earring-shaped inflorescences adorn some species in spring. Men's earrings at first look like silvery silky balls, soon they are covered with bright yellow anthers, and then fall off. Willow down is given only by women's earrings. This is necessary in order to disperse the seeds at a distance from the mother plant. And we usually blame only poplars for the appearance of balls of fluff. Even when these trees are not nearby. Some types of willow bloom early in spring before the leaves bloom, others bloom when the leaves turn green on the branches.

Willow or willow?

Once, on the eve of Palm Sunday, I heard two people arguing about the name of a bush growing next to them. holly willow . One of them claimed that it was a willow. Another called the bush willow. Both were right, because. willow and wolf willow It is customary to call willow and break off branches before the holiday.

Holly willow (red willow, red willow, red husk) - one of the earliest flowering species in central Russia. It is a tall shrub or tree with smooth reddish-brown branches. Flowering begins before the appearance of long narrow leaves. Large buds with red-brown scales are already visible in autumn.

From thin willow branches weave various furniture and boxes, not baskets, because. it is not worth storing food in them because of the bitter bark.

Willow wolf also called willow. This common plant can grow as a shrub or tree. The long leaves are broader than those of the holly willow. This type of willow does not tolerate prolonged stagnant water.

wolf willow allows you to quickly grow a hedge from cuttings stuck into the ground, which quickly take root. They need to be regularly trimmed or intertwined with young flexible shoots. interesting grade "Aglaia" with large silver earrings and red branches. Early flowering varieties "Praecox" Earrings are about 9cm long.

Do goats love goat willow?

We often hear about goat willow (bredin) . This tall tree or shrub is decorated with fluffy catkins in early spring, which stay on bare branches for a week or two, and then instantly fall off. During the flowering period, a delicate aroma is felt. Later, broad leaves grow with a velvety-felt underside. It is believed that when touched, they resemble the skin of goat lips. Hence the name of this type of willow.

Weeping form "Pendula" - the result of grafting a goat willow onto a rootstock of a different type. It turns out miniature trees with a trunk 60 - 170 cm high with a falling crown. In the first years, immediately after flowering, all young shoots should be cut short, leaving about 20 cm on each of them. Later, the scion is cut annually to the outer bud, which allows you to increase the size of the crown and form a strong frame in the form of an open umbrella. Without corrective pruning or regular blinding of the buds, the shoots quickly reach the ground, sink to it and continue their growth in a horizontal plane. The growth rate is more than two meters per summer. It is necessary to ensure that the stock does not give its own shoots that drown out the scion.

Initially, a neat tree without supervision acquired a strange shape. The long shoots of the scion felt great between the stones of the alpine hill and grew in the stagnant water of the decorative pool. Forced pruning was reduced to shortening branches and removing dried twigs

At first, it is necessary to pay attention to the place of vaccination. Immediately after purchase, the winding and all fasteners are removed. In the first winters, it is desirable to insulate the scion for the winter, especially its “crown”. For this purpose, a non-woven material folded in several layers is suitable.

Such a willow can be planted on a lawn, next to, in a rockery or grown in a container. A group of several weeping willows with different heights of boles looks spectacular.

There are garden forms and varieties of goat willow with white-green variegated foliage ( "Variegata" ) and broadly oval leaves. decorative masculine form "Mas" , which is good during flowering and in autumn, when the foliage turns golden yellow. Grows as a tree or bush "Zilberglyants" with a beautiful crown of hanging branches. Slightly wrinkled leaves have a felted underside that is pleasant to the touch.

Goat willow leaves are rich in vitamin C. In the old days, they were brewed as a tea. It is useful to rinse the throat and mouth with a decoction of the bark in various inflammatory processes, especially in angina. Abscesses and ulcers are treated with an ointment composed of powdered willow bark and butter.

We form a brittle willow

Brittle willow (willow) - fast growing tree with a tent-shaped crown. Lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long bloom at the time of flowering. In autumn they turn lemon yellow. This species is easily propagated by cuttings, the degree of rooting is close to 100%. Brittle willow does not freeze even in the most severe winters. Under the species willow, there are always a lot of dead, dried branches, which are easily broken off by strong gusts of wind.

So I formed a brittle willow, which has grown to wires

I find this species to be the most suitable for garden bonsai. Cultural form of brittle willow "Bulat » (« bullata “) tolerates corrective pruning very well. From it you can "cut" different geometric figures. At the end of winter, the bark of young shoots begins to turn green, so in early spring the crown acquires a pleasant greenish tint. Willow does not give down, which is important for people with allergies.

Variant of formation of the crown of willow brittle "Bulat"

Who bends the willow branches?

Twisted trunk and branches of matsudan willow - distinguishing feature these trees or shrubs. The frost resistance of the species is satisfactory: in severe winters, freezing occurs above the level of the snow cover. Some gardeners additionally insulate their plant for the winter. Popular decorative form Tortuosa "- a tree or shrub with a sinuous trunk and olive-gray branches. The leaves are also spirally twisted. The plant does not feel well in a blown place, especially with an icy northeast wind. Willow leaves are burned during spring frosts. Without corrective pruning, the tree becomes thickened, which makes it difficult to admire the pattern of intertwined and twisted branches.

Willow winding "Tortuosa"

The winding willow of the Ural selection with strongly curved branches of olive or reddish-brown color and twisted leaves is better tolerated by our climate. tree height "Sverdlovsk winding 1" about 4 m. It has a mild weeping shape. There are winter-hardy undersized forms with a weeping and pyramidal shape. They tolerate pruning very well. When propagating, it is better to root short cuttings.

Willow winding always looks so unusual

undersized willows

The choice of undersized decorative willows is huge.

Willow hairy (woolly) in the Moscow region grows no higher than one meter. Earrings appear in spring. The grayish-green leaves are rounded and have white felt pubescence, so the whole bush seems blue and fluffy. This slow-growing willow is afraid of cold winds, waterlogging and prolonged drought. After the end of the sap flow, the frostbitten tips of the branches are removed.

drought-resistant rosemary willow up to 1 meter high, it is better to plant on poor soil, it is possible among rockeries. On nutritious soil, it fattens, which prevents the appearance of dense crown cushions. Most of the shortened trunk is hidden underground, and we see only numerous branches of the crown. Earrings appear before narrow dark green leaves, pubescent from the underside. Dense bushes are suitable for borders. Peat is added to the planting holes.

This undersized willow needs very little space.

Purple willow "Gracilis" (Nana) - This is a ball up to 1.5 m high from thin flexible branches of a purple hue. They depart from a shortened stem. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, silvery-bluish in color. earrings are bright, reddish in color. This willow is more elegant in a bright place. In the shade, the shoots stretch out, and the crown thins. The plant grows best on sandy soils with the addition of lime. Both wet and dry places are suitable for this culture. In harsh winters, a beautiful bush can freeze slightly, but then quickly recovers. Pruning is easy to carry and allows you to create various garden shapes.

Willow herbaceous (dwarf willow) up to 15 cm high (most often 6 - 7 cm) is decorated with tiny earrings and small rounded leaves with a relief pattern of veins. This is a hardy species that is incredibly interesting. The herbaceous willow is sometimes called the smallest tree in the world. Its homeland is considered not only the Arctic latitudes, but also the high mountain regions of the Alps and the Pyrenees. There, this willow almost completely fits in a layer of moss, sheltering from strong winds. This species can be recommended to connoisseurs of bonsai.

The tundra species are netted willow - strongly branched undersized frost-resistant shrub with branches 30 - 50 cm long, which spread along the ground. It grows slowly. Dark branches with small leathery leaves with a relief mesh pattern. Young leaves are pubescent. In spring, reddish catkins stick out vertically upwards. This species looks great among a scattering of stones, where low carpet pillows form over time. Willow mesh is ideal for rock garden.

Is there enough room for white willow?

We are often forced to refuse to plant spectacular large-sized plants. (silver willow, willow ) from among them. This is a powerful tree up to 25 meters high. Young leaves are silvery white. For small plots, less tall garden forms have been bred.

Such a white willow is unlikely to fit in a garden plot.

Weeping white willow up to 7 m high, it attracts with a rare beauty of a weeping crown with a skirt of branches to the very ground. An unpretentious winter-hardy plant needs regular watering and good lighting. Such a willow will decorate any decorative pond. It can be planted with a tapeworm on the lawn.

Willow white silver up to 12 m high is distinguished by a silvery color of foliage. She wins on landing next to plants with burgundy leaves.

White willow "Chermezina" ("Chermesina" ) - a tree up to 7 meters high with orange-red bark and gray-green leaves, which can be grown in the form of a tall shrub. The plant is pruned at least once every two years, removing old faded branches, which provokes the appearance of bright young shoots.

O medicinal properties white willow can be judged by the fact that in the first half of the 19th century, the glycoside salicin was isolated from willow bark, after which salicylic acid was obtained. Later, aspirin was synthesized on its basis. ethnoscience different countries uses teas, infusions and decoctions of white willow bark as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent. Infusion of the bark rinses the mouth with inflammatory processes.

I have not yet named many other types of willow that could decorate our plots. It is worth taking a closer look at this wonderful plant and using its amazing ability to adapt to any living conditions. Then, when another plant could not survive. Even in the most unfavorable situations, the willow continues to live.

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In folk art, willow is most often found as a symbol of sadness, and at the same time beauty. Tall, beautiful sprawling trees are found along roadsides, on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. The long branches of the willow descend to the very ground, moreover, with an excess of moisture in the soil, they are able to release water droplets, which is why the willow is called weeping.

Thanks to the work of breeders, there are now many hybrid varieties of willows that are widely used in ornamental gardening.

Willow description

The willow genus includes almost 600 species of plants. Moreover, it can be both trees and shrubs. Most of them grow in the cool part of the northern hemisphere, in Eurasia and North America. The closer to cold regions, the smaller the size of plants that have mastered the climate. The smallest representatives of the species are found in the northern regions, and they are so small that their height does not exceed the height of the moss.

In most species, the shoots are flexible, thin, the leaves are narrow, long, pointed both at the outer edge and at the petiole. Willow blooms in spring, before the appearance of the first leaves, small flowers are collected in earrings. Some species bloom after the leaves bloom. After flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a box with seeds. Small, light seeds are carried by the wind over great distances. In the open air, they remain viable for a short time, but when they get into the water, they can wait for favorable conditions for several years.

The most common and often found representative of the genus in the middle lane is the white weeping willow. An adult tree reaches up to 25-30 m in height and lives for about 100 years. The trunk of the willow is powerful, the bark is gray, in the lower part of the tree it is covered with cracks. The crown of the white willow is wide, sprawling, through. The leaves are dark green in color, smooth, shiny, light on the underside, covered with a whitish fluff. In calm weather, the tree is green, but in a light breeze, the leaves move, turning their bottom side, and the foliage of the tree seems white.

willow planting

All willows are unpretentious plants that are found almost everywhere in nature. Different varieties of willows have taken root in different regions, so the planting site and type of plant are chosen based on the characteristics of the area.

Landing place

Light to medium loamy soils are best suited for planting. The place is chosen well-lit, sunny or light partial shade. Willows do not grow in full shade. Even in natural conditions willows are not found in the wilderness of the forest, although they feel great at the edge of the forest. For planting willows, you can use a site with a close location of groundwater.

Landing time

Willow with a closed root system is planted at any time of the year, from early spring to late autumn, provided that the seedling sits together with a clod of earth from a planting container. The optimal time for planting seedlings with an open root system is early spring, before bud break, or autumn, after the end of sap flow.

It should be borne in mind that varieties with low frost resistance during autumn planting will not have time to take root properly, therefore, when planting in autumn, the ground under the seedlings is mulched with dry leaves of trees and shrubs, and the seedlings themselves are covered with spruce branches.


  • Digging a landing hole. For shrub forms, the size of the pit is 50 cm in diameter, for woody forms - 60 cm, 40 cm deep. For a willow seedling with a closed root system, a hole is dug according to the size of an earthen coma.
  • When planting on heavy clays, drainage is necessary; for this, 20-30 cm of sand or gravel are poured into the bottom of the landing pit.
  • A nutritious soil mixture is prepared from soil, compost and peat, mixed in equal parts. Azofoska is added to it at the rate of 200 g per plant and mixed thoroughly.
  • Fill the planting hole with a third of the prepared soil and place the seedling in it.
  • The seedling falls asleep, the soil is tamped so that a pit is formed around the seedling to facilitate watering.
  • Pour 2 buckets of water under each seedling.
  • If the seedling is tall, for the first time you can install a support stake to fix the vertical position of the tree.

willow care

In order for willows to develop quickly and look attractive, you should know the individual needs of these plants and the features of caring for them. Willow cultivation requires the most attention during the first time after planting.


Weeping willow is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs frequent watering and spraying. Young plants grow very quickly, especially in the first years of life, some varieties are able to grow up to 3 meters per year. Seedlings are watered once a week, at the rate of 2-5 buckets of water per plant. Watering is done early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. During irrigation, water is poured not only under the root, but also on the crown of the plant.


At the beginning of the growing season, the soil under the willow is loosened, mulched with peat. The plant is fed with complex fertilizers. In total, such dressings are carried out 2-3 per season, the last dressing is carried out in July. In the second half of August, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added under the willows.

Do not leave fallen willow leaves under the tree, as they contain tannins that will adversely affect the development of the plant.


The first 2-3 years, the willow grows uncontrollably, and it is not necessary to cut it. Then the tree or shrub rises and there is a need for its formation. Best time for forming willow pruning - spring, after flowering. The exception is frozen over the winter or broken dry twigs, which are cut in early spring.

Do not be afraid to cut willow branches, this will not bring any harm to the plant. Branches of decorative species are cut by 10-20 cm, then side shoots are formed from the remaining upper buds, and the plant acquires an attractive dense crown. Mature trees are sheared annually, cutting off their long branches hanging to the ground at a height of 2 m from the ground.

By pruning, they achieve both a spherical or umbrella-shaped type of shrubs and trees, and a regular rectangular shape when planting willows as a hedge.

Willow breeding

Wild willows are propagated by seeds; in culture, most often the plant is propagated by cuttings or layering. A plant grown from cuttings retains all the varietal characteristics of the parent species.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Cuttings are cut in the spring, before the leaves appear. Lignified parts of shoots of one to two years of age are better suited for rooting. The lower cut is made oblique, the crown is cut off. Cuttings of tall species are cut into a length of 30-40 cm; for shrub forms, a cutting of 15-20 cm is enough.
  • Before planting, willow cuttings are dipped in a root solution for 18-24 hours.
  • Ready planting material is stuck into the ground so that 2-3 buds remain above the soil level. It is allowed to place the cutting both vertically and at an angle to the ground. When landing at an angle, the lower part is located in the direction of the south or southeast.
  • Water the soil daily 1-2 times a day so that the earth is constantly wet.
  • The soil around young seedlings is regularly weeded from weeds, since at an early stage of development, a weak plant is clogged with tall weeds.

Cuttings can also be germinated at home, for this they are placed in a jar of water, and they wait for the first roots to appear, after which they are planted in the ground.

Successfully rooted and green cuttings, which are cut during the growing season of the plant. To do this, the apical bud and lower leaves are removed from the handle 15-20 cm long, and the upper ones are shortened. The stalk is stuck into a wet nutrient mixture and greenhouse conditions are organized for it, covered with a jar. If you need a lot of seedlings, form a greenhouse with a film. The survival rate of green cuttings is 50-90%, depending on the conditions created for rooting.

Propagation by layering and willow grafting

Not all willows are propagated by cuttings; for some, only propagation by layering, or grafting onto a trunk, is suitable.

  • For propagation by layering, root shoots with formed roots are dug up in early spring, the cut roots of the seedling are treated with fungicides, and the plant is planted in a new place, observing all the rules for planting a new seedling.
  • Some types of willows are grown only on a stem, therefore, to obtain a varietal plant, a branch of the desired varietal plant is grafted onto a stem of the desired height.

Diseases and pests of willow

Even such an unpretentious plant as willow needs to monitor the health of leaves and wood.

Willow diseases

Of the fungal diseases on willow, powdery mildew, rust, different kinds spotting, scab. The appearance and development of fungal diseases is promoted by increased humidity, which has arisen as a result of the established long rainy weather. To combat such diseases, decorative varieties of willows are treated with fungicides for prevention twice a season - in spring and autumn, and also during the season when the first signs of the disease are detected. Woody tall varieties are sheared so that their branches do not touch the ground. Fungal spores overwinter in fallen leaves and infect plants again in spring. Without a timely struggle, mushroom colonies grow, and the willow may die.

Regularly inspect the bark and branches of willows, as when necrotic signs appear, timely measures are required to combat the disease and prevent its development and transfer to other plants. Infected branches are removed to healthy wood, the cut points are processed. Avoid mechanical damage to the bark of trees, through which, as a rule, carriers of diseases enter.

Preventive treatments for cytosporic and diplodin necrosis are carried out in August. If processing was not carried out in the summer, then it should be carried out in May. One treatment per season is enough.

Willow pests

There are also pests on the willow. Caterpillars of the willow silkworm-leafworm eat leaves, as a result of which the shrub or tree loses its decorative appearance. To combat the pest, the masonry found on the leaves and bark is removed, the hatched larvae and white butterflies are collected by hand and destroyed.

Aphids suck out the juices of the plant, young buds and leaves fall off. Aphid eggs overwinter on the bark of a tree, and without pest control, new aphid colonies appear from them the next year. For prevention, planting plants that the pest loves near the willow is avoided. Affected plants are treated with insecticides.

Willow species and varieties

Among the willows there are tall trees, shrubs and creeping species. All of them grow quickly, adapt well to their habitat, lend themselves to shearing and shaping. Consider the varietal features of some of them.

1. Ywa Matsudana- a tall tree, up to 10-12 m, grows in its natural environment in Korea and China. More often for cultivation, its decorative form is used, which grows in the form of a shrub, its branches are curved, the crown is highly decorative, openwork. Planting requires a sunny, well-lit area.

2. willow- tall spreading shrub. The leaves are oblong, oval, the shoots are red or yellowish. The shape of the shrub and its leaves resemble a fern. It blooms with dark red earrings, while emitting a pleasant aroma. In nature, it grows in damp meadows. Ornamental varieties of whole-leaved willow:

  • Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is a small shrub or tree with a spherical crown. It has unusually decorative foliage and shoots. Young leaves are pink-white, shoots are red or olive.
  • Whole-leaved willow Pendula is a creeping shrub that looks most advantageous when grafted onto a trunk.

3. Willow, or holly willow- a shrub or tree with a strong growth force, grows naturally near a reservoir, prefers sandy soil. The branches are thin, flexible, young shoots are red, with a wax coating. The leaves are long, pointed, gray on the underside. Unpretentious species, easily propagated by cuttings.

4. Willow brittle, or willow, differs from its relatives in the form of leaf branches. Its shoots are fragile, olive-green, the leaves are elongated, pointed, with a serrated edge, with a blue tint on the underside. The natural crown is rounded, asymmetrical, openwork. As a decorative species, the spherical shape of the willow of the Bullata variety is used, which has a dense, even, rounded shape.

5. Willow of Babylon- a tall tree with a chic weeping crown. It grows up to 15 m, the diameter of the crown reaches 9 m. It is successfully used in landscaping parks and reservoirs. The leaves are long, narrow, serrate, blooms after the leaves bloom.

6. goat willow- the most common type in landscaping. This is a tree up to 10 m with a dense crown and wide oval leaves. Young leaves are pubescent, with time the upper part becomes smooth. It blooms with large earrings, decorative forms are propagated by cuttings, in nature - by seeds. Many varieties of decorative forms of this species have been bred. The most interesting of them are:

  • Silvergloss is a highly decorative variety, especially good during flowering due to the large number of large fragrant earrings. The leaves are wide, oval. It tolerates partial shade well, frost resistance is high.
  • Mas - tree or shrub up to 10 m, spreading crown, blooms profusely. The male form has decorative properties.
  • Weeping - standard male form of the plant. It grows up to a maximum of 3 meters. Multiple branches hang down thickly to the ground. Earrings are numerous, with a pleasant aroma. Very fast growing, hardy and shade tolerant.

willow photo

Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki

Ywa Matsudana

Willow brittle, or willow

Willow of Babylon

Weeping goat willow

Varietal varieties of willows are used for landscaping city parks, designing gardens and park areas. The bark and branches of willows are used for medicinal purposes, as well as material for weaving baskets and furniture. Willows also proved to be excellent as plants used as hedges. Unpretentiousness and rapid growth make it possible to grow a real hedge in 2-3 years, which will not only serve as a fence of the site from uninvited guests, but also decorate it with its unusual attractive appearance.


ELEMENT: water


LAW OF BALANCE. The power that willow gives cannot be called good - this tree is completely indifferent to the problems of good and evil. His strength serves only nature, the only law that has power over the willow is the law of balance and justice. She feels that in nature, evil can turn out to be good, and the concepts of lies or meanness simply do not exist.

AURA RED. Willow does not understand the intricacies of human ethics, but she perceives very well all the emotions that are generated by love, jealousy, blind maternal affection, and the desire for revenge. All impulses, energetically related to the red color of the aura, will find a response and support from the willow. Despite its pensive appearance and melancholy graceful silhouette, willow is a tree of strong passions.

TRANSFER THE PAIN TO IVA. Unfortunate lovers used to carry a willow branch with them. To recover from a love loss, "transfer" your pain to the willow. Sit down and think about your lost love. Amulets are also made from willow to heal a broken heart. Thank her for everything she has given you and release your pain from yourself.

WITCH'S BROOM - They say that when he plays with a willow and combs a tree, a witch's broom is formed - a willow branch, on which a bunch of thin twigs is formed. broom - it's not man-made, but natural.

BEWELL - IT DOES NOT MEAN TO BE HAPPY YET. The willow welcomes the man-haters especially willingly. As originally a female tree, she gives them amazing strength. Drawing strength in the aura of this tree, a woman is able to bewitch, and turn away, bring damage to the offender, spoil his whole fate. There is no need to blame the willow for this, she only perceives the emotions of the offended woman, the tree itself does not harm anyone, its forces can only be used. Do not try to ask the willow for happiness for your loved one, do not ask for family happiness. She can only help you attract the attention of your chosen one, bewitch. Only you yourself can then arrange your own destiny, without the participation of willow.

YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING. As is usually the case, willow does not give you anything for free. As always, when we get something, we have to pay with something. And if you come to the willow for help, be prepared to pay. How? That's how lucky you are, but just don't try to cheat or bargain. Willow is an extremely sensitive and touchy tree, she may not want to communicate with you further.

MAGIC USE: Willow magic wand is used in rituals of healing magic. The witch's pomelo is fastened with willow branches. Called in the language of sorcerers "witch tree", the willow brings the blessing of the moon. Plant a willow in your garden, ideally on the banks of a stream or river. This will provide exceptionally effective protection for your home from evil forces. Carry the branches of this tree with you to get rid of the fear of death. Tie a knot on a thin willow branch. This will serve as a material symbol of your intentions when casting spells. If your wish comes true, untie the knot. Save the branch for future spells.

LOVE POINT: Wreaths woven from thin willow twigs, which are left on the road along which the chosen one must pass, are known as a common love spell. A decoction of the leaves for a love spell is mixed into the drink. Although it is hardly practical - it tastes very bitter. A willow twig was sewn into the seam of a garment to hold a man. Also, a common way to keep a husband in the family is to braid the legs of the matrimonial bed with thin branches of willow. They weave necklaces and bracelets from willow bark, throw them into the river on the night of Ivan Kupala, and ask for a groom.

The power of this tree is rooted in ancient times, in the ancient cults of the Great Mother Earth, in later times she was also worshiped as a spirit of water, women's diseases and lovesickness were treated with the ashes of burnt wood. If you want, try it.

In order for love to bring joy, you need to be flexible and compliant, and it is precisely these qualities that willow possesses. She grows near the water and often "cries", so she is associated with the sadness that is inherent in love.

COMMUNICATION TIME. Willow is extremely sensitive, she may not want to communicate with you. It is most active from 18:00 to 21:00. Contact with her is comforting. relaxes and helps to eliminate headaches, create the mood that is needed to perform complex work. Develops paranormal abilities.

USE FOR MAGICAL PURPOSES. If you knock on a willow tree, it will bring good luck, and the leaves and bark can be added to medicinal sachets and incense. Put willow leaves under your pillow on a full moon night and you will dream prophetic dream. If you burn willow leaves with sandalwood bark outdoors during the waxing moon, it will help you make contact with the spirits.

IN LITERATURE: The treasured willow bush, as it turned out, was quite far from the village - not just at the bottom of the hill, but also pretty far from it along a damp lowland, in a small birch grove through which a dark peat stream flowed. At the whim of nature, in one place the channel described a steep and wide loop. And it must happen that in the very center of the oval toe a large green willow bush grew, spreading its branches wide and completely hung with threads, ribbons and rags of different colors.

A. Prozorov, Russes, Heir

IN LEGENDS AND MYTHS. The old willow among the Slavs was considered a bad tree, partly because it did not bear fruit, partly because it was rotten inside. Such a tree was shot from a bow and it was believed that such a tree had no shadow.

The Western Slavs have a legend about willow. In these lands, they believe that if you find a willow in a dense forest, then you can make a marvelous pipe from this tree, which can revive feelings and give people and living organisms a great mood!

The ancient peoples of Mesopotamia had a myth about willow. Once the goddess Inanna, walking along the river bank, saw a huge willow and admired it. Suddenly a storm broke out, and mighty waves were about to pull out the tree and carry it into the ocean. The goddess took pity on the tree, transferred it to the beautiful city of Uruk and planted it in her temple garden.

Willow on the coats of arms of the Issinsky district of the Penza region, Rakitinsky and Ivninsky districts of the Belgorod region.

Willow is also on the coat of arms of the Republic of Zametchino, Penza Region, Umansky SP, Leningrad District, Krasnodar Territory

Willow in heraldry -


  • Where did the willow legend come from? — There are many legends about willow. But Palm Sunday - it is from imitation. In Jerusalem, when greeting great people, they fanned them with palm branches. We don't have palm trees. Yves is enough. That's where willow twigs come in handy.

Willow, a tree of strong passions, will do everything to make you pay attention.

The willow symbolizes wealth and fortitude.

Willow branches with buds symbolize vitality, renewal, perseverance, overcoming adverse circumstances.

In Christianity, willow is a symbol of the Gospel of Christ.

NATIONAL NAMES - witch tree, witch aspirin, white willow, rustling tree, willow.
AURA - cold
ELEMENT - water
GODS - Yarila, Artemis, Ceres, Hekate, Persephone, Circe, Hera, Mercury.
For the Jews - a weeping tree, but in the East - a symbol of prosperity sexual love, female grace, light sadness of separation, the ability to quickly restore mental strength and immortality. The willows along the banks of the rivers of Babylon, on which the Jews hung their harps and wept, remembering Zion (Psalm 137), may not have been weeping, but in legends this tree has always been associated with sadness ever since. Willow - the Buddhist emblem of meekness and compassion, associated with the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Kwan-yin in China)
She was a Taoist metaphor for patience and compliance. According to Tibetan tradition, willow is the Tree of Life. In Japan, the Ainu believed that the willow was the spine of the first man. In ancient Greece, willow was dedicated to female deities.
Willow is often called willow. Willow was considered among the Slavs a sacred tree, a symbol of the continuity and constancy of life. It is the willow that symbolizes the ancient Slavic pagan god Yarila. To this day, the custom has been preserved once a year on the night of Ivan Kupala in honor of the sun god, to decorate willow flowers with flowers, to burn bonfires on the wave of it. At the end of the holiday, willow branches were planted in the yards.
In the Christian religion, there is also a church rite, according to which, a week before Easter, willows are solemnly consecrated and its branches are planted in estates, along roads or along rivers and reservoirs. Orthodox Church borrowed an ancient pagan rite, calling it Palm Sunday.
KEY WORDS - healing, protection, charm, wishes, easy childbirth.
MAIN PROPERTIES - healing, fulfillment of hopes, flexibility, compliance

Pain-relieving drugs made from willow bark, and perhaps the serpentine symbolism seen in its flexible branches, may explain its association with health, easy childbirth, and other medical and magical benefits in both Asian and Western traditions.
In Russia, it is believed that the sacred willow on Palm Week became healing, helped from various diseases, from spoilage, children were bathed in its broth so that they would not get sick, they ate nine kidneys to prevent fever. The buds of the consecrated willow were advised to be eaten by barren women so that they would become pregnant. They gave willow buds and twigs to livestock, so that there would be no cases and diseases.
Willow bark has astringent, hemostatic, disinfectant, antipyretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Sometimes it is used as an anthelmintic. Previously, it was famous as an antimalarial agent and was a substitute for cinchona bark.
Infusion, decoction and powder of the bark are used for dysentery, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and colon, bleeding from internal organs, tuberculosis, women's diseases, typhoid and rheumatism. Outwardly, the decoction is used for rinsing the mouth and throat, foot baths for varicose veins, sweating of the feet and skin diseases. Bleeding wounds are sprinkled with bark powder.
To prepare a decoction, 15 g of chopped bark is poured into 1 glass hot water, insist in a closed enamel bowl in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, filter hot through two or three layers of gauze and bring the volume to the original. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
With itching of the scalp and dandruff, a decoction is used. It is prepared from equal parts of willow bark, burdock roots, nettle herb and nasturtium. To do this, 4 tablespoons of the mixture is poured into 1 liter of hot water, boiled for 30 minutes and filtered. The head is washed at night without wiping dry.
Willow energy cannot be called good, it is indifferent to the problems of good and evil, it serves only nature, obeying the laws of balance and justice. The energy of willow gives amazing strength to women who are able to bewitch, turn away, bring damage to the offender, spoil his fate. Willow is extremely sensitive, she may not want to communicate with you.
In everyday witchcraft practices, willow is almost never used, because. its power is difficult to modulate - the powerful potential of transformation is subject to the World Law, and very often, instead of "what you want", you get something "what should be." From willow vines weaved cages for sacrifices, because. willow contributed to the immediate and "correct" revival of the spirit of the victim.
Called in the language of sorcerers "witch tree", the willow brings the blessing of the moon. Plant a willow in your garden, ideally on the banks of a stream or river. This will provide exceptionally effective protection for your home from evil forces. The witch's pomelo is fastened with willow branches.
Willow wands are used in healing magic rituals.
Carry the branches of this tree with you to get rid of the fear of death.
Tie a knot on a thin willow branch. This will serve as a material symbol of your intentions when casting spells. If your wish comes true, untie the knot. Save the branch for future spells.
Do not try to ask the willow for happiness for your loved one, do not ask for family happiness. She can only help you attract the attention of your chosen one, bewitch. Only you yourself can then arrange your own destiny, without the participation of willow.
As is usually the case, willow does not give you anything for free. As always, when we get something, we have to pay with something. And if you come to the willow for help, be prepared to pay. How? That's how lucky you are, but just don't try to cheat or bargain. Willow is an extremely sensitive and touchy tree, she may not want to communicate with you further.
Known as a common love spell wreaths woven from thin willow twigs, which are left on the road along which the chosen one must pass. A decoction of the leaves for a love spell is mixed into the drink. Although it is hardly practical - it tastes very bitter. A willow twig was sewn into the seam of a garment to hold a man. Also, a common way to keep a husband in the family is to braid the legs of the matrimonial bed with thin branches of willow. They weave necklaces and bracelets from willow bark, throw them into the river on the night of Ivan Kupala, and ask for a groom.
Unfortunate lovers used to carry a willow branch with them. To recover from a love loss, "transfer" your pain to the willow. Sit down and think about your lost love.
Amulets are also made from willow to heal a broken heart. Thank her for everything she has given you and release your pain from yourself.
It is also believed that in order to get rid of the fear of death, you need to carry willow branches with you.
Those who wanted to make a wish tied knots on thin willow branches - this served as a material symbol. When the wish came true, the knot was untied, and the branch was kept until the next time.
Thanks to magical properties This tree, along with hazel, is suitable for making magic wands.
Willow is a water-loving tree, which is probably why it is traditionally associated with the concepts of cyclicity, rhythm, as well as ebb and flow. Willow is a tree of female magic. She is associated with the Moon, all the rites dedicated to the earth and water that women perform. Willow energy cannot be called good, it is indifferent to the problems of good and evil, it serves only nature, obeying the laws of balance and justice. Willow is extremely sensitive, she may not want to communicate with you.
Contact with her calms, relaxes and helps to eliminate headaches, create the mood that is needed to complete complex work. Develops paranormal abilities.
If you knock on a willow tree, it will bring good luck, and the leaves and bark can be added to medicinal sachets and incense.
Put willow leaves under your pillow on the night of the full moon and you will have a prophetic dream.
If you burn willow leaves with sandalwood bark outdoors during the waxing moon, it will help you make contact with the spirits.
It is most active from 18:00 to 21:00.

(Salix alba)

White willow is a large deciduous tree. Young branches are very effective, thin, hanging down, silver-pubescent at the ends. Has a high growth rate. It is not demanding on soil fertility. Photophilous, tolerates prolonged waterlogging of the soil. Frost resistance is high. Handles haircut well. Used in solitary plantings. An integral component in the compositions of large parks and forest parks located on the banks of large reservoirs.

(Salix caprea Kilmarnock)

Willow goat Kilmarnock - a small ornamental tree with a weeping crown. The height depends on the level of vaccination. Grows fast. Unpretentious. Light-requiring, but can tolerate a little shading. Demanding on humidity. Frost-resistant. Recommended for planting near water bodies.

(Salix carpea Pendula)

Willow goat Pendula - a small ornamental tree with a weeping crown. The height depends on the level of vaccination. It blooms with numerous earrings of silver color. Photophilous. Grows on soils of different fertility and different humidity. Frost resistance is high. Looks great in group plantings and as a plant near a pond.

(Salix fragilis)

Brittle willow is a deciduous tree or large shrub with a very soft crown shape, resembling clouds from afar. Grows fast. Photophilous, tolerates partial shade. Demanding on soil moisture, resistant to flooding. Widely used in landscaping. Recommended for casing canals, banks, reservoirs.

(Salix purpurea)

Willow purple - deciduous shrub with a semicircular densely branched crown. The branches are thin, reddish-brown, with a bluish bloom. Grows pretty fast. It is undemanding to the soil, it can grow even on the sands. Light-requiring, but tolerates shading and partial shade. Frost-resistant. Handles haircut well. Used in single plantings, in groups, hedges, near water bodies.

(Salix purpurea Majak)

Willow purple Lighthouse - very openwork shrub with graceful pink-red shoots. Light-requiring, grows well in sunny areas. Prefers moderately moist soils. Winter-hardy. Looks good in compositions with trees and shrubs and as a solitary plant. Used in hedges.

(Salix purpurea Nana)

Purple Nana Willow is a fast growing shrub with silvery green leaves and reddish brown shoots. It is undemanding to the soil, it can grow even on the sands. Light-requiring, but tolerates shading and partial shade. Frost-resistant. Requires wind protection. Handles haircut well. Used in single plantings, in groups, hedges, for planting near water bodies.

(Salix purpurea Pendula)

Willow purple Pendula - dense shrub with very thin arched purple shoots. Differs in an openwork, weeping crown shape, bluish-green foliage and small size. The height of the plant depends on the height of the trunk, which is grafted. Photophilous. Prefers moist soils. Tolerates prolonged flooding. Drought-resistant. Can grow in very dry conditions. It has high winter hardiness. It is used for solitary plantings on the lawn, near water bodies, creating groups with shrubs with various crown shapes.

(Salix babylonica Sverdlovskaja Isvilistaja)

Willow Sverdlovsk winding - decorative deciduous tree 2-3 m high with twisted, strongly weeping shoots. The branches are golden, spiral, with slightly twisted leaves. Well adapted to the Russian climate. Grows slowly. It is not demanding on soils. Winter-hardy. Handles haircut well. It is used in single and group plantings, hedges, looks great near water bodies.

(Salix integra Hakuro-nishiki)

Whole-leaved willow Hakuro-nishiki is an elegant sprawling shrub or small tree with an original color and a spherical crown with slightly hanging branches. Prefers moist soils. In severe snowless winters it can freeze over. Handles haircut well. It is used in single landings, as an element of group compositions. It is applied in coastal gardening at reservoirs and pools. Looks best against the background of plants with a calm, dark color.

(Salix helvetica)

Swiss willow comes from the Alps. This is a dwarf shrub of a neat spherical shape with silvery foliage. Grows slowly. Likes fertile, well-drained soils. Photophilous. Requires sufficient moisture. Frost-resistant. Looks good in shrub compositions with conifers.

In folk art, willow is most often found as a symbol of sadness, and at the same time beauty. Tall, beautiful sprawling trees are found along roadsides, on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. The long branches of the willow descend to the very ground, moreover, with an excess of moisture in the soil, they are able to release water droplets, which is why the willow is called weeping. Thanks to the work of breeders, there are now many hybrid varieties of willows that are widely used in ornamental gardening.

The willow genus includes almost 600 species of plants. Moreover, it can be both trees and shrubs. Most of them grow in the cool part of the northern hemisphere, in Eurasia and North America. The closer to cold regions, the smaller the size of plants that have mastered the climate. The smallest representatives of the species are found in the northern regions, and they are so small that their height does not exceed the height of the moss.

In most species, the shoots are flexible, thin, the leaves are narrow, long, pointed both at the outer edge and at the petiole. Willow blooms in spring, before the appearance of the first leaves, small flowers are collected in earrings. Some species bloom after the leaves bloom. After flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a box with seeds. Small, light seeds are carried by the wind over great distances. In the open air, they remain viable for a short time, but when they get into the water, they can wait for favorable conditions for several years.

The most common and often found representative of the genus in the middle lane is the white weeping willow. An adult tree reaches up to 25-30 m in height and lives for about 100 years. The trunk of the willow is powerful, the bark is gray, in the lower part of the tree it is covered with cracks. The crown of the white willow is wide, sprawling, through. The leaves are dark green in color, smooth, shiny, light on the underside, covered with a whitish fluff. In calm weather, the tree is green, but in a light breeze, the leaves move, turning their bottom side, and the foliage of the tree seems white.

Willow: planting

All willows are unpretentious plants that are found almost everywhere in nature. Different varieties of willows have taken root in different regions, so the planting site and type of plant are chosen based on the characteristics of the area.

Landing place

Light to medium loamy soils are best suited for planting. The place is chosen well-lit, sunny or light partial shade. Willows do not grow in full shade. Even in natural conditions, willows are not found in the wilderness of the forest, although they feel great on the edge. For planting willows, you can use a site with a close location of groundwater.

Landing time

Willow with a closed root system is planted at any time of the year, from early spring to late autumn, provided that the seedling sits together with a clod of earth from a planting container. The optimal time for planting seedlings with an open root system is early spring, before bud break, or autumn, after the end of sap flow. It should be borne in mind that varieties with low frost resistance during autumn planting will not have time to take root properly, therefore, when planting in autumn, the ground under the seedlings is mulched with dry leaves of trees and shrubs, and the seedlings themselves are covered with spruce branches.


  • Digging a landing hole. For shrub forms, the size of the pit is 50 cm in diameter, for woody forms - 60 cm, 40 cm deep. For a willow seedling with a closed root system, a hole is dug according to the size of an earthen coma.
  • When planting on heavy clays, drainage is necessary; for this, 20-30 cm of sand or gravel are poured into the bottom of the landing pit.
  • A nutritious soil mixture is prepared from soil, compost and peat, mixed in equal parts. Azofoska is added to it at the rate of 200 g per plant and mixed thoroughly.
  • Fill the planting hole with a third of the prepared soil and place the seedling in it.
  • The seedling falls asleep, the soil is tamped so that a pit is formed around the seedling to facilitate watering.
  • Pour 2 buckets of water under each seedling.
  • If the seedling is tall, for the first time you can install a support stake to fix the vertical position of the tree.

Willow: care

In order for willows to develop quickly and look attractive, you should know the individual needs of these plants and the features of caring for them. Willow cultivation requires the most attention during the first time after planting.


Weeping willow is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs frequent watering and spraying. Young plants grow very quickly, especially in the first years of life, some varieties are able to grow up to 3 meters per year. Seedlings are watered once a week, at the rate of 2-5 buckets of water per plant. Watering is done early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. During irrigation, water is poured not only under the root, but also on the crown of the plant.


At the beginning of the growing season, the soil under the willow is loosened, mulched with peat. The plant is fed with complex fertilizers. In total, such dressings are carried out 2-3 per season, the last dressing is carried out in July. In the second half of August, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added under the willows.

Do not leave fallen willow leaves under the tree, as they contain tannins that will adversely affect the development of the plant.


The first 2-3 years, the willow grows uncontrollably, and it is not necessary to cut it. Then the tree or shrub rises and there is a need for its formation. The best time for willow shaping pruning is spring, after flowering has ended. The exception is frozen over the winter or broken dry twigs, which are cut in early spring.

Do not be afraid to cut willow branches, this will not bring any harm to the plant. Branches of decorative species are cut by 10-20 cm, then side shoots are formed from the remaining upper buds, and the plant acquires an attractive dense crown. Mature trees are sheared annually, cutting off their long branches hanging to the ground at a height of 2 m from the ground. By pruning, they achieve both a spherical or umbrella-shaped type of shrubs and trees, and a regular rectangular shape when planting willows as a hedge.

Willow breeding

Wild willows are propagated by seeds; in culture, most often the plant is propagated by cuttings or layering. A plant grown from cuttings retains all the varietal characteristics of the parent species.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Cuttings are cut in the spring, before the leaves appear. Lignified parts of shoots of one to two years of age are better suited for rooting. The lower cut is made oblique, the crown is cut off. Cuttings of tall species are cut into a length of 30-40 cm; for shrub forms, a cutting of 15-20 cm is enough.
  • Before planting, willow cuttings are dipped in a root solution for 18-24 hours.
  • Ready planting material is stuck into the ground so that 2-3 buds remain above the soil level. It is allowed to place the cutting both vertically and at an angle to the ground. When landing at an angle, the lower part is located in the direction of the south or southeast.
  • Water the soil daily 1-2 times a day so that the earth is constantly wet.
  • The soil around young seedlings is regularly weeded from weeds, since at an early stage of development, a weak plant is clogged with tall weeds.

Cuttings can also be germinated at home, for this they are placed in a jar of water, and they wait for the first roots to appear, after which they are planted in the ground.

Successfully rooted and green cuttings, which are cut during the growing season of the plant. To do this, the apical bud and lower leaves are removed from the handle 15-20 cm long, and the upper ones are shortened. The stalk is stuck into a wet nutrient mixture and greenhouse conditions are organized for it, covered with a jar. If you need a lot of seedlings, form a greenhouse with a film. The survival rate of green cuttings is 50-90%, depending on the conditions created for rooting.

Propagation by layering and willow grafting

Not all willows are propagated by cuttings; for some, only propagation by layering, or grafting onto a trunk, is suitable.

  • For propagation by layering, root shoots with formed roots are dug up in early spring, the cut roots of the seedling are treated with fungicides, and the plant is planted in a new place, observing all the rules for planting a new seedling.
  • Some types of willows are grown only on a stem, therefore, to obtain a varietal plant, a branch of the desired varietal plant is grafted onto a stem of the desired height.

Diseases and pests of willow

Even such an unpretentious plant as willow needs to monitor the health of leaves and wood.

Willow diseases

Of the fungal diseases on willow, powdery mildew, rust, various types of spotting, and scab are found. The appearance and development of fungal diseases is promoted by increased humidity, which has arisen as a result of the established long rainy weather. To combat such diseases, decorative varieties of willows are treated with fungicides for prevention twice a season - in spring and autumn, and also during the season when the first signs of the disease are detected. Woody tall varieties are sheared so that their branches do not touch the ground. Fungal spores overwinter in fallen leaves and infect plants again in spring. Without a timely struggle, mushroom colonies grow, and the willow may die.

Regularly inspect the bark and branches of willows, as when necrotic signs appear, timely measures are required to combat the disease and prevent its development and transfer to other plants. Infected branches are removed to healthy wood, the cut points are processed. Avoid mechanical damage to the bark of trees, through which, as a rule, carriers of diseases enter.

Preventive treatments for cytosporic and diplodin necrosis are carried out in August. If processing was not carried out in the summer, then it should be carried out in May. One treatment per season is enough.

Willow pests

There are also pests on the willow. Caterpillars of the willow silkworm-leafworm eat leaves, as a result of which the shrub or tree loses its decorative appearance. To combat the pest, the masonry found on the leaves and bark is removed, the hatched larvae and white butterflies are collected by hand and destroyed.

Aphids suck out the juices of the plant, young buds and leaves fall off. Aphid eggs overwinter on the bark of a tree, and without pest control, new aphid colonies appear from them the next year. For prevention, planting plants that the pest loves near the willow is avoided. Affected plants are treated with insecticides.

Willow: types and varieties

Among the willows there are tall trees, shrubs and creeping species. All of them grow quickly, adapt well to their habitat, lend themselves to shearing and shaping. Consider the varietal features of some of them.

1. Ywa Matsudana- a tall tree, up to 10-12 m, grows in its natural environment in Korea and China. More often for cultivation, its decorative form is used, which grows in the form of a shrub, its branches are curved, the crown is highly decorative, openwork. Planting requires a sunny, well-lit area.

2. willow- tall spreading shrub. The leaves are oblong, oval, the shoots are red or yellowish. The shape of the shrub and its leaves resemble a fern. It blooms with dark red earrings, while emitting a pleasant aroma. In nature, it grows in damp meadows. Ornamental varieties of whole-leaved willow:

  • Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is a small shrub or tree with a spherical crown. It has unusually decorative foliage and shoots. Young leaves are pink-white, shoots are red or olive.
  • Whole-leaved willow Pendula is a creeping shrub that looks most advantageous when grafted onto a trunk.

3. Willow, or holly willow- a shrub or tree with a strong growth force, grows naturally near a reservoir, prefers sandy soil. The branches are thin, flexible, young shoots are red, with a wax coating. The leaves are long, pointed, gray on the underside. Unpretentious species, easily propagated by cuttings.

4. Willow brittle, or willow, differs from its relatives in the form of leaf branches. Its shoots are fragile, olive-green, the leaves are elongated, pointed, with a serrated edge, with a blue tint on the underside. The natural crown is rounded, asymmetrical, openwork. As a decorative species, the spherical shape of the willow of the Bullata variety is used, which has a dense, even, rounded shape.

5. Willow of Babylon- a tall tree with a chic weeping crown. It grows up to 15 m, the diameter of the crown reaches 9 m. It is successfully used in landscaping parks and reservoirs. The leaves are long, narrow, serrate, blooms after the leaves bloom.

6. goat willow- the most common type in landscaping. This is a tree up to 10 m with a dense crown and wide oval leaves. Young leaves are pubescent, with time the upper part becomes smooth. It blooms with large earrings, decorative forms are propagated by cuttings, in nature - by seeds. Many varieties of decorative forms of this species have been bred. The most interesting of them are:

  • Silvergloss is a highly decorative variety, especially good during flowering due to the large number of large fragrant earrings. The leaves are wide, oval. It tolerates partial shade well, frost resistance is high.
  • Mas - tree or shrub up to 10 m, spreading crown, blooms profusely. The male form has decorative properties.
  • Weeping - standard male form of the plant. It grows up to a maximum of 3 meters. Multiple branches hang down thickly to the ground. Earrings are numerous, with a pleasant aroma. Very fast growing, hardy and shade tolerant.

Willow: photo

Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki

Ywa Matsudana

Willow brittle, or willow

Willow of Babylon

Weeping goat willow

Varietal varieties of willows are used for landscaping city parks, designing gardens and park areas. The bark and branches of willows are used for medicinal purposes, as well as material for weaving baskets and furniture. Willows also proved to be excellent as plants used as hedges. Unpretentiousness and rapid growth make it possible to grow a real hedge in 2-3 years, which will not only serve as a fence of the site from uninvited guests, but also decorate it with its unusual attractive appearance.