Neighbor organized rainwater runoff from his plot to mine

A heavy downpour can do a lot of trouble in a summer cottage: blur beds, wash foundations, create ravines and gullies. Even more trouble is caused by high-lying groundwater. They reduce the bearing capacity of soils and prevent plants from growing. How to deal with excess water? Let's look at a few tricks.

Ideally, the groundwater level should not be higher than the soil freezing limit (1.8-2 m in the Moscow region). If groundwater is kept at such a depth, then they will not cause problems. But in spring or after heavy summer rains, soil water can rise. Of course, for each site it is desirable to plan an individual drainage system. But there are universal techniques that can minimize the harm from groundwater and rainwater.

1. Waterproofing of buried foundations

If there is a risk of lifting ground water to the level of the foundation, then the latter must be waterproofed. It is better to foresee this at the stage of digging a pit. trench for strip foundation make wider, with a margin. After the concrete has been cast and the formwork removed, waterproofing can begin.

How can you protect the foundation from moisture:
- the surface of the foundation is treated with special bituminous mastic;

- the foundation is pasted over with rolled waterproofing. For reliable bonding, a special adhesive mastic is used, which also serves as a barrier to water;
- an additive is added to the concrete for the foundation - a water repellent. It does not replace bituminous waterproofing, but makes the protection more reliable. Hydrophobized concrete does not "pull" moisture from the soil.

After waterproofing, you can fill the trench around the foundation. This work is called “backfilling”. What to take for her? Often construction debris is used here. But in terms of waterproofing, well-packed oily clay is best. This method is sometimes called "clay castle". After all, everyone knows that clay is able to resist the penetration of water.

2. Basement protection

Let's say we protected the foundation from water. Moisture can enter the basement through the floor. So it should be protected by similar methods:
- compacted clay
- rolled waterproofing under a concrete screed,
- water repellent in concrete screed,
- an additional layer of bituminous or polyethylene waterproofing between the rough and finish screed.

3. Device blind area

Blinds are structures along the perimeter of houses that prevent the penetration of rainwater under the foundations.

In the last century, blind areas were made from. But they often cracked and coped poorly with their role. It is impossible to build a monolithic concrete belt around the foundation. It will definitely break due to thermal expansion and contraction.

Now the blind areas are made differently, fortunately, the materials allow. Here is one version of the blind area "pie":

1) clay castle,
2) geotextile,
3) concrete screed (5-7 cm) with expansion joints (the joints are filled with bituminous mastic),
4) waterproofing from bitumen roll material or dense polyethylene. The edge of the waterproofing is glued to the plinth or welded onto it.
5) a layer of sand 1-2 cm,
6) paving slabs.

And here is the option of the blind area with a soft coating:

1) clay castle,
2) leveling layer of sand (0.5 - 1 cm),
3) waterproofing made of durable polyethylene or PVC. One edge is glued to the wall with mastic or butyl rubber tape,
4) geotextile (protects waterproofing from mechanical damage),
5) bedding of crushed stone of different fractions. If there is only one type of crushed stone, then sand can be used to fill the voids in it.

It is not worth walking along such a blind area once again, so as not to damage the waterproofing. For the same reason, it is not worth ramming rubble heavily. But in order to make the top layer dense enough, a mixture of crushed stone of different fractions is used.

This type of construction is called "soft blind area". It can become a decorative element in the country, if multi-colored pebbles, pebbles, granite or expanded clay are used for the top layer. The scope for creativity is huge.

It is optimal if the width of the blind area is equal to the depth of the foundation, but the minimum is one meter.

4. The device of the drainage system

The gutter system is the gutters and pipes through which rainwater is collected from the roof overhangs. If you leave the house without a drain, then the water from the roof will sooner or later wash away any blind area and begin to undermine the foundation.

How to choose a drainage system?

Secondly, the drainage system must contain all the elements necessary for installation on your home. The problem most often arises with corners, when, for example, you need to connect gutters on different walls.

Thirdly, the appearance of the drain must match the architectural appearance of your home.

It is better to prefer a plastic drain to a metal drain, because it will never rust.
The designs of gutters that are connected to storm sewers through a special connector (the so-called “closed” drainage system) have shown themselves well.

In such systems, there is no waterfall familiar to everyone under the downpipe. The pipe is hermetically connected to the storm sewer, and the water immediately goes into the underground pipes. There is no noise and splashes, the blind areas and the foundation are not washed away. When choosing a system with a closed drainage system, care must be taken to ensure that the connection unit can be easily disassembled for cleaning.

5. Storm sewer device

Storm sewage is a logical continuation of the drainage system. She is definitely needed. Because otherwise the water from the drainpipe will first drain into a puddle, and then seep under the foundation.

Stormwater can be:
- superficial,
- underground,
- combined.

Underground is good because it does not take up space and is not visible. But there is a risk that the pipes will become clogged with ice in winter. Therefore, for summer cottages, surface storm sewers are preferable.

It can be assembled from gutters made from a variety of materials: metal, plastic, reinforced concrete, asbestos-cement.

On sale there are plastic and metal gutters with gratings. They have a very presentable appearance.

Perhaps the most inexpensive option is gutters made from asbestos-cement pipes. The pipe is cut with a grinder into segments about one meter long, and then each of them is spread along.

An underground drainage system should be arranged below the freezing depth of the soil. If individual sections are shallow, then they are insulated. To do this, the pipe is placed in a special cover made of polyethylene foam.

An underground pipe will be reliably protected from freezing if it is wrapped with a heating cable. In order not to incur unnecessary energy costs, turn off the cable power in time. It is best to connect it to the network via .

The end point of the storm sewer is a storage well. It should be located as far away from buildings as possible. What to make a well?

If the groundwater level is high, then its walls must be strong and tight. In addition, the well must be massive enough so that the forces of frost heaving do not push it out of the ground. A well made of a monolithic reinforced concrete ring or a metal barrel fits this definition.

With a low groundwater level, the requirements for the well are simplified. It can be made from a plastic barrel or even from old tires. You need a large container to hold water after the heaviest rain.

If you need rainwater for irrigation, seal the well. Water can be pumped out of it with a submersible pump or scooped out with a bucket.

If water is not needed, then the well is made bottomless: instead of the bottom, it is enough just to pour rubble. So that the soil around the bottomless well does not become swampy, plant moisture-loving plants nearby. Suitable dwarf decorative willows or viburnum. Cereals will require the least care: rye, oats, wheat. They dry out the soil very well. Fans of fragrant herbs can be advised mint or valerian.

6. Drainage system

The first five points must be completed on any site. Then you will not be afraid of even the strongest downpours and abundant meltwater.

If the site is in a lowland and the soil is waterlogged all year round, drainage will be required.
This is the name of the system of pipes and trenches, which collects water on the site in order to divert it to a specially equipped place. When starting drainage work, calculate all the consequences well. If there is no drainage in neighboring areas, then it is likely that your system will begin to collect water from the entire area and simply cannot cope with the load.

Basic principles of organization of the drainage system:
1. Determine the place where excess water will be discharged. It is good if there is a ravine near the site, a stream with a deep clean channel, or a special trench has been dug. To collect drainage water, you can create a reservoir on the site. But even in this case, provide for the possibility of an emergency discharge of water, at least with the help of a pump.

2. The creation of a drainage system is usually combined with soil filling on the site. The drained area should be higher than the surrounding areas. Otherwise, more and more water will enter the drainage system every year. more water from neighboring areas, and eventually it will overflow.

3. In a gardening partnership, it is desirable to create a drainage system in a comprehensive manner. Attempts to drain individual areas are unlikely to solve the problem of waterlogging, but they will certainly create conflicts between neighbors.

4. Drain pipes should be laid as far away from foundations as possible. The minimum distance is equal to the depth of the foundation.

5. It is best to combine the creation of a drainage system with digging a foundation pit for a house. Usually the hot summer months are chosen for this. By the end of summer, a foundation is built and left to settle until the next construction season. Autumn and spring allow you to evaluate the performance of the drainage system and, if necessary, make adjustments.

The installation of a drainage system requires extensive earthworks and careful planning. But in fact, the system is very simple. It consists of a catchment well and trenches.

A drainage well is similar to a storm sewer well. But do not make two wells in one. They have different modes of operation, so the combined well will always be on the verge of overflow.

The drainage pipe is a permeable fabric stretched over a spring-like frame made of a non-rotting material. On sale there are various connectors for such pipes.

To lay the drainage pipe, a trench is dug and covered with geotextiles. With the help of sand bedding, the slope for the pipes is precisely set. The pipe is laid on compacted sand and the trench is covered with rubble. The edges of the geotextile are wrapped in a trench and protect the trench from silting.

If you do not want to leave bare rubble, then you can pour a little earth on top and plant lawn grass.

Good luck with your work!

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Neighbor organized rainwater runoff from his plot to mine

A neighbor organized the flow of rainwater from his site to mine using a common ground gutter. Water flows under the corner of my house, so I put retaining wall to prevent runoff. The neighbor demands to break the wall, because his area is flooded. At the same time, the brick annex to his house (bath) stands exactly on the border of my site, without indentation. Who is right here? Does SNIP 30-02-97 apply here if our houses are in urban private buildings?

Lawyers Answers

Pivovarov Alexey Viktorovich(05/23/2014 at 14:34:34)

Good afternoon! 1. SNIP 30-02-97 applies to the design of the development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens. It is not relevant for you. 2. You need to apply within the framework of the provisions of Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with the requirements to eliminate violations of the owner's rights that are not related to the deprivation of possession, since the owner can demand the elimination of any violations of his right, even if these violations were not connected with the deprivation of possession. 3. In the course of the proceedings, it is necessary to submit a diagram of your location (if any, a boundary plan), which will graphically indicate that the neighbor's object passes along the boundary line. 4. Under such circumstances, you make additional demands for the dismantling of the neighbor's building. I am ready to carry out remote work to support a civil case in court (preparation of all necessary written appeals, petitions; written recommendations on participation in a civil process). I will be glad to cooperate!

Oleg Eduardovich (05/23/2014 at 15:02:01)

Good afternoon. The SNIP SNIP 30-02-97 "Planning and development of the territories of horticultural (summer) associations of citizens, buildings and structures" indicated by you is not suitable, you live in the city. You need within the framework of Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Article 304. Protection of the owner's rights from violations not related to deprivation of possession The owner may demand the elimination of any violations of his rights, even if these violations were not connected with deprivation of possession. The rule of this article is formulated as broadly as possible. This formally gives the owner the opportunity to make demands for the elimination of violations in all cases where the violation is not related to the deprivation of possession of property. When filing a claim, the owner must confirm his right to property and prove the fact of violations of his right. If the violator of the owner's rights cannot prove the legitimacy of his behavior, the violation of the owner's rights must be eliminated. In this case, such a circumstance as the presence or absence of guilt of the violator does not matter. In addition, in court you can ask for the demolition of the bathhouse, it was built in violation of the norms (closer than 1 meter). Wish you luck.

Lychagina Yana Dmitrievna(05/24/2014 at 19:47:37)

Based on the norms of civil law, the owner is obliged not to violate the rights and legally protected interests of other persons. Therefore, you have the right to apply to the court with a claim to eliminate the violations of your right that are not related to deprivation of possession (304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), i.e. file a so-called negative claim. It is a requirement to remove obstacles to the exercise of property rights that are not related to the deprivation of the owner of possession of his property. Such a claim may be brought at any time as long as the offense persists. This lawsuit is under the jurisdiction of federal judges! I will help to draw up a claim to a neighbor for a voluntary settlement of the dispute, in collecting documents for the court, I will write a lawsuit in court. I will prepare a position for the court. If my answer helped you, leave a positive review.

Galushka Igor Vladimirovich(05/23/2014 at 14:28:13)


1. As for SNiP 30-02-97, they are not applicable in this case.

2. Regarding the bathhouse, the minimum distance to the border is -3 meters.

3. Arguing about the legality of an extension is certainly fine, only whether it will solve a particular problem.

Morozov Igor Vladimirovich(05/23/2014 at 14:30:17)

You are right - demand the demolition of the samostroy-bath up to 1 m to the border of the land plot in accordance with Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (A person who has carried out an unauthorized construction does not acquire ownership of it. He is not entitled to dispose of the building - to sell, donate, lease, make other transactions. An unauthorized building is subject to demolition by the person who carried it out or at his expense).

You have SNiP 30-01 in force (These rules and regulations apply to new and reconstructed urban and rural settlements and include the basic requirements for their planning and development).

Maytakova Tatiana(05/23/2014 at 14:33:27)

Hello. I advise you to apply to the court regarding the demolition of an unauthorized building - a bathhouse. The building must be located at least 1 m from the border of the land.

Mikhailovsky Yuri Iosifovich(05/23/2014 at 14:41:05)

Good afternoon! Here it is more appropriate to proceed from the fact that you need to reckon with people ... SNIP 30-02-97 "Planning and developing the territories of gardening (country) associations of citizens, buildings and structures", and your houses are in urban private buildings, but this does not negate the principles reasonableness, legality ... In any case, there are blatant violations on the part of the neighbor, and you yourself actually wrote it, the neighbor’s house stands on the border of the site, which in itself is already a violation, and sent a drain to your house. I feel sorry for my own house, but not someone else's. If it is impossible to agree with a neighbor, but most likely it is, then it remains to be decided in the manner prescribed by law and it is not a fact that the neighbor will like the consequences, because. it can become very costly for him; bringing in accordance with SNiPs, for example, on the basis of .

Razumovskaya Tamara Genadievna

Case No. 2-26\****

Dalmatovo, Kurgan region "**.**.****"

Dalmatovsky District Court of the Kurgan Region, consisting of:

presiding judge Ponomareva A.The.

under Secretary Poroshina E.S.,

considered in open court the case on the claim of Sitnikova Alexandra Nikolaevna against the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo on imposing the obligation to perform work on the installation of a drainage system, remove a pipe located opposite the plaintiff's land plot, recover material damage, lost income and compensation for non-pecuniary damage,


Sitnikova A.N. filed a statement of claim with the justice of the peace of court district No. 4 of the Dalmatovsky district, by which she asked to oblige the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo, Kurgan region, within a month, to carry out surface (storm) drainage at Address Depersonalized, so that her house and land plot located at Address Depersonalized would not be flooded water, as well as recover from the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo, Kurgan region in its favor on account of material damage from the death of potatoes **** RUB. 68 kopecks, lost income from the potato harvest - **** rubles. 60 kop. and on account of compensation for non-pecuniary damage - **** RUB. 93 kop.

On the basis of the ruling dated **.**.****, the justice of the peace of court district No. 4 of the Dalmatovsky district, the said civil case was transferred for consideration to the Dalmatovsky district court under jurisdiction.

By the definition of the Dalmatovsky District Court dated **.**.****, the architectural body of the Dalmatovsky District represented by the chief architect and Ivanchikov L.P., as a neighboring land user, were involved in this civil case as 3 persons on the side of the defendant - the owner of the house and the land plot at Address Impersonal.

In the future, the plaintiff repeatedly clarified the subject of her claim, presenting a statement of claim dated **.**.**** finally to the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo, Kurgan Region, claims for the obligation of the defendant to perform work on the drainage system, starting from Address Depersonalized, on both to the sides of the street, continuing the drainage system to Address Bezlichen, where there is a pipe under the road surface and then water flows into the Iset River; to oblige the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo, Kurgan Region, to carry out work to remove the pipe opposite her land plot, through which water flows directly to her land plot from the Address Impersonal, the Address Impersonal and from the Address Impersonal, to recover from the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo in its favor material damage in the amount **** rub. 68 kop., lost income **** rub. 60 kop. and on account of non-pecuniary damage **** rubles.

In support of the claim, A.N. Sitnikova refers to the fact that he is the owner of a land plot with an area of ​​1221 sq.m. and the house located on it Address Anonymized with **.**.****. He cannot properly use his property, in particular, a land plot, since sewage flows to it from the higher streets and roads, namely from the streets Address Impersonal, Address Impersonal, 4-Address Impersonal and PeAddress Impersonal. This fact was revealed by her after the acquisition of the property. As a result of soaking, planted vegetables die; getting on the site, water destroys the foundation of the house; in the pits for storing vegetables, located under the house and in the garage, there is constant dampness, it is impossible to store vegetables in them, which leads to the growth of fungal bacteria and an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that there is no drainage system at Address Impersonal; water accumulates in front of her house (the road opposite her house is the lowest point) and then flows into her yard. **.**.**** applied to the Administration of Dalmatovo, **.**.**** rains, water accumulates, for which drainage is necessary, however, she believes that on this issue she should resolve the dispute in court, since all disputes over the boundaries of the passage of drainage channels (inter-neighborly conflicts) should be resolved in court. She also believes that the maintenance of the road passing by her house and the organization of a surface (storm) drainage system at the Address is Impersonal on the basis of paragraph 4 of part 1 of Art. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation”, paragraph 1 of Art. 5, paragraph 2 of Art. 13.1, paragraph 3 of Art. 15, paragraph 3 of Art. 17 of the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 "On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation", order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 160 of 12.11.2007 "On approval of the classification of work on overhaul, repair and maintenance of public roads and artificial structures on them. Water disposal on this<адрес>* SNiP 2.-07.01-89 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "- the removal of surface water should be carried out from the entire basin (runoffs into reservoirs, drains, ravines, etc.) in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85, providing in cities, as a rule, rain sewerage closed type with pre-cleaning runoff. The use of open drainage devices - ditches, ditches, trays is allowed in areas of one-two-story buildings and in rural settlements, as well as in parks with the installation of bridges or pipes at the intersection with streets, roads, driveways and sidewalks. He also asks to apply paragraph 7 of Art. 1 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307, in which the concepts of water disposal are given. As a result of the inaction of the City Administration in **.**.****, the potatoes planted by her were soaked, which can be seen in the attached video recording, she suffered material damage in the amount of ****. (32 kg x 34 rubles 99 kopecks), received less potato crops in the amount of 480 kg, which amounts to **** kopecks. (480 x 28 rubles 67 kopecks), as well as moral suffering, as she experienced when during the rains water flowed in large streams on her land plot and the vegetables she planted died. On October 06, when she saw a puddle on the asphalt in front of her house, she got upset, her blood pressure rose, her head ached, she could not perform her duties at work, so an ambulance was called.

In accordance with the rulings of the Dalmatovsky District Court dated **.**.****, dated **.**.****, dated **.**.****, dated **.**. ****, from **.**.****, **.**.****, **.**.**** to participate in the case as third parties, not stating independent claims on the subject of the dispute, on the side of the defendant, the following were involved: the Administration of the Dalmatovsky District, in connection with the agreement on the transfer of part of the authority on settlement issues to it, MP "Vodkhoz", OJSC "Rostelecom" represented by the Kurgan branch, Dalmatovskie Distribution Zones of Shadrinsk Electric Networks OJSC "Kurganenergo", OJSC "Shadrinskmezhraygaz", as balance holders of communications, water supply, electricity and gas communications located on the above site owners of residential buildings and adjacent land plots, whose rights and interests may be affected by the resolution of this claim.

At the hearings, the plaintiff Sitnikova A.GN. supported their claims, also supported the arguments of the statement of claim and additionally explained to the court that she had acquired a house and a land plot at Address Depersonalized under a sale and purchase agreement at **.**.****; the pipe across the carriageway of the street had already been laid; the road was asphalted, but since there was a period of dry weather, there was no flow of water to its section. He believes that during the melting of snow and heavy rains, water flows from higher sections to the road at Address Bezlichen, as well as through a pipe laid under it and enters her land, which leads to the soaking of planted vegetables in the summer. Ivanchikov L.P., having bought a land plot at Address Bezlichen, filled up a ditch for water drainage, which passed through the common lands from the side of the street and in his garden, brought the land and raised the level of his plot; other neighboring land users, having received permission from the City Administration to build houses, also fill their land plots with soil, raise them, thereby changing the terrain, so all wastewater from rainfall went through her land. As a result of heavy rains at the beginning of **.**.**** and **.**.****, part of the potatoes planted by her got wet and died; she did not draw up an act on this, did not measure the area on which the potatoes died, she determined the amount of damage herself by the number of nests of the dead potatoes and calculated, according to the certificates of the statistics agency for spring and autumn prices for potatoes. **.**.**** applied to the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo with a statement in which she actually asked to deal with the situation created by L.P. Ivanchikov. with the flow of water through its site, the construction of a drainage system on this site of the street did not indicate. But the Commission of the City Administration, having arrived for inspection, was not invited, the land plot belonging to her was not examined, she believes that without understanding the situation, they gave her an answer about resolving the dispute as an inter-neighborly conflict. Therefore, she believes that she suffered damage as a result of the inaction of the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo, associated with the death of the potato crop, since the seeds died in the spring, and in the autumn she did not receive the potato harvest. For these reasons, she was upset, worried, which affected her health, therefore she believes that the City Administration also caused moral harm to her. She asked to oblige the defendant to dismantle the pipe that runs under the asphalt pavement of the road at Address Bezlichen, from which water flows directly to her land, and also to perform work on the drainage system, starting from the house Address Bezlichen, on both sides of the street, continuing the drainage system to Address Bezlichen , where there is a pipe under the road surface and through it water enters the Iset River. She referred to the fact that she did not indicate in the statement of claim an open or closed drainage system, she asked to equip this section of the street, therefore, if due to the terrain, the defendant could not equip an open drainage system, she asked to oblige the City Administration to build a closed rain sewer.

Representative of the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo Ilinykh A.V. claim Sitnikova A.N. did not recognize, explained to the court that the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo did not issue permission to the neighboring land users of the plaintiff to change the terrain, raise the level of land plots, since in accordance with the agreement on the delegation of part of the authority, permission to build residential buildings in the city of Dalmatovo is issued by the Administration of the Dalmatovsky District . On the specified site Address Depersonalized there are private residential houses and land plots, therefore, the owners themselves are responsible for their maintenance. The plaintiff acquired the house and the land plot in **.**.**** year, when the road to Address Obezlichen had already been built, that is, asphalted, and the pipe under the road surface was laid, that Sitnikova A.GN. should have seen. The administration of the city of Dalmatovo was not the customer for the design and construction of this part of the road, the construction of which was carried out in accordance with the previous legislation. The plaintiff's house and land plot are located in the lowest part of the street, historically according to the land plot. The city administration does not store snow near the plaintiff's house, does not deliberately pour water on her plot, and cannot be held responsible for the level of natural precipitation. The plaintiff's property receives sewage from melting snow and rain from higher ground, and not from the road to Address Depersonalized. Therefore, the pipe in this part of the street under the road surface was laid in order to drain such waters so that the road surface would not be washed away and the sections on the opposite side of the street would not be flooded, due to the foregoing, its dismantling is impossible. On **.**.****, the plaintiff filed an application with the City Administration against the actions of L.P. Ivanchikov, who had liquidated the sewerage system on his land plot, Ivanchikov’s documents do not contain an easement for such sewerage, therefore, in the response of Sitnikova A. N. indicated that this situation should be resolved as an inter-neighborly conflict. He believes that the fault of the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo in causing damage and loss to the plaintiff is not available, to equip an open rainwater drainage system on this section of the street at the request of Sitnikova A.N. impossible, since the ditch for such drainage according to SNiP should be no more than 50 cm deep, and from the plaintiff's site in both directions there is a rise in the terrain. Therefore, due to natural reasons, water will not flow up such a drainage system, but, on the contrary, will flow to the plaintiff's site, which will further aggravate the problem. Closed rain sewerage is a complex engineering system, which is completely absent in the city of Dalmatovo; on the public lands of this site Address Depersonalized, there are communication communications, gas and electrical communications, a city water conduit, neighboring owners have garages, entrances to their plots, sewer septic tanks, therefore it is impossible to equip a closed drainage system on this section of the street. He asked in the lawsuit Sitnikova A.N. refuse.

The representative of the 3rd party - OJSC "Shadrinskmezhraygaz" submitted a response to the claim with a request to consider the case in his absence, said that the owner and customer of the construction of an external low-pressure gas pipeline on this section of the street is the Administration of the Moscow Region Dalmatovsky District; the located external gas pipeline is located on supports at a height of 3 and 3.5 m along the buildings, cannot affect the accumulation of water on the plaintiff's land, and in the event of work on drainage, no work is required to transfer or change its configuration.

The representative of the 3rd party of OJSC Rostelecom represented by the Kurgan branch did not appear at the hearing, did not submit a response to the claim, this legal entity was promptly notified by the court of the place and time of the hearings.

The representative of the 3rd person - MP Dalmatovo "Komkhoz" Volosnikov O.M. He did not express an opinion on the validity of the claims, but explained to the court that the Komkhoz MP provides land works and site improvement services only on a contractual basis, the sewerage works that Sitnikova A.N. asks to perform are not public services.

Representative of the 3rd person MP "Vodkhoz" Cherkasov Ya.Ya. requirements Sitnikova A.N. did not recognize, explained that the water disposal indicated in the statement of claim is not a public service and is not regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307, since it refers to storm sewers as a public service provided to residents of apartment buildings through a system of connected sewer networks. He believes that in the situation under consideration, taking into account the terrain, the location of the plaintiff's site at the lowest point of the street, rainwater naturally flows to this site, therefore Sitnikova A.GN. it is necessary to equip the drainage system around your land. He also believes that it is impossible to equip the system of open rainwater drainage as proposed by the plaintiff, since the water will flow through the ditch to the plaintiff's site, and not to a higher plot to the address Anonymous. For water to flow to Address Depersonalized, the ditch must be deepened, which is not allowed according to SNiP for open drainage. In addition, he asked to take into account that in this section, on the even side of the street, a city water conduit passes through common-use lands, so an open sewerage system cannot pass close to it, as this can lead to freezing of the water conduit in winter.

The representative of the 3rd person of the Administration of the Dalmatovsky district Pervukhin A.S. claims Sitnikova A.GN did not recognize, explained to the court that the Administration of the Dalmatovsky District, represented by the chief specialist - the chief architect of the district, did not issue permits to citizens - owners of land plots adjacent to the plaintiff to change the terrain, that is, to raise the level of land plots, therefore, it considers that for these actions the owners bear independent responsibility. It also considers it impossible to arrange rainwater drainage at Address Bezlichen in an open way due to the terrain in this area, and closed drainage - due to the lack of such an engineering system in the city of Dalmatovo.

3rd person Abakumov N.A. considers claims Sitnikova A.GN. about the need to equip a drainage system justified, since the section of the road opposite the plaintiff's house is the lowest place, therefore, from the Address Anonymous, rainwater flows down and passes through a pipe, accumulates near the plaintiff's house. But he also believes that water will not flow naturally to the side of Address Depersonalized, since there is a higher area of ​​land, and when the ditch is deepened, water will not enter the pipe through Address Depersonalized, since it will be higher. He explained that the plaintiff's site is flooded with sewage annually, but the situation for the plaintiff was worsened precisely by the actions of L.P. Ivanchikov.

3rd person Rudnykh I.M. considers the plaintiff's requirements for the arrangement of the drainage system justified, since in the garden Sitnikova A.GN. water accumulates; but these waters do not fall into the garden of her house at Address Impersonal, since its level is higher.

3rd person Pupkova T.G. considers the plaintiff's claims to equip the drainage system only on the even side to be justified. The indicated pipe does not go out into the garden of Sitnikova's house, but onto public land and then the water flows down. She explained that the plaintiff's site is located at the lowest point of the street, water from it will not drain to higher sections, therefore, in her opinion, it is necessary to build a septic tank near the pipe so that rainwater from it does not fall on the plaintiff's site, but flows into the septic tank .

3rd person Vershinina A.N. the plaintiff considers the claims justified, explained that there was a severe flooding of the land plots in **.**.****, when the water from the gardens at Address Bezlichen had to be pumped out by fire trucks, after which a pipe was laid across the road at Address Bezlichen, and the water became leave on her own. The gardens of the houses at Address Depersonalized are higher, therefore water from Sitnikova's plot does not get to them, at **.**.**** she did not observe whether there was any soaking of potatoes in the plaintiff's garden.

3rd person Chekalev V.A. explained that for several years he saw that the water "stood" in the garden of Sitnikova A.N., since there is the lowest place, rainwater also flows through other land plots. Whether there is a flow of water from the pipe to the garden of Sitnikova A.N., I did not observe. He believes that open drainage in the form of a ditch along Address Bezlichen will be dangerous for residents if it is up to 2 meters deep.

3rd person Gracheva S.V., owner of a residential building and land plot No. * at Address Depersonalized, showed to the court that she acquired this property at **.**.****, at that moment the pipe through the roadway<адрес>there was a puddle in the land plots, which was earlier deeper, since later they brought the land, raised the plot in front of the house and the level of their yard. They did not raise the level of their garden, since it is already significantly higher than the level of Sitnikova's garden. For many years, rainwater flowed along the boundary between the 6th and 8th houses to the Address of the Impersonal. He believes that it is not possible to equip an open drainage system on this site to Address Bezlichen, since there are septic tanks, communications, access roads to the house on the public lands near the road; to drain the water, the ditch must be deepened to the side. The address is impersonal, children play there and it is not safe.

3rd person Ivanchikov A.I. clarified that he is the owner of the land plot adjacent to the plaintiff at Address Depersonalized, on which the construction was built - washing for carpets, therefore, he considers it impossible to equip water disposal through land plots (gardens). The sewerage system at Address Depersonalized does not affect his interests.

3rd person Ivanchikov L.P. claim Sitnikova A.N. did not recognize, the court explained that under the contract of sale purchased from FULL NAME17 land at: Address Depersonalized. According to the neighbors, he found out that melt and rain water had never been diverted from this land plot, his documents do not have restrictions or easements for water disposal. The former owner explained to him that the ditch laid on the common lands to his plot for water flow was made by Sitnikova A.N., so she (Polukhina) was forced to let water through her garden. He liquidated the indicated ditches, filling them with construction debris **.**.****, since the water always left naturally through the Sitnikova site, located in a lower place. Even (left) side Address Impersonal lower than the right side, so rain and melt water flows into the lower part, this is due to the terrain. There is also a rise in the terrain in the direction of the Address is Impersonal, so the water will not naturally flow there.

The remaining 3 persons involved by the court to participate in the case did not appear at the court hearings, did not provide any responses to the claim, and did not notify the court of the reasons for their non-appearance.

Having heard the arguments of the parties, the explanations of 3 persons, the testimony of a witness and specialists, having examined the materials of the civil case, reviewing the photographs submitted by the parties and the video filming made by the plaintiff, The court considers that the plaintiff Sitnikova A.GN. unreasonable demands were made against the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo, which are not subject to satisfaction.

The Court reached these conclusions on the basis of the following:

Extracts from the register of objects of municipal property dated **.**.**** No.* and No.* confirmed that the carriageway of persons, sidewalks located in the city of Dalmatovo, Kurgan Region are included in the register of objects of municipal property of the city of Dalmatovo. The Decree of the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo dated **.**.**** No.* approved the list of public roads of local importance, according to the appendix, which also indicates the road to Address Depersonalized with a total length of 1,947 sq., including hard surface 1,237 km.

In accordance with the certificates of state registration of rights from **.**.****, the contract of sale from **.**.****, plaintiff Sitnikova A.GN. is the owner of a residential log house and a land plot, with an area of ​​1221 sq.m., located at Address Impersonal. Information about the owner of this land plot is also confirmed by the cadastral passport of the land plot dated **.**.****.

According to Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner bears the burden of maintaining the property belonging to him, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

Part 2 and 3 of Art. 261 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides, unless otherwise provided by law, the right of ownership to a land plot extends to the surface (soil) layer and water bodies, plants located on it located within the boundaries of this plot; the owner of a land plot has the right to use at his own discretion everything that is above and below the surface of this plot, unless otherwise provided by laws on subsoil use, on the use of airspace, other laws and does not violate the rights of other persons.

Art. fourteen federal law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in Russian Federation» it is stipulated that the issues of local significance of the settlement include: possession, use and disposal of property owned by the municipality of the settlement; organization within the boundaries of the settlement of electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, water disposal, supply of fuel to the population; road activities in relation to local roads within the boundaries of settlements and ensuring road safety on them, including the creation and operation of parking lots (parking spaces), the implementation of municipal control over the safety of local roads within the boundaries of settlements of the settlement, as well as the implementation other powers in the field of the use of roads and the implementation of road activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the agreements on the transfer of the exercise of part of the powers to resolve issues of local importance of the settlement dated December 20, 2010 and December 30, 2011, concluded between the municipality of the city of Dalmatovo and the municipality of Dalmatovsky district, the urban settlement transferred, and municipal area accepted for implementation part of the powers to resolve issues of local importance, including the powers to organize, within the boundaries of the settlement, electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, sanitation, supply of fuel to the population in terms of: .. water supply to the population and sanitation, approval of general settlement plans, land use and development rules, approval of territory planning documentation prepared on the basis of general settlement plans, issuance of building permits, permits for putting objects into operation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul capital construction facilities located on the territory of the settlement, ... implementation of land control over the use of settlement lands in terms of: preparation and approval of urban planning plans for land plots, issuance of building permits, permits for putting objects into operation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities located on the territory of the settlement.

**.**.**** Sitnikova A.N. filed a statement with the head of the Moscow Region of Dalmatovo, in which she stated that her land plot and the land plot of Ivanchikova L.P. are located in a lowland and water flows through them from the higher streets and roads: The address is impersonal. To the right of her site, there is a pipe under the road, through which water flows from Address Impersonal to her site and further to the sites located at Address Impersonal, since they are even lower in level. Earlier, water flowed down the ditch laid between its site and Ivanchikov L.P.'s site, he promised to make the main ditch on the left - between his site and the site located at Address Obezlichen. Currently, the ditch between their plots has been laid with bricks and rubbish, but the ditch between their plot and plot FULL NAME16 has not been made. After the first rains, water will flow through her plot and yard, under the house there is a basement up to 3 meters high, in the garage there is a pit with vegetables. She asked me to help her sort out the situation. (case file 7).

From the answer of the Head of Dalmatovo Sitnikova A.N. dated **.**.**** it follows that during the survey it was found that on the carriageway at Address Depersonalized, as a result of heavy rains, moisture has accumulated, for the removal of which a drainage system is required. Previously, drainage was carried out through a drainage ditch located along the houses. The water disposal carried out to the house Address Impersonal, according to the neighbors, was carried out by the residents of the house Address Impersonal. The administration of Dalmatovo recommended Sitnikova A.N. all disputes over the boundaries of drainage canals are resolved in court as inter-neighborly conflicts (case sheet 8).

The certificate of the Dalmatovo weather station confirms that **.**.****, **.**.**** as a result of thunderstorms and heavy rains, there was a large amount of precipitation, which, respectively, amounted to 2.2 mm, 27, 7mm, 13.4mm, 41.5mm.

Copies of certificates of state registration of ownership dated **.**.**** confirmed that Ivanchikov L.P. is the owner of the house and the land plot at the Address Impersonal, no encumbrances have been registered on the land plot.

Explanations of Ivanchikov L.P. and the photographs submitted by him confirm that it was Sitnikova A.N. was dug a ditch for the flow of water, in the garden by the former owner FULL NAME17 this ditch was also continued to ensure the flow of water. Therefore, the ditch for water flow in front of the Address Obezlichen site was L.P. Ivanchikov. was blocked with bricks and construction debris, and the gutter in the garden of his house was liquidated by him.

Witness FULL NAME17 these circumstances confirmed to the court and explained that she had previously been the owner of the land plot at Address Obezlichen, which sold Ivanchikovu L.P. Previously, rainwater always flowed down on land plot No. *, since it is located in the lowest place. The former owners never complained about this, if there is no heavy rainfall, the water did not linger on the site. Sitnikova A.N. saw this when she bought a house, during this period the road had already been built and a pipe was laid under it, which the plaintiff also saw when buying her house. A pipe under the road is needed for drainage. Sitnikova A.N. after buying a house, she broke a curb on the road with a shovel and led water to her land, when she made a remark to her, she answered her with obscene language. After that, she was forced to dig ditches and let water through her land.

The court takes into account that the plaintiff, being an adult and capable person, in **.**.**** buying a house and land in the lowest place Address Anonymous, by virtue of the requirements of Art. 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation had to act reasonably and prudently. Water disposal and reclamation issues are issues that require special knowledge in this area, litigation on these issues should be resolved with the participation of specialists.

Interrogated in court as a specialist FULL NAME18 – engineer Dalmatovskoye road construction department explained to the court that he is a specialist in road construction; the plaintiff's claim is related to drainage, therefore, he cannot answer questions about its arrangement, but explained that the pipe under the asphalt coating at Address Depersonalized was laid in order to drain from higher areas of the area, since water flows naturally to lower areas, so the pipe in this place is necessary, otherwise the roadway will be washed out.

Specialist FULL NAME19 - head of the department of construction and housing and communal services of the Administration of the Dalmatovsky district explained to the court that with the help of instruments he measured the level of the terrain at Address Obezlichen, as a result, found that from the plaintiff's site to Address Obezlichen there is a rise in the area. Therefore, it is impossible to equip an open-type drainage system, as the plaintiff asks, on this section of the street, since according to SNiP the ditch should be no more than 50 cm deep, wastewater cannot naturally rise up, but rather flow down, and to ensure natural water runoff, the depth ditches to Address Depersonalized should be more than 1685 mm, which is unacceptable according to SNiP and unsafe for residents of the area. In addition, it will not ensure the flow of water into the pipe laid through the Address of the Impersonal, as the ditch will be below its level. On the indicated section of the street there is a city water conduit and a communication cable.

In addition to his explanations, the specified specialist provided the court with an executive scheme for surveying the area, according to which the level of the garden of A.N. at the same time, the level of the height of the terrain rises towards the Address Impersonal both along the land plots of citizens (gardens), and directly along the Address Impersonal itself, since the streets are connected behind the house No. * and No. *.

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 1 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, wastewater is understood as any discharge of water, including wastewater and (or) drainage water, into water bodies. Part 1 Art. 44 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation allows the use of water bodies for the purpose of discharging wastewater and (or) drainage water in compliance with the requirements provided for by this Code and legislation in the field of environmental protection.

The Court takes into account that Order No. 820 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2010 approved the set of rules “SNiP 2.07.01.-89* “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”, which was put into effect from **.**.****. Thus, in accordance with the said rules, the planning and development of the Address Impersonal part, where the plaintiff lives, could not be carried out, since the indicated area is the area of ​​the old building of the city, therefore, according to these rules, the drainage system could not be equipped there either. These norms and rules apply to the design of new and reconstruction of existing urban and rural settlements and include the basic requirements for their planning and development. Clause 8.3* of these Rules stipulates that surface water should be drained from the entire basin (runoffs into water bodies, drains, ravines, etc.) in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85, providing in cities, as a rule, rainwater sewerage pretreatment type.

SNiP **.**.****-85 “Construction norms and rules. Sewerage. External Networks and Structures”, approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of May 21, 1985 No. 71, put into effect on 01.01. planning and development of cities and other settlements (clause 1.1); in the rain sewer system, the most polluted part of the surface runoff, which is formed during the period of rainfall, snow melting and washing of road surfaces, i.e. not less than 70% of the annual runoff for residential areas (clause 1.2); it is necessary to provide treatment facilities for industrial and rain sewerage (clause 1.5). In accordance with clause 1.7 of these rules, the conditions and places for the release of treated wastewater and surface runoff into water bodies should be coordinated with the authorities for regulating the use and protection of waters, the executive committees of local Councils of People's Deputies, the bodies exercising state sanitary supervision, and protecting fish stocks , and other bodies in accordance with the law.

In accordance with these Rules, a closed rainwater sewer system is a complex engineering system that can only be built according to a project approved and agreed with the relevant authorities, must be attached to treatment facilities.

Court established that there is no such engineering closed-type rainwater sewerage system in Dalmatovo, therefore, the plaintiff's requirements for the arrangement of a closed rainwater drainage system on a separate site are unreasonable and cannot be satisfied.

Claimant's claim for the arrangement of an open rainwater drainage system on both sides on drainage, who is not a specialist in this area, since in this way, as the plaintiff proposes, it is not possible to equip drainage from the land plot of Sitnikova A.N., since taking into account the terrain on this section of the street and the action of natural (physical) laws rainwater does not flow up through the area, but flows down to lower areas. By virtue of the foregoing, the arrangement of an open ditch for a drain in this part of the street will not lead to an outflow of water from the plaintiff's site, but to its greatest accumulation in the lowest part of the street, that is, near the plaintiff's house, which will further exacerbate the existing problem.

The deepening of such a gutter for natural water flow to Address Depersonalized by more than 1600 mm is not allowed according to SNiP, water with such a deepening will not enter the drainpipe laid through Address Depersonalized, as it will be significantly lower than its level; the operation of such an open drainage system will be dangerous for the population, therefore, the implementation of this type of drainage is also impossible.

The plaintiff's arguments that the runoff of rainwater to her land plot is related to the improper maintenance of the road at Address Depersonalized, The court considers bankrupt. So, at the court session, it was established that the runoff of melt and rainwater on the plot in question Address Depersonalized to the plaintiff's plot does not come from the road, but from the entire surrounding area, which has a higher level - to the lowest place, which is located exactly on the plaintiff's land , that is, associated with the terrain.

It was not possible for the court to demand a road project on the section of the street in question, in order to study the need to place a drain pipe on it under the road surface, but at the hearing it was found that the odd side of the Address Anonymous is higher than the even one, so the specialist FULL NAME20 explained to the court, that a pipe with such a terrain is necessary for a drain, otherwise the water will erode the road surface, therefore the plaintiff's requirement to dismantle the pipe is unreasonable, will not lead to an improvement in the situation with drainage, since in any case the water will flow to the lowest place, eroding the soil .

From the video recording made by the plaintiff from her words on **.**.**** after the rains, Court established that dampness is observed in the courtyard of the plaintiff's house, but vegetables, including potatoes, are planted and growing in the garden, potatoes are in the flowering stage, dampness is also observed along the boundary line with the land plot at Address Depersonalized, but the gutter, drainage for water flow not equipped. Damage to areas planted with potatoes is not observed. At the same time, it is clear that the level of the land plot Address Depersonalized of the regiment is much higher than that of Sitnikova A.N. Water from the drainpipe does not drain to the site of Sitnikova A.N. directly, and to the site Address Depersonalized through public lands, and already from the neighboring site - to the plaintiff's site.

By virtue of the requirements of Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the plaintiff, being the owner of the land plot No. Address Impersonal, and must take measures to maintain it in accordance with the purposes of its use, defined in the cadastral passport of the land plot - for an individual residential building and outbuildings.

The court takes into account at the same time that sewage from precipitation enters the plaintiff's site not only from public lands, but also from the plots of neighboring land users located above, such issues of water disposal for land plots should be resolved by the owners in agreement with each other.

In accordance with the requirements of Art. 55 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, each party must prove the circumstances to which it refers as the basis for its claims and objections, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Evidence is presented by the parties and other persons participating in the case. The court has the right to invite them to submit additional evidence. If it is difficult for these persons to present the necessary evidence, the court, at their request, assists in collecting and demanding evidence (part 1, article 57 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

The rights and obligations to provide evidence were explained to the parties and other persons participating in the case, in each court session, the court repeatedly asked the plaintiff to provide evidence of the deterioration of the technical condition of the house, outbuildings, the sanitary and epidemiological condition of this property, in connection with the disputed issues that arose on water disposal, however, the above evidence by the plaintiff Sitnikova A.GN. was not presented to the court. She did not apply for assistance by the court in collecting this evidence. Therefore, the plaintiff's arguments in this part of the court finds not proven.

The plaintiff did not provide evidence of damage to the potato crop on her land plot in the summer of 2011, as a result of flooding with rainwater, it was established at the court session that no act on this with the participation of witnesses, representatives of the City Administration was drawn up, the area on which the vegetables were damaged, not determined. In connection with the above, the plaintiff's calculation of the amount of damages and losses, its validity cannot be verified.

In accordance with part 1 of Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused to the person or property of a citizen, as well as damage caused to property legal entity, is subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm.

In this civil case Court established that the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo by their actions, deliberately harming the property of Sitnikova A.GN. did not cause, because she did not store snow near her plot, did not flood the plaintiff's plot with water, did not issue permits to neighboring land users to change the terrain; until **.**.**** Sitnikova A.N. she did not apply to the Administration of Dalmatovo on sewerage issues, she did not ask for the arrangement of a sewerage system on this section of the street on public lands, including in the application dated **.**.****, in connection with which the Administration The city was not made aware of the existing water disposal problems. Statement by Sitnikova A.N. dated **.**.**** indicates that she actually reported to the City Administration about the actions of the neighboring land user Ivanchikov L.P., who eliminated the drainage ditch through his land plot. Therefore, it should be concluded that the defendant did not allow illegal inaction, and the claim of Sitnikova A.GN. to the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo for the recovery of material damage and losses is unreasonable, moreover, the fact of causing damage and the amount of losses has not been proven in any way. The administration of the city of Dalmatovo, as a local self-government body, cannot be held responsible for the level of natural precipitation.

According to Art. 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if a citizen has suffered moral harm (physical or moral suffering) by actions that violate his personal non-property rights or encroach on other non-material benefits belonging to the citizen, as well as in other cases provided for by law, the court may impose on the offender the obligation of monetary compensation said harm.

Considering the requirements of Sitnikova A.N. on compensation for non-pecuniary damage, the court takes into account that the disputed legal relations of the parties are property; the fault of the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo in causing property damage to the plaintiff has not been established, the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo by its actions (or inaction) did not violate the personal non-property rights of the plaintiff and did not cause her physical or moral suffering, since the plaintiff does not refer to such circumstances, therefore there are no legal grounds to satisfy a claim for compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

Having analyzed the photo tables and video recordings presented by the persons participating in the case, having heard the explanations of the parties and third parties, the court concluded that there are problems with water disposal in the area under consideration. fall on the site of Sitnikova A.N., as the lowest located, therefore, these issues are subject to resolution, both with the participation of the owners of adjacent land plots themselves, and the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo with the involvement of specialists in this field, since the plaintiff's requirements for the arrangement of water disposal, specified in the pleading part of the statement of claim, are technically untenable.

According to Art. 274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of real estate (a land plot, other real estate) has the right to demand from the owner of a neighboring land plot, and, if necessary, from the owner of another land plot (neighboring plot) the right to limited use of the neighboring plot (servitude).

An easement may be established to ensure passage and passage through a neighboring land plot, laying and operating power lines, communications and pipelines, providing water supply and melioration, as well as other needs of the owner of immovable property that cannot be provided without the establishment of an easement. An easement is established by agreement between the person requiring the establishment of an easement and the owner of a neighboring plot and is subject to registration in the manner established for registration of rights to immovable property. In case of failure to reach an agreement on the establishment or conditions of the servitude, the dispute is resolved by the court at the suit of the person demanding the establishment of the servitude.

Guided by Art. 194-199 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, court

I decided:

To satisfy the claims of Sitnikova Alexandra Nikolaevna against the Administration of the city of Dalmatovo on imposing the obligation to carry out work on the installation of a drainage system at Address Depersonalized, to remove the pipe located opposite the plaintiff's land plot, to recover material damage, lost income and compensation for non-pecuniary damage, refuse, for their unreasonableness.

The decision can be appealed to the Kurgan Regional Court within 1 month, starting from **.**.****, by bringing an appeal through the Dalmatovsky District Court.

Explain to the parties that they have the right to familiarize themselves with the reasoned decision of the court from 16 h. **.**.**** in the Dalmatovsky District Court.

Judge L.V. Ponomarev

The decision has entered into force