What kind of cheese can a child. When can you give your baby cheese? homemade cheese recipe

At what age can you give your child hard cheese? Most often, this question does not cause difficulties for young mothers. Therefore, this product is usually introduced into the children's diet immediately after the first vegetable and fruit purees, meat and fish at 10-11 months. But how right is this, and why should children not be given cheese until they are 1 year old?

One of the favorite foods of many adults is cheese. And, most likely, if your baby more than a year, then he is already familiar with this delicacy. How useful is it for a child's body, when can it be introduced into the diet of crumbs, and what types of cheese can be offered to a child?


  • Cheese contains a huge amount of vitamins A, B, C, E, PP. Also in the fat-soluble product is vitamin D, which is vital for the little man.
  • The delicacy is rich in minerals: calcium and potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium and zinc. It is important that it contains phosphorus, which contributes to better absorption of calcium.


Before you talk about how old you can give cheese to a child, you need to find out how it is useful for the child's body.

  • A quality treat contains more calcium than cottage cheese and milk. But it is this trace element that is so necessary for the body of the crumbs for the formation of the musculoskeletal system, teeth, nails and hair.
  • It turns out that chewing small pieces of hard cheese strengthens the maxillofacial apparatus of the child and prepares him for acquaintance with coarser foods.
  • The use of this product is considered a good prevention of caries. Chewing it promotes the production of saliva, which neutralizes the effects of harmful acids on tooth enamel.
  • Cheese is an easily digestible food. It contains a large amount of animal fat, which even a baby can digest.

In some cases, a treat can make the baby feel unwell. Therefore, do not give it if the child:

  • indigestion of high-fat foods;
  • prone to gaining excess body weight (but thin children can safely be given a small amount);
  • has gastrointestinal disease.

Unlike other dairy products, cheese is allowed to be introduced into the diet of a baby who is allergic to cow's milk protein. But this process must be controlled. Also for such children it is best to choose varieties with a low percentage of fat content.

Why you shouldn't give cheese to a baby under 12 months

This dairy product is high in protein and fat, so its use at such a tender age can cause problems associated with the functioning of the kidneys and liver. And rennet, which is used to make treats, provokes disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A one-year-old child can be given a small amount, because at this age the digestive system begins to produce enzymes that are necessary for the digestion of heavy foods.

What variety is allowed

What kind of cheese can be given to a child without fear? Both expectant mothers and children are not recommended to use products with noble mold, as well as the so-called soft varieties (unpasteurized). They can eat things like:

  • Cheddar;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Parmesan;
  • Russian:
  • Adam;
  • Ricotta (although this cheese is softer, you can use it);
  • Mascarpone.

processed cheese

Is it possible to start giving to a child at one year old processed and cheese slices? Experts do not recommend giving these types of product to babies, as they have little to do with the natural taste. To obtain a pasty consistency, a large amount is added to the melted form. chemical substances- emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives.

Also, children should not be given smoked cheese (“pigtail”). It contains a huge amount of salt and fat.

If you like exotic blue cheeses, then this is not a reason to introduce your child to them. Children are allowed to try such a product after 10 years. The fact is that it is by this age that the digestive system of the body is fully formed. The use of such cheese at a more tender age can cause constipation and even vomiting. In addition, such varieties can become the culprits of infection with listeria - a bacterium that leads to deadly diseases.

How to choose

When buying a treat for a crumb, pay attention to its calorie content. The optimal fat content in the finished product should be 20-45%. More high-calorie cheese will overload the digestive system and liver.

But do not feed the baby and low-fat treats. Calcium will be poorly absorbed from it. In addition, this product contains a considerable amount of preservatives.

Whatever variety you choose, never buy a cheese product. This is an unnatural cheese that contains vegetable fats, a huge amount of preservatives and food additives. It is much cheaper than the original and sometimes even tastes not very different from it, but health is more important than all this. If it is not possible to buy real cheese for a child, it is better to abandon this venture altogether for a while.

How many grams can

If you think it's time to introduce your little one to your favorite hard cheese, it's worth checking out the recommended dosage. Doctors agree that at first the child does not need to be given more than 5 g of the product per day. During this period, carefully monitor the reaction of the body. If you have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, a rash or an allergy, remove it from the diet.

  • In the diet of a one-year-old baby, the presence of hard cheese is allowed, but only as an additive to the main meals. Pediatricians also recommend giving up sandwiches and complex multi-component dishes in the first year of life. Combination dairy product with butter or meat can lead to "overload" of the unformed delicate digestive system.
  • Children under the age of 2 years can be given no more than 30 g of treats 2-3 times a week. Although the product is very useful, you should not “stuff” them with a fragile, delicate ventricle 7 times a week.
  • Until the age of three, it is best to rub the goodies on a grater, and starting from the age of 3, you can give cheese in pieces so that the baby cleans his teeth from plaque and trains the chewing apparatus.

What do the doctor's say

But according to Dr. Komarovsky, cheese is a good substitute for cottage cheese. Therefore, you can add yummy to fruit or vegetable puree, soup and pasta. The doctor advises to increase the amount of goodies up to 50 g if your picky refuses curd.

Other experts believe that this is too much cheese. Do not forget that it is rich in cholesterol. It turns out that 100 g of the product contains the same amount of cholesterol as a piece of delicious ruddy steak. For children who do not suffer from dystrophy, it is better to give a treat a little bit and only as an addition to the main dish. Also, doctors are of the opinion that cheese should be fed to the child only until 12 noon. During this period, his digestive system functions most actively.

Opinion of a pediatrician on introducing sour cream and cheese into complementary foods: video

Cheese is not a mandatory product in baby food, therefore, only you can decide at what age to give a treat to a child. Nevertheless, we advise you to listen to the opinion of experts and not overload the digestive system of the crumbs. But in the year you can already give the baby to enjoy the product. Do not forget to pay attention to its fat content and variety.

All nutritionists and pediatricians are of the same opinion - it is possible to introduce cheese into the complementary foods of a child only after a year. The fact is that this is a high-protein product, and protein is a complex element that heavily burdens the liver and kidneys. In addition, cheese always has salt and a decent amount of animal fat, which the baby's digestive system cannot handle.

After a year, the child has a more mature digestive system, the number of enzymes increases and the intestinal walls are less permeable. In addition, due to a stronger immune system, the risk of developing an allergic reaction is reduced.

Introduction to cheese

For the first acquaintance with cheese, it is better to give preference to hard varieties, such as Maasdam, Russian, Olterman, etc. Smoked and processed cheeses cannot be introduced at all because of the high content of salt and fat. Moldy cheeses are also not worth introducing yet, as such varieties can cause an allergic reaction.

For the first feeding, only 3-5 g of cheese per day will be enough. By the age of 3, this figure can be brought up to 10 g. At the same time, it should be given together with the main food - porridge, mashed potatoes, because children rarely eat cheese in its pure form. A full-fledged sandwich with cheese can generally be given only after 3 years. To make cheese better and easier to digest, it is better to give cheese to a child in the morning, when his digestive system is most active.

Cheese for lactase deficiency

What is most remarkable, cheeses can be given even to children who cannot tolerate cow protein or have a lactase deficiency. The fact is that during the fermentation process, milk protein is almost completely broken down and loses its allergenicity, and lactose in durum varieties is practically absent altogether. Of course, in any case, such a product must be taken under the supervision of a doctor, since there is still a risk.

But there are also special lactose-free varieties, they contain 0 carbohydrates.

It happens that small children do not like cottage cheese too much, but for the most part they are not indifferent to cheeses. If you know when and in what form it is better to start giving this product to your child, you can provide the child's body with calcium contained in both types of fermented milk products.

Given the specifics of the component and the development of the digestive tract in infants, it is forbidden to violate the recommended time limits. With caution, you need to treat the dosage of products, pay attention to its quality. Ideally, very young children are best served with homemade cheese made from low-fat cottage cheese.

The benefits of cheese for children

A natural and environmentally friendly fermented milk product is indicated for use by every child without exception. This is due to the following useful properties component:

  • It has a lot of calcium. Without this substance, the normal development of the bones, teeth, nails and hair of the baby is impossible. It is in the first years of life that this microelement is most necessary for children, because. their organisms grow and develop very quickly. It is worth considering that calcium is absorbed only if there is vitamin D in the body. You can give it to your child additionally or regularly take him out for walks in sunny weather.

Tip: When cheese is given to a baby precisely for the purpose of preventing rickets, it is better to choose hard varieties. For comparison, in parmesan, the amount of calcium is 10 times higher than in such a healthy cottage cheese.

  • Cheeses are rich in protein. Construction material, necessary for the production of amino acids (designed to support vital processes), is more easily absorbed by the child's body when it is in the composition of cheeses. The main thing to remember is that excessive amounts of protein are also not the goal. The abuse of cheeses can cause a strong load on the kidneys of the baby.
  • Regardless of the variety, cheese contains an impressive amount of vitamins. An additional plus is that these components in the composition fermented milk product They are also well absorbed by an imperfect children's body. This guarantees the child the strengthening of immunity, the establishment metabolic processes, stimulation of physical activity, improvement of general well-being.

You can count on receiving the listed positive effects when using even a small amount of the product. Of course, provided that only natural ingredients were used in its production, and not so popular today, milk powder, thickeners, dyes and stabilizers.

The optimal age for the introduction of the ingredient in the baby's menu

Answering the question, at what age is it best to give cheese to babies, pediatricians agree on one thing - not earlier than one year (some even think that it is better to wait until 1.5-2 years). This is due to the high content of protein and animal fats in the product, which put a heavy burden on the kidneys. In addition, in the manufacture of most varieties, rennet is used, which forces the baby's pancreas to work more actively. For children who have reached the age of one, these effects are no longer terrible, because. the digestive and excretory systems are sufficiently formed and are not afraid of additional loads.

At the same time, the daily volume of cheese for a child of 1-1.5 years old should not exceed 5 g. Gradually increasing this figure, by 2 years the daily rate can be increased to 20 g. It is not recommended to give cheese to babies daily, 2-3 times a week will be quite sufficient to obtain a therapeutic benefit from the fermented milk product. Particular attention when introducing cheese into the diet should be given to children prone to dyspeptic disorders. Despite the obvious benefits, the product is quite heavy and, at the stage of addiction, can cause constipation in the little one. Most often this becomes a consequence of the use of hard cheeses.

The place of cheese in the diet of a small child

For children under the age of 3, cheeses can only be offered as a dietary supplement. For this, the component is rubbed and used to sprinkle familiar dishes. It is strictly forbidden to combine it with meat. From traditional white bread sandwiches, butter and cheese, too, will have to be abandoned. All of the listed ingredients contain too much protein, the load on the kidneys will be excessive.

  • We take a little cottage cheese of 5% fat content, put it under oppression to get rid of all excess liquid.
  • The resulting crumbly composition is slightly salted, placed in a saucepan and put in a water bath.
  • Constantly stirring the mass, wait until it begins to melt. When the child is three years old, it will be possible to add a little baking soda to the composition to speed up the melting process.
  • When the workpiece turns into a molten mass, it must be poured into a clean container lined with gauze or a clean thin towel. We put a load on top and leave the structure for several hours until all the liquid is absorbed into the fabric.

Even if the cottage cheese refuses to melt (this happens if it is initially not dry enough), then there is no need to be upset. The curd mass heated and squeezed out in the same way also turns out to be very tasty and tender. It can be given to the baby with pieces of vegetables or lettuce leaves.

It will be useful to read the article about

Your baby has already grown up, and the time has come to gradually introduce complementary foods into his diet. During this period, parents undeservedly offend cheese with attention, mistakenly believing that this is not a children's product. Cheese is a healthy, nutritious and valuable product that is suitable for people of all ages. Let's analyze the benefits of cheese and why it must be present in the children's diet.

Useful properties of cheese

Cheeses have a high protein content, which is much easier to digest than milk or curd protein. Hard cheeses contain a huge amount of calcium, for example, 100 g of Russian cheese or parmesan contains 1300 mg, while milk has 120 mg, and cottage cheese has 123 mg.

Cheese is perfectly absorbed by the body, thanks to the harmonious combination of fats and proteins, in addition, it contains phosphorus. Vitamins of groups "A", "PP", "B" are also available in large quantities, there is no doubt about the value this product nutrition. Cheese should be present in baby food, but you should not get carried away with it, since it is an allergenic product, a high concentration of fat and protein can be a serious test for a fragile child's body.

When can you start giving your baby cheese?

The first acquaintance with cheese should occur no earlier than the baby is 10-11 months old, so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract with a high content of animal proteins. Cheese contains salts and rennet, which can complicate the work of the pancreas.

At the age of one year, the digestive system stabilizes, the pancreas produces enzymes in sufficient quantities, the intestinal walls are strengthened, as a result, immunity is noticeably strengthened and the risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the bloodstream and allergic reactions to a previously unfamiliar product is reduced.

Adding cheese to your diet

Start your child's acquaintance with cheese with a small dosage, 5 grams per day will be enough. When the baby reaches the age of two, the amount can be increased to 30 grams.

You should not feed your child with cheese daily, despite all the benefits of this product, treat your baby to cheese 2-3 times in 7 days. Digestive enzymes are more active in the morning, so cheese is best consumed before lunch. Cheese is best paired with foods such as pasta, vegetables, and bread to balance protein, carbohydrate, and fat.

Choosing a type of cheese

The child's acquaintance with the cheese variety should begin with hard unsalted cheeses without spices, for example, Poshekhonsky, parmesan, Dutch, Lithuanian, Russian, edam or maasdam, gradually other varieties should appear in the children's diet.

Pay attention to the percentage of fat content of the product, it should be no more than 45% in the finished product and no more than 23% in dry matter (more often indicated on the packaging of foreign-made products). Fat-free and fatty cheese should not be given to a baby, since an abundant concentration of fat heavily loads the pancreas and gives a load to the liver, and if there are no fats, then calcium is poorly absorbed by the body. When a child turns 1.5 years old, his diet can be diversified with sour-milk and pickled cheeses, Suluguni, Adyghe and Georgian are suitable. Compared to rennet cheeses, sour-milk cheeses have less fat content, but such varieties contain more salt, so they should not be introduced into the diet first.

Should I be concerned that cheese is considered a high-calorie food? The child is actively developing, runs a lot, jumps, walks, so all calories are spent on maintaining energy, so it is not necessary to count calories if the child’s health is in order and he is not prone to obesity. Remember, obesity is diagnosed by a pediatrician.


Do not teach your child to smoked and processed cheese, they have a huge amount of salts and fats. Avoid moldy cheese treats as allergies are high and moldy cheeses are often the cause of listeria when ingested. pathogenic bacteria leading to serious illness. When the body gets stronger, and the child is 5-6 years old, you can treat him with noble mold cheese.

How to eat cheese

The method of eating cheese depends on the age of your child. Before reaching the age of three, cheeses are best served grated, as an addition to the main course rich in slow carbohydrates (seeds, bran, pasta, bread, cereals, vegetables). Children's doctors and nutritionists do not recommend combining cheeses with meat products and butter, since they are rich in fat and protein in themselves.

The whole food combination will create a lot of work for the liver, a load on the kidneys and pancreas. Adult-loved butter and cheese sandwiches are not the best food for little explorers. At 3-4 years old, cheese can be offered in the form of cutting into small pieces, slices or cubes. In addition to the fact that the children's body is saturated with useful minerals, substances and vitamins, chewing cheese, the jaw muscles are included in the work and exercise, and the teeth are cleaned of plaque.

If you introduce cheese into a child's diet, it is better to use hard varieties, low-fat and non-spicy, containing no additives, dyes and preservatives. For example, a baby can be given "Maasdam", 17-20% "Oltermani", "Russian", "Poshekhonsky".

But smoked and processed cheeses are not suitable for a child, because they contain a large amount of salts and fats. Varieties with mold should also not be given to the baby, since in the case of the use of such products, the likelihood of allergic reactions is high.

Different varieties of old cheeses, with mold - all this the child will be able to try when his digestive and enzymatic system is fully formed. He can eat such foods after about 12 years.

Homemade cheese for a child

You can try to make cheese for the baby yourself. By doing so, you will be sure that this product does not contain any dyes and preservatives.

Here is one of the most simple recipes. Take 1 kilogram of fresh homemade cottage cheese, break it into pieces and add 1 tablespoon of salt. Wrap the resulting mass with gauze and place in a small container with a wide neck, since you will need to place a press on top of it.

If your choice is a small saucepan, find a smaller lid and place a large saucepan on top, filling it with water. After about 5 hours, drain the separated liquid and change the gauze in which the cottage cheese lay. Then place it under a heavier press for one day.

When excess liquid comes out of the cheese, place the resulting mass in the refrigerator or a cool place for about 2 weeks to ripen. That's all, delicious and healthy cheese ready!

How much cheese a day can you give a child

At 1-2 years old, a child can eat no more than 3-5 grams of cheese per day. By the age of 3, this amount can be increased to 10 grams. It is best to give cheese to your baby in the morning, because during this period the digestive enzymes are most active.

If such a product is unusual or the baby does not like it, at first grated cheese can be added to mashed potatoes, soups, omelettes. A regular sandwich or cheese toast can be given to a child after 3 years.

Can I give cheese to a child with an allergy to cow's milk protein?

If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to cow's milk protein, you need to choose the least fatty varieties of cheese. The introduction of this product in such children should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Since casein (milk protein) is broken down during cheese making and becomes less allergenic, such a product can also be administered to a child with a food allergy. Lactose in durum varieties is also contained in a minimal amount, and therefore this product is not contraindicated in case of lactase deficiency.