Salad with smoked chicken prunes and nuts. Salad with smoked chicken and prunes, recipe with photo

    How to prepare a salad with smoked chicken and prunes

    First, let's chop all the ingredients. Smoked chicken fillet cut into small cubes. Rinse the prunes well and pour boiling water for about 30 minutes. Then dry it and cut it in the same way as chicken fillet. Boil the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. We rub them into different bowls on a fine grater. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater. Walnuts grind, but not to a state of powder, into small pieces. Peel and chop the onion. We wash the mushrooms well and cut into slices. Then heat up in a frying pan. vegetable oil and put mushrooms with onions in it. We fry for about 10 - 15 minutes. Do not forget to salt and pepper. Then cool and drain the oil. Mix mayonnaise with garlic, passed through a press.

    First comes a layer of fried onions with mushrooms, spread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with nuts. Next comes a layer of yolks. After it, a layer of half the cheese, coat with mayonnaise and sprinkle with nuts again. Then lay out half of the total mass chicken fillet, also a grid of mayonnaise and nuts. Then prunes - mayonnaise and nuts again. Next come the remains of chicken meat, coat with mayonnaise and pour out the remains of walnuts. Then sprinkle the salad with the remaining cheese, egg whites and mayonnaise on top. We carefully level everything, giving the salad nice shape. Sprinkle the top with grated egg yolk. We decorate to your liking. You can use pomegranate seeds or prunes, or from bell pepper cut fox dots or flowers.

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Smoked chicken salads are not only simple meals but still very tasty. Especially if prunes are present in the ingredients. A selection of the most delicious salads!

Smoked chicken salad with prunes - general principles of preparation

For snacks, smoked chicken breasts or legs are usually used; wings are not suitable. The pulp is cut into strips or cubes. Prunes are also cut, but a little smaller. If necessary, pre-soak. These ingredients are then mixed or layered.

What else is added:

eggs, cheese;

Vegetables and fruits;

Usually these salads are seasoned with mayonnaise. If legs are used, then this layer is smeared with a small amount of sauce. The breast can be soaked more abundantly. Mayonnaise is added to the mixed salad to taste.

Smoked chicken salad with prunes and walnuts

Recipe for an amazing salad of smoked chicken with prunes. Walnuts are used only walnuts, no others will do. For a better flavor, the kernels can be fried in a dry frying pan.


250 g chicken;

130 g prunes;

50 g of nuts (or more);

250 g cucumbers;



1. Dry prunes must be soaked, let them stand a little in warm water, swell.

2. Finely chop the chicken, lay it out as the first layer, coat with mayonnaise.

3. Cut the prunes into cubes or straws, sprinkle the chicken layer.

4. Now come chopped nuts. As already mentioned, they can be pre-fried. Sprinkle over prunes.

5. We clean the boiled eggs, remove the yolks, rub the whites or chop them with a knife, cover the nut layer, salt and generously coat with mayonnaise.

6. Cut the cucumbers into cubes, put them on top, coat with mayonnaise. We salt it a little. If salt gets on cucumbers, they will quickly flow.

7. Sprinkle the top with yolks and you're done! We decorate to your liking.

Smoked chicken salad with prunes and mushrooms

Pickled champignons are used for this salad. But you can take other mushrooms, but not slippery ones. Otherwise, it will be difficult to assemble the layers.


1 smoked leg;

200 g mushrooms;


120 g prunes;

150 g cucumbers;

150 g cheese.


1. Eggs need to be boiled, cooled, cut into cubes.

2. Remove the skin from the leg, cut the pulp into cubes too, put it immediately on the bottom of the salad bowl. The layer must be well smeared with mayonnaise.

3. Prunes are washed, cut into cubes, laid out on the chicken.

4. Now go pickled mushrooms. It is important to drain all liquid from them. Cut into thin slices, lay in an even layer, grease a little.

5. We spread the previously chopped eggs. We coat the layer, you can add a little salt.

6. Now go cucumbers cut into small cubes. If the peel of the vegetable is tough, then it is better to peel it. Lubricate with sauce.

7. Pour the salad on top with grated cheese, the sides can also be covered. Decorate to taste, insist 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Salad of smoked chicken with prunes "Birch"

The recipe for a stunningly beautiful and elegant salad of smoked chicken and prunes. This dish will decorate any table. Mushrooms are used raw.


300 g smoked chicken;

100 g prunes;

250 g of champignons;

1 large head of onion;

200 g cucumbers;

Mayonnaise (how much will go);

Oil, herbs.


1. We wash the prunes, set aside a few things to decorate the salad. Pour the rest of the product with warm water, let it infuse.

2. We cut the mushrooms and onions, put them together in a pan with oil, fry until tender. Season with spices, cool to a cold state.

3. Cut boiled eggs(Separate yolks and whites).

4. Cut fresh cucumbers into small cubes.

5. We take out the soaked prunes, squeeze and cut them too. Can be cubes or straws.

6. We collect the salad. We spread the smoked chicken, cut into cubes, grease with sauce.

7. Sprinkle chopped prunes on top.

8. Spread the fried mushrooms with onions, grease, sprinkle with yolks.

9. We spread the cucumbers and also lubricate, only a little.

10. Fall asleep salad with grated proteins, hide under a layer of mayonnaise.

11. Cut the prunes left for decoration into strips, lay out strips of mayonnaise and proteins on a white background, like a birch trunk. Additionally decorate with greens, you can lay out around.

Smoked chicken salad with prunes and corn

Variant of a non-puff salad of smoked chicken and prunes. Everything is cut, combined, mixed with the sauce. Fast and easy.


300-400 g of chicken;

1 can of corn;

150 g prunes;

1 bell pepper;

2 cucumbers;

1 bunch of greens;

3 eggs (boiled).


1. Cut the boiled eggs, put them in a salad bowl.

2. Add corn, freed from liquid.

3. Cut the chicken into cubes, the size of corn or a little larger. Add to salad.

4. We also cut prunes, soak if necessary.

5. Cucumbers are cut in a similar way, also into small cubes.

6. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, cut into thin strips, then across into small pieces.

7. Salad should be seasoned with salt and mayonnaise. Can be divided into serving bowls. Decorate with a sprig of greenery on top.

Smoked chicken salad with prunes and pineapple

A savory salad recipe for which you can use fresh pineapples, but a canned product is more affordable. You can use chicken thighs or breasts.


300 g smoked chicken;

5 pineapple rings;

100 g prunes;

Small handful of nuts.


1. Cut the chicken into cubes, put in a salad bowl.

2. Add prunes cut into small pieces, a spoonful of mayonnaise, stir and level with the first layer.

3. Cut the pineapple rings. Put on the chicken.

4. Rub boiled eggs on top. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

5. Chop the nuts, fry for a minute in a dry frying pan until a pleasant aroma appears. Cool down.

6. Sprinkle the salad on top, leave for several hours in the refrigerator so that it is well soaked.

Smoked chicken salad with prunes and potatoes

A variant of a hearty mixed salad that is prepared with boiled potatoes. Smoked breast is used, but you can take about the same amount of leg pulp.


150 g prunes;

1 smoked breast;

3 potatoes;

0.5 bulbs;

1 boiled carrot;

2 cucumbers.


1. Potatoes can be boiled together with carrots. We clean the vegetables, cut them into cubes, as for Olivier. Put into a large bowl.

2. We also clean the onion, cut it finely. If the vegetable is spicy, then you can pour boiling water over it. We send it to the future salad. It turns out no less tasty with green onions, but in this case it must be added before serving.

3. Add chopped chicken and prunes.

4. Cut cucumbers, also shift.

5. Eggs can be omitted. But they taste better with them.

6. Dress the salad with mayonnaise, try. If necessary, add salt, pepper, squeeze a small clove of garlic. For beauty, put a few sprigs of dill or parsley on top.

Smoked chicken salad with prunes and beans

A hearty salad option that requires canned beans. It is better to use white, it is softer.


1 can of beans;

250-300 g smoked chicken;

100 g prunes;

2-3 cucumbers;

4 slices of stale loaf;

1 clove of garlic;

A little oil;

0.5 bunch of dill.


1. Cut the loaf into small cubes. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the pan, heat it up. We spread the sliced ​​​​bread, brown in a pan.

2. Squeeze garlic into mayonnaise, add chopped dill, you can sprinkle pepper or add mustard for spiciness. Stir, leave the sauce to stand.

3. We cut the chicken and cucumbers into cubes, throw them into a salad bowl.

4. Open a jar of beans in your juice, turn into a colander. If the syrup is slimy, like jelly, then rinse the beans, let them drip and pour into a salad bowl.

5. Add chopped prunes.

6. Dress the salad with infused sauce with dill and garlic, stir. Transfer to a salad bowl for serving.

7. Before putting on the table, sprinkle the dish on top with crackers.

Smoked chicken salad with prunes and egg pancakes

A variant of a hearty salad with prunes, smoked chicken and egg pancakes. It is very easy to prepare.


300 g of chicken;

2 cloves of garlic;

100 g prunes;

2-3 cucumbers;

50 g nuts;

Mayonnaise, salt, butter.


1. Beat one egg, add salt, pour it onto a frying pan of small diameter greased with a drop of oil, fry a thin pancake on both sides. Similarly, we prepare pancakes from the remaining eggs, cool, twist and cut into strips.

2. Cut the smoked chicken and prunes into strips, transfer to the eggs.

3. Cut the cucumbers into strips, spread to the rest of the products.

4. Add garlic to mayonnaise, stir and dress the salad.

5. Sprinkle walnuts on top.

Smoked Chicken Salad with Prunes - Tips and Tricks

It is better to remove the skin from the smoked ham; it is not added to the salad. But on the other hand, you can throw it into the pan along with the bone when cooking the first course. The soup will have a pleasant smoky flavor.

To prevent puff salads from falling apart, you can use a confectionery ring or a rim from a detachable cake mold for assembly.

Decorate salads only with those products that are part of the dish.

Mayonnaise for salads is better to buy in bags. It is very comfortable. You can cut a corner and draw a grid.

Salad with smoked chicken and prunes is an ideal dish for those who like the combination of tender meat and dried fruit with a specific bright taste. If this bright taste is still not to your liking, smoked prunes can be replaced with dried ones. The onion adds a slight savory note - this applies more to the shallots used in the recipe. If only available onion, then it is better to pre-marinate it or at least scald it with boiling water.


  • 1 smoked chicken thigh
  • 100 g canned green peas
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 handful smoked or dried prunes
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh parsley
  • 1.5 st. l. medium or high fat mayonnaise
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches ground black pepper


1. Disassemble the smoked chicken by separating the pieces of meat from the bones. Remove the skin as you wish. Particularly large pieces cut into several parts. Place the chicken in a salad bowl.

2. Add peas.

3. Peel and finely chop the shallots. If you use ordinary onions, you must first marinate it: finely chop, add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and two pinches of sugar, mash well and leave for 15 minutes. You don't need to wash the onion, just transfer it to a salad bowl.

4. Cut prunes into small pieces. If it is dry, you can pour boiling water and leave for 25-30 minutes, then squeeze, dry with a towel, cut and put in a salad bowl.

5. Season the salad with mayonnaise, add finely chopped greens - parsley, dill, basil, lettuce. You can salt a little and add spices.