How to cook an anthill with condensed milk. Cake Anthill with condensed milk - classic recipes at home

Any recipe for "Anthill" with condensed milk at home is always as simple as possible. This cake is prepared quickly and easily. According to some recipes, you can build it just a couple of minutes before the guests arrive. But its taste is amazing.

Experienced housewives for the classic Anthill cake prepare cakes on their own. But if you want, you can buy store products. Food set: 6 tablespoons homemade sour cream, half a cup of beet sugar, ½ teaspoon of quick soda, 4 cups of first grade wheat flour, a standard can of boiled condensed milk, 1.5 packs of high-quality butter.

  1. The butter is melted, cooled slightly and rubbed with sand.
  2. Sour cream is laid out in the resulting mixture, soda is added. Products are rubbed well again.
  3. After adding the sifted wheat flour, the mass is mixed with a spoon, and then with your hands.
  4. The baking sheet is covered with baking paper and the resulting dough is scrolled onto it through a meat grinder in the form of long strips (about 15 cm).
  5. The blanks are baked, after which they are crushed with a pusher. No need to turn them into small crumbs.
  6. For cream, butter and condensed milk are whipped.
  7. The resulting mixture is combined with large crumbs, laid out on a plate in the form of an anthill.

The cake will stand in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours.

Without baking - from cookies

For such a treat, you don’t even need to use the oven. Ingredients: a pound of baked milk cookies, a can of boiled condensed milk, half a pack of high-fat butter, 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

  1. The cookies are finely broken in a deep plate, after which they are combined with a cream made from melted butter whipped with condensed milk. If desired, chopped walnuts or any other nuts can be added to the mixture.
  2. The resulting mass is laid out in a slide on a flat dish.
  3. Top design is decorated with grated chocolate or poppy seeds.

You can serve the Anthill cake from cookies for tea in half an hour.

From shortcrust pastry on sour cream

If you decide to take on a complex version of the recipe with baking cakes, then you should try this one. It will be based on fat sour cream (400 g) and medium fat (200 g). The rest of the ingredients: half a pack of high-fat butter, a pound of flour, 160 g of granulated sugar, a can of boiled condensed milk, egg, ½ teaspoon of slaked soda. How to cook an Anthill cake on sour cream is described below.

  1. Soda is combined with low-fat sour cream.
  2. The butter is melted, combined with sugar and egg.
  3. The compositions from the first two steps are combined, sifted flour is poured to them. The dough will rest in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. Next, the mass is rubbed on a grater and distributed over an oiled baking sheet. The cake is baked until golden brown.
  5. For the cream, the remaining sour cream with condensed milk is whipped. Finely broken cake is mixed with it. The mass is laid out in the form of an anthill.

The finished delicacy is decorated with nut crumbs.

With the addition of dried fruits

From dried fruits, it is worth taking prunes and dried apricots - 80 grams each. 60 g of raisins of any color are also used. Other ingredients: 780 g of crumbly “brittle” cookies, a pound of cream cheese (mascarpone is best), 2 teaspoons of cocoa, a can of boiled condensed milk, 2-3 large spoons of powdered sugar.

  1. Cookies break into small pieces. Dried fruits are washed, if necessary, cut and briefly poured hot water. Then they are added to the cookies.
  2. Cream cheese is whipped with powder. Literally in a spoon, condensed milk is introduced to it. Its quantity can be adjusted according to your own taste.
  3. 2/3 of the cream are laid out to the liver. The mass is mixed. An anthill is laid out from it on a flat dish.

The resulting form is decorated with the remaining cream.

Recipe for corn sticks

This is the simplest and fastest version of the "Anthill" without baking. Products: half a can of boiled condensed milk, 120 g of sweet corn sticks, 120 g of high-quality butter.

  1. softened butter with a mixer it is well whipped with condensed milk. Instead, you can even take a soft sandwich spread, but it must be of good quality.
  2. All the corn sticks are gradually crumbled into the resulting cream. Over time, the mass will begin to stick together. Some of the sticks can be added whole to the cream.
  3. From the resulting mass on a flat plate, a hill is formed in the form of an anthill.

The cake will infuse in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours.

How to cook an anthill cake with honey?

The bee product must be taken liquid. It will take a whole glass. Other ingredients: a glass of filtered water, 2 tablespoons eggs, a teaspoon of salt, 3 cups of first-class flour, half a glass of beet sugar, a liter of vegetable oil, boiled condensed milk for decoration.

  1. Salt and egg are added to the water. The products are mixed.
  2. First, a couple of glasses of flour are poured into the mass. The whole product is gradually filled up. The dough will end up being very sticky.
  3. The mass is rolled out in pieces, cut into noodles, which are fried in boiling oil. The excess of the latter is removed with paper napkins.
  4. Honey and sugar are melted in a small saucepan. The sand must completely dissolve. You can not bring the mass to a boil.
  5. The resulting fried vermicelli is combined with a honey hot mixture, kneaded.

It remains to put the mass in a slide on a flat plate and decorate with condensed milk.

With boiled condensed milk and walnuts

Walnuts are best combined with a sweet cake. They need a full glass. Other ingredients: 3.5 cups of first-class flour, 2 packs of full-fat butter, half a cup of granulated sugar, 220 g of sour cream, ½ teaspoon of quick baking soda, a pinch of salt, 1.5-2 cans of boiled condensed milk.

  1. For the test, softened butter (1 pack) is combined with sour cream and sugar. Flour with salt and soda is also sifted there.
  2. The resulting dough after thorough mixing is sent to the freezer.
  3. Nuts are fried in a frying pan without oil for 3-4 minutes. The bitter husk is removed from the cooled product. It is crushed with a mortar.
  4. Already frozen dough rubs coarsely and is evenly distributed over the baking sheet.
  5. The workpiece is baked in a very hot oven for half an hour.
  6. For the cream, the remaining butter is whipped with condensed milk. You can slightly undercook it so that the product remains watery.
  7. Ready the dough turns into large crumbs and combines with cream
  8. An ant hill is formed.

You can imitate running ants with a poppy.

With chocolate

The chocolate version of the discussed cake will especially please the sweet tooth. Ingredients: a table egg, a can of undercooked condensed milk, 2 packs of butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar, the same amount of cocoa and bee honey, 120 g of sour cream, 8 tablespoons with a slide of high-grade flour, 1/3 of a small spoon of soda.

  1. The egg is beaten with sand, sour cream and softened butter (1 pack) are added to it.
  2. Flour with soda is poured into the mass. A non-sticky dough is kneaded. It is divided into 3 or 4 parts and sent to the freezer.
  3. The frozen dough is rubbed on a grater on an oiled baking sheet in three sets. Each "cake" is baked for about 15 minutes in the oven.
  4. The baked blanks crumble coarsely and are filled with cream from condensed milk, the remaining butter, cocoa and honey.

The cake is beautifully laid out in the form of a slide and left in the cold for 4 hours.

Delicious cake "Anthill", a classic recipe with condensed milk

Here is a classic recipe with step by step photos wonderful and incredibly sweet dessert called "anthill cake". Since childhood, everyone has known its crumbly structure, the delicate taste of boiled condensed milk and grated chocolate. This delicacy is a win-win option for any feast. This is the easiest way to find your way to the heart of any sweet tooth. I offer a recipe for an anthill at home with condensed milk and cookies, which are baked with your own hands.

According to the classic anthill recipe, homemade cookies are made from shortcrust pastry without eggs. It turns out very tasty and crispy, however, it requires the addition of a sweet cream. The latter is prepared with just two ingredients: boiled condensed milk and butter. This cream is good because it always turns out. Even those who have a negative experience with creams. This option does not delaminate, it always beats well, it turns out tender and tasty, with a rich creamy-iris aroma. The advantage of the classic eggless anthill recipe: homemade cookies do not soak, remain crunchy, because the butter-based cream is thick, without moisture. While the cake is infused in the refrigerator, the cream seizes. The result is an elastic, gently crunchy mass. What to do if you want to cook an anthill, but there is not enough time to bake homemade cookies? A culinary trick comes to the rescue: the dough is easily replaced with store-bought cookies. A simple cookie anthill, of course, tastes different from the traditional one, but it is much easier to prepare. The cake made from homemade cookies turns out to be a little more tender, its cookies are more crumbly and easily turn into crumbs. Now let's turn to home recipe Anthill cake with condensed milk, for which we will prepare both cream and cookies ourselves. Following the step-by-step photos, you can prepare a dessert from childhood, exactly repeating its structure and incomparable taste.


for the test:

  • 450 g flour;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 200 g butter.

for cream:

  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk (370-400 g);
  • 200 g butter;
  • 40 g milk or dark chocolate.

Classic cake recipe "Anthill"

1. To make a cake, you will need high-quality butter. A product from 82.5% fat is suitable, it consists entirely of animal fats and gives the dough a delicate creamy flavor. Before cooking, the oil should be allowed to lie down at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. It will soften and mix with other ingredients more easily. In a bowl, combine soft butter and granulated sugar.

2. Thoroughly rub butter and sugar with a fork.

3. Add sour cream to the dough. The closest in taste to the "Soviet" version will be dough based on fatty and thick sour cream.

4. Mix butter and sour cream until smooth.

5. Sift the flour and baking powder, mix all the ingredients.

6. Then knead shortbread dough hands and roll it into a ball. The dough should be soft and plastic.

7. Roll up the dough cling film, flatten it with the back of your hand and put it in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. The dough will harden, the gluten will show its properties better.

8. To make thin crispy cookies, scroll the dough in a meat grinder, tearing off small pieces about the size of a small tennis ball from the ball. Another way is to grate the whole mass on a coarse grater. It is easy to work with hardened dough, it is easier to grind when it is frozen.

9. Put the strips of dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. It is desirable that the dough was not very large pieces, as it can be baked unevenly. By the way, while you are working with the dough, you can start preheating the oven.

10. Place the baking sheet in a heated oven and bake homemade cookies at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. It should be nicely golden, brown in places.

11. Cool the cookies a little and crumble them with your hands. It is not necessary to crumble too finely, so that due to sand dust a shapeless mass instead of a cake does not turn out. Pieces should be small, but distinguishable. Before the cream with cookies, the latter must be completely cooled.

12. While the cookies are cooling, proceed to the preparation of the cream. Combine boiled condensed milk and butter in a bowl. In Soviet times, condensed milk was cooked on their own. Now you can buy high-quality boiled condensed milk. The most delicious cream comes from a product that contains nothing but sugar and cow's milk, so read the labels carefully before buying.

13. Beat a gentle cream with a whisk, the mass will brighten and become not so thick. There is nothing to worry about: the cream will nourish the cookies, and the butter will harden, and you will get a strong and stable cake.

14. Pour broken cookies directly into the cream.

15. Stir everything thoroughly so that the biscuit pieces are evenly saturated with cream. If it turns out watery, then you will have to add a little more cookies. And vice versa, if there are a lot of dryish lumps, then we prepare a little more cream.

16. Put the mass on a plate, moving in a circle. The higher the layer, the less dough.

17. We form a high hill in the form of an anthill.

18. Finely rub your favorite chocolate directly onto the structure. Alternative ways to decorate are poppy seeds, coconut flakes, finely chopped candied fruits, nuts, etc. Shortbread dough and butter cream go well with many additives, you just need to show your imagination.

19. The recipe with the photo has come to an end. It remains only to place the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is saturated with cream and hardens. The most patient leave the dessert for the night. Serve the anthill with your favorite drink. Enjoy your meal!

Hello dear readers!

Today I will cook a delicious dessert from my childhood with crispy shortcrust pastry crumbs and delicate milk cream. I think everyone guessed that this time I will share with you the recipe for the Anthill cake. Hearing this name, I always remember my school years, when he was a frequent guest in our house and was a decoration of the festive table.

Why, then, was this sweet prepared more often than others during the years of perestroika - the time of my childhood? Probably due to the availability of all the ingredients included in the Anthill, and also for its attractive appearance, so reminiscent of a forest anthill, and exciting a childish fantasy.

Time has passed, but even today this dessert continues to be a favorite of kids and adults. And all because this cake combines two opposites - a crispy, airy dry base and a sweet, fatty, but at the same time delicate butter cream that envelops each sand ball and turns the whole dish into a delicacy that melts in your mouth.

That's it, enough lyrics, I think everyone can't wait to start cooking delicious cake Anthill…

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BJU: 6/25/43.

Kcal: 414.

GI: high.

AI: high.

Time for preparing: 50 min.

Servings: 7 servings (1.45 kg) .

Dish ingredients.

Sand dough.

  • Butter (margarine) - 200 g (1 pack).
  • Wheat flour - 450 g (3 tbsp).
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar (powdered sugar) - 100 g (1/2 tbsp).
  • Soda - 2 g (1/4 tsp).
  • Lemon juice - 10 ml (1 tsp).
  • Salt (optional) - 2 g (1/4 tsp).


  • Butter - 180 g (1 pack).
  • Boiled condensed milk - 380 g (1 can).

Recipe of dish.

We prepare the ingredients. All products, butter (margarine), eggs, condensed milk, must be chilled.

For the flour base, you can use margarine, but from the butter it will turn out to be more crumbly.

Sift the flour beforehand, thanks to this the dough will turn out airy. I advise you to grind the sugar to a state of powder (I do this with a blender), so it will dissolve more easily, and the finished mass will simply melt in your mouth.

We put the oven to warm up to 200-220 C.

Butter or margarine (200 g) must be finely chopped (grated) and thoroughly rubbed with powdered sugar or sugar (100 g).

You can do it by hand, but I prefer to use a mixer with hook attachments for all stages of dough preparation, as body heat can heat up the dough, which creates the risk of getting a dense and hard product.

Then add eggs (2 pcs) to the bowl and mix the mass again. Instead of eggs, only yolks (3 pcs) can be used, then the shortbread dough will be more crumbly.

We introduce soda (1/4 tsp), slaked with lemon juice (1 tbsp) and a pinch of salt (for piquancy of taste) into the egg-oil mixture.

The finished mass can be put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, so that all the ingredients are more evenly distributed over its area, and the finished product becomes more airy and crumbly.

Now the dough must be passed through a meat grinder. To do this, we put the device over a baking sheet, and lay out the sausages that come out of it in one layer on a metal sheet.

There is no need to pre-treat the surface.

We bake the sand base in an oven preheated to 200-220 C until golden (light brown) in color for 20-25 minutes.

Beat the mass with a mixer until smooth.

We take out the fried cookies from the oven and grind them into crumbs while they are hot. The crumb is about the size of a fingernail.

Put the cream and crushed shortbread dough in a bowl and mix everything with your hands until smooth. I left 1-2 tablespoons of very fine crumbs for sprinkling the cake.

We spread the resulting mass on a dish with a slide, tamping it well with our hands.

To make the dessert look like a real forest anthill, it can be sprinkled on top with poppy seeds or chocolate grated on a fine grater. I didn’t have either one, so I used the remaining fine sand crumb for this purpose.

Now you need to put our dish in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours so that all its elements grab and form a dense, solid surface throughout the volume.

The cooled cake does not crumble when cut and holds its shape well.

Here's what a mouth-watering, crispy and delicious dessert I got.

I'm looking forward to your comments on this recipe, it's very interesting what anyone came up with.

Enjoy your meal!

Below is a video of the preparation of this wonderful dish.

The first cakes appeared quite a long time ago. Archaeologists during excavations find simple desserts made from boiled grains. Who and when first used the classic anthill cake recipe is still a mystery. It is believed that the first similar delicacy was born in Pennsylvania - the so-called "ground" dessert.

Over time, thanks to confectioners who experimented with dough crumbs and other products, anthill cake recipes appeared. Delicacies were made in the form of a circle, and only much later they began to spread it in the form of a slide. This is where its name came from, since the finished dessert looked like a real anthill.

In the very first recipes, poppy was an obligatory ingredient; its grains resembled small ants.

Step-by-step anthill cake recipe

The main advantage of this dessert is its quick preparation. The taste is very pleasant and satisfying. It can be prepared for any important occasion and just to spend the evening with a cup of tea with a sweet dessert.

The only drawback of the anthill cake is the calorie content. She is quite tall. A small piece can draw about 500 kcal.

To make a cake easily and quickly, the whole process of work is usually divided into several stages. But each of them hides their own secrets and tricks. The classic anthill cake is prepared in 30-40 minutes - this perfect option when guests are on the doorstep.

Delicious shortbread dough

Cooking an anthill cake begins with the selection of ingredients for the dough. Usually use sand.

For a real dessert, the same as in childhood, you will need:

  • about 3.5 cups of flour;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar sand;
  • 200 grams of thick sour cream;
  • 1 pack of margarine or butter;
  • some salt;
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder.

The main stages of baking

Making an anthill cake is not difficult at all. The only flour for such a test must be of the highest grade. It is sieved several times through a fine sieve. This is necessary so that the product is enriched with oxygen.

Well-sifted flour greatly affects the quality of any pastry, especially if the dough is shortbread.

Next, softened (not melted) margarine, sugar, sour cream and other ingredients are added to the flour. Many housewives believe that salt should not be used for baking recipes - this is a big mistake. In this case, it acts as a flavor enhancer. Desserts are very tasty and bright in taste.

Next, knead the dough. This can be done with an ordinary spoon, whisk, or use special kitchen appliances. But it is best when the dough is kneaded with clean hands. It is believed that the dough is able to absorb human energy, which greatly affects the taste and quality of baking.

Thus, a simple anthill cake recipe can become a real masterpiece. The dough should be completely homogeneous, without any small inclusions. The result should be a pleasant and dense mass that does not stick to the hands and the walls of the dishes. The finished dough is removed in the cold and proceed to the preparation of the cream.

Delicate condensed milk cream

The cream for such a dessert also dates back to Soviet times with its roots. Boiled condensed milk was very popular in those years and was made quite often. Therefore, butter cream with the addition of this product was the main component of a delicious treat.

Preparing an anthill cake with boiled condensed milk is quite easy. We need a jar of boiled condensed milk and a pack of butter (butter). It is worth noting that the oil must be of high quality. For the preparation of such a cream, spreads are not suitable. It is better if its fat content is over 80%. The same can be said about milk. On a jar of condensed milk, there must be a mark "whole".

First we prepare the milk. To do this, you need to take a suitable pan with high sides, put a metal can (closed) in it and fill it with water so that the top is completely covered. Next, the pan is put on gas and boiled for little flame about 1.5-2 hours. During the cooking process, it is necessary to add water, as it tends to boil away. Then everything is removed from the fire and the finished condensed milk is cooled.

Important! Do not open a hot jar. The milk in it is under pressure and as a result you can get thermal burns.

The softened butter is placed in a bowl and beaten at a slow speed, adding condensed milk in several steps. The finished cream should be uniform, beige or light brown in color. It is cleaned in the cold and start baking dessert.

Homemade anthill cake: bake, collect

It is not difficult to bake an anthill cake at home, but for this you first need to prepare the dough for baking. It is taken out of the refrigerator and the meat grinder is prepared. The grate should have wide openings. The dough is passed through a meat grinder in small portions and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

The resulting cake is baked for about twenty minutes, until a light golden hue appears. The finished warm cake is crushed to a crumb state with a rolling pin or pusher and cooled.

Sand crumbs are mixed with cream and a slide is laid out on a dish, giving the shape of a real anthill. The finished cake is left to soak for about half an hour in a warm place, and then put in the refrigerator.

We really hope that step by step recipe anthill cake will be to your liking.

The best anthill cake recipes

Especially for you, we have collected the most simple and delicious recipes cooking anthill cake. We hope you appreciate them.

We bring to your attention a very quick recipe for a delicious dessert. Is it possible to bake an anthill cake in 10 minutes? It turns out you can.

To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • boiled condensed milk - a jar;
  • 0.5 kg of any cookie (preferably crumbly);
  • crushed walnuts- cup;
  • poppy and chocolate for decoration.

How to cook:

The cookies are broken into small pieces and crushed to a crumb state. Anniversary or any sand is ideal. The process of cooking condensed milk is very long. This may take up to 2 hours. If you want to make a cookie anthill cake very quickly, you need to buy a can of already boiled condensed milk.

Nuts and cookies are mixed with condensed milk. The resulting mass is laid out on a prepared dish in a slide. How to decorate an anthill cake? To do this, the prepared chocolate bar is melted in a water bath and dessert is poured over it. Top delicacy lightly sprinkled with poppy seeds. The collected cake is first left to infuse at room temperature for about half an hour, then put in the refrigerator.

Cake anthill of cookies with condensed milk is considered the most quick recipe dessert. Use it when guests are already on the doorstep, and there is nothing for evening tea drinking. Any gourmet will love this unique delicacy.

Cake anthill without sour cream and milk

This is another very quick dessert recipe. To prepare it, you do not need milk, sour cream, and indeed the preparation of the dough. Intrigued? We will make an anthill cake at home from corn sticks. It is necessary to prepare the sticks themselves and toffee candies themselves.

Melt toffees in a water bath until a thick syrup is obtained. Next, corn sweets are mixed with the resulting mass and form a dessert. Cake anthill of corn sticks is ready.

You can decorate in any way: pour chocolate or sprinkle with nuts. It will take all thirty minutes to impregnate and solidify such a cake.

If you're not always successful at baking, then you can use this super-easy recipe. This dessert can be prepared in just 15 minutes.

To do this, take the following products:

  • butter (fresh) - 1 pack;
  • 0.5-0.6 kg of sugar cookies;
  • poppy 50 grams;
  • 1.5 cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • a small pack of coconut flakes;
  • vanillin;
  • 75 grams of chocolate (preferably milk).

How to cook:

First you need to carefully grind the cookies. All methods are good. This can be done with your hands, a rolling pin, a mortar or a pusher. By the way, there is one little secret. So that the cookies do not crumble all over the room, they must be put in a regular plastic bag, and only then proceed to grinding. Later, you just have to pour the finished crumb into a cup.

The softened butter is mixed with condensed milk, poppy seeds, vanilla are added and beat well. You can use a mixer to speed up the process. The resulting cream is combined with cookies, kneaded until smooth and spread in a neat slide on a dish. It is put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Melt the chocolate bar completely in a water bath and pour over the finished cake. While the chocolate has not hardened, the dessert is sprinkled with coconut flakes on top. That's all! Delicious and very cute cake for your tea party is ready.

Anthill cake with honey

To prepare a honey masterpiece, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • chicken egg 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • milk about 100 grams;
  • butter - a pack;
  • bank of condensed milk;
  • honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • walnuts - an incomplete glass;
  • flour 4 cups;
  • soda slaked with vinegar.

How to cook:

Melt half the butter in a small saucepan and add sugar to it. When the sand is completely dissolved and the resulting mass has cooled, milk and an egg are added. Next, pour in the quenched soda and mix everything thoroughly (you can use a mixer).

Then pour flour into the mixture and knead a fairly steep dough, gradually adding flour so that it does not stick. Pieces of dough are passed through a meat grinder and spread on a baking sheet. By the way, it must first be covered with parchment. The base for the dessert is baked in the oven to a light gilded color.

For the cream, the remaining butter is whipped, gradually adding condensed milk. When the cream is ready, it is mixed with the cake broken into small pieces and mixed well. An anthill cake without baking is formed into a slide and sent to the refrigerator for final solidification.

By the way, the cream can be prepared without condensed milk. To do this, melt a glass of honey, add half a glass of granulated sugar. When the mixture thickens a little, you can collect a savory treat.

Secrets of making a delicious and beautiful cake

How to bake an anthill cake, we figured it out. On how to achieve that real Soviet taste. Using the suggested tricks, you can cook a really tasty and unique dessert.

  1. Cake dough can be made on kefir or yogurt. This is a good substitute for regular sour cream.
  2. As flavorings for the cream, you can use a few drops of cognac, lemon zest or vanilla.
  3. Instead of grinding with a meat grinder, you can use a regular grater, however, the dough should be very well cooled before that.
  4. Collecting a cake in a slide is a tradition. In fact, almost any figure can be fashioned from such a base. It can be a flower, a ring or a heart, but not an anthill.
  5. The classic anthill cake was not decorated with anything, but if the dessert is prepared for festive table, here all methods are good. It can be decorated with chocolate chips or icing, whipped cream, nuts, almonds, poppy seeds.
  6. Professional cooks literally revive anthills with the help of sweet mastic. From it you can fashion small ants, blades of grass, flowers and whatever you want. Such a beautiful dessert will become the hallmark of the festive table.
  7. If the cake was baked for a special occasion, you can put it on a mirror dish, put fresh flowers around and put candles. The effect will be unforgettable.

Prepare an anthill cake, and your family will be very pleased. It will fit any table as an unusually delicious dessert and will appeal to even the most demanding sweet tooth. Enjoy your meal!

Products for the test:

  • Flour - 400 gr.
  • Sour cream - 150 gr.
  • Drain. oil - 200 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 4-5 tablespoons

Cream products:

  • Boiled condensed milk or condensed cream - 1.5 cans
  • Butter - 200-300 gr.

For decoration:

  • milk chocolate bar.

Anthill cake is very easy to prepare, so even a novice hostess can handle it. The base of the cake is shortbread dough, and the filling is condensed milk mixed with butter. Decorated as desired, but usually formed in the form of a tubercle. But even such a simple cake can be beautifully decorated on top if desired. For example, make small ants and sticks that they drag into the mink from it.

And here is no less delicious of wheat sticks and toffee, which DOES NOT NEED to bake!

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of an anthill cake:

1. Add sugar to soft butter and mix. I don’t pour a lot of sugar into the dough (only 4 tablespoons), because the cream will be very sweet. His sweetness is enough.

2. Break two eggs into butter and sugar and mix.

3. Add 150 gr. sour cream. I did not have it at hand, I added milk. But because of him, the dough turned out to be tough. It is better or not to add either milk or sour cream or sour cream, but fatter.

4. Pour 1 tsp. baking powder.

5. Sift flour and mix.

6. After the dough no longer interferes with the spoon, knead it with your hands.

7. Divide into small balls, so that they can then fit into your meat grinder. Chill the dough balls in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Chilled dough will spin better through the meat grinder and less mess it up.

8. While the dough is resting in the refrigerator, make a cream. Cream soft butter with a mixer. If the whisking container does not have very high sides, cover it with your hands so that the oil does not splatter on the table.

9. Add condensed cream or boiled condensed milk and mix everything together again with a mixer.

10. The cream for our anthill is ready. Let him stand aside and wait for his fate, and we return to the test.

8. Pass the chilled dough through a meat grinder and place on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

9. Bake the finished rolled sausages in the oven until golden brown. I baked them for 20 minutes at 180 gr. Apparently they turned out plump, usually I bake shortbread dough for 10-15 minutes. For example, like here, with a very tasty and crumbly dough. By the way, this dough can be taken as the basis for the homemade Anthill cake.

10. Crumble the finished stripes with your hands while they are warm. Due to the fact that the dough was passed through a meat grinder, the strips crumble easily, especially when warm.

11. The cream that was waiting for us on the sidelines, add to broken crumbs and mix.

12. The main stage of preparation is done, the only thing left is decoration.

13. But, having tried the kneaded crumbs with cream, I realized that not everyone in our family likes to gnaw on harsh dough (I think it became so because of milk). Therefore, it was decided to twist the main part of the mass again through a meat grinder, and leave a small part for decoration on top. And so she did.

14. Top the ant hill with chocolate melted in the microwave using a cooking syringe. Chocolate topping, you might say). And chilled it in the fridge.

15. Homemade Anthill cake was a success. I really liked that I ground the coarse crumbs into fine ones. In this version, the cake is more tender and even somewhat reminiscent of halva. If prepared for it