The power of Perun's amulets. The meaning of Perun's amulet - what power lies in the magic sign

After reading my article, the magician Sergei Artgrom, you will find out which of the Slavic amulets of Perun is right for you, and also whether it is possible for children and women to wear the symbols of a formidable deity, the patron of the prince and squad, God washed by fire, as they said about him in the Russian people.

In the ancient culture and esoteric tradition of the Slavs, there are a number of widely known powerful Slavic Perun amulets. These symbols of the warrior god are intended for the defenders of their kind and native land, the military and rulers.

Perun's amulets of the Slavs from evil and misfortune

The son of Svarog and Lada, born in the hours of the wildest night, sanctified by lightning, under the deafening peals of thunder, Perun embodied in his character yar, fury, the frenzy of a fighting warrior. Among the gods, he was unstoppable. Violent, furious, passionate, the god Perun is an unsurpassed power, primordial power, power that has no limits. Any Slavic amulet of Perun conveys divine power, passion and pride to the wearer, endows a person with the characteristics of a heavenly warrior.

The Gods of Heaven themselves chose Perun as their leader, for his will is unbending, and his hand does not tremble, bringing the sword over the heads of enemies. Knowing no barriers, God, striking without a miss, both in love and in rage. He crushes the hordes of unholy spirits and enemies in human form that threaten the Russian land.

God Perun does not let go of the sword from his hand, patronizes the prince and the squad, and each warrior individually. The meaning of any sacred amulets of Perun It is expressed in maintaining physical and spiritual strength, in protecting a person on his righteous paths and in divine protection in the darkest and most difficult times.

Which amulet of Perun should be bought for permanent wear?

The names of the objects of defense and attack magic, the objects of Strength, stem from action, the manifestation of controlled power and dominion. Which, however, is characteristic of the great Svarozhich, the formidable God Perun.

  • The protective symbol of Perunitsa (the sacred symbol of Perun, the amulet of the starry Hall of the Eagle, which is patronized by the God of military honor and valor Perun) is an invincible, fair and free maiden. Wife of Perun, in some sources - beloved daughter. The power of the maiden is like lightning - fast, blinding and smashing.
  • Slavic amulet The Shield of Perun is a powerful magical amulet of noble warriors, a defense against bad words and unholy thoughts.
  • The thunder wheel of Perun (Gromovik) is an amulet of a patriot, defender of his native land.
  • The Star of Perun is a magical sign of a protective character for a defender and arbiter of justice. In past eras, warriors and rulers of the state acted as such; it can be worn by human rights activists and judges.
  • Amulet of the sword of Perun - a symbol of higher justice; it suits people who are ready to fight in the name of truth and legality.
  • The seal of Perun is a strong male amulet; this amulet was presented by women as a gift to their beloved as a sign of deep respect; wearing since childhood, it helps the boy grow up strong and courageous.
  • The helmet of Perun is a strong amulet for the defender of his native land and his kind; protects the warrior on the battlefield.
  • Perunov Tsvet (Fern Flower) - a solar male amulet, a protector from fire, the elements and ailments; the ancient swastika symbol bestows good luck in matters of peace and war.
  • Ax of Perun - endowed with strong protective properties; this male subject magical protection can also be worn by women who consider themselves warriors and protectors; in our modern realities, the Slavic amulet is suitable for single mothers who are forced to provide and stand on.
  • Amulet bird of Perun - gives a warrior a wife or mother; Perun's bird brings good luck, material success, helps to achieve what was planned, protects the warrior from injury and death, and also removes the evil eye and damage. On the Internet, on the sites of Slavic charm symbols, you can always buy Perun's amulet and give it to your beloved man as the greatest gift for good luck and happiness.

The meaning of Perun's amulet - what power lies in the magic sign

Perunitsa is the sacred name of a warrior maiden of supernatural origin, the daughter of a formidable deity. They called the maiden and other names - Gromovitsa, Magura; in the guise of a beautiful maiden with a spear in her hand, she appeared to the soldiers on the battlefields, inspiring them to exploits. In Slavic magical practices, it is also a symbol of the lord Perun. In the old days, lightning was called Perunits, which bloomed in the sky, reminding the Slavs of their formidable and just God.

Since ancient times, Perunitsa was worn as a symbol of protective protection.

This Slavic Perun amulet covers:

  • from a strong evil eye
  • from witchcraft
  • from wicked thoughts and wishes
  • from the intrigues and evil intentions of enemies
  • gives confidence to those who lack it
  • relieves anxiety, suspicion and complexes

This sacred symbol is suitable for men and women, because Perunitsa is dedicated to the formidable God-warrior Perun and the warrior maiden Magura. But, the meaning of the Perun amulet in the male and female versions does not change. Very often there is an amulet in the form of the sacred Star of Inglia with Perunitsa inscribed inside. The Star of England is a powerful symbol that enhances any Slavic sacred sign.

This Slavic amulet of Perun gives courage, confidence, energy on the way to the goal, and audacity to fight in difficult life situations. Among other things, this symbol has the ability to rejuvenate a person externally and internally.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Very strong Slavic amulet War Ax of Perun

The Slavic Perun's Ax is the legendary amulet of our warlike ancestors, whose names are covered with glory. The Aryan Slavs associated the flames of heaven with weapons, therefore it is quite obvious and natural that lightning acquired the image of a divine ax. Numerous amulets in the form of pendants of the Ax of Perun are found at the excavations of ancient Russian settlements, which indicates the high popularity of the ancient amulet among the warrior class.

There is a legend about how this symbol arose: the Serpent stole the sun, depriving people of life-giving light. Perun raised his ax and beheaded the Serpent. The forces of Darkness can be defeated not only by physical strength, but also by spiritual strength, energy. This is the sacred meaning and meaning of the amulet of the Ax of Perun.

However, this is not only a personal amulet, at certain moments the Perunov Ax can become a family amulet that protects the confidentiality of events significant to the family. Slavic Ax of Perun considered a talisman of the military. However, he helps people who are far from the war, but who are fighting their own battles. So, for example, hidden in the bed of a woman in labor, the amulet relieves pain and gives the woman strength to give birth to a healthy child.

It is not enough just to buy the Slavic amulet of the Ax of Perun, you need to understand what this amulet carries. The bearer of this sacred sign has the true features of a real warrior:

  • courage
  • constancy
  • endurance
  • stamina
  • strong will
  • steady movement towards the target

If a person has these traits, the talisman will enhance them. If a person lacks courage, perseverance, discipline, under the influence of the amulet, amazing changes will begin to occur to him.

In addition, I am a magician Sergey Artgrom, I will note that if you are looking for unity with the Family and the Race, a good solution would be to buy the amulet of the Ax of Perun, since this Slavic object of power gives not only divine protection, but also a connection with the Family, with all the glorious Ancestors.

The energy of the amulet protects the warrior in battle. So it was from time immemorial. So it is today. A modern warrior who decides to wear the Ax of Perun amulet can be sure that the great Heavenly Warrior will save his life in battles.

Ancient Slavic amulet Shield of Perun who helps

One of the strongest Vedic symbols, intended by their properties for people related to military affairs, is a unique amulet Perunov Shield. This is a male symbol of valor and will, personifying a heavenly sign. In the times of Vedic Rus', warriors wore a breastplate in the form of the Shield of Perun with a firm belief that it would protect the warrior from mortal wounds, strengthen the will during fierce clashes, and protect from shame and bitterness of defeat.

Like many other Slavic objects of Strength and magic, the Perun Shield amulet will put a barrier on the path of the invisible Dark Forces, protect from slander and evil gossip, and will not let in the destructive energy of the evil eye and the damage caused by the sorcerer. The amulet personifies exclusively male, and is intended for brave warriors defending their native land from enemies.

Moreover, this militant Slavic amulet Shield of Perun brings the owner good luck in business and, as a result, material well-being and stability. The ancient noble symbol recalls the indestructible blood unity of the entire Slavic Family and the interaction in space and time of all representatives of the Race.

Ancient amulet of our ancestors Sword of Perun

The sword of the formidable fiery God Perun is a symbol of justice. Perun is a God-warrior, such is his nature and essence. And therefore it is logical that he patronizes only strong people, ready to fight until complete victory or until the last breath. However, battles, battles should not always be interpreted literally. Relying on magic Russian amulet Sword of Perun, you can win in different areas of life. For example, this sign will help to overcome the disease. It will extinguish the energy of the evil eye, repel and send back damage or a curse uttered by someone. The infinite power of the Sun and its inexhaustible, life-giving energy.
The noble Slavic amulet Perunov Color saves a person from the effects of any evil. Whatever it is, it will be brought down by the mighty energy of the sun. it is believed that this symbol helps to find treasures. However, the true meaning of the term "treasure" is different here. We are not talking about the transient wealth of the material world, not about money, gold and precious stones but about spiritual wealth.

Mysterious magical Fern Flower, or in other words, amulet Perunov Color, protects the wearer from all evil, and saves him from:

  • diseases
  • corruption induced by the sorcerer
  • from the evil eye of the envious
  • from the slander of the enemy

This is a universal protector from any manifestations of evil in the earthly world of Reveal. This is also an assistant in realizing the desires of its carrier, but on condition that they are not directed to the detriment of others.

Perun is the main god of the ancient Slavic pantheon. According to the legends, his father is the creator of the earth's firmament. And he was born Lada, the patroness of women, the goddess of beauty, the keeper of the hearth. The baby was born when the forces of nature raged, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and they became his first lullaby. As an adult, Perun learned to control the power of natural phenomena. The gods granted him protection over the elements. Being the son of a deity who knows how to forge weapons, he became the protector of warriors, endowing them with courage. Perun was portrayed as a powerful man, with a golden beard, wearing a winged helmet and armor. A red cloak flutters behind the Thunderer, and a heavy mace is in his hands. The Slavic people believed that Perun was moving across the sky in a fiery chariot. Its roar was heard on the ground, which people were so afraid of. According to the legend, not only winged horses, but also magpie birds carried the team. Perun was the most revered pagan god, because our ancestors created many symbols reflecting his deeds.

One of the signs personifying the Thunderer is the Helmet. It is a figurine in the form of a headdress of Slavic wine with an engraved inscription "Who, if not me, will protect your living, not the dead." It was intended for mature men who protect their land and the Family from the encroachment of enemies. He gave courage and masculinity to the indecisive, protected the brave from injury, strengthened willpower. This amulet was given by fathers to their sons in order to raise real warriors. IN modern society Perun's helmet should be worn by the head of the family. The talisman will protect you from danger and in difficult times will help protect your hearth and loved ones.

Amulet Shield of Perun

The very name of this amulet already contains protective force. To protect warriors from enemy arrows and swords was its main purpose. In addition, he served as an energy shield from evil witchcraft and black magic. In the old days, only men from noble families, leaders of troops and supreme rulers could wear such a symbol.

What does the Rune of Perun mean?

The history of the Slavic alphabet goes back to ancient times. Our ancestors believed that with the help of magical symbols, one can control natural forces and ward off misfortunes. These sacred symbols carry a powerful energy charge, so you should not use them thoughtlessly, otherwise you can harm yourself. The Slavs knew well and skillfully used such magic. Protective symbols were embroidered on clothes, applied to the walls of houses, dishes. Amulets were made from stone, wood, bones. The rune personifies the undertaking, it will help to bring any difficult task to completion. It promotes changes for the better, attracts individuals with good energy and transforms the worldview of the person himself. Develops leadership qualities in the owner, which allows you to move forward and improve. The main thing is to direct new opportunities to good deeds, otherwise the magic of a sacred sign can destroy the psyche of its owner. The Rune drawing means the victory of truth over lies, light over darkness.

Amulet Wheel of Perun

The wheel has another name - Gromovik. Intended for men only. A boy or young man received a talisman as a gift from his father. The talisman helped develop courageous character traits. Women were allowed to wear the Wheel of Perun in exceptional cases, when she was left alone and there was a need to show masculine qualities. If you wear such a talisman of Perun for a long time, you can lose your femininity and softness of character. Thunderbolt has an effect only on people with such qualities as duty and honor. IN modern life it is recommended to wear to people of military professions, politicians, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Amulet Perunov Color

The most famous name for this amulet is. A beautiful legend is connected with its origin. The patroness of summer nights, the goddess Swimsuit, and the brother of the Thunderer fell in love. Smargal was the guardian of the solar throne and could not leave his place, because he guarded the Sun itself. Once, unable to cope with passion, Perun's brother left with his beloved. That day was called the autumn solstice, and the lovers had children Kupala and Kostroma. In honor of this event, the Thunderer gave young parents an unusual flower, which contained a piece of his strength. According to legend, since then, once a year on the Kupala holiday, the fern bloomed red buds. The swastika with eight rays became the symbol of Perunov's color. It serves as a reliable amulet against ailments, fire, raging natural elements. Similar to his master, protects from slander, helps to achieve all goals. in the form of a pendant, a ring. The material for manufacturing is most often silver, the amulet sign is embroidered, applied to dishes. An item with this sign is suitable for everyone, regardless of age.

The meaning of the talisman Arrow of Perun

The main purpose of the amulets of Perun is the protection of military personnel. Such properties are fully possessed by an amulet in the form of an arrowhead. These items are made of metal and worn as a pendant. The owner of this symbol is under the protection of powerful divine power, which will protect from the enemy and his weapons. Helps resolve difficult situations.

Amulet Bird of Perun

One of the symbols representing the power of the Thunderer is the Bird, with fire escaping from its beak and an open tail. This amulet of Perun was embroidered on things or given as a talisman by a wife or mother. He protected the warrior from death and injury, from the blow of the enemy in the back. The owner of this item acquires material wealth, confidently goes to the intended goal, receives protection from the evil eye and damage.

Among our ancestors, the ax was considered a powerful battle ax. Undoubtedly, an amulet with this name has a strong energy. According to some information, the ax is mentioned in the epic of the ancient Slavs. Archaeologists have found objects historically related to the times of Kievan Rus. It is possible that he was part of magical rites, symbolizing the connection between a person and a powerful Thunderer. There is an old legend about the origin of the amulet. Darkness swallowed the earth's firmament, world chaos ensued. Then the patron of the most powerful element went to battle with the Serpent, who absorbed the light. During the terrible battle, the sky spewed fire and filled those sparks with the power of the ax. The Thunderer beheaded the Serpent and the Earth regained its light. In this ancient Slavic legend, the subtext of the energy power of the weapon embodied in the amulet is seen. The ax of Perun was originally considered, but at the same time, its capabilities are versatile. On the battlefield, he bestows courage and stamina in the struggle for a just cause, gives. In a peaceful life, it gives strength to overcome adversity, strengthens the spirit. The amulet becomes a protection not only for a man, but for his entire family. For people trying to overcome lies, the amulet will become a faithful assistant. It should be remembered that this item can only help people with a clear conscience and disinterested thoughts, those who honor the memory of their ancestors and are devoted to their native land. The amulet is an ax with a short handle. Counts . Women can be worn in cases where they have to take up arms to protect their family. You can’t wear it for a long time, otherwise the masculine principle will dominate. Together with other magical items, they were used at the time of some family rituals. For example, during childbirth, so that evil spirits would not enter the house and harm the baby, the Ax of Perun was placed on the threshold. The amulet has the most powerful radiation and is able to "cut off" the negative energy emanating from evil witchcraft, an evil eye.

Undoubtedly, Perun's amulet is considered one of the most powerful, which has not lost its significance even today.

Perun was considered one of the main Gods and revered by the ancient Slavs. They firmly believed that wearing such amulets or his shield would protect them from corruption and unkind people, and also contribute to gaining the strength and protection of God himself from enemies and dangers.

What was the amulet used for?

Perun is the Thunderer, this is how this main Deity of the Slavic pantheon of Gods has always been portrayed. Its symbol is the Kolovrat, whose movement is clockwise, which means the wheel of life. By wearing such an amulet, you can protect yourself from any misfortune. Although in ancient times it was believed that he was the patron saint of warriors and troops.

The ancient Slavs believed that before the start of any battle, sacrifices to the Main God would help turn his power against the enemy. Each warrior wore various Slavic amulets, but it was Perun who was the main one in battle. In the name of this God, peace treaties were concluded and he was called as a witness to announce the winner.

He became a Thunderer after he defeated Veles and hid him in the dungeons, and he himself became a heavenly shepherd. It used to be that if a person was struck by lightning, Perun sent it, and thus, he marked his future servant.

Not a single feast or event passed without a sacrifice to Almighty God, the ruler of the firmament and lightning. The Slavic amulet Perun was considered a male talisman, it had to be worn only by male warriors, and those who were preparing to defend a family hearth or settlement.

Which amulet is better?

Slavic amulets were different, Perun himself was depicted in different ways, in addition, he had many identifications. Often, amulets were made of oak, it was this tree that the Slavs identified with this God. In addition, the flower of the Thunderer was considered a simple and beautiful iris, so sometimes on the amulet of a god you can also find peruns. The symbolism of this amulet was a flower with six petals. Sometimes such a flower was painted on the ground for sacrifice, and a ritual fire was kindled in each petal, and a stone or wooden God was placed in the center. For future warriors, they asked for strength and courage, and for real ones, strength and power.

Another main symbol of the god of thunder was his shield, which can protect not only from an arrow or spear, but also from any bad weather. The Shield of Perun is a talisman that was worn only by the leaders of the troops or warriors belonging to a noble family.

Another Slavic amulet of Perun's ax symbolizes strength and protection, as well as the unification of all people of the same blood, that is, a symbol of the unity of the family.

Now no one adheres to such strict rules, and if you need to protect your home, then it is best to have the amulet shield of Perun, you can cover yourself from any trouble and behind it you can hide from the enemy.

If there is a desire to wear Perun's color, then you can not be afraid that someone will find damage or the evil eye. The eight-pointed swastika means in which the great God himself put a piece of his power. This amulet will reliably dispel all witchcraft spells and slanders that could be made on him.

The symbolism of the god of thunder is, first of all, a powerful defense.

Alexander , 15 April 2015 .

The ax of Perun is a Slavic amulet with magical powers. It was created in honor of the god of the same name. Perun is one of the most revered gods among the Slavs. He controlled thunder and lightning and could punish anyone who angered him. One of the main attributes of the god is the axe. Therefore, it was she who was chosen as the image of the amulet. The ax is an ax with a short handle, which has two cutting parts. This amulet will be discussed today.

There is a legend about the appearance of the ax of Perun. According to the legend, the god used the ax in the fight against the Serpent, which absorbed the daylight. Having won, Perun charged her with powerful energy, and also gave her physical strength. That is why the ax began to be used as a talisman and weapon.

Previously, the ax was worn on the belt. In this case, it was both a weapon and a talisman, which helped to save one's life and health in battle. Later, its size was reduced and began to be worn around the neck as a talisman.

During the time of Kievan Rus, all the soldiers who took the oath received this weapon as a gift. When he died, he was buried along with the axe.

To date, the amulet of the ax of Perun does not lose its relevance.

The meaning of the amulet Ax of Perun

The main meaning of the amulet is that it gives the owner strength, self-confidence and the desire to win and accomplish feats. Thanks to him, a person can boldly go to the enemy, protecting his native land and his family. In addition, the talisman helps the warrior to save life and health in battle.

Another meaning of the Perun ax amulet is to protect a person from evil witchcraft, he removes damage and the evil eye, protects the owner from evil rumors. The ax of Perun protects not only the person who wears the amulet, but also his entire family, as well as housing.

The amulet also has the following meaning: it helps to find a connection with the ancestors. The amulet gives the wisdom of the ancestors and their protection.

This amulet helps to make a responsible decision, not paying attention to all doubts. It attracts good luck, wealth and prosperity. In addition, the amulet helps to grow a rich harvest, keep it all winter or, if necessary, successfully sell it.

Who can wear a charm

The ax of Perun is a male amulet, respectively, it is recommended to wear it to the representatives of the stronger sex, especially those whose professional activity associated with danger. These include police officers, military personnel, firefighters, etc. It is recommended to wear the amulet all the time, and if this is not possible, then it should be put on before going to work.

Women should wear this amulet only if she has to defend her land or family from enemies with weapons in her hands. In other situations, it is not recommended to use it, since it can suppress the feminine. However, if it is worn along with other amulets, then it can enhance their properties, give strength, self-confidence and endurance.

This symbol, together with others, was used during wedding ceremonies, during childbirth, etc. A man, in order to make childbirth easier for a woman, had to put a talisman under the bed. In this case, he reduced the pain and helped to give birth to a healthy baby. In addition, during childbirth, the symbol was placed at the entrance. It was believed that he would not allow evil forces to enter the housing and the birth would be successful. During the wedding, Perun's ax was circled around the young. It was believed that the amulet would protect the new family from troubles, misfortunes, evil witchcraft and slander.

The symbol of the ax of Perun can be drawn on the walls of housing. In this case, he will protect not a specific person, but his entire family and even the whole clan.

This amulet cannot be used by a person with evil thoughts, since all the power of the amulet will turn against the owner. The fact is that the ax of Perun can equally protect and bestow benefits, and punish. In addition, this symbol is not recommended for non-purposeful people, as well as those people who often change goals. In this case, a person overspends the energy of the amulet, which can have very sad consequences.

Charging amulet Ax of Perun

In order for this amulet to start “working”, it needs to be charged. To do this, choose a sunny day and get out into nature. A good option would be a clearing in the forest. The first thing to do is build a fire. After that, the amulet must be covered with earth. Then it must be left for a few minutes so that it is charged with the energy of the earth. After that, the talisman must be washed. To do this, use water from a spring or river. Then the amulet must be carried three times over the flames of the fire. After that, you can put it on yourself. Such a rite must be performed immediately after the purchase of the amulet, and also when it needs to be cleared of the accumulated negative energy. When exactly this happens, an inner voice will tell you.

The ax of Perun is one of the most powerful male amulets. That is why it was popular in ancient times and still has not lost its relevance.