Oriental horoscope for scorpio monkey.

In 2017, Monkeys can safely start the most risky business - the symbol of the year promises them the successful completion of any project. Dexterous and curious Monkeys will ride luck, easily jumping from branch to branch. The enterprise of this sign makes the symbol of 2017 treat the Monkey with due sympathy. However, the stars advise her to curb the usual inconsistency and inconstancy - only organization and perseverance will help the Monkey realize all the chances given by the new year.

This time will become a significant period in life for active Monkeys. You can find the strength and energy to organize many projects and events, become the soul of the company and the favorite of the authorities. The main thing is to be able to concentrate on really important matters. Think about the possibility of starting your own business, changing profession or job, getting additional education or taking on new career heights.

  • Years of the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.
  • Personal qualities: frivolity, activity, curiosity, enterprise, charm, sociability, dexterity, adventurism.
  • Best Professions: actor, entrepreneur, account manager, salesperson, banker, web developer, astrologer, stock trader.

Forecast for the Monkey for 2017 Rooster

An ambitious Monkey will be able to easily apply the accumulated experience in order to achieve the planned results. The Fire Rooster promises to develop your ability to intuitively feel the change in the wind. You will be able to show insight and foresight - you will collect a full basket of annual bonuses. Do not forget that they will not crumble like ripe fruit without proper effort - the branch will have to be shaken well.

Astrologers warn that sometimes the Monkey should moderate the speed with which she realizes her desires. Not all of them are worthy. 2017 will be contemplative, so stop often and evaluate the prospects of your studies. You will be able to get the maximum number of prizes, but sometimes it is worth considering whether they all have the same value and importance for you.

In 2017, the Monkey will succeed even in risky projects.

The heavenly bodies warn the Monkey about the danger of unjustified risk. Moderate your excitement, otherwise you risk losing more than gaining. Do not try to embrace the immensity - then the Rooster will help you build a solid foundation for the coming years. In addition, in 2017, representatives of the sign of the Monkey should be ready for a stubborn struggle for personal happiness.

You are too accustomed to the attention of the opposite sex and consider widespread adoration as a natural state of affairs. Astrologers recommend that you learn to distinguish between ostentatious affection and real sincerity. Be prepared for the fact that the Fire Rooster will weed out a certain number of people from your life. Do not be sad, this is getting rid of completely unnecessary ballast and a great chance to make new acquaintances.

In general, a year of change is coming for you, so take advantage of this opportunity and discover new horizons. If you have long wanted to change the country of residence - feel free to realize this dream. The year is perfect for starting life with a clean slate.

Love and relationships

The Fire Rooster promises the family Monkeys a complete idyll. Enjoy happiness and peace, and do not even try to be capricious. The stars recommend understanding that the best is the enemy of the good. Do not demand the impossible from your soul mate. Your desire to receive a star from heaven will lead to conflicts and disappointments. The Rooster will try to instill tolerance and selflessness in the Monkey - qualities that are completely new for representatives of this sign. Take this chance to become wiser.

Elderly relatives will require increased attention from you. With all the activity and fullness of your life, still try and find time to pamper them with your visits. Plan a few family nights a week, go shopping or go to the country together. Do not deny your parents the pleasure of spending time with you - they will be able to thank you with useful advice and home cooking.

Spend more time with your family - it will pay off handsomely!

The monkey will be aimed at getting attention from the object of his adoration. Free representatives of this sign will be able to choose the most worthy partner for themselves. However, get ready for a long siege - you won't be able to get what you want from a swoop. If you show your most best qualities Having managed to overcome shortcomings, a happy period of life awaits you with your loved one.

But with marriage in 2017, it is better not to rush. The rooster insists that you first prepare a good material base. If you hurry, the ship of your relationship will break on the stones of everyday problems. In turn, Monkey parents should be more attentive to the psychological state of their offspring.

It is possible that your child will face a load of unsolvable problems. Do not dismiss your child, considering his experiences not worthy of attention. So you will only aggravate the moral trauma of the child. Be patient even with those issues that seem insignificant to you - you have a chance to create truly trusting and warm relations with the younger generation under the wing of the Rooster.


The Year of the Fire Rooster will present the Monkey with several unpleasant health-related surprises. The beginning of the year will be marked by a deterioration in liver function, so it is worth removing fatty foods from the diet at this time. Closer to the middle of the year, the risk of inflammatory processes is high, especially in the pancreas. If you have already been diagnosed with pancreatitis, the stars strongly recommend refraining from heavy feasts, since an exacerbation of the disease can bring a lot of unpleasant moments.

The stars warn the Monkey - do not self-medicate and forget about alternative medicine. In 2017, only conservative drug practices, good sleep and proper nutrition. For active Monkeys who regularly play sports, astrologers recommend paying attention to the musculoskeletal system - in 2017 there is a risk of fractures and sprains. The best option would be moderate physical activity, such as running or walking.

Stop leaning on alcohol - just a little more and it will become a problem

Analyze your diet. It is possible that the proportion of alcohol has long exceeded the permissible limits. Your love of strong drinks is about to develop into an addiction. Do not justify the need to relax after a hard day's work. At parties, give preference to a glass of wine, if you absolutely cannot abstain.

When shopping at the supermarket, bypass the shelves with crackers and chips - your favorite treats can lead to bad consequences by the end of the year. As a preventive measure for chronic diseases, plan a course of spa treatment. Timely prevention will postpone the risk of exacerbation for several years.

Work and career

The career sphere will require increased attention from the Monkey. The rooster gives you good chances for promotion, so do not neglect them. Please your bosses and boldly take on the most risky projects - no one can handle them better than you. The symbol of 2017 promises Monkeys its support even in the most risky projects. However, it will require you to be attentive and able to correctly measure the risk and benefit.

To achieve the best results, you should work in a team

Pay attention to business partners - not all of them are clean on hand. It is quite possible that part of the proceeds is appropriated by passing by the general cash desk. An honest Rooster will allow you to bring the deceiver to clean water. In 2017, be more careful with legal formalities - even when working with long-term clients. It is better for you to play it safe once again in order to avoid monetary losses and failure to meet the deadlines for contractual obligations.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, representatives of creative professions will enjoy special patronage of the stars, so feel free to expose your achievements to the public. Many of your works and creative ideas will bring not only moral satisfaction, but can also become a source of stable income and a lifelong business.


A frivolous attitude towards money will not benefit the Monkey. You are too generous and wasteful, so even impressive amounts of money easily slip out of your hands. Moderate your ardor - then the Rooster will help you get rich. Try to set aside a certain amount of money - at the end of the year, quite interesting projects may turn up for their investment.

Save money little by little - soon you will find where to invest it

There is a chance that close friends or family will ask you for financial help. Do not refuse them - it is better to reduce the funding of personal whims. Such self-discipline will only benefit you. The heavenly bodies do not recommend Monkeys to take bank loans - it will be very difficult to return the borrowed funds.

The horoscope for the Monkey for 2017 is contradictory, because the Fire Rooster respects only those signs that work hard, and active jokers only make the appearance of constant employment. True, often the patron of the horoscope will turn a blind eye to the behavior of the Monkeys, which is why they will continue to follow their principles and skillfully achieve high results.


The horoscope for 2017 does not promise any predisposition to serious diseases for the Monkeys, but the representatives of the sign themselves can aggravate their well-being due to bad habits. Women tend to gain weight due to sugar cravings, while men become addicted to alcohol. To prevent this from happening, you should monitor your diet, and it’s better to go in for sports. Active Monkeys should appreciate running or swimming, but laziness will greatly interfere with a new endeavor.

Love and relationships

The horoscope for 2017 promises an idyll in the family. The monkey will enjoy the mutual understanding of relatives, if he does not start to be capricious and make unreasonable demands. Otherwise, everything will go smoothly. The Fire Rooster advises to pay attention to elderly relatives and children in the coming year. It is they who will need the increased attention of the Monkeys, who will easily find the right words and build a bridge for a trusting relationship.

Lonely representatives of the horoscope will be able to improve their personal lives, since right now the likelihood of meeting an ideal partner is increasing. True, the beginning of a relationship will be long, because strong feelings will come only after the Monkey opens up from the best side.


It is difficult to make the Monkey sit in one place for a long time. She needs to either move up the career ladder, or change areas of activity. This is exactly what the representatives of the sign will do in 2017. At the same time, no matter what risky steps they take, they will always have money in their pocket, since they will find work without difficulty. Any employer will be happy to keep the hyperactive Monkeys in the company longer, the team will gladly accept friendly representatives of the sign, but if something comes into the head of cheerful activists, neither persuasion nor salary increases can stop them.


If not for the generosity and excessive extravagance of the Monkeys, their financial situation would always remain stable. The Fire Rooster advises to be tough and set aside a certain amount every month. It's better, of course, to lend close person to accustom yourself to discipline in handling money, but there is a risk that the loan will not be repaid, which will break the relationship. Here, either trust a reliable person, or lose money - in any case, the choice is up to the Monkeys. By the end of the year, there will be interesting investment proposals, but this will require free capital. It is not recommended for representatives of the sign to take a loan for new projects.

Horoscope for the Monkey man

The horoscope for 2017 promises many new meetings and entertainment. A male monkey will be open to acquaintances, but a gloomy mood will prevail. Everything around will appear in gray tones, which is why the once active representative of the horoscope may miss the fateful meeting. For some, this will be the second half, for others - useful person for promotion. In the second half, the Monkeys will manage to get together, but this period will not be easy in their careers. In an effort to achieve justice, there is a risk of being completely unemployed. To prevent this from happening, you will have to enlist the support of colleagues in advance, who will certainly follow the lead of the cheerful Monkey.

Horoscope for the Monkey woman

The horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey-woman promises a lot of new acquaintances, because everyone will notice the charm of the representatives of this sign. Thanks to his resourcefulness, the Monkey will show himself perfectly in work, which will be followed by attractive offers for further growth. In personal life, too, everything will turn out with a bang. Single girls will definitely meet the ideal person in their opinion, with whom they want to go through life. Complete harmony will reign in the family, but active Monkeys should not focus solely on work and household chores. The spouse will demand more attention to himself, and in order to keep the heat in the house, it is worth postponing the secondary for “later”.

Monkey horoscope by zodiac signs

Monkey - Aries

Luck will be a companion of Aries throughout the year, but their frivolous attitude can turn luck against themselves. The Fire Rooster advises the representatives of the sign to think first, and only then act, then no problems will stand in the way of the die-hard Aries. In 2017, there is a risk of spoiling relationships with loved ones. You should not consider yourself the pinnacle of the universe, and then those around you will not turn away, but, on the contrary, will always provide support if necessary.

Monkey - Taurus

The patron of the 2017 horoscope will support only those representatives of the sign who are willing to take risks. Any changes will turn out exclusively for the benefit of the Taurus, so if you want to change your job or place of residence, you should set a goal and complete it as soon as possible. Such zeal will expand the circle of useful acquaintances, and also prove to the Rooster that there is no need to stand on ceremony with Taurus, they know what they need without the help of others. It's time to leave procrastination and deep analysis aside, they will come in handy, but not in the coming year.

Monkey - Gemini

2017 for the Gemini Monkey will begin with self-education. This is the best period for advanced training or a second education. The beginning of the year will be stable, so the active representatives of the sign will have time to acquire skills, but from the middle of the year there will be an opportunity to apply new skills. It is during this period that the likelihood of receiving interesting offers to change jobs, accompanied by an increase in wages, increases. If you believe the advice of the Fire Rooster, Gemini should not sit idle, it's time to be active in all areas of activity.

Monkey - Cancer

Most of those born under this star are afraid of change, but in 2017 you will have to overcome yourself and come to terms with the constant "gifts" of fate that will turn life upside down. Such changes should be regarded as tests that temper character, because in the end they will have a positive effect on the future life of Cancers. Although the Fire Rooster will constantly add heat to the measured rest of the representatives of the sign, the situation will not come to a fire. All this is done rather so that in the end harmony reigns in the soul. For those Cancers who have long dreamed of having a baby, the coming year is the right time.

Monkey - Lion

The Fire Rooster in 2017 will allow the Lions to relax to the fullest, because it will constantly throw them new ideas and opportunities for entertainment. Such a life will quickly drag out the representatives of the sign, but do not forget about your duties, since it will be difficult to decide everything at once later. In addition, from the beginning of the year, the kings of the jungle will feel the favor of the opposite sex, and in general, increased interest from others. Everyone will see Lviv in an exclusively positive light, which will make it possible to make useful connections or improve their personal lives.

Monkey - Virgo

A great chance to meet influential people or get a prestigious position in the coming year promises a horoscope. Virgo-Monkey for 2017 should not plan major jumps on the career ladder, as they will require representatives of the sign to focus on work. The Fire Rooster, on the contrary, advises devoting all your free time to the family, especially to children. Of course, it is not necessary to refuse the offer, but you need to calculate in advance whether there will be enough strength to adapt to a new place and take care of dear people. By the end of the year, representatives of the sign will expand their circle of friends with a family with whom they will quickly find common interests.

Monkey - Libra

The period of revising their principles has come, as a result of which the representatives of the sign will plunge into the spiritual world, leaving material goals in the background. And this is the best decision, since 2017 is good in terms of internal self-discovery and the development of new skills and even talents. The more time and effort the representatives of the sign spend on their own training, the greater the benefit of the efforts made. It is possible that the Fire Rooster will generously bestow material benefits on Libra, who have discovered new truths for themselves.

Monkey - Scorpio

The representatives of the sign are already lucky, because next to them there will be a person who you can always rely on in any situation. But the patron of the horoscope will not stop wasting gifts on this. In 2017, Scorpios will be able to enjoy a well-deserved rest, because their favorite business will bring the expected results. It will not only enter the stage of independent development, but will also provide purposeful Scorpions with a high income. Right now you can afford to change an apartment or a car, financial problems due to such expensive acquisitions are not expected.

Monkey - Sagittarius

In the coming year, the Rooster advises Sagittarius to stop hiding from others, because this period is ideal for new acquaintances. Open communication and secular life can bring inner satisfaction to the representatives of the sign, as well as pleasant and unexpected surprises. There is a high probability of meeting a person who will be able to make Sagittarians reconsider their views on life and rebuild their usual way of life. Such inner changes will fill the heart with love and bring inner peace.

Monkey - Capricorn

Capricorn-Monkey 2017 will give the family, because it will occur to him to reconsider his attitude towards the people around him. He will understand that he used to be closed in his own world and rarely pleased his family with pleasant surprises. Now she will be at the head of everything, why Capricorn himself will feel filled with happiness. Lonely representatives of the horoscope will also think that the time has come to acquire a cozy home, in which people dear to the heart will always be waiting. Such a desire will be appreciated by the Fire Rooster, so the same person will definitely appear surrounded by Capricorn.

Monkey - Aquarius

The coming year is a period big money, which will flow like a river to sociable and hardworking Aquarius. This is the best time for career growth at work, so representatives of the sign should not refuse the proposed projects. They are sure to bring in tangible income. Separately, it is worth mentioning those who cherish the hope of organizing their own business. From the beginning of 2017, the cards will turn out well, which is why the enterprise will gradually grow and develop, and by the end of the year will bring tangible profits.

Monkey - Pisces

2017 for Pisces-Monkeys will turn into constant thoughts, as the patron of the horoscope will often put representatives of the sign before a choice. Most likely, a difficult decision will have to be made in the workplace. For example, two lucrative offers to change jobs may come in, which is why Pisces will have to rush about. In such a matter, you should not rely only on yourself, it is better to connect family or friends in order to get good advice. No matter how tempting the prospects may seem, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons and only then give an answer.

2017 for the representatives of the sign of the Monkey promises to be dynamic and very emotional throughout all twelve months. This period for the Monkeys is full of bright events, memorable situations.

Do not worry, most of them will be exclusively positive. All the random troubles and difficulties presented to her by the Rooster, she will bypass easily and naturally, overcoming obstacles without unnecessary worries, as only Monkeys can.

It is worth being afraid of conflicts with different people and look at them through your fingers, bypassing nervous incandescence, and quick-tempered people. It is worth learning to remain silent in response to someone's outburst of unfair anger, so that a verbal squabble does not become more expensive.

Silence is golden, this year the Monkeys should remember this folk truth more often. More smiles and good mood and less thoughts about unpleasant and unnecessary people who flashed in life for a short period - they are not worth extra attention or tears.

Basically, 2017 will be a lucky year for this zodiac. She will win you over, attract pleasant acquaintances. Her talent to get out of difficult situations unscathed and to find the right branch in time, on which you can jump off in case of a difficult situation, will be fully justified.

Her ability to adapt to people, place and position will become an assistant for her, both in work and in personal relationships. In general, the year can be called positive.

Monkey career in 2017

2017 is the year of the beginning of business development for the Monkey. Even those representatives of the sign who are small clerks should think about their own endeavors - this year the stars are favorable to them, and the additional income promises to be impressive.

In 2017, they will be visited by the right ideas, they will be able to calculate the situation correctly, and putting aside emotions and keeping their minds cold, take the necessary actions to organize a business.

The rest of the zodiac signs will be left far behind, because it is they who will now have this opportunity, and you should not miss it.

It is advisable to promote your own ideas starting from January-February. During these months, everyone else will especially trust the Monkeys and, rubbing into confidence, she will always be able to negotiate a discount, take a loan, attract sponsors and investors for her own project, and advertise her product.

Already before the summer they will be able to develop and achieve a certain authority, acquiring a huge number of connections and necessary acquaintances, both in power and in sales. Contact with people, communication skills are the main companions that are the key to the success of this sign during this period.


The extravagance and inherited inability to save money from Monkeys are her main problems throughout her life. She won't need them much this year, but holding back her own appetites, as always, wouldn't hurt. It would be desirable to remember the parents, as well as close relatives and provide them with material support.

In order to pacify your own desires, you can even at the beginning of the year, having discussed the list of necessities in the family circle, spend finances no wider than the schedule thought out together with loved ones, pursuing specific goals and not spraying on trinkets. Learning to save for a "rainy day" or to make global purchases is vital for them, because it is the feeling of financial security and independence that makes the life of this zodiac sign easier and gives a sense of self-confidence.

With the accumulated capital, it will be easier to start your own business or increase the turnover of the business you have started. You should learn how to calculate income and expenses correctly, read literature with useful tips on conducting personal affairs, consult with experienced entrepreneurs and absorb the information received.


2017 is perfect for those representatives of this sign who have been single for a long time and have long dreamed of a cozy family nest.

During this period, new acquaintances can successfully develop into a strong feeling, and if the relationship already exists at this stage, then they will be able to strengthen enough to the level to finally become official.

For the opposite sex, this year the Monkey will be irresistible, she will gather a lot of fans, they will fall in love and idolize her. In the summer months, representatives of this sign will be able to meet true love and decide on serious deeds.

Registration of marriage in 2017 will be the right decision, provided that the wedding celebration is not arranged on credit or debt. It is better to organize an event modestly, but in accordance with the budget and your real possibilities. The year is also favorable for the conception of an unborn child.


The health of the Monkeys in 2017 can be a little problematic. From the winter months, attention should be paid to the liver and refrain from alcoholic beverages keeping their use to a minimum. In order not to worsen the general condition of your own body, it is advisable to adhere to healthy eating: exclude fatty foods, fried and smoked.

The pancreas is also slightly weakened, and at the slightest concern, it is advisable to consult a specialist for timely advice. It is not worth neglecting medical recommendations in order to avoid the possibility of being in the hospital ward in the future. A good solution for representatives of this sign in 2017 will be a complete examination of the body.

It is also desirable to preserve the bones of the legs and arms: do not perform risky exercises and new experiments with your body. This year brings risky moments associated with dislocations and fractures, as well as sprains.

It should be remembered that the main negative factor for health in 2017 for this zodiac sign is alcohol, and with a complete rejection of it, health will remain in perfect order. If at the same time you eat right, then the body will be filled with new forces and will work with full dedication.

Health is the key to success in all other endeavors, so you should not neglect it. And in conclusion - a short video with the characteristics of the Monkey sign.

According to the Chinese horoscope 2017, Monkeys will focus on building a strong foundation in their lives. In the year of the Fire Rooster, there are all conditions for establishing the necessary balance, which will become the basis for success. There will be plenty of opportunities, although difficulties cannot be avoided either. However, there is much more positive energy, so that all obstacles can be easily overcome.

During this year, the consequences of the changes that have taken place in the past will manifest themselves, both at the external level and at the internal level. The prospects for the future will become clearer, and finally you will be able to get the most out of life.

Monkey Love Horoscope for 2017

Personal life will be full of romance. For those to whom love has not yet found its way, the year of the Rooster will bring the opportunity to meet your soul mate. Monkeys are restless by nature, and this quality makes them constantly look for something new. As a result, you may have several romantic hobbies, and one of them has every chance of starting a stable and lasting relationship.

Those who are married will be able to deepen the relationship. Even if disagreements happen, your calmness and restraint will help you find mutual language with a spouse.

Monkey career and finance horoscope for 2017

The stars are favorable to people born under the sign of the Monkey. Great achievements, popularity, support from friends and colleagues await you. There are all conditions for career and financial growth. However, success can turn against you, envious people and ill-wishers will appear. To avoid this, try to be careful around people you're not sure about.

A favorable environment for professional development will bring financial benefits. However, the stars advise you to avoid participating in risky projects and speculation. Remember to control your expenses.


Health should be given special attention. In 2017, stress can have an undesirable effect on health. Practice meditation, it will maintain your inner balance.

According to the horoscope for 2017, Monkey hid in the crown of a tree. Her year is over, she had a great time, now we need to look around. This is the most eccentric sign of the eastern horoscope. The monkey is characterized by several positive traits:

  • Intelligence
  • Ingenuity
  • Optimism
  • The ability to be the soul of any society

She likes people, it is always interesting to spend time with her. However, behind the mask of benevolence, the Monkey often hides his bad opinion of others. In her heart, she considers herself better than others, but she has to live in society. The monkey both despises society and cannot live outside of it.

The Monkey has a unique sense of humor, thanks to which she is going through life's troubles. This cunning intellectual is able to make fun of anyone, she is so subtly able to notice flaws. In fairness, it must be said: she also laughs at herself. The monkey criticizes others, but soberly evaluates himself.

General forecast for 2017

The quirky Monkey seeks to build his life in such a way as not to work. Or work, but very little, purely formally. That is why the lazy person is unhappy with the year of the Fire Rooster. During this period, you need to work hard, and she just needs to mess around.

The quick-witted Monkey came up with a way out: to depict violent activity at arm's length. The Rooster does not like this approach, but he is too busy with revolutions to pay attention to the crown of the tree in which the Monkey lurks.

2017 is full of events, not always positive ones. Conflicts, the struggle for power, strife at all levels bring confusion in society. The monkey is helped to solve problems by natural quick wit and dexterity. And she can lie in her own interests. Monkey knows the right people to help you stay afloat in 2017.

Astrologers advise to keep your mouth shut and not tease the pugnacious Rooster. It is better not to stick out once again, there will be a holiday on your street. 2017 is a bad time for the Monkey to be active.

Horoscope for the Monkey man in 2017

Ambitious, talented, strong, courageous - these are representatives of the strong half of the sign. The horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey-man guarantees a "boring" period. You can't relax, you have to work hard. Enterprising Monkeys will find specially trained people who will work for their benefit. Cunning representatives of the sign will skim the cream without any problems.

Constant problems that arise from "nowhere" unsettle a man. In the first half of the year, he is in a gloomy mood, although he does not stop attending parties and various parties. Do not withdraw into yourself, this is not a way out. Communicate more, useful acquaintances will be useful to you.

The second half of 2017 will bring emotional release in the face of a beautiful lady. If a man allows himself to relax internally, a wonderful romance is possible. It is possible that the acquaintance will take place in a business setting.

In the spring, you will have to make an effort not to be left without work. Do not conflict with superiors in search of the truth. To paraphrase: "you look for justice, but you will find a dismissal." You should attract colleagues to your side and management will have to listen to your opinion.

Horoscope for women Monkeys in 2017

Ladies of this sign for men are like a light for moths. They "flock" to a wonderful sense of humor and charm. She knows how to deftly manipulate the stronger sex, pretending to be a "sheep". Eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey Woman promises interesting acquaintances.

Representatives of this sign quickly fall in love, but after a while they lose interest in the chosen one. To keep the Monkey you need to be a little at a distance. In 2017, astrologers promise a fateful meeting. It is important to "see" your half, not to miss the moment.

Family Monkeys are busy arranging home comfort and raising children. In parallel, they are trying to make a career. Accordingly, there is practically no time left for her husband. Be more attentive to your spouse, work and washing-cooking are secondary.

The service is doing well. In the year of the Rooster, enterprising Monkeys have many opportunities to climb the career ladder. The main thing is to choose a good "niche". Think about a startup: your rich imagination in search of non-standard solutions will significantly improve your financial situation. By the end of the year, misunderstandings with colleagues are possible, be more correct.

Love horoscope for 2017

To please the Monkey, she only needs to flatter. This egoist loves compliments, even obviously false ones. I don't care, the main thing is that they praise. Be careful, behind such two-faced adoration a selfish person can hide. Ladies should be especially careful. Otherwise, the first rogue will take advantage of you.

In family life, the Monkeys have a misunderstanding with their spouse due to current financial difficulties. Do not quarrel! Problems will pass, and offensive words will be remembered for a long time. You must be supportive of each other during difficult times. In 2017, unexpected news about a future addition to the family is likely. For planning couples, this long-awaited event is finally here.

Lonely Monkeys will meet a loved one. However, representatives of the sign in any other year do not have problems in this area. Monkeys are always in the center of attention of the opposite sex, if desired, they will never be alone. Another thing is that often the Monkey makes the wrong choice. This is due to her impulsiveness and amorousness. After a while, she gets bored with new relationships, and the chosen one remains "with nothing." Be careful in your connections.

Money horoscope for 2017

It cannot be unequivocally said that the Monkeys are stable with finances throughout their lives. She needs to find "her own" business, then there will be no problems with money. The monkey tends to often change areas of activity, she quickly gets bored with working in one place. However, if she is satisfied with the position, then it is better not to find an employee. The monkey is responsible, not afraid to make decisions, energetic and executive.

In 2017, she should not drastically change her place of work, in which case there will be difficulties with money. Try to prove yourself at work and you will be offered a salary increase. Avoid questionable deals. The monkey tends to be "unclean", unfortunately. In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is categorically impossible to try to take what lies badly. Better use your ingenuity to find new partners who can invest in your projects.

In a downturn in the economy, it makes sense to invest in real estate. It is better to buy land and a house than square meters of an apartment. In 2017, there will be an opportunity to change the car. Astrologers recommend not to refuse to take refresher courses. More knowledge means more money.

Career horoscope for 2017

The first impression after talking with the Monkey: a superficial, rustic person. This is mistake. Representatives of the sign always record what is happening, even in utter confusion. Thanks to a phenomenal memory, the Monkey grasps any information on the fly. This helps her to stay afloat even in the most difficult times. The horoscope for 2017 for Monkeys does not promise an easy life. Natural instinct will help representatives of the sign to avoid disaster.

The monkey knows how to get along with people, she is “her own” in any team. She won't be out of work this year. The monkey is a careerist, knows how to use his abilities to achieve goals. A big plus: it is “multi-tasking”. The monkey knows infinitely much, can perform the duties of both the smallest clerk and the head of a large department. In any case, she will receive a salary.

However, in order for the financial income to be impressive, you need to work hard. The monkey should overcome laziness and the desire to shift their responsibilities to others. It is worth working hard for the first few months of the year, and by the summer you will have a serious promotion and, accordingly, in pay.

Health Horoscope for 2017

Monkeys have a strong body. During the period of illness, their hidden reserves are activated. The monkey, due to laziness, does not like sports. In vain, you can avoid many health problems thanks to elementary exercises in the morning.

Ladies will have a problem in 2017 excess weight, against this background, exacerbations of chronic sores are possible. Watch your diet, avoid fast food and do not abuse sweets. In men, abuse is of a different kind: control the amount of alcohol. In the year of the Rooster, you will often have to attend various events, so you should not get carried away with libations.

Monkeys should overcome their fear of doctors. Visit dentists and other highly specialized doctors on time. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

Be sure to take a summer vacation. It is better to go to the sea during the velvet season, enjoy the gentle sun and an abundance of fruits. In winter, try to avoid crowds so as not to pick up seasonal viral diseases. In general, in 2017 the Monkeys will not have serious ailments. You just need to take better care of your health.

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Monkey

Leonardo Da Vinci, Grigory Rasputin, Ivan Kozhedub, Igor Talkov, Natalya Andreichenko, David Copperfield, Celine Dion, Ronaldo Ronaldinho, Channing Tatum, Guy Ritchie, Lucy Liu.

Other horoscopes for 2017

Eastern horoscope for 2017

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