Why string beans don't germinate. What you need to know about beans. planting, care, use

I want to tell you about a plant that will leave few people indifferent. Gardeners will surely appreciate the combination of dark green foliage with bright flowers, and gardeners will love this undemanding but productive crop. And for the supporters proper nutrition- asparagus beans are just a godsend.

My acquaintance with beans began two years ago in a seed store. I think many people are familiar with this state when in the spring you come to the store with a list of five items, and take home at least 25 bags. And you come to your senses only when there is nowhere to put the seedlings. So it was with me. And among the bags purchased in the sowing waste, there was a bag of asparagus beans.

This culture was completely unfamiliar to me, so I started by studying agricultural technology. Experts recommended sowing in open ground, in a sunny place with loose and fertile soil, prerequisite was a support. I decided that it was within my power, and put the bag aside until the agreed time.

By the time it was time to sow the beans, I had neither the strength, nor the time, nor the place to plant. But the seeds were already soaked and even hatched, and I simply did not raise my hand to throw them out. So I took them and went around the house in search of an unoccupied corner. Such a corner was found, near the dryer for things. Moreover, the presence of this very dryer freed me from the obligation to look for support for the beans. Therefore, without hesitation, I buried the beans at metal pipe, with the thought they will grow up - well, they will not grow up - well, God be with them!

I remembered the plant only during the first weeding. It turned out that in two weeks the beans had risen and grown so much that they even made a couple of turns around the pipe. And this is without any care on my part, I never even watered it. I love these plants. Then this still weak escape earned me its first plus sign. Did I know then that I would love him with such a long and devoted love? I think not, I didn’t even know that something worthwhile could come out of this scumbag.

In the meantime, by the end of June, my little one had grown to one and a half meters and wrapped around the dryer pipe almost to half. And then it bloomed, and, as in a fairy tale, it ceased to be an ugly duckling for me.

I don’t know why, but his flowers made me look at him in a completely different way. Beans have earned another plus, and moved into the category of plants that I closely monitor to decide if I need them in the future.

These tiny purple flowers won me over. They are like bright beads strung on dark threads. Their mauve-pink color complements the dark green foliage nicely. The flowering of the bean evokes in me a strong association with the flowering of the orchid.

As it turned out, these small flowers are a welcome delicacy for bees. They surround the bush from the very morning. By mid-July, the bean had reached the top of its intended support, and crawled along the stretched ropes. The whole structure looked quite majestic. Even then, the idea arose in my brain to try beans as a loach on my such unsightly multi-meter fence.

From about mid-July, purple pods began to appear on the plant. At that moment, the beans conquered me completely, and were transferred to the category of plants for which a place has been reserved in my garden since autumn.

Young pods - those in which the beans have not yet ripened, I tried to stew, and boil, and freeze - they taste no worse than store ones, the only important condition is not to let them overripe, because they are the younger, the tastier and more tender .
As it turns out, it's quite useful product rich in protein, but low in calories.

The only advice is regular harvesting. If you are late, the beans begin to ripen inside the pod. I never learned how to cook them, they seemed to me too fibrous, although maybe they were not intended for food - they were green beans.

But the fact that the beans do not taste very good does not upset me at all, because for the appearance of flowering beans, I am ready to forgive her a lot. Those pink flowers are driving me crazy.

The next spring, remembering the beauty of flowering beans, and dreaming of emerald abundance, I sowed them along the fence, in a flower bed. But to say that the result disappointed me is to say nothing!

It turned out that the bean lady is quite voracious. It turns out to be beautiful, lushly flowering if there are no neighbors nearby who also need food. So it was last year, when she grew up in splendid isolation. And this year, next to the eating phlox, the beans look like a pathetic likeness of last year's luxurious bush. In addition, drafts and partial shade turned out to be contraindicated for her, and there is more than enough of this goodness at her new place of residence.

Of course, this result upset me, but I remember what kind of beans it could be, and I will definitely continue to look for the perfect place for it. In addition, I will definitely put her in her old place near the clothes dryer, because she won me over right there. And I advise you - if you want to enjoy all the beauty of this plant, choose a sunny, wind-protected place, and you will have both beauty and a harvest!

13 USEFUL TIPS FOR GROWING BEANS Save it to your wall so you don't lose it! 1. Preparing a site for beans Beans are a heat-loving plant, so a garden bed in a sunny place should be taken for it. Growing beans in areas protected from cold winds has a positive effect on increasing yields. Under the beans allocate areas with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction of the soil environment (pH 6-7). If necessary, the soil should be limed before sowing. 2. The soil must be fertile, but without excess nitrogen. In the garden, vegetable beans should be sown in the 2-3rd year after applying organic fertilizers. In gardens, where soils are usually well seasoned with organic fertilizers, it is enough to add only mineral, primarily phosphorus and potash. Mineral nitrogen fertilizers are not applied, otherwise a powerful vegetative mass develops to the detriment of the fruits. 3. On soils with low humus content organic fertilizers in the form of compost they bring in the fall for digging at the rate of 4 kg (half a bucket) per 1 sq.m. In the spring, mineral fertilizers are applied under the beans: 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride per 1 sq.m. The best predecessors are cucumber, cabbage, tomato, potato. In the same place, beans can be sown no earlier than after 3-4 years. 4. Beans are sown in two terms: early, when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 12-14 ° C, and after 7-10 days. Before sowing, the seeds are kept for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (10 g per 1 liter of water), and then washed in clean water and dried. 5. Ordinary bush beans are sown to a depth of 5-6 cm at a distance of 40 cm row from row and 20-25 cm between plants. Curly beans are sown at a distance of 50 cm row from row, 25-30 cm between plants. Supports up to 1.5 m high are placed for it. On light, well-warmed soils, beans are sown on a flat surface, and on cold, with a close level ground water- on the ridges. 6. Care. This is a heat-loving and light-loving plant, but it is grown by sowing seeds directly into the ground in late May - early June. You can more accurately set the time for planting beans on your own, they are sown at the same time as cucumbers, that is, when you can no longer be afraid of frost. 7. Beans grow best in light, fertile, well-drained soil. Before planting, humus or compost is introduced into the garden. Bush beans are grown on ridges in three rows and planted in a checkerboard pattern. When sowing, two pre-soaked grains are placed in the hole to a depth of 3-6 cm (depending on the mechanical composition of the soil, deeper on the lungs). Distance between holes - 20-30 cm, rows - 30-45 cm http://ogorodko.ru/category/ogorodnyye-khitrosti/fasol 8. Before sowing semi-curly and curly varieties of beans, it is necessary to install strong supports made of stakes or wooden slats (plastic and metal are not suitable, since the plant will not be able to “catch” on them) 2–2.5 m high. A hole is made next to each support , in which 2 grains are placed at a depth of 5 cm. The distance between the holes is 15 cm. To give stability to the stems, the sprouted sprouts spud. 9. Seedlings appear after 5-7 days, they are very sensitive to frost. With the threat of a cold snap, the seedlings are covered with spunbond or other covering material. Mature plants can withstand short light frosts. Optimum temperature for plant growth and development 20–25°С. 10. Bean care consists of regular weeding, watering (in hot, dry weather) and loosening of row spacing. To keep watering and weeding to a minimum, the soil can be mulched. Harvest of beans (shoulder blades) begins to be harvested after two to three weeks from the beginning of flowering. 11. Beans are propagated by seeds. The soil is prepared in the fall: they dig it up, having previously scattered phosphorus fertilizers on its surface - 30-40 g / m. sq. Potash fertilizers (20-30 g/m2) are applied in the spring before sowing or as top dressing in the phase of the 2nd-3rd true leaf. In early spring, the surface of the ridge is loosened with a rake, closing the moisture. Sowing is carried out when the soil warms up to 8-12 ° C (in the southern regions - the III decade of April, in the central and northern regions - the I-II decade of May). Sow in an ordinary way according to the scheme 45 × 20-25 cm for climbing varieties and 25-30 × 10 - 15 cm for bush varieties. Seeding depth is 3-4 cm. Seedlings appear 4-6 days after sowing. In the phase of the 1st true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out. During the growing season, the soil in rows and between rows is loosened 3-4 times, removing weeds. Beans are quite drought-resistant crop, but watering is required in dry years. 12. Technical ripeness of asparagus beans occurs in 44-47 days for early varieties and 50-55 days for mid-season varieties after germination. By this time, the pods reach 10-15 cm in length, and the seeds in them are the size of a wheat grain. Harvesting is carried out selectively, as the beans grow, within 2-3 weeks. 13. The timing of the harvest of fresh beans can be extended by re-sowing. When sown in June, the harvest begins to arrive at the end of August, when sown in July - a month later. Usually, beans are sown as a second crop after harvesting early vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, lettuce, radishes). For repeated crops, early varieties of asparagus beans are used. Beans from repeated crops are more tender.

Proper germination is the basis for getting fast, friendly shoots and getting a good harvest. The basic rules need to be known to both gardeners who plan to grow beans in their summer cottage in the open field, and those who want to use sprouted sprouts for food as a living source of vitamins. Knowing how to sprout beans quickly can produce strong sprouts in a few days, which will grow into strong, hardy plants over time.

beans for sprouting is quite simple. First of all, you need to carefully sort the seed, removing all shriveled, dried or moldy grains, as well as removing various debris. After that, you can use one of the germination methods and get strong sprouts in a few days.

You need to know that not all types of beans are suitable for eating raw, unprocessed. Raw food lovers and healthy eating prefer to germinate Mash beans, as well as Mung beans.

Young sprouts are a real storehouse of vitamins that help improve digestion and strengthen immunity.

However, in its raw form, you can not eat red. It contains toxic lectin proteins, which can lead to severe poisoning. During heat treatment, they are destroyed, so it becomes completely safe.

Ways to germinate beans are varied: but they are all based on one general principle: grains need to be provided with enough moisture and light to soak the hard shell and create conditions for swelling and germination.

There are several common methods of germination:

  • Bean grains are placed on a damp cloth or gauze and covered with a second layer of the same cloth on top. It must remain constantly moist, but water must not protrude above the surface of the fabric, otherwise the seeds may begin to rot and not sprout. To prevent plaque from forming on them, the fabric is periodically washed. To speed up the growth, you can add growth stimulants to the water, which contribute to the faster formation of sprouts. The first sprouts may appear the very next day after planting, after which the seedlings can be planted in the ground.
  • Another easy way for home germination: the grains are placed in a flat glass container, covered with a damp cloth and placed in a warm place. In this case, there is less risk of allowing excess moisture, and they will not begin to mold due to a violation of air exchange. Sprouts appear on the second or third day, and it will be possible to observe the process of germination through the glass. When the size of the sprouts is 2-3 cm, they can be planted in the soil.
  • Growing bean sprouts on cotton balls is a good way to watch the grains germinate and seedlings begin to develop. To do this, you need to place healthy grains on cotton balls, place them in a transparent glass container, moisten with a little water and put in a bright, warm place. Within a few hours, the growth process is activated, and the next day the first shoots will appear. Watching the development of a young plant is interesting for both an adult and a child.

The appearance of a young sprout is always a small miracle that every gardener looks forward to. Observing the germination of beans, you can trace all the main patterns in the development of the plant. If you want to experiment, for the first try, you can buy green mung beans, which are sold in any supermarket today and are highly regarded by fans of healthy eating.

Beans are germinated in a special way if you are not going to plant them in the garden, but are going to use them as a useful vitamin supplement to the family table. In this case, it is necessary to obtain strong healthy sprouts, which will become a source of life-giving force.

How to germinate beans for eating? The technology is divided into several main stages:

  1. For germination, you will need a wide and shallow plastic container with a flat bottom. For example, you can take a container for ice cream or other products. In the bottom it is necessary to make several holes through which water will drain.
  2. The container is placed in a deep cup: the bottom of the sprouting container should not touch the bottom of the cup so that the water can drain freely.
  3. A thin cloth or gauze is placed at the bottom of the container in several layers, dry bean grains are poured on it. It must first be sorted out so that there is no debris left, and all the grains are healthy.
  4. The fabric is spilled with water, after which the container is covered with gauze, and it must be placed in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill on the sunny side.
  5. Grains are watered warm, but not hot water several times a day, after which excess water is drained from the cup.

Sprouts appear the very next day after the first watering, but you need to continue to grow them for a few more days. Usually they are ready for use on the 4-5th day, when the first green leaves appeared.

The skins are removed from the grains and they can be eaten raw.

During germination, reserve nutrients are processed by grains into useful compounds that become a source of vitality. They are very useful for humans and are a cure for many diseases.

- a common garden plant, and many gardeners have worked out the technology for successfully growing and getting good. If you are going to germinate grains for subsequent planting, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic patterns:
  • Beans are a heat-loving plant that is very afraid of frost, so they are planted in the country not earlier than the beginning of May. She needs to pick up a bright open place where the plants will receive enough sunlight.
  • Light soil is ideal for beans, it must first be thoroughly loosened before planting. Although beans love moisture, water should not stagnate in the ground, you need to take care of the drainage system.
  • planted to a depth of 5 cm in grooves or pits, a small amount of compost should be placed on the bottom. This will provide young sprouts with the necessary supply of nutrients. The soil before planting the seeds is thoroughly shed with warm water.
  • Most of the varieties are climbing plants, so it is necessary to install supports for them. For this, wooden slats are suitable: they are installed at an angle to each other and connected by a transverse crossbar. As soon as the plant reaches two meters in length, the lashes are pinched so that there is enough strength left for the ripening of large beans.
  • A month after planting in the ground, the beans need to be fed, complex is suitable for this. Its amount is about 40 g per square meter of beds, mixed with the soil in the process of loosening the soil. If the weather was dry, the plants may suffer from a lack of nitrogen. For feeding in this case, use a small amount of bird droppings.
  • One of the main conditions for obtaining a good harvest is the right one. All legumes love water, especially when ripening pods appear. Watering on the beds should be carried out along the aisles: water should not fall on the leaves, otherwise the appearance of fungi is possible. It is best to use rainwater for irrigation, and it is advisable to water the plants in the morning. should be infrequent, but plentiful: with an average amount of rain, the plants are watered once a week.

Growing beans in the country allows you to get a good harvest if you provide the plants with the right care.

In general, this is one of the undemanding cultures, and minimal care is enough for it. A large amount of moisture and sunlight is a guarantee of rapid maturation of the pods and a large number of grains.

More information can be found in the video.

How to grow beans. Next, I will talk about how I grow beans in my garden. What and when I do, in a word I will share my experience in growing beans. And that's what I've been doing this year. First of all, I dug up the place where my beans will grow, before digging, I added quite a bit of mineral fertilizers to a quarter of the smaller part of the norm written in the instructions. The best option would be to add wood ash, but in the absence of the ash itself, and for the purposes of the experiment, I will try. After digging, it is necessary to let the earth ventilate and warm up a little, this spring is not very warm, but there was quite a lot of rain. Beans do not like to grow in a swamp and, in addition, in the cold. Do not rush to plant beans until the earth has warmed up enough, planting cucumbers can serve as a rough guide. It is better to focus on the situation in your area than on a specific date. If the earth is not yet warm enough, you have to wait. There will be absolutely no benefit from planting beans in cold ground. Even if it does not freeze, why torture the plants. After all, we need a harvest in the end, and not the fact of an early planting.

After the area allotted for beans is fertilized, dug up and warmed up, it is necessary to start preparing bean seeds for planting. If you don't have a clearly preferred variety, you can go to a seed store and buy a few different varieties. You can also turn to friends involved in planting beans in their areas. You can buy a bag of beans you like at the grocery store, this option is quite suitable. But here it should be borne in mind that beautiful packaging is not a guarantee of good germination and a large harvest. It happens that out of 10 seeds after planting, only one or two plants grow.

late-ripening variety is already time to plant in open ground

If in the process of purchasing seeds you come across a late-ripening variety, then it will need to be planted for seedlings 15-20 days before the main planting of bean seeds. It will look like the photo above. This year, therefore, I planted one late-ripening variety of asparagus beans "Melody" of the agricultural company "Liliya". And the rest of my varieties this year are early and normal (medium) ripening. The varieties are: Zhuravushka (asparagus), Saxa (asparagus), Dream of the hostess (asparagus), Amber (asparagus), and three varieties of ordinary table beans. All asparagus varieties are store bought. Asparagus varieties, these are those whose green shoulder blades do not form veins, are soft and very tasty, for which housewives and gardeners appreciate them, and I am one of them.

There is another type of legume related to beans, this is cowpea. And this same cowpea is sometimes mistaken for curly asparagus beans, but I haven’t grown it yet and I can’t say anything. Our Siberian climate is a little unsuitable, and it’s not hunting with cowpea seedlings. Although an experimental year is possible in the future, this is how I call my various experiences.

It should be especially noted that the quality of seeds sold in stores has recently become noticeably worse, the average germination of purchased seeds of asparagus beans is 30-35%, which does not please me at all. And after planting the seedlings, the losses will be even greater. We must be mentally prepared for this, it is better to set aside a small bed for experimental seeds and not mix them with the main crops. If you do not like to lose a lot, then use proven varieties and seeds, respectively, and immediately sow in the beds, throwing back the craving for experiments.

Time passed, the soil in the area allotted for planting beans warmed up. We must begin to form beds. What kind of beds to make: large, wide, and so on, the gardener himself must decide. This is an arbitrary topic and it must be solved on an individual basis. But the placement of bean seeds should be sufficient so that the plants do not interfere with each other, and it is convenient to water and process your plantings. Take care of this before planting, otherwise the harvest will be, but not the one you expected.

For example, I adhere to the following parameters: I plant my beans in the beds in rows, the distance between the rows is 40-45 centimeters, if the bean variety is tall, then the distance between the rows is increased by 10%. But the distance between the plants themselves in the rows is 18-20 centimeters. Although many seed producers advise keeping the distance between plants in rows from 10 centimeters. In years when the summer is wet and cool, plants with frequent planting begin to rot and rot on the vine. What a harvest, trouble, in a word. So that my labors do not go to waste, I, and make such indents between plants and rows.

After seven to ten days, seedlings begin to appear in the beds. Generally, beans take much longer to germinate than, for example, peas and beans. Do not worry about long shoots, this is normal for beans. First, a root is formed in the plant, then the first pair of leaves, and only then an almost finished small plant appears from the ground.

Third decade of June.

At the end of June, our plants approach the flowering phase and begin to pick up color. At this time, it is very important to pay attention to the condition of the soil, if it has taken on a crust, then it must be loosened. This will allow the bean roots to breathe freely and absorb carbon dioxide and other gases from the soil. The main respiration of plants is carried out by leaves, which absorb carbon dioxide and produce photosynthesis, nourishing the entire plant, and therefore our future crop. In this period the main task gardener to create equally good conditions for all plants in the garden.

Beans getting ready to bloom

Loosening the soil is done with a manual cultivator, and here the question arises about the distance between the grooves where the plants were planted, if the distance is small, then it will be inconvenient for you to loosen the soil, the plants will be damaged.

If the bushes have grown large and begin to push each other with leaves, it is necessary to trim the excess leaf blades, and sometimes it is necessary to remove some of the leaves entirely. I do this so that the breathing of plants does not stop. During growth and photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide from the air so intensively that at some hours a lack of carbon dioxide may also affect, keep this in mind. It is important to remember that well-fertilized and cultivated soil, sun, air, and water, give us the very desired by every gardener. good harvest.

As my crop grows, I will continue to describe how my beans will grow in the beds.

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How to grow string beans the right way

Green, French, asparagus, green beans ... as soon as our gardeners do not call this tender beans. Many of us adore this mega-healthy vegetable, grow it easily, naturally and with pleasure, managing to collect unprecedented harvests from several bushes. And someone does not give beans at all. It seems that they are planting and watering, but as a result, disappointment: again something has grown that does not look a bit like green beans.

How to grow green beans so as not to complain about the harvest? We reveal all the secrets of growing truly wonderful pods!

Types of string beans

There are several types of string beans: green, yellow, purple, white with purple stains, sometimes even with pink pods. But for us, gardeners, it is much more important that green beans are divided into curly and bush.

Both bush and climbing forms of beans have their advantages and disadvantages. So, for example, bush beans are less thermophilic than curly beans, do not require support and, as a rule, give the crop together (it is harvested in 2-3 doses). But curly beans give more pods, due to constant growth, it grows up, so it can take up free space between other plants, it can be planted along the fence (or instead of it) as a hedge.

We advise you to plant several plants of both species for testing in order to decide which one is easier for you to care for, which one will be more productive, etc. The only thing is that for the northern regions it is better to choose early-ripening varieties that begin to bear fruit two months after planting. Summer residents of the southern regions can afford late varieties.

Planting string beans

String beans are a heat-loving crop, so they are planted quite late when the earth warms up well and frosts are no longer expected. Usually planting is done in late May - early June.

It is best grown in sandy soils. This is especially true of the northern regions, where in cold summers, green beans may not produce pods at all. So we add sand to the beds, place them in a well-heated place or build a warm bed for the beans.

A couple of weeks before planting, it is recommended to cover the bed with a film to warm the ground. In well-warmed soil, beans will sprout earlier. Before planting, the seeds of green beans must be soaked. At least - for two hours, as a maximum - before the appearance of seedlings.

Beans planted with germinated seeds will sprout quickly and amicably. The bed is laid out according to the scheme: 8-10 centimeters between bushes, 30-40 centimeters between rows. For curly beans, you can increase these distances and immediately put the supports. Green beans are planted two seeds in one hole, then to choose the strongest plant. The optimum sowing depth is 3 cm.

After planting, the bed is watered and mulched with humus, straw or grass. Do not be afraid to mulch the beans (many worry that the soil warms up more slowly under the mulch), we warmed up the bed well beforehand, and the mulch perfectly retains the moisture vital for seed germination.

If you are not a fan of mulching, you need to ensure that the bed is always damp (but not overflowing). In two weeks (or maybe earlier), the first shoots of green beans will appear.

String bean care

String or asparagus beans do not need special care. It is not even necessary to feed it, especially when grown in warm beds under organic mulch. The only thing that this plant desperately needs is heat. We repeat and remember once again: green beans are a heat-loving culture.

It grows best at a temperature of + 20-25 ° C. So, as the seedlings grow, we choose the strongest ones, and pinch their neighbors at the root (you don’t need to pull out, why disturb the root system once again?). For those who do not want to mulch, it would be nice to spud the beans when the bushes grow up to ten centimeters in order to create all the conditions for the development of the roots.

In the future, we are required to provide moisture to the plants either through regular heavy watering, or through mulching and watering during especially hot periods. A couple of times during the season, you can water the beans with infusion of ash. When the curly beans reach two meters in height, feel free to pinch the top to stop the growth of the stem and direct all the juices to fruit set.

Harvesting string beans

Harvesting green beans should not be delayed in any case. As soon as the beans are finally formed and ripened in the pods, the bush will stop developing. When the plants are "sure" that they have produced seeds for procreation, they stop growing.

Our task is to track the appearance of pods. Yeah, we started ... in a week we are harvesting the first crop. The more often you cut the pods, the more ovaries the bush will give out. Therefore, after 4-6 days we again examine the plants - most likely, we again have something to collect. By the way, the best time to harvest green beans is a cool morning. This way the blades stay fresh longer. String beans are usually stored frozen.

Immediately after harvesting, cut into several pieces, put in bags and - in the freezer until winter. You can leave the bean pods hanging until fully ripe and take seeds from them for the next year. We wish you success and great harvests!published econet.ru

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Growing beans

Everyone knows that beans are very healthy and you can cook many different dishes from it that will be tasty and healthy, such as Ukrainian borscht, soup with beans, pies, various vegetable dishes. And some varieties are used to decorate the yard, since, for example, purple beans bloom with large red flowers, and even can trail along the fence, and then the question arises why then grow flowers if you can grow beans, because it needs very little care. And as you know, each bean variety has its own taste, but you can take care of all bean varieties in the same way. In order to get a good harvest of beans, a lot of care is not needed, the main thing is to choose the right planting site. For beans, sunny places are best suited, but you can plant in partial shade, but the crop will be a little different. And also for beans, it makes no difference in what kind of land it is planted, because it will still germinate. But it is desirable to plant it in fertilized soil. You need to plant beans in a checkerboard pattern, not thickly. Three or four seeds can be planted in one hole, it is no longer desirable, because if it is thick, then of course there will be no harvest. In order for the beans to sprout faster, three days before planting, you need to soak them in water, then they will sprout. Best time for planting beans, this is the beginning of May, because even then it is not cold. but if the earth is cold for her, then the beans may not sprout at all. Beans begin to sprout in ten to fourteen days. If possible, then after germination it can be watered in the evenings, then it will grow better, but if not, then it's okay, it will have enough natural moisture. When it is old enough, it must be weeded from weeds, preferably several times, so that it does not overgrow with weeds, which can drown it out, and the beans may disappear. You don’t need to spray it with anything, as pests don’t like beans for some reason. And the harvest can be harvested in early September, when the pods begin to turn yellow. The beans are stored for a long time, one might say for several years, but the main thing is that different bugs do not start in it.


How to quickly germinate beans: seed preparation and germination methods

Home → Growing → How to quickly germinate beans: seed preparation and germination methods

Proper germination of beans is the basis for obtaining fast, friendly shoots and a good harvest. The basic rules need to be known to both gardeners who plan to grow beans in their summer cottage in the open field, and those who want to use sprouted sprouts for food as a living source of vitamins. Knowing how to sprout beans quickly can produce strong sprouts in a few days, which will grow into strong, hardy plants over time.

Preparing Bean Seeds

Preparing bean seeds for germination is quite simple. First of all, you need to carefully sort the seed, removing all shriveled, dried or moldy grains, as well as removing various debris. After that, you can use one of the germination methods and get strong sprouts in a few days.

You need to know that not all types of beans are suitable for eating raw, unprocessed. Fans of a raw food diet and a healthy diet prefer to sprout Mash beans, as well as Mung beans.

Young sprouts are a real storehouse of vitamins that help improve digestion and strengthen immunity.

However, raw red beans should not be consumed. It contains toxic lectin proteins, which can lead to severe poisoning. During heat treatment, they are destroyed, so it becomes completely safe.

The main methods of germination

There are many ways to germinate beans, but they all rely on the same general principle: the beans must be provided with enough moisture and light to soak the hard shell and create conditions for swelling and germination.

There are several common methods of germination:

  • Bean grains are placed on a damp cloth or gauze and covered with a second layer of the same cloth on top. It must remain constantly moist, but water must not protrude above the surface of the fabric, otherwise the seeds may begin to rot and not sprout. To prevent plaque from forming on them, the fabric is periodically washed. To speed up the growth, you can add growth stimulants to the water, which contribute to the faster formation of sprouts. The first sprouts may appear the very next day after planting, after which the seedlings can be planted in the ground.
  • Another easy way to germinate beans at home is to place the beans in a flat glass container, cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm place. In this case, there is less risk of allowing excess moisture, and the seeds will not start to mold due to a violation of air exchange. Sprouts appear on the second or third day, and it will be possible to observe the process of germination through the glass. When the size of the sprouts is 2-3 cm, they can be transplanted into the soil.
  • Growing bean sprouts on cotton balls is a good way to watch the grains germinate and seedlings begin to develop. To do this, you need to place healthy bean seeds on cotton balls, place them in a transparent glass container, moisten with a little water and put in a bright, warm place. Within a few hours, the growth process is activated, and the next day the first shoots will appear. Watching the development of a young plant is interesting for both an adult and a child.

The appearance of a young sprout is always a small miracle that every gardener looks forward to. Observing the germination of beans, you can trace all the main patterns in the development of the plant. If you want to experiment, for the first try, you can buy green mung beans, which are sold in any supermarket today and are highly regarded by fans of healthy eating.

How to germinate beans for eating

Beans are germinated in a special way if you are not going to plant them in the garden, but are going to use them as a useful vitamin supplement to the family table. In this case, it is necessary to obtain strong healthy sprouts, which will become a source of life-giving force.

How to germinate beans for eating? The technology is divided into several main stages:

  1. For germination, you will need a wide and shallow plastic container with a flat bottom. For example, you can take a container for ice cream or other products. In the bottom it is necessary to make several holes through which water will drain.
  2. The container is placed in a deep cup: the bottom of the sprouting container should not touch the bottom of the cup so that the water can drain freely.
  3. A thin cloth or gauze is placed at the bottom of the container in several layers, dry bean grains are poured on it. It must first be sorted out so that there is no debris left, and all the grains are healthy.
  4. The fabric is spilled with water, after which the container is covered with gauze, and it must be placed in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill on the sunny side.
  5. Grains are poured with warm, but not hot water several times a day, after which excess water is drained from the cup.

Sprouts appear the very next day after the first watering, but you need to continue to grow them for a few more days. Usually they are ready for use on the 4-5th day, when the first green leaves appeared.

The skins are removed from the grains and they can be eaten raw.

During germination, reserve nutrients are processed by grains into useful compounds that become a source of vitality. They are very useful for humans and are a cure for many diseases.

Bean Care Rules

Beans are a common garden plant, and many gardeners have worked out the technology successful cultivation and get a good harvest. If you are going to germinate grains for subsequent planting, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic patterns:

  • Beans are a heat-loving plant that is very afraid of frost, so they are planted in open ground at the dacha not earlier than the beginning of May. She needs to pick up a bright open place where the plants will receive enough sunlight.
  • Light soil is ideal for beans, it must first be thoroughly loosened before planting. Although beans love moisture, water should not stagnate in the ground, you need to take care of the drainage system.
  • Seeds are planted to a depth of 5 cm in grooves or pits, a small amount of compost should be placed on the bottom. This will provide young sprouts with the necessary supply of nutrients. The soil before planting the seeds is thoroughly shed with warm water.
  • Most of the varieties are climbing plants, so it is necessary to install supports for them. For this, wooden slats are suitable: they are installed at an angle to each other and connected by a transverse crossbar. As soon as the plant reaches two meters in length, the lashes are pinched so that there is enough strength left for the ripening of large beans.
  • A month after planting in the ground, the beans need to be fed; complex mineral fertilizer is suitable for this. Its amount is about 40 g per square meter of beds, fertilizers are mixed with the soil in the process of loosening the soil. If the weather was dry, the plants may suffer from a lack of nitrogen. For feeding in this case, use a small amount of bird droppings.
  • One of the main conditions for obtaining a good harvest is proper watering. All legumes love water, especially when ripening pods appear. Watering in the beds should be carried out along the aisles: water should not fall on the leaves, otherwise fungal diseases may appear. Best used for watering rain water, and it is desirable to water the plants in the morning. Watering should be infrequent, but plentiful: with an average amount of rain, the plants are watered once a week.

Growing beans in the country allows you to get a good harvest if you provide plants proper care.

In general, this is one of the undemanding cultures, and minimal care is enough for it. A large amount of moisture and sunlight is a guarantee of rapid maturation of the pods and a large number of grains.

More information can be found in the video.

Category:Growing | Beans

For what purpose do you need Sprouting Beans. How it not only destroys antinutrients, but also improves the nutritional composition. What legumes can be sprouted and how to do it correctly.

Do we need to spend our precious time, which is already almost non-existent on Sprouting beans? Why can't you just take them and cook them right away? There are several fairly good reasons for this, one of which is that Sprouted Beans are much better absorbed and contain many more nutrients.

I never really ate beans before, the only thing my mom cooked was pea soup. But now, since my significant other comes from a country where legumes have a special place, I had to learn how not only to cook them properly, but also how to pre-prepare them for cooking.

You already know from my posts that Beans must be soaked or even better fermented before cooking, but in this post I will tell you about the most useful way preparation of legumes for consumption - sprouting.

Why Should You Sprout Beans?

Legumes contain many nutrients, but along with them, they also contain antinutrients - substances that prevent the absorption of nutrients by our body. Sprouting, you no longer eat just beans, you eat a small, but plant.

Germination is the process of seed germination with the formation of small shoots. Sprouting is like a longer soak. We can germinate legumes, grains, seeds and nuts.

Here are the factors that inspired me to grow legumes:

Deactivation of Phytic Acid and Digestive Enzyme Inhibitors


Many raise the issue of how safe sprouting is. This is especially true when eating raw, uncooked sprouted legumes, such as mung beans. The problem is that bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli can accumulate on them, which can then cause serious illness.

I've been sprouting Beans and Grains for years now, and I can tell you with certainty that it all depends on the elemental purity and how much you care about your Sprouted Products. They should always be remembered to rinse thoroughly and pay attention to the fact that no stagnant water remains. But, if you are still not sure, then the best and simplest conclusion is to use Sprouted Legumes in boiled form.