What is the MGB: the history of domestic special services from the Cheka to the FSB. From the VChK to the FSB: the history of the state security agencies of the USSR and Russia VChK OGPU NKVD NKGB MGB MVD KGB

FGBOU VPO State University - UNPK

Educational Research Institute of Sociology and humanities

Lubyanka: VChK - OGPU - NKVD - KGB

Eagle, 2012


After the October Revolution of 1917, the authorities faced a serious task: to form such a state security agency that could actively fight against counter-revolutionaries, and also (in the future) be a means of intimidating and suppressing all opponents of the Soviet system and the party program. And already in September 1919, part of the former house of the Rossiya insurance company on Lubyanskaya Square, at the beginning of Bolshaya Lubyanka Street (house 2), was occupied by employees of a new service - the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Since that time, the house on Lubyanskaya Square (in 1926-1991 - Dzerzhinskaya) passed to all his successors - the OGPU until 1934, then the NKVD, and from 1954 the KGB of the USSR. Thanks to this building, the word Lubyanka became a household word and gained fame as the designation of the Soviet state security agencies and the Lubyanka internal prison.

It is obvious that the study of the state security bodies formed in the post-revolutionary time is necessary for understanding many aspects of the national history of the 20th century. However, for a long time the structure of the Central Office of the Soviet internal affairs and state security bodies of the USSR was not described in detail. Its study became possible only thanks to the decree of the President Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin of June 23, 1992 "On the removal of restrictive stamps from legislative and other acts that served as the basis for mass repressions and infringements on human rights", it was ordered to declassify laws, by-laws and departmental directives, including "... organization and activities of the repressive apparatus", which were the above-mentioned state security agencies.

Target- to study the structure and activities of the state security organs of the USSR.


1.Study the literature on this issue;

.To establish the periodization of the existence of the Cheka, the OGPU, the NKVD and the KGB, as well as the direction of their activities;

.To identify the main goals and objectives of the Soviet government in pursuing the policy of "mass terror".


1)analysis and synthesis,




The first chapter is a review of the structure of individual state security organs of the USSR (from the Cheka to the KGB): the history of occurrence, chronological framework, their direct activities, the administrative apparatus, some results of their activities.

The second chapter is devoted to the policy of mass terror and its victims.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the bodies of internal affairs and state security of the USSR

.1 All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (VChK of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR)

The Cheka of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was formed on December 22, 1917. It was liquidated with the transfer of powers to the State Political Directorate (GPU NKVD RSFSR) under the NKVD RSFSR on February 6, 1922.

The Cheka was the body of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" for the protection of the state security of the RSFSR, "the leading body in the fight against counter-revolution throughout the country." The Cheka had territorial subdivisions for "fighting the counter-revolution on the ground."

Since January 27, 1921, the tasks of the Cheka also included the elimination of homelessness and neglect among children.

The administrative apparatus of the Cheka was headed by a collegium, the governing body was the Presidium of the Cheka, headed by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Cheka (Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky), who had two deputies (I.K. Ksenofontov and I.S. Unshlikht), document flow was provided by two personal secretaries. If in December 1917 the apparatus of the Cheka consisted of 40 people, then in March 1918 there were already 120 employees.

In March 1918, the central apparatus of the Cheka was together with Soviet government transferred to Moscow, and since 1919 he occupied the building of the Rossiya insurance company: the famous building of the state security agencies on the Lubyanka.

Initially, the functions and powers of the Cheka were rather inaccurately defined. However, in fact, from the moment of its formation, the Cheka has both investigative and operational functions. In the administrative order, direct measures of influence are also applied, which were initially rather mild: depriving counter-revolutionaries of food cards, compiling and publishing lists of enemies of the people, confiscation of counter-revolutionary property, and a number of others. Since at this time execution as the highest form of punishment was abolished in the RSFSR, execution was not used by the organs of the Cheka either.

Since the beginning civil war The Cheka receives emergency powers in relation to counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, persons seen in speculation and banditry. On September 5, 1918, the Cheka received the right to directly liquidate spies, saboteurs, and other violators of revolutionary legality. The rights and obligations to execute "all persons connected with the White Guard organizations, conspiracies and rebellions" and the direct implementation of the Red Terror.

As a result of the activities of the Cheka, large underground organizations (“Union for the Defense of the Motherland and Freedom”, “National Center”) were identified and liquidated, conspiracies of foreign intelligence and specialized services were liquidated.

1.2 State political administration under the NKVD of the RSFSR

The State Political Administration under the NKVD of the RSFSR was established at the suggestion of V. I. Lenin at the IX Congress of Soviets on February 6, 1922 by the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the abolition of the Cheka with the transfer of powers to the State Political Administration (GPU NKVD of the RSFSR) under the NKVD of the RSFSR.

The entire period when the main special service of the RSFSR was called the GPU, it was headed by F. E. Dzerzhinsky, who previously led the Cheka.

The name "GPU" in the future, in the 1920s - the first half of the 1930s, was used in colloquial speech, in fiction(“The Fatal Eggs” by Bulgakov, “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov, “Envy” by Olesha, “How the Steel Was Tempered” by N. Ostrovsky, “The Day Stood About Five Heads” by Mandelstam, etc.).

The highest administrative body of the GPU was the Collegium under the chairman of the GPU, whose orders were binding on all units, including territorial ones.

The powers of the GPU did not include judicial and investigative functions. His competence consisted in suppressing open counter-revolutionary movements and combating banditry, espionage, smuggling, guarding communications and the state border.

According to the decree, any person arrested by the GPU must either be released after two months, or his case was taken to court. It was allowed to keep under arrest for more than two months only by special order of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. The GPU was under the supervision of a prosecutor.

However, in the autumn of 1922, the powers of the GPU were expanded: by a secret resolution of the Politburo of September 28, 1922, the GPU was granted the right of extrajudicial repression up to execution for a number of crimes, as well as exile, deportation and imprisonment in concentration camps.

1.3 United state political administration under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

After the formation of the USSR, on March 19, 1923, the United State Political Administration (OGPU) was established under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. The chairman of the OGPU until July 20, 1926 was F. E. Dzerzhinsky, then until 1934 the OGPU was headed by V. R. Menzhinsky.

In 1924, he was granted the right to administrative expulsions, exile, and imprisonment in a concentration camp. Relevant decisions were made by a special meeting of the OGPU consisting of three members of the collegium with the participation of the USSR prosecutor. The Special Council had the right to extrajudicial prosecution and sentencing.

Thus, after the liquidation of the Cheka, there was no fundamental change in the nature of the activities of the repressive bodies. The country's leadership continued to believe that violent methods were the basis for the functioning of the "dictatorship of the proletariat".

1.4 People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR

People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR (NKVD) - central authority government controlled USSR for combating crime and maintaining public order in 1934-1946.

During the period of its existence, the NKVD performed state functions, both related to the protection of law and order and state security (it included the Main Directorate of State Security, which was the successor to the OGPU), and in the field of public utilities and the country's economy, as well as in the field of supporting social stability.

The NKVD controlled the activities of societies, had the right to audit their financial transactions, close public organizations in cases where its bodies considered that the activities of the society were illegal or did not comply with the charter. Congresses of public organizations could meet only with the sanction of the NKVD. All this made it possible to strengthen control over the activities of public associations.

Genrikh Yagoda was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

The following tasks were entrusted to the newly created NKVD: ensuring public order and state security, protecting socialist property, recording acts of civil status, border guards, maintenance and protection of labor camps.

As part of the NKVD, the following were created: the Main Directorate of State Security (GUGB); Main Directorate of the RKM (GU RKM); Main Directorate of Border and Internal Security (GU PiVO); Main Directorate of Fire Protection (GUPO); the main department of corrective labor camps (ITL) and labor settlements (Gulag); department of acts of civil status (ZAGS); administrative and economic management; financial department (FINO); Human Resources Department; secretariat; special department. In total, according to the states of the central apparatus of the NKVD, there were 8,211 people.

In September 1936, Nikolai Yezhov was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

A special place in the work of the NKVD in 1937-1938. occupied the so-called "national operations", i.e. ethnic repression. All foreigners who crossed the border were put on trial. In January 1938, the Politburo of the Central Committee adopted a special decision: to shoot all the detained defectors if they crossed the border "with a hostile purpose", if such a goal could not be found, then the defectors were sentenced to 10 years in prison. There was also a “cleansing” of the ranks of the NKVD themselves: the number of Poles, Latvians, Germans, and Jews decreased; approximately 14,000 employees were laid off.

Since December 1938, Lavrenty Beria was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

The NKVD was the main perpetrator of the massive political repressions of the 1930s. Many citizens of the USSR, imprisoned in Gulag camps or sentenced to death, were convicted out of court by special troikas of the NKVD. Also, the NKVD was the executor of deportations on a national basis.

Many members of the NKVD themselves became victims of repression; many, including those belonging to the top leadership, were executed.

Hundreds of German and Austrian communists and anti-fascists who sought asylum from Nazism in the USSR were expelled from the USSR as "undesirable foreigners" and handed over to the Gestapo along with their documents. emergency commission people's commissariat

During the Great Patriotic War, the border and internal troops of the NKVD were used to protect the territory and search for deserters, and also directly participated in the hostilities. On the liberated lands, arrests, deportations and the execution of death sentences were carried out against the underground left by the Germans and unreliable persons.

The intelligence services of the NKVD were engaged in the elimination of persons abroad whom the Soviet authorities considered dangerous. Among them: Leon Trotsky - a political opponent of Joseph Stalin, the latter's rival in the struggle for choosing the path of development of the USSR; Yevhen Konovalets is the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, the activities of the state security agencies were focused on combating the activities of German intelligence at the front, identifying and eliminating enemy agents in the rear areas of the USSR, reconnaissance and sabotage behind enemy lines. The NKVD subordinated to the troops for the protection of the rear.

In October 1941, by a resolution of the State Defense Committee, the Special Conference of the NKVD was granted the right to pass a sentence up to the death penalty in cases of counter-revolutionary crimes against the order of government of the USSR.

After Stalin's death, Khrushchev removed Lavrenty Beria, who led the NKVD from 1938 to 1945, and organized a campaign against the illegal repression of the NKVD. Subsequently, several thousand unjustly convicted were rehabilitated.

After the collapse of the USSR, some former NKVD workers living in the Baltic countries were accused of crimes against the local population, according to documents found in the archives.

1.5 USSR State Security Committee

The State Security Committee of the USSR is the central union-republican body of state administration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the field of ensuring state security, which operated from 1954 to 1991.

Chairman of the committee since 1954 to 1991: I.A. Serov (1954-1958), A.N. Shelepin (1958-1961), V.E. Semichastny (1961-1967), Yu.V., Andropov (1967-1982), V.V. Fedorchuk (1982), V.M. Chebrikov (1982-1988), V.A. Kryuchkov (1988-1991), V.V. Bakatin (1991).

The main functions of the KGB were foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, operational-search activities, protection of the state border of the USSR, protection of the leaders of the CPSU and the Government of the USSR, organization and provision of government communications, as well as the fight against nationalism, dissent and anti-Soviet activities. Also, the task of the KGB was to provide the Central Committee of the CPSU (until May 16, 1991) and supreme bodies state power and management of the USSR information affecting the state security and defense of the country, the socio-economic situation in the Soviet Union and issues of foreign policy and foreign economic activity Soviet state and communist party. The system of the KGB of the USSR included fourteen republican committees of state security on the territory of the republics of the USSR; local state security bodies in autonomous republics, territories, regions, individual cities and districts, military districts, formations and units of the army, navy and internal troops, in transport; border troops; government communications troops; military counterintelligence agencies; educational establishments and research institutions; as well as the so-called "first departments" of Soviet institutions, organizations and enterprises.

Chapter 2. Mass terror and its victims in the 20s - 30s. 20th century

.1 Folding the "subsystem of fear"

A month after the October Revolution, by order of the All-Russian Revolutionary Committee, all officials who did not want to cooperate with the Soviet government were declared enemies of the people. The bodies of the Cheka - the OGPU, endowed with the right of extrajudicial reprisals up to execution, could uncontrollably and with impunity dispose of human destinies.

Over time, open or covert repression became an integral part of the existence Soviet state. According to very rough estimates, only in the RSFSR from 1923 to 1953, that is, within the life of one generation, 39.1 million people, or every third capable citizen, were convicted for various crimes by general judicial bodies. As evidenced by criminal statistics, during these years there was not only class-directed terror, but massive and constant state repressions against society. Fear of the might of the state becomes the most important factor in maintaining the loyalty of the authorities by the majority of the population. A system based on non-economic measures of coercion could only rely on violence and repression.

Repressions, or "fear subsystem", were carried out throughout the Soviet period various functions. The Bolshevik regime made violence a universal means to achieve its intended goals.

Also, repression and violence are becoming prerequisite functioning of the Soviet economy, terror becomes the most important element of labor motivation: universal labor service and attaching workers to entrepreneurs. In case of stubborn unwillingness to submit to "comradely discipline" and repeated penalties, the "guilty" are subjected as an unearned element to dismissal from enterprises with transfer to concentration camps (According to the Regulations of the Council of People's Commissars on workers' disciplinary courts of November 14, 1919). By the end of the Civil War, there were already 122 concentration camps in the RSFSR. In the 1920s in the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp (SLON), as an experiment for ideological reforging, the labor of prisoners for logging for the needs of industrialization and export to Western countries was widely used.

Based on the experience and personnel of the Solovki, the Gulag system was subsequently created. From his staff, the apparatus of Belomorstroy and many other construction projects were formed, where the labor of prisoners was used.

The flywheel of repression was spinning slowly but surely. If in 1921-1929. out of 1 million arrested by extrajudicial bodies, only 20.8% were convicted, then for 1930-1936. of the 2.3 million arrested, the number of convicts was already 62%.

By the end of the 1920s. the pressure of the Stalinist apparatus-bureaucratic part of the ruling elite on its intelligentsia-opposition honor is intensifying. Yesterday's comrades-in-arms in the revolutionary struggle become objects of political repression.

However, in the first place, open opponents of Soviet power were destroyed by Stalin: the execution of a group of monarchists under investigation after the murder of diplomat P.L. Voikov. Church and other religious organizations were also listed as enemies. Church ministers were arrested and repressed, churches, cathedrals, and monasteries were seized and partially destroyed.

Held in 1929-1932. forced collectivization caused a new surge of state terror. During this period, the number of those convicted in the RSFSR only by general courts averaged 1.1-1.2 million people per year.

In the early 1930s small entrepreneurs, merchants, trade intermediaries, as well as former nobles, landowners, and manufacturers were subjected to repression.

Repressions from above were supplemented by mass denunciations from below. Denunciation, especially of superiors, neighbors in apartments, colleagues becomes a means of promotion, obtaining apartments. 80% of those repressed in the 1930s died on the denunciations of neighbors and colleagues in the service.

2.2 Some examples of the manifestation of the policy of mass terror

In the late 1920s on Stalin's orders, a number of cases were fabricated, on the basis of which open show trials were held. The main thing in these sabotage trials falsified by the OGPU was the mass “confession” of the defendants in their “crimes”.

The first in 1928 was the trial of a group of specialists in the Donbass (Shakhty case), who allegedly set themselves the goal of disorganizing and destroying the coal industry in this region. They were accused of intentionally damaging cars, flooding mines, and setting fire to industrial facilities. The case was considered by the Special Judicial Presence of the Supreme Court chaired by A.L. Vyshinsky. The trial went on for about a month and a half. In July, 49 defendants were found guilty and received various terms of punishment, five sentenced to death were shot.

The Shakhtinsky case has become a kind of testing ground for working out the following similar actions. Processes equal in scale to the Shakhty case took place in 1929 in Bryansk and Leningrad.

In 1930, in order to organize new public trials, the OGPU “constructed” three anti-Soviet underground organizations: the so-called Industrial Party, the Union Bureau of the Mensheviks and the Labor Peasant Party.

However open processes succeeded only in the case of the Industrial Party and the Union Bureau of the Mensheviks.

When considering the case of the Industrial Party of the OGPU, a group of engineers was accused of trying to disrupt the industrialization of the country by creating an artificial disproportion between industries. National economy, deadening investment. Stalin not only shifted the blame to the specialists, but also got rid of the staunch supporters of the NEP.

In March 1938, the largest political trial of the 1930s took place. in the case of the so-called Right-Trotskyist anti-Soviet bloc. Three members of the Leninist composition of the Politburo - N. Bukharin, A. Rykov, N. Krestinsky - appeared on the dock at once. The arrest of these persons was part of the campaign carried out by Stalin in the union of N. I. Yezhov (People's Commissar of the NKVD) to destroy the "Trotskyist elements." The military board sentenced N. Bukharin, A. Rykov, M. Chernov to death. Some of the others arrested in this case were never released: they were destroyed in custody without any judicial farce.

The closed, fleeting trial in June 1937 (everything ended on the same day) over a group of senior military leaders (M.N., Tukhachevsky, I.E., Yakir, I.P. Uborevich, and others) and the execution of the accused became the signal for a mass campaign to identify the enemies of the people in the Red Army. 45% of the commanders and political workers of the army and navy were repressed. Slandered as enemies of the people, two marshals, four commanders of the first rank and at least 60 commanders were destroyed. The defeat of the command staff was carried out with the connivance of the People's Commissar of Defense K.E. Voroshilov. Commander of the Special Far Eastern Army V.K. Blucher was also accused of espionage, arrested and killed in the Lefortovo prison in November 1938. Unable to withstand the atmosphere of total suspicion and persecution, People's Commissar for Heavy Industry G.K. Ordzhonikidze committed suicide. As a result of the repressions, the headquarters of the director's corps and the flower of military science were destroyed, and the defense industry also suffered significantly.

A situation of mass psychosis has been created in the country.

The peak of mass repressions in the USSR, which engulfed all strata of human society, fell on 1937-1937. - mass terror, which went down in history as "Yezhovism". It was directed not against open opponents of the authorities, but against loyal sections of citizens. About 700 thousand people were shot and about 3 million people were thrown into prisons and camps. Moreover, “Ezhevichka,” as Stalin called the people’s commissar, did not disdain anything: on the basis of a secret decree of the Central Committee, Yezhov legalized the use of physical coercion during interrogations, there were no exceptions even for women and the elderly.

A significant role in the implementation of the criminal repressive policy in the late 20's - early 30's. played by the head of the OGPU, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs G.G. Berry. In accordance with Yagoda's order of May 27, 1935, well-known extrajudicial troikas arise. Usually the troikas included the secretary of the party committee, the head of the NKVD department and the prosecutor. All territories and regions received orders - how many people they should have arrested. At the same time, the arrested were divided into two categories: according to the first - they were immediately shot, according to the second - they were imprisoned for 8-10 years in prison and camp. The limit of arrests grew rapidly.

In addition, lists of high-ranking enemies of the people were compiled, subject to trial by a military tribunal. The verdict was announced in advance - execution.

However, it became clear to everyone that the process of mass repressions began to get out of control, and most importantly out of control of Stalin himself, and the authorities were under attack. Sharp accusations against the internal affairs bodies began. Yezhov was arrested on charges of leading a "counter-revolutionary organization" in the NKVD, as a result of which, on November 7, 1940, he was shot by a military collegium of the Supreme Court. In addition to Yezhov, 101 people were repressed in the leadership of the NKVD.

However, until the death of Stalin, terror remains an indispensable attribute of the Soviet system.


The state security organs of the USSR (VChK, OGPU, NKVD, KGB) were formed with a single goal - the fight against counter-revolution and sabotage. At first, the powers with which they were endowed did not represent anything unnatural and were completely legal. However, soon, starting on September 5, 1918 (after the Cheka received the authority to destroy spies without trial), their activities turn into open terror not only against counter-revolutionaries, spies, but also against the civilian population.

The policy of mass terror pursued by I.V. Stalin and his associates, was mainly aimed at intimidating the people, the destruction of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia, labor motivation, regulation of all spheres of life, including personal life, and was an integral element of the existence of the Soviet state. The value of a separate human life becomes less and less important.

As a result of repression, the cultural, spiritual, and industrial spheres suffered.

On the eve of the Great patriotic war the whole flower of military science was destroyed: 3-4 years before the German attack, the USSR lost the most experienced and trained personnel in charge of the reorganization of the Armed Forces.

It is noteworthy that the "executioners" themselves (for example, N.I. Yezhov) were often sentenced to death. This fact indicates that the authorities used any suitable methods to maintain the order.

The people were forced to break under the powerful machine of the state apparatus, while there was a loss of some moral guidelines. The conditions of mass psychosis created by the authorities bred hatred and cruelty. This is evidenced by frequent false denunciations of their neighbors, work colleagues, colleagues.

In other words, the authorities, with the help of the state security agencies, created a kind of Soviet puppet, which would not be able to resist the ruling system, but would only implicitly carry out the program outlined by the party.


1. Bakhturina, A. Yu. History of Russia: XX - beginning of the XI century [Text]: textbook. allowance for university students. - M.: ACT, 2010. - C. 240-274. - ISBN 978-5-17-066211-1.

2. Sakharov, A. N. recent history Russia [Text]: textbook. allowance. - M.: Prospekt, 2010. - S. 268-281. - ISBN 978-5-392-01173-5.

Yakovlev, A.N. Lubyanka: VChK - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB - MGB - NVD - KGB [Text]: a collection of documents and regulations / A. I. Kokurin, N. V. Petrov. - M.: MFD, 1997. - 352 p. - ISBN 5-89511-004-5.


The calendar consists of an upper "header" with an image and three calendar blocks.
The approximate size of the unfolded calendar is 80 cm long and 33 cm wide.

Cheka(7) December 20, 1917 By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) was formed to combat counter-revolution and sabotage in Soviet Russia. F.E. Dzerzhinsky was appointed its first chairman. He held this post until February 6, 1922. July to August 1918 the duties of the chairman of the Cheka were temporarily performed by Ya.Kh. Peters

GPUFebruary 6, 1922 The All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution on the abolition of the Cheka and the formation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) under the NKVD of the RSFSR.

OGPUNovember 2, 1923 The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR created the United State Political Administration (OGPU) under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Until the end of his life (July 20, 1926), F.E. Dzerzhinsky remained the chairman of the GPU and the OGPU, who was replaced by V.R. Menzhinsky, who headed the OGPU until 1934.

NKVDJuly 10, 1934 in accordance with the decision of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the state security bodies were included in the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR. After the death of Menzhinsky, the work of the OGPU, and later the NKVD, from 1934 to 1936. led by G.G. Yagoda. From 1936 to 1938. The NKVD was headed by N.I. Yezhov. November 1938 to 1945 L.P. Beria was the head of the NKVD.

NKGBFebruary 3, 1941 The NKVD of the USSR was divided into two independent bodies: the NKVD of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of State Security (NKGB) of the USSR. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs - L.P. Beria. People's Commissar for State Security - VN Merkulov. In July 1941 The NKGB of the USSR and the NKVD of the USSR were again merged into a single people's commissariat - the NKVD of the USSR. In April 1943 The People's Commissariat for State Security of the USSR was re-formed, headed by V.N. Merkulov.

MGBMarch 15, 1946 The NKGB was transformed into the Ministry of State Security. Minister - V.S. Abakumov. In 1951 - 1953. the post of Minister of State Security was held by S.D. Ignatiev. In March 1953 a decision was made to merge the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security into a single Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR headed by S.N. Kruglov.

MIA March 7, 1953 a decision was made to merge the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security into a single Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR headed by S.N. Kruglov.

KGBMarch 13, 1954 The State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was created.
From 1954 to 1958 the leadership of the KGB was carried out by I.A. Serov,
from 1958 to 1961 - A.N. Shelepin,
from 1961 to 1967 - V.E. Semichastny,
from 1967 to 1982 - Yu.V.Andropov,
from May to December 1982 - V.V. Fedorchuk,
from 1982 to 1988 - V.M. Chebrikov,
from 1988 to August 1991 - V.A. Kryuchkov,
August to November 1991 - V.V. Bakatin.
December 3, 1991 The President of the USSR MS Gorbachev signed the Law "On the reorganization of state security agencies". On the basis of the Law, the KGB of the USSR was abolished and, for the transitional period, the Inter-Republican Security Service and the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR (currently the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation) were created on its basis.

SMENovember 28, 1991 The President of the USSR MS Gorbachev signed the Decree "On the Approval of the Provisional Regulations on the Inter-Republican Security Service".
Head - V.V. Bakatin (from November 1991 to December 1991).

KGBMay 6, 1991 Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin and Chairman of the KGB of the USSR V.A. Kryuchkov signed a protocol on the formation in accordance with the decision of the Congress of People's Deputies of Russia of the Committee for State Security of the RSFSR, which has the status of a Union-Republican State Committee. V.V. Ivanenko was appointed its leader.

MBJanuary 24, 1992 The President of the Russian Federation Boris N. Yeltsin signed a Decree on the formation of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation on the basis of the abolished Federal Security Agency of the RSFSR and the Inter-Republican Security Service.
Minister - V.P. Barannikov since January 1992 to July 1993,
N.M. Golushko since July 1993 to December 1993

FSKDecember 21, 1993 Russian President B.N. Yeltsin signed a Decree on the abolition of the Ministry of Security and the creation of the Federal Counterintelligence Service.
Director - N.M. Golushko since December 1993. to March 1994,
S.V.Stepashin since March 1994 to June 1995

FSBApril 3, 1995 The President of the Russian Federation Boris N. Yeltsin signed the Law "On the Bodies of the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation", on the basis of which the FSB is the legal successor of the FSK.
Director - M.I.Barsukov since July 1995. to June 1996,
N.D. Kovalev since July 1996 to July 1998,
V.V. Putin since July 1998 to August 1999,
N.P. Patrushev since August 1999 to May 2008
A.V. Bortnikov since May 2008

The original name of the Cheka appeared on December 20, 1917. After the end of the civil war in 1922, the new abbreviation was GPU. Following the formation of the USSR, the OGPU of the USSR arose on its basis.

In 1934, the OGPU was merged with the internal affairs bodies - the police - and a single Union-Republican People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was formed. Genrikh Yagoda became People's Commissar. He was shot in 1938, as, indeed, was the subsequent People's Commissar of State Security, Nikolai Yezhov.

Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in 1938. In February 1941, the People's Commissariat for State Security, the NKGB, was separated from this united structure as an independent one.

In July 1941, he was again returned to the NKVD, and in 1943 he was again separated for many years into an independent structure - the NKGB, renamed in 1946 into the Ministry of State Security. Since 1943, it was headed by Merkulov, who was shot in 1953.

After the death of Stalin, Beria once again united the internal affairs bodies and state security bodies into a single ministry - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and himself headed it. On June 26, 1953, Beria was arrested and soon shot. Kruglov became Minister of the Interior.

In March 1954, the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was created, which separated from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Serov was appointed its chairman.

After him, this post was successively occupied by: Shelepin, Semichastny, Andropov, Fedorchuk, Chebrikov, Kryuchkov, Shebarshin, Bakatin, Glushko, Barsukov, Kovalev, Putin, Patrushev, Bortnikov.

Any state can only be called a state when it is able to ensure its security by the methods and means available to it.

Universal remedy, which was used in all eras, on all continents and in various conditions are the special services. Despite all the differences, special services are inherent common features. Any, even the ruling party, should be controlled by the special services.

First of all, this is secrecy, the use of non-traditional and often closed methods of working with agents and special technical means.

The significance and effectiveness of the work of special services naturally varies depending on historical conditions and, accordingly, the tasks that are set for them by the political leadership.

After the crisis of the 1990s, the Russian special services regained their former importance. Thanks to the fact that the former head of the FSB from 1998 to 1999, Vladimir Putin, became the president of the country, the increase in the prestige of security services structures has risen.

The head of the Kremlin never concealed his sympathy for this organization. He formulated his credo in the following phrase: "Chekists cannot be former."

This phrase allows us to draw a conclusion about the continuity of the organization and state that its history will never be revised: the predecessor of the FSB was the devoted Soviet KGB, which, in turn, descended from the Cheka - the Extraordinary All-Russian Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution founded by the Bolsheviks on December 20, 1917, profiteering and sabotage.

Until the collapse Soviet Union a monument to its founder, Felix Dzerzhinsky, adorned the Lubyanka, the square in front of the organization's headquarters near the Kremlin. There has been a lot of talk about its restoration in recent years.

Putin has again raised the prestige of the KGB-FSB, not only by placing many of his former colleagues in leading positions in politics and economics, but by restoring virtually all of the KGB's power to the FSB.

Putin's predecessor and anti-patriot of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, at the behest of America, deliberately destroyed the omnipotence of the KGB, dividing its functions between several organizations, deliberately making them competing.

Today, the FSB is again responsible for the security of the state, counterintelligence and border protection - only foreign intelligence has remained independent.

At present, together with the army, the FSB is the largest recipient of budgetary funds and is not subject to any serious control.

A Brief History of the Special Services Zayakin Boris Nikolaevich

Chapter 48

The original name of the Cheka appeared on December 20, 1917. After the end of the civil war in 1922, the new abbreviation was GPU. Following the formation of the USSR, the OGPU of the USSR arose on its basis.

In 1934, the OGPU was merged with the internal affairs bodies - the police - and a single Union-Republican People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was formed. Genrikh Yagoda became People's Commissar. He was shot in 1938, as, indeed, was the subsequent People's Commissar of State Security, Nikolai Yezhov.

Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in 1938. In February 1941, the People's Commissariat for State Security, the NKGB, was separated from this united structure as an independent one.

In July 1941, he was again returned to the NKVD, and in 1943 he was again separated for many years into an independent structure - the NKGB, renamed in 1946 into the Ministry of State Security. Since 1943, it was headed by Merkulov, who was shot in 1953.

After the death of Stalin, Beria once again united the internal affairs bodies and state security bodies into a single ministry - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and himself headed it. On June 26, 1953, Beria was arrested and soon shot. Kruglov became Minister of the Interior.

In March 1954, the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was created, which separated from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Serov was appointed its chairman.

After him, this post was successively occupied by: Shelepin, Semichastny, Andropov, Fedorchuk, Chebrikov, Kryuchkov, Shebarshin, Bakatin, Glushko, Barsukov, Kovalev, Putin, Patrushev, Bortnikov.

Any state can only be called a state when it is able to ensure its security by the methods and means available to it.

Special services are a universal tool that has been used in all eras, on all continents and in various conditions. Despite all the differences, the special services have common features. Any, even the ruling party, should be controlled by the special services.

First of all, this is secrecy, the use of non-traditional and often closed methods of working with agents and special technical means.

The significance and effectiveness of the work of special services naturally varies depending on historical conditions and, accordingly, the tasks that are set for them by the political leadership.

After the crisis of the 1990s, the Russian intelligence services regained their former importance. Thanks to the fact that the former head of the FSB from 1998 to 1999, Vladimir Putin, became the president of the country, the increase in the prestige of security services structures has risen.

The head of the Kremlin never concealed his sympathy for this organization. He formulated his credo in the following phrase: "Chekists cannot be former."

This phrase allows us to draw a conclusion about the continuity of the organization and state that its history will never be revised: the predecessor of the FSB was the devoted Soviet KGB, which, in turn, descended from the Cheka - the Extraordinary All-Russian Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution founded by the Bolsheviks on December 20, 1917, profiteering and sabotage.

Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, a monument to its founder, Felix Dzerzhinsky, adorned Lubyanka, the square in front of the organization's headquarters near the Kremlin. There has been a lot of talk about its restoration in recent years.

Putin has again raised the prestige of the KGB-FSB, not only by placing many of his former colleagues in leading positions in politics and economics, but by restoring virtually all of the KGB's power to the FSB.

Putin's predecessor and anti-patriot of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, at the behest of America, deliberately destroyed the omnipotence of the KGB, dividing its functions between several organizations, deliberately making them competing.

Today, the FSB is again responsible for the security of the state, counterintelligence and border protection - only foreign intelligence has remained independent.

At present, together with the army, the FSB is the largest recipient of budgetary funds and is not subject to any serious control.

From the book Double Conspiracy. Secrets of Stalin's repressions author

OGPU - NKVD: cover group "Vyshinsky. What kind of relationship did you have with Yagoda in 1928–1929? Rykov. In relations with Yagoda, everything was illegal. Already in this period, along with the legal part ... there were personnel who were specially conspiratorial for the purpose of

From the book Forgotten Genocide. "Volyn Massacre" 1943-1944 author Yakovlev Alexey

17. From the memorandum of the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR and the NKGB of the USSR on the situation in the liberated districts of the Rivne region dated February 5, 1944

From the book The Rise and Fall of the "Red Bonaparte". The tragic fate of Marshal Tukhachevsky author Prudnikova Elena Anatolievna

OGPU - NKVD: cover group “Vyshinsky: What kind of relationship did you have with Yagoda in 1928-1929? Rykov: Everything was illegal in relations with Yagoda. Already in this period, along with the legal part ... there were personnel who were specially conspiratorial for the purpose of

author Sever Alexander

The struggle of the OGPU-NKVD against corrupt officials in their ranks But the Chekists fought against corrupt officials not only in economic and Soviet organizations - when corruption penetrated the state security agencies themselves, they fought it mercilessly here as well. no one could stay

From the book The Great Mission of the NKVD author Sever Alexander

The birth of the fourth departments of the NKVD-NKGB by Order of the NKVD of the USSR of January 18, 1942 in connection with the expansion of the organization partisan detachments and sabotage groups behind enemy lines The Second Department of the NKVD of the USSR was transformed into the Fourth Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR. His

From the book Jews in the KGB author Abramov Vadim

Jews in the OGPU-NKVD, or with whom was People's Commissar Yagoda friends? When Yagoda was a People's Commissar in the NKVD, there were a significant number of Jews (among those under investigation and prisoners as well). But a careful study of the sources (memoirs, track records, investigative materials, etc.) shows that

From the book Counterintelligence. Shield and sword against the Abwehr and the CIA author Abramov Vadim

P.V. FEDOTOV AND THE 2nd DEPARTMENT OF THE NKVD-NKGB (1941–1946) Before the war, during the reorganization of the NKVD and the formation of the People's Commissariat of State Security, counterintelligence became part of the latter as its 2nd directorate. The head was approved by the commissioner of state security of the 3rd rank P.V. Fedotov,

From the book Stalin's saboteurs: the NKVD behind enemy lines author Popov Alexey Yurievich

Biographies of Chekists - intelligence officers of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD-NKGB Vaupshasov Stanislav Alekseevich15 (27) 07.1899–19.11.1976. Colonel. Lithuanian. Real surname Vaupshas. Born in vil. Gruzdzhiai, Siauliai district, Kovno province, in a working-class family. Started working


Government communications in the structure of the AHO All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the OGPU-NKVD of the USSR from 1917 to 1941 It is very surprising, but the Communications Department, which was responsible for providing all types of communications (sorry for the tautology) to government agencies in the period from 1917 to 1928, was part of

From the book Stalin's Special Objects. Excursion classified as "secret" author Artamonov Andrey Evgenievich

Special-purpose garage in the structure of the OGPU-NKVD of the USSR Special vehicles designed to move persons protected by state security agencies have become an almost integral part and symbol of those in power in the USSR. At the dawn of Soviet power, each

From the book The Right to Reprisal: The Extrajudicial Powers of State Security Bodies (1918-1953) author Mozokhin Oleg Borisovich

Statistical information about the activities of the bodies of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-MGB Bad scanned material. There are many errors in the tables 1921 The movement of the accused involved in investigation cases Note: The Bureau of Statistics managed to collect up to 80% of all material Information on

author Artyukhov Evgeny

FROM THE ORDER OF THE OGPU WITH GRATITUDE TO THE PERSONNEL OF THE PARTS OF THE OGPU TROOPS, who participated in the elimination of banditry in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia No. 270, Moscow on August 20, 1930 ...

From the book Division named after Dzerzhinsky author Artyukhov Evgeny

ORDER OF THE OGPU IN CONNECTION WITH THE AWARDING OF THE ORDERS OF THE TURKMEN SSR TO PARTS OF THE OGPU TROOPS FOR DISTINCTIONS IN BATTLE WITH GANGS No. 780, Moscow December 23, 1931 In battles with gangs in Turkmenistan, the personnel of the 62nd, 85th separate divisions, 10th cavalry regiment and motorized detachment of a separate special division

From the book Rehabilitation: how it was March 1953 - February 1956. the author Artizov A N

No. 15 INFORMATION OF THE SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE MIA OF THE USSR ON THE NUMBER OF ARRESTED AND CONVINCED BY THE AUTHORITIES OF THE VChK - OGPU - NKVD - MGB USSR In 1921–1953 December 11, 1953 Head of the 1st Special Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Colonel PavlovGA RF. F. 9401. Op. 1. D. 4157. L. 201–205. Script. Manuscript. Published: GULAG

From the book of the State Dacha of Crimea. The history of the creation of government residences and rest houses in the Crimea. Truth and fiction author Artamonov Andrey Evgenievich

Canine service in the OGPU / NKVD and its role in the protection of state dachas Have you read or heard a lot about the use of search dogs in the bodies of the OGPU / NKVD / MGB? Usually, older people, straining their memory, recall the exploits of the border guard N.F. Karatsupy, who with his

From the book The Great Patriotic War - known and unknown: historical memory and modernity author Team of authors

D.V. Vedeneev. The role of the Soviet special services in the defeat of Nazism (based on the intelligence and sabotage activities of the NKVD-NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR)







A.N. Yakovlev (chairman), E.T. Gaidar, A.A. Dmitriev, V.P. Kozlov, V.A. Martynov, S.V. Mironenko, V.P. Naumov, Ch. Palm, R.G. Pikhoya (deputy chairman), E.M. Primakov, A.N. Sakharov, G.N. Sevostyanov, S.A. Filatov, Chubaryan A.O.



COMPILERS: A.I. Kokurin, N.V. Petrov



UDC 351.746(47х97)(09)

BBK 67.401.212(2)Ya2 L82

The State Archives of the Russian Federation, Scientific Information and Educational Center "Memorial" took part in the preparation of the reference book.




Compilation, introduction and notes by A.I. Kokurina, N.V. Petrov. Scientific editor R.G. Pikhoya.

M.: MFD Edition, 1997 - 352 p. ("Russia. XX century. Documents.").

15YOU 5-89511-004-5

The reference book is devoted to the history of the Central Office of the Internal Affairs and State Security of the USSR in 1917–1960. For the first time, information is provided on the structure of the Cheka - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB - MGB - MVD - KGB, the most important orders that determined the activities of these departments, as well as biographical data on the people's commissars (ministers) of internal affairs of the USSR and their deputies.

BBK 67.401.212(2)Ya2

5YOU 5-89511-004-5

© A.I. Kokurin, N.V. Petrov © International Fund "Democracy", 1997


Until now, the structure of the Central Office of the Soviet organs of internal affairs and state security has not been described in detail. The information about her was top secret.

However, without these data, it is impossible to explore many aspects of Russian history in the 20th century. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 23, 1992 "On the removal of restrictive vultures from legislative and other acts that served as the basis for mass repressions and infringements on human rights", ordered to declassify laws, by-laws and departmental directives, including "... organizations and activities of the repressive apparatus", which were the NKVD - KGB. This is how this handbook came about.

Of course, fragmentary data on state security structures can be gleaned from numerous publications. recent years dedicated to the history of punitive organs and repressions. But the fragmentation of the sources used and a considerable proportion of subjectivist interpretations have formed many contradictions and inconsistencies regarding the structure and functions of certain units of the NKVD; to confusion about what the numbering departments of the Main Directorate of State Security (GUGB) were doing; to references to subdivisions that do not exist for a particular period of time; to errors in the names of the heads of these units.

The compilers of the handbook did not set themselves the task of providing detailed coverage of the activities of various departments of state security agencies. Only the names of the relevant departments are indicated. In those cases when this name is too conditional and does not contain an indication of the scope of the unit, brief explanations are given of what this or that department or department was engaged in. At the same time, one significant remark should be made: the conditional names given in the reference book should not be taken literally, as indications that the state security agencies were responsible for the state of affairs in certain economic areas. Thus, the Department of Water Transport of the GUGB did not organize water transportation, but coordinated the activities of all operatives at water transport facilities: on ships, in ports, at piers, in shipping companies. The tasks of the Chekists in water transport included conducting "undercover developments", arrests and investigations into the cases of employees of this industry. In the language of the Chekists, this meant "operational service" in this area.

The same can be said about the departments of heavy and defense industry and the like in the GUGB and GEM. In 1938–1941 the work of these units consisted in monitoring the state of affairs in the relevant sectors of the national economy using covert methods (undercover apparatus), identifying "anti-Soviet" and "counter-revolutionary" elements, their further "development", arrest and investigation. The work of state security in these areas was built on a sectoral basis.