Rune formula with reservation and application. Features of applying symbols

Rune formulas and staves with their use are the key to achieving any goals. Ability to combine correctly magic signs and understand them given to know not immediately. The same applies to the ability to read various layouts of runes when divining.

In the article:

Rune formulas and runescripts - what is it?

The runes themselves are full-fledged symbols, fully responsible for any particular aspect of life or process in the universe. However, they would not be a full-fledged magical tool if their capabilities and power could not be combined and combined. And several runes, written in a row or dropped out side by side during divination, can acquire a much deeper and more accurate meaning than each of these signs separately.

Such rune formulas find their main application in the creation of various and amulets. If the runes are written in one row, together - such a formula is called a runescript, or a runic script. This is an easier to understand and read version of creating amulets, at the same time being the most ancient and traditional.

Nevertheless, even despite the seeming simplicity of rune scripts, it is necessary to be fully aware of both the meaning of each individual character included in the formula, and the possible effects of their joint work. The correct creation of such amulets can be learned not in one day. But if you want to start working with this aspect of northern magic, then you can definitely get to the point where you can confidently create and solve various runescripts.

How to correctly compose runescripts and rune formulas

There are several rules in compiling such formulas. Most often, such inscriptions contain either some single word of the Old Norse language, or a certain combination of runes that has no meaning in transcription and works directly with the power of the signs themselves. Scandinavian words written in runes can often be found as archaeological finds - many amulets simply contained an inscription in runes: “protection from evil” or “guardian for the home” in the ancient language. However, it is unlikely that such runic scripts could have real magical power - such finds are found only at a later time, after the baptism of the Scandinavian countries. According to most modern historians and runologists, such use of magical signs is only a consequence of a misunderstanding of their essence.

But runic scripts are, of course, an effective magical tool. Usually such scripts consist of two, three or five characters. Such a grouping allows you to quite accurately indicate the action of the talisman and at the same time is quite simple to read or compose. There are also large runic formulas, however, it is much easier to make a random mistake in them and get a result completely different from what you might expect.

It should be noted that in runescripts it is very great importance have not only the signs themselves, but also their sequence. The same runes, written in a different order, can lead to completely different results. So, in scripts of three or five runes, the aspect that will be worked on is usually depicted in the center, the “tools” for such work are in the first positions, and the expected results are in the last.

You can start such work only if you understand exactly what exactly you want to achieve from the created talisman or amulet. Runes provide almost limitless possibilities for solving any issues. But even the ancient sagas warn of the dangers of using runes by people ignorant of them. Therefore, if you have not yet begun to activate the runes, you should not engage in your own creation and compilation of rune formulas.

Nevertheless, you can use time-tested and simple versions of formulas without it. These amulets include a combination of three successive Fehu runes, aimed at attracting wealth through the use of the rune of wealth. Another example is the equally well-known runic formula ALU - Ansuz, Laguz and Uruz, which is a universal amulet that attracts good luck in all endeavors and improves life in general.

Runes - how to use runes knitted with each other


Subsequently, another school also arose in the runic magical tradition, requiring a deeper knowledge of the power of these Scandinavian signs and an understanding of their principles. It consisted in the encryption of several runes by creating one image that combines several characters at once. Such formulas, on the one hand, made it much more difficult for outsiders to guess the program embedded in them, and on the other hand, they made it possible to combine actions at different levels different kinds influences.

Nevertheless, in the same form of runic magic, there is a great danger. It is necessary to check each runic stave for all possible additional characters included in it. So, the most famous becoming for family happiness " Family man” at first glance consists exclusively of and two. Nevertheless, it is also hidden in it and formed from the interweaving of lines. In this stav, of course, it serves only positive purposes. However, illiterate use and compilation of complex combinations can lead to a completely different result, simply because you did not notice all the signs included in the runic formula.

But the classic varieties of staves tested many times are also a simpler tool. They allow you to immediately achieve the desired result without lengthy preparation and study of all the features of the tradition. An example of such a stav can be both the “Family Man” above, and the “Funnel” combination, which is used to protect against any negativity.

Galdrastavs and Aghishjalms - powerful complex formulas of the Vikings


Galdrastav in translation from the Old Norse language - a witch's tablet. Now, under the name galdrastav, they mean a separate type of staves, which are based on the use of one, two or four lines located on the same axis. The most famous historical use is known of them in the form of "helmets of horror" or agishjalmov. These images were applied by the Vikings to their foreheads in order to immobilize the enemies, instill fear in them and make them lose the battle.

The simplest and most famous variant of such a galdrastav is the four Algiz runes, which emerge perpendicular to each other from a common center. Others are simple runic staves of this type can be created by placing any other runes on these central axes - preferably four different or two in pairs. However, there are much more complex mystical formulas. So, a huge number of galdrastavs from Ancient Iceland have not yet been unraveled, since in addition to runes, other signs were used in them, including smooth and winding lines.


Modern agishjalms and galdrastavs, like any other types of runes and their combinations, can be used to achieve almost any goal. Them distinctive feature is the ability to create the most complex combinations, devoid of any possible ambiguity, as with ordinary staves. However, as part of galdrastavs, even the action of ready-made individual options for staves can be used and combined. Thus, this technique is one of the most difficult to learn. However, the action of galdrastavs and aghishjalms usually turns out to be much stronger and sharper. You can achieve the desired result with their help in the shortest possible time. Combat agishjalms, for example, in just a split second - the moment the enemy looks at this sign, can literally discourage him and incapacitate him.

How to correctly compose a runic formula and make a rune becoming

First of all, the main rule when compiling your own magical talismans using runes will be a clear understanding of the place of each rune in the finished formula, and, of course, its meaning. It is necessary to understand both the general meaning of the rune in its individual form, and its place in the finished rune stav. In addition, you must also remember that each talisman, each becoming or script must be activated. Usually, the activation of amulets takes place simultaneously with their coloring. Traditionally, the blood of the one who made this becoming is added to the paint. The blood of all the peoples of the world is the representation and personification of the life force itself, and it is not surprising that it "revives" the runes, forcing them to turn on the program embedded in these signs.

Direct rituals when compiling runic formulas do not need to be used. If you want to learn how to make a rune or how to correctly compose a runic formula, then you should understand that this is intellectual work. The correct runes and their combinations are derived through prolonged reflection and meditation. After all, this is how Odin worked with the magic of runes - this god was famous for both his mind and his ability to listen to his own feelings. Without at least one of these components, it will not be possible to succeed and correctly compose the necessary signs into an effective magical tool.

As for the subsequent consecration of the finished stave, opinions are divided here. Traditionally, runes are considered a tool that is not tied to religion. Northern gods can help in their use, suggest the right path and ensure that there are no mistakes, leveling minor flaws with their influence. But this happens only due to the close connection of the gods of the ancient Scandinavian peoples with the runes. In this case, they act as wise mentors. But their influence is not necessary for the runes to work. Representatives of any religion can use them without any consequences.

However, with the direct creation of an amulet or the embodiment of a stav, it is desirable to clearly present the general program of its action and set specific goals for it. It can be both spoken aloud and in thoughts. The most important thing is that you yourself clearly understand what you want to achieve with the help of runes. Ancient symbols do not tolerate careless handling. And in the end, they can lead to completely unexpected results. Of course, if you have not paid due attention to the preparation for working with them.

Runic layouts and their meanings

World Tree Yggdrasil and the runes that god Odin saw

Divination also occupies a special place in runic magic. It is worth noting that some followers of the traditions of the Scandinavian peoples now consider divination to be an unworthy way to use runes. However, mythology and ancient sagas directly refute this opinion. Even the supreme god of the Ases - Odin - did not neglect fortune-telling. And it was looking into the interweaving of nine sticks ash Yggdrasil, in which he saw the runes, he also managed not only to unravel the meaning of these signs, but also to learn about the fate of the entire universe.

Runic layouts in a sense can be similar to tarot fortune telling. So, one of the most popular types involves the alternate alignment of runic dice. One is about the past. The second is about the present. The third - warns of the future. The very essence of such divination lies in the prophecy of the norns, of whom there were also three, and who knew everything that was, that is, and that will be. There are also separate alignments for love and relationships, for wealth and business, and for any other aspects of human life.

Runes are able to really give an accurate and correct answer to any question in life. Moreover, with their help you can find not only answers to the questions asked, but also tips on how to solve them. So in general, the runes do not so much predict the future, but in skillful hands they give accurate instructions and warnings about possible problems. For divination you will need

The ancient Scandinavians left behind a unique legacy - runes and formulas. To this day, humanity uses these magical symbols to achieve specific goals and to solve life's problems.

Probably, there is not a single person on earth who, at some stage in his life, would not want to change something. Usually such periods are called a black streak or simply a series of failures. We rush about in different directions, trying to find a way out, but all in vain - misfortunes haunt us, as if bewitched.

But it provides a choice of great rune magic formulas for all occasions. They will help you achieve what you want and return good luck.

Since ancient times, magic has been present in people's lives. Thanks to special rites and rituals, our ancestors defended themselves from enemy attacks, kept youth and health, and attracted success. Thanks to centuries of practice, runologists have vast experience and knowledge in creating runescripts.

And this should not be a secret for you, because runic wisdom can make dramatic changes in your life and help you achieve any result.

What is a rune?

The runic alphabet is presented from a number of individual characters, each of which is complete and indivisible. Absolutely all runes and staves, without exception, are responsible for a certain aspect of a person's life. All of them are connected with an endless series of universal processes.

But, despite the strength of individual elements, their energy is sometimes not enough for a real magical action. And in this case, it becomes necessary to use rune stakes for all occasions.

The Universe so ordered - and we are sincerely grateful to it for this - that rune signs can be combined and combined. Such formulas are great for creating talismans and amulets, for divination practice, for magical rites.

When runic symbols are depicted in a single scheme, this is the runescript - an ancient and very effective tool in magic circles.

But do not forget that the ease of use of staves does not mean that you can forget about caution. Runes help only those who unquestioningly follow all the rules and recommendations, who do not contradict magical laws, and who do not try to replace the technique developed over the years with ordinary improvisation.

Carefully study the staves from the runes, the meaning of the description and their interpretation, and only after that start working with the formulas. Remember that in one day you will not be able to comprehend all the knowledge - even for naturally gifted people, the runes do not immediately reveal all their secrets.

If your desire is sincere, if you have firmly decided for yourself to work with the heritage of northern magic, you will succeed. It will take a little time, and you will learn how to use staves, create them and solve them.

Types of runic staves

A huge number of staves can be divided into several groups. This is necessary so as not to get confused in a particular situation.

Before using rune magic, decide for what purpose you want to resort to its methods. And then consider the formula options:

  • Protective

From the name it is clear that such staves help protect yourself from physical and energy danger.

  • Cleaning

Each of us periodically needs recharging in order to restore strength and get rid of negative external influences.

  • Therapeutic

Such formulas help to cope with health problems.

  • Love
  • Ansuz - Uruz - Hyeres - Ansuz

The next becoming from the runes was called "Help of the Gods" - it really is divine support:

  • Ansuz - Mannaz - Uruz

The runes of Odin make up formulas that are especially strong and effective.

For example, great luck attracts a combination of Raido and Teyvaz. This is a real magnet for fortune.

Runescripts for health and longevity

Especially useful are rune staves for all cases, fast - such that they give an effect instantly. Such options are designed to get rid of various ailments - they are called. Indeed, sometimes the disease does not wait, and immediate measures must be taken.

To carry out a comprehensive preventive procedure, use the following stav:

  • Kenaz - Uruz - Eyvaz

To recover after long-term treatment, surgery or difficult childbirth will help:

  • Perth - Eyvaz - Berkana

Sometimes all health problems are caused by mental disorders. Due to depression, emotional stress, any physical ailment can occur. This combination works with the nervous system:

  • Vunyo - Soulou - Hyeres

Instant first aid that stops the development of a disease of any complexity:

  • Nautiz - Berkana - Nautiz

To consolidate the achieved result and never return to the disease:

  • Dagaz - Berkana

But this becoming from the runes will help restore youth and strength:

  • Hyères – Perth

Remember one very important thing: the result will be only when you believe in what you are doing. It all depends on the right attitude.

Quick bets on life changes

Often we do not want to make an effort, and rely on fate - and sometimes change is simply necessary. There are several effective runic combinations that are quite popular in the magical environment.

Here, for example, becoming, the effect of which is felt instantly. He will fulfill any of your desires (of course, if it does not contradict issues of morality). It looks like this:

Soulu - Kenaz - Fehu - Vunyo

First character soulo personifies solar energy, the great power of nature. His task is to collect a powerful energy ball, and then direct it along the right path.

Kenaz will help you to orient yourself in time and not to stray from the intended goal.

Fehu and Vunyo work in pairs and are responsible for the direction.

The runic formula can be applied to any surface. The main condition: during her image, you must concentrate on your dream.

As soon as everything conceived is realized, destroy the runescript.

The best stavas from Slavic runes

Not only the Scandinavians, but also the Slavs used runic formulas to achieve their goals.

Becoming Yar the runes of which are connected in a special pattern, is aimed at improving the body, at strengthening the physical body, at rejuvenating all systems. It also helps to improve the appearance of the performer.

Our ancestors applied the combination to the body, now it is most often depicted in a photograph.

This runescript rightfully occupies a leadership position among magical Slavic symbols.

Reservations for runic formulas

Any combination will not be able to help you until it is stipulated. During or after drawing the symbols, you must say the name of the runes, as well as your desire. Do it quietly, but clearly.

Thanks to the correct slander, you convey your thoughts to the ancient signs, share with them the most intimate.

The scheme of the clause is quite simple:

  • depicting a rune, you name it;
  • describe your goal - do it specifically so that there are no misunderstandings later;
  • tell the runes how you would like to reach the end result, and how you see yourself at the end of the path;
  • at the end of the speech, clarify that you do not want to harm anyone, and also thank the characters for their help.

P. S. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author


Surely, in the life of every person there were moments when you wanted to change absolutely everything. Usually this condition occurs when a black bar occurs. In such situations, a person tries to use any methods in order to get away from his former life, changing every area of ​​it. Runic staves help you achieve what you want.

What are runic staves?

In ancient times, various symbols with magical overtones could act as amulets. Runes belonged to them. Each rune has characteristic features and external differences. Runes could be depicted on any household items, clothes, and even on the body. Symbols were placed, both alone and in groups .

Rune groups had the greatest effect, they were called runic staves. The number of runes in the staves was not limited, but more often one could find staves with runes in the amount of 5-7 pieces.

The creation of a runic stav implies the observance of some rules:

  • The most effective rune should be located at the very beginning of the stav;
  • Symbols must be in contact with each other;
  • You cannot combine runes that contradict each other;
  • Symbols must not be reversed;
  • Runes with positive meaning cannot be used for negative purposes;
  • Becoming should be applied in a semicircle, all lines of symbols should be either parallel or perpendicular to the surface;

Change everything at once

Sometimes it happens that changes require all areas of life. Making staves for each of them is too problematic. It is easier to use a powerful and versatile becoming, which will improve the situation in this case.

The best option is to use a position called "Cancelling". It includes seven runes. All of them are divided into three parts, each of which is responsible for a certain stage of the process. First, the runes Ansuz, Nautiz and Dagaz are depicted. The sequence must be strictly observed.

This trio of runes helps real events to succumb to change. Next are the runes Evaz and Raido. They serve as a trigger to activate the process. Changes begin to occur from this stage.

The final action is performed by a pair of runes Inguz and Uruz. This position fundamentally changes any existing state of affairs. You can depict symbols both on the body and on any object or a simple piece of paper. When activating the stav, you need to mention what and what you want to replace.

Proven and strong

Often, people do not want to come up with something new, especially when there is a well-tested old one. There are several staves that are particularly effective. That is why they are the most popular.

An example is one of the simplest, but effective stavas, which is able to fulfill any desire. It has only four characters. Required condition is that the desire be good and not cause harm to anyone.

The rune of Soulu is depicted first. She is is an identification of the sun. Its function is to accumulate the necessary energy, which will help in accomplishing the desired. Next comes the Kano rune. It helps to put everything in its place, accurately formulating the desire.

Completes the union of Fehu and Vunyo. They give the process the right direction. This becoming can be applied to any surface, while thinking about the desired object.

After the fulfillment of the desire, the inscription must be disposed of. The best thing is to burn it.

For suggestion of thoughts

Every person at least once in his life wanted to control the thoughts of another person. Sometimes, even in the absence of desire, the situation forces it to be done. Some staves help to decide many conflict situations.

Sometimes a person cannot meet halfway because of his adherence to principles, even if he perfectly understands that he is wrong. The stakes help him blunt excessive self-confidence. For example, becoming, inspiring a sense of guilt.

To depict a stav, you will need the following runes:

  • Tivaz;
  • Nautiz;
  • Mannaz;
  • Pertre;
  • Ansuz;
  • Raidho;
  • Vigna;
  • Soul;
  • Eyvaz;

Each rune in this case has a specific function. Nautiz forces a person to act, suppressing his will. The Raidho rune makes you move towards the programmed goal. Uruz endows a person with powers that help him do what is required of him.

Ansuz gains patronage over a person's thoughts, making him think that he is doing what he wants himself. Runa Tivaz fights with human internal resistance.

After writing this stave, a person begins to suffer from guilt. Most likely, soon he will meet halfway in the right question.

For protection from enemies

In a person's life there are a huge number of people who in one way or another influence his life. There is a category of people who bring only negative emotions. It is desirable to get rid of them as soon as possible.

For this purpose, you can use runic staves. One of these is becoming getting rid of energy vampires. It consists of five characters. Initially, the Mannaz rune is depicted, opening a channel through which you can communicate with the right person.

Then there is Perto. He sets up a bond with the vampire. Turisaz takes care of the most difficult, he cuts off the channel through which the energy vampire receives the necessary energy.

The rune Teyvaz is the final symbol. It seeks to strip the vampire of his power, leaving him vulnerable. This becoming should be applied when symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, heaviness in the head appear.

If this is the effect of vampirism, then the appearance of signs occurs after communicating with a person, most often in a public place. Becoming can be applied directly to the body, for example, on the wrist. After a few minutes, the alarming symptoms will pass, and the vampire will move out of sight.

Since ancient times, people have turned for help with magic to change fate for the better. Attract the attention of a significant person, get a job or profit, become more successful and protect your home - these and other life issues are relevant for all generations.

Over centuries of practice, runemasters have accumulated a wealth of knowledge on the use and combination of runic signs.

Ancient rune wisdom can correct your life and help you fulfill your plan, the main thing is use magic power right.

How to correctly compose and activate the runic formula

Runologists have found that properly aligned character combinations able, like a hurricane, to demolish all problems and indicate the path of life.

But if you make a mistake, instead of the desired effect, you can get an apocalypse of a personal scale. That's why it's so important to understand basic magical laws and take responsibility for every action.

A runic row lined up in one line is called a script. The formula in the form of a free drawing is called runic becoming. In order to correctly compose and write down the formula, you need to know all the runes and understand their deep essence.

To learn how to resort to runic help, you will need months and years of diligent practice. If you have never interacted with these symbols, do not take risks - immediately seek help from an experienced specialist.

Basic Rules compiling magic formulas from rune signs:

  • runes should not contradict each other;
  • the chain is built according to logic: the symbol for activation - the way to achieve the goal - the result;
  • do not overload the formula with symbols: conciseness is the key to success;
  • becoming must be charged with the energy of the magician to activate the action.

For the formula to work the following methods can be used:

  • activate by becoming a slander - a short verbal formula expressing the specific purpose of the rite;
  • with the help of the elements, most often for this they use the power of fire in the form of a candle;
  • use the most ancient divine method - a breath;
  • take advantage of personal power and charge the finished formula with energy emanating from the palms.

During the ritual it is desirable say time to reach the desired result. The time period must be chosen correctly, based on the logic of events.

For small desires, most often they stipulate a period within 9 days, for large projects - from a month to a year, depending on the scale of the plan. Serious desires, therefore, require large energy expenditures.

Powerful runic stakes on love and relationships

Love is power, but it manifests itself in different ways. How soft or violent its effect on us depends on our desire. Therefore, for each specific case, its own special ligature is selected.

These formulas have one thing in common: a rite for love is being done to the growing moon and is activated by breathing or the power of fire - for this, a piece of paper with a formula is burned in a candle flame.

The formula for attracting love. Mannaz - Perth - Gebo - Berkana. The runescript will help you find the partner you need and call him into your life. Becoming is not done on a specific person, but it is looking for the most suitable person for you. An important condition: the formula is aimed at serious relationship, therefore, you must be ready to accept a person with all his advantages and disadvantages.

Becoming on the return or attraction of the desired person. Dagaz - Keno - Gebo. The first rune Dagaz symbolizes the dawn - the dark time is over. Keno helps ignite the very spark that gives rise to love relationship. To consolidate success, we use Gebo - a symbol of reciprocity.

Effective runic formulas for money

With the help of runes, you can open a money channel, find a good job, get a large amount of money and become more successful. For each specific case, a different runic row is used.

Career: Uruz - Teyvaz - Fehu - Vunyo.

Sudden profit: Turisaz (upside down) - Ansuz - Fehu - Dagaz.

Opening a money channel: Fehu - Inguz - Algiz.

Attracting constant luck in a money matter: Teyvaz - Odal - Fehu - Dagaz - Uruz - Soulu - Mannaz.

All stakes must be discussed and specified in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Avoid negative language. It is best to draw a formula on a piece of paper and hide it under the pillow until you get what you want.

For permanent effect runes are applied to a talisman made of wood or other natural materials. Money formulas are best activated by breathing or hand strength.

Ready-made combinations of runes for weight loss

At the heart of the magic of weight loss lies body health program and normalization of metabolism. Such formulas require time and constant energizing. It is best to draw signs on a talisman, bracelet or clothing.

The most important thing is constant contact with your body. The following are well-established staves for weight loss:

  • Hyera - Soulu - Hagalaz - Soulu - Hyera;
  • Nautiz - Raido - Soulu - Hyera - Laguz - Hagalaz;
  • Uruz - Dagaz - Laguz - Keno - Isa;
  • Dagaz - Turisaz - Berkana - Uruz - Algiz.

Each position is negotiated for a period of at least 3 months.

The strongest bets for all occasions

Luck is a capricious lady. You can achieve her favor for years, but still remain in the shadows. Runes will help disperse the shadows and light your way. You can use their power to solve health problems, in the financial sphere or in matters of love.

Do not forget to correctly activate the formula with the investment of energy - and everything will work out:

  • Uruz - Nautiz - Berkana - Perth - Hyeres;
  • Manaz - Uruz - Vunyo - Ansuz - Algiz;
  • Ansuz - Laguz - Vunyo - Keno - Gebo - Soulu;
  • Raido - Nautiz - Vunyo - Gebo - Vunyo.

The magic of runes is manifested in all the fullness and wisdom of the Universe. The power of runes is universal and trouble-free. To resort to it, you need to clear your heart of garbage and express your true desire to the Universe.

The main thing is to remember that the sun shines on each of us. Therefore, our dreams should not harm and contradict the basic laws of the world order. And if we do everything right, the world will surely respond to our call.

A very effective magic in attracting wealth and other blessings is rune magic, or rune magic. Here are useful runn formulas, runescripts.

They should be cut out on a suitable board, they can be burned out, in extreme cases they can be drawn on paper and used as a talisman.

1) Amulets of the Fehu rune, repeated three times, are used in accordance with the direction of this rune - attracting money, creating situations of financial and material well-being.

2) The magic word AUJA attracts good luck and happiness on the side of its owner; Consists of four runes - Ansuz, Uruz, Yaro and Ansuz.

3) A formula that will ensure well-being, health and longevity. Comprised of Dagaz and Inguz.

4) Love formula. Provides victory, achievement of the desired goal on the love (and in particular, sexual) front. Consists of Teyvaz, Uruz and Gebo.

5) A rough love spell, provides a quick, but short-term connection of male and female energy flows, which leads to a strong mutual attraction. Valid for about a month. The combination of runes is the fourfold repeated rune Thurisaz.

6) The formula will strengthen and harmonize family relationships. Eliminate quarrels. Growth of mutual understanding, respect and love in marriage. The working combination of runes is Ansuz, Gebo, Odal.

7) LAUKAZ - the formula translates as "wild onion" (which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical power, mainly of a protective and protective nature). The talisman has a similar focus. Runes - Laguz, Ansuz, Uruz, Kano, Ansuz and Algiz.

8) This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier that neutralizes someone else's negative human energy. The working combination of runes is Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz.

9) Powerful amulet for traveling. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of imminent danger. It will help you avoid trouble along the way. Good for motorists.

10) The formula will support in the matter of spiritual renewal and purification.

11) A protective spell that acts on the principle of a mirror - any impact is accepted in full and sent back without changes. The working combination of runes is Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa.

12) Women's love amulet. The working combination of runes is Kano, Gebo, Laguz.

13) Male love amulet. The working combination of runes is Kano, Gebo, Inguz.

14) This formula is designed to help Eril in research. The working combination of runes is Evaz and Ansuz.

15) The amulet gives strength and energy to the owner. It serves to achieve the goal, ensure victory, overcome the crisis. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz, Soulu, Uruz.

16) Does everything the same as the previous one, only more efficiently if there is an element of competition. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz, Soulu, Odal.

17) GUD - an ancient spell designed to preserve the masculine power of the owner and bring him success and prosperity on the love front. The working combination of runes is Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz.

18) LAPU - “invitation”, “calling”. Probably one of the sacred words that were part of invoking curses. Often used in combination with other sacred words or runic spells. The working combination of runes is Laguz, Ansuz, Perth, Uruz.

19) ALU - "initiation, magical power and strength, wisdom" The formula can play the role of a protective, love spell or enhance other formulas. The working combination of runes is Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.

20) SLALU - a variant supplemented with a rune of power and victory. The working combination of runes is Soulu, Laguz, Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.

21) SAR - "wandering in search of strength." The working combination of runes is Soulu, Ansuz, Raido.

22) The formula is used to treat infertility, conceiving a child. Runes - Dagaz, Berkana, Inguz.

23) The health formula helps prevent the development of disease processes, as well as defeat existing diseases. Runes - Algiz, Evaz, Dagaz, Isa.

24) Also one of the variants of the treatment formula. It also focuses on psychological issues. The combination of runes - Algiz, Laguz, Berkana, Soulu.

25) The formula for gaining wisdom. A combination of runes - Tours, Teyvaz, Kano, Ansuz.

26) The formula for the home is protection from someone else's envy, which greatly undermines the energy of the home. If the house is in danger, you will feel it in advance. It is used to strengthen the house and strengthen its status. The combination of runes - Teyvaz, Algiz, Odal, Algiz, Teyvaz.

27) A formula that brings success. The combination of runes - Fehu, Soulu, Odal, Vunyo.

The ancient Norse language is not dead, it was immortalized by the skalds and rune-masters... Below are some of the magically useful words taken from this language - of course with a Russian translation.
Why is it better to use this particular language? Because it was used by the ancient erilis and a huge ancient egregor was formed under it, undoubtedly feeding the modern runic egregor.
From these words, you can also make small magical sentences or phrases. As a connecting preposition "in, on" you can use the preposition I (respectively, the rune of isa).
The preposition is an analogue of the English in. Example: SIGUR I STRIDI - "victory in war." It is not bad to use the word LIFSINS (life). Example: LIFSINS AST ("life in love") or LIFSINS AUDAEFI.