Folk game of low mobility in the middle group. Outdoor games of low and medium intensity for children of the preparatory group

the next child says his name and shows the movement, everyone repeats, etc., until all the children say their names.


Target: increase the creative activity of children, awaken imagination, cheer up, develop composure, attentiveness, the ability to manage their emotions and actions, the skills of collective and coordinated activity.

The teacher invites the children to perform all the movements that he names, but at the same time he himself can show completely different movements. For example, the Teacher says: “Hands to the sides!”, Raises his hands up himself, etc. The game is played for 2-3 minutes. It can be carried out both in a circle and in any other construction. Option: Children do what the teacher shows, and not what he says.


Target: Development of coordination of movements in large and small muscles of the hands.

Description: Children sit or stand with their hands on their knees. The teacher shows different gymnastic movements sequentially for the arms and shoulder girdle, for the torso, for the legs. Children repeat all the exercises, except for one agreed in advance - “forbidden”. The game becomes more complicated with a change in the rule: when the host shows the “forbidden” movement, the children perform another movement assigned instead of it. For example, instead of the forbidden one - stretching the arms forward - the children must perform a prearranged movement - clap their hands or puff out their cheeks.


Target: Development of the skill of throwing and catching the ball, coordination of movements; formation of correct posture; attention training.

Description: The players are divided into two equal groups and lined up in two lines parallel to each other, which stand in front of the benches. Each team chooses a captain, who stand at a distance of 5-6 steps from their teams. The captains have the ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the captains throw the ball to the player of their line, standing in front. He, having received the ball, throws it back to the captain and sits on the bench. The captain throws the ball to the next player on his team. He throws it back to the captain and sits next to the first. Other players do the same. The game ends when all the players on the team are seated. The player who did not catch the ball must run after it and return to his place.


Target: Formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscles of the arch of the foot; teaching plasticity of movements, the ability to relax muscles.

Description: A group of children is divided into "snowflakes", "breezes", the leader is "Frost". “Winds” sit on chairs (bench), “snowflakes” scatter all over the site (hall), “Frost” says: “The winds are blowing.” "Winds" begin to blow along with "Frost": "shhhhh." "Snowflakes" stand on their toes, their hands are raised up, their hands are relaxed, they begin to slowly step over on their toes, switching to an easy run around the entire area, and spin. “Frost” says, hugging himself: “Frost!”, while the “snowflakes” squat, clasping their knees with their hands, saying: “Ahhhhh”, lowering their head to their chest. "Frost" says: "The breezes blew, they blow easily." Children, without straining, exhale with the sound “ffff-u-u”, “snowflakes” get up smoothly, raise their hands up and easily run around the entire playground on their toes. At the same time, the lips close into a tube and the children blow on the fluff, depicting flying snowflakes. The game is repeated: "snowflakes" become "breezes" and vice versa.


Target: teach children to perform various movements in accordance with the text, develop attention, memory. Strengthen the muscles of the back, legs.

Description : Children, holding hands, rhythmically walk in a circle, reading a poem.

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this!

With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn, bend over, squat, etc.

"Winter round dance"

Target: Development of coordination of movements, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: Children form a circle, stand facing the center of the circle.

Wider circle, wider circle, the winter is calling. They walk in place, clapping their hands.

All the girls and guys in the winter round dance.

Hold hands together, one, two, three.

And go around in a circle, one, two, three! Walking in circles holding hands

Now turn around, one, two, three! Children turn the other way

And go around in a circle, one, two, three! Walk in a circle, holding hands to the left

Now step together, one, two, three!

In the same place, one, two, three! They walk in place.

Like snowflakes spin, one, two, three. They spin in place, hands to the sides - down. And get down on the ground, one, two, three! They squat down.


Target: perform movements in accordance with the text; after hearing the last words, catch the ball with both hands without pressing it to the chest.

Game description: Children pass the ball in a circle with the words:

“1,2,3 - run the ball quickly,

4,5,6 - here he is, here he is

7,8,9 - who can throw? I!"

The one who has the ball on the word “I” goes to the middle of the circle and says:

"One, two, three - run!" or just tosses the ball up and catches it.


Target: teach children to listen carefully to the poem and act according to the text. Description: children are freely located around the hall and perform game movements. Good morning! - the birds sang. (children wave their hands) Good people get out of bed; (show how they wake up, stretch) All the darkness is hiding in the corners, (squat down and cover eyes with hands) The sun is up and going! (return to their previous position, spread their arms to the sides, march in place)

"Birds" Target: learn to perform imitative movements, imitate the vocal imitations of birds. Description: Children stand in a circle or freely position themselves around the hall, perform movements in accordance with the words: A flock of birds flies south, the sky is blue around. (Children flap their arms like wings)
To fly faster
You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensively)
In the clear sky the sun shines,
The astronaut flies in a rocket. (Sipping - arms up)
And below the forest, fields -
The earth is spreading. (Low lean forward, arms out to the side)
The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the field. They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)
And again it's time to go, we have to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their "wings")
Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray! It's time for us to land. (Children squat)


Description: The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

We stomp our feet, (stomp) We clap our hands, (clap) We shake our heads, (shake our heads) We raise our hands, (hands up) Then we lower them, (hands down) We raise our hands (hands to the "castle") And we run around , (circle in place) One, two, three, (three claps) Any figure freeze! (depict any figure)

"Get ready, kids!"

Target: improve the ability to navigate in space, avoid collisions; move in the general game situation.

Description: Children form a circle, turn to face the center of the circle.

Get it together, kids! Spring calls: "It's time to walk!"

They clap their hands.

We will walk through the forest, breathe fresh air.

They walk in place. Breathe through your nose.

On tiptoe along the path, one after another, we will go.

They turn, walk on tiptoes, hands on their belts.

We won’t step into small puddles, we’ll go around.

They walk with their knees high, hands behind their backs.

There are trees in the way. We need to bypass them.

They snake one after another.

Go, children, carefully: you can prick yourself on the branches.

We will follow the spring, we will start a round dance.

They walk in a circle holding hands.

We will sing and dance - Spring - to meet a freckle.

Stop, put your hands up. Then perform a bow - lean down, lower your hands.


Target: To develop in children observation, dexterity.

Description: All players stand in a circle close to the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying "hands". The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who had the ball or who dropped it, becomes in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Description: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to a neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands. Options: Put two balls into play. Increase the number of drivers. Give the task to the one who had the ball: jump, dance, etc.


Target: develop memory and attention, the ability to concentrate.
Description: Pick up and put on the table five or six small toys.
Have the children memorize them and then close their eyes for a few seconds. At this time, remove one of the toys and ask them to guess what you have hidden.
If it is difficult for children to remember so many toys at once, start the game with three or four, gradually increasing their number.
Game development: Invite the children to memorize the order in which the toys are placed on the table (which one stands for which).
Then discreetly swap two or three of them. Ask them to guess which toy is in the wrong place.

"Needle and thread»

Tasks: develop orientation in space and, to some extent, coordination of movements and attentiveness. Well suited for playing in kindergartens and at children's parties.

Description: Children stand one after another, holding hands tightly - this is a “long thread” The teacher stands first - “needle.” He walks on his heels, on his toes, on the outside of his foot, or with his knees high, constantly changing direction. The rest of the children repeat all the movements after him, trying to keep up.

A needle, a needle is walking down the street

and thread and thread leads.

A needle, a needle on the heels (like a bear, a horse, etc.) goes and a thread and a thread leads.

"Stop ! »

Tasks: To develop in children endurance, the ability to act on a signal. Practice forming in a circle and walking in a circle.

Description: Children walk around the room. Suddenly the music stops, but the children have to keep going at the same pace until the leader says: “Stop!”

"Many - One"

Target: Learn to catch the ball, accurately throw it into the hands of the instructor. Activate your child's vocabulary

Description: Children are built in a circle, the instructor stands in the middle of the circle, throws the ball to each child ( different ways) and calls the word in the singular - the child catches the ball and throws it back and calls the word in the plural. 1,2,3 - catch up with the ball, the children scatter, the leader catches the guys with the ball. Options: calls a word, for example, house, the child catches the ball, throws it back to the leader, calls the word with a diminutive suffix - house

Card file of sedentary games for older preschoolers.

Mobile game "Mousetrap"
The players are divided into two unequal groups. A minority of children form a vicious circle - a "mousetrap". The rest of the children stand outside the circle - "mice". Children go in a circle with the words:
How we got tired of mice
Their passion developed.
(mouse children run outside the circle)
Everyone ate, everyone ate
Let's catch them now!
(children stop, raising their hands up).
Children-"mice" run in from one side of the circle and run out from the other or nearby. At the command of the instructor: “Clap! "Mousetrap children squat down, quickly dropping their hands. The children remaining in the circle - "mice" in the circle are considered to be caught. The game continues, the children change places.

Sedentary game "Who has the ball?"
With the help of a counter, the driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. Children stand in a circle tightly with their shoulders to each other, hands behind their backs. The driver must guess who has the ball. The instructor starts the game, he has a small ball in his hand. Walking in a circle, the instructor gives the ball into the hand of one of the players, and the children must pass this ball in one direction or another in a circle so that the driver does not notice.

Mobile game "Traps"
With the help of a counter, the driver is selected, who stands in the center of the circle. All other players stand in a large circle, a satin ribbon is hung behind each player's back. Children go in a circle with the words:
We are funny guys, we love to jump and play.
Well, try to catch up with us! (and run around the site).
The driver runs after the children, trying to pull out the tape. Those who are left without a ribbon at the end of the game are considered the losers. At the end, the ribbons of the losing children are counted. The driver who collected the most tapes is noted. The game is repeated 2-3 times with other drivers.
Sedentary game "Find and keep silent"
The physical education instructor starts the game. He shows the children some toy, the children remember it. The instructor invites everyone to squat at the end of the playground facing the wall, and he quickly hides the toy and warns the children that the one who finds the toy first should not point at it and say out loud where it is hidden. At the command of the instructor: “We are looking. "" the children get up, calmly walk and look. Whoever found it first approaches the instructor and speaks so that the others do not hear. The game continues until most of the children find the toy. The most attentive and resourceful player who found the toy first is noted He hides it next.The game is repeated 2 times.
Mobile game "Make a figure"
At the signal of the physical education instructor, the players assume a figure or pose of some fairy tale hero, animal, insect, etc. The music stops, the instructor notes the most interesting figure. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Mobile game "Fishing Rod"
Players stand in a circle, in the center is a physical education instructor. He is holding a rope with a bag of sand tied to it. At the command of the instructor: “Begin! he starts spinning the rope in circles above the floor. As the rope approaches, the players jump over it with both feet together, jumping high so that the rope does not touch their legs. Having described 3-4 circles, the instructor stops and counts the number of players hitting the bag. The game continues 2-3 times.

Children stand in a circle or in a line, the instructor stands so that everyone can clearly see and hear him. He begins to name animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. Names an object and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up if a flying object is named, for example:

Children raise their hands up.

Children raise their hands up.

Children raise their hands up.

Mobile game "Quickly take it"
The physical education instructor lays out cubes, balls, sandbags, small rubber toys, cones throughout the site, which should be 1-2 less than the number of children playing. To the music, children run around, between objects. As soon as the music stops, the children take one object at a time and raise it above their heads. The one who did not have time to pick up any object is considered the loser. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Sedentary game "Entertainers"
With the help of a counting rhyme, an entertainer is chosen, who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, the children go in a circle to the right, then to the left and say:
In an even circle one after another
We go step by step.
Stay where you are!
Let's do it like this.
The children stop, lower their hands, and the entertainer shows some kind of movement. Everyone must repeat it. The one who repeats the movement best of all becomes the new entertainer. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Mobile game: "Bird flight"
At one end of the hall are children - they are "birds". At the other end of the hall - gymnastic benches, cubes, etc. - these are "trees". At the command of the instructor: “The birds are flying away! »Children, waving their arms like wings, scatter all over the hall. At the command of the instructor: “Storm! » run to the hills and hide there. When the instructor says: “The storm has stopped! ”, the children descend, (“the birds” continue their “flight”). During the game, the instructor without fail provides insurance for children, especially when descending. The game continues 2-3 times.

With the help of a counter, the driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. Children stand in a tight circle, shoulder to shoulder to each other, hands behind their backs. The driver must guess who has the ball. The physical education instructor starts the game, he has a small ball in his hand, walking in a circle, he gives the ball to the hand of one of the players, and the children must pass this ball in one direction or another in a circle so that the driver does not notice.
Mobile game: "Don't get caught"
From the players with the help of a counter, 2-3 drivers are selected, they become in the center of the circle. The rest of the children stand in a circle and, at the signal of the instructor, begin to jump into and out of it with both feet as the drivers approach. The fastest driver is noted, who caught the most players, and the dexterous player who has never been caught. The game is repeated with a change of drivers 2 times.

Sedentary game "Make a figure"
At the signal of the physical education instructor, the players walk to calm music. The instructor tells the children to take the figure of some fairy-tale hero or animal, etc. The music stops, the instructor marks the most interesting figure. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Mobile game "Don't stay on the floor"
With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is selected who runs around the hall with the children. As soon as the instructor says: “Catch! ", Everyone runs away from the driver and, as he approaches, they climb some kind of hill (bench, cubes, stairs, chair, and the driver tries to catch those who are running. Those whom he touches step aside. At the end of the game, the caught players are counted. The game continues with a new driver.The driver who caught the most players is noted.
Sedentary game “Who has the ball? »
With the help of a counter, the driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. Children stand in a tight circle, shoulder to shoulder to each other, hands behind their backs. The driver must guess who has the ball. The physical education instructor starts the game, he has a small ball in his hand, walking in a circle, he gives the ball to the hand of one of the players, and the children must pass this ball in one direction or another in a circle so that the driver does not notice.

Mobile game "Geese-swans"
On one side of the hall, the house in which the "geese" are located is indicated. On the opposite side of the hall is a "shepherd". On the side of the site is the lair of the "wolf". The rest of the place is a meadow. With the help of a counter, “wolf” and “shepherd” are selected, the rest of the children are “geese”. The "shepherd" drives the "geese" to the "meadow", I run for a walk.
Shepherd: Geese, geese!
Geese (in chorus): Ha-ha-ha!
Shepherd: Do you want to eat?
Geese (in chorus): Yes, yes, yes!
Shepherd: So fly here!
Geese (in chorus): We can't! The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
Shepherd: So fly as you like, just take care of your wings.
The "geese" run home through the lair of the "wolf", and the "wolf" runs out of the lair and tries to catch the "geese". There are “geese” who ran away from the “wolf” and returned home safely. The game continues with another "shepherd" and "wolf".
Sedentary game "Flies, does not fly"
Children stand in a circle or in a line, the physical education instructor stands so that everyone can clearly see and hear him. He begins to name animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. Names an object and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up if they named a flying object, for example:
Physical education instructor: Skydiver (raises hands up).
Children raise their hands up.
Physical education instructor: Airplane (raises hands up).
Children raise their hands up.
Physical education instructor: Helicopter (raises hands up).
Children raise their hands up.
Physical education instructor: House (raises hands up).
Children do not raise their hands up, etc.
At the end, the instructor counts those players who never made a mistake and were attentive.
Mobile game "Firefighters in training"
Children are built in two columns at the starting line at a distance of 4-5 m from the gymnastic ladder. A bell is hung on the gymnastic ladder at the top. At the command of the instructor: “March! "The first children run, climb the stairs, ring the bell, go down, run back, passing the baton with a clap on the shoulder to the next" fireman ". The team of "firefighters" that completes the task faster wins.
Breathing exercises
1. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. For one - slowly raise your hands up with the words: “Tick”, while inhaling through your mouth, for two - exhale, lowering your hands down saying: “So” (8-10 times).
2. Ill. the same, arms at the chest bent at the elbows at shoulder level. For one - we unbend our arms to the sides, inhaling through the nose, for two - slowly exhaling through the mouth, hands in
and. n. (8-10 times).
3. I. p, standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. At times - head to the left, inhale through the nose, in and. p., exhale through the nose, two - turn the head to the right, inhale with the nose, head in and. p., exhale through the nose (we inhale and exhale only through the nose and quickly) (3 times).
Mobile game "Traps"
With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is selected, who stands in the middle of the site. The rest of the players stand on the court behind the line. After the words of the instructor: “One! Two! Three! Run! » the children run across the line to the opposite side of the playground, and the driver catches the children before they run across the playground and stand over the line. The fastest children and the dexterous driver are noted. The game is repeated with a new driver 2-3 times.
Sedentary game "Edible - inedible"
Children stand in a circle or in a line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is a physical education instructor with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, naming edible-inedible, for example:
Physical education instructor: Pasta with meat. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Cake. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Ice cream. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Dom. The child does not catch the ball. Physical education instructor: TV. The child does not catch the ball. Physical education instructor: Machine. The child does not catch the ball, etc. Children who have never made a mistake are noted.
Mobile game "Third Extra"
Children are divided into pairs, standing in the back of the head one after the other, while forming a large circle. Two drivers remain outside the circle, and at the command of the instructor: “Run! » one catches up with the other, running in a circle after all standing couples. In this case, the evader can at any time stand in front of some pair, and the third in this pair runs away from the catcher. If the pursuer catches the evader, they switch roles.
Sedentary game "Tops, roots"
Children stand in a circle or in a line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is an instructor with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, calling the tops or roots, for example:
Physical education instructor: Eggplant.
Child; Vershki (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Radish.

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Strawberry.
Child: Tops (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Garlic.
Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Child: Tops (catches the ball and throws it back), etc.

Mobile game "Frost - Red Nose"
With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected - “frost”, which stands in the center of the site, and on the side is his house. The rest of the players stand on one side of the court with a line.
Frost: I'm Frost - Red Nose, Who among you will decide to set off on a path.
Children (in chorus): We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!
After the words, the children should run across to the opposite side of the site beyond the line "where" frost "does not have the right to run across. The distance from the starting line to the finish line is 3-4 m. Whoever the “frost” caught during the run, leads to his house. Those “frosts” are noted that were caught in one run large quantity players. The game is repeated with another "frost".
Sedentary game "Vegetables and fruits"
Children stand in a circle or in a line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is an instructor with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, naming a vegetable or fruit, for example:
Physical education instructor: Carrot.

Physical education instructor: Cabbage.
Child: Vegetable (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Orange.

Physical education instructor: Grapes.
Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Pineapple.
Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Cucumbers.
Child: Vegetables (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Potato.
Child: Vegetable (catches the ball and throws it back).
Physical education instructor: Pear.
Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).
Children who have never made a mistake are noted.
Mobile game "Hunters and hares"
With the help of a counter, a “hunter” is selected, the rest of the children are “hares”. On one side of the hall - the house of the "hunter", on the other - the house of the "hares". At the beginning of the music, the “hunter” comes out and looks for traces of the “hares”, then returns to himself. "Hares" jump out of their house and jump across the entire playground on two legs in different corrections. At the command of the instructor: “Hunter! The "hares" run away to their house, and the "hunter" throws small balls at the "hares" as if he were firing a gun. The one whom the "hunter" hit with the ball is considered killed and goes to the "hunter's" house.
The game is repeated with a new "hunter". The most accurate "hunter" is noted, with the majority of the "hares" killed.
Sedentary game "Counting"
Children for the preparatory group know a lot of count-check. All the players stand in a circle, one of the guys - the driver, who stands behind the circle, begins to pronounce the counting rhyme, pointing - in turn to each player. On whom the counting ended, he becomes the next driver. One of the children is noted who correctly divides words into syllables, who has a good memory and who told a lot of counting rhymes. The funniest and interesting counter.
Grandma was sowing peas.
He was born thick
We will rush - you are empty!
Bunny running down the road
Yes, my legs are very tired.
Bunny wanted to sleep
Come out - you look!
A heron walks through the swamp
Can't find a job.
She sat on the stumps
Ate five frogs at once.
One, two, three, four, five,
Come out - you look!
Our Tom wanted to eat,
He went into the refrigerator.
Sour cream in the fridge
Meat, fish, eggplant,
Cucumbers and grapes.
Zucchini and lemonade.
When you want to eat,
So come out soon!
Jerry is having fun
Jerry sings songs!
One, two, three, four, five,
Come on, Jerry, sing again!

Mobile game "Sorcerer"
With the help of a counter, a “sorcerer” is selected, who stands in the center of the circle built by the rest of the players. Players walk in a circle saying:
We are funny guys
We love to jump and jump
Well, try to catch up with us!
All the children run away. The one to whom the "sorcerer" touched is considered bewitched. The child who was bewitched
stands in place, feet shoulder-width apart. Other children can disenchant him if they crawl on all fours between the legs of the bewitched. Bewitched children are not allowed to stand close to the wall. The game continues with the change of "sorcerer" 3 times. Those children who ran away from the "sorcerer" are noted, and those who bewitched the most children.

Mobile game "Who was named, he catches"
One driver is selected, who stands in a hoop lying on the floor in the center of the site. At the command of the instructor: “Begin! » children run, jump, walk. The driver throws the ball up, loudly speaking someone's name, for example, Vasya, and runs away. Vasya runs, catches the ball, gets into the hoop, also calls the name. Throws the ball, runs away, etc.
Mobile game "Mice and houses"
With the help of a counter, the leader is selected. The rest of the children stand in rings or circles drawn on the floor and take places in them - “mice in houses”. The driver comes up to some house and says: “Mouse, mouse, sell the house! » She refuses. Then the driver goes
to another mouse. At this time, the "mouse", which refused to sell the house, calls one of the players and changes place with him. The driver seeks to take the place of one of the running ones. If he succeeds, then the one left without a place becomes the leader. Beli fails, then he goes from house to house with a request to sell the house. If the driver says: “The cat is coming! ", then everyone should change places, and the driver seeks to occupy someone's house.

Sedentary game "Guess by touch"
With the help of a counter, the leader is selected, he becomes in the center of the circle blindfolded. The rest of the children stand in a circle. The instructor slowly turns the driver, who approaches the player and determines by touch who it is. The most attentive driver is noted. The game continues with another driver 3-4 times.
Mobile game "Owl"
With the help of a counter, an “owl” is selected. She sits on one side of the hall: there her nest, the rest, playing birds, grasshoppers, butterflies, beetles, mosquitoes and flies, are placed throughout the hall. After a while, the instructor says: “Night! ". The players freeze in the position in which the night caught them. At night, an “owl” flies out and runs between “birds”, “butterflies”, “grasshoppers”, “flies” and “mosquitoes”, watching them. If she notices that someone has moved, then she takes him to her nest. The instructor says: “Day! ". Everything comes to life, and again the "insects" are spinning, flying, crawling. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Sedentary game "Four Elements"
The players stand in a circle. The physical education instructor explains that there are 4 elements: water, air, earth, fire. For example, fish, frogs, crayfish live in water, people, animals, insects, etc. live on earth, but no one lives in fire.
If the driver throws the ball and says: “Water”, “Earth” or “Air”, then the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch it, name the one who lives in this element, and throw the ball back to the driver. If the driver says: “Fire! ", then you can not catch the ball.
For an incorrect answer or a ball caught on the word "fire", the player is out of the game. Play until the last remaining participant.

Mobile game "Carp and pike"
On opposite sides of the playground, the “crucian” houses are marked with lines. The driver is chosen as a counting room - “pike”. All other children are "carp". "Karasi" are divided into two teams and disperse to their homes, and the "pike" is in the middle of the site. At the instructor's signal, all "carp" run (swim) to the opposite side. "Pike" catches running across. The one who is caught stands aside. After 2-3 runs, when there are 5-6 caught "carp", they form a network: they stand in one line in the middle of the site and hold each other's hands. Now, at the instructor’s signal, the “carp” run to the other side through the net (under the arms, and the “pike” stands behind the net and catches those running out of it. The caught “carp” also join the net. The game ends when all the “carp” are caught. Then a new driver is selected or the last caught “crucian” becomes the “pike.” The instructor can, after 2-3 runs, appoint one of the children as the “pike”.
Sedentary game "Seasons, months and days of the week"
Children stand in a large circle. The phase-culture instructor, for example, gives Olya a big ball and asks her to name the months of summer. Olya takes the ball, goes to the center of the circle, hits it on the floor with both hands and calls: June, July, August and passes the ball to whomever she wants, for example, Andrey. The instructor asks him to name the days of the week. Yura - 4 seasons, Alina - the months of spring, Katya - how many days are in a week, Pavlik - what season is it, etc. Those who answered the question incorrectly or think for a long time are eliminated from the game. The last one left wins.
Mobile game "Shander-mander"
All players stand in a large circle. With the help of a counter, a leader is selected, who becomes in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. The leader beats si "on the floor with two or one hand and says:
Shander-mander lippopander (children run, and stop at the end of words).
I twist, I twist, whom I want, It will be. (name of player)
The driver says loudly how many steps to the one he called, for example, to Sasha. There are 3 giant steps before him (large, wide steps, 5 ordinary, 7 ant (minching steps) and 2 hare (jumping on two legs). The driver performs these steps and reaches Sasha. He throws the ball to him, Sasha catches and starts the game again. If Sasha does not catch, then the same child remains leading.You can name 2 or 3 types of walking, you can all 4.
Sedentary game “What has changed? »
The physical education instructor puts small rubber toys in front of the children, offers to carefully look at and remember them. On command: “Close your eyes! » children close their eyes, and the instructor quickly swaps toys or removes one. On command: “Open your eyes! » children open their eyes and answer what has changed or what has not become. The most attentive children are noted. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Mobile game "Fortification Defense"
Children become in a circle. With the help of a counter, a defender is selected who protects the pin, standing in a small drawn circle in the center of a large one. Players try to knock down the pin with the ball. The ball can be thrown, but the thrower cannot leave the general circle and change place. The one who manages to knock down the pin takes the place of the defender.
Sedentary game "Brook"
Children become pairs, holding hands, stand with each other and form a long “corridor”, hands are raised up. One child, left without a couple, starts the movement of a stream. He goes into the stream from the end of the "corridor"
and goes to the beginning of the brook, taking by the hand a friend from you of the couple, whomever he wants. Left without a couple child | away from the brook to the end of the "corridor", then enters the brook, taking whoever he wants by the hand, etc. Thus, the brook slowly flows, moving forward.
Mobile game "Horses and runners"
A playground 3x3 or 5x5 m is outlined. Children are divided into two teams: horses and runners. On one side of the site - the house of horses. Runners scatter around the playing area within its boundaries. The horses send one of their team into the field (to the site). The horse catches runners by jumping on one leg. The physical education instructor calls the horse: “Home! ". He returns, and instead of him, the next player in turn jumps into the field. And so the horses change all the time. Caught runners are captured by the horses. The game ends when all players are in the field
overfished. Then the teams switch roles. The game is repeated.
Sedentary game "Tender words"
Children stand in a circle and, passing the ball in any direction, say affectionate words, for example, Sasha says: “Darling” and passes the ball to Katya, she says: “Sunny” and passes the ball to Christina, etc. Those whose words are repeated, are considered losers and are out of the game. The one who utters the most affectionate words wins.
Mobile game: "Burners"
Players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. With the help of a rhyme, a driver is chosen, he stands on the line, with his back to the players and says:
Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out,
Look at the sky, the birds are flying, the bells are ringing.
One two, three - run!
With the end of the words, the children who stood in the last pair scatter to the sides forward along the column and unite again before the leader catches one of the players. If the driver managed to do this, he forms a new pair, standing in front of the column. And the player left without a pair becomes the driver. The game continues until every pair has run.
Sedentary game "Paints"
With the help of a counting rhyme, they choose the "owner" and the "buyer". The rest of the players are "paints". Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly calls it the "owner", who invites the "buyer". The "buyer" approaches the players, and there is a conversation:
- Knock Knock!
- Who's there?
- Buyer.
- What did you come for?
- For paint.
- For what?
- For blue.
If there is no blue paint, then the “master” replies: “Go along the path, bring me blue boots, scold, scold and bring back! » If the “buyer” guessed the color of the paint, then he takes the “paint” for himself. When the "buyer" guesses several "colors", he becomes the "owner", and a new "buyer" is selected from among the "colors".

1. "Who will pass quietly"

Tasks: to acquaint with walking in a given direction, to develop the ability to maintain balance.

Game progress: Children walk in a free formation in one direction. The teacher offers to walk quietly on tiptoes (shows how to do this). Then he gives a signal: "And now we walked quickly." The walking speed on the signal changes several times.

2. "Ball"

Game progress: Children depict how balloon gradually filled with air: slowly raise your hands up and puff out your cheeks. But the ball "burst": the children are slowly in a relaxed state and sink to the floor saying: shhh

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

3. "Grains"

Tasks: to teach children to act according to the rules, to develop endurance.

Game progress:
Educator: They planted grains in the ground. (Children sit on the floor, shrink into a ball.) It rained, and then the sun shone. The grains began to germinate, sprouts appeared. (Children slowly rise, pull themselves up, raising their hands - "sprouts" up - and turning towards the "sun").

4. "Bubble"

Tasks: to teach children to act on the command of the teacher, to develop attention.

Game progress: Children, together with an adult, stand in a circle holding hands.
Inflate the bubble.
Inflate big.
stay like this
Don't crash.
Children gradually stepping back expand the circle. At the words “The bubble burst”, they lower their hands and say “sh-sh-sh”.
The game is repeated 2-4 times
Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

5. "Kwa-kva-kva"

Tasks: develops auditory memory and to some extent coordination of movements and attentiveness.

Game description:

The leader is blindfolded with a bandage, and the rest of the children stand around him.
The leader begins to spin and say the chants:
"Here is a frog on the path
Jumping, stretched out her legs,
I saw a mosquito, I screamed ...
“On the word“ screamed ”, the presenter points fingers in front of him.
The player pointed to by the leader (or closer to whom) says: "Kwa-kva-kva." The facilitator should call the name of this player.
If the leader guessed correctly, then the identified player becomes the next leader, otherwise the leader repeats everything.

Rules of the game
1. The leader is blindfolded, and the rest of the children stand around him.
2. The host spins and pronounces the above chants.
3. On the word "shouted", the host points his fingers in front of him, and the player to whom he points must say: "kva-kva-kva".
4. If the leader correctly guesses who is in front of him, then this player becomes the leader, otherwise the game starts anew from the second point.


The host is not allowed to touch the players.
To complicate the game, it is allowed to pronounce qua-qua in an unnatural voice for yourself.

6. "Kitty"

Tasks: the game develops artistry, dexterity.

Game progress:

The child crawls on all fours, depicting a cat. Stops and turns his head (the cat looks around), then tilts his head (the cat drinks milk).
For children over two years old, you can complicate the game: the cat crawls between the legs of an adult, under a chair, climbs onto the sofa, lies down, purrs.

7. "Humpty Dumpty"

Game progress

Children stand in a relaxed position, arms hanging freely. Under the text that the adult pronounces, turn the body to the right and left (hands should hang freely, like a rag doll).


Humpty Baltai
Sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty.
Fell off in a dream.

Children relax on the floor. The game can be played with one child or with a subgroup of children.

8. "Cold-warm"

Tasks: develops attention, thinking.

Game progress:

Children sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish.

Educator: The north wind blew. It has become cold, cold. (Children shrink into balls, arms crossed over their chest.)

At the signal “The sun came out. It became warm-warm” children relax and fan themselves. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

9."Find a Pair"

Find a Pair - the game develops classification and sorting skills, hand-eye coordination, hand motor skills, and mental skills.

Game Description

Objects are laid out on the table that are combined with each other according to some signs. Mix them up. The child is invited to take any object and find a pair for it, and then explain why he considers these objects to be paired.

Rules of the game
1. Various items are assembled that are combined with each other (pencil and paper, sock and shoe, lock and key, etc.)
2. Lay out the items on the table and mix.
3. The child is seated at the table.
4. An adult chooses any object and asks the child to find a pair for him (or
the child chooses the subject independently).
5. If the child finds a mate, they put it aside.
6. Take the next item and repeat the same.
7. The game continues until all the items are collected in pairs.

Instead of objects, you can use pictures from the object.
Source M.F. Litvinov "Russian folk outdoor games"

10. "Find by description"

Find by description - a game for children of two or three years. Promotes the development of observation, memory and attention of the child.

Game description:

Ask the child to show what you describe to him.
For example: “Please show me the object. It is round, one side is red and the other is blue. You can play with it: roll it, throw it to each other ”(this is a ball).

Rules of the game:
1. Describe an object to the child: its color, shape, what it is made of, what you can do with it
2. The child guesses and names the object from the description


You can describe people, animals, nature - precipitation, trees ... (yes, everything that surrounds us) and ask the child to guess who / what you are talking about.

11. "Silence"

Tasks: the game develops speech and memory with the help of rhymes.
Before the game starts, the chorus players say:

Primroses, worms
The bells rang.
By the fresh dew
In a different lane.
There are cups, nuts,
Honey, sugar.
After the word "Silence" everyone should be silent. The host tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words, nursery rhymes. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a phantom. At the end of the game, the children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poetry, dance, and perform interesting movements.

The game low mobility with kidsjunior preschool age (34 years)

"Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old ”K.K. Utrobina.

sedentary game - for preschool children are a means of social and physiological adaptation. Causes keen interest, develops ingenuity and ingenuity.

"Do you want to play with us?" No. 1

Children form a circle, inside of which there is a driver. On a signal, the children begin to move in a circle one after another, raising their knees high and waving their arms vigorously. The driver moves inside the circle in the opposite direction. Speak text:

Do you want to play with us?

Need to call quickly

Your favorite toy

Doll, bunny, rattle...

Come on, loud, one, two, three,

Name the toy.

At the end of the text, the children and the driver stop. The child in front of whom the driver stopped calls his favorite toy, and then becomes the next driver.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): “Today we help mom” No. 2

Children form a circle. Leading in the center of the circle, he holds the ball in his hands, which he throws to the children in turn after the spoken text:

Helping mom today

We collect dishes on the table.

I will throw the ball to you

And you - to name the dishes.

The child who catches the ball throws it back to the leader. At the same time, naming any kind of dishes (cup, saucer, spoon, fork, teapot, saucepan, frying pan, etc.).

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Parsley" No. 3

Children form a circle. With a counting book, choose the driver - Petrushka, he stands in the center of the circle.

Speak the following text:

I am a fun toy

And my name is Petrushka!

I will do the exercises

You are to repeat the movements after me.

At this time, the children standing in a circle perform a “spring”, hands on their belts. At the end of the text, Petrushka performs any exercises (tilts, squats, jumps, etc.). Children must exactly repeat the movements shown by Petrushka. The child who most accurately and correctly completed Petrushka's task becomes the new driver.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Let's find a titmouse" No. 4

Children stand freely around the hall, the teacher has a toy in his hands - a titmouse.

I'll go hide the titmouse -

A very small bird.

Close your eyes quickly

Where is the titmouse - guess.

Children squat down and close their eyes. The teacher hides the toy.

"Look for a titmouse!" The children go looking for the bird.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Sun, rain, wind" No. 5

Children form a circle, turn around one after another. In the center is a teacher. Children walk in a circle one after another, listen to commands and perform movements:

On command : "Sun!"- walk on toes, hands up.

By command: "Rain!"- stop, fold their hands in a “house” above their heads.

On command: Wind!"- run in a circle at a slow pace.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Funny Snowflakes" No. 6

The children are spread out on the playground.

A white snow fell.

Go for a walk, my friend!

Blizzard - blizzard at the gate

A round dance is spinning snowflakes.

Flew, circled

And they fell to the ground.

Children spin in place at a slow pace to the right, to the left.

Stop, sit down.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Flies - does not fly" No. 7

Children form a circle, stand facing the center of the circle, where the teacher is. The teacher randomly pronounces the names of pieces of furniture, animals, birds, insects. If the named object (animal, insect, bird) flies, the children rise on their toes, spread their arms to the sides, if they do not fly, they squat down.

For example: a butterfly, a bee, a dragonfly, a crow, a sparrow, a titmouse, an airplane, a helicopter ... - they fly. Table, chair, car, ball ... - do not fly (squat down).

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Find the Chicken" No. 8

Children close their eyes, at this time the teacher hides a toy - a chicken. Children form a circle. They take hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. All together, holding hands, walk in a circle. Speak text:

Mom came out - a chicken

Take a walk on the street.

Chickens came out with her -

Funny guys.

Suddenly one chicken disappeared -

Yellow, small child.

Children, help!

Find a chicken!

After these words, the children disperse around the site, looking for a toy.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Smooth Circle" No. 9

The leader is chosen. The rest of the children form a circle, in the center of which he becomes. Children hold hands, go to the right or left side, saying the text:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are

friendly, together

Let's do it... like this.

Then the children stop, turn their faces to the center of the circle, put their hands down.

The driver performs a movement, the children repeat it. The driver chooses one of the children who performed the movement better.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Take a Seat on the Bus" No. 10

Children are built in a column one at a time, then squat down - " are on the bus." At the command of the teacher "Stop" The players get up and walk around the playground.

By command: "Take your seat on the bus!" children find their place in the column, calmly approach it, squat down and again "They are on the bus."

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Spring on the Threshold" No. 11

Children stand in a circle, facing the center. A small circle is drawn in the middle. In the center of a small circle lies a “snow globe”. Each child has two snowballs in their hands. Children walk in place.

We don't miss, we don't miss

Together we welcome spring!

Let the snow fly

And the frost is still cracking

March is knocking at the gate

And spring looks out the window.

The sun is shining

Winter is angry.

throw snowballs,

Skip the winter.

After the words of the teacher, the children throw snowballs, trying to get into the snow globe.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "To be strong, dexterous"

Children stand in a circle, turn to face the center. In the center is the leader. The teacher pronounces the text, during which the children clap their hands:

To be strong, dexterous,

You should be friends with sports.

All sports must know

To become a brave soldier.

After the words of the teacher, the leader shows some kind of sport with imitation movements (swimming - strokes with his hands, football - kicking the ball, basketball - dribbling ... Then he carefully looks at the movements of all the children and chooses the child who performed the movement best. He becomes the driver .

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Loaf" No. 13

Children form a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver - “loaf”. Everyone join hands, walk in a circle, pronounce the words:

As on the day of the eighth of March

We baked a loaf

We baked a loaf.

Mom, mom, take

Our gift is a loaf,

Pour tea into cups for everyone!

We'll drink tea with mom

Let's go dancing later.

At the end of the words, the children put their hands on their belts, put their right and left legs alternately on the toe and on the heel. The driver - "loaf" chooses the player who dances best of all. He is the leader.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Christmas tree, birch, oak" No. 14

Children are built in a column one by one, after the words of the teacher, they begin to move in a circle one after another:

We walk along the path and recognize the trees!

By command: "Christmas tree"- children stop, rise, raise their hands to the sides - down;

By command: "Birch"- children stop, raise their hands up, slightly shake their hands to the right - to the left;

On command : "Rowan"- with a jump put their feet shoulder-width apart, hands - in a ring in front of the chest.

One of the children who made a mistake in following the commands of the teacher moves away from the players. 2-3 most attentive players win.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "To whom to give?" No. 15

Children stand in a circle, hold hands. In the middle of the circle is a child with a flower. Children move in a round dance in a circle, pronouncing the text:

The children stood in a circle

We saw a flower.

To whom to give, to whom to give?

To whom should the flower be given?

Children stop, turn to face the center of the circle. The leader with a flower in his hand points to one of the children, says to whom he gives the flower. He is the leader.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Freeze" No. 16

Children move freely around the room. On command: "Freeze!" each child must adopt and maintain a posture that reflects characteristics any poultry.

Rooster - legs together left hand raised up, hand - to the crown,

fingers are widely spaced - "scallop"; right hand to back

the fingers of the hand are widely spaced - "tail".

Chicken - legs slightly apart; lean forward, head straight,

hands back - up, wings raised.

Duck - squat down, put the palms of your hands together, attach to

nose - the beak of a duck.

The driver walks around the children, looks at their postures, and identifies those who move.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Zoo" No. 17

Outline 5-6 circles (cells) on the site. Several children occupy these circles. Children in circles agree which of the wild animals each of them will portray (gestures, facial expressions, characteristic movements). For example: bear, fox, wolf, hare, etc.

All other children go to the zoo and guess which animals are in circles (in cages).

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Name the Insect" No. 18

Children stand in a circle at some distance from each other. The leader is in the center of the circle, he has a ball in his hands (diameter 25 cm). The host takes turns throwing the ball to the children. Children throw it back, naming any insect they know (bee, ant, grasshopper, bumblebee, fly, wasp, dragonfly, butterfly, etc.).

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Zhmurki with a bell" No. 19

All the children in the group, except for two, stand in a circle, holding hands. Two children stand inside the circle. One of them is blindfolded, he is a blind man, the other has a bell tied to his leg. The blind man's blind man, having heard the ringing of the bell, goes in the direction of the ringing in order to catch a friend who is trying to dodge the blind man's blind man. A pair of drivers should not leave the circle. When the blind man catches a friend, the game continues with the next couple.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "The Most Attentive" No. 20

Children stand side by side in a circle, turning one after another. The teacher stands next to the circle so that all the children can see him. In his hands he has 3 cards with images: fish, stones and algae. At the signal of the teacher (whistle), the children begin to move in a circle one after another. The teacher alternately shows cards with images:

  1. fish- slowly run in a circle, the “breaststroke” movement is performed with the hands;
  2. stones- children squat, clasp their knees with their hands, tilt their heads to their knees;
  3. Seaweed- children stop, raise their hands up, shake their hands from side to side.

One of the children who makes a mistake in executing the command step aside. The winners are 1-2 most attentive players.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Traffic Light" No. 21

Children form a circle. The teacher stands at the center. In the hands of the teacher there are 3 mugs of red, yellow and Green colour. At the signal of the teacher (whistle), the children begin to move in a circle one after another, observing the actions of the teacher. When the teacher raises a red circle, the group stops, yellow - steps in place, green - children walk in a circle one after another. If the child made a mistake while completing the task, he moves away from the players. 1-2 most attentive children win.

: « The sea is worried” No. 22

Children stand in a circle. Say the words aloud and swing your arms back and forth. "The sea is worried, one" The sea is worried, two! The sea is worried, three! Marine figure, freeze! Children freeze in different poses. An adult examines the figures, notes the most interesting.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Find out who called?" No. 23

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce the text in chorus:

“Guess the riddle, who called you - find out!” .

In the center is a blindfolded driver. Children stop, an adult points to one of them, and they say the name of the driver. The driver must guess who called him (2-3 times).

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Find a Toy" No. 24

The adult hides the toy in advance, invites the children to find and bring it.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Circle-circle" No. 25

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say the words:

“Circle-circle, scarlet flower!

One, two, three - turn around - ka,

Olya, you!

the named child turns his back in a circle, holds hands. Children continue to pronounce the words of the game.

As soon as there are 5-6 children with their backs in the circle, the game stops.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Let's play!" No. 26

Children stand freely near an adult, perform movements at his signal. An adult hums the words of each line.

“Finger on finger tuk tuk.

Execute the command with the index fingers.

Our fingers dance merrily.

Hands up, rotate with brushes ("Flashlights").

Hand clap, and clap, and clap.

Hand clapping.

Our hands are clapping merrily.

The rhythm speeds up.

Legs top, and top, and top.


Our feet are stomping fast.

The rhythm speeds up.

Squat, squat, squat again.

Sit down, hands on the belt.

Our children dance merrily.

Turns in place around you.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "On a flat path" No. 27

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and perform movements in accordance with the text.

"Along the flat path

Our feet are walking.

Walk in a circle holding hands.

Through the pebbles, through the pebbles

The legs are moving.

Raise your knees up.

Down the path, down the path

The legs ran.

Run without letting go.

In the hole - boom!

Stop, unhooking your hands, squat down.

Got out of the hole .

The game is repeated, but now the children go in the other direction.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Cold - Hot" No. 28

Children sit in a circle in free poses. "A cold north wind blew" (Children huddle together.)

“The bright sun came out, you can sunbathe” (children relaxed, smile, raise their faces to the sun). For tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body. Repeat 2-3 times.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Silence by the Pond" No. 29

Children go one after another and say:

"Silence by the pond

Water does not sway.

Don't make noise reeds

Go to sleep kids."

At the last word they stop, squat, tilt their heads down and close their eyes. (10sec)

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Giants and Dwarves" No. 30

Walking in a column one at a time. At the teacher's signal "Giants »Children walk on their toes with their hands up, followed by normal walking. On the next signal "Gnomes" - walking in a semi-squat, and so in alternation.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Winter Fun" No. 31

Do by text.

"Let's take some snow,

We make snowballs in our palms.

They quarreled together -

Our hands stretched.

And now it's time to create

Sculpt a snow woman.

Whom after whom rolled,

They hoisted each other.

Above is the third, small room.

The snow was shaken off the hands later

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "What's in the package?" No. 32

Children stand in a circle. The leader in the center sits on his heels, puts his hands on the floor and lies face down on his hands. He became "package". It contains a surprise. Suddenly, the "package" kneels, raises his hands up - "the package is open." If he says that he has a kitten, everyone meows, and so on.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Balloon" No. 33

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, and perform movements in accordance with the text and as shown by an adult.

"We went to the store

Bought a ball.

Hand in hand, walk in a circle.

Let's inflate the balloon.

Stopping, take small steps back (inflate the balloon).

Inflate the balloon

inflate big

Don't crash.

He flew, he flew, he flew

Turn around and go the other way.

He touched a branch and ... burst!

Stop, put your hands on your belt, sit down, say: “ sh-sh-sh-sh.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Gymnastics" No. 34

Children become in a circle. An adult slowly reads a poem, children perform exercises in accordance with the text:

"We stomp our feet,

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

we lower our hands

We hold hands

And we're running"

Low mobility game (3-4 years old) : "Penguins on ice floes" No. 35

Children - "penguins" stand freely around the hall. They have small plastic cubes between their feet. The adult pronounces the words, and the children perform movements in accordance with the text.

"White and black penguins

Far visible on the ice floes.

How do they walk together?

Show it to you.

Protruded palms

And they jumped a little.

And suddenly they saw a walrus,

Hands slightly raised

And they walked faster onto the ice floe.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Trees and Birds" No. 36

Children perform movements in accordance with the text. An adult pronounces the text.

“Hands raised and waved - these are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Gently wave our hands - it's birds flying to us,

How they sit down - we will show;

Wings folded back

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Tell and Show" No. 37

Children stand in front of an adult, saying the words "That's it!" and show movements in accordance with the text that the adult pronounces.

"How is it going?

Like this! Show thumb.

How are you swimming?

Like this! Imitate movement.

How are you going?

Like this! Walking in place.

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this. Put a palm to the forehead.

You follow.

Like this! Waving with a hand.

How are you kidding?

Like this! They strike with fists on puffed cheeks.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Everyone goes in for sports" No. 38

Children stand randomly throughout the hall and perform movements in accordance with the text.

"The frog is jumping:

Bend your arms at the elbows, tilt to the sides.


Squeeze - unclench your fingers into a fist.

Swimming duckling:

Simulate swimming.


Squeeze and unclench straight fingers.

Everyone around is trying

One hand up, the other down.

They do sports.

Change the position of the hands.

Swift tit: tur-lu-lu!

Wave your arms like a bird's wings

Spinning in the air: tur-lu-lu!

With palms together in front of you, squat.

Everyone around is trying

One hand up, the other down.

They do sports.

Change the position of the hands.

Little squirrel:


Jumping up.

Branch to branch:

jump jump jump!

Jumping in place back and forth.

Everyone around is trying

One hand up, the other down.

They do sports.

Change the position of the hands.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Rides, rides a steam locomotive" No. 39

Children stand one after another, bending their elbows - they are train carriages, and perform movements. An adult stands in front of the children and pronounces the words.

"Rides, rides a steam locomotive

Walking next to each other. With straightening of arms bent at the elbows.

Two pipes and a hundred wheels

The machinist is a red dog.


Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Amusement Park" No. 40

Children stand in pairs around the room and perform movements in accordance with the text.

"We sat on the carousel,

The carousels started spinning.

Holding hands, spin.

Moved to the swing.

They flew up and down.

Holding hands: one player stands, the other crouches.

And now with you together

We are sailing on a boat.

Hold hands, swing: right-left, forward-backward.

We will go ashore from the boat,

And we'll run across the lawn

Like bunnies, like bunnies.

Jumping on two legs.

Low mobility game (3-4 years old): "Grandma Malanya" No. 41

"At Malania, at the old woman's


Lived in a small hut

Fold your arms at an angle, showing the "hut"

seven sons,

Bend and unbend your fingers.

All without eyebrows

Outline the eyebrows with your fingers, as if pushing through them.

With these ears

Bring your palms with spread fingers to your ears.

With such noses

Show a long nose, placing the palms, with fingers spread apart one after the other.

With a head like this

Connect raised hands at the top, around the head.

Here with such a beard!

Show a big beard with your hands.

They didn't drink, they didn't eat.

With one hand, bring a "cup" to your mouth, with the other - a "spoon"

Everyone looked at Malania

Keeping your hands by your eyes, pat your fingers like eyelashes.

And everyone does this...

Children repeat the exercise shown by grandmother Malanya.

List of games of low mobility with children 3 - 4 years old.

  1. "Do you want to play with us?"
  2. "Today we help mom."
  3. "Parsley".
  4. "Let's find a titmouse."
  5. Sun, rain, wind.
  6. "Funny snowflakes"
  7. "Flies - does not fly"
  8. "Find a chicken"
  9. "Smooth Circle"
  10. "Take a seat on the bus"
  11. "Spring is on the doorstep"
  12. "To be strong, dexterous"
  13. "Loaf"
  14. "Christmas tree, birch, oak"
  15. "To whom to give?"
  16. Freeze
  17. "Zoo"
  18. "Name the insect"
  19. "Zhmurki with a bell"
  20. "Most Attentive"
  21. "Traffic light"
  22. "Ocean is shaking"
  23. "Find out who called?"
  24. "Find a toy"
  25. "Circle - circle"
  26. "Let's play"
  27. "On a flat path"
  28. "Cold - hot"
  29. "Silence by the Pond"
  30. "Giants and Gnomes"
  31. "Winter fun"
  32. "What's in the Package"
  33. "Balloon"
  34. "Gymnastics"
  35. "Penguins on Ice"
  36. "Trees and Birds"
  37. "Everybody does sports"
  38. "Say and Show"
  39. "Rides - rides a steam locomotive"
  40. "Amusement park"
  41. "Grandma Malanya"

Sedentary games are used as an independent form of work on physical education. The purpose of sedentary games and game exercises is:

    decrease in physical activity, i.e., a gradual transition from an excited state to a calmer one;

    removal of general fatigue, motor tension of the muscles of the hands, flexibility and mobility of the fingers, coordination of the movements of the arms and legs;

    development of mindfulness, ingenuity, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction;

    strengthening the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and other body systems;

    orientation in space;

    formation and consolidation of motor skills;

    getting pleasure and creating a good mood;

    preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;

    increased interest in physical culture and healthy lifestyle.

AT sedentary games movements are performed at a slow pace, their intensity is insignificant.

The specifics of this type of games are: the way children are organized (circle, loose, line, etc.), the movements that are included in the game, the method of playing the game (choosing a game, venue, preparing for the game, gathering children for the game, explaining the game, conducting game, the end of the game), the pace at which it is played (slow), the number of repetitions of movements (3-6 times).

Games of low mobility contribute to the development of memory, ingenuity and observation, coordination of movements, orientation in space and motor skills. In addition, they give children pleasure, create a good mood, which is important. Games of low mobility are held with all children simultaneously at a physical education lesson (in its third part), leisure and holidays, daytime and evening walks, in the process of physical culture minutes and physical culture pauses, and independent motor activity of children.

Games and game exercises of low mobility for the younger group.

1. "Bunny"

One of the players is designated as a bunny. Everyone else becomes in a circle.

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you?

You are sitting very sick,

You get up and dance

Here, have a carrot.

At the last phrase, “bunny” takes a carrot (it can be a painted carrot, a ribbon, etc.) and performs dance moves, everyone else clap. Then the "bunny" changes.

2. "Find a toy"

The teacher hides the toy somewhere in advance and offers to look for it. Anyone who notices where the toy is located approaches the teacher and quietly tells him about it. When most of the children cope with the task, the teacher allows you to go to the toy and bring it.

3. "Silence".

Game progress. Walking in a column one by one around the hall, say the following:

Silence by the pond

The grass does not sway.

Don't make noise reeds

Fall asleep kids.

At the end of the poem, the children stop, crouch, bow their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the teacher says: “Kwa-kva-kva!” - and explains that the frogs woke the guys up, they woke up, got up and stretched. The game starts over.

4. "Bubble".

The children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, becoming close to each other, then they say:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up, big one

Stay like this

Don't crash. At the same time, everyone expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children put their hands down and squat down, saying, "Clap."

5. "Don't wake up the bear!"

Children form a circle holding hands. In a round dance they go in a circle with a teacher who pronounces the text. Like snow on the hill, snow and under the hill snow, snow. (Turn to reverse side, go in a round dance.) And under the tree snow, snow, And on the tree snow, snow. (They go to the center of the circle.) And under the tree, the bear is sleeping. Hush hush! Don't wake up, sit down, don't make noise! (They squat down.)

6. "The cat came up to the stove"

Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they go in a circle. The cat came up to the stove, The cat came up to the stove. He found a pot of porridge, he found a pot of porridge there. (They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.) And on the stove, kalachi, Oh, delicious and hot! (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands.) Pies are baked in the oven (tilt forward, hands forward, palms up), They are not given to hands. (They straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs.)

7. "The king was walking through the forest"

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The king walked through the forest, Through the forest, through the forest. (Walking in circles.) I found myself a princess, princess, princess. Let's jump with you, let's jump, let's jump. (Jumping on two legs in place.) And we kick our legs, we jump, we jump. (Throw straight legs forward.) And clap your hands, clap, clap. (They clap their hands.) And we will stomp our feet,

Let's drown, let's drown. (Stomp their feet in place.)

8. "Flies - does not fly"

Children sit or become a semicircle. The facilitator names various items. If it is something that flies, the children raise their arms up or to the sides; if something that does not fly, give up. The leader can deliberately make mistakes in movements, many, imitating him, can also make mistakes. The task of children is to resist and not make mistakes.

9. "It's me!"

The teacher shows the children how to perform the movements, expressively pronounces the text. Children perform movements, imitating an adult. These are eyeballs. Here! Here! (They show first the left, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here! Here! (First they take the left ear, then the right.) This is the nose! It's a mouth! (They show the mouth with the left hand, the nose with the right.) There is the back! There's a belly! (The left hand is placed on the back, the right hand on the stomach.) These are pens! Clap clap! (They extend both hands, clap twice.) These are the legs! Top, top! (They put their palms on their hips, stomp twice.) Oh, they are tired! I'll wipe my forehead. (The right palm is passed over the forehead.)

10. "Once upon a time there were bunnies"

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements.

Once upon a time there were bunnies(Show bunny ears with hands.)

On the edge of the forest(Shake hands.)

Once upon a time there were bunnies(They squat and show the roof of the house with their hands above their heads.)

In a small hut, they washed their ears,(Rubbing ears.)

Washed their paws(Stroking hand movements.)

Bunnies dressed up(Hands on the belt, turns left and right.)

They put on slippers.(Alternately put the legs on the heels.)

11. "Met"

For each line, alternately connect the fingers of the right and left hands, starting with the little finger.

On the last line, show the horns by stretching out the index fingers and little fingers.

Two kittens met: "Meow-meow!",

Two puppies: “Wow-wow!”,

Two foals: "Igo-go!",

Two tiger cubs: "Rrrr!",

Two bulls: "Moo!"

Look what horns!

12. "The cat releases claws"

On the count of “one”, press the pads of your fingers to the top of your palm and hiss like an angry cat: “Shhh!”

On the count of “two”, quickly straighten and spread your fingers, meow like a contented pussy: “Meow!”.

Repeat the game, each time turning into an angry, then into a good-natured kitten.

Games and game exercises of low mobility for the middle group.

1. "Where they knocked."

The children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The driver goes to the middle and closes his eyes. The teacher silently walks around behind the children, stops near one of the children, hits the drum 2 times and puts a handkerchief in the child’s hands, steps aside and says: “It’s time!”. The person standing in the circle must guess who has the handkerchief hidden. A new driver is selected, the game resumes.

2. Gawkers

Children walk in a circle one after another. At the signal of the leader "Stop!" stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and start moving in the opposite direction. The one who makes the mistake is out of the game.

3. Game exercise "Snowstorm".

Children line up one at a time. Educator - "Metelitsa" becomes ahead of the column. Everyone joins hands and, without breaking the chains, moves at a moderate pace after the teacher. "Metelitsa" leads children between play buildings on the site, various items. After a while, everyone stops and rests; the exercise is repeated.

4. "Ball".

Children sit in a circle on a carpet (diameter of the circle is 2 m) and roll a ball (ball) over the circle. The child standing in the middle tries to intercept the ball. If he succeeds, the one who rolled the ball unsuccessfully goes to the middle instead of him.

5. "Edible-inedible"

Children stand in a circle. The driver says the word he has conceived and throws the ball to one of the children. If something edible is planned (fruits, vegetables, sweets, milk, etc.), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). If the word means something inedible, the ball cannot be caught. The child who did not complete the task becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.

6. "Come with us!"

Children are scattered. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the text and shows the movements. Let's join us (raise their hands to the sides) Stomp their feet (stomp their feet while standing still), Clap their hands (clap their hands). Today is a good day! (Raise straight arms up - to the sides.)

7. "Low-high"

Children stand in a circle. Adult. We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and different Christmas trees grow in the forest: wide, low, high, thin. I will say: high - raise your hands up; low - squat and lower your hands; wide - make the circle wider; thin - make a circle already. The game will be more fun if the adult tries to confuse the children.

8. "Do the opposite!"

Children are scattered around the room. The teacher shows the movements, the children must repeat them, but in the opposite direction. For example, the teacher leans to the right, the children to the left; the teacher takes a step forward, the children take a step back, etc.

9. "Vegetables and fruits"

Children stand in a line or scattered around the room. The teacher names various vegetables (children should quickly sit down) and fruits (raise their hands). Those who make a mistake take a step forward. The kids with the fewest mistakes win.

10. "Weathervane"

The players stand in a line or scattered. The teacher calls the cardinal directions, each corresponds to a certain action: north - hands on the belt; south - hands on head; east - hands up; west - hands down.

11. "Balloon"

Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they go in a circle. I went to the store with my mother, bought a balloon there. Let's inflate the balloon, Let's play with the balloon. (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, hold hands, perform a “spring”.)

Balloon, inflate! Balloon, inflate! (They walk back with small steps - inflate the balloon.) Inflate big Don't burst! (They clap their hands.) The balloon flew away, Yes, it hit a tree And ... burst! Raise their hands, shake them from side to side; then they put their hands on their belts, slowly squat down, saying: "Shhhhh."

12. "Guess whose voice" The players stand in a circle; the driver goes to the middle, closes his eyes. Children walk in a circle, reading a poem: We made everyone in a circle, we will suddenly turn around at once. And as we say: lope - lope - lope, guess whose voice. The words "hop - hop - hop" are pronounced by the child whom the teacher touched. If the child makes a mistake, he closes his eyes again. The game is repeated. Children walk in a circle in the other direction.

Games and game exercises of low mobility for the older group.

1. "Missing pens"

My pens are gone.(Hide hands behind back.)

Where are you, my hands?(Look around.)

One, two, three, four, five,

Show me again.(Show hands, pull forward, twirl them.)

My legs have disappeared.(They sit down.)

Where are you, my legs?(Cover your legs with your hands.)

One, two, three, four, five,

Show me again.(Get up and jump in place.)

2. "Two girlfriends"

Two girlfriends on the lawn:(Slap on knees.)

"Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva."(Clap hands.)

Two green frogs:(Slap on knees.)

"Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva"(Clap hands.)

"Qua!"(Stomp with one foot.)

Songs are sung in chorus:(They fold their palms and slightly “open” them - this is a mouth.)

"Kwa-kva-kva"(Clap hands.)

"Kwa-kva-kva"(Stomp foot several times.)

And they interfere with sleep.(Threaten with finger.)

"Kwa-kva-kva-kva-kva"(Clap hands.)

"Qua!"(They make one stroke.)

3. "Tree, bush, grass"

Children form a circle and move in a circle.

The teacher explains the rules of the game: for the word "tree" the children raise their hands up, for the word "bush" they spread them to the sides, for the word "grass" they lower their hands down, touching the floor.

An adult pronounces words at random, children perform the corresponding movements. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

4. "House"

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

On the edge of the house stands(They fold their palms in a “house” above their heads.)

There is a lock on the door(They close their palms “in the castle”.)

Behind the door is a table(Cover with the right palm the fist of the left hand.)

Palisade around the house.(Hands in front of you, fingers spread out.)

“Knock-knock-knock – open the door!”(Knock fist on palm.)

« Come in, I'm not evil!"(Hands to the sides, palms up.)

5. Herringbone

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Our Christmas tree is beautiful

Rising up to the sky(They stop, stretch their hands up.)

slender beauty,(They walk in a circle again, holding hands.)

All the guys like it.(They stop.)

6. "Cabbage - radish"

The teacher explains the rules of the game: you need to raise your hands to the word “cabbage”, and clap your hands to the word “radish”. Then the adult pronounces these words in random order, and the children perform the movements. You can complicate the game by speeding up or adding another word (for example, the word "carrot" - jump in place).

7. "The cat came up to the stove"

Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the players. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

The cat went to the stove

The cat came up to the stove.(They walk in a circle, holding hands.)

He found a pot of porridge

I found a pot of porridge there.(They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.)

And on the stove kalachi,

Oh delicious and hot!(They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands.)

Pies are baked in the oven(Bend forward, arms forward, palms up.)

They are not handed out.(They straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs.)

8. "Vegetables and fruits"

Children stand in a line or scattered.

The teacher names various vegetables and fruits. If a vegetable is named, then the children should quickly sit down, and if a fruit, raise their hands up. Players who make a mistake take a step forward.

The players with the fewest mistakes win.

9. "On the track"

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's stretch our legs.

We're walking down the road

Raise your legs higher.(Walking in place.)

And along the same path

We jump on the right leg.(Jumps on the right leg.)

And now a little more

Let's jump on the other leg.(Jumps on the left leg.)

Let's run along the path

Let's run to the lawn.(Running in place.)

On the lawn, on the lawn

We jump like bunnies.(Jumping in place on two legs.)

We clap our hands

Let our feet dance.(Free dance moves.)

Stop. Let's sit down and rest.(Squatting.)

And we'll walk back.(Walking in place.)

10. "Handles - legs"

Children are scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Everyone clapped their hands -(Clap hands.)

Friendly, more fun!(Knocking feet.)

Our feet are pounding

Louder and faster.

Let's hit the knees -(Slap on knees.)

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise -(Slowly raise hands.)

Higher, higher, higher!

Our hands are turned(Turn the hands to the right, then to the left.)

Were down again.(Lower hands.)

Spin around, spin around

And they stopped.(They stop.)

11. "Traffic light"

To play, you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks.

Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: they squat on a red signal, stand on a yellow signal, and march in place on a green signal.

Further, while moving in a column one at a time, bypassing the site (hall), the exercises change: red - everyone stands still, yellow - they move in a crouch, green - they jump on their toes.

Penalty points are awarded for each mistake. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.

12. "Three Bears"

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Three bears were walking home.(March in place.)

Dad was big, big(Raise hands up.)

Mom is a little smaller(Extend arms forward at chest level.)

And the son is just a baby.(Put hands on belt.)

He was very small

Walked with rattles.(Imitate playing with a rattle.)

13. "Knock knock"

The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher:


Yes Yes Yes.(Three claps.)

May I come to you?(Three punches against each other.)

Glad always!(Three claps.)

14. "I have, you have"

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

I have,(Pointing to themselves.)

At your place(Spread their hands, pointing to the neighbors.)

shiny eyes,(They show their eyes.)

I, you have clean ears.(Pointing ears.)

(Clap hands.)

(Jump in place.)

I, you have scarlet lips,(They show their eyes.)

I have, you have rosy cheeks.

You and I, we clap our hands.

We are with you, we are jumping on the leg.

16. "I have everything"

Before the start of the game, the children lie down on the carpet, arms along the body, stretch out. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

The bed has a headboard(Raise head and shoulders, toes look straight up.)

And the teapot has a spout(They sit down, put two fists to their nose, one after the other.)

And the nightstand has legs,(Sit down on their haunches.)

And the pot has handles.(Hands are placed on the belt or to the shoulders.)

And in this big pot(They get up and show the pan, clasping their hands in front of their chest in a circle.)

There is a very tasty compote.("They look" into the pan.)

And I have -

And legs(Show legs.)

And the pens(Show pens.)

And the nose(Show nose.)

And the back(Show back.)

And here's something else -

Very hungry belly!(Show belly.)

Games and game exercises for the preparatory group.

1 . "Guess what they did" The teacher chooses a leader who moves away from the children at a distance of 8-10 steps and turns his back to them. He must guess what the rest of the players are doing. Children agree on what action they will portray. At the command of the educator "It's time!" the guesser turns, approaches the players and says: Hello, children! Where have you been? What did you see? Children answer: What we saw - we will not say, But what we did - we will show. Children imitate some kind of action, for example, playing the accordion, riding horses, etc. The driver guesses. If he is wrong, he loses. Children say what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again. Then another child is chosen to take his place, and the game is repeated.

2. "Ring" Children stand in a circle, and the driver is inside the circle. In his palms he holds a ring, which he imperceptibly tries to pass to one of the children: with his palms folded in a boat, he opens the palms of the children in turn. Children closely monitor the actions of the driver and their comrades. The one who got the ring should not give himself away. At the signal of the driver: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” - a child with a ring runs out to the center of the circle and becomes the leader. If the children noticed his ring before the signal, then they are not allowed into the circle. Then the game continues with the former driver.

4. "Handles-legs" Children are scattered around the room. The teacher pronounces the words of the text and shows the movements. Children perform. Everyone clapped their hands. Friendly, more fun! (They clap their hands.) Our legs pounded Louder and faster! (They tap their feet.) Let's hit the knees Hush, hush, hush! (They slap on the knees.) Hands, hands raise Higher, higher, higher! (Slowly raise their hands.) Our pens spun (turn the brushes left and right), Lowered again. We circled, circled And stopped (drop their hands).

5. "Forbidden movement" The players form a circle. The teacher agrees with them in advance which movement should not be done, for example, squat, clap your hands, wave your arms. Then, to the music, he shows various movements that the children must repeat exactly. The more varied and fun these movements are, the more interesting game. The teacher can show the forbidden movement - the one who inadvertently repeats it must dance, sing or read a poem. The game can be complicated: agree that there are two movements that cannot be repeated, but instead of them, others must be done. For example, when the teacher puts his hand on the back of his head, the children should sit down with their legs crossed, and when he leans forward, clap their hands twice.

6. "Three, thirteen, thirty" Players choose a leader, stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The driver is in the middle of the circle. When the game is played for the first time, it is desirable that the teacher be the driver. The teacher explains: “If I say: three, everyone spreads their arms to the sides; if thirteen - put your hands on your belt; if thirty, they raise their hands ”(you can choose any movement). The teacher quickly calls one or the other movement. The child who made the mistake sits on the floor. When one or two players remain, the game ends. The rest are winners.

7. "Tops and roots" Children form a circle or line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is an adult (leader) with a large ball in his hands (one of the children can play the game). The driver throws the ball, naming some vegetable, and the children catch the ball, name the edible part and throw the ball to the driver. Leading. Eggplant. 1st child. Tops. Leading. Radish. 2nd child. Roots. Leading. Cabbage. 3rd child. Tops. Leading. Potato. 4th child. Roots. Leading. Strawberry. 5th child. Tops. Leading. Garlic. 6th child. Roots. Leading. Cucumbers. 7th child. Tops. Children who have never made a mistake are noted. "Gate" Children walk around the playground in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal “Gate!” stop and raise their hands. The last pair pass under the gate and stand in front. The game continues.

8. "Stop!" All players stand on a line drawn along one side of the court. On the opposite side, a circle (two or three steps in diameter) indicates the house of the driver, who stands with his back to the children and says: “Walk quickly! Look, don't yawn! Stop!". As he speaks, the children step forward. As soon as he says: "Stop!" - stop. The driver looks: who did not have time to freeze in place and move? Names these children - they return to the original line. Then the driver again turns his back on the players and says: “Walk fast!”. Everyone continues to step forward, starting from the place where the “Stop!” signal caught them. Those who return to the starting line move from there. The game continues until one of the children comes close to the driver and gets into his house before he says: “Stop!”. The one who succeeds becomes the leader.

9. "Who left?" Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher offers one child to remember those who are nearby (five or six people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes. One of the children is hiding. The teacher asks: "Guess who left?". If the child guesses correctly, he chooses someone instead of himself. If he makes a mistake, he turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who was hiding returns to his place. The guesser must name it.

10. "Find the ball!" All players stand in a circle close to each other facing the center. One child (at the choice of the teacher) becomes the center - this is the driver. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One of them is given a ball by the teacher. From this moment, the children begin to pass it to each other behind their backs. The player standing inside the circle tries to guess who has the ball. To do this, he can ask anyone to show his hands, telling him: "Hands!". The child instantly stretches both hands forward with palms up. The one who had the ball or who dropped it becomes the center, and the driver takes his place.

11. "Tick-tock-tock!" Children are scattered around the room. At the signal "Tick!" everyone makes tilts left and right, at the signal “So!” stop, and at the signal "Knock!" bouncing in place. All signals are repeated 5-8 times. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The sequence of signals must change. At the end of the game, the most attentive player should be noted.

12. Claps Children move freely around the room. For one clap of the leader, they must jump, for two - to sit down, for three - to stand up with their hands raised (any other movement options are allowed).

13. "Four elements" The players perform movements in accordance with the signals: "Earth!" - hands down; "Water!" -hands forward, "Air!" - hands up; "Fire!" - rotate hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

14. "How are you?"

We play all day. The goal of the day is to play too lazy. You look, do not lag behind. Repeat after us.

How is it going? Like this!

How are you going! - march in place. Like this!

How do you run? - Run in place. Like this!

Do you sleep at night? - sit down, hands under the cheek. Like this!

How do you clap your hands? Like this!

How do you stomp your feet? Like this!

How do you ride on toes? Like this!

Lower your hands below And you will reach the ground, how? - Goose. Like this!

Open your mouth wider, how? Like this!

And how will we make grimaces? Like this!

As I say 1, 2, 3, All freeze with grimaces Like this!

Card file of games of low mobility