Elevated temperature in the second half of the cycle. The norms of basal temperature in the second phase - from ovulation to menstruation

Around the second half of the menstrual cycle, any woman of reproductive age begins to experience some discomfort. One of the signs of the upcoming menstruation is an increase in temperature, both slightly and to the level of subfebrile. The temperature before menstruation can indicate many processes in the female body, including pathological ones.

It is known that the reproductive functions in the body of every woman are regulated exclusively by the corresponding sex hormones, namely progesterone and estrogen. And if estrogen does not affect, then progesterone often provokes its increase.

In view of the fact that with the onset of critical days, the concentration of this hormone in the blood decreases, it is not surprising that the temperature regime gradually returns to normal. At the same time, not all women can notice its increase, but only with a sensitive body, since an increase of several hundredths of a degree does not always affect well-being.

The answer to the question - can the temperature rise before menstruation is well known to representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who regularly keep a diary of the menstrual cycle, noting in it or other important events. Normally, there is a fluctuation within 37 degrees Celsius, with a slight decrease immediately after ovulation and immediately before the onset of menstruation.

It should be noted that temperature fluctuations are not typical for all women. In some of them, the course of the menstrual cycle is generally devoid of this factor. Neither in the case of an increase in body temperature before menstruation, nor when it decreases, you should not immediately raise a panic - in most cases this is completely normal. Certain questions should arise if these processes are accompanied by the appearance of third-party symptoms, which will be discussed in detail below.

If we exclude the normal reaction of the body to the “entertainment” of hormones in the body, then there can be quite a lot of reasons for changing the optimal temperature regime. Not all of them will indicate the presence of pathological changes, but nevertheless, special attention should be paid to this, which will help maintain one's own health and subsequently get rid of discomfort.

1. Delay

Subfebrile temperature before menstruation may be present without the onset of these. This is a classic when the discharge does not appear on time. As a rule, this may indicate that the egg that came out of the follicle in the ovary was fertilized. To take this factor into account is simple for all women who lead an orderly and constant sexual life.

In this case, it is also necessary to speak about the high role of hormones, but the physiology of the process itself will be completely different. Another sure sign of the onset of pregnancy - the indicator on the thermometer is stable for almost the entire second half of the menstrual cycle.

Confirm or refute the assumption of conception, with the help of modern medicine is very simple. Most effective method- determination of the level of hCG hormone. It is present in both blood and urine. Therefore, you can resort to using a conventional pharmacy pregnancy test. If a woman does not trust this method too much, there is always the opportunity to pass an appropriate analysis.

Whether there can be a temperature before menstruation depends on whether it is measured correctly. We are talking exclusively about the basal measurement, that is, the thermometer must be inserted into the rectum. Only in this way will it be possible to determine or refute the probability of conceiving a new life. It is important to remember that an increase in the indicator is typical immediately after ovulation, but immediately before the critical days it falls. If the egg is fertilized, the temperature will remain, therefore, there will be no menstruation.

The thermometer reading at 37 degrees is normal. This is caused by natural processes occurring in the female body, and therefore medical intervention is not required. Stronger fluctuations, which, moreover, occur not only in the second half of the menstrual cycle, but also on any other segment of it, often indicate that perhaps we are talking about some kind of pathology.

Subfebrile temperature is when the thermometer shows from 37.1 to 38 degrees. As a rule, she says that certain inflammatory processes are present. In the case of the basal measurement, it is necessary to talk about the processes taking place precisely in the organs of the reproductive system. This clinical picture requires the immediate intervention of specialized specialists.

Why does the body temperature rise before menstruation, and quite strongly, which is felt even without prior measurement:

  • inflammation of the ovaries is an extremely common problem faced by every fourth woman. A characteristic symptom is a dull aching pain in the lower abdomen, which is very difficult to pacify. Painful urination is often noted. Since the inflammation of the appendages is intensified, the basal temperature can rise significantly, even up to 40 degrees. Before menstruation, it rises two to three days, at the same time, painful sensations intensify. Against the background of a general weakening of the body, other complications often appear, in the form of constant dizziness, nausea, vomiting and loose stools;
  • endometritis - this ailment involves inflammation of the uterus, more precisely, the upper layer of its mucous membrane. Whether there is a temperature before menstruation in this case depends on the intensity of inflammation. Endometritis is characterized by uncontrolled growth of tissue. Since the uterus is directly affected, and also due to the fact that it increases in size, which can lead to pressure on other organs of the reproductive system, menstruation is characterized not only by a significant increase in temperature, but also by severe pain, as well as copious discharge;

Which is familiar, without exaggeration, to every representative of the beautiful half of humanity. It is worth noting that PMS can be both true and false. In the second case, it is necessary to talk about the corresponding mood of the woman in the second half of the menstrual cycle. She is often irritated, for a reason and without it, her mood changes very quickly. At the same time, there are no physiological prerequisites for this.

At the same time, true premenstrual syndrome is a disease. From a medical point of view, it is provoked by a hormonal imbalance. If PMS appears not only before critical days, but also continues during them or even after, it is quite possible that the body is not able to independently restore the required balance of hormones. Temperature 37 before menstruation - what does this mean in the case of PMS? This is the normal state. However, if it becomes subfebrile, you should consult a doctor, since this is already a deviation from the norm.

The characteristic fluctuations of the basal straight line are relevant not only before the start of critical days, but also directly during them. This, too, can, both to talk about the presence of certain problems in the body, and not be any violation.

There can be two scenarios for the development of events:

1. Slight increase

The reason for this phenomenon may be the natural processes occurring at this moment in the female body. The reproductive system is working to the limit, there is dehydration, there is a significant loss of blood. All this provokes the development of a stressful situation.

The girl, as a rule, does not feel well, quickly gets tired, characteristic apathy appears, her appetite disappears.

It is against the background of these processes that the indicator of the thermometer can slightly increase. No treatment is required here.

2. Significant increase

Strong fluctuations, which are accompanied by corresponding pains in the abdomen, are a deviation from the norm. It is possible that we are talking about the appearance or activation of any inflammatory process. The disease can affect not only the genitals directly, but also the intestines, rectum, etc. The indicator of the thermometer in this case depends on what temperature was recorded before menstruation.

In the event of the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, since only he will be able to conduct an appropriate diagnosis and determine the root of the problem. The sooner you get rid of it, the higher the chances that serious pathologies that can lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system, that is, infertility, can be avoided.

An increase in temperature during critical days is also characteristic of inflammatory processes in the uterus. The fact is that during this period the vagina expands slightly, which allows pathogens to freely enter the internal genital organs, including the uterus. Given this fact, many doctors strongly recommend using pads rather than tampons as personal hygiene products whenever possible.

The reasons for the increase in temperature before menstruation, during them and even after, can be covered in diseases gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes in the body often provoke a violation of the stool, which only aggravates the already unimportant condition of the stomach, intestines or intestines. Despite the fact that this does not affect the reproductive function of a woman in any way, it is still necessary to undergo an appropriate course of treatment, since not a single disease can be started, even if it does not cause any discomfort.

An increase in the thermometer to subfebrile temperature is actually a guaranteed sign of the presence of certain pathologies in the body. Therefore, it is required to make an appointment with a gynecologist who:

  • conduct a thorough examination;
  • prescribe the required diagnostic procedures;
  • diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

Does body temperature rise before menstruation? Yes, and in many cases this is perfectly normal. But if its significant growth is noted, which is accompanied by the appearance of pain, general weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other evidence of the disease, you should immediately seek professional help. This will help to significantly minimize the harm caused by the disease, so that the woman will retain the ability to conceive a child.

A reduced basal temperature in the luteal phase of the monthly cycle always indicates the presence of serious problems in the body.

Basal temperature in the second phase during the day

When plotting, it is clearly observed that the temperature line indicator has two phases. On one it is lower, and on the second - higher. It is bisected by the ovulation line. Basal temperature in the second phase, it has no parameter during the day, because the body at this time is at the peak of its activity, and it is the lowest temperature that is recorded in the morning that is diagnostically important for the doctor.

If the basal temperature does not rise in the second phase (in the normal case, it should be at least 4 tenths of a degree higher), then it is recommended to consult a doctor. The fact is that with insufficient production of progesterone, an imbalance is found in the work of the entire hormonal system, and a woman cannot become pregnant.

If in the second phase the basal temperature is 37 and above, this is the norm. A high basal temperature in the second phase of 36.8 is the “weakest” indicator, which can still indicate that the female body is working stably. But even in this case, he sends alarm bells, and if this is repeated in several cycles, then a gynecologist's consultation is needed.

What is the reason for the low basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle

Low basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle happens for many reasons. Let's consider them in more detail.

Insufficient function of the corpus luteum: if a woman has ovulated, then, in fact, a significant increase in the amount of progesterone occurs in the blood. As a result, the temperature rises. Progesterone allows menstruation to start on time. If the production of such an important substance is disrupted, then there can be serious problems during pregnancy. The fetus in such conditions may not survive. If the low temperature persists in the first weeks of pregnancy, a miscarriage may occur.

The final accurate analysis will be delivered only after sampling for analysis. If the deficiency of the corpus luteum is confirmed, then the doctor usually prescribes a progesterone drug - for example, Duphaston. If phase II is too short (and it lasts the same no matter what the woman's menstrual cycle is), then this is a serious reason to sound the alarm. So, the basal temperature of the second phase of 36.6 is a reason to start being examined.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency: as already noted, a basal temperature of 36.8 in the second phase can be considered the least favorable, but still fit into the norm. If the graph shows that the basal temperature in the second phase is 36.9, but it rises slightly relative to the first phase, it can be assumed that the woman has an estrogen-progesterone deficiency.

With endometritis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa is detected. With such a disease, a woman may experience bleeding, pathological discharge. Often there is some soreness during intercourse. A basal temperature of 36.7 in the second phase of the cycle signals that the patient is developing such a disease.

The treatment of such a disease consists in a complex anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, restorative, physiotherapeutic treatment. Antibiotics, as well as hormonal drugs, can be prescribed only according to the doctor's indications.

When can the temperature drop without signs of illness? The parameters of basal body temperature in the second phase can also decrease due to causes independent of pathological processes and hormonal disorders. So, this can happen when:

  • a woman violates the rules of the procedure for obtaining BT data;
  • if the thermometer was set when the woman was already getting up (and even if she got up to drink coffee, and then went back to bed, this may already be the reason for a sharp change in the BT readings);
  • before measuring the temperature there was urination (you should go to the toilet only after the thermometer has already been placed);
  • at night the woman did not sleep well;
  • she took herbal infusions and other drugs that help disrupt normal parameters);
  • when there was sex shortly before the measurement;
  • exacerbated chronic disease;
  • there are gynecological pathologies in the body;
  • have a sexual infection
  • a significant amount of alcohol had been consumed the day before.

The temperature can also drop when the weather changes, time zones, etc.

What to do with a decrease in BT? Many women do not know what the basal temperature in the second phase is 36.7 - this is a dangerous indicator that pathological processes are occurring in the body and that it is time to consult a doctor for advice and, if necessary, treatment. A long-term decrease in such an important indicator for determining health may indicate that the hormonal system is experiencing a serious failure that can prevent pregnancy.

Basal temperature chart in the second phase of the cycle

A woman should maintain a BT schedule constantly and moreover for 2-3 months. So it will be possible to compare all the data that is then shown to the doctor.

The situation is especially dangerous when, against the background of reduced BT, in the 2nd phase it still occurs. Then the development of the embryo occurs in conditions of low levels of progesterone in the blood. And this negatively affects its formation. If the rate of progesterone in the lymph is reduced for a long time, this is a sign that the fetus will not develop normally. Without treatment, miscarriage or fading of pregnancy can occur. That is why it is necessary to treat a reduced basal body temperature during the second phase of the cycle.

In any case, a decrease in such an important indicator is strictly prohibited self-treatment. It can lead to irreparable consequences when infertility develops. It is especially difficult to treat.

Future articles will address the following questions:

  1. jumps in basal temperature in the second phase;
  2. drop in basal temperature in the second phase.

The most common question that a gynecologist asks during an examination is “do you have a regular menstrual cycle?”. For a woman, the systematic and regular onset of menstruation is the main sign that everything is in order with her body. Any violations associated with its duration, intensity and the presence of pathological pain causes concern, and the need to seek help.

An increase in temperature before menstruation is also a deviation from the norm, because in the second phase of the cycle, the basal temperature (BT), on the contrary, should decrease slightly, but its increase, combined with severe pain and nausea, is a clear sign of illness, inflammation or pregnancy.

The temperature before menstruation rises slightly, not higher than 37-37.1 degrees, so a woman may not even feel it. There are 2 types of reasons for which the value on the thermometer can rise:

  1. Physiology.
  2. Pathology.

A few days before the onset of menstruation, the body temperature may change and this is normal. Some of the fair sex may have a feeling of an impending cold: chills, unreasonable lethargy, sweating. In fact, this means that temporary hormonal changes occur in the body. Reasons why before menstruation heat, can be in the following states:

  • perhaps the body is preparing for the onset of menstruation;
  • pregnancy has occurred;
  • The woman has premenstrual syndrome.

Normal onset of menstruation

Usually, an increase in the value on the thermometer to 37 before menstruation is the usual individual reaction of the body to hormonal changes in connection with the approaching menstruation. Female sex hormones in different concentrations can affect thermoregulation:

  • progesterone before menstruation can raise the temperature value;
  • due to the increased content of estrogen, the temperature drops.

In the second phase of the cycle, the concentration of progesterone usually increases, which means that a body temperature of 37 is a normal phenomenon. It is also not a pathology if the temperature rises for the following reasons:

  • in a woman, nature may have an increased production of progesterone in the post-ovulation period;
  • during menstruation, blood is actively supplied to the pelvic organs;
  • for women with hypersensitivity, it is normal if the subfebrile temperature before menstruation rises slightly in 3-4 days.

The onset of pregnancy

If a woman does not know why the temperature rises before menstruation, then the simplest explanation is the onset of pregnancy. If, in addition to subfebrile condition (a stable body temperature within 37-38 degrees), the basal temperature in the rectum is also elevated, and menstruation has not yet occurred, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the egg is fertilized. For this reason, women who want to get pregnant are advised to control their basal body temperature, it predicts conception more accurately. Basal temperature can be measured not only in the anus, but also in the mouth and vagina. But be careful, because it can be affected by such factors:

  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • taking sedatives;
  • hormone therapy.

If the body temperature before menstruation is elevated, and the day before it has dropped to the baseline, then the egg is not fertilized and the hormonal background has changed again.

For women seeking to become pregnant, it is very important to know what the temperature should be in one or another phase of the cycle in order to understand whether fertilization can occur on that day or it is better to wait for more favorable conditions.

Another tip for those who want to become mothers: in order to increase the chances of conception, you need to wait for the basal temperature to rise to 37.2 degrees in the morning, such a rise indicates the onset of ovulation.


Premenstrual syndrome is a sign of hormonal changes that take place throughout the menstrual cycle. Signs of PMS:

  • weakness and lethargy;
  • causeless aggression;
  • bloating;
  • sore chest;
  • poly in the lower back and back;
  • headache;
  • body temperature may rise slightly.

Features of the course of premenstrual syndrome:

  • begins at the age of 25-30 and only progresses in the future;
  • depends on the concentration of progesterone and estrogen;
  • aggravated in women with thyroid diseases;
  • may increase with a lack of zinc, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B6.

Usually, an increase in body temperature before menstruation due to PMS does not require additional treatment, even if its value reaches 39 degrees, after a while it will return to normal. If other symptoms occur, you need to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist to alleviate the condition.

Help to cope with PMS diet food, rejection bad habits regular exercise and an active sex life. Also avoid stress and normalize the daily routine.

Pathological causes

If the temperature is 37 before menstruation, this is not a pathology, but if the mark on the thermometer has risen to 38 and above, you should immediately consult a doctor and find out the reasons for this behavior of your body.

The temperature can rise if there are the following diseases:

How to alleviate the condition?

An elevated temperature before menstruation is not always a pathology, but when malaise and lethargy appear, the condition can be alleviated by the following methods:

  • make more moves. Physical activity reduces fatigue and improves mood;
  • you can take a shower. A shower at room temperature will help relieve fatigue and weakness; excessively low water temperature and too hot are not suitable. The best option for summer is an outdoor shower;
  • correct diet. Before the onset of menstruation, you need to increase the presence of plant foods in the menu, include more vegetables and fruits. Even if you have not yet figured out why the temperature rises, the diet always brings relief to the body. You also need to give up alcohol;
  • observe the sleep and rest regimen. No matter how busy your weekdays are, find some time for yourself. Take a rest, sleep. Before menstruation, you do not need to go to the bathhouse and engage in heavy sports;
  • reduce the amount of coffee you drink because this invigorating drink affects the hormonal background.

bt and temperature female body- these are important indicators that should be monitored, whether the temperature indicator rises or falls. Such information will most reliably establish the presence of an infection in the body or will please a woman with the onset of pregnancy.

Measurement of basal temperature is often used by women as a method for determining the date of ovulation in order to choose the optimal time for conception, as well as to monitor their menstrual cycle. In our article, we will consider which basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle is the norm, and how its values ​​change in different situations.

Temperature standards

Properly made measurements and a well-designed schedule help to notice a failure in the body in time when comparing indicators with the standard.

Basal temperature 36.2- 36.5°

In the first half of the cyclic period, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare kept at around 36.2-36.5 ° C due to estrogen. On the eve of ovulation, there is a decrease, and then an increase within 3 days to a mark of 37.0 ° C or slightly higher.

Basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle 37.0 to 37.5 ° C

In the second period, the level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum begins to rise. This hormone maintains an optimal environment for fertilization and pregnancy development and ensures that the basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle is in an elevated state in the range from 37.0 to 37.5 ° C, as nature intended for the normal course of the childbearing process.

These numbers decrease on the eve of the next menstruation, and in the case of conception, they continue to stay at the same level. A shift to one side or the other indicates a problem with the fetus.

Scheduled conception confirmation

When intercourse took place during ovulation and a woman registers an increased basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle, and does not fall the day before and after the delay, this is the first assumption of a successful pregnancy.

Symptoms and signs

A test will help to establish this fact, which in such a situation will show clear two stripes, as well as the addition of other signs:

  • Nausea;
  • Change in taste preferences;
  • Change of mood;
  • Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands.

The fall in basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle

Examining the graph, in some women you can see a slight drop in basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle, marked on days 7-10. This phenomenon indicates the attachment of the fetal egg to the endometrial layer. This is how many days the embryo needs to reach the uterus after fertilization.

Embryo implantation causes a decrease in thermometer readings by a few tenths of a degree for just a day, then the numbers again take their original value and continue to stay almost at the same level. This phenomenon is individual and not every woman can mark it on her curve. Sometimes the process proceeds quite smoothly, without visible fluctuations.

Graph decline after fertilization

Low basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle

A low basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle, with its value less than 36.9 ° C, indicates a missed pregnancy. This means that the fetus has stopped developing due to some reasons caused by:

  • infectious diseases;
  • Problems with the uterus (endometriosis, fibroids);
  • Underdevelopment of the embryo;
  • Diabetes, thyroid disease;
  • Hormonal disorders, lack of progesterone;
  • The age of the future mother is over 30 years old.

The disappearance of pregnancy symptoms will be an indirect sign of an ongoing deviation. This situation requires medical intervention. With timely action, the fetus can be saved.

High basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle

The output of the thermometer readings beyond 37.0-37.5 ° C indicates a deviation either in the health of the mother or a problem with the development of the child.

But an even higher basal temperature is possible in the second phase of the cycle - up to 38.0 ° C. High performance indicate an inflammatory process in the body caused by an infection in the genital organs, and possibly ectopic pregnancy. With it, there is a rupture of the place of attachment of the fetal egg, for example, the fallopian tube, which is accompanied by bleeding into the abdominal cavity, and this causes an increase in temperature.

An unnoticed missed abortion may also show an increase in the graph when the decomposition of the deceased fetus begins. First, there is a decrease in the numbers on the chart, then an increase, but already to high values. This organism is struggling with intoxication caused by decay products of fetal tissues.

The basal temperature of the second phase of the cycle of 37 ° C and a little higher is considered normal. Even if conception has not occurred, such temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bare kept until menstruation, then they decrease. An increase in indicators during them, provided that conception is impossible, speaks of endometriosis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa.


A delay in critical days and a non-falling basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle are sure signs of pregnancy, especially if there are other signs of an interesting situation. The temperature figures of the second period do not have a clearly established standard. Each woman has her own indicators during ovulation and during the onset of pregnancy.

One can mark in the graph numbers from 37.0 and not higher than 37.3 ° C, while the other values ​​\u200b\u200bare characteristic of 37.3-37.5 ° C. The main thing is that they do not go beyond the boundaries indicated by statistics, either upwards or downwards.