Color for fish woman. Choosing Flowers for the Pisces Woman

The main features of the Pisces zodiac sign are widely represented in the legends and myths of the Greeks and Romans. Such, for example, is the myth of Typhon, the embodiment of a monstrous disorder, the father of the sphinx, chimera and Lernaean hydra. Another characteristic plot is the legend of Medusa, whose hypnotic power is deadly. In addition, the story of the sirens is known, which, as the ancient Greeks believed, could charm people with their magical chants, knocking travelers out of the way and ruining them. Finally, it would be remiss not to mention Neptune, the god of the seas, and a whole series of tritons and naiads that accompanied him.



Sapphire - stone of wisdom

Pearl. The pearl is able to attract love feelings and passion, contribute to the accumulation of money, it will attract good luck and protect.

Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

Amethyst - Amethyst is the stone of fidelity. it is also called the stone of the third eye

Moonstone - lunar energy absorber



All legends about her origin, from ancient Greek, Christian and historical, invariably say that she is a symbol of memory of a friend when lovers part. In addition, its heavenly color symbolizes infinite space, the abode of immortal souls and reminds a person of God.

Narcissus. The legend of the narcissist.
The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, who was predicted to live long if only he never saw his own face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he leaned over the water and saw himself ... And after a while he withered from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned it into a beautiful flower.

Jasmine. The first mention of fragrant jasmine was found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Greeks believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom, Athena.

Violet. It arose, according to one Eastern legend, from Adam's tears of gratitude, when, when he was on the island of Ceylon, the archangel Gabriel brought him the joyful news of the Lord's forgiveness of his sins.

Poppy. It is believed that he grew out of the tears of Venus, which she shed upon learning of the death of her beloved Adonis.

Lily. Here is what the legend tells about her origin: Zeus's wife Hera saw his hidden son, baby Hercules, and decided to feed him with her milk. But the baby, sensing an enemy in her, bit the goddess on the nipple, milk splashed and formed the Milky Way in the sky, and lilies on the ground.

Depending on the decade of birth, one can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

February 20-28 - MIMOSA. People born under this sign are like a flower. They are highly sensitive. Mimosa is very worried if her work is underestimated. Chiefs, do not overload Mimosa! She is accustomed to sacrificing herself in order to complete the work entrusted to her and earn encouragement, neglecting vacations and sick days. Danger of heart attack and stomach ulcers.

(1-10) March - MAC. Beauty intoxicates like opium. Easy to get into Mac's nets, hard to get out of them. Mac's path is strewn with thorns. You have to believe in yourself, the only way Mac can achieve success. He should not focus on meat dishes. Vegetables are a source of vitamins and good mood.

March 11-20 - LILY. Invisible charm. Refinement of nature. Lunar flower. A mystery that can only be solved on a full moon. Masquerade, deceit, flirting... Despite everything, Lily knows how to be happy.


The pine tree knows what it wants and never goes with the flow. She is courageous, meets difficulties with her head held high and does not allow bad luck to overcome herself, thanks to courage, perseverance, the ability to plan and reasonably take risks, she always goes ahead. Despite the friendliness in communication and the ability to be a nice conversationalist, Pine is not overly sentimental: her own interests come first for her. Pine's only weaknesses are sensuality and impulsiveness, which make her easily carried away.

Men. Courageously go forward, despite resistance, to achieve the goal. Always successful, regardless of the type of activity, they will always find a way out of the most difficult situation.

Women. They never submit to fate, but on the contrary, they subordinate the conditions to their needs, but without the house, which they often create for themselves, they would not be able to reach such heights.

Love and marriage. Bold and strong, Pine people show weakness only here. Easily carried away, they are influenced by an uncontrollable situation.

There is something mysterious in the melancholic Willow. She is full of vague hopes and unconscious desires, which sometimes she herself cannot express in words. But meekness does not prevent her from being businesslike and resolute. Iva knows well what she wants, but she never imposes anything on anyone, because she has a highly developed sense of respect for someone else's worldview and completely lacks the desire to command. At times for fun, and sometimes for personal gain, she brilliantly knows how to play a weak creature out of herself, although in fact she can stand up for herself. Artistic abilities, intuition and rich imagination often help her in life. And one more touch to the portrait of Willow: she cannot imagine life without sunlight, heat and water.

Men. Gifted with an artistic flair, they cannot stand the gray routine. Sensual and romantic, with a rich imagination, these men are able to play defenseless and helpless, pursuing any goals or just joking.

Women. Somewhat thoughtful and meek in appearance, they are actually quite determined. These women will surely find a reason for joy even in the most gray day and will not miss it for anything.

Love and marriage. Willows are not characterized by feelings without suffering, or rather, such things simply do not attract them: love without suffering is a very insipid thing, in their opinion.

Lipa is incredibly charming and knows how to use it. She can turn anyone's head. Dreaming of a stable, secure, comfortable life, Lipa often does not realize that all this does not mean anything for her. of great importance: It easily adapts to any conditions. In company with Lipa, it is pleasant and easy, she knows how to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort: she patiently listens to her interlocutor, respects others, and does not seek to lead. Lipa has a practical mindset, resourceful and accurate.

Men. Those born at this time are fickle and sensitive to flattery, and life often makes them feel bored - this is their main trouble.

Women. Calm and even somewhat weak-willed in appearance, soft and pessimistic, Limes, however, are able to

Incredible Facts

Do you know which color suits you best according to your zodiac sign?

Each of us has a favorite color or one in which we are comfortable. Colors have a certain energy, they can give us confidence and strength, soothe or inspire.

Each sign of the zodiac is ruled by a planet that determines your lucky color. This color brings out your best features and will always look good on you.

There are also colors to avoid, as they don't match the energy of your zodiac sign.

What color suits the zodiac sign

Aries: Red

The first fire sign of the Zodiac, Aries, is ruled by Mars. The lucky color for Aries is red.

Red color encourages Aries to action, enhances the passion, energy and initiative of this sign. This is the color of excitement and self-confidence, which is very suitable for the active nature and love of life of Aries. Red demands attention and Aries doesn't like to be ignored.

To a lesser extent, but also suitable colors are white and yellow.

Aries are least suited for blue, black and green shades.

Taurus: Green

Taurus is ruled by the beauty planet Venus. Green color symbolizes nature, and therefore is most suitable for the earth sign Taurus.

Taureans, like nature itself, are stable, patient and always in the process of growth. This color will help you get rid of everything old and unnecessary and will always help you move forward.

Soothing pinks and whites will also suit you. The colors you should avoid are yellow and red.

Gemini: Yellow

The eccentric and dual sign Gemini is ruled by the planet of communication Mercury. Yellow color best suits your lively and restless nature. It fuels your curiosity and leads you to brilliant thoughts.

You are the living embodiment of the sunshine that brings joy and happiness. It is also the color of the mind and intellect, which stimulates mental processes and helps to focus this zodiac sign.

White and pink will also be good for Gemini.

But blue and red should be avoided.

Cancer: White and Gray

The fourth sign of the Zodiac is ruled by the Moon. White and gray colors help Cancers listen to their intuition and clear their mind and feelings of everything unnecessary.

These colors, like the shimmering surface of the water or the reflection of the moon, represent the elegance and purity of your sign. They enhance sensitivity and understanding, helping you feel love on a deeper level.

Silver and cream colors are also suitable for cancers.

They should avoid dark colors.

Colors matching the zodiac sign

Leo: Golden

Leo is ruled by the Sun itself. It is believed that the luckiest color for Leo is gold. Sparkling gold enhances the positive attitude and symbolizes the good heart of this sign.

Gold color has always been considered a symbol of power, prestige and high class. Therefore, it is not surprising that it brings good luck to the Lions.

Gold helps attract attention, which is so necessary for Leos, and also suits the generous and benevolent nature of this zodiac sign. Burgundy and orange are also successful for Leo.

The least suitable are all pale shades.

Virgo: Green and Brown

This is another zodiac sign that is ruled by Mercury. Classic greens and browns will bring good luck to Virgos.

These colors help them stay on their feet and focus on continuous development.

Brown symbolizes stability and supports the cautious and methodical approach to life that Virgos have. Green is the color of growth, and perfectly represents the constant desire of Virgos for self-improvement.

Blue, light yellow and white colors can also be called lucky for Virgo.

The least successful for them is red.

Libra: Pink and Blue

Libra is another zodiac sign ruled by Venus. Airy pink and light blue reflect the openness and charm of this sign.

These colors bring out the very best traits of Libra, such as sociability, gentleness and calmness. Blue symbolizes a light, cool breeze, enhancing clarity and a sense of balance, while pink reveals Libra's sweet and loving nature.

White and bright colors are also considered lucky for this zodiac sign, but red should be avoided.

Scorpio: Black

The mysterious Scorpio is ruled by Pluto.

The dark color hides the depth of the soul of this zodiac sign, protects it from prying eyes, but also gives it the ability to get to the bottom of the matter.

Black emphasizes the inquisitive mind of Scorpio and his ability to transform. In Western culture, black is associated with death and rebirth, emphasizing the ability of this sign to completely reincarnate.

Sagittarius: Violet

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Purple - the color of spirituality and an open mind is driven philosophical view Streltsov.

It is also the color of abundance and good luck. He multiplies the natural luck and positive nature of this zodiac sign, helping them to constantly expand their horizons.

Archers need to wear purple to enhance positive traits of one's character, such as open-mindedness and the ability to accept the differences of others.

Dark yellow and orange are also considered lucky for this zodiac sign, while blue is not the most suitable.

Capricorn: Brown and Gray

Capricorn is the earth sign of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn. Earthy gray and brown colors help Capricorns find the most optimal and practical approach in life.

Character, lifestyle, career, love Pisces


The nature of Pisces Perhaps, in the entire zodiac circle there is no sign more mysterious than Pisces. The depths in which they swim are truly bottomless, and leave little chance for mere mortals to look into them.


The Pisces man has a rare talent in this world: he knows how to be happy. Moreover, he is capable of this not only in the Sultan's palace, but also in the notorious hut. His serenity, talent, compassion, kindness can attract you like a magnet, but know that the Pisces man is by nature not a leader, but rather a follower. Before you appeared, Fate, parents, friends led him through life, now it's your turn. It just so happened that Pisces' success in life largely depends on how circumstances develop. Or on how decisively those who are next to him will act. It's just that he often confuses his inner world with the outer one. By and large, everything suits him anyway, but you do not succumb to his relaxation. Remember: Pisces has a huge potential, which he can successfully realize with your help.


Any man secretly dreams of such a Pisces woman. She is so fragile, tender, pure and defenseless that it seems that it would be much better for her to be born in the century before last! Pisces Woman seems to have descended from the pages of one of the novels of that time. Looking at it, the word “emancipation” will immediately fly out of your head, but you will immediately understand what Tolstoy had in mind when he wrote about “trembling eyelashes”, “languid look” and similar things that are incredible today. Fish are a clear illustration to the saying that a woman's strength is in her weakness. And this power is truly enormous.


The dreamy, impressionable, emotional child of Pisces is endowed with great creativity and a rich imagination! Like no one else, he needs an affectionate, delicate attitude. Surrounding the baby with care and understanding, you will help him realize and reveal the unique abilities that he was generously awarded by nature. Pisces baby


Do you need the consent of Pisces in some matter? It's simple: save them from having to make decisions, prepare answers to all the questions you want to ask, clearly and confidently state your position.


Pisces are very talented, but impractical: in life they can achieve everything or nothing. They are completely devoid of ambition, fame, money and power for them is almost an empty phrase. It is not surprising that it is difficult for them to find their own way in life, and often they hope to meet a person who would take care of all organizational issues. If there is an impresario or literary agent who knows how to turn their talent into money, Pisces can get rich. However, sometimes, in anticipation of such a “genie from a bottle”, their whole life can pass. That is why for Pisces, as for no one else, it is important to learn how to persevere and at least sometimes swim against the current, in defiance of circumstances. In this case, they are able to reach great heights. The subtle nature of Pisces is best used in professions that are somehow related to creativity. In addition to the traditional professions of an artist, singer or musician, Pisces can be excellent makeup artists, stylists, designers, hairdressers, teachers at an art school. The compassion of Pisces makes them indispensable workers in fields related to medicine and charity. In addition, the innate connection of Pisces with the subtle world can be used in a magical salon: many Pisces can guess and predict the future.


The love of Pisces is a real network, and Pisces themselves usually get entangled in them. In love, they sometimes do not understand where they are going and what they want. It is typical for them to choose an unattainable object of sighs, ignoring a good game that goes straight into their hands. In addition, they may be mistaken in their feelings, taking falling in love for love to the grave or real feelings for simple friendship. What is definitely not in their love is calculation. Well, logic.


Pisces have fragile health, and, being careless creatures, do not care too much about it. Their subtle, emotional nature is the cause of nervous breakdowns, insomnia, headaches, gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they are prone to frequent colds, as well as lung diseases. However, Pisces has a powerful weapon against all diseases - this is their bright, surprisingly harmonious view of the world. In difficult times, he gives them the strength to resist illness and trouble.


Yuri Gagarin, Albert Einstein, Amerigo Vespucci, George Washington, Alexy II, Mikhail Gorbachev, Victor Hugo, Arthur Schopenhauer, Frederic Chopin, Antonio Vivaldi, Kazimir Malevich, Mikhail Vrubel, Cindy Crawford, Sharon Stone, Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, Sandro Botticelli , Michelangelo Buonarotti.


The constellation Pisces (Latin name Pisces) lies between Aquarius and Aries and is the final sign of the zodiacal circle. It brings spring with it: it is in Pisces that the vernal equinox point is located. The stellar constellation Pisces includes such interesting astronomical objects as the closest single White Dwarf known to Earth today, called Van Maanen's Star. The nature of White Dwarfs is amazing: with an ultra-compact size (100 times smaller than the diameter of our Sun), the density of a White Dwarf is a million times greater than the density of "normal" stars!


What is your zodiac sign? What about the Chinese horoscope? And on both horoscopes at once? Interestingly, the answer to the last question can give the most accurate answer. The fact is that Chinese (by year of birth) and Zodiac (by month of birth) horoscopes do not contradict each other at all.

Green and light yellow colors are considered to belong to Aries. They evoke softness in this restless sign and have a calming effect on Aries. These colors can help balance the impulsive Aries, whose unbridled courage often turns into aggression. As their color, Aries can use red and blue in addition to these colors.

Most accurately reflects the character of Taurus green-yellow shades. Some passivity, calmness and charm are inherent in this color. For Taurus, blue can also be good, and to add a little strength to the character, red-orange shades are often used.

Purple, gray and bright yellow are suitable for Gemini. Gray as a sign of prudence and intelligence, yellow in order not to miss the joys of life, and purple - the color of mysticism and mystery, which is hidden behind the dual nature of this double sign.

The colors of Cancer are blue, blue, gray and silver. These are the colors that best convey infinity and reflect heightened feelings. Blue and silver are needed for people with increased brain activity, and who, if not Cancers, love to think and reflect more than anything in the world?

For Leo, black is good, but scarlet, orange, purple, gold will also be good. These rich and absorbing colors reflect a domineering nature. To find a little peace, you can use blue.

Green color reflects the uncompromising nature of Virgos in many life issues. White color characterizes their accuracy, and purple - a penchant for mysticism.

Colors for the second part of the zodiac

Pastels, deep blues, aquamarines, and greens work well for Libra. These colors symbolize the boundless expanse of the ocean of air, which corresponds to Libra. Shades of yellow will add lightness to the character.

The colors of Sagittarius are purple, blue, blue and crimson. These colors emphasize modesty and the ability to find mutual language with every.

Black, dark blue and dark green are suitable for Capricorns. These shades once again remind of the lack of imagination in this sign. To get rid of this drawback, you need to turn to ashy or pale yellow, more often use muted shades.

Aquarians need white and blue colors. White is good for all air signs, and blue is considered a sign of traditionality and even old-fashionedness, which is so lacking in Aquarius for balance.

Zyet fish - steel, bright green, blue. These colors are reminiscent of water in its various states.

The strongest talisman for each representative of the Pisces sign will be aquarium algae. They are very impressed with such modest personalities.
Cyperus is endowed with the property of protecting the house from emotional exhaustion. He will also cleanse the surrounding space of lies and hypocrisy, since Pisces does not live well in such conditions. Cyperus is often grown in schools and offices, because it sets people up for business, helping them absorb new information.

But orchids can not only decorate a room, but also fill its atmosphere with light and joy, which sometimes thoughtful Pisces lacks so much. This mysterious, delicate flower has long been endowed with magical properties.
Fatty and siderasis will help Pisces cope with depression, which such creative people are so often subject to.

Pisces Mascot Trees

Among the trees, representatives of the Pisces sign will also be able to find their natural talismans. These include pine, willow and linden.

Pisces by nature are not always decisive. But having made a talisman of a patron tree for themselves, they will become more self-confident.

Willow often grows near water. This is a mysterious, flexible and very elegant tree. And it is precisely in temperament that Pisces is most suitable. Willow is able to endow them with intuition, and will help creative people find themselves in life.

Pine will give Pisces the strength that they lack so much to achieve their goals. Linden will certainly make them more sociable and give the representatives of this sign the attention of the opposite sex.

Plants of other zodiac signs:


Compatibility of zodiac signs: