Show all photos of twin tattoos. Gemini tattoo zodiac sign sketches

Compatibility horoscope: tattoo for the zodiac sign Gemini women - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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Tattoo zodiac sign Gemini is a variety of variations of the image of babies on the human body. You can make a drawing of the entire silhouette of the child, or you can choose only on the face. In this sensitive business, the main thing is to find a good, competent master who looks after his tools, has a good reputation and draws beautifully.

Before making a final choice on a particular image, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with its meaning. The Gemini zodiac sign can have many tattoo options, but it will always mean a male variable side, symbolize air element. Mercury is the ruler of this sign.

If we briefly describe the tattoo in the form of Gemini, then its main indicators are duality, constant movement, eternal youth, as well as inability to order and some kind of duplicity. This tattoo is not just a drawing, but also an energetically charged amulet that can attract good luck, change the fate of its owner for the better.

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All signs of the zodiac in the form of tattoos have their own meanings, but the person himself determines them, choosing a place for drawing a picture. If the tattoo is made on the shoulder, it speaks of a person's focus, good concentration and memory. The image of Gemini on the wrist means strong intuition and the desire for success.

The popularity of Gemini tattoos is observed both in Europe and in Asian countries. The only thing to consider before such a responsible decision is that, despite the high technology and sky-high skill level of the master, a painless way to carry out this not very pleasant procedure has not yet been invented.

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What tattoos suit the zodiac sign Gemini

A tattoo is not just a drawing on the body. Any tattoo for the Gemini zodiac sign carries specific information - magical meaning and a certain quality of energy. This cannot be ignored.

Popular tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini

The most popular tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini is actually the astrological sign of Gemini, a vulture depicting two vertical pillars, or a gate to the world of knowledge (the sign is similar to the Roman numeral 2). Also often used images of twins in different variations, often surrounded by flowers and stars.

The sacred meaning of tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini

Any tattoos with zodiac signs have a sacred meaning. If you want to have a magical tattoo, this is the easiest way to choose an occult symbol. By applying your zodiac sign to the body, you will acquire a magical Gemini zodiac sign tattoo. But not everything is so simple, you need to choose the right place for its application.

  • For Gemini, tattoos should be worn on the wrist, preferably the left. In this case, the tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini becomes a powerful talisman. Helping to develop the gift of foresight, a tattoo contributes to success in any field of activity of people born under this zodiac constellation.
  • In addition, symbolic images of tattoos of the Gemini zodiac sign can be located on the outside of the forearm. In this case, the right forearm is preferred. Located at this point, the tattoo will help its wearer to concentrate energy, memory, enhance self-control and patience.

Gemini is ruled by Air. In the East, this element is called Wind. So, the influence of the Wind can be slightly reduced with the help of sacred power Gemini zodiac sign tattoos. In this case, both mentioned locations of the drawings allow avoiding excessive emotionality and unbridled sexual desires.


Gemini zodiac sign tattoos (meaning, sketches, photos)

People born under the Gemini zodiac sign should be careful in choosing a design for a tattoo. Most often, individuals born at this time prefer to engrave on their body directly the astrological symbol Gemini in the form of a neck with the image of two vertical pillars or gates to the world of knowledge. This drawing is somewhat reminiscent of the Roman designation for the number 2. In addition, people of this sign have twin tattoos in high esteem in the most different types. They look especially harmonious, surrounded by stars and flowers. A good option would be to combine the symbol of this zodiac sign with a similar symbolism that belongs to your soulmate.

The tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini is not an ordinary pattern on the body, which is subsequently very difficult to get rid of, it is a certain energy substance and it is advisable to always remember this. With the optimal choice of a magic symbol and its correct location on the body, a person has the opportunity to become more successful in business and personal life. Such a tattoo can change the fate of its owner for the better. If you apply the first drawing you like to your body, you can ruin your life and bring on a variety of troubles.

It is best to knock out the zodiac sign under which you were born. But besides this, you must choose the right place to place it, as this is also a very important factor influencing the effects of tattooing on your body. Many people knock out a variety of mystical symbols for themselves, for Gemini, a symbolic image of this zodiac sign may be the best option.

The best place to get a tattoo for people born under the Gemini zodiac sign is the left wrist. It is after the appearance of such a symbol in this place that a person will feel protected from the negative influence of other people. In addition, he may develop the gift of prediction, such a tattoo will help him in professional activity and take your life to the next level.

It is worth noting that another good place for tattooing the Gemini zodiac sign is the outer side of the right forearm. In this case, the owner of such a tattoo will have a greater concentration on the problem and he will find the most effective way to solve it. In addition, a person will have an increase in memory, he will become more self-possessed and patient.

Astrology lovers know that Gemini is an air sign. In eastern countries, the main representative of this element is Wind, the influence of which can be reduced using magical power Gemini zodiac sign tattoos. We have already talked about the best places on the body to accommodate tattoos in people born in this period of time. So, thanks to this arrangement of the tattoo, a person can learn to control his sexual energy and control emotions.

If you carefully select a sketch of a tattoo, choose the optimal place for its application and contact the master of your craft, then in the end you will feel the beneficial result of your own external and internal transformation.

Gemini tattoo

Tattoo for the Gemini sign - what should it be? Oh, this changeable air sign. Both women and men born under it are known for their quick wit, talkativeness and curiosity. The symbol of this zodiac constellation personifies its dual nature. It's like some kind of hidden side of the personality that opens up at the most unexpected moment.

That is why the ideal tattoo for Gemini should symbolize their duality, variability. What could it be? For example, an image of a person or animal looking at its own reflection in a mirror. In addition, Gemini tends to desire to have identical tattoos on paired parts of the body: arms, legs. A Gemini woman would look great with a tattoo of butterflies perched on her hips.

Words, conversations and communication play an important role in the life of Gemini. They always have something to talk about and they will definitely never climb into their pocket for a word. Therefore, any word that is especially important to them could fit perfectly into the tattoo on their body. It may be just a word or a favorite phrase, or perhaps the name of their "native" constellation in any of their favorite languages. Not bad if all this is done somewhat mysteriously, mysteriously.

Their zodiac color is yellow. Therefore, the inclusion of any of its shades in the tattoo will make it stand out even more effectively on the body. We should not forget about the astrological symbol of this sign, it belongs to the category of classic and, of course, win-win options in choosing a tattoo for representatives of this sign.

If we go further and drop a psychological aspect of their nature, which could give us the idea of ​​drawings for their body, let's remember this. Gemini always give the impression of people who are not very "deep", not sensual or not emotional. Rather, on the contrary, one gets the impression of them as rather windy, superficial personalities. However, this state of affairs hurts the Gemini themselves a little, and therefore, on a verbal level, they would like to prove the opposite to the world. It is precisely for this reason that any tattoos that, to a certain extent (not frankly!) hint at the presence of deep emotions in these people, the ability to experience sincere feelings, can please both women and men Gemini. And let such tattoos lie, but they partially compensate for these shortcomings in the minds of the Gemini themselves. This kind of tattoo includes images of a person close to them or drawing a date that had importance in their love life, well, and other such options.

Another good theme for them will be the motives of childhood. After all, a child lives in every “native” of this sign (it doesn’t matter how old they are at the same time). So, in their case, you can safely consider tattoos in the form of their favorite cartoon or fairy-tale characters.

Despite all their sociability, Gemini people are very mysterious. Therefore, they would like to make a tattoo on a part of their body hidden from prying eyes. Often, most of their friends for a long time may not even realize that their girlfriend (friend) has got a tattoo until they themselves decide to tell them about it or demonstrate it.

A tattoo for the Gemini sign should be as “talking” as its owner. Let it have some meaning and, if necessary, be easy to explain to a close friend or loved one. Often, the Gemini cannot decide for a long time on choosing a tattoo for themselves, so they may immediately like several options. But don't let your thoughts run wild! The definition of a tattoo, taking into account the advice of an astrologer, is a win-win option.

twins tattoo

Say what you learned about the salon on

Say what you learned about the master on

The meaning of the tattoo "TWINS".

Every day I want something new, unusual. The usual gray life bothers everyone, I want changes in something. And any person finds these changes in his.

One of these changes is the application of the Gemini tattoo. Usually they are applied to their skin by people related to this sign. Gemini is an air sign, quite vulnerable and sublime.

People born under this sign quickly change their place of work or place of residence, changeable in their decisions. They are restless and constantly jump from place to place.

People of this sign perfectly lead the discussion, but they absolutely do not know how to listen to others.

The most popular tattoo"Twins" - the image of the twins in some variations. Sometimes they are depicted as babies, around which flowers, stars or hearts are added. This is usually a more feminine version. In addition, usually a tattoo is done in the form of his neck, similar to the Roman deuce.

Feature: zodiac sign "GEMINI".

Those born from May 21 to 31 under the influence of Jupiter are smart, intuitive, prone to the arts, selfless. They find satisfaction in religious contemplation for lack of fame and money.

The nature of those born from June 1 to 10 under the influence of Mars is aggressive. They are mocking and restless, preoccupied.

Those born from June 11 to 21 under the influence of the Sun are unbridled, imperious, irritable, vain and talkative natures.

It's a good idea to pair the Gemini symbol with another zodiac sign of your loved one.

There are several places to apply this tattoo, one of them is on the back of the wrist. If you put a tattoo there, then, regardless of belief in evil forces, it will protect its wearer from bad people, evil looks and evil thoughts. With a tattoo located on the back of the wrist of the left hand, you can trust your intuition. And if you fill such a tattoo on your forearm, then you can free yourself from oppressive thoughts and saddle your destiny, not allowing it to rule alone.

Both men and women inflict such a tattoo on themselves. However, the main difference between their tattoos is the design of the image itself. Men choose the standard version of such a tattoo, but girls prefer to experiment and apply images made in human form or in some other way.

The color of the tattoo is also important. If you make a tattoo too colorful and gaudy, you can overdo it and upset the existing balance. Men prefer not to make their tattoo stand out too much, and therefore they have dark colors. Plain black, blue or gray is ideal. It does not add any special meaning to the general meaning, but it does not stand out so much as to spoil something. In women, green, red and purple hues predominate in such tattoos.

It is convenient to apply such a tattoo on any place of the skin. Usually, the tattoo is not more than a square of a few centimeters. But it happens that such a tattoo is complemented by some other elements and can take up much more space, but at the same time it looks quite good on the skin.

Use your zodiac sign as the basis of the tattoo. Most often, zodiac tattoos use simple symbols that are filled with symbolism.

Tattoos with the image of the zodiac sign, as a rule, are made by people who attach special importance to fate and believe that there is something unknown above people that controls us. Tattoos with a zodiac sign can look completely different, starting from a simple symbol, and ending with artistic work, thought out to the smallest detail.

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Chapter "Amulets" will introduce you to various types amulets, talismans, amulets. He will teach you how to make them with your own hands for various occasions in life situations and help you activate them correctly so that they help their owner.

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Chapter "Women's secrets"– This section contains articles about relationships, love and marriage. Sex and relaxing massage. Hairstyle, accessories, image, clothing, jewelry, makeup. .

Chapter "Compatibility"- talk about the partnership of the signs of the zodiac, and Eastern horoscope introduces techniques for life. .

Chapter "Tattoo"- Most modern tattoos with magical powers came to us from antiquity. A tattoo can change not only your body but also your life..

Chapter "Hypnosis" Almost anyone can learn hypnosis techniques and become a hypnotist. To do this, you will need honesty, diligence and determination.

Chapter "Traditions"– will acquaint you with the secret and secret teachings: Sufism, Slavs, Maya, Martial Arts, Enlightened Ones, Shamanism, Buddhism.

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Chapter "Development of Perception"- will introduce you to meditation methods, help develop memory and attention, teach you how to stay in lucid dreams.

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The value of the Gemini sketch is optimal for all their representatives; the picture looks like a constellation symbol.

Main designated qualities

Astrologers proceed from the fact that the Gemini tattoo introduces a certain duality, inconstancy into a person’s life, and emotionally rejuvenates him. Those who feel in themselves a tendency to duplicity and hypocrisy should beware of such an image: these negative qualities can even increase.

Cultural allusions

In all cultures where the sign of Gemini exists, it is considered as a combination of incompatible principles. Past and future, black and white, good and evil, sunrise and sunset, and so on. Yes, even male and female! In dualistic mythology, twins are perceived as a combination of good and evil principles (take, for example, the ancient Egyptian myth of Set and Osiris, similar legends of other peoples).

What does the symbol mean? Often, twins are considered a symbol of fertility; in twin cults there is a close connection with horses. Ancient mythology shows twins as pairs of bodily mortals and divine immortals (Castor and Polydeuces at least).

Suitable places

It is believed that beautiful twin tattoos are best applied on the left wrists. This should provide:

  • isolation from the bad influence of other people;
  • foresight of the near future;
  • success in career and professional activity;
  • general vitality.

If you put a small drawing (photo) on the outer side of the right forearm, you will be able to achieve, as astrologers believe:

  • high concentration;
  • ability to find a way out of difficult situations;
  • strengthening memory;
  • increased endurance;
  • ability to endure life's difficulties.

This choice of places is typical for both men and women.

The best styles

Twin tattoos, as is commonly believed, are ideally combined with the “environment” of stars and flowers, or with the designations of other signs of the zodiac, to which the people you love belong. In men, the unchanged appearance of the Gemini sign is mainly used, women make them more anthropomorphic, perform in green, purple or even red.

Among all flowers, the best are daffodils, jasmines, poppies; some experts advise women to combine the image of Gemini with a stylized look of a walnut tree. Inscriptions for girls and boys are not recommended to do the same.

The tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini is chosen by those people who were born under this constellation, but not only they make it for themselves, others can also fill it. It is not necessary that the tattoo has any meaning, you can do it just like that. And in order for it to have a certain magical character, astrological elements are added to it.

The element of the zodiac sign Gemini is Air. Its patron is the planet Mercury. It rotates faster than others and is located closest to the Sun. One side of Mercury is in eternal cold, never sees the Sun, and the other, on the contrary, is always exposed to high temperature. Maybe it is because of this that people born under this sign are changeable and unpredictable.

There is such a version of the origin of the constellation: it is named after the twin brothers Pollux and Castor, who were the sons of Zeus. When Castor died tragically, the second brother came to his father with a request to deprive him of immortality, but Zeus turned the brothers into a constellation. This is just one of the versions. There is also the option that the constellation is associated with the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, as well as characters from the bible, Cain and Abel. In history, they took on completely different roles: someone achieved his goal, while someone, on the contrary, fought all his life.

Basically, the tattoo is done in the form of two columns with a crossbar at the top and bottom, and there is space inside. In ancient times, this sign reminded people of the gates that were between mere mortal people and the world of the gods.

Gemini Tattoo Meaning

A person who has tattooed the Gemini zodiac sign will always have an amulet that will protect him and bring success in business. It is very important for people born under this constellation to concentrate on one thing, to achieve previously set goals. On the one hand, they are very sociable and can be distinguished from the crowd, on the other hand, they are closed and are in no hurry to open their inner world. That is why the tattoo is not always visible, as they prefer to do it in a closed place, whether it is the back or the ribs. Sketches of tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini can be varied. Regardless of which one you choose, be it a symbol or an image of people, its meaning still does not change.

The color scheme of the tattoo

A tattoo for girls of the zodiac sign Gemini can be in a different color, most often it's just black. But there are people who prefer to make lighter colors: green, red, lilac. Well, men don’t really like multi-colored ones, so they just choose black. This color may include shades of gray.

In order for the tattoo to have a strong magical meaning, astrologers advise doing it with the addition of yellow, since it is the color of this constellation.

Where to get a tattoo

The meaning of the tattoo may vary, depending on the location. It has a power that helps to concentrate and protects from evil intentions. From the photo of the tattoos of the Gemini zodiac sign, you can see that no one does it on her shoulder, although this may indicate a person’s determination.

If the tattoo is done on the wrist, then this person will always strive for success. It can also speak of a good intuition of the owner. If the drawing is on the wrist of the left hand, then it will serve as a protective amulet. Also, a Gemini zodiac sign tattoo will protect you from bad people and help you make the right decisions if you are in doubt. Also, the pattern depicted on the back of the neck is protective in nature.

Combination with other tattoos

This tattoo can be filled as an independent one, or combined with other drawings. It can be decorated with various small stars, monograms or flowers. The combination with another zodiac sign, for example, with the sign of the second half, looks beautiful.

Execution technique

Masters say that the tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini is the most common among other constellations. Most likely, due to the fact that this sign is the most realistic and gives a lot of room for imagination. After the work of a tattoo artist, it can look like a work of art. Well, as for men, they prefer a more strict pattern. Women, on the contrary, make tattoos more tender and modest, complementing them with various inscriptions. Now you know a little more about Gemini zodiac sign tattoos.

Tattoo twins- a sign of contradictory and changeable natures. These people are characterized by inconstancy, duality and cunning. They are sociable, easily addicted and learn new knowledge. In addition, twins tend to look at the situation from different angles and, as a result, evaluate it more objectively.


The roots of the tattoo zodiac sign Gemini must be sought in Greek mythology. Like all other signs, the twins have their own legend.

In the constellation of Gemini, two stars shine especially brightly - Pollux and Castor. Their story began in ancient Greece, when Zeus, the god of thunder, fell in love with the beautiful Leda, the wife of the ruler of Sparta. In the form of a swan, he hid from his wife Hera and flew into the window to Leda. After 9 months, the queen gave birth to two sons and two daughters - one boy and a girl were the children of Zeus, the father of the others was Leda's lawful husband. The son of Zeus Pollux had power and immortality, like his father, and his brother, the son of the king, Castor was ordinary person. Nevertheless, the brothers became friends and performed many legendary feats. They became the prototype of the twin tattoo.

Once Castor quarreled with his cousin and he killed him in a fit of anger. Pollux was very sad about his brother, but immortality did not allow him to meet Castor even in the realm of the dead. Then Pollux prayed that Zeus would make him mortal so that he could unite with his brother. Touched by Zeus, he made concessions and allowed his son to spend one day on Olympus, and the other in the kingdom of Hades. So the brothers were able to be together again, and the memory of them remained forever in the sky in the form of the constellation of twins.

The interpretation of the twins tattoo

Often astrological symbols as a tattoo are made by people who want to emphasize or develop certain character traits inherent in their sign. The tattoo sign of the twins is, first of all, variability, the ability to look at oneself from the outside, and even to a certain extent duplicity.

The peculiarity of this sign is that it has one of the widest lists of those options for exactly how twins can be depicted.

If this is realism, then the tattoo of the zodiac sign of the twins can be different - men prefer the image of two warriors, those very mythological brothers capable of accomplishing a feat. Such a pattern emphasizes the strength and courage of its owner. Girls prefer more feminine options - these can be twin sisters, as the female analogue of twins or two babies, which makes the tattoo cute and speaks of a developed maternal instinct.

Tattoo sign of the zodiac Gemini on the neck of a girl - photo

In addition, the astrological symbol of this zodiac sign is often depicted. In this case, the twin tattoo can be an abstraction, a minimalist image or a stylization of a sign engraved on a stone slab.

Tattoo sign of the zodiac Gemini on the wrist - photo

Floral ornaments look pretty, where the branches of trees are intertwined as a sign of twins.

You can also often see the twins constellation tattoo - usually the stars are connected so that they look like two brothers holding hands. It can be a single constellation or a full scale cosmic landscape.

Where is the best place to get a twin tattoo?

For small images, the wrist, neck, ankle are suitable.

Medium-sized images look good on the shoulder or forearm. The tattoo on the arm has already become classic version. Also for tattoos of the zodiac sign twins in this format, shoulder blades, stomach, calves, collarbones are suitable.

But large-scale paintings are best depicted on the back or chest. Usually these are either bright cosmic expanses, or a plot from Greek mythology.

When choosing a place, also be guided by whether you want to show the tattoo or not.

Twin tattoos, especially in a realistic version, are quite a complex drawing. Not only do the twins have to be identical, but many sketches require the smallest study and detail. That is why it is very important to find an experienced master who can realize any of your ideas. And poor-quality work will subsequently turn into a long process of tattoo correction. In some cases, a preliminary removal of an unsuccessful drawing is required. Therefore, it is best to order the development of an individual sketch of a twin tattoo - the quality of the drawing will allow you to judge the professionalism of the master.

The cost of a tattoo is calculated individually and depends on a number of factors:

Tattoo artist qualification;

The complexity of the sketch - so the constellation version is much easier to perform than realistic twins;

Tattoo size;

Number of sessions.

Gemini tattoos are perhaps one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. Its duality frightens and attracts at the same time. So it's safe to say that people who have such a tattoo will arouse constant interest among others.

Since its inception, the tattoo has served not only as a way to decorate your body, but also carried a deep symbolism. Now, when fans of tattoo culture pay less and less attention to what meanings are attributed to certain images, the symbolism embedded in the sketch still continues to play an important role. Anything can serve as a source of inspiration: history, mythology, favorite works of art, hobbies, or even your own zodiac sign. Today we will talk about the meaning of a tattoo with the Gemini zodiac sign, consider several non-banal plots and offer stylistic solutions and composition options that you are unlikely to see on anyone else.

The Legend of Pollux and Castor

Pollux and Castor are the two brightest stars in Gemini. There is a very beautiful and touching Greek legend about them, which tells about the true brotherly love.

According to her, the Spartan king Tyndareus was married to a woman named Leda, whose beauty was so dazzling that even Zeus himself could not resist her. The Thunderer, having only once seen her, was so amazed that he decided to win the beauty. Turning into a swan, so as not to catch the eye of Hera, his lawful wife, he entered Leda's chambers through the window. As a result, the queen gave birth to his son Pollux (in the Roman manner - Pollux) and daughter - the notorious Elena, because of the unearthly beauty of which thousands of warriors laid down their heads in Trojan War. But at the same time, the queen gave birth to two more children from her husband, also a son and daughter, Castor and Clytemnestra. Pollux, being the son of a thunderer, received from him the most valuable gift - immortality, and his brother remained mortal. However, this did not prevent the brothers from becoming the closest people in the world to each other.

Together with their cousins, Linkei and Id, they performed unprecedented feats, the fame of which spread everywhere. But one day a serious quarrel broke out between the brothers, and Id, falling into a rage, killed Castor. Pollux, having decided to avenge his beloved brother, entered into a fight with Id. Their forces were equal, so the ruler of Olympus had to intervene, and he incinerated the killer with a lightning strike.

Pollux's grief was great, he could not come to terms with the fact that his brother would have to descend into the underworld of Hades, that they were destined to be separated forever, because the immortal Pollux was never destined to sail through the dark waters of Styx. And then he began to pray to his father to deprive him of immortality in order to be able to reunite with his brother, even in the dark domain of Hades. Zeus was touched by his son’s prayer and he offered him a choice: either ascend to Olympus and feast forever with the gods, or spend a day in the dark kingdom of the dead with his brother, and the next one on Olympus. Naturally, Pollux chose the second option.

In order for people to remember this selfless brotherly love, the Thunderer turned the brothers into stars in the firmament. Since then, the Greeks began to honor the constellation Gemini and, looking at the night sky, remembered the beautiful and tragic story of two brothers. It was believed that they, looking at people from heaven, protect them from adversity and help travelers avoid danger on long journeys.

Styles and plots

If you have already tried to search for sketches of tattoos or photos of finished works, then you have probably seen a huge number of the same type (or even the same) images. Indeed, most stop at a simple monochrome astrological sign or the constellation itself, the image of which consists of only a few points and lines connecting them. Such works usually look like they were made on hastily. But, of course, tastes differ.

We have prepared a selection of original ideas with this zodiac sign. Perhaps among them you will find one that you will like.

Black is always in fashion

Always up to date. And the point here is not only in the peculiarities of aesthetic perception, but also in practicality: black tattoos do not fade so quickly, therefore, they will have to be corrected less often than color ones. We bring to your attention some outstanding monochrome ideas.

At the center of the universe

In the Buddhist tradition, this is a symbolic image of the universe. For a self-sufficient person, the center of the universe is himself. By placing the astrological symbol of your zodiac sign in the center of the mandala, you thereby indicate your desire for self-knowledge, that you put the achievement of personal goals above all else. The Gemini symbol in this case indicates that it is precisely the qualities that the representatives of this sign are endowed with that you value in yourself the most. In addition, the mandala in free form (without observing traditional canons) looks very beautiful in itself, thin symmetrical patterns can have a downright hypnotic effect.
- the traditional style for depicting mandalas. When thousands of tiny dots merge into a single harmonious picture, it is difficult to tear off an admiring glance from it. Correcting dotwork is quite difficult, but frequent adjustments are not required, especially if you get a tattoo on a part of the body that is rarely exposed to sunlight.

Carved in stone

Tattoos imitating stone bas-reliefs are quite popular, but this does not mean that you will not be able to capture something original on your body. For example, you can make a sketch in the form of a disk like the Mayan calendar, placing a three-dimensional sign of Gemini in the center, or depict the symbol as if on the wall of an ancient building covered with ivy. In any case, a 3D tattoo made by a talented artist will always look cool.

Dual nature

If you like elegant miniature works, then you should consider the option of a symbolic image such as a two-faced Janus in the style or. It will be interesting to look at the composition in which the second face looks like the first one is in the negative.

More colors

Colored works require more careful care, but they often look much more spectacular, an abundance of colors can create a masterpiece that is in no way inferior to those kept in museums.

Out in outer space

If you want to depict the symbol of Gemini, but simple small works are not for you, why not choose a cosmic landscape? This will not only emphasize the meaning that you put into the symbol, but also allow you to create a bright and large-scale picture.

Greek tragedy

The plot of the legend of Castor and Pollux touched many hearts. A realistic tattoo depicting two brothers in the best traditions of Greek art can become a real masterpiece.

Realism is one of the most difficult styles to perform, so the master must be chosen with all responsibility, not everyone succeeds in truly realistic work. So when you are told the price, do not be surprised.

Harmony of nature

People born under the sign of Gemini often turn out to be multifaceted and contradictory natures, which find it difficult to achieve harmony. If you are one of those lucky ones who succeeded, or want to become one of them, then the image of the beauties of nature will emphasize this desire in the best possible way. It can be an autumn landscape blazing with reds and yellows, with tree branches intertwined in the sign of Gemini, or bright spring greens with a sign adorned with fern leaves (which, by the way, is considered one of the plants suitable for Gemini).

Symbolism and stereotypes

When it comes to astrology, people are divided into two types: sincere believers who believe in all the predictions of the stars, and skeptics who will stop taking you seriously as soon as you admit that you belong to the first camp. As for tattoos and their symbolism, it is not at all necessary to believe in the truth of astrology in order to see a special meaning in an astrological sign.

If you look for a description of the signs of the zodiac, you can make sure that it describes the character traits, inclinations and aspirations of people born under them quite colorfully. Therefore, the image of an astrological symbol can become an additional incentive for the development of these qualities, and not proof of your faith in horoscopes.

It is logical to assume that the Gemini symbol for a tattoo is chosen by those who are born under this sign. But this is not at all necessary. For example, the Greek story of brotherly love could be inspired by everyone, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. Therefore, do not pay attention to the conventions and opinions of other people. After all, it's not for them to wear this tattoo all their lives.

Sketches of tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini