Which regions were the center of the textile industry. Development and placement of light industry

The world is of great social importance, because it produces different kinds products for personal use and thus forms one of the most important components of people's material well-being.


  • especially close connection with the consumer, dependence on the historical, geographical and socio-economic level of development of the population of a particular territory;
  • special dynamism of the industry, expressed in a rapid change in the range of products due to changes in fashion, tastes, etc.;
  • variability of requirements for raw materials, semi-finished products, accessories and their design, as well as for technologies and organization of production;
  • special requirements for the quality of the labor force (the presence of artistic culture, taste, etc.).

Industry composition

Light industry has a rather complex sectoral structure. It includes:

  • raw materials production: production of cotton and raw cotton, processing of skins, etc.;
  • semi-product industries: spinning, textile, dyeing, leather, fur, etc.;
  • production of final products: sewing, knitwear, carpet, haberdashery, footwear, etc.

The developed ones (especially the USA, Italy, Japan, France), while reducing their share in the production of cotton and woolen fabrics, remain the largest manufacturers of knitwear, fabrics from chemical fibers (synthetic and mixed). Although in these types of textile industry their role is steadily declining due to the organization of production in developing countries (India, China, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, etc.). Ten largest producers of chemical fibers.

In Russia, which used to be one of the largest manufacturers of all types of natural fabrics in the world, there is a strong decline in their production.

clothing industry

It has become the leading branch of light industry, consumes the vast majority of fabrics produced in the world, is characterized by high labor intensity, active demand for products, especially fashionable ones, as well as an extraordinary variety of goods.

As in the textile industry, the importance of developing countries is great. Many of them, primarily China, India, Taiwan, have become the largest manufacturers and exporters of ready-made clothing. Developed countries (especially the USA, France, Italy, etc.) are increasingly specialized in

production of fashionable, elite, individual products.

shoe industry

The range of this industry is quite high, although it is somewhat inferior to the clothing industry. The industry is characterized by a variety of raw materials for production. In addition to natural, recently synthetic raw materials are increasingly being used, which are much cheaper. Expensive leather shoes today make up no more than 1/3 of the total number of shoes produced (12 billion pairs per year).

The shoe industry, among the light industries, has moved to the greatest extent from developed countries to. The leaders in the manufacture of shoes were the PRC (which overtook the previous leaders and the United States in its production and gives more than 40% of the world's shoes) and other Asian countries - the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam,. In (Italy, the USA, the FRG stand out) mainly the manufacture of leather shoes from expensive raw materials, with a high labor intensity of production, has been preserved. Italy is the largest producer and exporter of such footwear. In Russia, the production of shoes for last years decreased several times, and the country from the world's largest producer of footwear (in 1990 second only to China) has become a significant importer of footwear.

Thus, the main branches of light industry are currently developing especially rapidly in the countries of new industrialization and other developing countries, which is largely due to their high supply of raw materials and cheap labor. Industrialized countries, having lost their positions in a number of traditional mass, technically uncomplicated industries (cheap types of fabrics, footwear, clothing, and other types of consumer goods), retain a leading role in the manufacture of especially fashionable, high-quality, expensive products oriented towards high technology and labor qualification, a limited circle of consumers (production of carpets, furs, jewelry, footwear standards, clothing, fabrics from expensive raw materials, etc.).

Light industry is an industry for the production of consumer goods, which must meet the needs of the country's population. The main task of light industry is to meet the growing needs of all segments of the population.

To date, the share of light industry in the total production of the country is about 1.3%, which is very small for this industry. To understand the reasons for such a low percentage share in the total production volume, it is necessary to analyze the state of the industry and the problems of its development. To increase the share percentage, it is necessary to find ways to develop this industry. The purpose of this work is to analyze development problems and offer prospects for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation.

In the structure of light industry, about 30 sub-sectors are distinguished, which can be combined into three main groups:

1 / Textile industry, which includes linen, cotton, silk, wool, knitwear, as well as the primary processing of flax, wool, net knitting, felting, production of non-woven materials and others.

2/Clothing industry.

3 / Leather and footwear industry, which also includes fur.

Factors of location of light industry enterprises are diverse and have their own characteristics for each industry, but the following main ones can be distinguished: - Labor resources. This factor provides for a large number of people and highly qualified specialists. - Raw material factor. This factor mainly affects the location of enterprises for the primary processing of raw materials. For example, enterprises for the primary processing of leather are located near large meat processing plants. -Consumer factor. Finished products of the garment industry are less transportable than raw materials. For example, fabrics are more economically transportable than finished products. In the textile industry, on the contrary, finished products are more transportable than raw materials. For example, when washed, wool becomes 70% lighter.

1.1 Textile industry.

The main branch of light industry in Russia is the textile industry. Despite the fact that it belongs to the typical "old industries", the production of textile fibers did not decrease during the era of the scientific and technological revolution. The textile industry accounts for about 70% of the total marketable products throughout the light industry of Russia.

The main products of the industry are fabrics that are used to meet the needs of the population and are used as raw materials and auxiliary materials in the clothing, footwear, food industries, in engineering and other industries.

The cotton industry is the leading branch in the structure of the textile industry. Historically, the main area of ​​concentration of the cotton industry is the Central Federal District. The reasons for this location of the industry were many years of experience in the development of the linen, silk and cloth industries, the availability of equipment and skilled labor, the presence of a consumer, and the provision of transport. These factors led to the growth of the cotton industry in the Moscow and Ivanovo provinces. At present, the leading factors in the location of the industry are the presence of a consumer, the availability of a skilled workforce and the provision of employment in areas of heavy industry.

The linen industry is also distinguished in the structure of the textile industry. To date, 70% of fabrics produced in our country are fabrics for industrial purposes. There is not enough production of fabrics for suits and dresses. Linen is also used to make waterproof overalls, tarpaulin for sheltering equipment, tents, fire hoses, and more.

Initially, the industry was located near the flax-producing regions, but at present the raw material factor plays a lesser role. Of paramount importance for the location of the enterprise in the area is the availability of qualified personnel, and the primary processing of flax is concentrated in flax-growing areas.

The wool industry produces a variety of products: household fabrics, blankets, carpets, and more. The main part of woolen fabrics is used for personal consumption and only 5% is used for technical purposes.

The situation in the industry is deplorable. In terms of the rate of decline in production over the past 20 years, it has become one of the "leaders". 12% of the unemployed in our country are weavers. What's the matter? Boris FOMIN, president of the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs, reflects.

- In terms of sales, the textile market of the Russian Federation is the second after the food market. But domestic goods on it - only a fifth. The rest is legal imports (42%), illegally imported and counterfeit products (over a third). This alignment hits both the manufacturer and the budget. Incomplete loading, or even a stoppage of production for four or more months, is typical for many enterprises, especially those that work on cotton, due to its constant rise in price and insufficient import supplies.

Among the main problems of the industry are the low technical level of production, the lack of investment for its renewal, and the dependence of domestic producers on the world market for raw materials.

In the 90s, in the corridors of power, one heard that “we, by and large, do not need the textile industry. What is not enough, we will import it.” Today, the authorities have an understanding of not only the economic, but also the social role of the textile industry. The "Strategy for the development of light industry in Russia for the period up to 2020" was developed and adopted. According to this document, it is planned to increase the share of Russian goods in the country's textile market to 50%. Moreover, 46% will be innovative products.

The state provides basic support to the industry. This is, first of all, subsidizing interest rates on loans for the seasonal purchase of raw materials and materials, for technical re-equipment.

What is proposed to increase the competitiveness of our enterprises?

- First: to return the investment benefit. That is to exempt from the tax the profit directed on technical re-equipment. So, for example, it has long been practiced in Turkey, China, Iran, Southeast Asia and Latin America, as well as in Belarus and Turkmenistan.

Second: to exempt from the property tax the renewed production fixed assets for the first three years after the commissioning. This is also widely practiced in the near and far abroad.

Third: to restructure the debt of textile enterprises on loans, formed due to sharp fluctuations in world cotton prices.

Fourth: to develop a mechanism for state participation in seasonal purchases of raw materials for the textile industry, including a system of interventions, following the example of regulating the domestic grain market.

Fifth, within the framework of the Customs Union, establish a commission on illegally imported and manufactured textile products.

– Boris Mikhailovich, what is the situation in the linen complex? For centuries, this industry has been the showcase of our economy. But from the end of the 70s - the beginning of the 80s, flax growing was launched. As, however, almost everything in the Russian Non-Black Earth region. Together with the "unpromising villages", the industry was actually liquidated ...

– Cultivation and processing of flax is the core, traditional direction of agriculture and light industry in Russia. The flax sector can become a point of growth for the entire textile complex of the country. But following the example of others - especially Belarus, China or, for example, France - more significant support for the development of the industry by the state is required.

In 2010, the share of the Russian Federation in the global production of flax fiber reached only 9%. This is the fourth largest in the world. But Belarus, where the sown area is much smaller, gives 11%. China ranks first with 38%, France ranks second with 17%.

In 1981, the gross harvest of flax fiber in the RSFSR was 152 thousand tons, in 2010 - only 36 thousand. The volume of state subsidies for its production, development and use of modern technologies has been lagging behind for many years, and quite significantly, from the real total needs and, accordingly, the costs of the linen complex. Even taking into account budgetary support, profitability is negative.

Meanwhile, in recent years, the demand for natural fibers, including flax, has been growing rapidly, and the trend will continue for at least the next decade. Over 30 subjects of the federation cultivate this production. The branch program "Development of the Linen Complex of Russia for 2008-2012" has been developed. More than a threefold increase in the production of fiber flax seeds is envisaged. The volume of production of flax fiber in 2012-2013 should be doubled compared to 2008-2009.

I would like to emphasize that the development of the linen complex will create more than 150,000 new and stable jobs in 36 federal subjects.

Thus, the rise of linen production and the textile industry in general, based on its own raw material base, seems to be a strategic priority. In this regard, it is necessary to develop and adopt the federal target program "Development of the Linen Complex of Russia until 2020". This idea has already been supported by the heads of 12 regions.

In a public-private partnership, long-term plans are being implemented that provide for the production of a larger range of high-quality flax products. The pilot investment project "Development of the Linen Complex of the Vologda Region" provides for a comprehensive modernization and technical re-equipment of the region on a new technological basis, building up its own raw material base and the production of finished products through the development of inter-industry and inter-territorial cooperation.

In connection with the sharp rise in the price of raw cotton - 2.5-3 times in the last year alone - providing the textile industry with flax fiber, of course, is of key importance. This is what projects similar to the Vologda project are aimed at. The task is feasible, given the geography of flax growing and our traditions in this industry.

By the way:

In the South of Russia, it is planned to restore industrial cotton growing after a 60-year break. The results of an experiment conducted this summer in the Astrakhan region were found to be satisfactory. Competitive yields have been achieved on five hectares sown with cotton. And in terms of profitability of production, the old-new culture was ahead of the traditional one - watermelons. According to the Deputy Director of the Department of Forestry and Light Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Oleg Kashcheev, in the near future, at least by 2020, it is possible to carry out a phased import substitution of raw materials in this sector in a public-private partnership.

However, cotton growing, according to the Agrarian Committee of the Astrakhan Regional Duma, will be profitable only with a yield of at least 13 centners per hectare and the use of modern harvesting equipment. Their acquisition will require 25-30 million rubles at current prices. Consumers of the Astrakhan "white gold" intend to become, for example, textile enterprises of the Ivanovo region and Belarus. Which can be co-investors of the corresponding project within the framework of PPP.

Boris Fomin believes that the restoration of cotton growing in the Lower Volga (and from the late 1930s to the early 1960s this crop was also cultivated in Dagestan and in the southeast of Stavropol) will have a positive effect both on the supply of raw materials to processors and on domestic prices for the entire product line of the textile industry.

From the Socio-Economic Development Forecast Russian Federation for 2012 and the planned period of 2013-2014, presented by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia The production index of textile and clothing production in 2010 compared to 2009 amounted to 112.1%, the production of leather, leather products and footwear - 118.7 percent. The high rates of production of light industry goods in 2010 were due to both the change in the situation of restored demand (the demand for high-quality domestic goods increased) and the low base of 2009. However, in 2010 there was no "reserve" for maintaining a high level of production in 2011. Problems with cotton at the end of 2010, aggravated in the first half of 2011 due to a sharp increase in world prices for cotton and due to a crop failure (which is confirmed by the data on cotton imports for January - June 2011 - 34.1% of the level of the corresponding period of 2010 with an increase in prices by 87.1%), manifested itself in a sharp decline in the production of cotton fabrics (76.7% in January - June 2011). It is unlikely that the issue of providing enterprises with cotton from internal resources (Rosrezerv) will be resolved, since the risks associated with the return of borrowed cotton are high for the Rosrezerv. As a result, until the moment of harvesting a new cotton crop (with a high probability of falling world cotton prices), cotton spinning enterprises will experience a shortage of raw materials until the end of 2011. Given the significant impact of the development of the cotton industry on the development of the textile industry as a whole, the rate of production of textile and clothing production in 2011 will be 102.8 percent. The rate of production of leather, leather products and footwear will be 105.6 percent. In the medium term, the development of light industry will be negatively affected by the continuing trend of maintaining a high level of unrecorded products in the market of light industry goods. In 2010, the revival of production allowed domestic goods to occupy a niche in the market in the amount of 31.6% by reducing the share of unrecorded products. However, in the forecast period, unrecorded products are expected to grow to 42% of the market volume, while the share of domestic production will decrease to 22.4%. The share of exports in the production of light industry products in the medium term will remain at the level of 5%, mainly to the Republic of Belarus (more than 40% of total exports). A significant increase in export volumes requires significant investment in the production of light industry goods, which is difficult due to the opacity of the market and high risks for investors. In the forecast period, export volumes will slightly exceed the level of 1 billion US dollars. The volumes of imports of light industry goods in 2011 will increase equally, both due to the growth in physical volume and due to rising prices. In 2012-2014 import volumes of products will increase at an average annual rate of 115-120 percent. A restrictive barrier to the growth of imports will be both a low growth in real disposable incomes of the population and an underdeveloped infrastructure for the storage and consumption of light industry goods (logistics and shopping centers). The lowest average annual capacity utilization in 2010 in textile production was observed in the production of finished linen fabrics (22%), finished woolen fabrics (25.9 percent). This fact indicates the discrepancy between the manufactured products and the needs of the market: a new generation of products is in demand, the production of which requires both high-quality raw materials (long-staple flax, fine-fleeced wool) and chemical fibers and threads used as components mixed with the main raw materials. In addition, modern finishing of fabrics is needed, which is not developed in Russia. Things will not improve in the short term. Relatively high utilization of capacities for the production of non-woven materials (except for batting) (79.5%), carpets and rugs (67.8%), cotton fabrics (65.2%), knitwear (61.87 percent). Taking into account the ultra-high rates of development of the production of non-woven materials (in 2009 - 2.8 times; in 2010 - 2.2 times; in January - June 2011 - 133%), this type of production is the "locomotive" of textile production. In the production of leather, leather goods and footwear, the capacity utilization for the production of footwear amounted to 68.8 percent. Taking into account that in the crisis years of 2008-2009 the pace of footwear production remained positive, capacity utilization in the coming years will be high. Low profitability of the production of light industry goods (in the 1st quarter of 2011 in textile and clothing production - 5.2%, in the production of leather, leather products and footwear - 1.9% compared to 9.8% in manufacturing in general) will limit the possibility of attracting credit resources. At the same time, most enterprises do not have liquid assets, the pledge of which could minimize the credit risks of financial institutions. Projected investment volumes for 2011-2014 will exceed the level of 2008 by 15-25% in comparable prices. In order to remain competitive with cheap Chinese goods, domestic producers are forced to keep prices at the lowest possible level, which does not allow them to pay decent wages to workers - the average annual wage of workers in the industry for a long period of time is no more than 50% of the average annual wage fees for the industry as a whole. The implementation of the following measures will have a positive impact on the development of light industry: access to "long" loans for technical re-equipment; support for small and medium-sized enterprises, whose share in the light industry is about 40 percent; tightening measures to combat "shadow" production and smuggling of products; accelerating the implementation of pilot projects for the development of the linen and textile industries. The growth of retail turnover of light industry goods will also be affected by the growth of real disposable money incomes of the population. A decrease in tensions in the labor market and the associated increase in confidence in the future will lead to an increase in consumer spending. In addition, other factors also influence the position of the industry: the demand for light industry goods as consumer goods of prime necessity; change in the demand environment - high-quality domestic goods will become in demand. However, one cannot ignore the effect of the following factors that limit the development of light industry in the forecast period: low investment activity of business and the state, which restrains the growth of wages in the private sector; slow growth of real wages; the continued lack of working capital for enterprises to carry out seasonal purchases of raw materials and supplies; maintaining the level of "shadow" production (including in order to reduce production costs); dependence on imported raw materials - cotton, wool, leather, synthetic fibers and threads; insufficient level of protection of the domestic market from cheap Chinese goods. The volume of production of cotton fabrics by 2014 will only recover to the level of 2010 (103.9%), which is not enough to restore a stable situation in the cotton industry. The extremely low level of cotton purchases compared to 2008 (34.1% in January-June 2011 against the corresponding period of 2010 or 19.3% compared to January-June 2008) testifies to the high probability of such a development of the situation. However, despite the annual decline in cotton imports, the production of cotton fabrics remained at the level of 2 billion square meters during 2000-2008. In 2009-2010 production volumes of cotton fabrics amounted to 1484 mln. m and 1475.3 million square meters, respectively. This dynamics testifies to the trend towards the curtailment of own cotton spinning production at a number of enterprises and the transition to the production of fabrics from imported cotton yarn. The reason for this is the import of cotton yarn at low prices from the CIS countries (mainly from the Republic of Uzbekistan). Producers of Uzbek yarn purchase cotton at a discount and with preferential payment terms, which gives them an advantage when selling yarn on the foreign market. The volume of domestic clothing production occupies a little more than 10% of the clothing market, so the growth prospects are sharply limited by the pressure of official and "gray" imports, as well as contraband products. Clothing is based on the textile industry, which is unlikely to recover in 2011 due in part to the negative performance of the cotton industry. For a serious breakthrough in the production of domestic clothing, new technologies for the production of clothing, modern methods of managing a specific business are needed, without which it is difficult to defend the existing niche in the market. In addition, without significant investment in textile production, which is the basis for clothing production, it is impossible to change the current situation in the production of clothing. The assortment and quality of domestic fabrics also do not satisfy the clothing industry. For the production of clothing in the middle price segment, raw materials (fabrics) are purchased mainly from imports. The footwear industry is the most dynamic sub-sector of the light industry. Shoe production, according to experts, is an assembly of imported parts (details) of shoes by 70% and, to a lesser extent, depends on the volume of production of domestic leather raw materials. The structure of production will still not correspond to the structure of consumption: there is no production of model heeled women's shoes, modern sports shoes. The share of domestic footwear in the market is less than 20 percent. In official imports, the share of China is more than 80 percent. This situation will continue until 2014. The prerequisites for the development of the industry are the following factors: import substitution due to the "whitening" of imports (the effect of reduced import customs rates); development of trade infrastructure (opening of new stores by manufacturing enterprises in different regions of Russia); improvement of the situation with the provision of domestic raw hides as a result of the implementation of the activities of the State Program "development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets for 2008-2011". Besides, governmental support light industry is carried out as part of the implementation of the following measures: the annual provision of subsidies from the federal budget to light and textile industry organizations to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions, for seasonal purchases of raw materials and materials, as well as for technical re-equipment (340 million rubles and 250 million rubles in 2011, respectively); implementation of an effective customs tariff policy in relation to the import of both finished products (shoes) and raw materials for the production of shoes (import customs rates for tanned leather, chemicals for the leather industry have been reduced), as evidenced by import substitution for imports of shoes - 102.2% physical volume for January - June 2011. In general, according to the forecast for the development of light industry, the following conclusion can be drawn: the market is not transparent (about 30% of the market volume is unaccounted for products), which is a serious obstacle to attracting investments into the industry necessary to modernize production and increase the competitiveness of domestic products. To maintain an intensive level of development of light industry, as for industry in general, sustainable trends in improving the overall climate and a high degree of certainty for business are needed. Nevertheless, the main contribution to the dynamics of the country's economic growth will be made by domestic consumption, so the light industry has a chance for dynamic development.

The concept of the textile industry

Definition 1

The textile industry is a large and important branch of the light industry. In many world states in the 20th century, the textile industry remained the leading industry, but experienced a structural crisis associated with a decrease in the share of gross output during the Second World War, when more enterprises were destroyed.

Today, in our country, the production of fabric is carried out in almost all areas, while the leading branches of the textile industry include:

  • woolen,
  • silk,
  • linen
  • cotton.

The wool industry is characterized by the production of products through the production of yarn from wool fibers.

The silk industry is concentrated on the production of fabrics from silk, in which chemical fiber is added or without the addition of fiber. The linen branch of the textile industry is concentrated on the production of silk fabrics or chemical fibers.

The cotton industry is associated with the production of cotton fabrics or semi-cotton fabrics, in the production of which yarn from cotton fibers is mainly used or chemical fiber is added.

Today, cotton products are in high demand. Every year, manufacturers of all countries try to expand the range and improve the quality of their products, through automation and mechanization of production, the introduction of new technologies. First of all, pure cotton and chemical fibers have recently been processed in order to give the fabric the best and valuable consumer qualities.

Textiles include products that are made from soft and flexible fibers and threads. Such threads are usually made on a loom from yarn. Textiles also include matter that is not a fabric. It can be felt, knitwear or modern non-woven materials.

Development of the textile industry

The textile industry until the beginning of the 18th century was quite labor-intensive and developed through artisanal and improvised methods in workshops and at home.

For a long period in the production of natural fabrics and products, the densely populated regions of Persia, Egypt and China were the leaders. In these states, textiles have long been the most important commodity exported to Europe and other countries.

In 1730, a twisting machine and an aircraft shuttle for a handloom were invented, and later spinning machines were developed. This stimulated the onset of the English Industrial Revolution.

Later, important centers of the textile industry moved to Europe, as they began to operate with technological and imported equipment. At the end of the 19th century, artificial and synthetic fibers became very popular, which primarily include viscose, lycra and nylon.

In the Soviet Union and other countries of a socialist nature, the textile industry has not been widely developed in comparison with heavy industry. However, in Russia there is a major center of the textile industry in Ivanovo.

To date, many of the old centers of the textile industry have experienced difficulty in competing with cheaper producers, such as the countries of the Asia-Latin America region.

Modern textile industry

In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the textile industry has significantly changed its structure. Today, regardless of the raw materials used in production, there are paper, wool, silk industries, as well as the production of non-woven materials or artificial fibers.

For a long time, the main industry was paper, but at present, the share of chemical fibers in the world production of fabrics has significantly outweighed the share of cotton and wool, while the share of cotton has been reduced. This is due to the creation of mixed fabrics from natural and chemical fibers, as well as knitted fabrics.

Remark 1

In the textile industry of developed countries, the share of chemical fibers has increased to a greater extent, but in developing countries, the main types of textile raw materials still include cotton, wool and natural silk.

In general, the textile industry is more developed in the group of developing countries. To date, the world textile industry includes five main regions: East Asia, South Asia CIS, USA, Europe.

The main region of the textile industry is represented by Asian countries, which produce about 75% of the total number of fabrics and are characterized by more than 50% of the production of cotton and woolen fabrics.

The main producer of cotton fabrics is China, followed by India. Cotton is also produced in the USA, Russia, Brazil, Japan, Italy and Germany.

The leader in the production of woolen woolen fabrics is Australia, China, New Zealand. If we consider the production of the most expensive silk fabrics, then the absolute leadership is occupied by the United States. There is also a big role for Asian countries, especially India, China and Japan.

Recently, the production of linen fabrics has been decreasing. A large number of such fabrics is typical for Russia and Western Europe. Despite the fact that the developed world states, especially the USA, Germany, Italy, France, and Japan, are reducing the share of cotton and wool products in their production, they remain major manufacturers of fabrics made from chemical fibers. However, in these types of textile industry, the role of developed countries is declining every year, since the textile industry is rapidly developing and improving in developing countries such as China and India, Korea and Taiwan.

Our country, which used to be the largest manufacturer of all kinds of natural fabrics, is currently experiencing a decline in the textile industry.

Textile industry

The main products of the industry - fabrics - are used to satisfy the needs of the population, and are also used as raw materials and auxiliary materials in the clothing, footwear, food industries, in mechanical engineering, etc.

Leading branch in the structure of the textile industry cotton. At present, the leading factors in the location of the cotton industry are the availability of a consumer, a skilled workforce, and the provision of employment in areas of heavy industry.

The main area of ​​concentration of the cotton industry is the Central Federal District. The first place in terms of production is occupied by the Ivanovo region. Followed by

Moscow and Moscow region, Vladimir region. There are also cotton enterprises in the Tver, Yaroslavl, Kaluga and Smolensk regions.

Among other regions in this industry, the Chuvash Republic, Volgograd, Saratov and Novosibirsk regions stand out. There are enterprises in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Volgograd Region, in the Altai Territory, etc.

Linen industry Initially, it was tied only to flax-producing areas. At present, the raw material factor plays a lesser role in placement, since even with the relatively low transportability of flax fiber, the cost of its transportation is small in the cost of yarn. Of paramount importance is the availability of qualified labor resources. The primary processing of flax is always concentrated in flax-sowing areas.

The main region for fiber flax cultivation and fabric production is the Central Federal District. The main enterprises are concentrated in the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. There are also large flax mills in Smolensk and Vyazma in the Smolensk region.

The second most important region of the linen industry is the Northwestern Federal District (Vologda and the Vologda Oblast, Pskov and the Pskov Oblast). There are also enterprises in the Volga, Ural and Siberian districts. The largest of them are located in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Kirov, Yekaterinburg and Biysk.

wool industry produces a variety of products: household fabrics, carpets, blankets, technical cloth, etc.

The primary processing of wool is a very material-intensive process; unwashed wool is not economically transportable (up to 70% of the wool weight goes to waste during washing). The costs for transporting washed wool and chemical semi-finished products are relatively low. Therefore, it is most effective to locate the production of woolen fabrics in areas of population concentration, and the primary processing of wool - in areas of developed sheep breeding.

The wool industry, as well as other branches of the textile industry, is concentrated within the Central Federal District.

The main number of enterprises is located in the Moscow region. The production of woolen fabrics is developed in Bryansk and the Bryansk region (Klintsy), Ivanovo and the Ivanovo region (Shuya), Tver and the Tver region (Zavidovo), Kaluga region (Borovsk), Ryazan region (Murmino), in the Tambov region (Rasskazovo, Morshansk).

Woolen fabrics are also produced in the Volga and Ural federal districts (in the Tyumen and Sverdlovsk, in the Ulyanovsk and Penza regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan), in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Chita, Ulan-Ude, Omsk, etc.

In the balance of raw materials silk industry the proportion of natural fibers is negligible. Silk fabrics are made mainly from artificial and synthetic fibers. The main factors in the location of the industry are currently consumer and labor .

In the Central Federal District, the silk industry is located mainly in Moscow and the Moscow region (Naro-Fominsk, Pavlovsky Posad, etc.). There is a silk factory and a silk factory in the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir Region, a silk-weaving factory in Tver, and a silk fabric factory in Korablin, Ryazan Region.

The Volga Federal District also became an important center of the silk industry. The largest enterprises: the Orenburg silk factory, the Tchaikovsky factory of silk fabrics in the Perm region, the Balashovsky factory of raincoat fabrics in the Saratov region, etc.

Other regions play a much more modest role in the production of silk fabrics. It should be noted the Kemerovo silk fabric factory, the Krasnoyarsk silk factory.

Knitwear industry based on the use of natural and chemical fibers as raw materials; focuses in its placement on areas of developed textile industry and on the consumer. The knitwear industry produces knitted fabric, underwear and outerwear, hosiery, gloves and other products.

The main regions of the knitwear industry are the Central and Northwestern federal districts.

Clothing industry. Clothing industry enterprises are located more evenly across the country than textile enterprises. They are available in almost every region and provide mainly domestic needs.

The main placement factor is consumer , since fabrics are more economically transportable than finished products. Ready-to-wear enterprises are usually concentrated in large industrial centers.

Leather and footwear industry and fur industry

The Central, Southern and North Caucasian federal districts are leading in this industry.

Shoe production - mass, multi-product, with a quick change of assortment, focused on the mass consumer, is characterized by a relatively high level of concentration and specialization. His distinguishing feature- this is an increased labor intensity and material consumption. An important task is to strengthen the industry's own raw material base. Currently, a third of all raw materials consumed for the production of footwear at domestic enterprises are imported.

Shoe industry enterprises are currently concentrated in Moscow and the Moscow region, Kirov, Tula, Penza regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan. It should also be noted Chelyabinsk and Tver regions, Stavropol Territory.

Leather goods industry produces bags, gloves and mittens, cases, sports balls, saddlery and other products. The main centers are Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The share of light industry in the Russian economy has been steadily declining over the past twenty years. In the current world market of light industry, Russia is mainly an importer of products.

At the same time, the light industry market in Russia is very capacious and second only to the food products market, the volume of consumption tends to grow. Therefore, domestic demand is satisfied mainly through imports.

The industry has accumulated problems related to the high wear of the main technological equipment, the lack of qualified personnel, the relatively low quality of products that do not allow competing with imports, and the lack of own working capital.

In the light industry of Russia, the task is not so much to increase production volumes, but to preserve the industrial potential and qualified personnel, introduce the achievements of scientific and technological progress, and new technologies.

It is necessary to develop small business in the light industry, especially in the production of lace, stitched and gold-embroidered products, national clothes, shawls, etc.

Further development and improvement of light industry as an industry aimed at meeting the needs of people is one of the conditions for creating a socially oriented economy in the country.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


Textiles - products made from flexible, soft fibers and threads (fabrics, cotton wool, nets, etc.), usually made from yarn on a loom. Textiles also include matter that is not a fabric: knitwear, felt, modern non-woven materials, etc.

Textile industry - a group of light industries engaged in the processing of vegetable (cotton, flax, hemp, kenaf, jute, ramie), animals (wool, silkworm cocoons), artificial and synthetic fibers into yarn, threads, fabrics. It includes the following industries:






  • hemp-jute

Textile is one of the main materials used in light industry. Before late XIX For centuries, only natural materials were used in the textile industry - cotton, wool, silk. Then, artificial (based on natural polymers) and synthetic (from hydrocarbon raw materials) fibers are becoming more widespread.


According to the all-Russian classifier of species economic activity(OKVED), textile production belongs to section 17 of the same name, which has the following major subsections:

    17.1 "Spinning textile fibers"

    17.2 "Weaving"

    17.3 "Finishing fabrics and textiles"

    17.4 Manufacture of finished textile products other than apparel

    17.5 "Manufacture of other textile products"

    17.6 "Production of knitted fabric"

    17.7 "Manufacture of knitwear"


Today, the situation in the world is developing in such a way that the bulk of textile production is concentrated in developing countries that have sufficient raw materials (for example, cotton) and cheap labor. Developed countries, by importing fabrics, make ready-made garments from them, which are then exported to developing countries. At the same time, territorially, the production itself, which belongs to a developed country, may be located in another state.

The light industry of the USSR covered all stages of production - from the production (growing) of raw materials to the manufacture of garments. Today, the domestic light industry is experiencing serious difficulties, primarily due to the non-competitiveness of products in terms of price - Asian countries that use cheap labor offer much cheaper products. At the same time, the quality of Russian fabrics is often significantly higher. The share of domestic products today is no more than 30% of the market. It is practically impossible to determine the exact quantity due to the presence of "gray" imports. According to experts, the only competitive segment is the production of overalls, supported by government orders.

At the same time, Russian manufacturers are experiencing a shortage of capital for the development and modernization of enterprises. Demand in connection with the crisis state of the economy is significantly reduced. Indices of consumer sentiment and business confidence reached record lows in the last two years. The worst forecasts are associated with the textile and clothing industries.

Some hopes are raised by the course towards import substitution, however, most enterprises are not ready for it due to the lack of sufficient production capacity, as well as due to the high share of the imported component in production - from raw materials to equipment. Against the backdrop of the weakening of the ruble, this becomes critical for the industry.

Some experts do not see the point in locating the full production cycle in Russia and urge to repeat world practice, in particular, the development of textile imports from China, as well as the placement of clothing production facilities there.

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Nevertheless, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to develop programs for the development and subsidization of the industry. In particular, there is a draft program for the development of light industry until 2025, according to which the share of Russian products should increase from 25% to 50%. The analysis carried out as part of the development of this program shows that the segment for the production of synthetic fibers has the greatest potential, which can be based on an existing petrochemical complex. This will give a 2.5 times greater effect than the development of natural textile production.

Based on the results of the analysis, 4 main strategic directions for the development of light industry were identified, one of which directly concerns the textile industry: “creation in Russia of the production of chemical (synthetic and artificial) fibers with an export orientation, primarily through the development of polyester and viscose fibers and threads. Reorientation of mass textile production towards synthetic materials (including both garment textiles and technical textiles). The cumulative effect from the implementation of the direction is 0.19% of GDP, and 0.12% of them is the effect from the development of the technical textile segment.”

At the same time, Russia's advantage is its geographical proximity to the main markets for polyester fibers - the CIS countries, China, Turkey, etc. The CIS countries have the greatest export potential - 60-70 thousand tons of export from the Russian Federation by 2025 and Europe - 100-150 thousand tons. The volume of production of polyester fibers in Russia can reach 950 thousand tons, which will provide 80% of domestic demand.

Another promising material is viscose, which is a cheaper alternative to cotton. The raw material for viscose, cellulose, is produced in Russia in sufficient quantities. The export potential of viscose is great. The volume of viscose fibers and threads produced in Russia can reach up to 600 thousand tons, providing up to 80% of local consumption and exporting up to 400 thousand tons to the CIS countries, Europe, Turkey, Africa.

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The main demand for synthetic fabrics in domestic and foreign markets can provide technical textiles. The global market for technical textiles is estimated at $130 billion and is growing at an average of 3% annually. The volume of the Russian technical textile market in 2012 was estimated in physical terms at 320 thousand tons, and in monetary terms - at 77 billion rubles.

Technical textiles have a lot of uses: in clothing, agriculture, furniture production, industry, construction, etc. The state plans to develop a number of measures to provide special support to the segment and protect it from external influences.


Rosstat data, which the service receives by collecting official data from market participants, may not coincide with the data of analytical agencies, whose analytics are based on conducting surveys and collecting unofficial data.

Figure 1. Dynamics of financial indicators of the industry in 2007-2015, thousand rubles

Figure 2. Dynamics of financial ratios of the industry in 2007-2015, thousand rubles

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According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in the period from 2007 to 2015. there is a stable trend of revenue growth in the industry. Since data on sales volumes in physical terms are not available, it is not possible to conclude whether revenue is growing only due to price increases, or sales volumes in units of production are also growing, it is not possible. At the same time, gross margin and return on sales are also growing. A particularly sharp increase occurred in 2015. These data to some extent diverge from the data of independent sources.

Accounts receivable (in 2015 + 67% compared to 2007) and accounts payable (in 2015 + 101% compared to 2007) increased significantly, which indicates problems in mutual settlements with customers and suppliers. High accounts receivable may indicate a shortage of working capital, which can be covered by loans. Dynamics of the ratio of borrowed and own funds confirms this conclusion: the ratio of borrowed funds to equity increased from 3.66 times in 2007 to 5.62 times in 2015.

Figure 3. Accounts receivable and payable by industry in 2007-2015, thousand rubles

Figure 4. Shares of regions in the industry's gross revenue in 2015


Despite the positive data from Rosstat, the textile industry in Russia is in a state of decline due to the low level of product competitiveness. The market is filled with cheap products from Southeast Asia, most of which are "gray" imports.

Some experts believe that the way out of their current situation is to adopt the experience of developed countries that import textile products. The Government of the Russian Federation, however, has developed programs to support and develop the light industry, including the textile industry, as an integral part of it. It is planned to develop a specialized segment of polyester fabrics.

In general, even with the successful process of reorganization of the industry, one can hardly expect its growth in the next 5-7 years. Technologies used in the industry in the highest degree labor and capital intensive.

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