Is it good for a child to sleep on a hard mattress? Is it good to sleep on the floor? Helpful Tips for Healthy Sleep

Sleep is the most important need of the human body. During sleep, the body restores strength, so in the morning a person wakes up alert and rested. However, this is not always the case. Some people complain that sleep does not bring them proper rest, and in the morning they feel weak and lethargic.

In some cases, the reason for this is an uncomfortable bed. In this case, you should try sleeping on the floor. Let's consider whether it is possible to sleep on the floor, does such a dream benefit or, conversely, harm the body?

During the day, the human spine experiences considerable stress. If you sleep on a bed that is too soft or uncomfortable, you can provoke a curvature of the spine, the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Sleeping on a hard surface helps to avoid this. You can purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress that will support the spine in the correct position, or you can try sleeping on the floor. The Japanese traditionally sleep on the floor and consider such a dream to be very healthy. Sleeping on the floor has many benefits:

  • The spine does not bend during sleep, remaining in the correct, physiological position. This helps to maintain good posture, avoid many spinal disorders, and reduce discomfort and pain, if any.
  • When a person sleeps on a hard surface, his body assumes the most comfortable position, due to which the quality of sleep improves, the body gets the opportunity to fully relax and recover.
  • Blood circulation improves, skin cells rejuvenate.
  • Reduces the risk of prolapse of the pelvic organs.
  • The process of removing toxins from the body is activated.
  • The work of the liver improves, there is a better purification of the blood.
  • The bed often accumulates dust and germs and is difficult to clean. But the floor is easy to clean.
  • As you know, in rooms warm, dry air rises, and cool and moist circulates below. For healthy sleep, cool air and normal humidity are more beneficial. This is especially important during the hot season.
  • On the floor, you can easily choose a place to sleep - near the window, away from the battery, etc. You can move your bed depending on the weather and other conditions. The bed is not that easy to move.

How to prepare a bed

Before you move from bed to floor, you need to prepare a bed. First of all, it should be understood that sleeping on the floor does not mean complete absence any bed. Sleeping on a completely hard surface is uncomfortable and harmful. In this position, the muscles of the body cannot relax, and the blood vessels will be pinched, disrupting blood circulation. And hardly anyone can fall asleep normally on a bare floor. So the bed needs to be prepared.

It is best to choose a firm mattress for sleeping, in which the body will not fall through. The mattress can be replaced with a thick rug or blanket. A gym mat or yoga mat works well. Place a sheet on top of a mattress or rug.

Some people wonder: should I sleep with or without a pillow? It is best to put a small flat pillow or cushion under your head. The roller can be made from a rolled bedspread. It is undesirable to use an ordinary large pillow - the neck will be raised too much. Sleeping without a pillow is also not very helpful, because the neck muscles will not have proper support and will start to hurt. You can cover yourself with an ordinary blanket, and on hot days with a bedspread or sheet.

For a comfortable sleep, you need to choose the right place. It is best to place the bed away from windows and heaters. In no case should you sleep on a cold floor, it is harmful and threatens with hypothermia. If the floor is concrete, care must be taken to ensure that the bed is warm enough. During sleep, there should be no drafts in the room. If there is a door or window nearby, it is better to close them.

Wash the floor before going to bed. It is advisable to do this daily, because during the day dust accumulates in the room, which then has to be breathed all night. It is especially pleasant to sleep on a freshly washed floor in the summer, on a hot night. In the evening, the room should be well ventilated.

It is advisable to choose a place where there is enough space to freely spread your arms and legs. To do this, move away from the furniture. Comfort while sleeping great importance. You also need to warn family members about your desire to sleep on the floor so that no one accidentally steps on the sleeping person and stumbles over him.

How to sleep on the floor

At first, sleeping on the floor can seem very uncomfortable. But don't worry. In a week, the discomfort will go away, the back will stop hurting, and the rest will become full and enjoyable. As a rule, in the early days it will be very uncomfortable to sleep on your side - pelvic bones, resting on a hard surface, will cause inconvenience. Therefore, it is better to lie on your back for now. This will be especially convenient for pregnant women who find it difficult to sleep on a soft bed.

Over time, the body will get used to it and will itself occupy the most comfortable position. It is comfortable to lie on your back with your knees bent. In this position, the pelvis relaxes, and the weight of the body is distributed evenly.

If you want to try sleeping on the floor, but it is difficult to overcome the discomfort, you can purchase a hard orthopedic mattress and sleep on it for some time. Gradually, the body will get used to resting on a hard surface, and moving to the floor will not cause any particular inconvenience.

Today you will learn how orthopedic mattresses differ in the degree of rigidity, whether it is useful for everyone to sleep on a hard mattress, and which one is right for you.

Sleeping on a hard surface is not comfortable for everyone. In youth, the degree of firmness of the mattress may not be of fundamental importance, however, feelings of weakness, lethargy, pain in the lower back or neck appear with age. And the first thing that doctors pay attention to is an increase in physical activity and the right choice of a mattress for sleeping. At the same time, quite often you can hear advice that it should be as tough as possible. But not everything is so clear!

How do mattresses differ in firmness?

Today, it is not difficult to purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress. The main problem is to correctly select the required level of rigidity. This parameter is very individual and depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the presence or absence of problems with the spine, your lifestyle, age and health in general.

All types of modern mattresses can be divided into several large categories according to the degree of rigidity:

  • soft with the highest anatomical properties. They absolutely correctly repeat all the curves of the body, exert the least pressure on the spine. Sleeping on such mattresses is recommended for people over 50 years old. they need increased comfort during sleep. Such models easily slip under the weight of the body, gently enveloping and giving softness and comfort, while they cannot be used by babies under 3 years old, teenagers, and people weighing over 120 kg. A good example of such a mattress is Ormatek Dream Memo 4d Matrix.
  • medium firm mattresses have the highest orthopedic properties, they firmly and securely fix the spine. Suitable for a wide range of users and have no particular contraindications, such as Ormatek Optima Max EVS, Ormatek Optima Strong EVS620.
  • hard mattress will give the strongest support, it does not bend at all under the weight of the sleeping person. Withstanding even the strongest loads, ideal for people with a lot of weight. And if you are faced with the task of choosing a hard mattress, consider the Ormatek Optima Hard EVS, Ormatek Orma Flex models.

The hardest mattresses are a kind of extreme, which is resorted to in rather difficult cases of back diseases.

Fillers for hard mattresses

Modern mattresses use a wide variety of materials, from familiar ones like felt or latex to innovative options like bicoco or memory foam. In order to achieve maximum rigidity, special technologies have been developed, thanks to which the materials complement each other, enhancing their properties.

To create hard mattresses, as a rule, apply:

  • coconut coir- these are the fibers of the product, covered with a layer of latex. With its help, mattresses can be given elasticity and excellent rigidity. The advantage is environmental friendliness and durability;
  • derived from the first option is bicoco- this is a combination of coir and holofiber. Its differences are high density and wear resistance;
  • sisal, made from agave, is also a natural material. It is much tougher than coir and can take on the heaviest loads. At the same time, both the form and quality indicators will be preserved;
  • linen, which has undergone special heat treatment, also has high performance rigidity and strength. It does not form odors, it is resistant to decay;
  • felt- Another environmentally friendly component obtained from sheep's wool. In hard mattresses, it can play the role of a material for the layer;
  • latex, natural or artificial- A great option for a firm mattress. It perfectly restores its shape, copes with high loads and has a good orthopedic effect. It is considered one of the most expensive fillers.

A high level of rigidity, on the one hand, creates the most even surface. If it sags under the weight of the body, then only slightly. However, it should be understood that the spine and the entire human skeleton are not a stretched bowstring. We have natural curves and protruding parts.

It turns out that when resting on a mattress with a flat and hard surface, the body will still have to bend, trying to adjust all parts to the surrounding conditions as much as possible. Accordingly, a free and relaxed posture will not work - muscle tension will cause squeezing of blood vessels and, as a result, free blood flow will be disturbed. This will lead to headaches, numbness of body parts and a general state of discomfort.

No wonder they say that choosing a mattress is a strictly individual procedure. Indeed, on an overly soft mattress, again, there will be a “hammock” effect when the body simply “sags” and in the same way cannot completely relax.

Thus, when choosing the rigidity of a mattress, you should be guided by general recommendations:

  • for children under three years of age high degree rigidity. They just need the surface to be perfectly flat. The skeleton of the baby is very soft, it is being formed. And only on a hard mattress can the main condition be ensured - the absence of deflections;
  • The heavier the person, the firmer the mattress should be. This rule applies to relatively healthy people over the age of 25;
  • for patients with diagnoses such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other similar disorders, mattresses are selected strictly based on the doctor's recommendations;
  • if your usual position for sleeping on your stomach, then on a hard mattress you will be much more comfortable.

At home, you can increase or decrease the rigidity of mattresses with the help of special toppers or mattress covers. Both options are removable, so if you want, you can remove them at any time and return to the usual firmness of your mattress.

Thus, sleeping on a hard mattress is not good for everyone. However, now you can make the right choice!


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Who is a hard mattress suitable for? While most prefer the comfort of a semi-rigid or soft surface, some need the firmest mattresses. First of all, these are people with a sick spine, especially with its hernias and protrusions. Sports young people who lead an active lifestyle love to sleep harder. Large men and women are looking for a hard surface, who are afraid that a soft mattress will quickly wear out from an increased load. In addition to them, parents often choose a hard elastic mattress for a newborn. But in fact, completely different mattresses suit these people. We will analyze which types of hard mattresses are better to choose in a particular case.

Mattress for a sore back

Since there are a lot of diseases, and this article is written by a non-certified orthopedist, we will limit ourselves to the most general recommendations. A hard springless mattress is what people who are observed for protrusions and hernias are usually looking for on the advice of a doctor. The pain syndrome dictates the choice of a reliable surface without failures, from which it is difficult to get out. The mattress should provide comfortable sleeping on the back and a gentle change of position. Another factor is that it should have a tight edge that is easy to get off. But sleeping "like on the floor" will only exacerbate suffering if a person often lies on his side - consider the curved line of the girl's spine in the bottom photo.

The position of the body on a hard mattress, the spine is curved.

This position of the body will lead to constant muscle tension. It is necessary to strike a balance between the softness of the support so that the mattress can follow the contour of the hips and shoulders, and sufficient elasticity for reliable support. Choosing a hard mattress for a person with a bad back is a very responsible and difficult task. There is a separate article about which mattress can reduce pain and how to choose it. Here we give recommendations only for choice. good models increased rigidity in different price categories.

In the budget segment:

  • Springless with a high-density, high-stiffness PU foam backing with a coconut top layer, such as Contrast by Toris.
  • Mattress on a reinforced TFK block filled with felt or bicoco and dense polyurethane foam, with a total layer of at least 2 cm. Suitable only for people weighing less than 80 kg.

More expensive mattresses:

  • Springless based on a combination of layers of coconut and latex. One side must be a latex coconut at least 2 cm thick.
  • For teenagers and athletes: springless coconut with a top filler made of periotek (strutofiber)
  • On a reinforced (cellular or consisting of 700-1000 per bed) block of independent springs, with two sides of coconut latex coir from 3 cm or having different sides - coconut and slightly softer polyester fiber (holofiber and strutofiber), combinations of coconut and latex. A powerful block is especially important if a person's weight exceeds 90 kg.

How to choose a comfortable hard mattress

Choose the desired degree of hardness

For those who want to sleep like on the floor, you can give such recommendations. The highest rigidity has fully coconut mattresses of small thickness. But they are not suitable for everyone. The myth that it is useful to sleep on a very hard bed is refuted by experience. Your mattress is too hard for you if

  • You freely put your hand under the lower back, lying on your back.
  • Sometimes you wake up with the feeling that you have rested your arm.
  • You cannot instantly assume a comfortable position on a mattress.

The consequences of choosing a mattress that is too hard will be poor sleep quality, poor rest and the risk of spinal diseases and venous insufficiency.

Extra Comfort Coconut Mattress

How to choose a springless hard mattress

In order to smooth out the negative factors, it is worth choosing a hard base under a layer (2-3 cm is enough) of a softer material. Natural latex is optimal, but holofiber is also quite suitable. A rather expensive coconut mattress rarely includes short-lived artificial foam fillers, but you can buy a mattress in a voluminous soft cover. Alternative option- topper.

High, more than 15 cm, a mattress made of coir, in which each fiber is impregnated with latex, is slightly more comfortable while maintaining high rigidity. But such a mattress will have to be changed quite often. Under the weight of an adult, the middle of the mattress is compressed, and sleeping on it becomes both uncomfortable and harmful.

There are a large number of springless models with a gradation of properties from semi-rigid to rigid. Variations in the thickness and relative position of the layers of coconut, latex and periothek change the sensations of the sleeper. Such mattresses are included in the range of many manufacturers.

Mattress Chameleon Toris

What is the difference between spring hard mattresses

But sometimes you want to buy a hard mattress with a high orthopedic effect. There is a contradiction here. Anatomical properties - the ability of the surface to repeat the relief of the body. A thick coconut slab tends to keep its shape, it doesn't crease well. Therefore, springless mattresses with its use have the lowest level of orthopedic support.

A spring mattress with hard sides will be more anatomical.

When choosing a hard mattress, you need to pay close attention to its foundation.

Double-Triple Latex Coconut will provide firmness when testing the mattress in the store. But if the spring sags, there will be no trace of the desired qualities. Manufacturers of independent spring blocks clearly distinguish between them in terms of quality. The standard TFK has a very small margin of safety and easily sags from the weight of a man of average build. Those who want to purchase a durable orthopedic hard mattress need to buy a model with reinforced or including 350-500 springs per square meter block. A "Spring in a Spring" option or a 1000-spring block with the same layer of coconut might seem softer.

Hard mattress for overweight people

Of all the springless mattresses, only latex is suitable, only it is able to maintain elasticity for a long time. To create a harder surface, the same coconut filler is good. But you need to know that the greater the total thickness of the coconut in such a mattress, the earlier it deforms.

The most common mistake that many owners of a status build make is the choice of a spring mattress based on the characteristics of its top layer.

The hardest orthopedic mattress - Ortho F3 Toris

Very often, non-professional sellers offer large people to try hard mattresses with double (2 cm) coconut filling and sell them successfully. But the coconut keeps its shape for a very short time if there is a soft pliable spring under it. In order not to experience disappointment and not spend extra money, you need to immediately look for a mattress with a powerful base. There are such models, you can immediately feel the reinforced block - the mattress almost does not sag when pressed with the palm of your hand. The correct base will provide the support necessary for heavy weight, the lower coconut layer of the filler distributes the load well, but the upper layer of mattresses for large people must necessarily soften the contact. It can be elastic foam or natural latex.

Which firm mattress is best for a child?

The first baby mattress should not be soft. Coconut long-staple elastic layer 6-8 cm thick in an anti-allergic cover is perfect for a baby's crib. But mattress coconut comes in two types, needle punched and latex. Only the second is suitable as the basis of a children's mattress. This mattress allows air and moisture to pass through, if necessary, it can be washed with water. In such a mattress, no one will start.

Moving the child to a more spacious bed, you can consider other, softer models.

Sufficient rigidity necessary for the formation of the correct posture is provided by children's mattresses with different sides made of coconut and holofiber.

Tips to leave soft featherbeds and lie down on hard mattresses, or even boards or floors in Lately sound more and more. Stories of miraculous healings and the benefits of sleeping on a hard surface are sometimes convincing enough to make you think. However, you should not rush to buy a hard mattress. First, make sure that Spartan sleep is right for you, and decide on a suitable product model.

Hard mattresses can be found in the lines of almost all manufacturers. And this is no coincidence. Such models provide enhanced back support, bend less under body weight, are resistant to increased loads, and therefore invariably find their buyer. But can these features always be called advantages? What is the difference between different models of hard mattresses? Let's figure it out.

Is it good to sleep on a hard bed?

You have probably heard (or will hear) more than once stories about how a person was uncomfortable on a mattress, he lay on the boards or the floor and immediately got rid of all the problems. Or about how an orthopedic doctor for a long time advised sleeping on hard and scolded soft feather beds. At the same time, there are cases when, after a forced sleep on the floor, people woke up with terrible pain in the lower back or numb hands and scolded the rigidity.

Who is right here? Is it good to sleep on boards? Who to listen to? All the stories described are true, but you can't listen to any of them. You need to listen to yourself, choose the level of rigidity in accordance with your age, weight, problems with the spine and health in general, lifestyle, habitual sleeping position, etc. All people are different, some hard surfaces are useful, others are harmful.

Ideally, during sleep, the human spine should assume a natural position, receive reliable support and fully relax. This is what is called the orthopedic effect. On a surface that is too hard, the pelvis rises, and the lower back sags, is in limbo and tenses. There is nothing useful in this.

Many fans of sleep on the boards praise him for the fact that the spine is stretched and straightened. Meanwhile, by nature, the human spine is not straight, but S-shaped, has a bend in the lumbar region, which also needs support. But the shoulders on a hard surface really relax and lower, straighten out (in the supine position). Therefore, it is more correct to talk about the benefits of sleeping on a solid posture, and not for the spine as a whole. But is your posture worth the lower back pain if you sleep on the floor? How will this turn out if you already have problems in the lumbar region or with blood circulation? Nothing good. It is better not to go to extremes, do not sleep on the floor or boards, but buy a quality hard or medium-hard mattress.

So, sleeping on a solid is useful under certain conditions and a certain group of people, but not for everyone. And it is important that the surface is not extremely hard, but only provides enhanced support, as hard orthopedic mattresses do.

Who needs hard mattresses?

As we have already said, an important difference between hard mattresses is increased resistance to heavy loads. Therefore, it is not surprising that people weighing more than 90-100 kilograms are advised to buy hard mattresses in the first place. Only such models will provide comfortable support for the back of a full person, will not sag and will help to avoid the “hammock effect”.

Children, adolescents and young people under 25 need no less hard mattresses. For the correct formation of the spinal column and posture, sleeping on a flat, hard surface is essential in order to avoid deformations and problems in the future. At the same time, very hard mattresses are advised for newborns, for children and adolescents - just hard ones.

We have already mentioned that when sleeping on a hard surface, the shoulders straighten and relax. Therefore, hard mattresses are highly recommended for people with problems in the upper spine, poor posture, herniated discs, and neck pain.

Due to the fact that hard mattresses are less likely to collapse under the influence of weight, they are also strongly advised to fans of sleeping on their stomachs (even with lower back problems). On a firm surface, the stomach does not sink too deep into the bed, which prevents the lower back from arching too far back.

Well, the final criterion for choosing stiffness is lifestyle. Professional athletes, people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in physical labor are offered to sleep on a hard surface.

Who shouldn't sleep on hard mattresses?

First of all, people over 50-55 years old should be given up on solid sleep. At this age, the spine already needs especially comfortable conditions for rest, the bed should be soft so that the mattress gently envelops the back.

It is also harmful to sleep on a hard bed for people suffering from joint and circulatory problems, arthritis and arthrosis. The hard surface exerts additional pressure on soft tissues, blocks the blood flow, provokes numbness, limb numbness, complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

In addition, we have already explained why hard mattresses are contraindicated for problems in the lumbar region. Also, they are not recommended for pregnant women to avoid excessive pressure on the fetus.

Another large group of people who need to forget about hard mattresses are adults weighing less than 55 kilograms. Rigid models simply will not be sufficiently squeezed under the body of a thin person, they will not be able to provide proper back support.

What are hard mattresses?

First of all, the rigidity of the mattress depends on the material of the filler. The toughest is coconut coir. This is a natural, eco-friendly, hypoallergenic filler that perfectly passes air and removes moisture, does not absorb odors and does not rot. It is obtained from the hard fibers of coconut, hand soaked, combed and dried, and then impregnated with latex (latexed coir) to turn into a monolithic block. Coconut coir is resistant to heavy loads, characterized by increased rigidity. Accordingly, the thicker its layer, the harder the mattress.

The hardest mattresses are springless made of coconut coir. Slightly softer models, consisting of alternating layers of coconut and latex. A replacement for coir in economy class models is a struttofiber. This is a non-woven material, the fibers of which are arranged vertically, have a rigidity similar to a web of two layers of coconut.

Some types of polyurethane foam can also act as rigid layers, i.e. artificial latex. This material boasts most of the benefits of natural latex (with the possible exception of durability), but with greater hardness. Polyurethane foam perfectly copes with high loads (sometimes up to 140 kg per bed), suitable for those who cannot get used to the extreme rigidity of coconut.

Hard mattresses can also be springless and spring. The former are classified as very hard if it is coconut coir, or hard if it is polyurethane foam. Spring models are not extremely rigid due to the spring effect. The hardness in them can be provided by layers of coconut coir or struttofiber or by strengthening the springs or mattress bases. The most comfortable, high-quality and optimal in terms of orthopedic properties are models based on blocks of independent springs. They bend under the weight of the body independently of each other, eliminating the effect of a hammock, provide improved support to different parts of the body.

3 signs your mattress is too hard

When choosing a hard mattress, the main thing is not to overdo it with this very rigidity. A mistake here can result in problems with the spine and a lot of discomfort.

Your mattress is too hard if:

  • in the morning you feel pain in the lumbar region;
  • when you lie flat on the mattress on your back, a hand passes freely under the lumbar zone, moreover, there is even extra space left;
  • you toss and turn for a long time and cannot fall asleep, wake up in the middle of the night because your arm or leg is numb, you feel numbness or tingling in your limbs.
Hard mattresses are very comfortable and even useful for many people, but their purchase must be treated carefully and competently. We hope this article will help you make the right choice.

When choosing an orthopedic mattress, it is important not to forget about such a criterion as rigidity. What should be the product - hard, soft or medium hardness?

Of course, first of all, each person must individually select this parameter, taking into account their taste preferences, as well as their own weight. But in addition, there are a number of other factors that influence the choice.

Many people have back problems. Properly selected firmness of the mattress promotes proper rest, relieves tension and fatigue, eliminates back pain and helps to “unload” the spine.

Too rigid products cause discomfort during sleep and negatively affect its quality. They do not contribute to an even distribution of weight in the shoulders and hips. These are areas in which the main loads are concentrated.

Too soft - do not provide the necessary support and allow the spine to bend. This leads to overstrain of the ligaments and muscles of the body.

When choosing stiffness, several factors should be considered:

  • the person's age;
  • sleeping weight;
  • health;
  • lifestyle (active or passive);
  • habits (in what position likes to sleep);
  • the number of people on the mattress and their weight.

According to the age

For those whose spine has not yet formed, doctors recommend the most rigid coconut fiber mattress.

Older than 2-3 years, it is better to choose a softer mattress, as it is harmful to constantly sleep on a hard one. For this age, springless ones with medium hardness are most suitable.

People under 25 should buy orthopedic ones with medium and increased rigidity, because it is up to this age that the spine is formed.

A person from 25 to 50 years old will suit models of any degree of rigidity, it all depends on personal preferences, health status, as well as financial capabilities.

People over 45 are not recommended to sleep on a hard mattress due to the risk associated with intervertebral disc problems. It is better to opt for medium-hard or soft models.

By weight

Thin people (up to 55 kg) are best suited for soft mattresses. These can be spring models without coir or springless ones, which consist of natural latex.

For people of average build (from 55 to 90 kg), it is better to choose products of medium hardness. Most models with independent spring blocks are suitable for them, for example, mattresses that use a coir-latex combination.

Overweight people (more than 90 kg) should pay attention to mattresses with increased rigidity. For them, spring products with reinforced springs made of thick wire or springless ones made of dense durable materials would be an excellent option.

For health

For people who have problems in the upper spine, it is better to purchase a hard mattress.

By lifestyle and posture during sleep

For those whose activities are associated with great physical exertion, who lead an active lifestyle, rigid models are more suitable. For people with a passive lifestyle, respectively - softer.

The position in which a person likes to sleep is usually also taken into account. For those who sleep on their stomachs, a firm mattress is suitable. The soft one will appeal to those who like to sleep on their side.

And those who sleep on their backs will appreciate models with medium degree hardness.

By the number of people who sleep on it

Very often, a mattress is bought for two people, whose weight may differ. For example, “he” weighs 85 kg, “she” weighs 50 kg. What should be preferred in this case?

If it is of medium hardness, then “he” will be comfortable, and “she” will not be very comfortable. When choosing soft - everything will be the opposite.

A compromise in this situation will be the choice of a mattress with different stiffness of the sides. One side is medium, the other is soft.

Having chosen such a model, you can sleep together first on one side, then on the other and come to a mutual decision which side is more comfortable for both.

I hope this article will help you make your choice.