February 14 go to school. How to have fun on Valentine's Day at school? Games, contests, entertainment

Valentine's Day at school is a special holiday. For many years, schoolchildren have been organizing a special mail with valentines, and girls and boys, holding their breath, are waiting for when they get the coveted envelope.

In some schools, Valentine's Day is celebrated on a grand scale - an impressive scenario is prepared in advance with competitions, performances and musical numbers, tea drinking and a mandatory disco. It is not always possible to prepare such an impressive program, but this holiday should not be left without attention in any case - the children are waiting for it and attach really great importance to it.

What kind of valentines can you make?

“Love mail” is certainly arranged - it begins its work about a week before the holiday. Several guys from the senior classes are selected as postmen - responsible and attentive. You can use any box with a slot as a mailbox - but you need to decorate it with colored paper, hearts and be sure to sign that this is where Valentine's Day greeting cards are collected at school.

Valentine cards, as a rule, the guys choose which ones they like - some are bright and impressive cards, others, on the contrary, prefer to choose a tiny heart and carefully pack it in an envelope - so that no one will ever know who it is from. On the envelope itself, it is imperative to sign the name of the addressee and the class in which he studies - otherwise the letter will not reach.

Many people prefer to buy postcards - however, it’s worth considering how beautiful valentines can be made with your own hands, it’s so simple and pleasant! By the way, the class teacher can take a direct part in this and arrange a small master class on valentines a few weeks before February 14th.

How to write a confession to a guy?

Girls are often afraid to take the first step - especially at school, when there is no experience of communicating with the opposite sex yet, and the fear of being rejected or even worse, ridiculed, becomes more of a desire to talk about their feelings. This is a very difficult moment - indeed, often teenagers react in a rather unexpected way to a declaration of love, however, being afraid and succumbing to indecision is far from the best option!

In fact, a poem by one of the great Russian poets can help out - Tatyana's famous letter to Onegin is perfect. You should not be afraid of a reaction or its absence, yet any result is a result, and for its sake it is worth doing something.

How to confess your love to a girl?

Contrary to logic, boys are not at all so easy to decide on recognition - at this age, ridicule or denial of feelings is experienced very hard, and it is Valentine's Day at school that often becomes the very signal for action. Still, on this day, the girls are very complacent, they are waiting for signs of attention, sympathy and recognition, and in any case they will be pleased to receive a valentine with words of love, so do not expect a negative reaction.

Valentines at school do not require much explanation. The very fact that you received a valentine says that the sender has completely unfriendly feelings for you. If you want to confess your love, on this day you can be advised to be bolder and more honest - feelings should not be shy, and you should not hide them either. And for those who have received recognition - do not be cruel if the feelings are not mutual. This is a wonderful and bright holiday - each of us deserves love!

  1. As you plan your events, don't forget to include a couple of easy and agile contests in your list of contests in case you have to play for time. It is desirable that such competitions include a maximum of participants.

  2. Count the number of children in your class or the total number of participants in a mass celebration. Knowing in advance the number of schoolchildren participating, you can divide them into teams. It will also help when choosing certain competitions.

  3. Consider the age of the students. For young and middle-aged children, competitions should be noisy and light, with a friendly theme. For high school students, you can add elements with a slight flirtation, such as kissing on the cheek, giving flowers to girls, etc.

  4. The total duration of the holiday should correspond to the age of the participants. For younger students, we advise you to organize February 14 no longer than 2 hours. For older guys, at the end of the official part, you can arrange a disco.

  5. Choose a place to celebrate Valentine's Day at school. Think it might be possible to tie the types of competitions to the location.

What can you make valentines at school

Instruct the activists of the school, the class, and maybe everyone else, to cut at least a few hundred valentines. Use white, pink, and all shades of red paper or thin cardboard. Hearts can be of different sizes and shapes.

Here is the easiest way to cut out valentines. Fold a piece of paper in half. Cut a line equal to half of the heart. When you unfold the paper, you will see that you have a perfectly symmetrical heart. If desired, they can be painted with funny faces or inscriptions, stickers, beads and other decorations can be attached. The most beautiful hearts can be presented as a gift to your sympathy.

You can make simple openwork-air valentines as follows.

We will need:

  • Scrapbooking paper - suitable red or Pink colour. The more colorful, the better.

  • Rope for hanging hearts

  • Scissors.

Cut the paper into strips, about 2 by 20 cm. For each valentine, you will need 10 strips of paper of different sizes (see photo).

For the largest heart, glue one pair of ends at the longest strips. If your paper has a right side and a wrong side, then fold the strips right side together.

Gradually taking shorter strips, glue them with the original workpiece. When all the strips are glued together, use scissors to twist them a little, so it will be easier to fold the valentine. Glue the loose ends, tie a rope for hanging. The layered valentine is ready.

How to write a confession to a guy

We told several ways to make valentines. On one of them, a girl can write her confession to a guy. To sign or not is up to you. The main thing is to indicate the exact recipient so that your heart falls into the right hands.

You can write like this:

I'm waiting for a new meeting with you
I am burning with impatience.
I want to hug you by the shoulders
And whisper "I love you"

It's like I'm in a fairy tale
When we met.
All the words in the world will not be enough
To express my love.

The texts are short, which is very convenient - it will fit on a Valentine card of any size and shape.

How to confess love to a girl

In fact, there are many ways to declare love to a girl and you need to choose the one and only one that suits your particular couple. If you are still in school, you can hardly afford chic bouquets, dinners at restaurants, and the like. The main thing is to be confident in your feelings, to express them sincerely.

If a guy will make an oral confession, then it is better to do it eye to eye, in a relaxed atmosphere. If this is a written confession, it is better to write a real letter and put a flower in it. Maybe in a few years he will become the mascot of your family.

What holiday at school on Valentine's Day at school will be arranged, how to make a confession to your beloved or beloved - it's up to you. The main thing is to be sincere and do without vulgarity and rudeness.

Valentine's day script for students. Ved.1. Spring is 14 days away. And today, February 14, is Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Ved.2. February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, a sweet, homely, funny and unusual holiday. It is unusual because it is non-Russian. But in Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated with great pleasure. After all, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. Vedas 1. In the 3rd century AD, the priest Valentine lived in the Roman city of Ternii. Emperor Claudius commanded the troops of the legionnaires. To preserve the military spirit, Emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding legionnaires to marry. Vedas 2. The young priest Valentine, not afraid of the imperial wrath, continued to secretly marry legionnaires in love. Having learned about "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed. Vedas 1. In prison, Valentine fell in love with the blind daughter of the jailer and healed her. On the night before the execution, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the brief phrase "from Valentine." Hence the postcards "valentines"; and the holiday itself on February 14 is the date of the execution of the priest, who was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron of all lovers. Vedas 2. Saint Valentine keeps from troubles those who are close friends and loves, helps all those in love. Ved.1. It is customary in our country that only adults have the right to fall in love, and a child can be giggled and teased: “Tili tili dough, bride and groom!” Only this is stupid and ugly, because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten . And such a person can only be envied, because his whole life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world. Ved.2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must be in the shape of a heart. Ved.1. In addition, on this day it is customary to give each other postcards - "valentines" with the image of hearts. Ved.2. So, we begin our holiday and introduce you to the participants. (To the music, couples selected in advance in groups enter the hall - participants in the competitive program) Lead 1. For all stages of the competition, each couple scores a certain number of points. The couple who scored the maximum number of points for the entire game is announced as Valentine and Valentina. (Competitions are evaluated on a five-point system) Lead 2. And now we are pleased to introduce you to the jury ... (introduces the members of the jury) Lead 1. So, let's start our competition program 1 competition "I love you!" The couples taking part in the competition take turns declaring their love for each other, but speaking is not allowed. Secret words must be shown with facial expressions, gestures, movements. The couple that makes it more interesting and funnier than everyone else wins. Ved.2. Known to everyone long ago about seven miracles in the world, But there is another great miracle. And now I have discovered the eighth miracle. It is more wonderful and better than all miracles. That miracle has long been known to everyone on the planet, It excites us and in our veins the blood. Immortal like life - the eighth wonder of the world Beautiful sorceress love! Blindfolded girls draw a heart on a piece of drawing paper attached to an easel, and boys - “Cupid's arrow”. “Cupid's arrow” should hit the heart). During the competition, include "From what ...". Ved.2. Number of thin amateur performances - 9th grade. Ved.1. Love for all ages. But love is different: mutual, and sometimes unrequited. Vedas 2. 3 competition "Flight of Love". This competition will reveal the most talented masters of the word, because it provides for the compilation of a phrase of a declaration of love. We will give all participants the usual word to use, expressing sympathy for their "half". It can be "refrigerator" (Every time I open the refrigerator, I think about you), "puddle" (And those stars in the puddle, like your clear eyes - dreamy and magical), "football" (I even miss football on TV , if you agree to a date with me), etc. The most original couple wins the competition. Words: fishing, hockey, cutlet, Sunday, tablet. Vedas 1. Number of amateur performances - 5th grade. Ved.2. You all probably know the fairy tale Cinderella by Ch. Perrault well and remember how the prince found his beloved with a glass slipper. And each of you boys will have to find your Cinderella. Vedas 1. 4 Cinderella competition. The guys stand with their backs to the girls and tie their eyes with scarves. At this time, the girls take off one shoe at a time and put them in piles of other shoes, lying next to the chairs of the princesses. (The host mixes each pile so that it is more difficult for the guys to find the right shoe. The participants are brought to their Cinderellas. Their task is to find and put on her own shoe, blindfolded, as soon as possible). Music from the fairy tale "Cinderella" sounds. Vedas 2. 5th competition "Happy Valentine's face". Each pair cuts out a big heart from paper and draws a nose, eyes, ears, mouth with small hearts. Those who get the most interesting and funny face win this competition. A while the guys of grade 7 will perform for you. Ved.1. Guys, do you like sweets? 6 contest "Sweet couple". Each couple should drink a glass of juice as quickly as possible through the tubes for a cocktail. Ved.2. Drinking juice is not so difficult, but do you boys have the courage to get a candy for your girl from a plate with flour, without helping hands? The essence of the competition is to come up with compliments. The task is complicated by the fact that the compliment must begin with a certain letter. This will be the first letter of the partner's name. Number of amateur performances - 6th grade. Vedas 1. 8 competition - "The best dancer." The couples draw out the pieces of paper on which the dance they are to perform is written (Indian dance, hip-hop, East Dance, slow dance, sports dance). The jury members sum up the results (when summing up, each participating couple is awarded its own nomination "The most charming couple", "The most cheerful couple", "The most quick-witted couple", "The most dancing couple", the winners are announced "Valentina and Valentina"). Lopatin A. reads a poem: I was waiting for you, you did not come. I bought you flowers! I didn't eat in the canteen for a month, And like a fool I saved up for them. After all, my friends told me, That this mymra would not come. And I almost loved her, And listened to her sing. But, like, somewhere out there in the distance I see a familiar silhouette. All the same, I love her ... Stronger than fried cutlets. I proudly straightened my mustache, I understood the reason for being late. Forgot to reset the clock. And he was dissatisfied with something ... Boys and girls with balloons in the shape of hearts enter the stage. They perform a song to the motive "Song about a good mood" from the movie. "Carnival Night" On such a wonderful day Get out of the house. Your legs themselves will lead to school And into each other's eyes Look boldly And say words of love Right in the hall here. And a smile without a doubt Suddenly touches your eyes. And a good mood will not leave you anymore. Why don't you, Andryusha, approach Lena? Don't be afraid to show your feelings! Everyone today needs On this magical day Without hesitation and excitement About love to say! And a smile without a doubt Suddenly touches your eyes. And the loving mood will not leave you anymore. Presenter 1. The floor is given to the jury. Presenter 2. Let the February wind still howl, And the snow storm does not stop! And at school, our hearts are hot! And they demand more holidays in the hall! Presenter 1. We continue the holiday of lovers again. And we invite couples in love to the ballroom! Let slow dances spin the web On a beautiful and gentle Valentine's Day! The song is Valentine's Day.

School is the most wonderful time. Here, children not only receive the first knowledge about life, they study various historical facts, biology and other interesting subjects. But it is also here that the first romantic feelings are born in children. When Valentine's Day is celebrated, you can arrange fun holidays at school. This is not surprising, because Valentine is the patron saint of all lovers. If such a question has arisen, how to celebrate February 14 at school, we can offer you some options.

romantic mail

If there is a half, then it's good. But even if she is not there, then a friend will certainly be found. You can write a congratulation for him. Maybe it will be a person from one class, or from another. Well, just take it and give a Valentine? It's very boring! It turns out that there is such a wonderful thing as romantic mail.

Everything is very simple. One class allocates some person who will work as a postman. That is, all written valentines are given to him, and he must deliver them to the recipients. If suddenly the student wants the message to be anonymous, then you can come up with a mailbox. In each class, you can put one made of ordinary cardboard. On it you can write, say, "romantic mail" or "valentines". Everyone who wishes will write their congratulations, throw postcards into this box, and then the postman will deliver them.

It would be nice if our teachers helped you in such a difficult matter as celebrating February 14 at a school. Engaging teachers is very easy to do. It is worth asking them for help, telling how fun and funny it will be, that students will appreciate their contribution. It is possible that teachers will remember their own youth and decide to have fun. Someone will come to the lesson with angel wings, another will portray Cupid, and the third will put on horns and a ponytail.

Involving teachers in the holiday

For all teachers who find such outfits unacceptable, any decoration with a heart can do. It can be a brooch, a pendant, a ring, or you can simply draw a heart on paper, cut it out and pin it on your jacket.

It is very interesting to arrange a photo contest. Such an event will help resolve the issue of how fun it is to celebrate February 14 at school. It is done like this. Several images of lovers are selected, for example, Romeo and Juliet, Anna Karenina and Vronsky. And so on. All these names are written on pieces of paper of different colors. After that, they need to be put in some kind of container, for example, a hat or a bag. If there are fewer names than schoolchildren, they simply put blank sheets there.

Now each student should pull out a piece of paper. And it is necessary, if he comes across a character, to be photographed in his image. Moreover, you cannot use Photoshop, but you need to wear the appropriate costumes. After that, the photo must be submitted on February 13. And on February 14 they are placed on the wall, after which the jury selects the best of them. It is recommended to invite a literature teacher to the jury.

Surely the school will have its own writers and poets. Try to single them out so that they write some scripts for you themselves or compose interesting ditties.

You can decorate the class on February 14 (Valentine's Day) as interesting as possible. For example, each person cuts out his own heart. It can be very creative. It is not necessary to draw something standard. Let the students draw something unusual.

paper hearts

How do you like such class decoration as a wall newspaper? It is possible that someone will draw it very beautifully. And the other will bring wonderful balls. By the way, you can arrange a whole wall newspaper competition, and choose a beautiful box of sweets in the shape of a heart as a prize, and the winners can give it to their soul mate or eat the whole bunch.

To decorate a school class on Valentine's Day, you can use such interesting things as origami. In addition, you can arrange a whole competition for children using very unusual material. It can be cardboard, fabric, thread, colored paper, felt-tip pens, cotton wool and anything. The most interesting thing you can do is a garland. To do this, hearts are hung on a string or cut out of paper.

Many people can bake cookies at home and bring them to school. People who can't sing at all can also participate and lay a sweet table for the class. For example, bring sweets, chocolate.

You can give the students sheets in advance - with the question of what is better to put on the table. And the artists will surely come up with the design of the menu. Many schoolchildren will surely write lemonade, cakes, juices, bars. They also put tangerines, marshmallows, marmalade, muffins, fruit canapes.

If you are still thinking about how you can celebrate well and unforgettably on February 14 at school, then for such a table you can bake very interesting dough roses. This recipe is quite simple. The dough is taken, it should be cut into pieces and then rolled out. It turns out a circle, which is divided into 4 parts, and cut - but not completely. After that, some yummy is placed in the very middle of the flower - for example, berries, an apple grated with sugar, etc. Next, the petals are wrapped one at a time. First horizontally, then vertically. It turns out an interesting rose. Such a wonderful flower is folded and baked, after which it can be attached to crispy bread sticks or to some kind of pie.

Instructions for making roses

There is a very interesting dish that can decorate the table. Moreover, it is made from one product, namely, a tomato. You need a cherry variety. Tomatoes need to be cut into 2 parts, diagonally, however, one of the halves should be larger than the second. A small plumage is cut out of cardboard, and a toothpick will serve as an arrow, the thick tip of which should be slightly incised.

Concert and disco

Well, after the lessons, of course, you need to arrange what? Of course, on February 14 at school, there should be a concert and a disco. To do this, you need to find out in advance which of the students sings and dances well. You can arrange karaoke, or ask some students to sing songs of their favorite authors. Do you have your own group at school? Then you're definitely in luck.

12.02.2019 | We looked at the script 985 human

Event goals:

promote the development of creative activity of students;
help build interpersonal relationships between boys and girls;
contribute to the formation of intellectual potential.

High feeling...

The script for the day of all lovers of the school "Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day"

11.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1317 human

Equipment: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, fragments of a cut paper apple, scissors, threads and a needle, buttons, balloons (according to the number of pairs), words cut into letters (in balloons), whatman paper.

Scenario for Valentine's Day at school

06.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1432 human

Hall decoration:

The stage is decorated with a voluminous heart made of paper, along the edges of the Cupid, hearts are hanging on the walls of the hall, on which love poems are printed (appendix), there is a box for “valentines” on the table, beautiful melodious music sounds, at the entrance to...

Scenario for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren

01.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1274 human

Actors: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: paper hearts cut in half, easels (by the number of pairs), white paper, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses of juice (by the number of children), cocktail straws, ...

The scenario of the game program for Valentine's Day

26.01.2017 | We looked at the script 5306 human

Love, love, we believe in you with hope,
Our doors are open for you in our hearts.
But, if you do not knock, then where to meet?
And what is love, who will answer us?
How many words, songs, poems have been written about love, but each of us discovers ...

Valentine's Day. Field of Dreams

26.01.2017 | We looked at the script 3287 human

Love is the fifth time of the day,
Not evening, not night, not day and not morning.
You will come - and the sun shines at midnight,
You will leave - and the morning is darker than the night.
Love is the fifth season of the year
She is not autumn, not spring, not summer,
She is not winter, but what you ...

The script for Valentine's Day for teenagers "At Twilight"

11.02.2013 | We looked at the script 6654 human

If you are fans of the movie "Twilight" and have nothing against vampires, then the script for Valentine's Day for teenagers "At Twilight" is for you.
First you need to decorate the room where your party will take place. To do this, create in the room ...

Host: Good evening!
Host: Hello!
Host: Tonight we dedicate the eternal theme - love!

Host: And we have a wonderful reason for this. It's Valentine's Day!

Host: In America and Europe, this holiday has long been celebrated on 14 ...

"Valentine's Day". Scenario for schoolchildren

08.02.2013 | We looked at the script 10012 human

(The lights are off. Slow solemn music sounds. Girls in white tunics appear. Each has a lit candle in their hand. They dance.)
VOICE-OVER: On February 14, 270, the Christian martyr Valentine, who committed what was forbidden by the Roman...

class hour "From love is born love"

12.02.2012 | We looked at the script 5152 human

(the melody of L. Fe sounds. “Love Story”, slide No. 1.
Two presenters appear with candles in their hands).

Presenter: Love, were you born from suffering? ...